
 Lions Recognition and Presentations


Photos 2024 - 2025

Holiday Season Free Skating

Christmas Eve Breakfast

Musical Gift to the Upper Room Food Bank (Concert)

Toy Hamper collection and preparation

Holiday Food Hamper Preparation

Santa Comes to Kingston

Holiday Hamper Toy Drives - Kingston Volunteer Fire Department


Greenwood Village Christmas Tree Lighting

Kingston Lions in Action October!!

Kingston Lions in Action September!!

Kingston Farmers Market Corn Boil


Airshow 2024

Rib Fest 2024

Kingston Steer BBQ 2024!!

Kingston Lions in Action!!


Trivia Night 2.0 - April 20th 

Trivia Night 2.0 was held on April 20th with members of the the Aylesford Lions and the Kingston Fire Department attending. Fun was had by all and the questions generated lots of laughter!!

Snacks, pizza, 50/50 draw and door prizes all added to the enjoyent of the evening.

Everyone can hardly wait for Trivia 3.0!!

Charter Night 2024

President Rick Acker presenting donation to Campaign for Kids to our guest speaker MLA Chris Palmer. President's Appreciation Award Lion Cindy Harvey President's Appreciation Award Lion Laura Hobin President's Appreciation Award Lion Dave Richardson
President's Appreciation Award Lion Barb Lyle   Lion Darlene Lannon Lions Foundation of Nova Scotia Life Membership  Lion Elaine Marshall Lions Foundation of Nova Scotia Life Membership
Lion Nell McMaster Lions Foundation of Nova Scotia Life Membership  Lion Christine Rithaler Lions Foundation of Nova Scotia Life Membership  Lion Cecil Wilson Lions Foundation of Nova Scotia Life Membership Lion Gary Blinn Lions Foundation of Canada Life Membership
Lion Susan McGlashing Lions Foundation of Canada Life Membership Lion Kim Pollard Lions Foundation of Canada Life Membership Lion Glenn Whitehead Lions Foundation of Canada Life Membership Lion Ruby Moore Kingston Lions Rookie of the Year
Lion Gerry Smith Kingston Lions Lion of the year Lion Alice Neiley Life Member Lions Club International Lion Ray LeBlanc Melvin Jones Fellowship  

Easter Scavenger Hunt in partnership with the Village of Kingston

On April 1st the Village of Kingston held their Easter Scavenger Hunt. It had been rescheduled from March 28th due to rain. The Kingston Lions partnered with the Village and provided free hot chocolate with marshmallows for the kids and families who came out. It was a sunny day and everyone had fun!
  Lion Laura with Emily from the Village of Kingston, serving up Hot Chocolate and passing out the scavenger hunt cards. Lion Pat and Elizabeth from the Village of Kingston, helping to direct scavenger hunters. Jeanette, community volunteer helping to ensure kids and families stayed on the right track!
Elizabeth, enjoying her hot chocolate on this bright and sunny dat! Elizabeth and Emily from the Village of Kingston. Lion Laura, happily serving up full cups of Hot Chocolate and marshmallows to everyone who came out for the Scavenger Hunt!  

March 2024 Monthly Breakfast

March 9th saw another busy day at the Kingston Lions hall with 125 breakfast meals being served. It was a fun morning, well enjoyed by all the community attendees. The inaugural "Kids Storytime" with Hayleigh McMaster was a big hit with kids and parents alike and included a craft and coloring pages to do. Our pay it forward program saw three community members "pay in forward" with on being redeemed. 

It was a busy morning for the Lions, but fun was had by all eventhough a lot of work was involved, after all a busy Lion is a Happy Lion, or so they say!!


Kingston Lions in Action


Lion Elaine receives her Mission 1.5 pin from President Rick Ackerfor for sponsoring a new Lion into the club and growing the strength of Lionism. Lion Lisa Badcock receives her Mission 1.5 pin from President Rick Acker in recognition of becoming a new Lion and increasing the strenghth of Lionism. Lion Karen Mofford receives her Mission 1.5 pin from President Rick Acker in recognition of becoming a new Lion and increasing the strenght of Lionism. At a recent visitation to the Lawrencetown Lions Club, new Lions Geoff and Cindy Cash, aided by Lion Ron Osmond, happily claim the club gong from President Walter Illsley. Now Lawrencetown Lions will have to come visit our club to get it back. 
1st VIce Presidente Glen Whitehead presenting a $500.00 donation cheque Amber Juby from 7 Arts in support of their youth centric Art Beat Lounge. Lions busy in the kitchen busily serving up a catered meal. Lions busily preparing to serve food for a catering function. Baby Lion Tracey Gillis-May and Lester the Lions Pat Nixon enjoy conversation with one of the many community members attending the Kingston Lions sponsored community family skate for family day in Nova Scotia.

Kingston Lions Speak Out Competition

Kingston Lions Club First Place finisher Gray Amanda-Mae Morgan-Tupper. Gray presenting her speach on the topic of Working towards your dreams. Kingston Lions Speak Out Second Place finisher was Melvari Rezaei Noei. Melvari's speach was on the topic of Women, Life, Freedom.
Kingston LIons Club Speak Out third place finisher was Leo Lamontagne.. Lea's speach was on the topic of F1 Auto Racing. As Gray was the only speak out competitor for Zone 6, she was awarded the Zone 6 Champions Plaque along with prize money frrom the Zone 6 Speak Out Chairperson Anthea. Master of Ceremonies 1st Vice President Glen Whithead conducts the Speak Out competion.
Chief Judge, Lion John Marshal, addresses the audience in announcing the placing of the contestants. Speak out Judges LIons Ruby Moore, Megan McBride and John Marshall hard at work. President Rick Acker addressing the contestants and the audience. The Speak Out competition was well attended with visiting clubs from Aylesford and Middleton in attendance.

February 19th Family Day Skate

Baby Lion Tracey and Lester the Lion Pat join the community for Lions sponsored skate on family day. It was a well attended skating day with over 200 people enjoy  a skate with free hot chocolate provide by the Kingston Lions. The Hot Chocolate Crew, Lions Barbara, Linda and Gerry along with local MLA Chris Palmer MLA Chris Palmer  joins the "Lions" of Kingston and the Kingston Steer BBQ Steer for a selfie.


Lions doing Lions Things!!

Kingston Lions First Every Club Trivia Night!

On Friday, February 16th, the Kington Lions held our first members Trivia Night. Guests from the Aylesford Lions club joined in. A great time was had by all, many laughs were had and some "punishments" were handed out when needed!! Snacks were available along with hot delivered pizza. 50/50 tickets were available and everyone received a ticket for a chance at a door prize.

Thanks Lions Gerry, Nell and your team for organizing this enjoyable evening of fun and  fellowship!

February 5th Presentations

April Whyte from the Helping Paws Communiity Fridge and Pantry was our Guest Speaker at our February 5th regular meeting. President Rick Acker thanking April Whyte for her presentation to the club, better informing us of the challenges that food insecurity poses in our community and some resources to assist. At the recent Winter Cabinet meeting, the club received recognition from Lions Foundation of Canada for support to the Walk for Dog Guides. President Rick Acker presents the certificate to Lion Barb Lyle, Chair of the Club's Walk for Dog Guides Lion Linda Wilson receiving her 15 year chevron as a Lion.
Lion Barb Lyle  receiving her 45 year chevron as a Lion. New Lions who have joined the club between July and December 2024 recieved Mission 1.5 pins from the District and LCI. Those Lions who sponsored new Lions into the club between July and December 2024 received Mission 1.5 pins from the District and LCI for supporting the mission to increase Lions worldwide to 1.5 million.  

Winter Cabinet 2024 - Milford NS.

(Some pics curtesy of Lion Tami Maillett NS Lion Editor)

President Rick preparing to present a cheque in suppor to the District Project to support the IWK's purchase of a Cataract machine. President Rick and other clubs presenting a Cheque for the District IWK project. The Cataract Machine that the Lions of District N2 will be assiting with the purchase of. Kingston Lions at the Winter Cabinet meeting.
More Kingston Lionsw at the Winter Cabinet Meeting Lion Pat recieving his certificate as a re-certified Guiding Lion along with other Lions from the District. Past President Pat (2022 - 2023) accepting the Club Excelence award for 2022 - 2023 on behalf of the Club along with other clubs. President Rick accepting the LFC Dog Guides certificate recognizing the contributions the Kingston Lions made to the annual Walk For Guide Dogs (Silver banner patch for our banner)  
Kingston Lons Club, winners of the Rose Bowl for WInter Cabinet participation!!      

