

Isle Lions General Meeting

Monday – December 9, 2024

Meeting was called to order by 1st Vice President Hans Woelfle.

The Pledge of Alliance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

We welcomed our Guests: Roger Strecker (Shari), Dave (Deb G.), Ken Gangl (Jaci) and Jim Lease (Aliesha H.).

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Carolyn Remer to accept the Secretary’s Minutes as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Tami Zortman and seconded by Pam Lene to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Ole Walters to accept the Gambling Report as presented by Gambling Manager Deb Walters.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Ole Walters to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Account. Carried.

THANK YOU to the following Meat Raffle Workers:

12/05:  Paulette Osterdyk and Pat Hicks

12/12:  Pam Lene and Susan Haggberg

12/19:  Tami Zortman and Jess Fredin

12/26:  Tom and Carol Kuelbs

Tami Zortman and Jess Fredin have volunteered to help count money on January 1st for our Gambling Accounts.

The Christmas Tree of Giving was put up at Teal’s on November 29th with 51 ornaments on it. Due to remodeling the Christmas Party to pass out gifts will be held at Faith Lutheran Church on December 20th at 5:00 pm. Shari Strecker has volunteered to help Han’s.

The Circus will be in town in 2025, Hans Woelfle will begin work on it.

We will be packing bags for the Elementary Students on Monday, December 16th at the Elementary Library at 4:00 pm. The more people we have, the less time it takes.

Vice President Hans Woelfle presented Jaci Gangl, Tom Vevea, Kurt Klipstein and Nancy Anderson with the Hearing Foundation Award.

The 5M8 Mid-Winter Convention will be held at the Kelly Inn in St. Cloud February 7th to February 9th. All members are invited to go, the club will pay the Registration Fee.

Everyone please make a note that we do not have a General Meeting in January or March. Everyone is welcome to come to the Board Meeting on the fourth Monday of the month.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded Carolyn Remer to adjourn meeting at 7:42 pm. Carried.



November 25, 2024

Meeting was called to order by Vice President Hans Woelfle.

16 Members Present: Craig LeMieux (by phone), Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Doreen & Tom Vevea, Carolyn Remer, Shari Strecker, Doug Halvorson, Kurt Klipstein, Patti Packer, Kevin Skow, Tami Zortman, Deb Goodrich and Conrad Thomsen.

We had three Guests – Kate VanBuskirk with Isle After Prom, Patti Packer with Wahkon Wave and the Isle Police Department.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Tami Zortman to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read. Carried.

Treasurer’s Report – No Report. 

Gambling Report – Gambling Manager Deb Walters gave us an update on the MN Gambling Convention which was held in Rochester on November 21st and 22nd. Deb Walters, Tom and Doreen Vevea attended. Deb noted that a couple of things will need to be changed, one being she will need to have a signed request letter for all donations made. Gambling Manager Deb Walters will also continue with the online continuing education classes to keep up to date with the regulations.

The Isle Days Committee contacted us to see if we would be doing Bingo during Isle Days next year (2025). The Income from Bingo has continued to go down each year, but the Board recommended that we try it for one more year.

A Motion was made by Patti Packer and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve a Bonus for the Gambling Employees. Carried.

Kate VanBuskirk spoke to us about the Isle After Prom Party. This is an alcohol-free event that the students can attend after the Prom. This year it will be held on April 12th – 13th. It starts at midnight and runs until 5:00 am. This cost for this event runs from $8,000 to $10,000.

The Isle Police Department spoke to us about the major expenses that they are currently trying to raise funds for: Mobile & Portable Radios, Squad & Office Computers, and Dash & Body Cameras.

Patti Packer spoke to us on behalf of the Wakhon Wave. They are going to hold a “Visit with Santa Claus” on December 21st at Tulibee Tavern. It will include crafts, games, and a picture with Santa.

Hans Woelfle gave us an update on the Christmas Tree of Giving. This year we have 51 local seniors/people that we need to shop for. The Christmas Tree will be put up at Teal’s on Friday, November 29th at 11:00 am.

Tami Zortman has the hats, mittens and candy ordered for the Santa Bags for the students at the Elementary School. Melisa Maxwell has ordered the books. We will be packing the bags on Monday, December 16th at 4:00 pm at the Elementary Library.

Kurt Klipstein and Deb Goodrich will work on replacing our Lions Highway Signs.

A Motion as made by Kevin Skow and seconded by Carolyn Remer to make the following Donations:

Wahkon Wave (Gifts for Santa visit) - $500

Isle Schools: $14,000

           Isle After Prom - $1,500

           Isle Golf Team - $3,000

           Isle Skating Rink - $2,000

           Nyquist Elementary Library - $2,000

           Isle Lions Teachers of the Month - $500

           IREC - $2,000

           Concession Stand - $3,000

City of Isle - $7,000

           Mille Lacs Community Library - $2,000

           City (Police Department) - $5,000

Kick Cancer to the Curb - $1,000

Nyquist Scholarship Fund - $5,000

Isle Area Food Shelf - $5,000

Mille Lacs Historical Society - $3,000

Parade of Green - $15,000

           LCIF (Lions Club International Foundation) - $1,000

           MN Lions Hearing Foundation & Children’s Hearing Clinic - $2,000

           MN Lions Vision Foundation - $4,000          

                     Children’s Eye Clinic, Lions Gift of Sight, Macular                           Degeneration Center, Lions Eye Institute

            MN Lions Childhood Cancer Foundation - $1,000

           MN Lions Diabetes Foundation - $1,000

           MN Lions Missions - $1,000

           Can Do Canies - $1,000

           Leader Dogs for the Blind - $1,000

           Project New Hope - $1,000

           District 5M8 KidSight - $1,000

           Team Sheehan Charitable Foundation - $1,000

A Motion was made by Tami Zortman and seconded by Shari Strecker to renew the CD for the Gambling Account at the First National Bank at Milaca for another six months. Carried.


A Motion was made by Tom Vevea and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 pm.  Carried.


Isle Lions General Meeting

Monday – November 11, 2024

Meeting was called to order by 1st Vice President Hans Woelfle.

The Pledge of Alliance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

Tristan Heise came to tell us “Thank You” for paying for the Veteran’s lunch at the school on Veteran’s Day.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to accept the Secretary’s Minutes as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Doug Halvorson to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Lee Hohlen to accept the Gambling Report as presented by Gambling Manager Deb Walters.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Lee Hohlen to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Account. Carried.

THANK YOU to the following Meat Raffle Workers:

11/07:  Tom and Claudia Jacob

11/14:  Brad and Lu Payne

11/21:  Pat Hicks and Nancy Rizer

11/28:  Thanksgiving

12/05:  Paulette Osterdyk and Pat Hicks

Hans Woelfle has started contacting people to put on the Christmas Tree of Giving. The tree will be put up at Teal’s Market on November 29th. Due to remodeling the Christmas Party to pass out gifts will be held at Faith Lutheran Church on December 20th at 5:00 pm.

Tami Zortman has ordered Hats and Mittens for the Christmas Bags for all Elementary students (Preschool through Grade 6). Melisa Maxwell will order the books. We have bags left over from last year to put everything in. We will also include a bag of candy.

Vice President Hans Woelfle thanked all of our Veterans for their service – Doc Moss, Lee Hohlen, Ole Walters, Bubbles Haggberg and Conrad Thomsen.

Vice President Hans Woelfle presented Shari Strecker with the Hearing Foundation Award.

We honored Bubbles Haggberg for his 38 years of service as a Lion. We appreciate all the hard work he has put in throughout those years.  Bubbles spoke to us on some of the projects he has worked on throughout the years, explaining that it took the whole club not just him. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE, BUBBLES!

Our next General Meeting on December 9th will also be our Christmas Party. Each member should bring a $10 gift. Jess Fredin and Deb Walters will organize the Christmas Party.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Hans Woelfle to purchase a Vintage Lions sign for $60 that says, “Lions Meet Here”. Carried.

Everyone please make a note that we do not have a General Meeting in January or March. Everyone is welcome to come to the Board Meeting on the fourth Monday of the month.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded Carolyn Remer to adjourn meeting at 7:32 pm. Carried.


                     ISLE LIONS BOARD MEETING

                              October 28, 2024

Meeting was called to order by Vice President Hans Woelfle.

14 Members Present: Craig LeMieux (by phone), Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Doreen & Tom Vevea, Carolyn Remer, Shari Strecker, Doug Halvorson, Kurt Klipstein, Kevin Skow, Tami Zortman and Conrad Thomsen.

We had two Guests – Tristan Heise with Nyquist Elementary Student Council and Dave Miller with the Isle Fire Department.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Tom Vevea to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read. Carried.

Treasurer’s Report – The CD at Blaze Credit Union has been renewed for one year. Doreen Vevea, Hans Woelfle and Carolyn Remer are on the signature card. 

Gambling Report –

  • Purse Bingo at the Vet’s Club was cancelled, not enough people signed up.
  • Update on the Isle Muni – The Bar portion will be closed for three to five months.
  • MN Gambling Convention is in Rochester next month.
  • KidSight was held at Nyquist Elementary. Tested 206 Students w/31 Referral’s.

The MN Gambling Convention will be held in Rochester on November 21st and 22nd. This event is sponsored by Allied Charities of Minnesota. This is a two-day event where we can get all the newest information on lawful gambling. A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Caroly Remer to pay for the registration fee of $215 for Deb Walters, Tom and Doreen Vevea to attend ($645 total). Carried.

Ditch Clean-up was held on October 16th. We had 10 people volunteer, THANK YOU to everyone that helped. They picked six bags of garbage. Thank you, Kurt Klipstein for taking over this service project.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Shari Strecker to allow Hans Woelfle to spend up to $1,000 for the Christmas Tree of Giving.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Shari Strecker to allow Tami Zortman to spend up to $2,000 for Christmas Bags for the students at Nyquist Elementary (Pre-school through Grade 6).  Carried.

A Motion was made by made by Tami Zortman and seconded by Deb Walters that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $200 to Travis Young and Marty Wasche for a Medical Need Donation. Carried.

A Motion was made by Tom Vevea and seconded by Hans Woelfle to spend up to $200 on new Highway Signs for our Lions Club.  Kurt Klipstein will order. Carried.

We need a new person to send out the E-News, November will be Doug Halvorson’s last month of doing this. If you would like to volunteer, please let a Board member know.

A Motion was made by Tami Zortman and seconded by Deb Walters to donate $3,500 to the Mille Lacs Raiders Trap Team. Carried.

Tristan Heise spoke to us about Veterans Day at the Elementary School. They are inviting all Veterans to attend; they are expecting 30-40 Vets. The cost of the meal is $5.00. A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to spend up to $300 on this project. Carried.

Dave Miller with the Isle Fire Department spoke to us about a donation for Vehicle Extrication Equipment (including Jaws of Life, Cutter, Ram, etc). The total cost for this equipment is $38,000. Along with Public Safety Money they have raised $19,000. A Motion was made by Craig LeMieux and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $10,000. Carried.

A Motion was made by Kurt Klipstein and seconded by Hans Woelfle to adjourn the meeting at 7:28 pm.  Carried.


Isle Lions General Meeting

Monday – October 14, 2024

Meeting was called to order by 1st Vice President Hans Woelfle.

The Pledge of Alliance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

We had two Guests – Bill and Donna Mae Landwehr with Team Sheehan Foundation.

A Motion was made by Tami Zortman and seconded by Carolyn Remer to accept the Secretary’s Minutes as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Pam Lene to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Kurt Klipstein and seconded by Ole Walters to accept the Gambling Report as presented by Gambling Manager Deb Walters.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Kurt Klipstein and seconded by Ole Walters to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Account. Carried.

THANK YOU to the following Meat Raffle Workers:

10/03:  Jane LeMieux and Jess Fredin

10/10:  Tom and Claudia Jacob

10/17:  Kay James and Lee Hohlen

10/24:  Tami Zortman and Jess Fredin

10/31:  Deb Goodrich and Kurt Klipstein

Treasurer Doreen Vevea gave us a report on our CD at Blaze Credit Union.  A CD over $10,000 for one year the rates are 4.3% to 4.4% and at First National Bank the rates are 2.9%.  A Motion was made by Lee Hohlen and seconded by Shari Strecker to leave the CD at Blaze Credit Union. Carried

A Motion was made by Tami Zortman and seconded by Shari Strecker to remove Charles “Bubbles” Haggberg from the Signature Card at Blaze Credit Union and add Doreen Vevea, Hans Woelfle and Carolyn Remer.  Both Motions were Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded  by Tami Zortman to take $1,000 from the General Fund and add to the CD to bring it over the $10,000 amount needed at Blaze Credit Union. Carried.

Gambling Manager Deb Walters gave us several updates: We received a violation letter from the Gambling Control Board for not sending in the name of our new Treasurer within 10 days. We received a verbal violation. As of today, we only have 60 people signed up for Purse Bingo at the Onamia Vet’s Club on October 26th. We hope to have 80-90 people by the end of the week, otherwise the event will be cancelled.  Due to a fire at the Isle Muni the bar will be closed until the end of November.

Kurt Klipstein has set up Ditch Clean-up for Wednesday, October 16th. Anyone wanting to volunteer to pick ditches should meet at the State Garage at 5:00 pm.

A Motion was made by Kurt Klipstein and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $300 to the Isle School for an end of the season Football Party at Isle Bowl and Pizza for the 3rd to 6th grade elementary players. Carried.

Donna Mae Landwehr thanked us for our donation to the Team Sheehan Charitable Foundation and presented our club with a Medallion. She also explained how the foundation works and how clubs can apply for a 50/50 matching grant.

Kevin Show was presented with a Top Dog Award.

Our next Zone Meeting will be in Pierz at Frosty’s on November 14th. Social will be at 5:30 pm, Dinner at 6:00 pm and meeting to follow.

A Motion was made by Tom Vevea and seconded Carolyn Remer to adjourn meeting at 7:12 pm. Carried.



September 23, 2024

Meeting was called to order by President Craig LeMieux.

13 Members Present: Craig LeMieux, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Susan Haggberg, Doreen & Tom Vevea, Carolyn Remer, Patti Packer, Shari Strecker, Doug Halvorson, Kevin Skow, Tami Zortman and Conrad Thomsen.

We had one Guest – Troy Amundson with the Mille Lacs Raiders Golf Team

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read. Carried.

Treasurer’s Report – No Report   

Gambling Report – No Report

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Patti Packer to approve the Cabin Fever Ad for $250.00. Carried.

The 5M8 District Mini Forum will be held on October 2nd at Jack and Jim’s in Duelm, MN. Craig LeMieux and Doc Moss are signed up to attend.

A Motion was made by made by Tami Zortman and seconded by Hans Woelfle that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $200 to Wally Tramm and Scott Elling for a Medical Donation. Carried.

Donna and Bill Landwehr with the Sheehan Foundation will be at our General Meeting. They would like to thank us for our donation.

A Motion was made by Susan Haggberg and seconded by Tami Zortman to donate $500 to Isle High School for the Division of Success Program. Carried.

Hans Woelfle will begin working on the Christmas Tree of Giving and Tami Zortman will start working on the Christmas Bags for the Elementary students.

President Craig LeMieux presented Conrad Thomsen with a 45-year Chevron.

Patti Packer will check on Interest rates for our CD at the Blaze Credit Union.

Our club will hold a KidSight Eye Screening at Nyquist Elementary on October 21st and 22nd.

Troy Amundson from the Mille Lacs Golf Team spoke to us about purchasing a Golf Simulator. He had 36 golfers last year.  We also received a letter from Darcey Remer with the Mille Lacs Raiders Softball Team. They are looking to add a Concession Stand to the fields.  Both donation requests were put on hold until we have more information.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Patti Packer to adjourn the meeting at 7:28 pm.  Carried.


 Isle Lions General Meeting

Monday – September 9, 2024

Meeting was called to order by President Craig LeMieux.

The Pledge of Alliance was said by all.

Invocation was said by President Craig LeMieux.

We had one Guest – District Governor Deb Bialke.

A Motion was made by Shari Stecker and seconded by Alice Nickolay to accept the Secretary’s Minutes as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Alice Nickolay to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Shari Woelfle to accept the Gambling Report as presented by Gambling Manager Deb Walters.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Account. Carried.

THANK YOU to the following Meat Raffle Workers:

9/05:  Tom & Claudia Jacob

9/12:    Jim Maciazka & Barb Stone

9/19:    Nancy Anderson & Shari Strecker

9/26:  Angie Lapinski & Jess Fredin

Gambling Manager Deb Walters gave us a report on the Purse Bingo held at the Isle Municipal on September 7th – Our profit for the day was $1,668.33. Our next Purse Bingo is at the Vet’s Club in Onamia on October 26th.

We are in need of volunteers for the Meat Raffle and Horse Races at the Isle Municipal. A Sign-up sheet was passed around. Please let Deb Walters know if you would like to help.

Hans Woelfle gave us a report on the White Pine Saloon.  Beer Sales were slightly down from last year. The profit for 2024 was $3,515.77.

 The Lions 5M8 Mini Forum will be held on October 2nd at Jack and Jim’s in Duelm. Social hour will start at 5:30 pm with dinner at 6:30 pm followed by the Program.  President Craig LeMieux, Doug Halvorson and Doc Moss will attend. 

President Craig LeMieux and District Governor Deb Bialke presented several Awards:

   Melvin Jones to: Deb Walters

   Top Dog (Can Do Canines) to: Tami Zortman, Jess Fredin, Patti Packer,     Craig LeMieux and Kevin Skow.

District Governor Deb Bialke spoke to us on Lionism and what her goals are for the year.

A Motion was made by Danie Powell and seconded Carolyn Remer to adjourn meeting at 7:35pm. Carried.




August 26, 2024

Meeting was called to order by President Craig LeMieux.

13 Members Present:  Craig LeMieux, Hans Woelfle, Kurt Klipstein, Deb Walters, Susan Haggberg, Doreen & Tom Vevea, Carolyn Remer, Patti Packer, Shari Strecker, Doug Halvorson, Kevin Skow and Tami Zortman.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Doug Halvorson to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read. Carried.

Treasurer’s Report – No Report   

Gambling Report – No Report just a reminder that we will be holding Purse Bingo at the Isle Municipal on September 7th and at the Onamia Vet’s Club on October 26th.

The Corn Feed on August 23rd at the Isle City Park was a huge success. We cooked and served 44 dozen ears of corn; we had no corn left over. Tami Zortman will send a “Thank You” to Janson’s.  Thank you to all the members who made pies to sell. We had a profit of $622.09 for the Pie Sales and $29.45 for the Brat and Hotdogs.

Hans Woelfle gave us an update on the White Pine Saloon, he still needs a couple of volunteers to work. Clean-up day will be Thursday, August 29th at 10:00 am.

The 5M8 District Mini Forum will be held on October 2nd at Jack and Jim’s in Duelm, MN. Craig LeMieux, Doc Moss and Doug Halvorson will attend. Any member may attend, our club will cover the cost of the meal. If anyone is interested, please let Craig know.

A Motion was made by made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Carolyn Remer that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $200 to Jackie Pielter for a Medical Donation. Carried.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Tami Zortman to donate $500 to the Pink Ribbon Riders (this is to help breast cancer patients). Carried.

At the General Meeting Tom Vevea volunteered to take over the Red Cross Blood Drive for this year. However, after talking to the Red Cross, we are too late to register for a Blood Drive this year. But mark your calendars for next year, we are signed up for Friday, July 25, 2025. If you can donate blood the following locations are available until then:

           Onamia Vet’s Club:  09/24/2024, 11/18/2024, 01/13/2025, 05/19/2025

           Onamia High School:  03/24/2025

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting at 7:13 pm.  Carried.



Isle Lions General Meeting

Monday – August 12, 2024

Meeting was called to order by President Craig LeMieux.

The Pledge of Alliance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Doug Halvorson.

We had one Guest – Chris Vanciu sponsored by Pam Lene.

A Motion was made by Shari Stecker and seconded by Doc Moss to accept the Secretary’s Minutes as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Pam Lene to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Kurt Klipstein and seconded by Tami Zortman to accept the Gambling Report as presented by Gambling Manager Deb Walters.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Kurt Klipstein and seconded by Tami Zortman to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Account. Carried.

THANK YOU to the following Meat Raffle Workers:

8/01:  Melisa Maxwell & Doreen Vevea

8/08:    Doug Halvorson & Kurt Klipstein

8/15:    Jess Fredin & Tami Zortman

8/22:  Judy Crace & Pat Hicks

8/29:  Tom and Claudia Jacob        

Brat Stand Profit: $1,211.09

            Income -         $2,490.80    Check from Isle Days Committee

            Expenses –   ($1,683.19)   Brats, Hot Dogs, Taco in Bag, Soda,                                                                         Water, License, Propane

           Transferred to Corn Feed -  $   343.48

           Buns Sold -                          $     60.00

           Profit -                                 $1,211.09

Corn Feed is Set for Friday, August 23rd.  Each member should bring two pies.

We will once again be running the Saloon at the White Pine Logging and Threshing Show. If you have not signed up, please talk to Hans Woelfle. Dates are August 31st, September 1st and 2nd.

President Craig LeMieux installed new members Tom and Claudia Jacob, they are sponsored by Tami Zortman.  WELCOME TO OUR CLUB!

 Wahkon Parade is on August 17th. Dawn Christensen will drive the four-wheeler, candy throwers will be Doug Halvorson, Shari Strecker, Nancy Anderson and Susan Haggberg.

Our next General Meeting on September 9th will also be the District Governor’s Dinner. Our District Governor this year is Deb Bialke. Everyone should try and attend.

Both Multiple and International Dues have increased. A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Doc Moss to raise our dues to $70.00 per member as of January 1, 2025.  Carried.

The Lions 5M8 Mini Forum will be held on October 2nd at Jack and Jim’s in Duelm. Social hour will start at 5:30 pm with dinner at 6:30 pm followed by the Program.  President Craig LeMieux and Doc Moss will attend.  Any  member can attend, dinner is paid for by the club.

President Craig LeMieux presented Bob Lapinski with a 40-year Chevron Award.

Tom Vevea has volunteered to take over the Red Cross Blood Drive. THANK YOU. TOM!

Our Zone is still looking for people to volunteer for Kidsight at the State Fair. Kurt Klipstein has signed up for Saturday, August 31st. THANK YOU,  Kurt!

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded Carolyn Remer to adjourn meeting at 7:24 pm. Carried.



July 22, 2024

Meeting was called to order by President Craig LeMieux.

13 Members Present:  Craig LeMieux, Hans Woelfle, Kurt Klipstein, Dawn Christensen, Deb Walters, Susan Haggberg, Doreen & Tom Vevea, Patti Packer, Shari Strecker, Doug Halvorson, Kevin Skow and Tami Zortman.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read. Carried.

Treasurer’s Report – No Report                                

Gambling Report – No Report 

Thank you, Tami Zortman and Jess Fredin, for taking over the Little Miss Isle and Commodore Pageant. This year they had 19 participants, and everyone enjoyed the pageant on Thursday night at the City Park. A total of $418.00 was spent.

Thank you to the Kiddie Parade Committee – Penny Klipstein, Patti Packer, Deb Goodrich and Doug and Judy Halvorson. They had an excellent turnout – 13 Groups with a total of 43 participants. They spent a total of $236.00

Due to the hot weather, we did not have as many people playing Bingo on Sunday as we have had in previous years. We made $905.00.

We turned in a total of $2712 tickets from the Brat Stand. We will have final numbers at the General Meeting.

The Corn Feed is set for August 23rd at the Isle City Park. A sign-up sheet is online for members to sign up. Kevin will also have it at the August General Meeting. All members should bring 2 pies for the Pie Sales. If possible, please cut before you bring them.

Everything for the Saloon at the White Pine Logging & Threshing Show is ready to go. Hans Woelfle will have a sign-up sheet at the August General Meeting.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Hans Woelfle to raise our dues by $5.00, as both Multiple and International Due have increased. This will take effect on January 1, 2025. The cost will now be $70 for each member.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Tami Zortman and seconded by Tom Vevea that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $200 to Romel Keil for a Medical Donation. Carried.

Our next Zone Meeting will take place on August 5th at the Vet’s Club in Onamia. Craig LeMieux, Deb Walters, Susan Haggberg, Doug Halvorson, Pam Lene and Hans Woelfle will attend.

Gambling Manager Deb Walters has scheduled Friday, July 26th to have our pull tabs from 2020 shredded. Shari Strecker and Kevin Skow have volunteered to help Ole and Deb.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Tami Zortman to adjourn the meeting at 7:24 pm.  Carried.


Isle Lions General Meeting

Monday – July 8, 2024

Meeting was called to order by President Craig LeMieux.

The Pledge of Alliance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Doug Halvorson.

A Motion was made by Shari Stecker and seconded by Doc Moss to accept the Secretary’s Minutes as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented by President Craig LeMieux. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Kurt Klipstein to accept the Gambling Report as presented by Gambling Manager Deb Walters.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Kurt Klipstein to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Account. Carried.

THANK YOU to the following Meat Raffle Workers:

7/04:    Jess Fredin and Tom Jacob

7/11:    Shari Stecker and Nancy Anderson

7/18:    Doreen Vevea and Bailey Vevea

7/25:    Tom and Claudia Jacob

 Received updates on Isle Days Events:

The Little Miss Isle and Commodore Judging is taking place tonight, Coronation will take place on July 11th at the Isle City Park.

Brat Stand will be moved, set-up and cleaned on July 9th. Food is purchased and ready to pickup.

A Kiddie Parade meeting will take place tonight after the General Meeting.

Bingo is set for Sunday, July 14th.

Grand Parade – could use a few more candy throwers.

Membership dues will be discussed at the Board meeting, as our International Dues went up on July 1st.

Corn Feed and Pie Sales:  Craig LeMieux has talked to Janson’s about the Corn Feed. We are set for August 23rd. Each member should bring two pies. Please no Crème Pies and if possible, please cut them before you bring them.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded Carolyn Remer to adjourn meeting at 7:06 pm. Carried.



                   Monday - June 24, 2024

Meeting was called to order by President Craig LeMieux.

14 Members Present:  Craig LeMieux, Hans Woelfle, Kurt Klipstein, Dawn Christensen, Deb Walters, Susan Haggberg, Doreen & Tom Vevea, Patti Packer, Shari Strecker, Doug Halvorson, Carolyn Remer, Kevin & Sandy Skow.

We had three Guests –

  • Karen Kroll with the Purdy Family Benefit which will be held on Friday June 28th from 4:00-8:00 pm at the Forty Club in Aitkin. This Benefit is to help the family out with medical bills, lost wages and many other expenses they have incurred because of medical issues and mental health crisis.
  • Lisa Dunphy – Community Education Program. This program covers, Tee Ball, Baseball and Softball for all kids from age 4 to 16. This year they have 167 kids. Each student in Baseball and Softball is charged $25/each and $10/each for Tee Ball. They are trying to raise money for Uniforms, Equipment, Umpires and Tournament Fees.
  • Allen Dobbelaire with the New Trails Group Home. This home currently houses ten kids, and they are in need of Recreational Funds.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read. Carried.

Treasurer’s Report – No Report – We went over several questions that Treasurer Doreen Vevea had. New signature cards have been signed.

Gambling Report – No Report – Gambling Manager Deb Walters did have questions on Insurance.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Doug Halvorson to purchase Insurance for the following:  $240 for the Lions Water Fountain, $150 for a $10,000 Bond on Gambling Manager, $670 for the two Pull Tab Machines that we own.  Carried.

Isle Days Events are all coming together. Please sign up to help where you can!

  • Kiddie Parade – Penny Klipstein and Patti Packer
  • Grand Parade – Kevin Skow
  • Bingo – Deb Walters and Pam Lene
  • Brat Stand – Susan Haggberg, Carolyn Remer and Dawn Christensen

Corn Feed has been set for August 23rd; President Craig has talked to Janson’s.

Hans Woelfle gave a report on the White Pine Saloon. Will have a sign-up sheet at the next meeting.

A Motion was made by made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Carolyn Remer that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $200 to: Bob Peterson for a Medical Donation. Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Doug Halvorson to donate $500 to the Purdy Family for a Medical Needs Donation. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Deb Walters to donate $500 to the Community Ed Program. Carried.

A Motion was made by Kevin Skow and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $500 to the New Trails Group Home. Carried.

A Motion was made by Craig LeMieux and seconded by Deb Walters to donate $500 to the Wahkon Wave to help them with the Fishing Tournament for the kids during Wahkon Days. Carried.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Shari Strecker to donate $1,000 to the Miss Isle Committee to be used towards their Scholarship Program. Carried.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Shari Strecker to donate $1,000 to the Nyquist Scholarship Fund. Carried.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Doug Halvorson to adjourn the meeting at 7:18 pm. Carried.


            Isle Lions General Meeting

               Monday – June 10, 2024

Meeting was called to order by President Craig LeMieux.

The Pledge of Alliance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Doug Halvorson.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Carolyn Remer to accept the Secretary’s Minutes as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Lee Hohlen to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented by President Craig LeMieux. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Lee Hohlen to accept the Gambling Report as presented by Gambling Manager Deb Walters.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Lee Hohlen to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Account. Carried.

THANK YOU to the following Meat Raffle Workers:

6/06:    Shari Strecker and Nancy Anderson

6/13:    Craig LeMieux and Deb Walters

6/20:    Tami Zortman and Jess Fredin

6/27:    Jess Fredin and Craig LeMieux             

Jess Fredin gave us an update on the Little Miss Isle and Commodore Pageant.  Judging will be done on July 8th with the Pageant held on July 11th at 6:00 pm at the Isle City Park. Thank you, Tami and Jess.

