

    Schools Tree Planting Exercise ---

Eye Care for You – This is the signature project of Lions Club Kingstown-SVG. It is usually executed in the month of May/June each year over the past thirty seven (37) years.    The project is a collaboratedeffortof the Lions Club Kingstown, with support from the Lions Club South and the Leo Club of St. Vincent, inassociation with a team of ophthalmologists, optometrists and other eye specialist fromthe USA.    Hundreds of disadvantaged persons receive free eye care, including surgery, as a consequence of this project.   Spectacles are also distributed freely to deserving patients who attend theclinic, courtesy of Lions Club Kingstown-SVG.  

 Diabetes & Hypertension Testing This project is executed jointly with the National Diabetic and Hypertensive Association.   It involves free diabetic and hypertensive screening for members of the general public, usually within the compound of the Central Market in Kingstown.   Club members distribute literature in relation to diabetes and hypertension at this event.

Art & Craft Exhibition- This event was held for the first time last year. It essentially involves collaboration between a number of art and craft vendors/enthusiasts who are keen to have their products displayed in a major exhibition under the aegis of Lions Club Kingstown-SVG.  The exhibition took place yet again during the month of April, 2010.

Love Packages Distribution -   As the name implies, this event takes place during the month of “love” – February.   Persons deemed needy, by senior nurses at community clinics, are targeted for receipt of packages which contain essential food items donated by Lions Club Kingstown-SVG members, as an act of LOVE.

Journey for Sight Each year during March members of the Club embark on a joint mammoth march with members of the Blind Welfare Society, and other voluntary organizations around capital city Kingstown. The march is usually led by the Royal St. Vincent & the Grenadines Police Band or St. Vincent & the Grenadines Cadet Force Band.   Collection tins are prepared so that the general public may make contributions to our Sight Appeal Fund.   The proceeds from the march is then donated to the National Society of and for the Blind.




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