January 13th Monthly Breakfast!!

Open and Ready for Business!! Lions George and John keeping the toast flowing. Lion Laura getting cracking!! Lions Nell and Glenn keeping the pancakes coming.
The kItchen is sure a busy place!! Lion Hugh delivering scambled eggs to the hot serving table. Lions Ron, Darlene, and Frank keeping up with the servers. Lion Megan. President Rick and Treasurer Gerry, the friendly faces at the door.
Lion Linda seems to be having way too much fun!! Lions Cecil and Vern busy with the grills. Lions LIsa and Ruby, welcoming you to the breakfast. Prospective Lions Tara keeping condiments up to snuff for the servers.

January 15th Induction 

President Rick Presents Membership Certificate to Lion Tracey President Rick Presents Membership Certificat to Lion Cindy Lion Ruby (Sponsor) putting the Lions Membship lapel pin on Lion Tracey. Lion Linda (Sponsor) putting the Lions Membership lapel pin on Lion Cindy

Chritsmas Eve Breakfast


Musical Gift for the Upper Room Food Bank Concert

For the past 14 years, Chris Palmer has been putting on a Musical Gift to the Upper Room Food Bank concert with all proceeds from the free will offering entrance fee and the 50/50 draw being donated to the Upper Room Food Bankk. Lions Lisa Badcock, Karen Mofford, and Ed Bryson were the friendly faces at the door collecting free will offering and food donations. Lion Rick Haiplik selling50/50 tickets. Lions Laura Hobin and Debbie Burke who were selling snacks from the kitchen, enjoying a break just before the intermission.
Riley Peckford with Campaign for Kids presents a cheque for $500.00 to Harley Hazelwood of the Upper Room Food Bank to help them meet the  need over the holidays. Riley is also a Lion. Good tunes and great singing! Getting ready to draw the winning 50/50 ticket. And the winner is...............Lions Linda and Otto Bennett who promptly donated their winnings back to the concert!! Awesome and thanks!!
MLA Chris Palmer addressing the over 185 people who attended the concert. Lions Pat Nixon and Rick Haiplk hanging out and taking a break. Lion Darlene Lannon and her young assistant kept the canteen runnning. Concert Chairperson Lion Pat Nixon thanking everyone for attending and announcing that as a result of this concert, a total of $2141.50 was rasied for the food bank. The generosity and caring of our community is unbelievable!!

Hamper Distribution Day....time to roll!

Hampers all organized and ready to go! Shauna Manning from the 14 Wing Greenwood Military Family Resource Centre lending a helping hand loading hampers for 14 Wing. MLA Chris Palmer always ready to lend a helping hand. MLA Chris Palmer and Lion Kevin Carther just finishing loading up a families car with Food and Toy Hampers.  

Food and Toy Hamper Completion.....ready to go!!

Lets get organized! Each bag containes toys that will be matched up to the matching family food hamper. Busy time finishing up the hampers. Kathy Spurrell and Lion Barbara Elford checking hampers.
Val Taylor laoding up a hamper. Lion Barb Lyle keeping an eye on things. Lion Bob Lyle and helper surveying the activity. Checking everything twice....and then once again to ensure all hampers are accounted for.
Kathy Spurrell and daughter checking things out. Hampers allmost ready to give out. Hampers all ready to be distributed the next day. The Hamper assembly crew...Great Job!!

Toy Hamper preparations

Val Taylor and volunteer set up shop at Greenwood Walmart to do a toy drive. Lion Barb Lyle and Mary Osmond, ex-Lionnette, putting together some "extra" items for each hamper. On December 19th, members of 14 Wing Greenwood volunteered to help move all the collected toys and toy hampers from the All Saints church over to the Kingston Lions Hall. Doing some heavy lifting.
Just a small amount of the toys collected from our generous community. The generosity of our community is amazing! More toys. Toys packaged and ready to be matched up to their respective Christmas Food Hampers.

Lions and Catering


Kingston Lions MemberS Wreath Making Night - Who has more fun than LIons??? 


The wreath making crew!! Looks like they had a lot of fun! Lion Donna Lion Gerry Lion Ruby
Lion Kellie Lion Elaine Lion Christene President Rick....hmmmm is that Lion Janice encouraging him or critiquing him? Look at the lip on him!
Lion Barbara Lion Christine Lion Darlene Lion Nell
Lion Doris. the one who kept the wine flowing! Do you think President Rick will put this on his Christmas cards this year?    


Kingston Lions Club's own "Elf"ord on the shelf!!

Tail Twister Lion Barbara Elford, Kingston Lions own Elf on the Shelf!! Lion Barbara Elfor just hanging out and being "Elfish" at the regular meeting on December 5th. Bottle draw time! And the winning number is......!


December 5th New Member Induction Ceremony

Lion John Marshall conducts the new member induction ceremony with Lion Kellie Haldane,  membership chairperson, looking on. Lion George Giles explains what the word L.I.O.N.S. stands for. Lion Lisa Badcock increasing the "Light of Lionism" by lighting her light. Lion Geoff Cash lights his light, thereby increasing the "Light of Lionism".
Lion Graham Teanby turning on his light, pushing back the darkness and increasing the "Light of Lionism:. Lion Larraine Teanby increasing the "Light of Lionism". New members of the Kingston LIons club along with their sponsoring members. Lions Ruby Moore (standing in for Lion Elaine Marshall), Otto Bennett and Wayne Lincoln pledging to support and guide the Lions they have sponsored into the club.


Santa Comes to Kingston Toy Drive

Lester the Lion, AKA Lion Kevin, greeting everyone who entered the arena and was a hit with the children! Getting ready to accept toys in support of the Christmas Hamper project 2023. Members of the Kingston Fire Department, great supporters of the Toy Drive!  They dropped off a large amount of toys in support of the hamper program. Members of the Kingston Fire Department ready to deliver toys to "stuff" the van!
These toys will bring a lot of smiles to the faces of many children and families! The Pharmasve Van sure got stuffed with a lot of Toys! The generosity of our community never ceases to amaze!!  


Santa Comes to Kington 2023!!

Lions Wayne, Kellile, President Rick, Nell and Gerry serving up hot chili and hotdogs to the eager crowd! Lions Nell and Gerry getin busy!! Lions Wayne and Kellie serving up a storm! Lion Butch in kitchen making up chille....That is one heck of a lot of celery!!
Lion Kellie helping Lion Butch with the chili. I think Santa was photo bombed! Look who found an Elf at the Rink, LIons Donna and Gerry. Lester the Lion..AKA Lion Kevn...thinks he's been nice all year....or so he is trying to tell Santa!!
Lion Nell  is enjoying the evening at the rink while doing community service. Lester the |Lion out making friends! Will these cans never end.....thinks Lion Wayne. A great evening at the rink!


Christmas Craft Fair 2023

Lion Barbara having a great time selling ticket auction tickets. Lions Hugh and Donna are great at convincing people to buy tickets on a raffle.  Lion Barb is having way too much fun counting the money. LIons Janice, Cindy and Christine greeting the public at the Kingston Lions table set up at the Xmas craft fair.
Nothing makes Lion Steve (AKA gold finger) an experienced ex-treasurer happier than collecting peoples money LOL. Looks Like Eric and Lion Rick are swapping tall tales during a quiet time. Now thats mulittasking!!  Treasurer Gerry (the one with the evil glare!!) conducting treasuer familiarizing training with LIon Dana during a break in the Kitchen. Lion Pat and son Rory at the entrance. Rory is making sure his dad counts properly!
Lions Debbie, Otto and Linda just chatting away and selling tickets. I gues Lion Rick needs a lot of supervison!  LIons Christene, Kellie, President Rick Acker and Treasurer Gerry riding herd on Lion Rick. Rory double checking to ensure the twoonies and loonies are not all mixed up. This is a rare photo in deed...A picture of a smiling and laughing Rick in the wild...Bwaahahaha LOL.