Thank you to the following members for volunteering for the Grand Parade:  Kevin Skow, Craig LeMieux, Patti Packer, Alice Nickolay, Jaci Gangl and Shari Strecker.

Several members have volunteered to ask for $25.00 Gift Cards to use as Bingo prizes during Isle Days Bingo.  Thank you!

Everyone please sign-up for one or two shifts at the Brat Stand.

Shari Strecker has order forms for any member that would like to order any Lions clothing from TAZ.

Past President Doug Halvorson Installed our Board of Directors for 2024-2025:

 President: Craig LeMieux                                                      

 1st Vice President: Hans Woelfle

 2nd Vice President: Kurt Klipstein                                       

 3rd Vice President: Dawn Christensen

Treasurer: Doreen Vevea                                                       

Secretary: Susan Haggberg

Lion Tamer: Carolyn Remer                                                    

Tail Twister: Kevin Skow

Gambling Manager:  Deb Walters

Past Presidents: Doug Halvorson and Shari Strecker

Two Year Directors: Tom Vevea and Tami Zortman         

One Year Directors: Nancy Anderson and Patti Packer

Lifetime Directors: Bubbles Haggberg and Conrad Thomsen  

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded Carolyn Remer to adjourn meeting at 7:10 pm. Carried.



                      Monday - May 27, 2024

Meeting was called to order by President Craig LeMieux.

10 Members Present:  Craig LeMieux, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Deb Walters, Susan Haggberg, Nancy Anderson, Patti Packer, Shari Strecker, Tom and Doreen Vevea.

We had two Guests –

  • Dana Botz - “STEM – Camp Inventions” (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) – This is a camp for Isle and Onamia students in grades K-Grade 6. This year it will be held at the Nay Ah Shing School. The cost is $270.00 per camper. The money that they raise will be used for Camp Scholarships for any families that need financial assistance.
  • Danny Roeschlein – RURAL Music Ministries. This year the Festival will be held August 23rd to August 25th. A fun weekend with twenty different artists, games, and lots of food. Last year they had around 15,000 people attend. The cost for the weekend is approximately $187,000.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read. Carried.

Treasurer’s Report – No Report

Gambling Report – No Report

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Alice Nickolay to allow Tami Zortman to spend up to $500 for the Little Miss Isle and Commodore Pageant.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doreen Vevea and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the amount of $500 for expenses for the Kiddie Parade. Carried.

Grand Parade – We need volunteers to throw candy and someone to drive the float.

Brat Stand – We still need volunteers for the weekend. Sign-up sheet will be passed around at the General Meeting. Rob from Tulibee Tavern will donate the chips for Taco-in-the-Bag.

Bingo – We need volunteers to get Gift Cards.

A Motion was made by made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Patti Packer that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $200 each to: Sharon Templin and Fran Weiers for a Medical Donation. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Alice Nickolay to donate $500 to the Isle Days Car Show.  Carried.

Thank you to Doug Halvorson and Kurt Klipstein for uncaging the Lion (Water Fountain).

A Motion was made by Doreen Vevea and seconded by Alice Nickolay to donate $540.00 to Stem. This would sponsor two campers. Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $1,000 to the RURAL Music Festival. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doreen Vevea and seconded by Patti Packer to donate $225 for Sponsorship for the Isle Days Pickleball Tournament. This will include our Logo on a Banner and Tee shirt. Carried.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Shari Strecker to donate $400 to Family Fun Days sponsored by the Isle Baptist Church during Isle Days. Carried.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Doug Halvorson to purchase Insurance for the Directors and Officers though Lions International. The cost will be $500. Carried.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Hans Woelfle to adjourn the meeting at 7:06 pm. Carried.


Isle Lions General Meeting

Monday – May 13, 2024

Meeting was called to order by 1st Vice-President Hans Woelfle.

The Pledge of Alliance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Doug Halvorson.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Kevin Skow to accept the Secretary’s Minutes as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Alice Nickolay to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented by President Craig LeMieux. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Lee Hohlen to accept the Gambling Report as presented by Gambling Manager Deb Walters.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Lee Hohlen to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Account. Carried.

THANK YOU to the following Meat Raffle Workers:

5/09:    Shari Strecker and Nancy Anderson

5/16:    Tom and Claudia Jacob

5/23:    Kurt & Penny Klipstein

5/30:    Jim Maciazka and Barb Stone    

Purse Bingo at Beckhams was a success. We made $1,768.00, we had approximately 80 people.

THANK YOU to Tami Zortman and Jess Fredin for volunteering to take over the Little Miss Isle and Commodore Pageant. Sandy Skow and Doreen Vevea volunteered to be judges. We also want to THANK Shari Strecker for all her years of chairing Little Miss Isle.

THANK YOU to Doug Halvorson, Kurt Klipstein, Dick Moroney, Craig LeMieux, Ole Walters, Lee Hohlen, Jess Fredin, Patti Packer and Alice Nickolay for Ditch Clean-up. They picked 10 bags of garbage.

THANK YOU to Judy and Doug Halvorson for pulling the float in the “2023 Homecoming Parade” (was cancelled last year due to rain) and to Nancy Anderson and Patti Packer for throwing candy.

Since our club has grown to 55 members we are in need of one more caller.  Danie Powell has volunteered to call. New lists will be made up and distributed to Bubbles Haggberg, Hans Woelfle, Tami Zortman and Danie Powell. Thank you to all of them.

At our June General Meeting along with the Installation of the 2024-2025 Officers, Patty Packer would like to take our “2nd Annual Club Picture”.  Please wear your Lion clothing.           

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded Carolyn Remer to adjourn meeting at 7:14 pm. Carried.



                      April 22, 2024

Meeting was called to order by President Craig LeMieux.

7 Members Present:  Craig LeMieux, Dawn Christensen, Deb Walters, Susan Haggberg, Nancy Anderson, Shari Strecker, Carolyn Remer, Kevin Skow.

We had two Guests –

  • Kari Roeschlein with the City of Wahkon – July 4th Fireworks. The City usually spends around $7,000 for Fireworks. This includes the fireworks and the cost to the company that puts the show on.
  • Austin Hackett with the Mille Lacs Raiders Football program. He is looking for a donation to put towards several items. This would include capes ($109/ea.) for the players on the sidelines, new helmets ($600/ea.) and new footballs ($120/ea.).

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read. Carried.

Treasurer’s Report – No Report

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Nancy Anderson to move the CD that we have at Blaze Credit Union when it matures in October to the First National Bank. Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Carolyn Remer that the Board makes a recommendation to appoint Doreen Vevea as the new Treasurer and Tom Vevea as a two-year Director.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Nancy Anderson and seconded by Kevin Skow to make a change to the signature card for the General Account at the First National Bank of Milaca. The following people will now be listed – Doreen Vevea, Craig LeMieux, Hans Woelfle and Susan Haggberg.  Carried.

Gambling Report – No Report

Gambling Manager Deb Walters talked to us about the Pull tab Booth at the Muni. A Motion was made by Craig LeMieux and seconded by Shari Strecker to allow Gambling Manger Deb to spend approximately $3,000 for a new POS System for the Pull Tab Booth and to keep the rent at 15% (the Muni was asking to raise it to 20%). Carried.

The Meat Raffle at the Isle Muni will also change from Friday night to Thursday nights. We are hoping there will be more people, as this is also their drawing night for cash.

President Criag LeMieux spoke to us about the Zone Meeting that him and Aliesha Holbert attended in Little Falls on April 9th. He got several new ideas from other clubs that he would like to present to us.

President Craig LeMieux and Secretary Susan Haggberg will be attending Officer Training in Pierz on May 2nd .

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Deb Walters that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $200.00 each to: Danielle Zortman and Ashlyn Cooper for a Medical Donation. Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $1,000 to the Roller-Skating Class at Nyquist Elementary School. Carried.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $500 for the Scholarship/Awards Night lunch.

A Motion was made by Susan Haggberg and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $2,000 to the Mille Lacs Raiders Football program for equipment purchases. Carried.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Shari Strecker to donate $2,000 towards the July 4th Fireworks in Wahkon. Carried.

Everyone should start thinking about Isle Days. We work on several events: Little Miss Isle and Commodore, Kiddie Parade, Grand Parade, Brat Stand and Bingo. Help is needed in all areas. Shari Strecker is asking that someone else take over the Little Miss Isle, her family is having medical issues, and she does not have time to work on the pageant.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Nancy Anderson to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 pm. Carried.


            Isle Lions General Meeting

           Monday – April 8, 2024

Meeting was called to order by President Craig LeMieux.

The Pledge of Alliance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

We had two Guests – Lynn Hutson and Richard Krey.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Pam Lene to accept the Secretary’s Minutes as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Pam Lene to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented by President Craig LeMieux. Carried.

A Motion was made by Tom Vevea and seconded by Alice Nickolay to accept the Gambling Report as presented Assistant Gambling Manager Pam Lene.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Tom Vevea and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Account. Carried.

THANK YOU to the following Meat Raffle Workers:

4/04:    Nancy Rizer-Schmidt and Paulette Osterdyk

4/11:    Jim Maciazka and Barb Stone

4/18:    Tami Zortman and Jess Fredin

4/25:    Doreen Vevea and Tom Vevea

5/02:    Craig LeMieux and Kurt Klipstein             

The final Zone Meeting for this Lion’s year will be held on April 9th in Little Falls.  President Craig LeMieux and Aliesha Holbert will attend.

Everyone should start thinking about Isle Days. We are in charge of the following:

              Little Miss Isle – Shari Strecker (this is her last year, if interested                 in taking over please let her know)

              Kiddie Parade – Penny Klipstein and Patti Packer

              Bingo – Deb Walters and Pam Lene

              Brat Stand – Dawn Christensen, Susan Haggberg and Carolyn Remer

All these committees can use your help!

The 2023 Homecoming Parade was cancelled last year because of the weather, it will now be held on May 8th at 9:45 am. Patti Packer and Nancy Anderson have volunteered to throw candy. We will ask Doug Halvorson if he will pull the float.

The Book Kits that we purchased in Memory of Marlene Moss are at the Library. Patti Packer bought a couple of the books to our meeting. We have six kits – our club purchased three kits and Mary Wasche donated books for three more kits. Thank you, Mary!

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Jaci Gangl to approve the following slate of Officers for the Board of Directors for 2024-2025:

              President:  Craig LeMieux

              1st Vice President:  Hans Woelfle

              2nd Vice President:  Kurt Klipstein

              3rd Vice President: Dawn Christensen

              Treasurer: Doreen Vevea

              Secretary:  Susan Haggberg

              Lion Tamer:  Carolyn Remer

              Tail Twister:  Kevin Skow

              Past Presidents:  Doug Halvorson and Shari Strecker

              Gambling Manager:  Deb Walters

              Two Year Directors:  Tom Vevea and Tami Zortman

              One Year Directors:  Nancy Anderson and Patti Packer

              Lifetime Directors:  Bubbles Haggberg and Conrad Thomsen


Officer Training will begin this month. Anyone on the Board of Directors may attend.  President Craig LeMieux and Secretary Susan Haggberg will attend the class in Pierz on May 2nd. 

Our Club Dues were due on January 1st, however we are having a hard time figuring out who has paid and who has not paid. If you have not paid, please remit them.

Our club will be holding Purse Bingo on April 27th at Beckhams Bar & Bristo. We have 80 people signed up to attend.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Pam Lene to accept the membership of Tom and Claudia Jacob into the Isle Lions Club.  Carried.

Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Tami Zortman to adjourn the meeting at 7:19 pm. Carried.


   Isle Lions General / Board Meeting

        Wednesday – March 27, 2024


Meeting was called to order President Craig LeMieux.

We had nine members present: Craig LeMieux, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Patti Packer, Alice Nickolay, Kevin Skow and Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Alice Nickola to accept the Secretary’s Minutes as presented. Carried.

Treasurer Melisa Maxwell was not present, so there was no Treasurer’s Report. President Craig LeMieux will speak to her about the Reports, as we have not had a written report since October of 2023. 

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Hans Woelfle to accept the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Account. Carried.

THANK YOU to the following Meat Raffle Workers:

2/22:   Doreen Vevea and Jess Fredin

2/29:   Shari Strecker and Nancy Anderson

3/07:   Jess Fredin and Tami Zortman

3/14:   Jim Maciazka and Barb Stone

3/21:   Shari Strecker and Nancy Anderson

3/28:   Doreen Vevea and Deb Walters

4/04:   Nancy Rizer-Schmidt and Paulette Osterdyk

4/11:  Jim Maciazka and Barb Stone

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Patti Packer to allow Gambling Manager Deb Walters to hold Purse Bingo at Beckhams Bar and Bistro on April 27th at 2:00 pm. Carried.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Patti Packer to place an ad in the 2024 Mille Lacs Area Fun Guide. The cost will be $650.00. Carried.

Our next Zone Meeting will be held on April 9th at the Little Falls American Legion. Both President Craig LeMieux and 1st Vice-President Hans Woelfle will attend. 

THANK YOU to all the members that volunteered to help pack the Easter Baskets for the Elementary students and to Tami Zortman for purchasing everything: Nancy Anderson, Dawn Christensen, Jaci Gangl, Susan Haggberg, Aliesha Holbert, Claudia and Tom Jacob, Kurt Klipstein, Jane and Craig LeMieux, Alice Nickolay, Patti Packer, Nancy Rizer-Schmidt, Shari Strecker, Conrad Thomsen, Doreen Vevea, Deb Walters and Tami Zortman. 

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Patti Packer to sponsor the Fireworks for Isle Days. Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Patti Packer to donate $500 to the Isle Dog Park. This is a project being done by Briana Heise to earn her Gold Award for Girl Scouts. Carried.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Patti Packer that the Board makes the following recommendation for Medical Expenses in the amount of $200 to Glenna Zortman and Claudia Jacobs. Carried.

Mille Lacs Health Systems has been working on purchasing a new Ambulance. A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Deb Walters to donate $5,000 towards it.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Patti Packer and seconded by Alice Nickolay to donate $500 to the Class of 2024 to put towards their Senior Class trip to Minneapolis.  Carried.

Patti Packer bought two of the Book Kits that we purchased from East Central Library, she will also bring them to the General Meeting. These were purchased in memory of Marlene Moss, who loved to read.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Patti Packer to make to a recommendation on the following for the 2024-2025 Board of Directors:    

             President: Craig LeMieux                                                 

            1st Vice President:  Hans Woelfle

            2nd Vice President:  Kurt Klipstein                                 

             3rd Vice President:  Dawn Christensen

Treasurer:  Doreen Vevea                                                              

Secretary:  Susan Haggberg    

Lion Tamer: Carolyn Remer                                            

Tail Twister:  Kevin Skow

Past Presidents:  Doug Halvorson and Shari Strecker

Gambling Manager:  Deb Walters

Two Year Directors:  Tom Vevea and Tami Zortman

One Year Directors:  Nancy Anderson and Patti Packer

Lifetime Directors:  Bubbles Haggberg and Conrad Thomsen 

Alice Nickolay is in charge of the Birthday Party at the Mille Lacs Nursing Home for the month of April. A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Deb Walters to donate up to $100 for cake and presents. Carried.

Officers Training will take place in April and May at several locations. Any member on the Board of Directors can go. President Craig LeMieux and 1st Vice President Hans Woelfle will attend the training being held in Pierz on May 2nd. If anyone else is interested, please let them know.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Deb Walters to adjourn the meeting at 7:42 pm. Carried.




                    February 26, 2024

Meeting was called to order by 1st Vice President Hans Woelfle.

11 Members Present:  Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Kurt Klipstein, Susan Haggberg, Nancy Anderson, Shari Strecker, Alice Nickolay, Carolyn Remer, Conrad Thomsen and Deb Goodrich.

We had two Guests –

  • Briana Heise with the Isle Girl Scouts spoke to us about the Isle Dog Park she is working on for her Gold Award. It will be located at Memory Lane Park in Pinz Estates. She needs to raise approximately $5,000. She has raised $1,000 so far. The project needs to be completed by September.
  • Danie Powell with the Isle Days Committee. Wondering if we are going to sponsor the Fireworks for Isle Days this year and have Bingo on Sunday.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read. Carried.

Treasurer’s Report – No Report

Gambling Report – No Report

Tami Zortman will order everything for the Easter Baskets for the students from Pre-School through Grade 6 at Nyquist Elementary. We will pack the baskets on March 19th at 4:30 at the Elementary Library.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Alice Nickolay that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $200.00 each to: Bev Lemm, Rose Remer and Steve Lewis for a Medical Donation. Carried.

Kurt Klipstein has volunteered to take over the eyeglass collection, we have boxes at the City Hall, 1st National Bank and the Drug Store. He will contact the Eyeglass Recycle Center and see when and where we can drop glasses off at.

We have a Zone Meeting coming up on April 9th in Little Falls at the American Legion with Social hour starting at 5:30 pm. All members are welcome to attend. Our club will pay the cost of the meal.

Everyone should start thinking about Isle Days. We work on several events: Little Miss Isle and Commodore, Kiddie Parade, Grand Parade, Brat Stand and Bingo. Help is needed in all areas.

The donation for the Dog Park and the Fireworks were tabled until next month when we will have a Treasurer’s and Gambling Report.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Shari Strecker to adjourn the meeting at 6:56 pm. Carried.


           Isle Lions General Meeting

       Monday – February 12, 2024

Meeting was called to order by 1st Vice President Hans Woelfle.

The Pledge of Alliance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

We had two Guests – Tom and Claudia Jacob.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Pam Lene to accept the Secretary’s Minutes as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented by Treasurer, Melisa Maxwell. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to accept the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Account. Carried.

THANK YOU to the following Meat Raffle Workers:

2/15:    Kathy Freitag and Pam Lene

2/22:    Doreen Vevea and Jess Fredin

2/29:    Shari Strecker and Nancy Anderson

3/07:    Jess Fredin and Tami Zortman

3/14:    Jim Maciazka and Barb Stone

3/21:    Shari Strecker an Nancy Anderson

3/28:    Doreen and Tom Vevea

Tami Zortman has volunteered to order everything for the Easter Baskets for the students at Nyquist Elementary. We will give out baskets to the Pre-School students through Grade 6.  Baskets will be packed on March 19th at 4:30 pm in the Elementary Library.

Hans Woelfle has started work on the White Pine Saloon and is looking for a Co-Chairperson. Kurt Klipstein and Dani Powell have volunteered to help him. THANK YOU!

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting at 7:07 pm. Carried.


      Isle Lions General/Board Meeting

          Monday – January 22, 2024

Meeting was called to order by 1st Vice President Hans Woelfle.

We had eleven members present: Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Susan Haggberg, Shari Strecker, Carolyn Remer, Nancy Anderson, Patti Packer, Paulette Osterdyk, Alice Nickolay, Melisa Maxwell and Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Alice Nickolay to accept the Secretary’s Minutes as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Hans Woelfle to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented by Treasurer, Melisa Maxwell. Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Alice Nickolay to accept the Gambling Report as presented by Susan Haggberg.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Account. Carried.

THANK YOU to the following Meat Raffle Workers:

1/11:    Doreen Vevea

1/18:    Kurt and Penny Klipstein

1/25:    Paulette Osterdyk and Nancy Rizer-Schmidt

2/01:    Kathy Freitag

2/08:    Shari Strecker and Nancy Anderson

If anyone is interested in attending the 2024 5M8 Mid-Winter Convention it will be held in St. Cloud at the Kelly Inn on February 2nd, 3rd and 4th. All members are welcome to go.

Patti Packer gave us an update on the Book Kits at the Mille Lacs Community Library. We also want to thank Mary Wasche; she has authored several books and has donated several of them for the Book Kits. With her help we will now have six book kits at the library. Everything should be ready to go this spring. THANK YOU, Mary!

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Melisa Maxwell that the Board makes the following recommendation for Medical Expenses in the amount of $200 to Pat Hicks, Jeff Homich, Linda Orazem, Fay Hasse, Delores Hagen and Gary Zortman. Carried.

Hans Woelfle has started work on the White Pine Saloon and is looking for a Co-Chairperson. If you are interested, please let him know.

It is also time to start thinking about the Easter Baskets for Nyquist Elementary Students. If you are interested, please let a Board Member know.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 pm. Carried.



2024 2024 2024  




Isle Lions Board Meeting  

Monday ~ December 25, 2023

Was canceled due to Christmas day



Isle Lions General Meeting  

Monday ~ December 11, 2023

Meeting was called to order by 1st Vice President Hans Woelfle.

We welcomed several Guests – Chris Zortman (Tami Z.), Roger Strecker (Shari S.), Ken Gangle (Jaci G.), Jim Lease (Aliesha H.) and Al Cooper (Nancy A.)

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen with a moment of silence for Marlene Moss.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Deb Walters to accept the Secretary’s Minutes as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Tami Zortman and seconded by Shari Strecker to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented by new Treasurer, Melisa Maxwell. Carried.

A Motion was made by Kurt Klipstein and seconded by Shari Woelfle to accept the Gambling Report as presented by Gambling Manager Deb Walters. Carried.

A Motion was made by Kurt Klipstein and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Account. Carried.

THANK YOU to the following Meat Raffle Workers:

12/14: Lee Hohlen and Kurt Klipstein

12/21: Penny Klipstein and Danie Powell

12/28: Tami Zortman and Nancy Anderson

01/04: Jim Maciazka and Barb Stone

Hans Woelfle gave us an update on the Christmas Tree of Giving. All tags were picked off the tree, however all gifts were to be turned in today and we are missing gifts for seven of the tags. Hopefully they will all get turned in by Friday. The Christmas Party to distribute the gifts will be held on Friday, December 15th at the Community Room at the High Rise. Santa will also be there.

Melisa Maxwell showed us what will be put in the Santa Bags. The candy bags were filled tonight before the meeting. The Santa Bags will be filled with everything on Wednesday, December 13th at 5:00 pm in the Elementary Library. The Santa Bags will be filled for ECFE students to Grade 6 students for a total of 233 students.

The 2024 5M-8 Mid-Winter Convention will be held in St. Cloud at the Kelly Inn on February 2nd, 3rd and 4th. All members are welcome to go, our club will pay the registration fee.

Patti Packer has checked with the Mille Lacs Library, and we will purchase three Book Kits in memory of Marlene Moss. Each kit consists of 12 books, a discussion folder, and a tote to store it all in. The cost per kit is $175.00. They will provide a bookplate for each book “Donated by Isle Lions Club in Memory of Marlene Moss”. We will also purchase books for Isle High School and the Nyquist Elementary School Libraries in memory of Marlene.

There will be NO BOARD MEETING in December 2023 and NO GENERAL MEETING in January of 2024. Our next meeting will be a General/Board Meeting on January 22, 2024.

A Motion was made by Kurt Klipstein and seconded by Lee Hohlen to adjourn the meeting at 7:09 pm. Carried.


Isle Lions Board Meeting  

Monday ~ November 27, 2023


Meeting was called to order by President Craig LeMieux.

We welcomed one Guest - Kate VanBuskirk with the Isle After Prom Party.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Hans Woelfle to accept the Secretary’s minutes as presented.  Carried.

No Treasurer’s Report.

No Gambling Report.

Gambling Manager Deb Walters gave us an update on some of the things she learned at the Gambling Convention. 

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Carolyn Remer to add the Team Sheehan Charitable Foundation to the Parade of Green in the amount of $1,000. Carried

Carolyn Remer, Hans Woelfle, Sandy Skow and Tami Zortman have volunteered to help count money on January 1st at:  Tulibee’s Tavern, Beckhams Bar, Isle Municipal and the Isle Bowl and Pizza.

Kurt Klipstien has volunteered to plow out the driveway to the fishhouse (office) this winter. THANK YOU!

The Donation of $100 to LCIF in District Governor Tracy Voight’s name will be sent as soon as possible.

The Christmas Tree of Giving has been put up on Teal’s Market. This year we had 53 tags on it. The Christmas Party to pass the gifts out will be held on December 15th.

Melisa Maxwell has everything ordered for the Santa Bags for the Elementary students. We will plan to pack the candy bags at the General Meeting and will meet at Nyquist Elementary that week to pack all the bags.

The 5M8 Mid-Winter Convention will be held on February 2nd - 4th at the Kelly Inn in St. Cloud. Anyone that is interested in going please let Hans Woelfle know.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Shari Strecker that the Board makes the following recommendation for Medical Expenses in the amount of $200 to Carly Ninski.  Carried.

We would like to do something special for Marlene Moss. She loved to read, so one idea was to donate to the Mille Lacs Library for the Book Club Kits. Patti Packer will check on the cost.

With the death of Marlene Moss, Melisa Maxwell has volunteered to take over as the Treasurer. A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Deb Walters to accept Melisa Maxwell as Treasurer of the Isle Lions Club.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Carolyn Remer to make a change to the signature card for the General Account at the First National Bank of Milaca. The following people will now be listed - Melisa Maxwell, Craig LeMieux, Dawn Christensen and Doug Halvorson.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to spend up to $100 for flowers for Marlene’s funeral. Melisa Maxwell will order them. Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Nancy Anderson to donate $1,500 to the Isle After Prom Party.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Patti Packer and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to donate $250 to the Wahkon Wave for the Kids Christmas Party that will be held at Tulibee’s Tavern on Saturday, December 16th.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Kurt Klipstein and seconded by Hans Woelfle to make the following donations out of the Gambling Fund:

Isle Skating Rink - $5,000                Mille Lacs Lake Museum - $3,000

Isle Food Shelf - $5,000                  Mille Lacs Comm. Library - $2,000

Nyquist Scholarship Fund - $5,000         IREC - $2,000

Ind. School District 473 - $3,000             Isle Trap Shooting - $2,000

Nyquist Playground - $5,000     Kick Cancer to the Curb - $1,000



A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting at 7:19 pm.  Carried.


Isle Lions General Meeting

Monday - November 13, 2023

Meeting was called to order by President Craig Lemieux

The Pladge of Allegiance was said by all. We want to Thank Isle Boy Scouts Tristan Heise and Dylan Stenvold for leading us for the Pledge. They also passed out special bags to all of the Veterans that were at our mesting

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Shari Strecker to accept the secretary's minutes as presented. Carned

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Shari Woelfle to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Lee Hohlen to accept the Gambling Report as presented. Carried

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Lee Hohlen to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Account. Carried

THANK YOU to the following Meat

Raffle Workers:

11/16: Nancy Anderson and Pauletle Osterdyk

11/30; Doreen Vevea and Bailey

12/07: Kurt Klipstein and Kevin Skow

12/14: Lee Hohlen and Kun Klipstein

Gambling Manager Deb Walters will renew our CD for another

six months. The rate went up from 3.99% to 4.99%.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Lee Hohlen to approve the following donations to the Parade of Green:

Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) - $1.000

MN Lions Hearing Foundation - Hearing Foundation and the Children's Hearng Cinic - $2000

MN Lions Vision Foundation - Children's Eye Clinic, Lions Gift of Sight, Macula Degeneration Center and Lions Eye Instihile - $4,000

MN Lions Childhood Cancer Foundation - $1,000

MN Lions Diabetes Foundation - $1,000

Can Do Canines - $1,000

Leader Dog for the Blind - $1,000

Project New Hope - $1,000

District 5MB KidSight - $1,000

 Team Sheehan Charitable Foundation - $1,000

TOTAL = 14 @ $1,000 = $14,000


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Lee Hohlen to approve the donation to the City of Isle for $5,000.00. Carried.

Hans Woelfle is working on the Christmas Tree of Giving. The tree will go up at Teal's on Saturday, November 25th. If you know of anyone that is in need of a Christmas Gift please let Hans know. The Christmas Party to pass out the gifts will be held on December 15th.

Melisa Maxwell has been busy working on the Santa Bags for the students at Nyquist Elementary. She will let us know when she has received everything, we will then set up a date to pack them.

President Craig LeMieux gave us a Recap of what happened at the Zone Meeting we hosted at the Da Boathouse on November 7th. We had nine members from our club attend. Out of the nine clubs in our Zone our club was the only club in attendance. Some of the things on the agenda were:

  1. New Website that they hope to launch by January 1st
  2. Updating Member Info on the new LCI portal
  3. Princeton Lions will host the 5M8 Convention to be held February 2nd - 4th
  4. MN License Plate with the Lions symbol will be available January 1st

Bubbles Haggberg gave us an update on the Nyquist Scholarship. We are the biggest contributor. Our total as of 9/30/23 between Savings Account, Checking Accounts, CD's and Investments is $306,916.66.

Past President Doug Halvorson installed four new members: Mary and Marty Wasche (sponsored by Craig LeMieux), Deb Goodrich (sponsored by Alice Nickolay), and Angie Lapinski (sponsored by Bob Lapinski). WELCOME!

Marlene Moss and Jess Fredin will work on our Christmas Party. Each member is asked to bring a $10.00 gift. It will be held during our December General Meeting.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to donate $1,000 to the "Toys for Tots". Tami Zortman will work on ordering  the toys. All the toys will be redistributed to kids in our communities. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Carolyn Remer to make a Donation in District Governor's Tracy Voight's name to LCIF in the amount of $100.00. Carried.

President Craig LeMieux did talk to new owner Rob Dubbs about the price of our meals. Starting in December the price will be $17.00 per person ($13.90 meal, $1.02 Tax, $2.08 Tip).

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting at 7:32 pm. Carried.


Isle Lions Board Meeting
Monday ~ October 23, 2023

Meeting was called to order by President Craig LeMieux.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Alice Nickolay to accept the Secretary's minutes as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded Hans Woelfle to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented. Carried.

No Gambling Report.

