Regular Meetings: 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 6:00 PM (First Christian Church, 1130 N. Main St. unless otherwise announced). See calendar for next meeting. All meetings are dinner meetings. NOTE: Serving line opens at 5:45 PM. EVERYONE is welcome to come visit and join our active club. Dues are $50/quarter with a one time $45 initiation fee. (Quarterly dues include meeting meals)
Address: P. O. Box 1601, Kernersville, NC 27285
Web Master: Wayne Henderson
East Forsyth High School LEO Club Advisor:        Sarah Johnston  
                                               Lions Sponsor:        Betty McAdoo
Glenn High School LEO Club Advisor:                    Lindsey Parnell
                                               Lions Sponsor:        Marie Reed
Lions representative to Chamber of Commerce Inter-Club Council:   John Stone
Lions representative to Kernersville Foundation:    Joe Orenstein (2019-2020)
Vision Statement - To be the leader in our community for humanitarian services for vision impaired, hearing impaired, elderly and underprivileged  within the community. 
Mission Statement - To create and foster a spirit of understanding and fulfillment among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement.
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