Kingston Lions Just Having Fun!!

Lions Gerry and Ruby....Having their pie and eating it too!! New Lions Karen and Megan (who happens to be the baby Lion, enjoying themselves. The Kitchen Crew hard at work serving up delicious food. Lions Ray and George having a good time counting money at the last community luncheon.
Lion Barbara is overjoyed to have her new vacuum. Lions Kim and Baby Lion Megan...joined by Megan's son Matt.  Always nice to have family members in to help out. Lions Gerry, Nell, Ron and Christene hard at work, talking, nibbling and solving the problems of the world!  Awwww....Caffien says Lion Christene as she starts the morning with Lion Gerry.


Kingston hosts the DIstrict N2 Fall Cabinet Meeting - 20 - 21 Oct

(partial photo credits to Lion Tami Maillet, Distirct Social media Chair)

Kingston Lions in Action!!

Annapolis Vallely First Nations Strawberry Pow Wow 15 October

Weekly KLC Bingo is Baaaaccckkkk!!! (October 4th)


September Community Luncheon - Who has more fun mashing potatoes!!

Kingston Elementary School Staff Breakfast Sept 1st



The Little Lions Steer BBQ Float that Could!!


The Monster Mash??....Nahh...This is the Strawberry Mash!!!

(prepping for the Steer BBQ)




2023 Kingston Lions Bursary Presentation

2023 Kingston Lions Bursary Presentation by Presidetn Pat Nixon 2023 Kingston Lions Bursary Presentation by President Pat Nixon 2023 Kingston Lions Bursary Presentation by President Pat Nixon 2023 Kingston Lions Bursary Presentation by President Pat Nixon


Community Shredding Event June 26th

Lion Geannie, Pat, Wayne with Kings Senior Safety Society (KSSS) members. Event was sponsored by the Kingston Lions, Kingston Legion and Village of Kingston in partnership with the KSSS. Lion Wayne hard at work!! Lions Pat and Wayne are definitely NOT "Singing in the rain"!! Johanna from the Kings Senior Safety Society doing her part!!


Lions just having fun!!

Jersey Night! Wear your favorite sport or team Jersey Hawaiian Shirt night. St. Patricks themed TGIF is always popular!! Ahhhhh yesssss... Remember the Eighties!!

Walk for Dog Guides May 28th.

Kingston Lions Club members,family and community members getting ready for our annual Walk for Dog Guides!  Way to go!! It was a hot day to be walking!  Nice to sit down, in a cool room and enjoy the company and friendship of others. Honorry Lion Leo Glavine receiving a Walk for Dog Guides Coat in recognition of his years of support. Lion Barb, Chair of our annual Walk for Dog Guides, thanking everyone for supporting the walk and raisiing funds for this important cause.

Free Public Skating Sponsored by the Kingston Lions Club

Kingston Lions official mascot, Lester the Lion (Lion Pat), the Kingston Baby Lion (Lion Ruby) and the Village of Kingston Mascot, Kingsley the Steer (Alannah) Lion Ruby and KL Pat trying their best to stay vertical. Lions Laura, Christene and Barb awaiting customers at the hot chocolate counter.
FINALLY...they get a customer! KL Pat: "I can't keep up and I hope they don't change direction!" KL Pat and Lion Ruby all smiles (we think).

Christmas Eve Breakfast 2022


Christmas Hamper Prep & Distribution

Christmas Hamper Prep & Distribution

The unanticipated demise of a local organization in October, which normally, over the course of a year, raised funds for and assembled Christmas food and toy hampers for families in need in the Kingston/Greenwood area, left many families facing a bleak Christmas during these trying times.  The Kingston Lions, along with numerous local faith organizations and groups quickly banded together and partnered in donations, fundraising, canvasing, toy drives and bringing the community together to ensure families in need in our community received Christmas hampers.  

Amazingly, in just two months, community support and effort resulted in 87 families receiving Christmas toy and food hampers!  The power of community and partnerships cannot be overstated!! What normally took one year occurred in just two months ….. WOW ….. JUST WOW!! Each of the groups took responsibility for procuring a particular item in the hampers.

On Dec 19th, all the community groups dropped off their contributions to the Kingston Lions Hall, including toys. The Hampers were assembled on Dec 20th and distributed on Dec 21st. This could not have happened with out the coming together of our community. Bravo to everyone for coming together to support those in need in our community!!


Santa Comes to Town - Friday, December 02, 2022

On Friday, December 2nd the Kingston Lions, led by Lion Nell McMaster and her team of Lions, donated, and served up six large roasters of free homemade chili along with hotdogs from the Village for the Santa Comes to Kingston holiday celebration held at the Kingston Credit Union Centre arena. This was the first time this event was held since the beginning of the Pandemic and the Lions were rarin’ or should I say roaring to go! This was a great partnership with the Village of Kingston and a fun time was had by the community at the many events held at the rink. Lester the Lion, aka President Pat, made his first appearance since the beginning of the Pandemic. Thanks to the community for supporting the Upper Room Food Bank and the successful “Stuff a Truck” with toys event in support of toy hampers for those in need this holiday season in our community. The generosity of our community in support of others is awesome to see!!

Chilli preparations by Lions Kellie, Nell, Ruby, Len and 'retired' Lion Mac. Enthusiastic and awaiting action: Lions Christene, Rick and Nell. Lions Donna and Riley giving away chilli by the bowl full.
MP Chris D'Entremont and MLA Chris Palmer with Lester the Lion. Some of the "Santa Comes to Town" crew. They are spending way too much time at photo shoots!
  Christmas Hamper Toy Drive at the Crdiet Union Center while chiili was being served inside.  

Diabetes Tag Day

On November 17th, the Kingston Lions, led by Club Diabetes Tag Day Chair Lion Barb Lyle, set up information tables at the Kingston Superstore, Greenwood Sobeys, Greenwood Mall and Greenwood Walmart and accepted donations to fight this chronic disease. We would like to thank the Kingston/Greenwood community for supporting this very successful service project.

Diabetes Tag Day provides Lions an opportunity to raise awareness of diabetes as a global public health issue and what needs to be done, collectively and individually, for better prevention, diagnosis, and management of the condition as well as to raise funds to combat this disease. 

      Camp Lion Maxwell, located In Nova Scotia was founded in 1964 as Camp Atlantic. In 1997, the camp was renamed after Lion Peter Maxwell of Truro NS, in recognition of the tremendous support the Lions Clubs of Nova Scotia have provided the camp. This camp provides a Camp experience to children with medical support and teaches them to age-appropriately self-manage their diabetes.  It is a wonderful camp!

KL Pat receiving his Tag from Lion Barb Lions Dan, Barb and Christene handling the table for Daibetes Tag Day Lions Cindy and Bob handling the table for Daibetes Tag Day
Lions Alice and Nell handling the table for Daibetes Tag Day Lions Otto and Linda handling the table for Daibetes Tag Day Lions Ruby and bob handling the table for Daibetes Tag Day
Lions Barb and ron handling the table for Daibetes Tag Day   Lions Doris and Dana handling the table for Daibetes Tag Day

DG's Visit 21 November 2022

District Governor Bill Bruhm conducted his official visit to the Kingston Lions Club on Monday, November 21st. Just over 70 Lions were in attendance with visitors from Aylesford, Middleton, Lawrencetown, New Germany and Chezzetcook in attendance.  The club voted to donate $500.00 USD to LCIF during this evening as well.

DG Bill presented years of service chevrons to nine Kingston Lions ranging from 10 to 55 years of service.  Lion Hugh Moore holds the record at 55 years in the club!!

                DG Bill also inducted three new Lions into our club, Lions Ruby, Linda and Diane.  President Pat accepted DG Bills “Let your Lions light shine” candle on behalf of the club.  PDG David was in attendance and present his personal pin to our three new Lions and presented his banner to President Pat.

                With the induction of Baby Lion Ruby, the old Bib was retired, and a new updated bib was presented. Thanks to Lion Laura Hobin for this!! 