A special meeting will have to be held with the City of Isle in order to get a Gambling Permit by November 1st.  A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Nancy Anderson to pay the $700 so we may get an expedited permit. This cost will come out of the General Fund. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Hans Woelfle to allow Gambling Manager Deb Walters to spend up to $10,000 to get Isle Bowl and Pizza set up for Gambling. Carried.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Marlene Moss to buy out our lease on the current Pull Tab Machine at Wahkon Inn for $4,000 and move it to Isle Bowl and Pizza. We would then lease a new Machine for Wahkon. Carried.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Alice Nickolay to move our E-Tabs to a new company - Compliant Gaming. This would be the same company we currently have at the Isle Municipal. We will have 60 days to return if it does not work out. Carried

THANK YOU to all the members who helped with Ditch Clean-up. Alice Nickolay, Nancy Anderson, Pat Hicks, Nancy Rizer-Schmidt, Patti Packer, Doug Halvorson, Ole Walters, Lee Hohlen, Brad Payne, Kurt Klipstein and Bubbles Haggberg. They picked six bags of garbage.

We will be hosting the next Zone Meeting on Tuesday, November 7th at the Da Boathouse. Social hour will begin at 5:30 pm with Dinner at 6:00. Members attending - Craig LeMieux, Alice Nickolay, Melisa Maxwell, Doug Halvorson, Carolyn Remer, Susan Haggberg, Doc and Marlene Moss, Hans and Shari Woelfle.

We have been invited to attend the District Governor's Dinner with the Onamia Lions Club on Wednesday, November 15th. Social hour will begin at 6:00 pm with Dinner at 6:30 pm. Cost will be $20.00/person. Members attending - Craig LeMieux, Doc and Marlene Moss, Deb Walters, Susan Haggberg and Pam Lene.

Melisa Maxwell has volunteered to work on the Santa Bags. A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to allow her to spend up to $3,000 for the bags, candy, books and toys. Carried.

Hans Woelfle will start knocking on doors for the Christmas Tree of Giving at the Senior High Rise. Once again this year the meal will be catered by Dan's Catering. A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Shari Strecker to spend up to $900 for the meal and any miscellaneous items. Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer that the Board makes the following recommendations for Medical Expenses in the amount of $200 each to the following - Ellie O'Conner, Kevin Seefeldt, Bobby Remer, Debra Montilino, Katie Donahue and Terry McQuoid. Carried.

First Vice President Hans Woelfle will take over for President Craig LeMieux for the meetings held in December, January and February.

With a new owner taking over the Wahkon Inn we are not sure on the cost of our meals during our General Meeting. President Craig LeMieux will meet with new owner Rob Dubbs to discuss everything. He will let us know the results at our General Meeting.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting at 6:36 pm. Carried.



      Isle Lions General Meeting
      Monday ~ October 9, 2023

Meeting was called to order by President Craig LeMieux.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Craig LeMieux.

We welcomed several Guests:
Guests of Bob Lapinski - Autumn Lapinski and Brian Peterson
Guest of Alice Nickolay - Deb Goodrich

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Alice Nickolay to accept the Secretary's minutes as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Deb Walters to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to accept the Gambling Report as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Account. Carried.

THANK YOU to the following Meat Raffle Workers:
10/12: Lee Hohlen and Kurt Klipstein
10/19: Kathy Frietag and Tami Zortman
10/26: Kurt Klipstein and Kevin Skow
11/02: Shari Strecker and Nancy Anderson
11/09: Pat Hicks and Nancy Rizer-Schmidt

Ditch Clean-up will be held on Monday, October 16th with a rain date of October 17th. All volunteers should meet at the State Garage at 5:00 pm.

Doc and Marlene Moss attended the 5M8 District Mini Forum which was held at Jack and Jim's in Duelm. They had a very good speaker who spoke on Sight.

President Craig LeMieux has not heard from the Onamia Lions on whether we can join them for the Governor's Dinner on November 15th. As soon as he hears he will let us know.

A reminder to all members to get their Lions clothing ordered to receive their $10.00credit from the club. Shari Strecker has the order forms.

Hans Woelfle gave us a report on the Saloon at the White Pine Logging and Threshing Show.
Total Beer and Water Sales = $7,507.00
Expenses (Beer, Water, License, Ins. & Misc) = ($2,399.67)
White Pine Fee =($1,702.44)
 Tips = $ 882.00
TOTAL PROFIT = $4,286.89

The Homecoming Parade will be held on Friday, October 13th at 2:15 pm. Doug Halvorson has volunteered to pull the float and Deb Walters and Patti Packer will throw candy. THANK YOU!

The next Zone Meeting, which we are hosting will be held on Tuesday, November 7th at Da Boathouse. Social hour will begin at 5:30 and dinner will be served at 6:00 pm. All members are welcome to attend.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Carolyn Remer to accept the Membership of Mary and Marty Wasche and Deb Goodrich into the Isle Lions Club. Carried.

The water to the Isle Lion Water Fountain has been turned off, it just needs to be "caged" now. Doug Halvorson and Kurt Klipstein will take care of this.

Santa Bags were discussed. Melisa Maxwell volunteered to help. We will have more discussion on this at the Board Meeting.

Hans Woelfle reminded everyone that the Christmas Tree of Giving will be put up next month - November 25th (Saturday after Thanksgiving). Hans will start collecting Christmas Tags to be put on it.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting at 7:04 pm. Carried.


Isle Lions Board Meeting
Monday ~ September 24, 2023

Meeting was called to order by President Craig LeMieux.

We had 11 members present: Craig LeMieux, Dawn Christensen, Doc and Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Doug Halvorson, Shari Strecker, Carolyn Remer, Bubbles Haggberg and Alice Nickolay.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Secretary's minutes as read. Carried

There was no Treasurer's Report.

There was no Gambling Report.

We still do not have a report on the Saloon at the White Pine Logging and Threshing Show. Hopefully all paperwork will be in by the General Meeting in October. Hans Woelfle is looking for someone that would like to Co-Chair this project. Please think about it and let Hans know if you are interested. Another idea is to bring a four-wheeler in to help sell beer during the parade.

Craig LeMieux and Hans Woelfle both attended the Zone Meeting held in Pierz on September 13th. Craig said it was a long meeting and that we are next in line to host the next one, which should be held in November. He will check with Tracy Voight to see what date will work.

The Red Cross Bloodmobile was held on Friday, September 15th at the Faith Lutheran Church. Numbers were down this year, we are thinking that the change of date may have affected this. We had 36 pints of blood donated.

KidSight - THANK YOU to Deb Walters and Shari Strecker for working with Nyquist Elementary School and several of the local Daycares. The PreSchool through sixth grade were checked at the school. They checked the vision of 229 kids. Several referrals were given out.

The 5M8 District Mini Forum will be held at Jack and Jim's on October 4th. Marlene and Doc Moss will attend.

A reminder that Ditch Clean-up will be held on October 16th with a rain date of October 17th. All those that are interested can meet at the State Garage at 5:00 pm.

The Homecoming Parade will be held on Friday, October 13th. We will need a couple of people to walk alongside the float and throw candy. Craig LeMieux will take care of the paperwork and Doug Halvorson has volunteered to pull the float.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Marlene Moss that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $200.00 each to: Paulette Vlien, Laura Frostad, Phyllis Haggberg and Edna Parent for a Medical Expense. Carried.

Apparently there was a mix up with the District Governor's Dinner set for November 13th. Governor Tracy Voight had booked two clubs on the same night. President Craig LeMieux will check with the Onamia Lions to see if we can join them on November 15th for their Governor's Dinner.
President Craig LeMieux will work on setting a date for the next Zone Meeting in November which we will host.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to allow Secretary Susan Haggberg to spend up to $1,000.00 on a new computer for the minutes. Carried.

President Craig LeMieux will work on getting Guest Speakers to come to our General Meetings.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson to donate $600.00 to the Mille Lacs Lake Senior Activities Organization. Carried. This event is held once a month at the Rolf Center in Onamia from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm. It includes several fun activities such as: short exercise sessions, bingo and a light lunch.

Isle Lions Teachers of the Month will begin again. One teacher from the Elementary School and one teacher from the High School - each will receive $250.00.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting at 7:14 pm. Carried.



September 11, 2023

Meeting was called to order President Craig LeMieux.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Doug Halvorson.

A Motion was made by Lee Hohlen and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Secretary's Minutes. Carried.

A Motion was made by Kurt Klipstein and seconded by Paulette Osterdyk to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. Carried.

Treasurer Marlene Moss gave us a report on the Corn Feed and Pie Sales:

Income from Hot Dogs, Brats & Beverages - $694.00

Income from Pie Sales - $617.00

Expenses (Corn Feed $622.22 & Pie Sales $84.29) - ($706.51)

Donation to Food Shelf - $24.00

PROFIT - $628.49

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the Gambling Report as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and second by Shari Strecker to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented. Carried.

THANK YOU to the members that have volunteered for the Meat Raffle this month:

9/07: Shari Strecker and Nancy Rizer-Schmidt

9/14: Kevin Skow and Kurt Klipstein

9/21: Kathy Frietag and Judy Halvorson


10/5: Kathy Frietag and Lee Hohlen

Corn Feed Chairperson) would like to THANK Kevin and Sandy Skow and Kurt Klipstein for volunteering to Chair the Corn Feed next year. The Corn Feed could not have happened without all our volunteers. Thank you to Deb and Ole Walters for organizing it, Patti Packer for all the pictures, Alice Nickolay for collecting all the husks and corn cobs, Shari Strecker and Nancy Anderson for running the Pie Sales and to all the members that made and donated Pies and all those that worked that evening. THANK YOU!

As everyone knows, it was extremely warm on Labor Day weekend. Thinking this would help us sell more beer, it actually had the opposite effect. It was busy on Saturday, but really slow on Sunday and slower yet on Monday. We made half of what we made last year. Chairperson Hans Woelfle will have a full report at the next meeting. Also, THANK YOU to Lee Hohlen for letting us use his popcorn machine.

The next Zone Meeting for our region will be held on Wednesday, September 13th at Frosty's Bar and Grill in Pierz. Social hour will begin at 5:00 pm with dinner at 6:30 pm followed by the meeting. Hans Woelfle and Craig LeMieux will attend.

We will host the Red Cross Bloodmobile on Friday, September 15th at the Faith Lutheran Church. Pat Hicks passed a sign-up for volunteers to work.

The 5M8 District Mini Forum will be held on Wednesday, October 4th at Jack and Jim's in Duelm. Please let Marlene Moss know if you would like to attend. Anyone in the club may attend this event, our club will pay for the meal. All clubs in our District will be there.

Ditch Pick-up has been scheduled for Monday, October 16* with Tuesday, October 17th as a raindate. Everyone wishing to volunteer to pick ditches can meet at the State Garage at 5:00 pm.

Shari Strecker has information on ordering Lions clothing from TAZ. If you are interested, please let her know. Each member will receive a $10.00 credit.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn at 7:11 pm.



August 28, 2023

Meeting was called to order by 1st Vice President Hans Woelfle.

10 Members Present: Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christenson, Deb Walters, Marlene & Doc Moss, Susan Haggberg, Carolyn Remer, Nancy Anderson, Shari Strecker, and Doug Halvorson.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary's minutes as read. Carried.

No Treasurer's Report. Treasurer Marlene Moss did go over what slips she had from the Corn Feed and Pie Sales. She will give a full report at the General Meeting. But we did do very well on the Pie Sales.

No Gambling Report. Gambling Manager Deb Walters did report that she had an Audit from the Minnesota Gambling Control Board for the year of 2022 and everything was good. She does have an upcoming Audit from the Minnesota Department of Revenue that will cover June 2020 to July 2023. She is working on getting everything together.

All the extra Hot Dogs and Brats from the Corn Feed were brought to the Isle Food Shelf.

THANK YOU to Deb and Ole Walters, Kevin and Sandy Skow and Kurt Klipstein for setting up and running a very well organized Corn Feed. We cooked and gave away 528 ears of corn.

Also a THANK YOU to Shari Strecker and Nancy Anderson (and their helpers) for setting up and selling all those good looking Pies.

Everything is set for the Saloon at the White Pine Logging and Threshing Show that will be held on September 2d  3rd and 4thHans Woelfle will go up Wednesday to start cleaning up and getting tables set up.

Our next 5M8 District Governor's Dinner is set for November 13th at the Wahkon Inn. Everyone should try to attend.

Our next Zone Meeting will be held on September 13th in Pierz at Frosty's Bar and Grill at 6:00 pm. All members are welcome to attend, but we do need to RSVP. Those signed up to attend are: Doc and Marlene Moss, Craig LeMieux and Hans Woelfle.

The Red Cross Bloodmobile will be held in Isle on September 15 at the Faith Lutheran Church. Pat Hicks will have a sign-up sheet at the next meeting.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer that the Board makes a recommendation for a Memorial Donation of $250.00 to the Chad Minenko family. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Deb Walters that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $200.00 each to: Tom Vevea, Jess Fredin, Mick Lene and Jeff Packer for a Medical Donation. Carried.

Gambling Conference will be held in St Cloud this year on November 16th and 17th Gambling Manager Deb Walters and Assistant Gambling Pam Lene would like to attend. The cost is $180.00 each. A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Marlene Moss to pay for the cost to attend. If anyone else would like to attend, please let Gambling Manager Deb Walters know. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting at 6:57 pm. Carried.

August 14, 2023

Meeting was called to order President Craig LeMieux.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Doug Halvorson.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Secretary's Minutes. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Judy Crace to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. Carried.

LESS EXPENSES - $1,798.81
PROFIT - $2,192.29
We had a total of 26 people volunteer. With a total of 155 volunteer hours.

A Motion was made by Kurt Klipstein and seconded by Pat Hicks to approve the Gambling Report as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented. Carried.

THANK YOU to the members that have volunteered for the Meat Raffle this month:
8/17: Kathy Frietag & Melisa Maxwell
8/24: Kathy Frietag & Judy Crace
8/31: Shari Strecker & Nancy Anderson
9/07: Tom & Doreen Vevea
9/14: Nancy Rizer-Schmidt & Pat Hicks

Everything is set for the Corn Feed on August 25* from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. A Sign-up sheet was passed around.

A Sign-up sheet was passed around for the Saloon at the White Pines Logging and Threshing Show which will be held on September 2nd, 3rd and 4th. THANK YOU to everyone who signed up and a big THANK YOU to Hans Woelfle for all of his work in getting it all set up.

THANK YOU to the people that have volunteered to participate in the Wahkon Parade on August 19th: Dawn will drive the four-wheeler and Lee Hohlen, Shari Strecker and Nancy Anderson will throw candy.

Our next District 5M8 District Governor's Dinner is set for November 3rd.  Everyone should try and attend.

Our next Zone Meeting is set for September 13th in Pierz at Frosty's Bar and Grill at 6:00 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. So far Craig LeMieux, Marlene and Doc Moss are attending.

We were supposed to host this Zone Meeting. However, our Zone does not have a chairperson so District Governor Tracy Voight is going to run the meeting. With her schedule we could not find a date that would work, so Pierz Lions will host this meeting and we will host the next one.

With so many new members (which is a good thing) the Board has decided to give each member a $10.00 credit on Lion Clothing from TAZ. Shari Strecker will have order forms at the September and October meetings.

Pat Hicks has been working with the Red Cross Bloodmobile. The date set is September 15th. She will have a sign-up sheet at the next meeting.

Deb Walters has Kidsight set up to be at the Nyquist Elementary School on September 25th. We will also visit local Daycares.

A Motion was made by Doc Mos and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn at 7:10 pm.



July 25, 2023

Meeting was called to order by President Craig LeMieux.

15 Members Present:  Craig LeMieux, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christenson, Kurt Klipstein, Deb Walters,  Marlene & Doc Moss, Susan Haggberg, Nancy Anderson, Shari Strecker, Doug Halvorson, Alice Nickolay, Paulette Osterdyk, Patti Packer and Bubbles Haggberg.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

Treasurer’s Report – No Report

Treasurer Marlene Moss went over the numbers for the Brat Stand. We had a total of 26 people volunteering over the weekend with a total of 150 volunteer hours. 

    Took in -                $3,991.10

    Less Expenses – ($1,798.81)

    PROFIT -                 $2,192.29             THANK YOU EVREYONE! 

Judy Crace has returned the check we donated to the Milaca Alumni Band. We will void this one and donate again next year.

Gambling Report – No Report

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss to set the prices at the Corn Feed at – Brats 4 tickets, Hot Dogs 3 tickets, Pop and Water: 1 ticket. Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson to place a Thank You Ad in the Mille Lacs Messenger thanking the Community for supporting our Club. Cost of the ad will be $250.00. Carried.

A Motion made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Paulette Osterdyk to turn down the Insurance for the Board of Directors. The President, Treasurer and Gambling Manager are already covered under Lions International.  Carried.

We have been approached by Hunter’s Point asking if we would like to take over this site for Gambling. The people they have now are having trouble getting volunteers to work the Meat Raffle and Horse Races.  We face the same problem, so the Board turned it down.

Hans Woelfle gave us a report on the Culpepper and Merriweather Circus. They were in town on Monday, July 24th. We ended up selling 571 tickets. Our profit was $1,554.00. THANK YOU, HANS, for all of your work! 

White Pine Logging and Threshing Show is set for September 2nd, 3rd, 4th. We are in charge of the Saloon. Hans Woelfle has everything ready to go, just needs to get the Beer ordered. He will have a sign-up sheet at the August General Meeting. Remember this is a project that is going to take the whole club to make it work.

The Red Cross Bloodmobile is set to be in Isle on September 15th   at the Faith Lutheran Church. Pat Hicks will have a sign-up sheet at the August General Meeting.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Alice Nickolay that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $200.00 each to: Craig Magnan, George Nitti and Brad Payne for a Medical Donation.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Patti Packer to make a change to the signature card for the General Account at the First National Bank of Milaca. The following people will now be listed – Marlene Moss, Craig LeMieux, Dawn Christensen and Doug Halvorson. Carried. 

The Corn Feed is set for Friday, August 25th at the Isle City Park from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Deb Walters has been working on getting everything set up with the help of Kevin and Sandy Skow and Kurt Klipstein.  She will have a sign-up sheet at the August General Meeting. 

With a new District Governor in place – Governor Tracy Voigt, President Craig LeMieux will set up our Governor’s Dinner. He will try for September or October.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfe and seconded by Marlene Moss that due to Lions International raising their dues we will raise our dues by $5.00. Our dues for the year will now be $65.00. Carried. 

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson to give each Isle Lions member a $10.00 credit on the purchase of a new Isle Lions Shirt from TAZ. Shari Strecker will have order forms at the August meeting for anyone wishing to order a shirt. Carried. 

A Motion was made by  Deb Walters and seconded by Alice Nickolay to donate $500.00 to the Wahkon Wave to help them with the Kids Fishing Contest during Wahkon Days. Carried. 

A Motion was made by Paulette Osterdyk and seconded by Shari Strecker to adjourn  the meeting at 7:24 pm. Carried.



July 10, 2023

Meeting was called to order President Craig LeMieux.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Craig LeMieux.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Pam Lene to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Kurt Klipstein and seconded by Tom Vevea to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented by President Craig LeMieux.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Lee Hohlen and seconded by Judy Crace to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Lee Hohlen and seconded by Judy Crace to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.

THANK YOU to the members that have volunteered for the Meat Raffle this month:

    7/13:  Nancy Rizer-Schmidt & Paulette Osterdyk

    7/20:  Brad & LuAnn Payne

    7/27:  Kathy Frietag & Tami Zortman

    8/03:  Shari Strecker & Nancy Anderson

    8/10:  Jim Maciazka & Barb Stone

    8/17:  Kathy Frietag & Melisa Maxwell

THANK YOU to Marlene Moss and Dawn Christensen for walking in the McGrath 4th of July Parade and passing out candy for our club.


Little Miss Isle & Commodore Pageant – THANK YOU to Tom and Doreen Vevea for judging the kids (not an easy job). They interviewed 15 participates.  THANK YOU Shari S. and Nancy A. for all of your work on the Pageant.

Kiddie Parade – They had 10 groups of kids with a total of 25 kids participating in the Kiddie Parade. Each kid received a $1.00 coin from Mario and Luigi. Everyone was welcomed to the Ice Cream Social after the parade. THANK YOU Danie, Penny, Patti and Judy H. for bringing the Kiddie Parade back. A total of $275.89 was spent. 

Brat Stand – THANK YOU to everyone that worked in the Brat Stand. We had a total of 150 volunteer hours. Even after buying a lot of extra brats, buns and chips, we still ran out on Saturday night. It was a very good year. After expenses we made $2,192.29.  Treasurer Marlene Moss will have an official report at the August General Meeting.

Bingo – Once again THANK YOU to the volunteers that helped with Bingo. We had 28 gifts to give away but the weather did not want to cooperate (it was just a little windy), so we only played 13 games.  However we did still manage to bring in $936.00.  THANK YOU Deb, Pam, Nancy R-S, Shari S, Tami, Paulette and Pat. 

Grand Parade – THANK YOU to Doug for pulling the float and to Alice, Nancy A, Patti, and Kathy for passing out the candy.

The Culpepper & Merriweather Circus will be in Isle on July 24th with shows – 5:00 pm and 7:30 pm.  Hans has tickets for anyone that would like to sell them.  Adult tickets will be $13.00 and kids and senior tickets will be $8.00. He will also need 2-3 volunteers to help him that night.

White Pines Logging and Threshing Show will be held on September 2nd, 3rd and 4th. We are in charge of the Saloon. Hans Woelfle has everything set. He will need each member to sign up for one or more shifts. He will have a sign up sheet at the August General Meeting.

Because we are so busy in July, Pat Hicks has been working with the Red Cross to change our date for sponsoring the Bloodmobile. The date set is September 15th.  She will have a sign up sheet at a later date.

President Craig LeMieux installed three of our new members: Tom and Doreen Vevea who were sponsored by Deb and Ole Walters and Danie Powell who was sponsored by Penny Klipstein and Hans Woelfle. WELCOME to our club!

Wahkon Days is August 18th, 19th and 20th. Shari Strecker, Nancy Anderson, Kathy Frietag and Lee Hohlen have volunteered to throw candy. 

We have set the date for the Lions Corn Feed on August 25th for 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Deb Walters will have a sign up sheet at the August General Meeting. Each family is asked to bring two pies for the Pie Sales. Craig LeMieux will get the corn and Kurt Klipstien and Ole Walters will set the cookers up.

Judy Crace talked to us about the donation for the Milaca Alumni Marching Band. We had donated $200.00 to them, but they were missing several key people and they felt they should return our check. After some discussion it was decided that they should keep it and use it for next year.

A Motion was made by Nancy Anderson and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn at 7:30 pm.   Carried



June 26, 2023

Meeting was called to order by President Craig LeMieux.

11 Members Present:  Craig LeMieux, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christenson, Deb Walters,  Marlene & Doc Moss, Susan Haggberg, Carolyn Remer, Shari Strecker, Alice Nickolay and Paulette Osterdyk.

We had two Guests – Dave Anderson with Mille Lacs Search and Rescue and Lisa Dunphy with the IREC for Summer League.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

Treasurer’s Report – No Report

Gambling Report – No Report

Due to lack of help we will not participate in the July 4th parade in McGrath.

Isle Days Event

Little Miss Isle & Commodore – They have ten girls and seven boys signed up.

Brat Stand – Thank you to everyone that signed up. Marlene Moss and Dawn Christenson will pick the food up. Reminders will be sent out for everyone’s work schedule.

Grand Parade – Doug Halvorson will pull the float. Alice Nickolay, Nancy Anderson, Patti Packer and Kathy Frietag have volunteered to throw candy.  Kurt Klipstien and Ole Walters have volunteered to help Doug with the repairs on the float.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Carolyn Remer to set the prices at the Brat Stand at – Taco in the Bag: 6 tickets, Brats: 5 tickets, Hot Dogs 3 tickets, Pop and Water: 1 ticket. Carried. 

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Shari Strecker to send $100.00 to the new Lions Club in Milaca.  Carried.

Hans Woelfle has the tickets for the Culpepper and Merriweather Circus, he will pass them out at the July General Meeting. They will be in town on July 24th with two shows. One at 5:00 pm and one at 7:30 pm.

  We have not heard anymore from Pat Hicks on the Red Cross Bloodmobile. The tentative date is set for September 15th

President Craig LeMieux bought up the Band Shell in the Isle City Park.  Hans Woelfle is on the committee. They are working on plans to take the old one down and building a new one. It is our hope to donate money to help build the new and have it named the “Isle Lions Club Band Shell”. 

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $2,000.00 out of the General Fund to donate to the Mille Lacs Search and Rescue. Carried. They are looking to purchase a new Rapid Deployment Raft as theirs is over 20 years old and in need of repair. Carried.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Shari Strecker to donate $250.00 to the IREC for use in Tee Ball, Softball and Baseball Summer Leagues. Right now they have 150 players registered and runs from the end of May through July. It would be used for Umps, Equipment and Tournament Fees.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $250.00 to Wahkon for the July 4th fireworks.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $200.00 to the Mille Lacs Fun Run during Isle Days.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $1,000.00 to the Nyquist Scholarship fund. Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Alice Nickolay that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $200.00 each to: Sue Temte, Linda Orazem, Gary Anderson and Betty Olson for a Medical Donation.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve spending up to $200.00 for the Nursing Home Birthday Party in July.  Alice Nickolay will purchase the cupcakes and gifts for the residents and take them over there.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Paulette Osterdyk and seconded by Shari Strecker to adjourn  the meeting at 7:24 pm. Carried.




June 12, 2023 

Meeting was called to order President Shari Strecker.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Doug Halvorson.

A Motion was made by Craig LeMieux and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.

THANK YOU to the members that have volunteered for the Meat Raffle this month:

    6/15: Kurt & Penny Klipstein

    6/22:  Shari Strecker & Nancy Anderson

    6/29:  Doreen & Tom Vevea

    7/06:  Kay James & Lee Hohlen

    7/13:  Nancy Rizer-Schmidt & Paulette Osterdyk

Also THANK YOU to Kurt Klipstein and Judy Crace for helping Gambling Manger Deb Walters with all of her shredding. 

The Milaca Lions Club is starting up again. Anyone that would like to attend their Charter Night on June 28th, please let Marlene Moss know by June 20th.

The Culpepper & Merriweather Circus will be in Isle on July 24th with shows – 5:00 pm and 7:30 pm.  Hans will pass tickets out at the next General Meeting. Adult tickets will be $13.00 and kids tickets will be $8.00.

White Pines Logging and Threshing Show will be held on September 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Hans Woelfle has everything set. He will need each member to sign up for one or more shifts. He will have a sign up sheet at a later date.

Little Miss Isle & Commodore – Shari Strecker and Nancy Anderson. A Motion was made by Craig LeMieux and seconded by Marlene Moss to spend up to $500 for supplies and prizes.  Carried.

Kiddie Parade – Penny Klipstein, Danie Powell and Patti Packer. A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Deb Walters to spend up to $500 for supplies and prize money. Carried.

Grand Parade – Doug Halvorson has volunteered to pull the float. Alice Nickolay, Nancy Anderson, Patti Packer and Kathy Frietag have volunteered to throw candy. Please let Doug know if you would be willing to help with some repairs to float before the parade.

Bingo – Deb Walters and Pam Lene. Kids will be allowed to play this year. A sign up sheet was passed around for members to go ask businesses for a $25 Gift Card as a Bingo prize.

Brat Stand – Dawn Christensen and Susan Haggberg will set everything up. THANK YOU to everyone who has signed up.  Dawn Christensen and Marlene Moss have volunteered to pick up the food for the Brat Stand and the candy for the Parades.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $200 to the Milaca Marching Band.  Carried.

Family Fun Day which is put on by the Isle Baptist Church on Sunday of Isle Days is looking for donations. A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $400 to help them out.  Carried.

Because we are so busy in July, Pat Hicks has been working with the Red Cross to change our date for sponsoring the Bloodmobile to September. The tentative date is September 15th.

We are looking for someone that would be interested in setting the Brat Stand up for Wahkon Days in August. This would be a one day event.

Past President Doug Halvorson installed our new officers for 2023-2024:

    President:  Craig LeMieux

    1st Vice President:  Hans Woelfle      2nd Vice President:  Dawn Christensen     3rd Vice President:  Kurt Klipstein

    Treasurer:  Marlene Moss        

    Secretary:  Susan Haggberg          

    Lion Tamer / Tail Twister:  Carolyn Remer

    Past Presidents:  Doug Halvorson and Shari Strecker

    Gambling Manager:  Deb Walters

    Two Year Directors:  Nancy Anderson and Patti Packer  

    One Year Directors:  Paulette Osterdyk and Jane LeMieux

    Lifetime Director:  Bubbles Haggberg

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn at 7:36 pm.   Carried




May 22, 2023


Meeting was called to order by President Shari Strecker.

11 Members Present:  Shari Strecker, Dawn Christenson, Deb Walters,  Doug Halvorson, Marlene & Doc Moss, Susan Haggberg, Carolyn Remer, Shari Woelfle, Pat Hicks and Bubbles Haggberg

We had several Guests – 

Tracy with “Kick Cancer to the Curb” – This is for an ad on the calendar they put out each year. The money they make off the calendar is donated to people who are living in Mille Lacs County and dealing with cancer.

Tim Potoczny with “R.U.R.A.L. Music Festival” – Last year they had over 6,000 people attend the festival. It will be held on August 25th, 26th, and 27th this year. The cost run around $180,000 to run for the three days.

