
If you are curious about Lions, attend a meeting as our guest -and have dinner on us.  Meetings are the first and third Tuesday of each month at Bob's Burgers in Kennewick.  Call either our Membership Chair Robin Rosengren (253.217.5196) or President Paul Parkin (509.998.3353) for more information, or just show up.  We will be glad to see you!


Frequently Asked Questions


So, what do you guys do?

IF you haven't already done so, take a look at the other pages of this site for information about our local club activities. In addition we are part of a network of clubs (Lions Clubs International)  in the Northwest (Multiple District 19) and around the world that fund millions of dollars of aid and give millions of hours of volunteer time to those in need. (See "About Us" page)


Who can become a Lion?

Any adult with a desire to help others and assist in meeting needs in the local  community, and that of the world at large, is welcome to join, regardless age, sex, race, or religious belief. 


How much time would I be committing to?

While Lions want members who are looking to give of their time and resources to the important work of the club in service projects, fund raising activities and club governance, your level of involvment is up to you.  Lions expects that your priorities will be to God and family first, your career or business next, followed by your social obligations and Lions Club. You will be given opportunities to donate to Lions projects, sign up to work in service projects and fundraising activities, or to serve as an officer, but no one will twist your arm, dun you with phone calls, or fill your mail with junk.  Your right to control your level of involvement will be respected.


What are meetings like?

Our meetings are moderately informal. Members are expected to wear their vest, or at least their name badge and club pin. Failure to do so will result in a token fine (usually a dollar). People start arriving around 6:00 pm to socialize.  The president, vice-president, secretary and any official guests sit at the head table.  Except for that, while folks tend to sit in a usual place, there are no assigned seats.  During this time, our treasurer sells tickets for the 50/50 raffle drawing that helps cover administrative costs, and dinner orders are taken. The President rings the bell to call us to order at 6:30.  A previously selected member leads the flag salute, and another gives an extemporaneous prayer. If guests are present, members stand and introduce themselves and their guests.  If you have just dropped in, you will be introduced by the member sitting next to you.  Next, any correspondence is read, then old and new business is discussed.  When dinner starts to arrive, the meeting is suspended and members socialize while they eat.  Following dinner, any remaining business is handled and if we are having a program, it is presented.  The Tail Twister will levy fines for various offenses, ask trivia questions, solicit jokes or collect Happy Bucks.  Fines for offenses against the order, failing to correctly answer trivia questions, telling a joke or sharing a happy event are usually no more than a dollar, which goes to the administrative fund. Following the 50/50 drawing, the meeting normally adjorns around 7:45-8:00.


Do you have secret rituals or signs?

As a service organization, Lions does not have any rituals or secret signs. We do have opening procedures for meetings and conventions.  For the induction of new members and installation of officers, a consistent format is generally followed, but the person officiating has a lot of leeway to express individual style and extemporize to fit the situation.


What do the vest and the pins it carries mean?

The Lions vest is worn as an expression of pride in being a Lion. It is always appropriate to wear the vest at meetings, conventions and when giving service, unless it could be exposed to damage, such as when working in the food trailer or on a carpentry project.  The vest displays the name badge, Lions member pin, present and past officer pins, and pins for special or exceptional service. These are usually worn on the left side, above the embroidered Lions logo.  In addition, many Lions add pins they have collected from other clubs, from candidates for district governance, conventions they have attended and so on. A new Lion is issued a vest for their use while in the club, and some choose to purchase it for heirloom purposes.


How do I join Lions? 

While you are welcome to attend a meeting or two as a guest, actual Membership is by invitation of the club board.  You will need to fill out an application, available from Cindee or Cheryl as noted at the top of this page, or at the meeting.  The board will review your application and offer you a formal invitation. Once you accept, you must pay an initiation fee, which covers the cost of your vest, nametag and administrative costs, and also your current dues. 


How much is the initiation fee and annual dues?

 The initiation fee is $40.  Annual dues will be $80 for the 2014-2015 Lions year, which begins in June.  Dues can be paid in six month increments. A portion of both fee and dues goes to the Multiple District and to Lions Clubs International.  In addition to the vest, you will receive a subscription to LION monthly magazine.


We look forward to meeting you and introducing you to the fulfilling world of Lionism!

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