                We had another distinguished?? guest appear out of thin air as well. Lion Wayne “The Fairy Godmother” Lincoln swooped in and presided over the appointment of new Tail Twister Gerry and new Lion Tamer Kellie also taking the time to bless our new Baby Lion with his pixie dust.

                A fun time was had by all in the spirit of camaraderie and fellowship. Thanks for the visit, Lion Bill and to the visiting clubs for sharing this evening with us.

DG Bill Bruhm conducting the Induction. Inductees and Sponsors DG Bill, Inductees, Sponsors and KL Pat
Lion Gerry bibbing the new Baby Lion Ruby Service Chevron group as presented by DG Bill KL Pat receiving the DG's candle from DG Bill
KL Pat receiving PDG David's banner PDG David presenting his pin to the new Lions Lion Kellie being fired as Tail Twister and appointed Lion Tamer
Lion Gerry being anointed Tail Twister   A fine looking group of "ladies"

Furniture/Appliance Sale November 19, 2022

Lion Hugh, she won't negotiate! If you want it, pay me and the henchman behind me will carry it out for you. Chef (Lion) Susan with the best grilled ham/cheese and soup in the Valley!
Lion Jamie doing something? Lion Ron doing nothing? Lion Vic....what do i do?
The furniture crew (formerly with "Nothing Fancy") Lion Ron, getting in shape to do nothing again! Some of the garage crew!



Kings Volunteer Dinner - Efficiency! Kings Volunteer Dinner - Distracted when they should get back to work. Come on George I'm waiting on you!
Community Luncheon - a very 'happy' group It looks good but it's off to take-out not me! The three of us have to figure out where to put the coleslaw.
I do all the heavy lifting and she gets all the credit and a bigger meal! As usual,Lion Wayne working and Lion Steve playing to the camera! Quick, get it put away, our supervisor is going by!
I'll trade with ya! The dancing sweeper! Tried to pull his jerseuy over his head but his head was way too big
Legion Dinner Dishwashing Crew KL Pat representing our Club at the Remembrance Day event. Lions Janice and Chris deep in conversation with nothing to do?
The two Ronnies! A dancing waiter? Supervising the kitchen staff at the Legion Dinner.
Lion Doris Craft Fair kitchen 'boss'. Lion Gerry guarding the hotdogs! Lions Hugh, Donna and Elaine in the corner at the Craft Fair.
Lions Janice, Kellie and Chris working a craft table. Lions Otto and Linda in the corner now! Mrs Claus (Lion Linda) and her lttle elf (Lion Ray)!
Lion Rick, his mouth is open but is anything of value going to come out? Lion Ron: "How can I help you?" Lion Vern "Burger Man"!



The Kingston Lions Club received the International President Douglas Alexander's 2021-2022 banner patch in recognition of membership growth for 2021-2022. during which the Club brought in 11 new members. President Pat Nixon is seen presenting the Banner Patch to Past Membership Chairperson Lion Christene Keddy (on the right) and Lion Linda Wilson committee member.

Recent Events and Presentations

Ten Kingston Lions assisted the Village of Kingston and Recreation Director Elizabeth Wright in running the Annual Terry Fox Run in the Village, along the Rail Trail on September 19th.  
Welcome of participants before the Terry Fox Run begins. New Members and sponsors at the beginning of the Induction Service.
Lion Dana MacDonald and sponsor Lion Doris Arenburg Lion Gerry Smith being 'pinned' by her sponsor, Lion Rick Haiplik. Lion John Smith being 'pinned' by his sponsor, Lion Rick Haiplik.
Lion Tim Whynot proudly showing his new pin at his induction. New Baby Lion Gerry Smith being 'bibbed' by former Baby Lion Kellie Haldane. Four new Lions with their sponsors.
Lion Butch Fleury being presented with his 35 year chevron. Lion George Giles being presented with his 25 year chevron. Lion Keith Rankin being presented with his 25 year chevron.
Lion Vern Mullen being presented with his 25 year chevron.   Lion Bob McElman being presented with his 25 year chevron.

Kingston Lions members helping at the Annapolis Vally First Nations Strawberry Powwow AND our Club active at the Steer-Fest.

Kingston Lions members helping the Annapolis Valley First Nations during the running of their Strawberry Powwow. Lion Christene says: "Am I doing this right?" KL Pat learning how to cook hotdogs. He passed with flying colors.
Lion Doris with her buns. Lion Christene taking over on the barbeque. Lion Geanie can handle buns and drinks at the same time.
The burger bits serving team. Lions Kevin and Steve (supervisor) cooking fries. Lions Steve & Ray allsmiles because they were collecting money.
The strawberry shortcke team all smiles. Our drink girl, Lion Kellie. A group of Lions who look fried.
Break time!!!! The complete fry team relaxing before going at it again. The ticket distribution during a break in the action.
One of our gravy crews, the team that was kept in the corner. Chop, Chop, Chop...getting the burger bits prepared. Lion Keith with his petal to the medal having as much fun as the kids.
Lion Ron having a good laught with former Lions Cecil and Mac. A couple of days before the Steer-Fest the ladies prepared the strawberries. Some of the ladies on our cvanteen team.


Photos 2021 - 2022

Kingston School Breakfast Program

Lions Gwen and Pat  egging us on! The Kingston School Volunteer Snack Ladies Lions Doris (Laverne) & Christene (Shirley) hard at work - NOT!
Lion Gwen and Supervisor Allison  The TEAM! The TEAM including PAT!

End of Lions Year Presentations

Lion Gary Blinn receiving a President's Appreciation Award for his service this past year. Lion Dave Richardson receives a Presidents Commendation during the final Weely Bingo. Our 2022 -2023 District Governor Bill Bruhm at the International Convention.

Various Presentations Recently

Lion Barb Elford with hr sponsor, Lion Linda, President Pat and Master of Cerimonies, Lion Bob President Pat presenting Lion Barb with her Ceritifcate of Membership  Lion Barb being pinned by her sponsor, Lion Linda
Our senior Lion Hugh presnting our new Lion Barb with her ball cap Lion Barb looks so proud to be taking over Baby Lion duties from former Baby Lion Kelly Members of the Kingston Lions Club who participated in the Walk for Dog Guides
Particpants in the recent Food Handling Course at the Kingston Lions Hall Lion Rick Haiplik presenting a check to Linda Owen of the Mid Valley Paliative Care Society President Pat presenting a cheque to the Soldiers Memorial Hospital Foundation

Spring Yard Sale 2022

Late morning and people are still brwsing! Hamper Basket Raffle Girls! Kitchen Canteen Staff working hard!

Presentations 02 May 2022

Lion Wayne Lincoln, Life Membership Lions         Foundation of Canada

Gift to the Club from PDG Jane Gregory to last years secretary, Lion Dan Praught Certificate of Appreciation from Lions Foundation of Canada to Lion Barb Lyle

A Special Evening, March 21, 2022

Baby Lion Kellie and LionHugh Moore (93 years young!) Lions Meal serving team..just do excited! KL Pat presenting Prrincipal Bernice, Kingston School, with a cheque to pay for a Spark Bicycle.

Some Activities March 07-08, 0222

Lion Brian Maclean receiving his 10-year Chevron Lions Doris, Christene and Linda receiving LCI recognition for membership growth. Lion Vern and Lion Hugh (Chair) at the community luncheon on Tuesday, March 08, 2022.
Lions Butch and John tackling the ham for thre community luncheon. Do these ladies have anything to do...or are they on one of their many breaks?  


Service Chevron Presentations 21 February 2022

Lion Scarlett Jess (10 Years) LionGary Blinn (10 Years) Lion Wayne Lincoln (10 Years)
Lion Rick Haiplik (15 Years) Lion Ray LeBlanc (15 Years) Lion Phil Everett (15 Years)
  Lion Ron Cromwell (25 Years)  

Christmas Hamper Distribution


Clean Up Team 2 doing their Christmas cleaning. As usual, Lion Vern supervising the cleaning. Special gift to Lion Wayne from an unknown person...could be some follow-up.