Dana Botz with “STEM – Camp Inventions” (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) – This is a camp for Isle and Onamia students in grades K-Grade 6. It is run by local educators and will be full of fun challenges all week long  This year it will be held at the Onamia Elementary School August 7th to 11th. The cost is $260.00 per camper. The money that they raise will be used for Camp Scholarship for any families that are in need of financial assistance.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

Treasurer’s Report – No Report

Gambling Report – No Report

Doc & Marlene Moss attended the Finlayson-Geise Lions 40th Anniversary, they had a good time.

Ditch Clean-up was held on May 15th. They picked seven bags of garbage. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE THAT VOLUNTEERED. Nancy Anderson, Jaci Gangl, Doug Halvorson, Pat Hicks, Kurt Klipstein, Alice Nickolay, Patti Packer and Coordinator Bubbles Haggberg. 

Hans Woelfle has the tickets for the Culpepper and Merriweather Circus, he will pass them out at the June General Meeting. They will be in town on July 24th with two shows. One at 5:00 pm and one at 7:30 pm.

 A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Marlene Moss that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $200.00 each to: Craig LeMieux, Travis Young and Ross Habeck for a Medical Donation and $100.00 for a Memorial for Harvey Exsted.  Carried.

We have been asked if we would like to set up the Brat Stand for Wahkon Days. It would only be for one day – Saturday.

Doug Halvorson is looking for people to help with some repairs to our Lions Float. Please talk to him if you can help.

THANK YOU to Doug Halvorson and Kurt Klipstein for uncovering our Lions Fountain. 

The Isle Pickleball Association now has 150 members. Because there are so many people involved in the organization, they are going to turn the outside tennis courts into pickleball courts. They will need to raise $180,000. So far, they have raised $120,000. A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Shari Woelfle to donate $500.00 to help them out. Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doc Moss to donate $500.00 each to:  Kick Cancer to the Curb, Rural Music Festival and STEM Camp Inventions.  Carried.

Pat Hicks has been talking with the Red Cross on scheduling the Bloodmobile. Because we are so busy in July  with Isle Days, she will try and schedule it for September 15, 2023.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn  the meeting at 7:29 pm. Carried.




May 8, 2023

Meeting was called to order President Shari Strecker.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Doc Moss.

We had two Guests:  Danie & Lars Powell

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Nancy Anderson to approve the Secretary’s Minutes with one change.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Alice Nickolay to note that the donation to the Smallmouth Bass Alliance will be put in their General Account and use as needed over the summer. The Lake clean-up was cancelled due to Insurance reasons with the DNR.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Lee Hohlen to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Lee Hohlen to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.

THANK YOU to the members that have volunteered for the Meat Raffle this month:

    5/11: Shari Strecker and Nancy Anderson

    5/18:  Deb Walters & Lu Payne

    5/25:  Sandy & Kevin Skow

    6/01:  Shari Strecker and Nancy Anderson

    6/08:  Tami Zortman and Kathy Frietag

            6/15:   Penny & Kurt Klipstein


The Culpepper & Merriweather Circus will be in Isle on July 24th with shows – 5:00 pm and 7:30 pm.  Hans will pass tickets out at the next General Meeting.

Ditch Clean-up will be held on Monday, May 15th with a rain date of Tuesday, May 16th. Anyone volunteering to help pick ditches can meet at the State Garage at 5:00 pm.

Shari Strecker will get an order started for ordering any new clothing from TAZ. She will have it at the next General Meeting.

Our Second Vice President Hans Woelfle installed two of our new Members – Kevin and Sandy Skow. They are sponsored by Ole and Deb Walters.  WELCOME!

If there is anyone in our club that is not getting called for meetings, PLEASE let President Shari know.

Bubbles Haggberg spoke to us about the Scholarship Awards. This year they decided to give scholarships to all the applicants that applied. They gave out a total of $9,000.00:

               4)  4 year Scholarship for $1,500.00         

               4) 2 year Scholarships for $750.00.

Awards night will be held on Wednesday, May 17th at 6:30 pm.

Isle Days is July 7th, 8th and 9th.  We will need everyone’s help to pull everything together.

   Little Miss Isle & Commodore – Shari Strecker and Nancy Anderson

    Kiddie Parade – Penny Klipstein and Patti Packer

    Grand Parade – 

    Bingo – Deb Walters (Helpers for Bingo – Pat H, Pam L, Shari S, Paulette O, Aliesha H, Tami Z)

    Brat Stand – EVERYONE

    Dawn Christensen and Marlene have volunteered to pick up the food for the Brat Stand and the candy for the Parades.

Next month we will have the Installation of New Officers for 2023-2024 year. At this meeting we would like to get a group picture for all of our advertising.  Please wear your lion clothing if you have it.

The Finlayson-Geise Lions 40th Anniversary Dinner is on May 20, 2023. We were their sponsors when the club started up. Doc and Marlene Moss plan on attending. A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Kurt Klipstein to donate $100.00 to honor their club. Carried.

White Pines is set for September 2nd, 3rd and 4th . Hans Woelfle has been busy working on everything. If you would like to help, please let him know. Everyone should sign up for one or two shifts at the Saloon.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfe and seconded by Carolyn Remer to accept into membership of the Isle Lions Club – Danie Powell.  WELCOME!

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn at 7:22 pm.   Carried




April 24, 2023


Meeting was called to order by President Shari Strecker.

12 Members Present:  Shari Strecker, Dawn Christenson, Deb & Ole Walters,  Marlene & Doc Moss, Susan Haggberg, Alice Nickolay, Carolyn Remer, Hans & Shari Woelfle and Bubbles Haggberg

We had several Guests – Warren & Wheeler Minenko with the Boy Scouts, Mark Olson with the Mille Lacs Smallmouth Alliance and Jen Hengel with the Mille Lacs Raiders Trap Shooting Team.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. Carried

Doc & Marlene Moss will attend the Finlayson-Geise Lions 40th Anniversary Dinner on May 20, 2023. If anyone else would like to go, please let Marlene know.

No Gambling Report

If anyone is interested in going to one of the Officer’s Training, please let President Shari know.

Scholarship Night will be on May 17th at the High School Commons area at 6:30 pm. Appetizers and drinks will be served.  A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $200.00 to the Isle School to help with the cost. Carried.

Hans Woelfle has the tickets for the Culpepper and Merriweather Circus, he will pass them out at the May General Meeting. They will be in town on July 24th with two shows. One at 5:00 pm and one at 7:30 pm.

    A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $200.00 each to: Lois Olson, Harvey Exsted, Phyllis Haggberg, Jerry Eye and Harley Sawatzky for a Medical Donation.  Carried.

Isle Lions Teachers of the Month:  

Elementary – Nick Schulz           High School – Noah Johnson

Each Teacher will receive $250.00 to be used in their classroom.

Ditch Clean-up will be held on Monday, May 15th with a rain date of Tuesday, May 16th. The more help we have the less time it will take. We will meet at the Highway garage at 5:00 pm.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to accept Kevin and Sandra Skow into Membership of the Isle Lions Club.  Carried.

Warren and Wheeler Minenko from the Isle Boys Scouts came and talked to us about their High Adventure Trip to Alaska in July of 2024. The cost for the trip will be approximately $15,000. They will be doing several fundraisers. A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $500.00 to help them out.  Carried.

Jen Hengel with the Mille Lacs Raiders Trap Team came and spoke to us about a donation for the team. They have 32 active kids shooting right now, they meet once a week. A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $1,000.00 to the team. Carried.

Mark Olson with the Mille Lacs Smallmouth Alliance came and spoke to us about their scheduled clean-up around Mille Lacs Lake. They have May 6th set up with an alternative date of May 20th, it will all depend on the ice out date.  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $500.00 to help them with the clean-up.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn  the meeting at 7:10 pm. Carried.




April 10, 2023

Meeting was called to order President Shari Strecker.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

We had four Guests:  Kevin & Sandy Skow, Danie Powell and Brian.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Secretary’s Minutes as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Craig LeMieux and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Gambling Report as presented by Ole Walters.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Craig LeMieux and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented Ole Walters.   Carried.

THANK YOU to the members that have volunteered for the Meat Raffle this month:

   4/13: Shari Strecker and Nancy Anderson

    4/20:  Tom and Doreen Vevea

    4/27:  Pat Hicks and Nancy Rizer-Schmidt

    5/04:  Penny and Kurt Klipstein

    5/11:  Shari Strecker and Nancy Anderson

THANK YOU to all the members that volunteered to help pack the Easter Baskets for the Elementary students and to Tami Zortman for purchasing everything: Tami Zortman, Deb & Ole Walters, Tom & Doreen Vevea, Shari Strecker, Bob Peterson, Patti Packer & grandson, Paulette Osterdyk, Alice Nickolay, Pam Lene, Kurt Klipstein, Doug Halvorson, Susan Haggberg, Jackie Gangl, and Dawn Christensen.

The Finlayson-Geise Lions 40th Anniversary Dinner is on May 20, 2023. Please let Marlene Moss know if you plan on attending. Our club will cover the cost of the meal. 

The Culpepper & Merriweather Circus  will be in Isle on July 24th with two shows -  5:00 pm and 7:30 pm.  Hans hopes to have tickets at the next General Meeting.

The Scholarship Awards Night will be held on May 17th at Isle High School. 

The 103rd Annual MD5M Multiple Convention will be held on May 5th to May 7th at the Holiday Inn in St. Cloud.  Anyone is invited to attend, but registration is required.

Officer Training will be held at the following locations:  Times will be from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

    4/27:  Pierz – Frosty’s Bar and Grill

    5/02:  St. Cloud – Eastside VFW

    5/09:  Sandstone – North Pine Government Center

    5/11:  Cold Spring – Peace Lutheran Church

    5/16:  Swanville – Swanville Lions Building

Our Zone is looking for a new Chairperson, if anyone is interested, please let President Shari know.

Need to start thinking about Isle Days Events.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn at 7:17 pm.   Carried


March 27, 2023

Meeting was called to order by President Shari Strecker.
11 Members Present: Shari Strecker, Dawn Christenson, Doug Halvorson, Deb Walters, Marlene & Doc Moss, Susan Haggberg, Alice Nickolay, Carolyn Remer, Paulette Osterdyk and Bubble Haggberg
We had several Guests - Rene' Athmann & Lori Wall for the Mille Lacs Raiders Rewards Program, Kristi Pedersen & Tara Soderstrom with Isle Days, Tracy Lillidahl with the Isle After Prom Party and Christina Zortman with McGrath 4th of July celebration.
A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Paulette Osterdyk to approve the Secretary's minutes as read. Carried.
A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Treasurer's report as presented. Carried
No Gambling Report
We took over the Gambling at the Isle Municipal Liquor Store on March 15. Everything is going okay, but it was decided not to do Bingo right now.
We will be packing Easter Baskets on April 4th at the Elementary Library at 4:00 pm. These are for students from Preschool to Grade 6.
Reminder that if anyone wants to go to the Finlayson-Geise Lions 40th Anniversary Dinner to please let Marlene Moss know by April 11th. A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doc Moss that any member that does attend our club will cover the cost of the meal. Carried.
Date: May 20, 2023
Social Hour: 5:00 pm ~ Dinner: 6:00 pm ~ Program: 7:30 pm
Hans Woelfle has heard from the Culpepper and Merriweather Circus and they will be in town on July 25th with two shows. One at 5:00 pm and one at 7:30 pm.
A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $200.00 each to: Ron Gudim, Denny Lemm and Lisa Larson for a Medical Donation. Carried
Isle Lions Teachers of the Month:

Elementary - Jen Honk and High School - Don Goenner
Each Teacher will receive $250.00 to be used in their classroom.
It is that time of year again, Bubbles Haggberg will check with the school as to what they have planned for the Awards Banquet this year. He will let us know at the next meeting.
I Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Alice Nickolay to donate $300.00
• the Mille Lacs Raiders Rewards Program for the High School. Carried.
Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to once again pay for e fireworks for Isle Days ($4,400.00). Carried.
Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded Doc Moss to donate $500.00 to the After Prom Party. Carried.
lotion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doc Moss to donate $500.00 to Fourth of July celebration in McGrath. This is their 100th anniversary. Carried.
stion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to adjourn the meeting at pm. Carried.




March 15, 2023

Meeting was called to order online by President Shari Strecker.
A Motion was made by Tami Zortman and seconded by Doug Halvorson to approve the Gambling Report as presented. Carried.
A Motion was made by Tami Zortman and seconded by Doug Halvorson to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented. Carried.
A Motion was made at by Susan Haggberg and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.



February 27, 2023

Meeting was called to order by President Shari Strecker.
11 Members Present: Shari Strecker, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christenson, Doug & Judy Halvorson, Deb Walters, Marlene & Doc Moss, Susan Haggberg, Nancy Anderson, and
Paulette Osterdyk
We had two Guests - Karen Sornberger with the Isle Beautification Committee and Deb
Duffee with the Isle Garden Club.
A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Secretary's minutes as read. Carried.
No Treasurer's Report
No Gambling Report
We will take over the Gambling at the Isle Municipal Liquor Store on March 1st. The Isle Muni has approached Gambling Manager Deb Walters about doing Bingo on Sunday afternoons. They have someone that will run it and we already have all the supplies from before. A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss that after the correct permits are received and if Gambling Manager Deb Walters is okay with it, they may have Bingo on Sundays. Carried
Tami Zortman has purchased everything needed for the Easter Baskets. We will pack them on April 3rd at 4:00 pm at the Nyquist Elementary Library. THANK YOU, TAMI!
Hans Woelfle has not heard anymore on the date for the Culpepper and Merriweather
Circus. He will let us know when he hears something.
A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Marlene Moss that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $200.00 to: Allen Rogers for a Medical Donation.
Isle Lions Teachers of the Month:
Elementary - Dominic Kruse and High School - Travis Turgeon
Each Teacher will receive $250.00 to be used in their classroom.

We have received an invitation from the Finlayson-Geise Lions Club. They are celebrating their 40th Anniversary. All members are invited. We need to RSVP by April 20th. Please let President Shari know if you are interested.
Date: May 20, 2023
Social Hour: 5:00 pm
Dinner: 6:00 pm
Program: 7:00 pm
The Isle Beautification Committee and the Isle Garden Club told us a little bit on what they do each summer. They are the ones responsible for maintaining the different gardens and pots throughout Isle and the Healing Garden in Onamia. The City of Isle usually gives them up to $200.00, but this year it will only be $100.00 for the year. They are asking for a donation of $500.00 to help them purchase the mulch they need. A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $500.00 to help them. Carried.
Thank you Meat Raffle Workers:
March 2nd - Nancy Rizer-Schmidt and Pat Hicks
March 9th - Tom & Doreen Vevea
March 16th - Doug Halvorson and Susan Haggberg
March 23rd - Hans Woelfle and Nancy Anderson
March 30th - Paulette Osterdyk and Shari Strecker
April 6th _
April 13th - Paulette Osterdyk and Shari Strecker
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Nancy Anderson to adjourn the meeting at 7:07 pm. Carried.




                        January 23, 2023

Meeting was called to order by President Shari Strecker.

Members Present:  Shari Strecker, Dawn Christenson, Doug Halvorson, Deb Walters,  Marlene & Doc Moss, Susan Haggberg, Nancy Anderson, Alice Nickolay and Conrad Thomsen.

We had two Guests – Bonnie Skogen  with the Isle Skating Rink and Paul Smith with the Isle Police Department.

 Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Secretary’s minutes with one correction to the Parade of Green.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to defer the payment of $14,000 for the Parade of Green until April.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Nancy Anderson to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Nancy Anderson to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.  Carried.

We will take over the Gambling at the Isle Municipal Liquor Store on March 1st. The percentage that we will pay them will be at 15% for one year. Todd and Georgia will continue to do the Meat Raffle and Horse Races until we can find other people.          

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Marlene Moss that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $200.00 each to:  Paul Pinz, Danny Tramm, Runky Becker, and Leonard Thomsen for a Medical Donation.  Carried.

Isle Lions Teachers of the Month

Elementary – Katie Cooper and High School – Dave Mueller

Each Teacher will receive $250.00 to be used in their classroom.

Bonnie Skogen came and talked to us about the Isle Skating Rink. They got a later start this year but everything is up and running.  It is full of kids after school.  However, they are looking to get a new Skate Sharpener.  Chris Zortman has volunteered to sharpen the skates. A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $500.00 to the Isle Skating Rink for the Sharpener.  Carried.

Paul from the Isle Police Department came and spoke to us about the Lawful Enforcement  Technology Group (LETG). They have the software that the department uses for all of their documentations, reports, pictures, etc. They are going out of business and the software needs to be updated by October 1, 2023.  We will check on this later in the year for a donation.

The Isle Pickleball Association has approached us about a donation. They are going to turn the old tennis court into eight outdoor pickleball courts.  The cost will be approximately $180,000.  We will have someone from the Association come and speak at our meeting and donate this summer.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Nancy Anderson to adjourn  the meeting. Carried.


2023 2023  2023


December 26, 2022


Meeting was called to order by President Shari Strecker.

9 Members Present: Shari Strecker, Dawn Christenson, Doug Halvorson, Deb Walters, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Nancy Anderson, Alice Nickolay and Bubbles Haggberg.
We had two Guests – Isabel Honek and Sheldyn Pederson . They gave us a very good presentation on why the Elementary Playground should be upgraded. They would like to have it completed by the summer of 2024. Approximate cost will be $75,000 to $90,000.
A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Secretary’s minutes as presented. Carried.
No Treasurer’s Report.
No Gambling Report.
The Isle Muni has once again approached Gambling Manager Deb Walters on taking over Gambling there. There would be no Bingo. The Meat Raffle and Horse Races would still be
held on Friday nights. Due to the cost of getting everything set up she is going to propose dropping the percentage we pay them from 20% to 15% of our gross income. It would take approximately eighteen months to recoup our costs. A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Marlene Moss that we would consider taking over this Gambling Site if Gambling Manager Deb Walters is okay with it. Carried.
A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Doug Halvorson to donate $5,000.00 to the Nyquist Scholarship Fund. Carried.
A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $200.00 each to: Cliff DeYoung, Russ Zimpel, Judy Schmidt-Meany, Jerry Meany, Larry Elg, Lyle Skogen, Wally Tramm and Karen Kroll for a Medical Donation. Carried.
Isle Lions Teachers of the Month:
Elementary – Jennifer Thompson and High School – Katelynn Schatz
Each Teacher will receive $250.00 to be used in their classroom

The Hinckley-Finlayson Lions are going to be celebrating their 40 th year. The Isle Lions Club were their sponsor.
Get ready for the CIRCUS. They will be in town again this year. Hans Woelfle is working on setting up a date.
A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to donate $1,000.00 Each to the following for the Parade of Green: 14 x $1,000 = $14,000
2) MN Lions Vision Foundation
*Children’s Eye Clinic *Lions Gift of Sight *Macular Degeneration Center *Lions Eye Institute
3) MN Lions Hearing Foundation
*Hearing Foundation *Children’s Hearing Clinic
4) MN Lions Diabetes Foundation
5) District 5M8 Foundation – Kidsight
6) Leader Dogs for the Blind
7) Can Do Canines
8) Camp Confidence Learning Center
9) Childhood Cancer
10) Project New Hope Lions Foundation of MN
A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson to adjourn the
meeting. Carried.



December 12, 2022

Meeting was called to order President Shari Strecker.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.
Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.
We had several guests: Roger Strecker, Randy Christensen, Chris Zortman, Mick Lene, Ken Gangl and Al Cooper
A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Doug Halvorson to approve the Secretary’s Minutes as presented. Carried.
A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Carried.
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Gambling Report as presented. Carried.
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented. Carried.
We will be packing the Blankets, Books and Candy for the Santa Bags for the Preschool through Grade 6 students at Nyquist Elementary Library on December 13 th at 4:00 pm.
Christmas Tree of Giving - We had 54 people from the Senior High Rise and Scandia House.
A catered dinner will be held on December 16 th at 5:00 pm at the Senior High Rise to pass out the gifts. THANK YOU, Hans for all the work!
THANK YOU to Tami Zortman and Jane LeMieux for volunteering to do the shopping for the Mille Lacs Toy Chest. They did an excellent job. All the toys were picked up at our General Meeting.
Since our club donated so much money to International President Brian Sheehan, we received five miniature hockey sticks from him. Dawn Christensen will sew one onto our Banner and the remaining ones were auctioned off. THANK YOU to Doug Halvorson, Doc Moss, Hans Woelfle and Patti Packer for the winning bids.
We will have a Board Meeting on December 26 th at 6:30 pm.
A Motion was made at by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn. Carried


November 26, 2022

Meeting was called to order by President Shari Strecker.
11 Members Present: Shari Strecker, Dawn Christenson, Doc & Marlene Moss, Hans Woelfle, Susan Haggberg, Carolyn Remer, Nancy Anderson, Craig and Jane LeMieux and Bubbles Haggberg.
We had one Guest - David Miller with the Isle Fire Department. They are need of new Air Packs and Masks. They have been working on getting a FEMA Grant for three years. The cost for the air packs and masks when they started was $90,000. In checking on the prices now - they have gone up to $160,000. They will find out in December if they received the FEMA Grant this round. However, they would still be short $70,000 if they receive what they had originally applied for.
A Motion was made by Craig LeMieux and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Secretary's minutes with corrections made. Carried.
No Treasurer's Report.
No Gambling Report.
A Motion was made by Craig LeMieux and seconded by Doc Moss to make the following donations:
$2,000 - Isle Boy Scouts
$2,000 - Mille Lacs Museum
$2,000 - Isle Library
$2,000 - Isle Food Shelf
$1,000 - Isle Schools - Roller Skating
$1,000 - Isle Schools - Girls Basketball
$1,000 - Isle Schools - Boys Basketball
$10,000 - Isle Fire Department
Any remaining money that needs to used will go to the Nyquist Scholarship Fund.
A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker that a recommendation made by the Board of Directors to donate $25,000 towards Playground Equipment at Nyquist School. Carried.

Christmas Tree of Giving - the tree is up at Teal's Market. There are 52 ornaments on it.
The Christmas Party to give away the gifts will be held on December 16th at the High Rise at
5:00 p.m. The meal will be catered. Hans is looking for someone to be Santa that night.
Santa Bags for the Preschool through Grade 6 students will be packed on December 13th at the Elementary Library at 4:00 p.m. To make things easier that night, we will pack the candy bags at the December General Meeting.
We will hold our Christmas Party after our General Meeting in December. Each person should bring a $10 exchange gift. Spouses are welcome.
Mille Lacs Toy Chest - Tami Zortman and Jane LeMieux have bought gifts to put in the box at the First National Bank. THANK YOU!

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Doc Moss that the Board make a recommendation to donate $200.00 each to: Marge Hoyt, Kurt Klipstein, and Michele Haggberg for Medical Expenses. Carried.

Hans Woelfle stopped in at the Isle City Hall and talked to them about the Band Shell. He told them that the isle Lions Club would like to help with it. He is going to be putting a committee together. If you are interested in joining it, please let Hans know.
Isle Teachers of the Month: Elementary: Meghan Remer
High School: Briana Novak
Each teacher will receive $250.00 to be used in their classroom as needed.
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting.



November 14, 2022

Meeting was called to order President Shari Strecker.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.
Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Secretary's Minutes as presented. Carried.
A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. Carried.
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Gambling
Report as presented. Carried.
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented. Carried.
Blankets, Books and Candy are already to be packed for the Santa Bags for the Preschool through Grade 6 students at Nyquist Elementary. We will meet at the Nyquist Elementary Library to pack Bags on December 13th at 4:00 pm.

Hans Woelfle is working on the Christmas Tree of Giving. He figures he will end up with around 50 people from the Senior High Rise and Scandia House. Hans will be setting the Christmas Tree up at Teals Market on November 26th at noon. A catered dinner will be held on December 16th at 5:00 pm at the Senior High Rise to pass out the gifts.

There is no Tovs for Tots for Mille Lacs County this year. But there is a program called the Mille Lacs Toy Chest. It will be run the same way as the Toys for Tots program and hopefully next year they will be a part of the Toys for Tots. Tami Zortman and Jane LeMieux have volunteered to do the shopping. A box will be set up at the First National Bank.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doc Moss to approve Gloria Oltman into Membership of the Isle Lions Club. Carried.
Our next General Meeting will also be our Christmas Party. Each member is asked to bring a $10.00 gift to exchange. Spouses are also invited to come.
A Motion was made at 7:00 pm by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.


October 24, 2022

Meeting was called to order by President Shari Strecker.
12 Members Present: Shari Strecker, Dawn Christenson, Doc & Marlene Moss, Hans Woelfle, Deb Walters, Doug Halvorson, Susan Haggberg, Carolyn Remer, Alice Nickolay, Paulette Osterdyk and Conrad Thomsen.

We had one Guest - Jen Ernst, K-12 Principal. She spoke to us about ordering books through the school for our Santa Bags and also about needing new Playground Equipment.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson to approve the Secretary's minutes with corrections made. Carried.
No Treasurer's Report.
No Gambling Report.

We do need to make some donations before the end of the year Went over the Annual Report. We ended with 4 stars - 49.65%

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Doc Moss to spend up to $1,000.00 for the Christmas Tree of Giving. This would be for food or any extra presents
we would need to buy. Carried.

The Santa Bags this year will consist of a Blanket, Book and Candy.

THANK YOU to Doug Halvorson and Kurt Klipstein for winterizing the Isle Lions Water Foundation.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Doc Moss that the Board make a recommendation to donate $200.00 each to: Russ Jackson and Rebecca Tramm for
Medical Expenses. Carrried.

Isle Teachers of the Month: Elementary: Laurie Anderson
High School: Troy Amundson
Each teacher will receive $250.00 to be used in their classroom as needed.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to spend $250.00
to advertise in the Cabin Fever. Carried

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to adjourn the meeting




October 10, 2022

Meeting was called to order by 2nd Vice President Hans Woelfle.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.
Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.


We had several guests at our meeting - PDG Jack Bruesewitz, District Governor Vince
Theil and his wife Trish,
and new member Gloria Oltmann.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Secretary's Minutes as presented. Carried.
A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the
Treasurer's Report as presented. Carried.
A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Tami Zortman to approve the
Gambling Report as presented. Carried.
A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Tami Zortman to approve the
Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.

Ditch Clean-up was held on October 3rd. We had 7 Lions members show up (could have used a couple more) and they picked 8 bags of garbage. THANK YOU, MEMBERS!

The luncheon held with Lions International President Brian Sheehan was held on October 7th. Hans & Shari Wolfe, Doc & Marlene Moss, Doug & Judy Halvorson,, Conrad Thomsen, and Alice Nickolay all attended.

It was a little disappointing because International President Brian Sheehan did not make an appearance.
We later found out that he had a Heart Bypass,

However, they did get their picture taken with 1st International Vice President Patty Hill. She is from Ontario Canada.
Past District Governor Jack Bruesewitz was at our meeting to thank us for our generous donation to 5M8 Lions Foundation to help International President Brian Sheehan with all of his many duties and responsibilities.

The District 5M8 Mini Forum will be held on Thursday, October 13th at the Little Falls Ballroom. Doc and Marlene Moss and Hans Woelfle will attend. Our club and the Onamia Lions Club are in charge of sending out Thank you cards after the event.

The Santa Bags were discussed. If there is anyone who like to be involved in ordering for them, please let President Shari Strecker know. Craig LeMieux will take care of the candy bags.
Doug Halvorson and Hans Woelfle will take care of winterizing the Lions Water Fountain.

Doc Moss spoke to us about the Band Shelter in the Isle City Park. Due to Insurance reasons, it needs to be torn down. The City of Isle does have plans to build a new one, hopefully next year.

District Governor Vince Theil spoke to our club on the Mentorship Program. He would like each club in our District to help a special needs program. 
District Governor Vince Theil installed Barb Stone and Jim Maciazka into the Isle Lions Club. Barb and Jim are sponsored by Shari and Hans Woelfle.

Hans Woelfle will begin work on the Christmas Tree of Giving. If anyone has a name that should be included, please let him know.

A Motion was made at 7:48 pm by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to
Adjourn. Carried





September 26, 2022

Meeting was called to order by President Shari Strecker.


12 Members Present: Shari Strecker, Dawn Christenson, Doc & Marlene MossDeb Walters, Doug Halvorson, Susan Haggberg, Nancy Anderson, Alice Nickolay, Craig LeMieux, Paulette Osterdyk and Bubbles Haggberg.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.


No Treasurer’s Report.

No Gambling Report.


Wahkon Inn has been sold.  Gambling Manager Deb Walters has been talking to the new owners.  They would like our club to continue selling Pull Tabs.  She is also still working with Beckman’s BarDeb is keeping the State informed of everything.


Our next General Meeting will also be our District Governor’s Dinner.  The current District 5M8 Governor is Vince Thiel.  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to donate $100.00 the LCIF (District Governor’s Lion’s Cause).  Carried.


We will pass on participating in the Isle Homecoming Parade this year.  That is the same day as the Luncheon with International President Brian Sheehan.  


The District 5M-8 Mini Forum is hosted by our Zone this year. The Mini Forum will be held at the Little Falls Ballroom on October 13th.  Doc and Marlene Moss and Hans and Shari Woelfle plan on attending.  Our Club is in charge of sending out the Thank You cards at the end of the Mini Forum.


Ditch Clean-up will be held on October 3rd with October 4th as the rain date.  Everyone is to meet at the State Garage at 5:00 pm.


A Motion was made by Craig LeMieux and seconded by Doc Moss that the Board make a recommendation to donate $200.00 each to:  Marty Berg, Bob Hoefert, Gordy Bergquist for Medical Expenses and a Memorial for Clark Sahlstrom.  Carrried.


Isle Teachers of the Month:  Elementary: Stacie Noha       High School:Emily Wagner

Each teacher will receive $250.00 to be used in their classroom as needed.


