Kingston Lions Club 2024 - 2025
The Kingston Lions Club, located in the beautiful Annapolis Valley area of Nova Scotia, was chartered on February 14th 1961, under the sponsorship of the Middleton and Kentville Lions Clubs. Charter membership was 19 Lions under the leadership of then President Lion Reg Boates. Over the years the Club has grown to its current membership of 75 Lions.
We are always looking for new Lions to come join our club and enjoy the comraderie and friendship offered by our organization.
If you are interested in joining, download an Application Form and send it to
KINGSTON LIONS CLUBAddress: 1482 Veterans Lane, P.O. Box 339 Kingston, Nova Scotia, B0P 1R0 Phone: (902) 765-2128 Email: Visit us on facebook!! Visit our "Lions After the Bell" service project on facebook!
President: Glenn Whitehead,
Secretary: Kellie Haldane,
Membership: Lion Graham Teanby
Club LCIF Coordinator: Rick Acker
Visitation Chair: Mary-Ann Knight
Meetings: 1st and 3rd Monday - Dinner Meeting - 6:30 pm. Currently only the first meeting of the month is a dinner meeting. Dinner meeting requires 72 hours notice.
The Lions Clubhouse is Wheelchair Accessable.
Public Notices
1. Requests for 911 Signs: click HERE for a form to complete.
Kingston Lions Club 2024 - 2025
Kingston Lions Club Executive 2024 - 2025
updated 29 December, 2023
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.