Christmas Toy Wrap December 21,2021

Cookies for Seniors + Gifts ready for delivery Lions Linda and Cecil Wilson, delivered cookies and small Christmas gifts to some seniors in our community Lions Linda and Cecil Wilson, delivered cookies and small Christmas gifts to some seniors in our community
Winter Cabinet Committeerecent meeting. Lion Gary in his "office". Please knock before waking him up.
Lion Kellie all decked out in her new bonnet. Mary Osmond keeping control of TGIF. Lion Ron was cowering in the corner.



Kingston Elementary School indicated that they were in need of socks, gloves, mittens and underwear.  The Kingston Lions Club stepped up. On December 13, 2021, Lion  Linda Wilson, on behalf of the Kingston Lions Club, took a donation of over 200 of these new items (both boys and girls)  in various sizes. Shown standing behind the table full of items are Lion Linda and principal Bernice Jackson.  Shown carrying boxes of items are Lion Linda and school secretary, Donna Peters.


On the afternoon of November 27th, the Kingston Lions hosted a Lions Orientation session led by 1stVDG Bill Bruhm. A total of nineteen Lions from Kingston, Kentville, Middleton and Bridgetown along with two prospective new Lions members from Kentville attended this very informative session. Inviting prospective members to come to a session is a great way to showcase Lions and give them a good introduction to what Lionism is about. Thanks Lion Bill!!
Carol Beals presents donation cheque from Greenwood Ladies Thursday Morning Bowling to KL Pat Lion Donna Parson 'certified' as a new member of the Club.
Lion Armelia being pinned by her sponsor Lion Christene. KL Pat presenting new Lion Kellie with her certificate.


Recent winner of Top Chef Canada - Mac preparing  a special meal. Doris: "I know my name but I don't recognize the face on this ID!"
Kingston Lions gather waiting for the kitchen to open. Lion Gary watching the shoppers because he was bored.
What price should I put on these flowers...FREE! Furniture Room Security Chief Pat watching for shoplifters carrying out a sofa.
Lions Geannie and Darlene letting us know the bar is now open! Lions Hugh and Vern enjoying the sliding of pork through its coating (are they enjoying it too much?).
Shelly Cox, Manager of the Kingston Library, accepts a donation from Kingston Lions Club President Pat Nixon in support of the programs and services they provide to Kingston and surrounding communities Kingston Lion President Pat Nixon accompanied by the Club Mobile BBQ Chairperson Lion Vern Mullen presenting a donation to Marty Cress, Chair and Shauna Jacobs of the Annapolis Valley Chapter of Autism Nova Scotia.  The Kingston Lions provided BBQ services for their recent Autos for Autism fundraiser held in Kingston on September 25
October 04, 2021 our new Lions are inducted with their sponsors there to give them guidance. Our new Baby Lion...Lion Nell McMaster. CONGRATULATIONS!!!



The BBQ Crew at the Paragon Labour Day Tournament The ladies and Lion Hugh are aready for action.
The trio guarding the steaks!  



Lion Cecil, Lion Janice, Lion Dave, and Lion Linda share a quiet moment in the kitchen Lion Maria and Lion Kim sharing a few moments of Christmas conversation.
Lions Cecil, Rick and Tony Hamper distribution Lions Barb, Bob and Rob coordinating toy hamper distribution
King Lion Cecil presenting $1000.00 cheque to Upper Room Food Bank. Lions Cecil and Rick hamper distribution
Lions Rick, Cecil and Tony off-load the Christmas hampers as needed. The line-up for the hampers.
Lion Jeanie and Lion Doris busy in the kitchen. Lions wrapping the Christmas hamper gifts.
Lion Rick receiving Membership Key Lion Pat receiving Cert of Appreciation for training course in Deep Brook
Lion Ron having fun with KL Cecil - He misses fishing Lion Jeanie receiving her 50-visitations pin
Lion Bob Lyle receiving Diamond Centennial Award Lion Linda Wilson receiving Membership Key
Lion Len receiving his 15 year service certificate. Lion Ed Bryson receiving his 20 year service certificate.
Steve Craig President's Appreciation Award Vern Mullen President's Appreciation Award
Ron presenting 'Golden Janitor' award to Mac Ron presenting jacket gift to Alice
Ron Gee President's Appreciation Award Ron presenting gift to Alice
Mac Caines President's Appreciation Award Rick Acker Honorary Life Membership - Lions Foundation of NS
Kim Pollard President's Appreciation Award Linda Wilson President's Appreciation Award
John Barkhouse Honorary Life Membership - Lion Foundation of NS Kevin Carther Maynard Hines Memorial Award
Hugh Moore President's Appreciation Award Janice Cunningham President's Appreciation Award
Georgina Farnell Lion of the Year Gwen Milley Presdent's Appreciation Award
Food Handlers Course Certificates George Giles Melvin Jones Fellow
Dave Richardson Life Membership - Lions International Diane Mestekemper presenting scrapbook to Alice

 Christene Keddy President's Appreciation Award

Darlene Lannon Rookie of the Year
Kingston Lions Bingo Chair, Dave Richardson, presenting a cheque for $10,100 to Janet Bezanson of Greenwood. Janet won the Cookie Jar at the Valley Lions Radio Bingo on July 6th.  King Lion Cecil Wilson President's Appreciation Award

January Photos

New Years Eve at Kingston Arena Lions Christmas Toy Wrap  
Christmas Eve Breakfast Christmas Eve Breakfast  

May 01 Lions Meeting Pictures

Sponsor Lion Bob Lyle, Mary Ann Knight, Rob Knight

Baby Lion Rose Dawson “bibed” new Baby Lion Rob

KL Russell presenting Lions cap to Lion Mary Ann

Lion Bob receiving sponsor certificate for new Lions Rob and Mary Ann Knight President Appreciation Award to Lion Dan Praught

Dog Guide Walk certificate of appreciation to Kingston Lions Club KL Russell received at the NS Convention in Bridgewater and presented it to Lion Barb Lyle Chair of the Dog Guide Walk along with patch for banner.

Lion Carol Beals receiving 50 visitations bar

Lion Ron Cromwell presented to the Club a banner from the Ambleside Tiddlycove Lions Club he visited while in BC this winter

Zone 6 Chair Lion Ray LeBlanc presented Certificate of Appreciation to the following Lions that helped him at the Zone 6 Speak Out. Lion Butch Fluery for hosting the judges; Lion Steve Craig as the time keeper and Lions Richard Acker and Dave McHattie for their questions to the speakers.


First Canada Books Project

Gave 35 books Kingston Elementary School Mr Brian Rafuse (Principal), KL Russell and Heather Thorne (Libirian)

Gave 39 books to Wee Folk in Greenwood, they have children ages 2 to 12. This picture is of the younger group

Wee Folk in Greenwood. This is the older group

Gave 25 books to Dwight Ross Elementary School, KL Russell and Lisa Hewson (Principal)

DRES Kids Care the before and after program at DRES and we gave 39 books. Mandy Moore (Owner, sitting right) and Cindy Ernst (sitting left) were “tickled pink” for our donation. Young readers excited about the new books!

Friendship Night 2017

Bridgewater Lions Club van all decked out. Our starting point was at Wolfville Lions Club

Windsor Lions Club

On our way to Canning Lions Club
Kingston Lions at the Friendship Night Head table at the Friendship Night Lions enjoying themselves

Monday, April 03, 2017 Presentations

Guest Speaker Russ Sanche, Youth Outreach Coordinator Presentation of $300 to Russ Sanche, Youth Outreach Coordinator KL Russell presening Lion Rick with his 500 visitation pin
KL Russell presening Lion Ed with his 600 visitation pin KL Russell presening Lion Rick H. with his 500 visitation pin KL Russell presening Lion Dave with his 500 visitation pin

Firehall Banquet Pictures


Recent Activities (February 2017)

Winner of Kingston Lions Club Speakout Contest

Maxwell Chongva (1st place) and KL Pat Nixon

Particpants in the Kingston Lions Club Speakout Contest

L - R:  Maxwell Chongva (1st place), KL Pat Nixon, Meghan Redden (2nd place)

Kingston Lions Club Speakout Contest

KL Pat Nixon and Meghan Redden (2nd place)