The City of Isle is tearing down the old Band Shell at the City Park.  Doc Moss will check with them to see what it would take to keep it.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to adjourn  the meeting.  Carried.






September 12, 2022

Meeting was called to order by 2nd Vice President Hans Woelfle.


The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.


Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.


A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded byDoc Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded byTami Zortman to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


Treasurer Marlene Moss gave us a report on the Corn Feed –


          Total Income - $1,466.00  (Includes start-up cash)

​Expenses -        (    912.14) (Hot dogs were donated by Wahkon Inn)

          PROFIT -            $   553.86   (Pies Profit - $334.80 and Brats & Hot dogs Profit - $219.06)


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Nancy Anderson to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Nancy Anderson to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.


The White Pine Logging and Threshing Show was held on September 3rd, 4thand 5th.  Hans Woelfle gave a report on the weekend.  Both Saturday and Sunday were very slow in the late afternoons, he would like to try something different for next year.  Maybe bring Pull Tabs back or have entertainment in the Saloon.  


          Total Income - $10,061.00    (Tip Jar - $1,215.00 and Beer Sales - $8,846.00)

​Expenses -​      (4,654.94)   (2,056.95)  Beer Cost                           

                                      â€‹â€‹                     (   375.00)  Insurance

                                       â€‹â€‹                     (     77.46)  Chairs& Misc.

                                   â€‹â€‹                     (     50.00)  Liquor License

                                      â€‹â€‹                      (2,095.53)  Fee to White Pine

​PROFIT -            $ 5,406.06


Thank you to everyone that worked – we had a total of 140 volunteer hours!




The Lions International President is Brian Sheehan from Bird Island.  He will be in our area on October 7th.  A luncheon is set up at the East Central High School.  The following people plan on attending:  Hans & Shari Woelfe, Doc & Marlene Moss, Doug & Judy Halvorson, Bubbles Haggberg, Conrad Thomsen, Shari Strecker and Alice Nickolay.


The next Zone Meeting is Tuesday, September 13th in Pierz.  It will be hosted by the Ramey/Morrill Lions.  Alice NickolayDoc and Marlene Moss will attend. They will also take our Gift Basket for the Silent Auction.


The District 5M8 Mini Forum will be held on Thursday, October 13th at the Little Falls Ballroom.  Any member may attend, it is an interesting event.  Cost is $20.00 per person; reservations need to in by September 14th.  Social hour begins at 5:30 pm.


Our District Governor’s Dinner will be held during our next General Meeting on October 10th.  The year’s Governor is Vince Thiel from St. Cloud.  


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Lee Hohlen to place an ad in the 2023 Isle High School Year.  We will do the same size as last year – ¼ page ad.  Carried.


Ditch Clean-up will be held on October 3rd with October 4th as a rain date.  Meet at the State Garage at 5:00 pm.

A Motion was made by Lee Hohlen and seconded by Carolyn Remer to accept the Membership of Barb Stone and Jim Maciazka into the Isle Lions Club.  Carried.

A Motion was made at 7:15 pm by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.   Carried


August 22, 2022

Meeting was called to order by President Shari Strecker.
11 Members Present: Shari Strecker, Hans Woelfle, Marlene Moss, Dawn Christensen,

Deb Walters, Carolyn Remer, Nancy Anderson, Alice Nickolay, Craig and Jane LeMieux and Bubbles Haggberg.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Secretary's minutes as read. Carried.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Nancy Anderson to approve the Treasurer's report as presented. Carried.

No Gambling Report.

The Corn Feed/Pie Sale is set for Friday, August 26'h at the Isle City Park. It will run from 5:00 to 7:00 pm or until the corn is gone. Deb needs one more meat griller.

Hans Woelfle has everything set for the Saloon at the White Pine Logging and Threshing Show on September 3rd, 4th and 5th. Hans is looking for someone to work on Sunday morning from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. He will pick up the chairs from Hardware Hank.

The next Zone Meeting is on Tuesday, September 13th at Pierz and it will be hosted by the Ramey/Morrill Lions Club. Alice Nickolay, Doc and Marlene Moss plan on attending. They will take our gift basket for the Silent Auction at the Mini Forum with them.

The District 5M-8 Mini Forum is hosted by our Zone this year. It will be held at the Little Falls
Ballroom on October 13th. Reservations need to be made by September 19th, anyone may attend. If you would like to go, please let Marlene Moss know. Doc and Marlene Moss and Hans and Shari Woelfle plan on attending. Our Club is in charge of sending out the Thank You cards at the end of the
Mini Forum.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss that the Board make a recommendation to donate $200.00 each to: Dominque Larson, Lynda Long, Marlene Moss, Joe Schweich, Marilyn Exsted and Jenna Bauer for Medical Expenses. Carrried.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Carolyn Remer to accept Barb Stone and Jim
Maciazka into membership of the Isle Lions
Club. Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Nancy Anderson to reimburse any member for their entrance fee to the White Pine Logging and Threshing Show if they ask for it. Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Nancy Anderson to adjourn the meeting.




August 8, 2022

Meeting was called to order by President Shari Strecker.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.
Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Craig LeMieux and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Secretary's Minutes as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Nancy Anderson and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve
the Treasurer's Report as presented. Carried.

Treasurer Marlene Moss gave us a report on the Isle Days Brat Stand -
Total Income - $3,220.00
Expenses -(1,559.39)
PROFIT -$1,394.61

A Motion was made by Craig LeMieux and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the
Gambling Report as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Craig LeMieux and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the
Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.

Corn Feed is set for August 26th from 5:00-7:00 pm. Deb Walters passed a sign-up
sheet around. Shari Strecker, Nancy Anderson and Dawn Christensen are in charge of
the Pie Sales. Each member is asked to bring two pies - NO CRÈME PIES.

The White Pine Logging and Threshing Show will be held on September 3rd, 4th and
Our club will once again be running the Saloon. Hans Wolfe passed around the
sign-up sheet, please sign up if you have not done so. The Board will talk about the
entrance fee to get into the Threshing Show.

The Lions International President is Brian Sheehan from Bird Island. He will be in our area on October 7th. A luncheon is set up at the East Central High School. Because our club had donated the $2,000 to help him with his many duties and responsibilities when he entered office, we were allowed to have 10 guests. The following people
will attend: Hans & Shari Wolfe, Doc & Marlene Moss, Doug & Judy Halvorson, Bubbles Haggberg, Conrad Thomsen and Alice Nickolay.

The next Zone Meeting is Tuesday, September 13th in Pierz. It will be hosted by the
Ramey/Morrill Lions. Reservations must be made by August 30th . Shari Strecker,
Alice Nickolay, Doc and Marlene Moss will attend. They will also take our Gift Basket
for the Silent Auction.

The District 5M8 Mini Forum will be held on Thursday, October 13th at the Little Falls
Ballroom. Any member may attend, it is an interesting event. Cost is $20.00 per
person; reservations need to in by September 14th

The Red Cross Bloodmobile was held in Isle on July 29th and was a success. Everything ran very smoothly. Pat Hicks thanked everyone who helped. We ended up with 41 donors.

Wahkon Days are August 19th to the 21st. The Parade will be held on Saturday, the
20th. Dawn Christensen, Shari Strecker, Nancy Anderson and Marlene Moss will
throw candy. A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Deb Walters to
spend up to $200.00 for candy. Carried.

Our District Governor's Dinner will be held on October 10th. The new Governor is
Vince Thiel from St. Cloud. President Shari will invite the Onamia Lions.

Thank you, Conrad Thomsen, for printing the new Lions Directory! If any of your
information is incorrect, please let him know.

A Motion was made at 7:39 pm by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Nancy Anderson
to Adjourn. Carried




July 25th 2022

Meeting was called to order by President

Shari Strecker.

13 Members Present: Shari Strecker, Hans Woelfle, Doc and Marlene Moss, Dawn Christensen, Doug Halvorson, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Carolyn Remer, Nancy Anderson, Alice Nickolay, Craig LeMieux and Paulette Osterdyk.

We had two Guests:  Lori Gudim – Volunteers of America – Our Home
Scott Kuykendall – IREC Fitness Center

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

Treasurer Marlene Moss gave us a report on the Brat Stand for Isle Days.

No Gambling Report.

A Motion was made by Craig LeMieux and seconded by Hans Woelfle to make a change to the signature card for the Gambling Account at First National Bank of Milaca.  The following people will be listed – Debra Walters, Pam Lene, Susan Haggberg and Charles Haggberg.  Carried.

There will be No Bingo at our General Meeting.  We would have to use a whole packet, not just one sheet.

Gambling Manager Deb Walters had a surprise Gambling Audit at both Wahkon Inn and Beckhams Bar.  We were written up on the Inventory we have on hand.  Deb will take steps to correct.

A Motion was made by Craig LeMieux and seconded by Doc Moss to not start Gambling at the Isle Municipal Liquor Store.  Not only would it be a lot more work, but it would also put us in a higher tax bracket. Carried.

Red Cross Bloodmobile is scheduled to be in Isle on July 29th at the Faith Lutheran Church.  As of Monday, the 25th there were 39 of the 67 slots filled.  You can walk in, but you may have to wait for a spot to open up.

District 5M8 Mini Forum will be held in Little Falls on October 13th .  Our Zone is hosting this event.  Each club is asked to bring a Gift Basket for the Silent Auction.  Alice Nickolay and Marlene Moss are working on this.  All members are welcome to attend.

The White Pine Logging and Threshing Show will be held on September 3rd, 4th and 5th.  Once again, this year we will run the Saloon.  Please sign up with Hans Woelfle if you have not done so.  Thank you to Hans Woelfle for chairing this project, but it takes the whole club to run it.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay that the Board makes a recommendation to approve the following for $200.00/each for Medical Expenses:  Bob Lapinski, Ole Walters, Judy Halvorson and Pat Gudim.  Carried.

The Corn Feed is set for Friday, August 26th at the Isle City Park.  Deb Walters has been working on getting everything set up.  This is the only date that seems to work.  The weekend before is Wahkon Days and the weekend after is Labor Day Weekend, which we will all be working at the Saloon.  She will have a sign-up sheet at the General Meeting.

Our next Zone Meeting is on September 13th in Pierz hosted by the Ramey/Morrill Lions.  Supper is paid for by our club.  Any member may attend.  Please let President Shari know if you are interested.

With a new District Governor in place – Governor Vince Thiel, President Shari will set up another Governor’s Dinner.  She will try for October or November.

Lori Gudim came and spoke to us about “Our Home” as part of the Volunteers of America.  She is in charge of eight homes – five in Isle and three in Wahkon.  They provide housing for families most in need and to help them stabilize their lives. They are in need  of a new washing machine at one of the Wahkon homes. A Motion was made by Craig LeMieux and seconded by Doc Moss to donate $1,200 to the “Our Home” for a new washing machine.  Carried.

Scott Kuykendall from the IREC Fitness Center came and spoke to us about the Fitness Center.  They just recently purchased two used elliptical machines, which used up his Equipment Budget.  After some discussion a Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Susan Haggberg to donate $2,000 to the IREC Fitness Center to help them with their Equipment budget.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn at 7:19 pm.  Carried.




July 11, 2022


Meeting was called to order by President Shari Strecker.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.
Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.
A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Secretary's Minutes as presented. Carried.
A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the
Treasurer's Report as presented by Secretary Susan Haggberg. Carried.
A Motion was made by Hans Wolfle and seconded by Kurt Klipstein to approve the
Gambling Report as presented. Carried.
A Motion was made by Hans Wolfle and seconded by Kurt Klipstein to approve the
Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented. Carried.
Meat Raffle Workers:

Isle Days Bingo - We made $679.00. It was a rainy and windy day. We gave away 40 prizes. Would like to Thank all the businesses that donated.

Thursday nights with the Meat Raffle and Horse Races we are taking in around $4,000 a month.

The Little Miss Isle and Commodore Pageant was a success. We had a total of 16 kids participate. Thank you, Shari.
The numbers were down for the Kiddie Parade, will work on better advertising next year.

Brat Stand - We ran out of food on Saturday night and closed at 8:30 pm. Treasurer Marlene Moss will have all the numbers for us at the next meeting. Will work on collecting information from the last couple of vears to figure out how much more we need to purchase. Have run out two years in a row.

Red Cross Bloodmobile will be in Isle on July 29th at the Faith Lutheran Church. A sign- up sheet was passed around. Any questions please talk to Pat Hicks or Judy Halvorson.

The White Pine Logging and Threshing Show will be held on September 3rd, 4th and 5th. We will once again run the Saloon. Hans Woelfle passed a sign-up sheet around.
Conrad Thomsen is working on our Lions Directory. If any of your information has changed please let him know.

A Motion was made by Kurt Klipstein and seconded by Nancy Rizer-Schmidt to raise
the cost of our meal and tip at Wahkon Inn from $12.00 to $14.00. This breaks down
as $12.00 for our meal and $2.00 for a tip.

We need to set a date for the Corn Feed. Corn will probably be purchased from Janson's.

Our next Zone Meeting is September 13th in Pier, hosted by the Ramey/Morrill Lions Club. Our members are welcome to attend. Reservations need to be made by August 30th

President Shari Strecker will work on setting up the District Governor's Dinner with the Onamia Lions.
A Motion was made at 7:41 pm by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Ole Walters to Adjourn. Carried



June 27, 2022

Meeting was called to order by President Shari Strecker.
14 Members Present: Shari Strecker, Hans Woelfle, Doc and Marlene Moss, Dawn
Christensen, Doug Halvorson, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Carolyn Remer, Nancy
Anderson, Alice Nickolay, Craig LeMieux, Paulette Osterdyk and Bubbles Haggberg.
We had one Guests: Paul Smith - Isle Police Department
A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Secretary's
minutes as read. Carried.
No Treasurer's Report
No Gambling Report - Deb & Ole Walters, Doug Halvorson and Shari Strecker shredded old
Pull Tabs. We have to keep them for 3 ½ years.
A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to donate $1,449.00 to
the After Prom Committee for the weeks they worked at the Meat Raffle on Thursday's.
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson to donate $2,500.00 to
the Nyquist Scholarship Fund. Carried.
Isle Days: Sign-up sheet was passed around for the Brat Stand. Penny Klipstein will make up
posters for the Kiddie Parade. Shari Strecker is working on the Little Miss Isle and
Commodore, she has 12 kids signed up.
Our Zone is hosting the 5M8 Mini Forum this year. They would like all clubs to donate a
basket for the Silent Auction. Marlene Moss will take care of this. We will need to bring the
basket to the next Zone Meeting in September. Anyone may attend the Mini Forum.
The Red Cross Blood Mobile is set for July 29th at the Faith Lutheran Church. Any questions
please talk to Pat Hicks or Judy Halvorson. A sign-up sheet for workers will be passed around
at the July General Meeting.
A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Alice Nickolay to donate $500.00 to
the City of Wahkon to help them out with the July 4th Fireworks expense. Carried.

A Motion was made by Craig LeMieux and seconded by Carolyn Remer to make a donation of

$1,500.00 to the R.U.R.A.L. Music Ministries. They have bought the property that use to be
"Smokin Hill". This organization is a faith based non-profit organization that will hold free to
attend musical events. The first musical event will be held the end of August. Carried.
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and Hans Woelfle to donate $500.00 to the Isle Police
Department to help them purchase a used Police Car that is fully equipped. Carried with
three opposed.
A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve $200.00
each to Tod Henningson, Mick Lene, Terri Iverson, Delphia Cooper, Dan Brandt and Bonnie
Skogen for Medical Expenses. Carried.
A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $250.00 to
the Isle Car Show to help them with expenses. Carried.
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson to donate $150.00 to the
Pink Ribbon Cupboard. This program provides emergency non-medical financial assistance
for people undergoing breast cancer treatment. Carried.
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson to Adjourn at 7:28 pm.



June 13, 2022

Meeting was called to order by President Shari Strecker.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.
Invocation was said by Doug Halvorson.
A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the
Secretary’s Minutes as presented. Carried.
A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the
Treasurer’s Report as presented. Carried.
A Motion was made by Craig LeMieux and seconded by Kurt Klipstein to approve the
Gambling Report as presented. Carried.
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the
Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.
Meat Raffle Workers:
6/16 – Lee Hohlen & Craig LeMieux
6/23 – Doug Halvorson & Craig LeMieux
6/30 – Lee Hohlen & Craig LeMieux
7/07 – Lee Hohlen & Craig LeMieux
7/14 – Lee Hohlen & Craig LeMieux
The Little Miss Isle and Commodore Pageant will be held on Friday, July 8 th at 6:30
pm. Nancy Rizer-Schmidt and Nancy Anderson have volunteered to help Shari
Strecker. A Motion was made by Craig LeMieux and seconded by Nancy Anderson to
spend up to a total of $500.00 on the Little Miss Isle & Commodore Pageant. Carried.
Sign-up sheet for the Brat Stand was passed around. We will raise Taco in a Bag, Brats
and Hotdogs by one ticket, Pop and Water will remain the same at one ticket.
Penny Klipstein is working on the Kiddie Parade. She will put an article in the
Messenger and also hang flyers around town. A Motion was made by Craig LeMieux
and seconded by Carolyn Remer to spend up to $500.00 on the Kiddie Parade.

We need people to help pass out Candy during the Grand Parade. Craig LeMieux,
Doug Halvorson, Kathy Frietag and Alice Nickolay have volunteered.
Bingo is scheduled for Sunday, July 10 th from 12:30 to 2:30 pm. Deb Walters, Tami
Zortman, Shari Strecker, Pat Hicks and Paulette Osterdyk have volunteered.
Red Cross Bloodmobile will be in Isle on July 29 th at the Faith Lutheran Church from
11:00 to 5:00 pm. Everything is set, people can sign up online.
Past President Doug Halvorson installed two of our new Members – Jessie Fredin
sponsored by Jane LeMieux and Nancy Rizer-Schmidt sponsored by Shari Strecker.

We held our Installation of Officer for the 2022-2023 year. They are as follows:
President – Shari Strecker
1 st Vice President – Doc Moss
2 nd Vice President – Hans Woelfle
3 rd Vice President – Dawn Christensen
Treasurer – Marlene Moss / Melisa Maxwell
Secretary – Susan Haggberg
Lion Tamer – Carolyn Remer
Tail Twister – Craig LeMieux
Immediate Past President – Doug Halvorson
Gambling Manager – Deb Walters
Two Year Directors – Jane LeMieux & Paulette Osterdyk
One Year Directors – Nancy Anderson & Alice Nickolay
Lifetime Director – Bubbles Haggberg
Bubbles Haggberg spoke to us about the Nyquist Scholarship Fund
A Motion was made at 7:27 pm by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to
Adjourn. Carried




May 23, 2022

Meeting was called to order by President Shari Strecker.
12 Members Present: Shari Strecker, Hans and Shari Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Doug
Halvorson, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Carolyn Remer, Nancy Anderson, Alice Nickolay,
Craig LeMieux and Bubbles Haggberg.
We had three Guests:
Bonnie Skogen – Isle Skating Rink
Mary Gray – McGrath July 4 th Celebration
Paul Smith – Isle Police Department
A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the
Secretary’s minutes as read. Carried.
The After Prom Committee is having trouble getting members to work the Meat Raffle on
Thursday’s at Wahkon Inn, so Gambling Manager Deb Walters is looking for Lions Members
who would like to volunteer.
Gambling Manager Deb Walters went over the 2021 Tax Report.
Our C.D. at the First National Bank is up for renewal. A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle
and seconded by Doug Halvorson to renew for 18 months and see if the Interest rates will go
back up. Carried.
Gambling Manager Deb Walters would like to install a new Bingo Program. This program
would have the name of the game and the numbers called come up on a television screen. A
Motion was made by Craig LeMieux and seconded by Doug Halvorson to allow Gambling
Manager Deb to spend up to $6,500.00 on this program and installation. Carried
A Motion was made by Susan Haggberg and seconded by Craig LeMieux to donate $300.00 to
the Mille Lacs Fun Run during Isle Days. Carried.
Ditch Clean-up was held on Monday, May 16 th with an excellent turn out. They picked eight
bags of garbage. THANK YOU TO: Nancy Anderson, Aliesha Holbert, Nancy Rizer-Schmidt,
Craig LeMieux, Alice Nickolay, Dawn Christensen, Jackie Gangl, Pat Hicks, Patti Packer and
Bubbles Haggberg.

Han Woelfle has added the old water tower onto the Club Pin we were looking at. A Motion
was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to order 200 pins for a cost of
$489.00. Carried.
A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve $200.00
each to Ione Bryant, Roger Strecker and Bob Winchester for Medical Expenses. Carried.
A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Alice Nickolay to donate $400.00 to
the Isle Baptist Church to help them with Family Fun Day during Isle Days. Carried.
Teachers of the Month –
Elementary – Stacy Borchert High School – Rene` Athman
A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Shari Woelfle to donate $1,000.00
to the Nyquist Scholarship Fund. Carried.
Bonnie Skogen spoke to us about the Isle Skating Rink. Because of Covid she did not send out
any donation letters last year, she was not sure if the rink would be open. As of this month
they are $3,000.00 short. A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Carolyn
Remer to donate $3,000.00 to the Isle Skating Rink. Carried.
A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Nancy Anderson to donate $500.00 to
the McGrath July 4 th Celebration. After some discussion the motion was Carried with one
Paul Smith from the Isle Police Department came and spoke to us about their upcoming
projects and budget needs. A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Carolyn
Remer to donate $1,000.00 to the Isle Police Department for them to use where it is needed.
After some discussion this motion was Carried with one opposed.
A Motion was made by Craig LeMieux and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn at 7:42 pm.



                  May 9th,2022

Meeting was called to order by President Shari Strecker.
We had several Guests: District Governor Terri Baily and PDG Allen Bailey and several
members of the Onamia Lions Club.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.
Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.
A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve
the Secretary’s Minutes as presented. Carried.
A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve
the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Carried.
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the
Gambling Report as presented. Carried.
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the
Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.
Officer’s Training will be held on May 10 th in Swanville and May 12 th in Mora.
We are still looking for someone to be in charge of the Little Miss Isle and
Commodore Pageant. If you are interested, please talk to President Shari Strecker.
Hans Woelfle had a couple of different Club Pin designs for our 50 th Anniversary. One
design was picked out, he will get the pins ordered.
Ditch Clean-up will be May 16 th with a rain date of May 17 th . Meet at the State Garage
at 5:00 pm.
District Governor Terri Bailey spoke to our us about Communication and her goals for
this last year. We presented her with a check for $100.00 for the Minnesota Vision
Foundation. She also Installed new member Pam Lene.
A Motion was made at 7:55 pm by Doc Moss and seconded by Craig LeMieux to
Adjourn. Carried


                                  April 25, 2022

Meeting was called to order by President Shari Strecker.
15 Members Present: Shari Strecker, Hans and Shari Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Doug Halvorson, Marlene & Doc Moss, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Carolyn Remer, Melisa Maxwell, Nancy Anderson, Alice Nickolay, Craig LeMieux and Bubbles Haggberg.
We had four Guests:
Kristi Pedersen, Jenna Ferris and Haley Anderson with the Miss Isle Committee
Leah Olson with the High School Rodeo
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Secretary's
minutes as read. Carried
Gambling Manager Deb Walters gave Treasurer Marlene Moss another check from the IRS as
part of the Employee Retention Program during Covid. This check will also go into our General Fund ($3,437.30).
We need a committee that would go around to the businesses and get prizes for Bingo during
Isle Days. We need approximately 15 prizes. Several people on the Board volunteered.
The Mille Lacs Drift Skippers have taken over the Pull Tabs at the Isle Municipal Liquor Store.
However, the Liquor Store would like us to run a raffle for repairs to the City dock. The Board
declined due to everyone being busy during the summer and with Isle Days.
Deb Walters also spoke to us about starting "Horse Racing" at Wahkon Inn on the same night as the Meat Raffle. It has become very popular around the lake. There would be a $2,000 start up fee. A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Doc Moss to proceed.
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve $200.00 each to Sue Oberfeld, Kevin Seefeldt and Kathy Zimpel for Medical Expenses. Carried.
Mark your calendars for our annual Red Cross Blood Drive. We will hold it at the Faith Lutheran Church on July 29th from 11:00 am to 5 pm.
Ditch Clean-up will be held on May 16th with a rain date of May 17th. Everyone can meet at he State Garage at 5:00 pm.

This year there will be no Dinner on the Scholarship Awards Night. There are 18 Seniors this year and Awards Night will be held on May 18th with coffee and dessert served. A Motion was made by Bubbles Haggberg and seconded by Doc Moss to donate $200.00 to help them
with the coffee and dessert expense. Carried.
A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Craig LeMieux to donate $100.00 in
District Governor Terri Bailey's name to her designated cause. Carried. 

The next Zone Meeting will be held at the Little Falls Legion on May 11th. Any member may attend. Please let Treasurer Marlene Moss know if you would like to go.

Teachers of the Month: Elementary - Michele Haggberg and High School - Dwight Pryzbilla
A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Doc Moss to donate $1,000.00 to the
Miss Isle Committee for their Scholarship program
. Carried.
A Motion was made by Craig LeMieux and seconded by Alice Nickolay to donate $500.00 to
Leah Olson to help with the High School Rodeo program. Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to donate $200.00 to
the Milaca Alumni Band to participate in the Isle Days Parade. Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson to donate $500.00 to
the Community Education Youth Program. This is to help them run the program over the
summer. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $2,000.00 to the
Mille Lacs Area Foundation to help with the program "Keep the Lake Clean"
. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $250.00 to
the Mille Lacs Museum in honor of Dolores Haggberg. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to donate up to $200.00 to
help with the Little Miss Isle and Commodore Pageant. Carried.

The First National Bank of Milaca has asked our Club if we would be interested in running a
Beer Garden at their 125th Anniversary celebration in Milaca. Hans Woelfle will do more
checking on it.
Hans Woelfle will also look in to purchasing new Club Pins for our 50th Anniversary
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn at 7:34 pm.



                           April 11, 2022

Meeting was called to order by President Shari Strecker.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.
Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.
A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to approve the Secretary's Minutes as presented. Carried.
A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. Carried.
A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Gambling Report as presented. Carried.
A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.
Gambling Manager Deb Walters gave Treasurer Marlene Moss two checks from the IRS as part of the Employee Retention Program during Covid. This can go into our General Fund ($6,661.57).
Melisa Maxwell said the students were very excited to get their Easter Bags.
We are still looking for someone to be in charge of the Little Miss Isle and
Commodore Pageant. If you are interested, please talk to President Shari Strecker.
Tami Zortman has volunteered to take over sending out get well and sympathy cards
for our club. THANK YOU!

Ditch Clean-up will be sometime in May.
Our next General meeting will be our District Governor's Dinner on May gth. The Onamia Lions will also be there.
A Motion was made at 7:12 pm by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to
Adjourn. Carried



                                     March 28, 2022
Meeting was called to order by President Shari Strecker.
17 Members Present: Shari Strecker, Dawn Christensen, Marlene & Doc Moss, Susan
Haggberg, Deb Walters, Doug Halvorson, Carolyn Remer, Melisa Maxwell, Nancy Anderson,
Alice Nickolay, Bubbles Haggberg, Craig LeMieux, Tami Zortman, Pat Hicks, Jan Gangl and Kurt

We had one Guest: Aleia Haggberg, Isle Elementary Basketball Camp
A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to approve the
Secretary's minutes as read. Carried.
A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the
December Treasurer's Report as presented. Carried.
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Pat Hicks to approve the Gambling Report
as presented by Gambling Manager Deb Walters. Carried
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Pat Hicks to approve the lawful purpose
and allowable expenses out of Gambling. Carried.
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to allow Gambling Manager
Deb Walters to give out a $25.00 gift certificate each month at Bingo. This is to show our
appreciation for all the people that come each week. Carried.
We received a "Top Ten Award" from the Lions Vision Foundation.
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $1,000.00 to
help with the Girls Elementary Basketball Camp. Carried.
A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve $200.00
each to Paula Revak, Larry Nutt, Laurie Geisthardt, Jeri Walters and Josh Knowles for Medical
Expenses. Carried.
Teachers of the Month: Elementary - Meghan Remer and High School - Tama Exsted
A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Carolyn Remer to accept the
Membership of Pam Lene into the Isle Lions Club. Carried.
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn at 7:29 pm

                  January 24,2022

Meeting was called to order by President Shari Strecker.
12 Members Present: Shari Strecker, Hans and Shari Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Marlene &
Doc Moss, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Carolyn Remer, Melisa Maxwell, Nancy Anderson
and Bubbles Haggberg.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Secretary's minutes as read. Carried. A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the December Treasurer's Report as presented. Carried.
No Gambling Report - Was approved at an Online Board Meeting January 10, 2022

Christmas Tree of Giving went well - we had 46 Seniors participate. Cost of the food and miscellaneous items was $492.99.

Doc and Marlene Moss went to the Zone meeting held in Pierz. Our new Zone Chairperson is
Cathy Talberg. Next Zone meeting will be held in May hosted by the Lindberg Lions. Any
member of our club may attend a Zone Meeting, it gives you an idea of what is happening in
our Zone.

We are still looking for someone to take over the Little Miss Isle & Commodore Pageant.
Penny Klipstein has volunteered to run the Kiddie Parade. THANK YOU, PENNY!

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve $200.00 to
Tim Casper for Medical Expenses. Carried.

Former Lion Member Frank Ketchmark passed away on January 8, 2022. In lieu of flowers the
family asked that donations be made to the Isle Lions Club in Frank's honor.

