Kewaunee Lions Club
PO Box 252, Kewaunee WI 54216
Scholarship Application
- A current senior who is planning on attending a post-secondary school.
- (2 total) To a student going into the medical field.
- (2 additional) students going to a trade school (Mechanics, Agriculture, Trades or Engineering)
Deadline:, April 15th
Return completed application to:
Kewaunee Lions Club - Scholarship, PO Box 252, Kewaunee, WI 54216
For Students who do not attend Kewaunee High School and only live in School District, (i.e. home schooled, etc.).
The Kewaunee High School guidance office (KHS students).
Name: ________________________________
Address: ______________________________
Phone No._____________________________
College, University, or Technical College you plan to attend: ______________________________________
Have you been accepted there? ____________________________
What program do you intend to study? ______________________________
I give permission to have a copy of my transcripts included with this application. ______________________
Please sign and date below. If you are under 18 years of age, you must have a parent or guardian sign.
Signature |
Date |
On separate sheet - Describe the following in 100 words minimum in typed or written form.
“Why did you choose your field/program to study?”
Attach two (2) letters of recommendation:
- One from school (teacher, staff, board etc.) if two from this category must have additional from employer or organization.
- One from employer,
- One from service organization (i.e. volunteer organization supervisor, person you baby-sit for,
or anyone worked for at no monetary compensation etc.)
Revised 1/31/2014
Revised 9/1/2017
Revised 3/20/2023
Revised 2/25/2024