Our club members who have been named to these awards over the past 69 plus years of our history. We are listing those members here and the award, year and sponsors as of December 2019.
Name Award Year Sponsor
Glen Slatky* Melvin Jones Award 1993 Kewaunee Lions Club
Richard Nolte* Melvin Jones Award 1994 Kewaunee Lions Club
Maynard Lufter* Melvin Jones Award 1994 Kewaunee Lions Club
Maynard Kuehl+ Melvin Jones Award 1994 Kewaunee Lions Club
Lynn Mastalir#= Melvin Jones Award 1996 John Mastalir
John Mastalir# Melvin Jones Award 2003 Lions District 27B2
Leonard Dworak* Melvin Jones Award 2004 Kewaunee Lions Club
Michael Conard / Melvin Jones Award 2011 Kewaunee Lions Club
Arnie Van Goethem* Melvin Jones Award 2004 Kewaunee Lions Club
Jerome Zelten* Melvin Jones Fellowship 1999 Kewaunee Lions Club
Don Kickbusch* Melvin Jones Fellowship 2011 Kewaunee Lions Club
Bill Zemke* Birch Sturm Fellow 2011 Kewaunee Lions Club
Lynn Mastalir#= Ray Hempel Award 2013 John Mastalir
John Mastalir#= Ray Hempel Award 2015 Lynn Mastalir
Jeff Kohnle# Melvin Jones Fellowship 2019 Kewaunee Lions Club
Keith Mehn* Melvin Jones Fellowship 2019 Kewaunee Lions Club
Dave Mielke# Melvin Jones Fellowship 2019 Kewaunee Lions Club
*** Ray Hempel Fellow Award 2019 Kewaunee Lions Club
- * deceased member
- + retired member
- # active member
- / Active member transferred
- = personal donation
- … named not yet given
- *** unnamed but funds available