Teachers of the Month: Elementary - Kalie Turgeon and High School - Ashley Nordberg
No one will be attending the 5M8 Mid-Winter Convention. Gambling Manager Deb Walters
will mail the Parade of Green checks to the District Governor.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $1,000.00
each to the following for the Parade of Green: 14x $1,000 = $14,000
2) MN Lions Vision Foundation
*Children's Eye Clinic
*Lions Gift of Sight *Macular Degeneration Center
*Lions Eye Institute
3) MN Lions Hearing Foundation
*Hearing Foundation
*Children's Hearing Clinic
4) MN Lions Diabetes Foundation
5) District 5M8 Foundation - Kidsight
6) Leader Dogs for the Blind
7) Can Do Canines
8) Project New Hope Lions Foundation of MN
9) Childhood Cancer
10) Project New Hope

This is the start of the 2022/2023 Slate of Officers. If anyone would like to volunteer to be on
the Board, please let one of the officers know.
President: Shari Strecker
1st Vice President: Doc Moss
2nd Vice President: Hans Woelfle
3rd Vice President: Dawn Christensen
Treasurer: Marlene Moss / Melisa Maxwell
Secretary: Susan Haggberg
Lion Tamer: Carolyn Remer
Tail Twister: Craig Lemieux

Immediate Past President: Doug Halvorson
Gambling Manager: Deb Walters
Two Year Directors: Jane
 Lemieux  Paulette Osterdyk
One Year Directors: Nancy Anderson and Alice Nickolay
Lifetime Director: Bubbles Haggberg

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doc Moss to donate $2,000.00 to the
5M8 Lions Foundation to help International President Brian Sheehan with his many duties
and responsibilities upon entering the office of International Lions President One of his main
considerations he faces is hosting the International Board of Directors here in Minnesota.

Dawn Christensen has been working on our Club Banner, getting ready to sew all the patches
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn at 7:03 pm.




December 13, 2021    


Meeting was called to order by President Shari Strecker.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

We had several Guests:  Roger Strecker, Pam Lene, Randy Larson, Phyllis Haggberg, Randy Christensen and Mike Temte.


A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Secretary’s Minutes as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.


Our club received a 4-Star rating from the Gambling Board.  We gave away 43% of our profits.


On Tuesday, December 7th we packed 238 Christmas Bags for the Pre-School and Elementary Students.  We had 16 members come and help.


All the tags on the Christmas Tree of Giving were taken off, however three of them were never returned.  Thank you to our members at our General Meeting who took these tags to fill.  The Christmas Party for the residents will be held at McQuoids “Cedar Room” on December 17th at 6:00 pm.  Everyone is welcome.


Tami Zortman has volunteered to take over Mitzie Reis calling list.  THANK YOU!


A Motion was made by Lenore Bryant and seconded by Doc Moss to have Craig Lemieux take over Mitzie Reis spot on the Board.  Carried.  THANK YOU!


Doc Moss has volunteered to took over the Tail Twister position.  THANK YOU!                           v                                                                                  


The 5M8 Mid-Winter Convention will be held on February 4th, 5th and 6th.  If anyone is interested in going, please let Marlene Moss know.


There will be no Board Meeting in December and no separate General Meeting in January.  We will have a General/Board Meeting on January 24, 2022.  


The Isle Days Committee are looking for names for who will be running the Kiddie Parade and Little Miss Pageant.  Please let President Shari Strecker know if you are interested.


A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Deb Walters to donate $200.00 to Bonnie Lee for her son that was killed – Eddy Beehler.  Carried.


A Motion was made at 7:15 pm by Doc Moss and seconded by Kurt Klipstein to Adjourn.   Carried





November 22, 2021


Meeting was called to order President Shari Strecker.

14 Members Present:  Shari Strecker, Dawn Christensen, Doug Halvorson, Deb Walters, Marlene & Doc Moss, Susan Haggberg,  Melisa Maxwell, Bubbles Haggberg,  Carolyn Remer, Hans & Shari Woelfle, Nancy Anderson and Alice Nickolay.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read. Carried.

No Treasurer’s Report.

No Gambling Report.

Gambling Items:

  • A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to start selling Pull Tabs at Beckham’s Bar & Bistro as of January 1, 2022. Carried.

  • A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Doc Moss to allow Gambling Manager Deb Walters to purchase a new POS System for Wahkon Inn. Carried.

  • Taxes have been filed for year 2020.

  • Year To Date Donations are $69,577.27.  We have our 30% in donations covered.


Hans Woelfle gave an update on the Christmas Tree of Giving.  He has contacted 35 residents at the Highrise and 12 residents at the Scandia House.  He will set the Christmas up at Teal’s on Saturday, November 27th at noon.  The Christmas Party for the residents will be held on December 17th  at McQuoid’s Inn, but please note the time change.  It will now be held at noon.


Santa Bags for the Elementary Students will be filled on Tuesday, December 7th at 5:30 pm in the Elementary Library.  Anyone may come and help.

Our next General Meeting will also be our Christmas Party.  Everyone should bring a $10 Gift.

A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Marlene Moss that we can donate to a person more than once for Medical Issues. Carried.


A Motion was made that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $200.00/each to:  Tom Oberfeld, Klaus Rapp, RaeAnn Larson, Clark Sahlstrom, and Mary Paulsen for Medical Expenses. Carried.


Isle Lion Teachers of the Month for November:  

Elementary:  Erika Ehrich

  High School: Erin Biron


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to donate $2,000.00 to the Isle After Prom Party. Carried.


A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Doc Moss to donate $5,000.00 to the Girl’s Basketball Team. Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 pm.  Carried.




November 8, 2021    


Meeting was called to order by President Shari Strecker.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

We had one Guest:  Jessie Fredin

and Mille Lacs County Swat Truck


A Motion was made by Lee Hohlen and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Secretary’s Minutes as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Craig LeMieux and seconded by Doug Halvorson to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Lee Hohlen to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Lee Hohlen to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.


Even though no one from our Club attended the Mini Forum – our Club did receive $25.00 from the Governor’s Contest for have so many new members.


KidSight Screening was held in October for Pre-K through Grade 6 plus two local daycares.  Deb Walters and Shari Strecker screened 223 kids and gave out 34 referrals.  


We will be filling Santa Bags for the Elementary Students on Tuesday, December 7th  in the Elementary School Library at 5:30 pm.  A sign-up sheet was passed around.


Hans Woelfle has been working on the Christmas Tree of Giving.  The Christmas Party for the residents will be held at McQuoids “Cedar Room” on December 17th at 6:00 pm.


Our next General Meeting will also be our Christmas Party.  Each member is to bring a $10.00 gift to exchange.


Gambling Manager Deb Walters gave Treasurer Marlene Moss $245.00 in dauber money.


A Motion was made at 7:29 pm by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Tami Zortman to Adjourn.   Carried



October 25, 2021


Meeting was called to order President Shari Strecker.


13 Members Present:  Shari Strecker, Dawn Christensen, Doug Halvorson, Deb Walters, Marlene & Doc Moss, Susan Haggberg,  Bubbles Haggberg,  Carolyn Remer, Hans & Shari Woelfle, Nancy Anderson and Alice Nickolay.


We had one Guest – Dean Hjort with Kick Cancer to the Curb Mille Lacs County.


A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read with correction to the price of the Yearbook Ad to $80.00.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson to accept the informal Treasurer’s Report as presented (no bank statement).  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to accept the informal Gambling Report as presented (no bank statement).  Carried.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to purchase an Ad in Cabin Fever magazine for $200.00.  Carried.


Deb Walters and Shari Strecker screened most of the kids at the Elementary School.  Will go back on October 26th for the Pre-School Students.


Isle Lion Teachers of the Month for September: 

Elementary:  Katie Cooper 

 High School:  Dave Mueller

Isle Lion Teachers of the Month for October: 

Elementary: Tim Honek   High School:  Lori Wall


The Lion Water Fountain is all winterized.  THANK YOU TO DOUG HALVORSON AND KURT KLIPSTEIN.




THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HELPED WITH DITCH CLEAN-UP on October 12th:  Alice Nickolay, Pat Hicks, Nancy Anderson, Nancy Rizer-Schmidt, Dawn Christensen, Sheri Strecker, Jaci Gangl, Doug Halvorson, Ole Walters, Kurt Klipstein and Bubbles Haggberg.  They picked eight bags of garbage.


A Motion was made that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $200.00/each to Pat Gudim and Dorothy Haggberg for Medical Expenses.  Carried.


Dean Hjort came and spoke to us about Kick the Cancer to the Curb.  He is trying to spread the word in northern Mille Lacs County about th is program.  Please check their website for more information.  They give $350.00 to Cancer Patients who live in Mille Lacs County and meet their qualifications.  As one of their fundraisers they are selling calendars for $50.00 with monthly giveaway’s.  A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson to donate $1,000.00 to Kick Cancer to the Curb.  We also have ten calendars to sell, see Marlene Moss if you are interested in one. Carried.


Hans Woelfle has started getting things ready for the Christmas Tree of Giving and the Christmas Party for the Seniors at the High-Rise Apartments.  This year the party will be held at McQuoids Inn.  A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to spend up to $900.00 to have the Christmas Party catered.   Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 pm.  Carried.




October 11, 2021    


Meeting was called to order by President Shari Strecker.


The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.


Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.


We had one Guest:  Nancy Rizer-Schmidt


A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Lenore Bryant to approve the Secretary’s Minutes as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.


The District Governor’s Dinner has been set for May 9, 2022.  We will have this Dinner with the Onamia Lions.


KidSight Screening is set for October 18th and October 19th for Pre-K through Grade 6 plus two local daycares.  Deb Walters and Shari Strecker will do the screenings.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Lee Hohlen to donate a $1,000.00 to Chad Minor as a Medical Donation.  He was severely burned by oil at work.  Carried.


If anyone is interested in Lions shirts or jackets, please let Shari Strecker know.


Past President Doug Halvorson installed new members Lee Hohlen, Kay James, Kurt and Penny Klipstein.


Ditch Clean-up is set for Tuesday, October 12th.  Anyone who would like to help can meet at the State Garage at 5:00 pm.


A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Carolyn Remer to purchase an ad in the Isle High School Yearbook – ¼ page for $80.00.  Carried.


It’s that time of year again – the Lion Fountain needs to be winterized.  Doug Halvorson will take care of this.


Deb Walters received a check from Bob and Terri Iverson for $100.00.  This is a donation from “Pam”.  Thank you.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to accept Nancy Rizer-Schmidt into the Isle Lions Club.  Carried.

A Motion was made at 7:15 pm by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.   Carried




September 27, 2021


Meeting was called to order President Shari Strecker.


11 Members Present:  Shari Strecker, Dawn Christensen, Deb Walters, Marlene & Doc Moss, Susan Haggberg,  Bubbles Haggberg,  Melisa Maxwell, Hans Woelfle and Nancy Anderson.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.


No Treasurer’s Report.


No Gambling Report.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Susan Haggberg that Gambling Manager Deb Walters may order a second ticket counter for the Pull Tabs.   Carried.


Deb Walters will pick up the Eye Machine from KidSight on October 17th.  They will test student eyes from Preschool through sixth grade on October 18th.  Deb will also check with any local daycares to see if they are interested in having any of the kids eyes tested.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to raise the amount of Medical Donations to $200.00.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Hans Woelfle that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $200.00 to Ross Tramm, Joyce Miller and John and Marilyn Melecha for Medical Expenses.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $300.00 to Jade Ferris to help with family expenses after her father died.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Shari Strecker to donate $5,000.00 to the Walleye Capital VFW Post 2762.   Carried.


Ditch Clean up will be held on October 12th with a rain date of October 13th.  Everyone will meet at the State Highway Garage at 5:00 pm.


A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Nancy Anderson to donate $1,000.00 to Nyquist Elementary for sleds for the students to use during Phy. Ed this winter.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Nancy Anderson to donate $5,000.00 to Mille Lacs Raiders Basketball.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Susan Haggberg and seconded by Doc Moss to donate $5,000.00 to the Nyquist Scholarship.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Susan Haggberg to adjourn the meeting at 6:58 pm.  Carried.




September 13, 2021


Meeting was called to order by President Shari Strecker.


The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.


Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.


We had one Guest:  Brett Erickson with B. Johnson & Associates (our Accountant)


A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.


Brett Erickson, our accountant from B. Johnson & Associates came and spoke to us on our 2020 Audit results.  Everything looks good and he thanked Gambling Manager Deb Walters for keeping such good records.


Marlene Moss gave us a report on the Corn Feed.  We had an excellent turn out we served 100-150 people.  Our total profit was $516.62.

Meat, Soda, Corn:  $719.00

           Pie Sales:                  $323.00 (All pies were donated by members)

Less Expenses:       ($525.38)


Hans Woelfle gave us a report on the Saloon at the White Pine Logging & Threshing Show.  We also had an excellent turn out there.  Our profit for the three days was $5,717.64.  This includes $1,101.00  in tips. 

Beer Sales:    $9,449.00                           We had a total of 18 Lion members and 1

           Tip Jar:           $1,101.00                           Volunteer help out for a total of 173 hours.

           Expenses:     ($4,832.36)                         THANK YOU EVERYONE!


For a Fall Project, Past President Doug Halvorson would like to work on our Lions Float.  It is in desperate need of some repair.  Before we begin he will check with the High School to see if one of the shop classes would like to work on it.


Because of Covid, the Mille Lacs Health System Tour has been put on hold.  They may do something around Christmas time.


President Shari Strecker has not heard anything on a date for the Governor’s Dinner.


WELCOME TO NEW MEMBER KATHY FREITAG.  Past President Doug Halvorson installed Kathy into the Isle Lions Club.


KidSight will be held at Nyquist Elementary on October 18th and 19th.  Shari Strecker and Deb Walters will work on this.


Bubbles Haggberg gave us an update on the Nyquist Scholarship Fund.


Spire Credit Union:

Savings      $11,564.86 

Checking $32,596.01 

CD’s          $66,519.40  

Total              $110,680.84


First National Bank:

Savings $21,674.29,

CD’s $45,103.55   

    $ 66,777.84


Cambridge Investment Fund:                  $114,520.37


TOTAL                                                          $291,978.48


Lions District 5M8 Mini Forum will be held on October 6th at the Eagles Club in St. Cloud if any member would like to attend.  All members are welcome.


A Motion was made at 7:58 pm by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Marlene Moss to Adjourn.   Carried




August 23, 2021


Meeting was called to order President Shari Strecker.


11 Members Present:  Shari Strecker,  Doug Halvorson, Dawn Christensen, Deb Walters, Marlene & Doc Moss, Susan Haggberg,  Alice Nickolay,  Melisa Maxwell, Hans Woelfle and Patti Packer.


We had one Guest:  Jimmy Henrickson with the Mille Lacs Raiders Football Program


A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Doug Halvorson to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


No Gambling Report.


Corn Feed is set for Saturday, August 28th from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.  We will be serving Hamburgers, Brats, Hots Dogs and Pop.  Doug Halvorson will handle the set up.  Deb Walters and Dawn Christensen will purchase the food.  Each member is also reminded to bring two pies.  Shari Strecker and Nancy Anderson are in charge of the Pie Sales.


White Pine Logging and Threshing Show  - Hans Woelfle still has some openings on his sign-up sheet.  He will call members that have not signed up yet.  We will also be selling water this year.  We will not be selling Pull Tabs.  The Pull Tab seller is sick and will not be able to sell Pull Tabs.


Wahkon Days – Thank you to Dawn Christensen for purchasing the candy and for the use of their side-by-side during the parade.  Also Thank you to the candy throwers:  Marlene Moss, Patti Packer and Susan Haggberg.


A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Doc Moss to donate $3,000.00 to Mille Lacs County to be used for their Mobil Command Center.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Marlene Moss that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $150.00 to:  Bob Hoefert and Al Jenkins for Medical Expenses.  Carried.


Lions 5M8 Mini Forum and Awards Banquet will be held on October 6, 2021 at the Eagles Club in St. Cloud.  Anyone that would like to go, please let President Shari Strecker know.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to donate up to $15,000.00 to the following programs:  

Mille Lacs Raiders Football – $5,000 

Speed and Strength Program at Isle High School – Up to $4,700 (Will check to see what they need)

Mille Lacs Raiders Volleyball – Up to $5,000 (Will check to see how much they need)


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to adjourn the meeting at 7:24 pm.  Carried.






August 9, 2021


Meeting was called to order by President Shari Strecker.


The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.


Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.


We had several Guests:  Andy Beckstrom, Mille Lacs County Sheriff Dept. 

          Pam Lene and Andrea Navara


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to approve the Secretary’s Minutes as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Doug Halvorson to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.


Andy Beckstrom from the Mille Lacs County Sheriff’s Office came and spoke to us about a donation for their Mobile Command Trailer.  They have a FEMA Travel Trailer, but now they need to renovate the trailer into a communications and command trailer.  He is asking for funding to outfit the trailer so it would be capable of being used as an onsite communication center.


He also let us know that they are going to try and have the MRSP vehicle at our September General Meeting.  We donated money to help purchase this vehicle a couple of years ago.


Hans Woelfle gave us an update on the Culpepper & Merriweather Circus that was in town on July 29th.  Thank you to everyone that sold tickets.  We sold 895 tickets – 506 adult tickets and 389 kid and senior tickets.  Everyone had a great time.  Our profit for this event was $3,267.25.  Thank you, Hans for all your hard work.


Hans Woelfle also gave us an update on the Saloon at the White Pine Logging and Threshing Show.  We will be running the Saloon on September 4th, 5th and 6th.  Everything is set; however, he still has a few spots open if you have not signed up to work let him know.


Doug Halvorson, Deb Walters, and Dawn Christensen are in charge of the Corn Feed this year.  Because of a conflict with the Rib Fest at Teal’s Market on Friday, August 27th we have moved the Corn Feed to Saturday, August 28th from 5:00 pm to 7 pm.  The Roeschlein Family did not have much luck with the corn this year, so  a Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to purchase 50 dozen ears of  corn from Jansen’s through Teal’s Market.  The cost will be $5.00 per dozen. Carried. 


 Shari Strecker and Nancy Anderson are in charge of the Pie Sales.  Each member is asked to bring two pies.  We will also sell Hamburgers, Hot dogs, Brats and Pop.  A sign-up sheet was passed around.


We are still working on the Dinner Count for our General Meetings.  Please be sure and let your caller or President Shari Strecker know  if you have to cancel.  If you say you were coming and then do not show up or cancel you will still be responsible for paying for your meal.


The Mille Lacs Health System is getting close to completing part of their Expansion Project.  Since we are an organization that sponsored a room (Occupational Therapy Room - $25,000.00) we will have the opportunity to take a tour before it opens.  We are hoping to do this either in October or November right before our General Meeting.  However, you will need to be vaccinated and wear a mask.  


President Shari Strecker has talked to the Onamia Lions about the Governor’s Dinner.  The Isle Lions Club will be the host this year.  A request was sent to District Governor Terry Bailey with a date of May 10, 2022, and an alternate date of June 14, 2022.  


A Motion was made at 7:54 pm by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.   Carried




July 26, 2021


Meeting was called to order President Shari Strecker.


13 Members Present:  Shari Strecker,  Doug Halvorson, Dawn Christensen, Deb Walters, Marlene & Doc Moss, Susan Haggberg,  Nancy Anderson, Melisa Maxwell, Bubbles Haggberg, Carolyn Remer,  and Hans & Shari Woelfle.


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Doug Halvorson to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Treasurer’s Report for Isle Days Brat Stand.  Carried.


No Gambling Report.


Gambling Items:

  • Gambling Permit has been submitted for Wahkon Days and the Saloon at the White Pine Logging & Threshing Show so we can sell Pull Tabs at both events.

  • Madison Cooper will be resigning at the end of August – Pam Lene will pick up her hours.

  • Deb will check with the Auditor to see if he could come to our September General Meeting and go over the Audit from last year.

  • Taxes for 2017-2018 that were Amended have been sent in.


The Red Cross Bloodmobile that was scheduled for July 23rd was cancelled due to a shortage of Red Cross workers.


Hans Woelfle gave us an update on the Circus.  He would like all tickets turned in by Wednesday – the 28th .  As of right now the Pre-Sales are lower than the last time.


Due to a conflict with the Rib Fest at Teal’s Market, we have moved the Corn Feed to Saturday, August 28th .  This will all depend on whether the corn will be ready.  Doug Halvorson and Deb Walters have volunteered to Co-Chair and Shari Strecker and Nancy Anderson will handle the Pie Sales.


White Pine Logging and Threshing Show – Hans Woelfle will get the Beer ordered.  Thinking of having a Happy Hour sometime on Monday, so we can sell the beer we have left.


A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $150.00 to:  Cliff DeYoung for Medical Expenses.  This Motion was amended by Doc Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson to also add Elizabeth Skogen.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Doc Moss to donate $500.00 to the Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota.  Carried.


President Shari Strecker will talk to the Onamia Lions about the Governor’s Dinner.


We have been having trouble with the dinner count for our General Meeting.  If you tell your caller, you will be at dinner and then cannot come, please let your caller know.  We have to get a more accurate count for Tom.


Fall Project:  Doug Halvorson would like to get a committee together and work on our Lions Float.  It is desperately in need of some repair.


The Mille Lacs Health System should have the new addition done around January 1st.  They are providing private tours for groups that donated.  Doug Halvorson will talk to them and see if we could take a tour sometime in October or November before our General Meeting.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting at 7:12 pm.  Carried.




July 12, 2021


Meeting was called to order by President Shari Strecker.


The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.


Invocation was said by Doug Halvorson.


We had several Guests:  Jeanie & Ernie Frye and Pam Lene.


A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.


Gambling Manager Deb Walters went over the results from the Gambling Audit.


Isle Days Reports –

    Little Miss Isle – Mitzie Reis – Was cancelled until next year.

    Miss Isle – Shari Strecker –Four Candidates for Miss Isle &Two for Teen Miss Isle

    Kiddie Parade – Mitzie Reis – There were eight entries.

Brat Stand – Dawn Christensen, Susan Haggberg & Carolyn Remer – Friday was slow, but Saturday was remarkably busy.  Isle Chamber of Commerce donated Hamburgers and buns to us to fry on Sunday.  Because all the receipts are not in yet, Marlene Moss will have a complete report at the next meeting.

Grand Parade – Judy Halvorson drove and Mitzie Reis, Patti Packer, Alice Nickolay and Jackie Gangl threw candy.

Pull Tabs and Bingo – Deb Walters – Had an incredibly good turnout.  For Bingo we made $1,197.00 and right around $3,000.00 with the Pull-tabs.  Thank you, Lynda & Pam!


Pat Hicks gave us an update on the Red Cross Bloodmobile.  It is scheduled to be in Isle on July 23rd.  We will once again set up at Faith Lutheran Church.   The Blood Drive will run from Noon to 6:00 pm.  We are in need of volunteers; a sign-up sheet was passed around.


The Culpepper & Merriweather Circus is scheduled to be in town on July 29th.  There will be two shows – one at 5:30 pm and one at 7:30 pm.  Hans Woelfle has tickets for anyone that would like to sell them.  The more tickets we sell, the more money we will make.  


Tentative Date for the Corn Feed is August 27th, but it will depend on the corn.  


Pam Lene has volunteered to help  with the Meat Raffle on Thursday’s.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to accept the membership of Kathy Freitag into the Isle Lions Club.  Carried.

A Motion was made at 7:36 pm by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.   Carried




June 28, 2021


Meeting was called to order President Doug Halvorson.

16 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Shari Strecker,  Dawn Christensen, Marlene & Doc Moss, Susan Haggberg,  Patti Packer, Melisa Maxwell, Pat Hicks, Bubbles Haggberg, Carolyn Remer,  Hans & Shari Woelfle, Mitzie Reis, Alice Nickolay and Nancy Anderson.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.

No Gambling Report.

We own the sign that sits in the parking lot at the Isle Municipal, and they would like us to remove it.  For now, we will haul it to the Storage Shed and use it at some of our events.  We would also like to someday make it a little easier to haul by adding wheels to it.

Marlene Moss has been trying to find out if there will be a 4th of July Parade in McGrath.  They are also having their meeting tonight.  

Isle Days – Everything should be set.  

  • Little Miss Isle & Commodore was cancelled until next year.

  • Miss Isle has four Candidates and Teen Miss Isle has 2 Candidates. 

  • Kiddie Parade line up will begin at 9:30 am at the Faith Lutheran Church.

  • Grand Parade will include Judy Halvorson, Mitzie Reis, Patti Packer, Alice Nickolay and Jackie Gangl. 

  • Brat Stand sign-up sheet was passed around again. 

  • Deb Walters has everything set up for the Pull-tabs and Bingo.


Pat Hicks gave us an update on the Bloodmobile. The date for the Red Cross Blood Drive is July 23rd at the Faith Lutheran Church in Isle.  We are now able to provide lunch for the Red Cross workers.  Pat will have a sign-up sheet at the July General Meeting.


The Culpepper & Merriweather Circus is July 29th – mark your calendars.  Hans Woelfle will have tickets for us to sell at the July General Meeting.  The more tickets we sell, the more money we can make.


The White Pine Logging and Threshing Show will be held September 4th, 5th, and 6th.  Hans Woelfle has a sign-up sheet, so if you can volunteer, please let him know.  Because of the low number of volunteers that signed up to work at the Saloon, the Board voted not to have a Food Booth.


A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Alice Nickolay that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $150.00 to:  Deb Walters for Medical Expenses.  Carried.


We have updated our Calling List, so if you are not getting a call for the General Meeting, please let our new President, Shari Strecker know.  Thank you to Hans Woelfle, Mitzie Reis and Bubbles Haggberg for calling everyone.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $400.00 to the City of Wahkon for the 4th of July Fireworks.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker to donate $400.00 to the Isle Baptist Church for “Family Fun Day” on Sunday, July 11th during Isle Days.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to donate $100.00 to the Isle Fire Department for prizes to give away during the Motorcycle Ride on July 3rd.  Carried.


During last fall someone in the Museum turned on the wrong valve for the water, therefore the pipes for the water fountain froze and busted.  Bob Snyder has made all of the repairs.  A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Carolyn Remer to reimburse Bob for the parts he had to replace.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Shari Woelfle to authorize a change of signatures for the Isle Lions Club General Account at First National Bank.  Signatures on the Bank Account will be Marlene Moss, Shari Strecker and Doug Halvorson.  These people are authorized to sign the checks and perform banking functions for the Isle Lions Club General Fund.   Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting at 7:17 pm.  Carried.





June 14, 2021


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

We had several Guests:  Kim Stefczak and Kathy Frietag & the Langenbach’s


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.


We have received correspondence from the City of Wahkon asking if we would donate to the July 4th Fireworks.  We also received a letter from the Isle Baptist Church asking for a donation for the Isle Days ~ Fun Days that they hold on Sunday of Isle Days.  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to make a Donation to both organizations but to give the Board the authority to decide on the amount.  Carried.


The Langenbach’s were at our meeting talking about the 2021 White Pine Logging and Threshing Show.  They are asking if we would be interested in serving food besides running the Saloon.  They would receive 10% of the Gross.


Bubbles Haggberg was presented with a Chevron for 35 years of service in the Isle Lions Club.


Isle Days –

    Little Miss Isle – Mitzie Reis – Everything is set

    Miss Isle – Shari Strecker – They have three Candidates, June 21st is the deadline.

    Kiddie Parade – Mitzie Reis

Brat Stand – Dawn Christensen, Susan Haggberg & Carolyn Remer – Sign-up sheet                    passed around.

Grand Parade – Judy Halvorson will drive and Mitzie Reis, Patti Packer, Alice Nickolay and Jackie Gangl will throw candy.

    Pull Tabs and Bingo – Deb Walters – Everything is set


Pat Hicks gave us an update on the Red Cross Bloodmobile.  It is scheduled to be in Isle on July 23rd.  We will once again set up at Faith Lutheran Church.   The Blood Drive will run from Noon to 6:00 pm.  We are in need of volunteers, please let Pat know if you can help.


The Culpepper & Merriweather Circus is scheduled to be in town on July 29th.  They will call the businesses about buying tickets.  We will also be selling tickets.  This is a good Fundraiser for our Club, but we need to sell tickets - the more tickets we sell, the more money we will make.  There will be two shows – one at 5:30 pm and one at 7:30 pm.  


We held the Installation of the 2021-2022 Officers:

    President:  Shari Strecker

    1st Vice President:  Doc Moss

    2nd Vice President:  Hans Woelfle

    3rd Vice President:  Dawn Christianson

    Treasurer:  Marlene Moss / Melisa Maxwell

    Secretary:  Susan Haggberg

    Lion Tamer:  Carolyn Remer  and  Tail Twister:  Mitzie Reis

    Immediate Past President:  Doug Halvorson

    Gambling Manager:  Deb Walters

    Two Year Directors:  Nancy Anderson and Alice Nickolay

    One Year Directors:  Shari Woelfle and Melisa Maxwell

    Lifetime Director:  Bubbles Haggberg


We also Installed four more new Members:  Sue Temte sponsored by Marlene Moss,

Craig & Jane Lemieux sponsored by Judy Halvorson and Tami Zortman sponsored by Shari Strecker.  Welcome to everyone.


Tentative Date for the Corn Feed is August 27th, all depends on the corn.


A Motion was made at 7:50 pm by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.   Carried




May 24, 2021


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


13 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Shari Strecker, Hans and Shari Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Marlene & Doc Moss, Deb Walters, Susan Haggberg, Mitzie Reis, Carolyn Remer, Patti Packer and Pat Hicks.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary’s minutes as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the Gambling Report as presented for April and May.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the lawful purpose and allowable expenses out of the Gambling Fund for April and May.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve a donation in District Governor Jeff Thompson’s name to LCIF in the amount of $100.00.  Carried.