Lions Tami & Ray at Coldbrook   Lions Vern & Jeannie at Coldbrook
Winter Cabinet - Lake Echo Winter Cabinet - Lake Echo Winter Cabinet - Lake Echo
KL Pat LCIF Report at Winter Cabinet in Lake Echo Winter Cabinet - Lake Echo  KL Pat accepting the 3rd place plaque and cheque for Jessica Ramsay (PRMS), representing the Kingston Lions club, coming in 3rd place for the District Peace Poster Contest.
WTIS February 2017 WTIS February 2017 WTIS February 2017
WTIS February 2017 WTIS February 2017 WTIS February 2017


Christmas Acivities with the Kingston Lions



Peace Poster Contest Results 2016 -2017

#1 Jessica Ramsey PRMS #2 Nikita Labrador PRMS #3 Savannah Martin PRMS
2016 Peace Poster Winners  PRMS   2016 Winners and KL Pat and Lion Diane
Jessica Ramsey's Poster Nikita Labrador's Poster Savannah Martin's Poster

Recent Club Activities

Lion Jeannie becoming a member. DG Claire, new Lion Jeannie and her sponsor, Lion Scarlett. KL Pat accepting a District banner from DG Claire.
DG Claire accepting reading amterial from KL Pat. KL Pat presenting DG Claire with a cheque for Literacy. KL Pat presents DG Claire with Club Banner and Pin
Lion Butch Fleury 700 Visit Bar Lion Dave McHattie 10 yr Chevron Lion Don MacDonald 40 yr Chevron
Lion Linda Wilson 10 Visit Bar Lion Phil Everett 10 yr Chevron Lion Ron Cromwell 20 yr Chevron
Lion Ron Lasseter 25 yr Chevron Lion Russell Mailet 10 yr Chevron Lion Steve Craig 1200 Visit Bar
Baby Lion Jeanie taking KL Pat's meal. Lion Roger with his 10 visit pin. DG Claire conducting Lion Jeannie's induction.
Lion Ron ecorating the hall he looks afraid of heights! Mary Caines and Lion Linda sorting decorations. Lion Janice kneeling because she was too tall to decorate the stage????
Lester and Santa discussing who has the most authority! Lester getting a...head of Lion Barb. Lion Dan adding up two single-digit numbers.
Lion Fred Setting Up Having fun on the phones. Lion Tom helping to set up.

Legion Dinner & Diabetes Day

On Saturday, November the 12th, members of the Kingston Lions Club set up four locations in the Kingston/Greenwood area in order to canvas for donations in support of the Canadian Diabetes Association during Diabetes Awareness Month.  Unfortunately pictures of all the 12 Kingston Lions could not be taken but the day was a success and the Lions thoroughly enjoyed this project and their service to the community. 
(See pics below)
Lions Barb Lyle and Diane Mestekemper Lions Bob Lyle and Fred King Lions Bernice White and Roger Quirion

Fall Yard Sale

TGIF October

District Bowling 


Pictures from Fall Cabinet



Activities from September 2016

So the blue bills are worth? Look, we're getting our picture taken! Stadler & Waldorf from the Muppets are back?
Vern you're holding the wrench by the wrong end! Don't take my picture!!! The Grill Masters!
King Lion Pat receiving a cheque from Middleton Lion Dave Diggins for Port George Country Jamboree Lion Butch receiving Certificate of Completion for Zone Chairperson Training from Lion Bob Lyle Zone Chair Ray runninghis first Zone Meeting
  Good turnout fro our September 19th meeting and Zone meeting.  

Port George Country Jamboree

Camp Merrowvista, New Hampshire Bicycling Group

Lions Vern Mullen and Mac Caines with Cyclists                                (Missing Lion Len Gregory).

Lions and youth cyclists enjoying breakfast together prior to their departure on the rest of their Nova Scotia Cycling adventure. King Lion Pat Nixon presenting a Kingston Lions Banner and Pin to cyclists from Camp Merrowvista, New Hampshire.

Kingston Steer BBQ and Village Fair 2016

Identity Kits Distribution at Local Daycares

Tim Hortons Lions Particpation

Apple Blossom Princess Tea

So many workers and so little to do! I don't know you know what it is? Can I have a sip from your coffee Dave? Touch these desserts and risk losing a hand!

Pancake Breakfast at Kingston School

May 14, 2016 Officers School @ Kingston Lions Club

Global Leadership Team Coordinator past CST Bob Lyle making his point during his presentation during the Presidents portion of the District's Officer school held in Kingston. A small part of the attendees at the Kingston Officer School. Kingston Lions Hugh Moore, Linda Wilson and Vern Mullen being thanked for preparing a delicious light lunch for Officer School Participants.

Baddeck Convention and Other Pictures

Convention in Baddeck Convention in Baddeck KL Rick accepting the 2nd Place Drug Awareness Award on behalf of a student at Ecole-Rose-des-Vents
This gravy looks excellent! Go ahead Ronnie lets have a stare down! OK're on!
Serving up a delicious meal. The Mashers..a new rock band? The "Whipper"!

Adopt-A-Highway and Canning Friendship Night

Kingston members attending the Canning Friendship Night KL Rick presenting a cheque to Canning Lions Club Lions cleaning the highway just outside Kingston
Hard at work with Adopt-A-Highway Adopt-A-Highway May 07 Crew Lions Christene & Steve with Rory taking a brief break!


Breakopen Presentations and Club Labour Crew at work.

KL Rick presenting a cheque for $1700 from Breakopen receipts to Donna Arsenault, Soldiers Memorial Hospital Interim Site Manager, at our May noon luncheon.

KL Rick presenting a cheque for $1700 from Breakopen receipts to Lynda Dawn Owen, Chair, Mid Valley Palliative Care, at our May 04 bingo.

Jacqueline Klaus giving a presentation on Monte Carlo Casino Night Fundraiser.

Lion mac sitting on his throne and supervising Lions Vic and Wayne replacing the back deck.   Lion Vic and Lion Wayne redoing the back deck. Lion Mac, as usual, was supervising this stage of the job.

Drug Awareness Poster Presentations

Dwight Rosss Elementary School

Grades 1-2-3 Winners

Dwight Rosss Elementary School

Grades 4-5-6 Winners


Grades 1-2-3 Winners


Grades 4-5-6 Winners

Kingston & District Elementary School

Grades 1-2-3 Winners

Kingston & District Elementary School

Grades 4-5-6 Winners

Charter Night Award Winners

The Honourable Leo Glavine MLA presenting Kingston Lions President Rick Haiplik with recognition from the Government of Nova Scotia and Premier McNeil recognizing the Kingston Lions for over 50 years of dedicated service to their community. Lion Vern Mullen accepting a Lions International Life Membership from Kingston Lions President Rick Haiplik. Lion Ron Osmond accepting a Life Membership-Lions Foundation of Canada from Kingston Lion President Rick Haiplik.
Lion Don MacDonald accepting a Lions Foundation of Nova Scotia Fellowship from Kingston Lions President Rick Haiplik. Kingston Lions President Rick Haiplik presenting Lion Ed Bryson with a Melvin Jones Fellowship. PCC Bob Lyle receiving a Judge Brian Stevenson Fellowship from Kingston Lions President Rick Haiplik.
Lion Len Gregory receiving the Maynard Hines award from Kingston Lions President Rick Haiplik. Kingston Lions President Rick Haiplik presenting Lion Andre Cotnoir with the Lion of the Year Award. Lion Cecil Wilson receiving the Rookie of the Year award from the Kingston Lions President Rick Haiplik.

Kingston Lions President Rick Haiplik presenting Charter Night Honoured Guest Ben Brown with a Club Banner and $500.00 donation to help him with his goal of qualifying for the 2016 Paralympic games in Rio.


Hard Working Staff preparing the hall for Charter Night


Drug Awareness Poster Judging - March 16th

Lions John, Bernice and Hugh coming to a final decision. Lions Barb, Dave and Vern thinking it over. Lions Ron, Janice and Russell have found the one they want.

March 07 Meeting!

Lion Ray accepting Club Excellence award for 2014 -2015 from 1st Vice District Governor Claire Brunell Zone Chair Gerald accepting his certificate for "community support"! Zone Chair Gerald passing the Zone Chair postition to Lion Ray.
March 7th Zone Meeting with 123 attendees.  

