James City Lions Club
Together We Serve
Click to Enjoy Our Club Newsletter
Family Festival - Disabilty Awareness Lions Blow Bubbles WJCC Lafayette High School March 15, 10am - 1pm
Eyeglass Recycling Every Month Drop off old, used eyeglasses See locations and help someone see again!
Soft Plastic Recycling - Twice Monthly Click for 2025 Recycling Calendar Click for Acceptable Plastic Information Click for FISH Donation Information
"Meals On Wheels" - Lions Cook 200 Meals Every Monday Morning at WISC
Our Mission
Serving our community, particularly those in need
- We serve by volunteering our time and resources to vision, hearing, diabetes, childhood cancer, hunger relief, environment, and youth programs.
- We serve by financing our community service programs through annual fundraising events.
- We serve collaboratively with Lions Clubs International, other Lions Clubs, and local organizations.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.