Isle Days:  Sign-up sheets will be passed around at the June General Meeting

  • Little Miss Isle – Mitzie Reis

  • Miss Isle – Shari Strecker

  • Kiddie Parade – Mitzie Reis

  • Brat Stand – Dawn Christensen, Susan Haggberg and Carolyn Remer

  • Grand Parade – We need walkers to throw candy (You cannot sit on the float and throw)

  • Bingo – Deb Walters, Carolyn Remer, Mitzie Reis and Pat Hicks

  • Pull Tabs – Deb Walters


Pat Hicks gave us an update on the Red Cross Bloodmobile.  It will be held at Faith Lutheran Church on July 23rd from Noon to 6:00 pm.  No food will be served to the workers.  If you can help set up, work or clean-up – please let Pat Hicks know.  She will also have a sigh-up sheet at the June General Meeting.


The Culpepper & Merriweather Circus will be in town on  July 29th.  Hans Woelfle will have tickets for us to sell at the June General Meeting.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $150.00 each to:  Butch Vanvenberg, Marilyn Exsted and Jean Snyder for Medical Expenses.  Carried.


President Doug Halvorson had received a call from Zone Chairperson Bunny Tabbett asking if we would like to host the next Zone Meeting, which would need to be held by the end of June.  As a Board we decided against it, we have to much going on right now.


Isle Lions Teachers of the Month:

    Elementary -   Katie Cooper                    High School – Jen Ernest

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $300.00 to the Isle Fire Department for the Isle Days Fun Run to be held on July 10th.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Patti Packer to donate $2,000.00 to the Isle After Prom.  Carried.

White Pine Logging and Threshing Show will be held on September 4th, 5th, and 6th.  Our Club will once again run the Saloon.  Hans Woelfle has applied for the Beer License and is working on the Insurance.  He will have a sign-up sheet at the General Meeting.


A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Patti Packer to donate $1,000.00 to the Nyquist Scholarship.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn the meeting at 7:31 pm.  Carried.



April 26, 2021


Meeting was called to order by 1st Vice President Shari Strecker.

12 Members Present:  Shari Strecker,  Dawn Christensen, Marlene & Doc Moss, Susan Haggberg,  Patti Packer, Melisa Maxwell, Pat Hicks, Bubbles Haggberg, Carolyn Remer,  Alice Nickolay and Conrad Thomsen.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Pat Hicks to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Patti Packer and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the lawful purpose and allowable expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.


Melisa Maxwell gave us an update on the Isle Lions 50th Anniversary Celebration. Invitations are being sent out.  Be sure to mark Friday, May 14th on your calendar so you can attend.


The date for the Red Cross Blood Drive has changed – it will be held on July 23rd at the Faith Lutheran Church in Isle.  Pat Hicks will give us more information as the date gets closer.


The date for the Culpepper & Merriweather Circus is July 29th – mark your calendars.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Melisa Maxwell that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $150.00 to:  Bonnie Skogen for Medical Expenses.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate to the following:

    Camp Onomia - $1,000.00        Milaca Alumni Band - $200.00

    Isle Schools (Speed & Strength Training) - $250.00       Miss Isle Program - $250.00

All Carried.


Isle Lions Teachers of the Month:  Elementary – Nick Schultz  & High School – Travis Turgeon


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to pay for the Seniors Class meal at the Scholarship Awards Program on May 19th.  Carried.


We are in need of someone to run the Kiddie Parade during Isle Days this year.  

A  Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to accept into the Isle Lions Club Membership – Craig and Jane Lemieux.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 pm.  Carried.




April 12, 2021

Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson


The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.


Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented along with the Summary Report for 2020.  Carried.


No Gambling Report


The 50th Anniversary Celebration is coming together.  Melissa Maxwell passed out copies of the Invitations that have been sent out.  The celebration will be held on May 14th at Wahkon Inn.  Social hour will begin at 6:00 pm with dinner at 6:30 pm.  The Program will start at approximately 7:15 pm.


Easter Bags were packed at the General/Board Meeting in March.  All students from Preschool through Grade 6 received a bag.


Shari Strecker is taking orders for Lions shirts, sweatshirts or jackets from TAZ.  If you are interested in anything, please let her know.


Ditch Clean-up is scheduled for Monday, May 3rd with Tuesday, May 4th as the rain date.  We will meet at the County Garage at 5:30 pm.


Pat Hicks gave us an update on the Red Cross Bloodmobile.  It is scheduled to be in Isle on July 14th.  We will once again set up Faith Lutheran Church.   The Blood Drive will run from Noon to 6:00 pm.  We are in need of volunteers, please let Pat know if you can help.


The Culpepper & Merriweather Circus is scheduled to be in town this summer.  Hans Woelfle will keep us updated.


Hans Woefle has also been in contact with the Langenbach’s about the White Pine Logging and Threshing Show for this year.  It looks like everything will be up and running this year.  Keep Labor Day weekend open so you can volunteer at the Isle Lions Saloon.


Jane Lemeiux won Split the Pot and one of the Raffle Drawings.  Pat Hicks won the other Raffle Drawing.


A Motion was made at 7:22 pm by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.   Carried





March 22, 2021


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


14 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Shari Strecker, Hans and Shari Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Marlene & Doc Moss, Deb Walters, Mitzie Reis, Carolyn Remer, Patti Packer, Melisa Maxwell, Pat Hicks and Bubbles Haggberg.


We had one Guest tonight – Lea Olson from the Minnesota High School Rodeo.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to approve the Secretary’s minutes as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the lawful purpose and allowable expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to donate $400.00 to the Minnesota High School Rodeo which will be held in Pine City on May 22nd and 23rd.  Carried.


We had an update on the 50th Anniversary Celebration from the Committee.  


Easter Bags were packed at the Meeting tonight, Melisa Maxwell will pass out to students.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $150.00 to:  Cameron Sweeny for Medical Expenses.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Shari Strecker to fill Christmas Bags for the Elementary Students instead of holding the Santa Sale.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $1,402.00 to the Cub Scouts.  Carried.


Teachers of the Month:  Elementary – Marriah Tronnes and High School – Erin Borin


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.  Carried.




February 22 ,2021

Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


16 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Hans and Shari Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Marlene & Doc Moss, Susan Haggberg,  Deb Walters, Mitzie Reis, Patti Packer, Melisa Maxwell, Pat Hicks, Bubbles Haggberg, Jackie Gangl, Alice Nickolay and Conrad Thomsen.


A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Patti Packer to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


No Gambling Report


We received several Thank You’s from our donations to the Parade of Green.  President Doug Halvorson read a letter from Zone Chair Bunny Tabatt on how the District 5M8 Mid-Winter Convention went.


Our Isle Lions 50th Anniversary Celebration Committee has been busy planning for our special event.  Be sure to mark Friday, May 14th on your calendar so you can attend.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $150.00 to:  Robert Vliem for Medical Expenses.  Carried.


Nyquist Scholarship Committee will be having a meeting.  They will review what money they have and how much they can give away.


A Motion was  made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Doc Moss that in place of the Easter Egg Hunt we pass out Easter Bags to the Preschool and the Elementary students.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $300.00 to the Isle Prom.  Carried.


Isle Lions Teachers of the Month:

    Elementary – Noah Johnson        High School – Donald Goenner


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 pm.  Carried.




February 8, 2021


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson


The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.


Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented along with the Summary Report for 2020.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Klaus Rapp and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Klaus Rapp to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Klaus Rapp to approve the Gambling Summary for 2020 as presented by Gambling Manager Deb Walters.  Carried


Nancy Anderson and Shari Strecker have volunteered to run the Meat Raffle on February 18th.


The Isle Lions Club is now 50 Years old (as of January 11th).  We will hold our 50th Anniversary Party on Friday, May 14th at the Wahkon Inn starting at 6:00 pm.


Conrad Thomsen has been with the Isle Lions Club for 42 Years.  He spoke to us on his thoughts and memories as a Lion over the past 42 years.  Thank you for your service, Conrad.


 2021/2022 Slate of Officers:


    President:  Shari Strecker

    1st Vice President:  Doc Moss

    2nd Vice President:  Hans Woelfle

    3rd Vice President:  Dawn Christianson

    Treasurer:  Marlene Moss / Melisa Maxwell

    Secretary:  Susan Haggberg

    Lion Tamer:  Carolyn Remer

    Tail Twister:  Mitzie Reis

    Immediate Past President:  Doug Halvorson

    Gambling Manager:  Deb Walters

    Two Year Directors:  Nancy Anderson and Alice Nickolay

    One Year Directors:  Shari Woelfle and Melisa Maxwell

    Lifetime Director:  Bubbles Haggberg


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Patti Packer to approve these members as our 2021/2022 Slate of Officers.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to purchase an ad in the Isle  High School Yearbook.  Carried.


Alice Nickolay won the Door Prize and Carolyn Remer won Split the Pot ($10).


Mitzie Reis will bring the Raffle Prize for the April General Meeting.


A Motion was made at 7:43 pm by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.   Carried





January 25 ,2021


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


14 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Shari Strecker, Hans and Shari Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Marlene & Doc Moss, Susan Haggberg,  Deb Walters, Mitzie Reis, Patti Packer, Melisa Maxwell, Pat Hicks and Bubbles Haggberg.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the December Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


No Gambling Report


We did go over the million-dollar mark so we will have to have another Gambling Audit done this year.  We will use the same accounting firm as last year – B. Johnson & Associates.


We have been approached by the Bayview Bar to see if we are interested in running the Gambling there.  This would include Pull Tabs, Bingo and Meat Raffle.  A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker that if Gambling Manager Deb Walters can find someone who would like to run the Gambling there the Board makes a recommend that we proceed with it.  Carried.


50th Anniversary Update:  President Doug Halvorson has talked to Tracy at the Mille Lacs Messenger about running an article in the Progress Edition of the Messenger about our 50 years.  Conrad Thomsen has been a member for 42 years; he will speak to the club at our February General Meeting.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve $150.00 each to Judy Cassady and Paul Pinz for Medical Expenses.   Carried.


No one will be attending the 5M8 Mid-Winter Convention.  Deb will mail the Parade of Green checks to the District Governor.


Teachers of the Month:  Elementary – Dominic Kruse and High School – Lori Walls


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $300.00/each to the following for the Parade of Green:     13 x $300 = $3,900.00


    1) LCIF 

    2) MN Lions Vision Foundation

          *Children’s Eye Clinic   *Lions Gift of Sight   *Macular Degneration Center   *Lions Eye Institute

    3) MN Lions Hearing Foundation

          *Hearing Foundation    *Children’s Hearing Clinic

   4)  MN Lions Diabetes Foundation

   5)  District 5M8 Foundation – Kidsight

   6)  Leader Dogs for the Blind

   7)  Can Do Canines

   8)  Project New Hope Lions Foundation of MN

   9)  Childhood Cancer



The start of the 2021/2022 Slate of Officers:


    President:  Shari Strecker

    1st Vice President:  Doc Moss

    2nd Vice President:  Hans Woelfle

    3rd Vice President:  Dawn Christensen

    Treasurer:  Marlene Moss / Melisa Maxwell

    Secretary:  Susan Haggberg

    Lion Tamer:  Carolyn Remer

    Tail Twister:  Mitzie Reis

    Immediate Past President:  Doug Halvorson

    Gambling Manager:  Deb Walters

    Two Year Directors:  

    One Year Directors:  Shari Woelfle and Melisa Maxwell

    Lifetime Director:  Bubbles Haggberg


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to Adjourn at 7:19 pm.  Carried.




No Gereral Meeting on the second Monday. The General meeting was held with the Board meeting in Jan.



December 28, 2020

Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson by Email.

10 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Hans and Shari Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Marlene & Doc Moss, Susan Haggberg,  Deb Walters, Patti Packer and Carolyn Remer.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Secretary’s minutes as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Susan Haggberg to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the draft  Gambling Report as presented.  Carried

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to retroactively approve an additional $150.00 for the Christmas Tree of Giving.  (Blankets for the Senior Residents) Carried.  Thank you to Patti Packer and Hans and Shari Woelfe for completing this project and having it publicized in the Mille Lacs Messenger.

We also want to Thank Melisa Maxwell for getting everything together for the Christmas Bags and getting them passed out to all the students and to Deb Walters for doing all the shopping for Toys for Tots.

The Parade of Green donations and the Calling List will be discussed at the January General/Board Meeting on January 25th.

A Motion was made by Susan Haggberg and seconded by Deb Walters to approve $150.00 each to Keith Severson and Bev Thomsen-Severson for Medical Expenses and a Memorial for $150.00 to the Mark Haggberg family for Macen.  Carried.

Teachers of the Month:  Elementary – Kalie Turgeon  and High School – Jen Ernest


Hans Woelfle and Dawn Christensen have volunteered to help Gambling Manager Deb Walters with the Inventory at Wahkon Inn on January 1, 2021.

Meeting was adjourned with all Motions passing.



December 14, 2020

No meeting held because of the Covid 19  shut down 

Instead here is the December e-news

Greetings Isle Lions. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!

December General Meeting Cancelled.
Our Isle Lions Club will not be able to hold our December General meeting and Christmas party due to the Covid restrictions.
Our December Board meeting will be an email meeting. 
Christmas Projects.
Toys for Tots 
While our club cannot celebrate our Christmas party, we have been in the Christmas spirit in several ways. Our club purchased over $1000 in toys which were donated to Toys for Tots.
A BIG Thank You to Lion Deb Walters 
who took time to purchase all the toys. Lions who pitched in to help deliver the toys were Doc and Marlene Moss, Pat Hicks, Bubbles Haggberg, Judy and Doug Halvorson along with Deb.
Christmas gift bags for the elementary students
Another Christmas project of our club was to provide Christmas gift bags to all the elementary students (pre-K-grade 6) at the Isle school. The bags contained age appropriate books, pencils, a stuffed animal, squeeze toys, and candy. The gift bags were distributed by grades on Tuesday, December 1st. A BIG Thank You to Lion Melisa Maxwell who organized the project. Thanks to Lions club board members along with Nancy Anderson and Judy Halvorson who filled the gift bags.
Christmas Tree of Giving 
The Christmas Tree of Giving project is being modified this year due to the Covid restrictions. Instead of providing food and small gifts, our club will be providing warm blankets to residents at the Isle hi-rise. A BIG Thank You to Lions Hans Woelfle and Shari Woelfle for planning and implementing this Christmas project.
You can view some photos of our projects on the Isle Lions Website under the photo gallery. Also watch future issues of the Mille Lacs Messenger for photos.
Sympathy to Tami Zortman.
We extend our sympathy and prayers to Lion Tami Zortman who's father passed away on November 28,2020. Tami's address is 1447 Highway 27, Isle MN 56342, if you wish to send condolences.

Sympathy to Judy Crace
Sympathy and prayers to the Bob Crace family upon his passing on Nov 29th 2020. 
Upcoming Schedule.
Our December General meeting is cancelled. The December board meeting will be an email meeting. Board members should watch for emails later this month.
We will not hold a January general meeting. This has been our practise for several years. The monthly board meeting will cover any issues which require action. Any member who is interested is invited to attend the board meeting. 
Judy and I hope everyone stays healthy and stays safe. Best wishes for a blessed holiday season.
Doug Halvorson, President, Isle Lions
Isle Lions "We Serve"




November 30, 2020


Our Lions Board Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


12 Members Present:  Doug & Judy Halvorson, Shari Strecker, Dawn Christensen, Marlene & Doc Moss, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Melisa Maxwell, Pat Hicks, Bubbles Haggberg, and Nancy Anderson.


A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary’s minutes as presented.  Carried.


No Treasurer’s Report 


 A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Pat Hicks to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Pat Hicks to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Funds as presented.  Carried.


President Doug Halvorson has reached out to the Mille Lacs Messenger to ask if they would like to do a story on our 50th Anniversary in the Progress Edition.  He has not heard back from them.


The Board Members filled the Christmas Bags for the ECFE, Preschool and Elementary Students.  Melisa Maxwell will pass the out on December 1st


A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Doc Moss to spend up to $800.00 on gifts for the Residents at the High Rise for the Christmas Tree of Giving.  Hans Woelfle is looking at purchasing blankets for each resident instead of a meal.  Carried


Deb Walters has talked to Toys for Tots.  All gifts purchased will stay in Isle.  Deb Walters purchased gifts for the older kids in the amount of $1,050.00.  Deb will deliver the gifts to First National Bank on Tuesday, December 2nd, any Lions available can meet at the Bank at 10:00 am.


A Motion was made by Pat Hicks and seconded by Shari Strecker that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $150.00 to:  Lori Hawkins, Don Haggberg and Marlene Peterson for Medical Expenses.  Carried.


Teachers of the Month:  High School –  Julie Ulmen             Elementary School – Stacy Borchert


Next Board Meeting will be held online, hopefully  we can meet in person in January for the General/Board Meeting.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Pat Hicks to adjourn the meeting at 5:31 pm.  Carried.




November 9, 2020


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by President Doug Halvorson.

We had two Guest with us:  Jason and Jodi Amundson

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Gambling Report as presented by President Doug Halvorson.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.


Our Isle Lions Club will be 50 Years Old in January of 2021.  Our Celebration will take place at the Wahkon Inn on May 14, 2021.  The Committee will keep everyone updated on plans.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to accept the following new members into the Isle Lions Club:  Lee & Kay Hohlen, Brad & LuAnn Payne, Sue Tempe, Nancy Anderson and Tami Zortman.  Carried.


Lions International has five Lion Causes:  Hunger, Diabetes, Vision, Environment and Childhood Cancer.  Tonight, our guests Jason and Jodi Amundson are going to speak to us about their personal experience with Diabetes.  Not only does Jason have Diabetes, but their two sons also do.


With COVID spreading in Isle.  Hans Woelfle is going to look into having a Christmas meal delivered to each Senior along with a Gift Card to Teals.


Melisa Maxwell has received everything we need to fill the Christmas Bags for the Elementary Students.  Each student will receive a Bear, Book, Bookmark, Pencil, Spinner and a Squishy Toy.  She will get the candy ordered this week.  Mitzie Reis has already gotten the Candy Canes.  Doug will send out an E-news as to when and where we will put the bags together.  Thank you, Melisa.


Our Christmas Party will be held at our next General Meeting on December 14th.  Each member may bring a Guest and a $10.00 gift to exchange.


Thank you to Doug Halvorson for putting the Lion in its Cage.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn at 7:41 pm.   Carried



October 26, 2020


Our Lions Board Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


13 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Shari Strecker, Dawn Christensen, Marlene & Doc Moss, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Melisa Maxwell, Mitzie Reis, Carolyn Remer, Pat Hicks, Bubbles Haggberg, and Conrad Thomsen.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Pat Hicks to approve the Secretary’s minutes as presented.  Carried.


No Treasurer’s Report 


 No Gambling Report – Do need to make some donations


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to pay off our commitment to the Mille Lacs Hospital in the amount of $10,000.00.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker to spend up to $3,000.00 for the Santa Bags being given to the Elementary and Preschool students for Christmas this year.  Melisa Maxwell will order books and miscellaneous items, Mitize Reis will pick up the Candy Canes.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker to donate $5,000.00 to the Isle Ice Skating Rink at the school.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to donate $1,000.00 to the following:  VOA Women’s Shelter ~ Isle Area Food Shelf ~ High School Food Shelf ~ Friends of the Library.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Susan Haggberg to donate $2,000.00 to the IREC Fitness Center.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Susan Haggberg to donate $2,000.00 the After-Prom Party Committee for their work with the Meat Raffle.  Carried.


THANK YOU TO EVERYONE THAT HELPED WITH DITCH-CLEANUP!!  Bubbles Haggberg, Dawn Christensen, Doug Halvorson, Bob Crace, Doc Moss, Pat Hicks, Alice Nickolay, Ole Walters and Brad Payne.  They picked 4 bags of garbage.


Our Zone Meeting that was to be held in Pierz on October 27th has been cancelled due to COVID.  They will have the next one on Zoom.


A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Carolyn Remer to make a retro-active payment for a full-page ad in the “Cabin Fever” in the amount of $200.00.  Carried.


Plans have started for our “50th Anniversary” Celebration.  It will be held on Friday, May 14, 2021 at Wahkon Inn, Social starting at 6:00 pm, Menu will be Chicken and Ribs.  This will also be our Dinner with the District Governor.  We will have a 50”s theme, Trivia, Door Prizes and a Wall of Honor.  The Committee will meet again after our General Meeting in November.  


Doug Halvorson will talk to the Mille Lacs Messenger about an article in the Progress Edition.  Everyone needs to think of ideas we can do to celebrate all year long.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Doc Moss that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $150.00 to:  Chris Weinreich, Bob Crace, Conrad Thomsen and Jake Shetka for Medical Expenses.  Carried.


Teachers of the Month:  High School –  Levi Tronnes             Elementary School – Katie Cooper


We have received several new member applications from our Membership Drive in October.  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doc Moss that the Board accepts all new member applications:  

Lee & Kay Hohlen – sponsored by Ole Walters,

 LuAnn & Brad Payne – sponsored by Deb Walters, 

Sue Temte – sponsored by Marlene Moss, 

Nancy Anderson and Tami Zortman – sponsored by Shari Strecker.  



Marlene Moss will call all the new members to remind them about the Meeting in November.


Mitzie Reis and Marlene Moss have volunteered to work on our Christmas Party in December.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting at 7:46 pm.  Carried.




October 12, 2020


Meeting was called to order by 1st Vice President Shari Strecker.


The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.


Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.


Because of our Membership Drive we had several Guests:  Nancy Anderson, Tami Zortman came with Shari Strecker,  Lee  Hohlen, Brad & Lou Payne came with Deb & Ole Walters,  Sue Tempe came with Marlene Moss, Ron & Lisa Iverson and Rick &  Lisa Bodem came with Bob & Judy Crace.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Klaus Rapp and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Judy Crace to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Judy Crace to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.


Our Isle Lions Club will be 50 Years Old in January of 2021.


Santa’s Secret Shop has been cancelled.


Ditch Clean-up will be held on Tuesday, October 15th.  Meet at the Highway garage at 5:00 pm.


Our first  Zone Meeting will be hosted by the Pierz Lions Club on October 28th.  Please sign up by  October 21st


A little bit was explained to our Guests on everything our Lions Club does.  We heard from Deb Walters on Gambling, Bubbles Haggberg on the Nyquist Scholarship, Hans Woelfle on the White Pine Saloon and the Christmas Tree of Giving, Marlene Moss on Isle Days Brat Stand and Membership, Shari Strecker on the Corn Feed and Melisa Maxwell on donations to the school.  Thank you everyone.


We received many Happy Dollars.   Deb Walters will bring Raffle Gift in November.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Klaus Rapp to Adjourn.   Carried




September 28, 2020


Our Lions Board Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

13 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Shari Strecker, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Melisa Maxwell, Mitzie Reis, Carolyn Remer, Pat Hicks, Bubbles Haggberg, Shari Woelfle and Conrad Thomsen.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary’s minutes as presented.  Carried.


No Treasurer’s Report and No Gambling Report


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve a Retro-Active payment for Gambling Manager Deb Walters to pay her wages for the months of May and June.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Susan Haggberg and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve a $1.00 raise for Pull tab Sellers Lynda Long and Pam Lene, and also a change of pay to $2,000/month and any actual mileage for Gambling Manager Deb Walters.  These changes will begin on October 1, 2020.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Melisa Maxwell for approval to have our 2017 and 2018 taxed Amended.  Carried.


The District 5M8 Mini Forum has been cancelled due to low reservations.


A Membership Drive will be held at our October General Meeting.


Isle Lions 50th Anniversary Celebration – Looking at May 14th or 15th.  The Committee will meet after the October General Meeting.


A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Shari Strecker that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $150.00 to:  Kerri Casper and Pam Lene for Medical Expenses.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Mitzie Reis to make a donation to the Minnesota Epilepsy Foundation for $200.00.  Carried.


Teachers of the Month:  High School – Bri Novak             Elementary School – Kendall Hursery


Ditch Clean-up will be held on October 13th with a rain date of October 14th.  5:00 pm @ Hwy. Garage


A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Shari Woelfle to not hold Santa’s Secret Shop this year.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Pat Hicks to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 pm.  Carried.



September 14, 2020


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Bob Crace and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Bob Crace and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.


B. Johnson and Associates came and spoke to us on the 2019 Audit they just completed.  Everything passed and it was an excellent audit for a first-year audit.  Thank you, Deb!


A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Shari Strecker to go ahead and sign up for Electronic Payment Transfers for Three Diamond and Brainerd Games.  Carried.


Assistant Principal Melisa Maxwell updated us on how the Isle Schools did on opening week.  They have re-grouped and doing better this week.  They have 150 Elementary kids in school and 30 doing Long Distance Learning.


The 5M-8 Mini Forum will be held on October 6th at Henry’s in Foley.  This year they will have a max of 175 people.  Reservations must be in by October 21st.  Shari Strecker and Doug Halvorson will attend.

We will hold a Membership Drive for our October General Meeting.  Each Lions Member is asked to bring a Guest.  Lions will pay for the Guest’s dinner.

We received many Happy Dollars.

Shari Strecker will bring Raffle Gift in October.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Bob Crace to Adjourn at 7:43 pm.  Carried



August 24, 2020

Our Lions Board Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


10 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Shari Strecker, Dawn Christensen, Doc & Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Melisa Maxwell, Patti Packer and Bubbles Haggberg.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to approve the Secretary’s minutes as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Shari Stecker and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.




Isle Muni will be reopening on September 3rd.  After Prom Committee will do the Meat Raffle there so we need Lion Volunteers to help with the one at Wahkon Inn.  Pam Lene will run the Meat Raffle each week, but she would like one other person to help her.  The Lions Club has agreed to pay her $3.00/board.  The Meat Raffle at Wahkon starts at 6:00 pm each Thursday.  If you can help, please let Deb Walters know.


Gambling Manager Deb Walters has also been training Pam in to help with Pull Tabs, so we will have an extra person available.


Pull Tabs have started at both Appeldorn’s and Fiddlestix.

Teachers of the Month will start in September.

Auditor Tad Johnson will come to our September General Meeting to explain the Audit.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $150.00 to:  Bob Lapinski, Mark Bruske, Butch Karg, Gary Anderson and Brian Lemm for Medical Expenses.  Carried.


We discussed having a Membership Drive during our October Meeting.  If you have any idea’s, please let President Doug Halvorson know.


We would like to coordinate the Governor’s Dinner with our 50th Anniversary in 2021.  Our Club began January 11, 1971 and was Chartered March 13, 1971.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 pm.  Carried.



August 10, 2020


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.


Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Judy Crace to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.

Pull Tabs, Bingo and Meat Raffle have all started at Wahkon Inn.  Appeldorn’s and Fiddlestix are set up for Pull Tabs.

Assistant Principal Melisa Maxwell updated us on how the Isle Schools will open.  The kids have a choice of In School Learning, Long Distance Learning or Home Schooling.  School will be held on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, with Long Distance Learning on Wednesday.  It will be a wait and see how everything works, things may change.

Judy Crace was presented with a Membership Key for Sponsoring two new members.

We received many Happy and Sad Dollars.

We need more members – we are down to 36 members.  Will put on the next Board Agenda to discuss.

Judy Halvorson and Alice Nickolay won the raffle baskets.   

Shari Strecker won Split the Pot.

  A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn at 7:47 pm.  Carried



July 27, 2020

Our Lions Board Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

12 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Shari Strecker, Dawn Christensen, Doc & Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Shari Woelfle, Carolyn Remer, Melisa Maxwell, Patti Packer and Pat Hicks.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Secretary’s minutes as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


We have the approval from the State to start Pull Tabs at Appeldorn’s Resort.  We should have approval for Fiddlestix and Wahkon Inn in August.

We were looking at changing the amount for Medical Donations and Teachers of the Month.  Both were tabled until our September Meeting.

The City of Wahkon charges 10% on the Net Profit for Gambling. We owe them $963.88 from July 2019 to June 2020.  A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker to pay them this amount.  Carried.

Bingo at Wahkon Inn – Volunteers will be Shari Strecker and Mitzie for Callers.  Doug Halvorson, Patti Packer, Carolyn Remer and Susan Haggberg have signed up to do paperwork.  If you would like to volunteer let Deb Walters know.


The Meat Raffle will start in Wahkon Inn on August 6th.  Deb will check with the After Prom Committee to see if they will work.

Auditor will come to our September General Meeting to explain the Audit.


The Red Cross Blood Drive was a success.  We had 52 people donate.  


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to donate $150.00 to Kari Conner to help  with Medical Expenses.  Carried.


We will wait and see what October is like before we schedule the Annual Eye Screening at School.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 pm.  Carried.




July 13, 2020

Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Klaus Rapp to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented by President Doug Halvorson.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Bob Crace and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Bob Crace and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.


Meat Raffle Workers:  Isle After Prom Committee (Isle Muni has closed again)


June 30, 2020 is the Year-end for the Lions.  We made the 5 Star Rating for our Donations from the Gambling, we ended with 64.85%.


The Blood Drive is on Wednesday, July 15th.  It is going very well; they only have six openings left.  We have 57 donors signed up to give blood.  We will also give away 2) $25.00 Gas Cards and 2) Car Washes.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Shari Strecker to Donate $150.00 each to:  Phyllis Skogen for Medical Expenses and $150.00 to Lynda Long as a Memorial to her mother and a Memorial to Lowell Hillbrand.  Carried.