Zone Chair Gerald presenting Zone 6 Speak Out trophy to Sydney Milne from Coldbrook.This page will show recent recognition and appreciation of members and the daily activities in the Kingston Lions Club. Members are encouraged to submit candid photos and articles for publicatiion.

WTIS Pig Roast, February 11, 2016


Christmas Eve Breakfast, December 24, 2015

Must have my coffee before this begins! Sausage Man! Egg...actly on!
"Scrambling" to get ahead! "Please John, take my place scrapping plates?" "Brew, Brew, Brew...come on!!"
Eric Potier, Manager Sobeys helping on the serving line. Our Pancake Crew! Our largest crowd ever (1001)!
Donation tothe Upper Room Food Bank Our dignified servers Christmas Cowboy Lion Pat!

Toy Wrap - Saturday, December 19, 2015

LionBarb (our boss!) hard at wrapping. President Rick finishing his first present (two hours into the activity). A hard working group of Lions!


Christmas Mommies  Daddies November, 29, 2015

Joan McElman and Lion Bob on the Pledge Desk Lester with Lion Barb and Guest Lions Janice, Kathy and Dave hard at work
Hon. Leo Glavine singing??? Lion Linda and Lion Doris in the kitchen Lion Doris and Lion Cecil getting the pizza ready.


Peace Poster Winners - Pine Ridge Middle School and Ecole Rose des Vents 

Pine Ridge - Ist Place - Ethan Parker Pine Ridge - 2nd Place - Kayla Jarvis Pine Ridge - 3rd  Place - Brianna Tye
Ecole Rose deVents - 1st Place - Donovan Duquette Ecole Rose deVents - 2nd Place - Julie de Lamirande Ecole Rose deVents - 3rd Place - Jelynne Samson

Environmental Photo Contest 2015 - 2016 Entries



Lion Induction - Monday, November 16, 2015

KL Rick with his trusted secretary, Lion Dave trying to organize for the meeting. New Lion Fred Kings officially joining the Kingston Lions Club. Baby Lion Cecil eeling sad about giving up his Baby Lion title to the neew baby lion shortly.
Lion Cecil with new Baby Lion Fred and his sponsor, Lion Doris.   Lion Vic welcoming Lion Fred to the Kingston Lions Club.

Peace Poster Contest 2014 - 2015 Winners

1st Place - ERDV - Donovan Duquette 2nd Place - ERDV 3rd Place - ERDV
1st Place - PRMS - Ethan Parker 2nd Place - PRMS 3rd Place - PRMS

Remembrance Day November 11, 2015

King Lion Rick and Escort at the ready to lay a wreath. King Lion Rick proceding to the centotaph. King Lion Rick laying the wreath on behalf of the Kingston Lions Club.
Lions members serving at the Legion dinner. One dessert and six workers - always plenty of Lions ready to work. A sharply dressed group of servers for the Legion dinner.
Lion Dave saying he's sorry for something?   Lion Dave McHattie listening proudly to one of our Veterans.

Fall Yard Sale - October 31, 2015

Baby Lion Cecil and customer service! Lion Marg the pushy sales lady! The Muffin Guards...are they busy or what? Such enthusiasm!

Recent Activity - October 2015

Lion Dave C. conducting the induction of two new members on October 20th. King Lion Rick congratulating new Lion Dan. New Lion Cecil lighting his 'candle'.
Kingston Lions members wlcoming our two new Lions. Lion Thomas accepting his high-tech VHS tape to use for Vancouver Canucks game tapings. KL Rick and Lion Pat with an unknown particpant in the Municipal Heritage designation for McMaster Park.

District Bowling - Yarmouth October 10, 2015

Kingston Lions Team A Kingston Lions Team B Valerie Lincoln accepting  Ladies High Average



Our dirty "old-looking" trailer Lion George and his workcrew! Thanks to Lion Steve Newman the trailer looks fantastic!

Kingston Lions usinfg their new rotisserie system for cooking roasts, whole pigs and who knows what esle they will try!

Rotisserie system running at 1 rpm. Prepped for cooking! Lins Mac & Hugh as roast inspectors!
We think they may be done but we are not chefs! Carving the roasts for the wedding guests! Lions Susan and George cooking corn.



KL Rick and Alexis Hannah at SMH Alexis enjoying a new bench! Presented by the Kingston Lions Club! KL Rick looks much better in this photo!


ABOVE: Eye Glass Process  in play at the Fall Cabinet in Bedford on Saturday, October 03, 2015

King Lion Rick and Secretary Dave preparing for the September 21st Meeting. Lion Russell , Steer BBQ Chair, presenting Glwn Arbour, representing the village of Kingston, with a Certifcate. Lion Al in deep thought or ????

DGO Pictures from August 15 - 16, 2015

Lions Vic and Brian with Supervisor Lion Dave peparing the meal for the DGO. Country musis star, Lion Dave taking a break! DGO Meeting at the Kingston Legion.
PKL Ray receiving a certificate recognizing Kingston Club completing the CEP Program. The DGO Registration Team: Lion Steve and his sidekick Greenhorn, Lion Andre! Lion Pat receiving a certificate for completing the Leadership Program.

District Golf Tournament in Clare on Aogust 8 - 9, 2015


Recognition and Awards @ June 01, 2015 Meeting

During the June 1st meeting of the Kingston Lions Club, Past King Lion Richard Acker, received the Multiple District N Outstanding Presidents award for his tenure as President of the Kingston Lions Club in 2013 - 2014.  Presented by CST Bob Lyle aided by present King Lion Ray LeBlanc.  During the June 1st meeting of the Kingston Lions Club, Past Secretary Vern Mullen, received the Multiple District N Outstanding Secretaries  award for his tenure as Secretary of the Kingston Lions Club in 2013 - 2014.  Presented by CST Bob Lyle aided by present King Lion Ray LeBlanc. Group Photo of Multiple District Winners, PKL Ricxk Acker, KL Ray and Past Secretary Vern.
Lion Wayne accepting the Maynard Hynes Award for community service from KL Ray. KL Ray accepting a certificate from Lion Barb on behalf of the Club for particpation in the Dog Guide Walk. KL Ray giving Lion Barb a pin recognizing 2000 visits.
Lion Bob receiving a pin recognizing 2300 visits from KL Ray. 1st Vice Rick practicing being King Lion in prep fro his term next year in that position! Lion Rick reciving a pin recognizing 400 visits from KL Ray.

CAPS Dinner on Saturday, May 23, 2015

Five Passes and One Fail on serving technique! Our friendly volunteers helping out! I think he went that-a-way!
Now Lion Steve..we'll do it my way! Having fun while volunteering! "All by Myself"

Spring Yard Sale on May 16, 2015

Let me see..sell three frames at $1 each? Some of the crowd! You pay or you do not leave!
The bosses planning something! Attracting customers? Yard Sale Security?
As usual I have the power end! Should I sell it or sit in it? Now that I have food it's back to the basement!

TGIF on Friday, April 17, 2015

One working ...and two??? Just who is he winking at? Now which is pepper?

Charter Night 2015 (April 11, 2015)


Club Meeting on Monday, March 02, 2015

Oh My! I've never seen anything like that! Man that looks good....I hope they don't run out before I get to the head of the buffet line! New inductees and sponsors!
One of our Baby Lions! Both our Baby Lions being 'crowned' by former Babay Lion Bernice. Lion ....being given her pin for 10 Visitiations by KL Ray
Memebrship Chair, Lion Ron making presentations to our new members   Lion Ron receiving recognition for 20 years service from KL Ray

District Governor visit on Tuesday, February 03, 2015

KL Ray presenting a cheque ($5000) to the DG for Camp Brigadoon KL Ray receiving a certificate of appreciation from the District Governor KL Ray presenting 'gifts' to the DG and his spouse!
District Governor presenting Lion Chuck with recognition for 20 years of service. District Governor presenting Lion Dave with recognition for 20 years of service. District Governor presenting Lion Ed with recognition for 15 years of service.
District Governor presenting Lion Len with recognition for 10 years of service. District Governor presenting Lion Tom with recognition for 20 years of service. District Governor presenting Lion Steve with recognition for 1100 visits.
Lion Ron receiving the DG pin as Membership Chair KL Ray reciving the District Governor's banner. Lion Dale  at Farmers Family Diner in recognition of contributions to the Childrens Wish Foundation.

