Photo Gallery
President Glenn Whitehead presents the proceeds from our annual Food Bank Concert to Harley Hazelwood of the URFB. A total of $3,500 was rasised from the combined efforts of the Lions Cub, Community, Chris Palmer and musicians who volunteered their time
President Glenn Whitehead accepts the 2024 MP Community Leadership Award on behalf of the Kingston Lions Club from MP Chris D'Entrement
Bingo Co-Chair Lion Dave Richardson present a $3,000 donation to the Upper Room Food Bank to support their battle against food insecurity.
Lion Pat Nixon was presented with a RCAF100 commemoraive 100 coins for 100 Canadians by 14 Wing Commander and 14 Wing Chief Warrant Officer at the clubs first meeting in December
PCC Bob Lyle Presents Lion Eric Journeay with his 15 year Chevron. Bernice Journeay received her 15 yr chevron as well but was not able to be present for the picture.
SVDG Pat Nixon presents PCC Bob Lyle with a Digby Lions Club Banner and Pin on behalf of their club in recognition of his past assistance to them as a Guiding Lion.
President Glenn Whitehead present first aid kits to Pine Ridge Middle School in support of their sports teams.
1st VP Glenn Whitehead presents a cheque for $1,000.00 to Valley Hospice Association
1st VP Glenn Whitehead presents a cheque for $1,000.00 to Fidelis House