Christmas Activities

Christmas Hampers work crew. Christmas Eve Breakfast crowd. Lion John with guest worker Debbbie from West Kings.
Lions John and Chuck scrambled! Lions Gary, Dave, Russell and Lee cleaning dishes. Lion Tom hashed.
Lions Janice, Susan, Marg and Chritine juiced. Lion John and Mary making pancakes. Lions Eric and Bernice toasted.
Presentation to the Kingston Upper room Food Bank. Lion Phil, MLA Leo, Lion Ron and Lion Wayne serving. Presentation to Wayne Fowler (the Credit Union Centre) by Lions Dale, Bob and Barb with Santa.



If I put it in a nice box I won't have to wrap it! Busy...busy...busy! Cutting wrapping paper is much easier then the cuts I normally make!
Everyone hard at wrok! The crowd for the Upper Room Food Bank Concert. Performers at the Upper Room Food Bank Concert.



1st Vice Lion Dale conducting the recent Board Meeting (so studious looking isn't he?) Lions Steve, John and Roger watching Lion Dave cuting lemons (when life gives you lemons, make lemonade - as quoted by Lion Pat) Lion Steve negotiating his fine at the Canning visitation. Just pay the quarter and get over it Steve!

Peace Poster Winners

Pine Ridge Middle School Winners: Front Row L-R Emily Hunter (2nd), Hannah McGean (Winner) and Emiley Wadman (3rd), Back Row L-R Principal Carty, Lion Pat Nixon (Contest Chair) and King Lion Ray LeBlanc.   Ecole Rose des Vents Winners:  Front Row L-R Joshua Van Nostrand (3rd), Aisha Sommerfeld (Winner) and Abigail Jean Cliche (2nd),  Back Row L-R Lion Pat Nixon (Contest Chair) and King Lion Ray LeBlanc.

Community Service

 KL Ray LeBlanc and Lions John Marshall and Barbara Lyle pose with 40 plus bags of Leaves raked up on the property of Lion Lawrence England KL Ray LeBlanc,Lions John Marshall and Bob Lyle. This picture takes on new meaning to SKID MARKS.
KL Ray jumped into his truck and said abruptly that he had to make a trip to the ESSO station. He returned with the same pants on so he must have made it.

Recent Club Activities - October 2014

Lion Dave receiving his 400 visits pin from King Lion Ray Lion Wayne receiving his 100 visit pin from King Lion Ray


Lions Dave, Vern and Rick holding their District Trophies!   Lion Steve welcoming our new Baby Lion!

Recent Club Activities - September 2014

Participants in the CEP Facilitators Workshop in Coldbrook Lion Rick H. receiving his pin for sponsoring new Lions King Lion Ray accepting a cheque from Lin Wayne Sears, Chair of the Port George Country Jamboree
King Lion Ray is proud of his shovel and flowers!   Lion Steve thinks he as his cell phone in his hand or is he just using his imagination?

Bursaries and Awards presented at West Kings District High School


End of Lions Year Events

KL Richard presenting Mr. Pothier, repreenting Sobeys, Greenwood with a certificate and plaque recognizing their community support. New Lion Inductions: Lion Jack Lafreniere and Lion Phil Williams. Lion Tami presenting outgoing King Lion Richard with a photo album of his year.
  Lion Dale accepting an award from KL Richard at the Lions Appreciation Night.  

Drug Awareness Awards - Kingston Lions Club

Dwight Ross - Grade 5: Autumn-Sky Martin ( 1st Place), Carlie Crossman (2nd Place), Koree Patuck (3rd Place) Dwight Ross - Grade 3: Faith Jamieson (1st Place), Chloe May (2nd Place), Brianna Farrell (3rd Place) Kingston - 1st Place: Nikita Labrador
Kingston Grade 3: Vice-Principal Linda McAloney, Maurica Labrador (2nd Place), Jack Mombourquette (3rd Place) Kingston - 1st Place Grade 5: Belle Bond with Vice-Principal Linda McAloney Kingston Grade 5: Emma Ryerson (2nd Place), Maddy Crocker (3rd Place)
Ecole Rose-des-Vent  Principal Judy Streatch, Asheley Larose (1st Place), Victoria Bouchard (2nd Place), Luke robert (3rd Place) Ecole Rose-des-Vent Grade 2/3: Principal Judy Streatch, Emily Jean (1st Place), Tmani Poirer- absent (2nd Place), Amelia de Lafontaine (3rd Place) Ecole Rose-des-Vent Third Place Winner District N2: Principal Judy Streatch, Asheley  Larose



Kings Lion Richard being interviewed at the Valley Regional Hospital Foundation Radio-thon on June 6th. King Lion Richard at Valley Regional Hospital for their annual Radio-Thon. KL Richard and Lion Ray presenting the donation of $1800 to the Valley Regional Hospital Foundation on June 6th. In the photo is Mike Surette (AVR/Magic) and accepting for the Foundation is Gerry MacIsaac.



Lion Al Shepherd receiving his 25 yr Pin on June 2nd from KL Rick. Lion Barb with certificste foe chairing the annual Walk for Dog Guides. KL Rick is holding his doggie treats.

Adopt-A-Highway Crew

My 2014

Lion Tom presented with his Judge Brian Stevenson Award by KL Rick at our meeting on June 2nd. Lion Mac accepting his Lifetime Memeberhip in Lions Foundation Nova Scotia. Induction June 2nd of Roger Quiron with his sponsor, Lion Steve.
KL Rick with Lion Roger and his sponsor Lion Steve. New Balby Lion Roger with his official uniform and ready for deployment. Lion Rick accepting his 10 year member pin from KL Rick.
King Lion Richard presenting a cheque for $1800 to Russell DeLong of Mid-Valley Palliative Care Services. Announcing the presentation is Lion Dave Ricardson, Chair of the Kingston Lions Bingo. Presentation by Kingston and Middleton Lions Clubs May 20th to assist a little girl with hearing aids. The little girl, Gabrielle, happy with her cheques for hearing aids with King Lion Richard.
  A record of Child ID presentaions to local Day Cares.  

The link below will take you to archived photos of the Kingston Lions Club.

The link below will take you to a video of Charter Night 2014

The link below will take you to a little Lions Motivation Video

Click on any photo below for a larger version.

Recent Recognition Awards to Members

Lion Pat receiving Regional Leadership Certificate Lion Barb receiving Regional Leadership Certificate Lion Gary receiving his 10 Visits Pin Lion Wayne receiving an Appreciation Award from King Lion Richard


Head Table Guests Charter Night Guests Charter Night Guests
Charter Night Guests Premier MacNeil - Guest Speaker Lion Ray thanking the Guest Speaker
Mrs. Hines presenting the Maynard Hines Award to KL Rick who accpted on behlalf of Lion Doris Arenburg Lion Don MacDonald receiving the Melvin Jones Fellowship from KL Richard Lion Tom Beardsley receiving the Judge Brian Stevenship fellowship from KL Richard
Lion Mac Caines receiving Life Membership in Lions Foundation of Canada Lion Susan McGlashing receiving Rookie of the Year Lion Vern Mullen receiving Lion of the Year

Kingston Lions Club Charter Night 2014

District N2 Convention - Truro, April 2014

Redneck Theme Participants Redneck Theme Participants Lion Tami receiving a Certificate of Appreciation
Lion Rick accepting recognition for his hard work at the District level Lion Bob receiving a Certificate of Appreciation A finely dressed representative group from the Kingston Lions Club

Recent Club Presentations

Lion Doris Arenburg receiving her certificate for the Maynard Hines Award

Lion Rick Page receiving his certificate for Lions Foundation of Nova Scotia Lion Ray receiving 150 visit pin.from King Lion Rick
Lion Pat reciving a pin for 50 visits from KIng Lion Rick Lion Tira from Newfoundland (Lion MacCaines daughter), receiving a Kingston Lions Club banner from KingLion Rchard. PKL Alice receiving plaque from KL Richard recognizing Kingson Lions Club as District Club of the Year 2012 - 2013












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