President Doug gave out several Awards:


    10 Year Chevron:  Hans & Shari Woelfle and Mitzie Reis

    35 Year Chevron:  Bob Peterson

    40 Year Chevron:  Conrad Thomsen

    Sponsorships:  Melisa Maxwell and Bob & Judy Crace


Installation of 2020-2021 Officers:


    President:  Doug Halvorson

    1st Vice President:  Shari Strecker

    2nd Vice President:  Doc Moss

    3rd Vice President:  Hans Woelfle

    Treasurer:  Marlene Moss & Melisa Maxwell

    Secretary:  Susan Haggberg

    Lion Tamer:  Carolyn Remer

    Tail Twister:  Mitzie Reis

    Immediate Past President:  Dawn Christensen

    Gambling Manager:  Deb Walters

    Two Year Directors:  Shari Woelfle, Melisa Maxwell, Bubbles Haggberg

    One Year Directors:  Patty Packer and Pat Hicks


Our Club will be 50 years old next year.  The Isle Lions Club was first started on January

11, 1971 and was chartered on March 13, 1971.  A Committee has been formed to help make this a great event.  Committee members are:  Melisa Maxwell, Jackie Gangl, Dawn Christensen, Conrad Thomsen, Mitzie Reis and Shari Strecker.


We received $86.00 in Happy Money – THANK YOU to:  Mitzie Reis, Hans & Shari Woelfle, Klaus Rapp, Shari Strecker and Pat Hicks.

Split the Pot was $9.00

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Klaus Rapp to Adjourn at 7:50 pm.  Carried



June 22, 2020

Our Lions General/Board Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


12 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Shari Strecker, Hans & Shari Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Mitzie Reis, Carolyn Remer, Melisa Maxwell, Patti Packer, Pat Hicks and Bubbles Haggberg.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Pat Hicks to approve the Secretary’s minutes as presented.  Carried.


No Treasurer’s Report – Marlene Moss was out of town.


A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses as presented.  Carried.


The Isle Municipal Liquor Store will open on July 2nd.  They will be open Thursday through Sunday.  There will be no Bingo.  The Meat Raffle will continue on Thursdays, but the Muni will not hold their drawing.  We can do a Sunday Meat Raffle if we get enough volunteers.  


Bingo at the Wahkon Inn has resumed.  Shari Strecker and Mitie Reis have volunteered to be callers and Doug Halvorson, Patti Packer, Paulette Osterdyk and Susan Haggberg have volunteered to do the paperwork.  If you would like to volunteer, please let Deb Walters know.


Gambling Manager Deb Walters has filed the paperwork to sell Pull Tabs at Appeldoorn’s Resort.  Hope to get it started late July or August.


The Isle Lions Club will host the Red Cross Blood Drive on July 15th at the Faith Lutheran Church in Isle.  It will run from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm.  You must call to register or register online.  No walk-ins will be allowed.  Must wear a mask.  Mitzie Reis has donated two certificates for a car wash to be given away.  Thank you, Mitzie.  We are still in need of volunteers.  Let Pat Hicks or Judy Halvorson know if you can help.


A Motion was made by Melissa Maxwell and seconded by Shari Woelfle to cancel the 2020 Corn Feed.  Bubble Haggberg will let Dan Roeschlein know.  Carried.


The Isle Lions 50th Anniversary is in 2021.  A committee has been formed to plan the events.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting at 7:17 pm.  Carried.



May 28, 2020

Our Lions General/Board Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

10 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Shari Strecker, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Doc & Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Mitzie Reis and Pat Hicks.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Secretary’s minutes as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses as presented.  Carried.


The Isle Fire Department has declined our donation of $2,000.00.  They have returned the check to us.


Our ad that we were going to place in the Mille Lacs Messenger as our way of saying “Thank You” to the Community for supporting our club will be put in the Fun Guide instead, as the Fun Guide has a larger circulation.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $1,000.00 to the Nyquist Scholarship Fund.  Carried.


The Audit done by the Accountant will be done next week, he will then start on the Tax Returns.


We had a good turnout for Ditch Clean-up.  It was held on May 14th, we had nine people help pick ditches, they picked ten bags of garbage.


For our District Backpack Project  - Doug and Judy Halvorson went shopping for the Isle High School Food shelf.  They picked up five boxes of food and personal items.  Total spent was $240.00


The Isle Lions will host the Red Cross Blood Drive on July 15th.  Once again, we will hold the Blood Drive at Faith Lutheran Church.  We need volunteer, please let Pat Hicks or Judy Halvorson know if you can help.  A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Deb Walters to purchase 2) $25.00 Gas Cards to give away.  Carried.


We will keep the Corn Feed on the Agenda for next month and see how things are going.  The date we are looking at is August 28th.


White Pine Logging and Threshing Show has been cancelled.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker to adjourn the meeting at 7:36 pm.  Carried.



April 27, 2020

An Electronic Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


13 Members Participated:  Doug Halvorson, Shari Strecker, Hans & Shari Woelfle, Doc & Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Melisa Maxwell, Patti Packer, Carolyn Remer, Mitzie Reis and Pat Hicks.


A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Secretary’s minutes as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.


A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses as presented.  Carried.


We will not have the “Isle Lions Teachers of the Month” for May.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doc Moss to approve payment to B. Johnson & Associates in the amount of $6,000.00.  This is for the Annual Audit and Tax Return.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doc Moss to approve $250.00 to put towards the Backpack Project.   We will purchase nonperishable food at Costco and then it will be donated to the Student Food Shelf at the Isle High School.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doc Moss to approve $150.00 each to Dolores Haggberg and Tom Phillips for Medical Expenses.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doc Moss to approve a donation to the Isle Fire Department in the amount of $2,000.00.  This will be used for Safety Equipment.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doc Moss to purchase an Ad in the Mille Lacs Messenger in the amount of $500.00.  This is used as our way of telling the Community “Thank You” for supporting us.  Carried.


Ditch Clean-Up has been set for May 13th with a rain day of May 14th.  We will once again meet at the Highway Department at 5:00 pm.


Ole Walters has volunteered to take Dolores Haggberg’s spot on the Nyquist Scholarship Committee.  


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to adjourn the meeting.  Carried.



March 24, 2020

An Electronic Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


10 Members Participated:  Doug Halvorson, Hans & Shari Woelfle, Doc & Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Melisa Maxwell, Patti Packer and Carolyn Remer.


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Secretary’s minutes as presented.  Carried.


No Treasurer’s Report 


A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Hans Woelfe to approve the purchase of a new Driver’s License Scanner in the amount of $650.00 for the Gambling Booth.  Carried.


Items Cancelled due to CoVid-19 “Stay at Home” Order:


    Bingo at both the Isle Muni and Wahkon Inn

    Meat Raffle at the Isle Muni

    Officers Training on March 31st 

    Easter Egg Hunt

    Isle Lions General Meeting on April 13th   

    Zone Meeting that was to be held in Pierz on April 21st 


We will not have the “Isle Lions Teachers of the Month” for March and April due to No School.


A Motion was made by Patti Packer and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the 2020/2021 Slate of Officers with one addition.  We will add Bubbles Haggberg as a Director at Large.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to adjourn the meeting.  Carried.




February 24, 2020


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


9 Members Participated:  Doug Halvorson, Hans & Shari Woelfle, Doc & Marlene Moss, Dawn Christensen, Melisa Maxwell, Patti Packer and Carolyn Remer.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Secretary’s minutes as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried. 


No Gambling Report


A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Doc Moss that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $150.00 to:  Helen Eklund Family and Bryan Karels for Medical Expenses.  Carried.


2020/2021 Slate of Officers:

    President:  Doug Halvorson

    1st Vice President:  Shari Strecker

    2nd Vice President:  Doc Moss

    3rd Vice President:  Hans Woelfle

    Treasurer:  Marlene Moss/Melisa Maxwell 

    Secretary:  Susan Haggberg

    Lion Tamer:  Carolyn Remer

    Tail Twister:  Mitzie Reis

    Immediate Past President:  Dawn Christensen

    Gambling Manager:  Deb Walters

    Two Year Director:  Shari Woelfle and Melisa Maxwell

    One Year Director:  Patty Packer and Pat Hicks


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Patti Pack to approve these members as our 2020/2021 Slate of Officers.  Carried.


The Easter Egg Hunt is set for April 4th.  A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Doc Moss to spend up to $750.00 on Candy for the Eggs and the four Bicycles for the Grand Prize.  Bikes will once again be purchased from Isle Hardware Hank.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to donate $500.00 to the Mille Lacs Raiders Golf Team for Rain Suits.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Marlene Moss to adjourn the meeting at 7:09pm.  Carried.



February 10, 2020


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.


We had two Guest:  Nick and Jenny Skogen with the Isle Area Food Shelf.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Secretary’s minutes as presented.  Carried.

A  Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the Gambling Report as presented by President Doug Halvrosn.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented by President Doug Halvorson.  Carried.

Results of the Audit are back, just a couple of small things to take care of:

    1)  Include location of drawing for our Gun Raffle on Ticket

    2)  Keep winning stub from drawing (they found this later and corrected)

    3)  Raffle Ticket Invoice did not include selling price of tickets

    4)  On one Price Receipt – the Driver’s License info was not attached

    5)  Schedule B2 was incorrect for Paddlewheel Game

    6)  We need two Members to sign Bank Statement for Electronic Transfers

Meat Raffle Workers:  Isle After Prom Committee


A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Pat Hicks to allow the Isle Lions Club to sell Pull Tabs and have Bingo during Isle Days this year (July 10-12).  Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Shari Woelfle to donate $3,000.00 to the Isle After Prom Committee.  (This is from doing the Meat Raffle.)  Carried.


Teachers of the Month:  Elementary – Jon Thompson     High School – Julie Ulmen


We can now purchase Lions Jackets from TAZ:

    Prices:  $58.00 for Jacket

          $6.00 for Front Logo

          $12.00 for Back Logo

Let Conrad Thomsen know if you are interested in one.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Doc Moss to donate $150.00 each to:  Sandy Reichel, Ione Bryant and Shanna Purdy for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

We are asking for Volunteers for the new Slate of Officers for the 2020-2021 year.  Please let a Board Member know if you would like to serve on the Board.


Nick and Jenny Skogen spoke to us on behalf of the Isle Area Food Shelf.  Last year they had 830 households participate – which averages out to about 68 households a month. They gave away 30,496 pounds of food.  They get their food from 2nd Harvest in Grand Rapids, MN.  They have started buying eggs, bread and milk from Teal’s Market, as they are never guaranteed to get these items from 2nd Harvest.  With our donation they have the money to do this.


Doug Halvorson, Doc and Marlene Moss attended the 5M8 Mid-Winter Convention.  They attended a couple of very interesting classes – one on Can Do Canines and one on Leadership.


President Doug Halvorson gave out several Membership Awards:

    Melisa Maxwell, Bubbles Haggberg, Doc and Marlene Moss

Thank you for bringing new members into our Club!


Since Leta Christensen has resigned from the Isle Lions Club, we need to replace her on the Nyquist Scholarship Committee.  Shari Strecker as volunteered to take her place on the Scholarship Committee.  Their next meeting will be Tuesday, February 25th.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Pat Hicks to Adjourn at 7:58 pm.  Carried.



General Meeting and Board meeting


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

9 Members Participated: Doug Halvorson, Shari Strecker, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Melisa Maxwell, Carolyn Remer and Doc Moss.

We had one Guest – Tucker Haggberg for the 6 th Grade Wolf Ridge Trip

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to approve the
Secretary’s minutes as presented. Carried.
A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the
Treasurer’s Report as read. Carried.
A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the
Gambling Report as presented. Carried.
A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the
Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses as read out of the Gambling Fund. Carried.
Meat Raffle Workers: After Prom Committee

Deb Walters checked with Mille Lacs Health Foundation on available rooms with naming
rights. We have chosen the Occupational Therapy Room.

A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Doc Moss to place an Ad in “The
Guide” for $399.00 (half page ad). Carried.
Deb Walters is in the process of a Gambling Audit. She hopes to have it completed by time
she leaves for the winter.
District 5M8 Mid-Winter Convention will be held in St. Cloud at the Kelly Inn on February
7 th , 8 th and 9 th . Doug Halvorson, Marlene and Doc Moss will attend.
A Motion as made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker to donate $500.00 to the
6 th Grade class to put towards their Wolf Ridge Trip on March 30 th to April 1 st . Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker to donate $300.00/each
to the following for the Parde of Green: 13 x $300.00 = $3,900.00
2) MN Lions Vision Foundation
*Children’s Eye Clinic *Lions Gift of Sight *Macular Degneration Center *Fund to Prevent Blindness
3) MN Lions Hearing Foundation
*Hearing Foundation *Children’s Hearing Clinic
4) MN Lions Diabetes Foundation
5) District 5M* Foundation – Kidsight
6) Leader Dogs for the Blind
7) Can Do Canines
8) Project New Hope Lions Foundation of MN
9) Childhood Cancer
Treasurer Marlene Moss gave us a report on the Senior Residents Christmas Party and
Christmas Dinner:
$ 519.73 – Expenses
$ 600.00 – Baskets from Costco
$ 798.00 – Gift Cards from Teal’s Market
$ 575.00 – Donations from Christmas Tree of Giving and Teal’s Market
$1,342.73 – Our Cost
Teachers of the Month: Elementary – Jennifer Honek and High School – Levi Tronnes
We have agreed to once again hold Santa’s Secret Shop in December.
We have received two resignation letters: Virgil Lindholm and Leta Christensen. We want
to thank both of them for their services over the years.
We have updated our Calling List. If you do not receive a call each month please let
President Doug know.
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker to adjourn the meeting
at 7:34 pm. Carried.


December 9, 2019


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.


Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.


We had several Guest:  Ken Gangl, Phyllis Haggberg, Jim Lease, Roger Strecker, Linda Long and Pam


A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.


Meat Raffle Workers:  After Prom Committee


Teachers of the Month:  Elementary – Katie Cooper     High School – Dwight Przybilla


President Doug Halvorson explained the donation to the Mille Lacs Health Foundation 

New Chapter.  We have committed to donating $25,000 over the next five years.  Because we have done so well with the Gambling Account we have decided to donate $10,000 this year.  We now also qualify to name a room. We are looking at either a Patient room or Same Day Surgery Room.  Doug will check and see what is available.


Santa’s Secret Shop was held on Saturday, December 7th.  We had 42 kids and 6 adults shop.  We had approximately 80 kids visit with Santa Claus.


Christmas Tree of Giving – Hans and Shari Woelfle have purchased Gifts Baskets from Costco and each resident will receive a $20 Gift Card from Teals.  Christmas Dinner and Christmas Party will be on December 16th at 6:00 pm at the High Rise.  Buzzies will carter the Dinner.


We can now purchase Lions Jackets from TAZ:

    Prices:  $58.00 for Jacket

                          $  6.00 for Front Logo

                          $12.00 for Back Logo

Let Conrad Thomsen know if you are interested in one.


Mitzie Reis was presented with the Helen Keller Award.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to accept into Membership in the Isle Lions Club:  Jody and Jason Amundson. Carried.


Our General/Board Meeting in January has been changed to January 13, 2020.


The Spaghetti Dinner that was scheduled for January 17, 2020 has been cancelled.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker to Adjourn at 7:42pm.  Carried



November 25, 2019


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


13 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle, Shari Strecker, Doc & Marlene Moss, Dawn Christensen, Deb Walters, Susan Haggberg, Carolyn Remer, Shari Woelfle, Mitzie Reis, Melisa Maxwell, and Patti Packer. 


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.


No Treasurer’s Report.


No Gambling Report.  


The Isle Police Department stopped into our meeting and THANKED the Lions Club for our $2,000.00 donation to them.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve Christmas Bonuses (total $1,000.00) to the Pull Tab Employees.  Carried


A Donation in the amount of $160.00 was made to Derek Elling from the Meat Raffle held at Derek’s Benefit.


The Sunday Meat Raffle held at the Isle Muni has been cancelled until next Spring.  The Pull Tab Booth will also have reduced hours. They will only be open Thursday, Friday and Saturday.


A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Hans Woelfle to purchase a full-page ad in the Cabin Fever for $300.00.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Doc Moss to purchase a new Scale to weigh the Pull Tab Boxes in the amount of $426.00 plus tax.  Carried.


Isle Lions Teachers of the Month:  Elementary – Tim Honek High School – Katie Clarkson


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Patti Packer to commit to donating $25,000.00 to the Mille Lacs Health Foundation – Next Chapter.  This will take place over the 

next ten years or as we have the money.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and approved by Carolyn Remer to make the following Donations:


    Mille Lacs Health Foundation (New Chapter) - $10,000.00

    Camp Confidence - $1,000.00

    Community Toy Chest - $1,000.00

    Elementary Girls Basketball - $500.00

    Isle Boys Basketball - $500.00

    Students Trip to Europe - $1,000.00

    Mille Lacs Sheriff Department - $3,000.00

    VOA Women’s Shelter - $1,000.00

    Mille Lacs Historical Society - $1,000.00

    Isle Gun Safety Program - $1,000.00

    Mille Lacs Health System Activities Program - $1,000.00

    Nyquist Scholarship Fund -    



The Mid-Winter Convention will be held in St. Cloud on February 7,8, 9, 2020.


Hans Woelfle is going to put up a Christmas Tree of Giving with ornament’s on it with $5.00, $10.00 and $20.00 amounts.  People can then donate that amount to the Isle Lions Club to help with the cost to purchase the gifts for the Senior Residents.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $150.00 each to help with Medical Expenses to:  Larry & Kaye Schweich, Cleo Neff and Jade Tramm and also a Memorial of $150.00 for Jack Hasser. Carried.


A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Deb Walters that the Board makes a recommendation to approve the Membership of Jason and Jodi Amundson.  Carried.


The Spaghetti Supper will be held on January 17th.  This is a double header basketball game with Rush City.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the purchase of a $100.00 Gift Card from Amazon to be given to Tom Remer to show our appreciation of the great meals we have received.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to adjourn the meeting at 7:45pm.  Carried.



November 11, 2019


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.


Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.


We had two Guests:  Bill Nelson & Dawn Osterman from Mille Lacs Health Foundation


A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.


Meat Raffle Workers:  After Prom Committee


Bill Nelson and Dawn Osterman from the Mille Lacs Health Foundation spoke to our Club about the new expansion and renovations at the Mille Lacs Hospital in Onamia.  There are going to be many new and exciting things happening.


Santa Sale will be held on Saturday, December 7th starting at 8:30 am.   Workers should be at the school around 8:00 am.  A sign-up sheet was passed around.


Our next Zone Meeting will be held at the Little Falls Country Club with the Little Falls Lions hosting it.  Hans and Shari Woelfe, Shari Strecker and Susan Haggberg will attend.


The Christmas Tree of Giving will be a little different this year.  Last year we had several tags that were either not picked up or not turned in.  So to make it easier on Hans and Shari Woelfle this year we are going to purchase a $20.00 Gift Card from Teal’s Market plus a small Gift Basket from Costco for each participate.  The Christmas Dinner will still be Catered. The Christmas Party will be held on Monday, December 16th.


Our Lions Christmas Party will be held on Monday, December 9th at the Wahkon Inn after our General Meeting.  Mitzie Reis will set up the Party. Each Member or Guest is asked to bring a $10.00 wrapped Gift.


Conrad Thomsen will be taking orders for Lions Jackets from TAZ if anyone is interested in purchasing one.  The cost will be $60.00 plus lettering. We figured this is a good way to bring more exposure to our Lions Club.


The Culpepper and Merriweather Circus will be in Isle on July 22, 2020.


Many Happy and Sad Dollors were collected.


Paulette Osterdyk was the winner for the Raffle Drawing.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to Adjourn at 7:58 pm.  Carried



October 28, 2019


Meeting was called to order by 1st Vice President Hans Woelfle.

12 Members Present:  Hans Woelfle, Shari Strecker, Marlene Moss, Dawn Christensen, Deb Walters, Susan Haggberg, Carolyn Remer, Shari Woelfle, Melisa Maxwell, Shari Woelfle, Pat Hicks and Patti Packer. 

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

No Treasurer’s Report.

No Gambling Report.  

Since our Gross Profits will be over $750,000.00, we will need to have an Audit done by a CPA.  Gambling Manager Deb Walters is looking a firm in Brainerd – B Johnson and Associates. Approximate cost would be $5,000 - $6,000.  She will also ask them about doing our Income Taxes.


We were just short of receiving a “4 Star Rating” from the Gambling Control Board.  We were at the 39% donating level, which is a “3 Star Rating and 4 Star is at 40%.  


There is a Benefit for Derek Elling coming up on November 23, 2019 at the Wahkon Inn.  A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Shari Strecker that we hold a Meat Raffle (25 Rounds) during the Benefit and proceeds would be donated to Derek.  Carried.


Deb Walters is waiting to hear back from the City of Isle.  She has asked them about “Naming Rights” to the City Park. What would it cost to name it “Lions Lakeside Park”?  They would still do all the maintenance. 


KidSight Screening was  held at the Elementary and High School on October 15th  and October 16th .  Deb Walters, Shari Strecker and Patti Packer did the screening.  They screened 211 kids in the Elementary School and a Local Daycare.  They gave out 18 Referrals, which the school will call and notify.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Melisa Maxwell that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $150.00 each to:  Katie Habeck and Derek Elling. Carried.


A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Hans Woelfle to make the following Donations out of the Gambling Fund totaling $21,000:

  1. Isle Husky Pac - $500

  2. Isle Husky High Five - $1,000

  3. Isle School Food Shelf - $1,000

  4. Isle Community Food Shelf - $2,000

  5. Nyquist Scholarship - $5,000

  6. Isle After Prom - $2,000

  7. Isle School Counselor Kate Turner - $500 (College Tours)

  8. Isle Fitness Center (IREC) - $1,000

  9. Isle Police Department - $2,000

  10. Isle Area Honor Guard - $2,000

  11. Mille Lacs Library - $1,500

  12. Lion Causes - $2,500

Lions Club International Foundation - $200

Children’s Eye Clinic - $200, Lions Gift of Sight - $500, Macular Degeneration $200

Hearing Foundation - $200, Children’s Hearing Clinic - $200

MN Lions Diabetes Foundation - $200

KidSight - $200

Leader Dog for the Blind - $200

Can Do Canines - $200

MD5M Project New Hope - $200



The next Zone Meeting will be held on November 19th at the Little Falls Country Club.  Hans Woelfle, Shari Woelfle and Susan Haggberg plan on attending.


A Motion was made by Patti Packer and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to spend up to $1,000 on the Gifts that Santa hands out to the kids.  Carried.


Hans Woelfle has heard from the Culpepper and Merriweather Circus.  They will be in Isle on July 22, 2020.  


Bob Snyder has drained and winterized our Lions Fountain.  Thank you, Bob


A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Marlene Moss that instead of the Christmas Tree of Giving, this year we will donate a $20.00 Gift Card from Teal’s Market and a Fruit Basket to each Resident that signs up at the High Rise, Senior Apartment and Scandia House.  We will still have Dan’s Catering cater the Christmas Dinner. Approximate Cost will be around $2,200. Carried.


The Mille Lacs Health System will be our guest speaker at our November meeting.


A Motion was made by Pat Hicks and seconded by Shari Woelfle to adjourn the meeting at 7:33pm.  Carried.






October 14, 2019


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

We had several Guest:  Brad, Melissa, Caleb and Noah Johnson

      Jason and Jodi A  (Guests of Doug & Judy Halvorson)

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Klaus Rapp to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.


Meat Raffle Workers:  After Prom Committee

Teachers of the Month for October are:

    Elementary:  Kendal Hursey                  High School: Ashley Nordberg


Our Guest Speaker was Noah Johnson – He spoke to us about the Braille Beats Fine Arts Camp he attended this last summer in Michigan.  This is a Lions Club, we helped sponsor Noah so he could attend.  


We had eight people attend the District 5M8 Mini Forum in Foley on October 8th – Doug & Judy Halvorson, Doc & Marlene Moss, Klaus & Priscilla Rapp, Pat Hicks and Shari Strecker.  They heard excellent presentations on Childhood Cancer and Diabetes.


Deb Walters, Shari Strecker and Patti Packer will do the KidSight Screening at the School on October 15th and then the Preschool Students on October 16th.   If there is a student who needs glasses and can not afford them, we have set up an agreement with Dr. Molacek in Milaca.  She will do an exam for free and a pair of basic glasses for $60.00. Our Lions Club would take care of the $60.00.


Ditch Clean-up has been cancelled until next Spring.  With all the rain we have had, the ditches are full of water.


Because of the weather the Homecoming Parade was cancelled on the 11th and rescheduled for Wednesday, October 16th.  Doug Halvorson will pull the Lion and Shari Strecker and our guest Jason A will wear the Lions suits and throw candy.  THANK YOU, DOUG, SHARI and JASON.


Hans Woelfle gave us an update on the White Pine Saloon.  Due to a mix-up with the Invoice for the Beer our profit is not as much as we had figured.


Beer Sales and Tips -     $6,678.41            License & Insurance - $   415.00

    Gun Raffle -                     $1,471.60            Beer Cost -                    $1,757.95

    Pull Tabs -             $1,115.00               Fee to WPLT -               $1,271.01

    TOTAL -                            $9,265.01            TOTAL EXPENSES -       $3,443.96


TOTAL PROFIT - $5,821.05




Santa’s Secret Shop will be held on Saturday, December 7, 2019.  A Sign-up sheet will be passed around at the next meeting.


Our second Zone Meeting for the Lions Calendar year will be held on November 19th in Little Falls.  The Little Falls Lions are hosting.  Please let Susan Haggberg know by November 5th if you plan on attending.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Pat Hicks to sponsor an eighth (1/8) page Ad in this year’s High School Annual for $60.00.  Carried.


If you would like any Lions Apparel please talk to Conrad Thomsen or Shari Strecker.


Patti Packer has been working on the Scrap Book – check it out during our meetings.

Several HAPPY dollars were donated.

Raffle Winners:  Deb Walters & Hans Woelfle          

Shari Woelfle will bring the raffle item next month.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Pat Hicks to Adjourn at 7:49 pm.  Carried




September 26, 2019


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

12 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle, Doc Moss, Dawn Christensen, Deb Walters, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Carolyn Remer, Shari Woefle, Melisa Maxwell, Pat Hicks and Shari Strecker. 


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to approve the August Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.


No Gambling Report.  


We received several Thank you cards.  


President Doug Halvorson and First Vice President Hans Woelfle attended the Zone Meeting held on September 10th.  Ramey-Morrill Lions were the hosts.  District Governor Mike and his wife Pam spoke on the Leader Dog Program and Past District President Duane Fingers spoke on the Leadership  Program.  The next Zone Meeting will be held in Little Falls sometime in November.


District 5M8 Mini Forum will be held at Henry’s Banquet Hall in Foley on October 8th.  Eight people have signed up  to go.  Social Hour is at 5:30, Dinner at 6:30 with program to follow.

Those attending:  Doug & Judy Halvorson, Doc & Marlene Moss, Klaus & Priscilla Rapp, Pat Hicks and Shari Strecker.


KidSight Screening will be held at the Elementary and High School on October 14, 2019.  Deb Walters, Shari Strecker and Patti Packer will do the screening.  President Doug Halvorson has talked to Dr. Kimberly Molacek in Milaca and once again she will offer a free eye exam and a pair of basic glasses for $60.00 for those who cannot afford them.  Our Lions Club would pick up this charge.


Hans Woelfle gave us a report on the White Pine Logging and Threshing Show Saloon.  

            Beer Sales and Tips -     $6,678.41                         License & Insurance - $   415.00

            Gun Raffle -             $1,471.60                         Beer Cost -                    $1,214.15

            Pull Tabs -                      $1,115.00                        Fee to WPLT -               $1,418.95

            TOTAL -                  $9,265.01                         TOTAL EXPENSES -       $3,048.10


TOTAL PROFIT - $6,216.91


Hans Woelfle would like to try another Gun Raffle next year.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $150.00 each to:  Sarah Reis, Bubbles Haggberg, Joan Lundquist, Mark Hoffman and Troy Strecker.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker to make the following Donations out of the Gambling Fund:

  1. Sponsor Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts - $2,000.00
  2. Isle Fire Department - $2,000.00
  3. Isle School Skating Rink - $3,000.00
  4. Dwight Przybilla (Band Director) - $1,000.00
  5. Mille Lacs Hospital Hospice - $2,000.00



The Isle High School Homecoming will be held on October 11th.  Deb Walters and Shari Strecker will once again use the Lion Suits and pass out candy to the Kids.  Doug Halvorson will pull the Lions Float.  A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Doc Moss to spend up to $200.00 for candy to pass out.  Carried.


It will be the Isle Lions turn to host the District Governor’s Dinner this year.  President Doug Halvorson has talked to the Onamia Lions and the date has been set for May 11, 2020.


Ditch Clean up is set for Wednesday, October 16th with rain day Thursday, October 17th.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to purchase a Flag in the amount of $200.00 as a Fundraiser for Second Vice International President Brain Sheehan.  He will be the Lions International President in 2021.  He is from Bird Island, Minnesota.  Carried.


Speaker for our October meeting will be Noah Johnson who will tell us about his camp experience from last summer.  The Mille Lacs Health System will be our guest speaker at our November meeting.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting at 7:58pm.  Carried.




September 9, 2019

Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.


A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented by President Doug Halvorson.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Klaus Rapp and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Klaus Rapp and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:  After Prom Committee


Teachers of the Month for September are:

            Elementary:    Kari Ross                High School:  Donald Goenner

Our Guest Speaker was Carol Merten from the Minnesota Lions Vision Foundation.  After a very informative presentation we presented her with a Donation of $100.00 for the Vision Foundation from our Club.


THANK YOU to Deb Walters for representing our Club at the State Fair for the KidSight Screening.   District 5M8 day was Friday, August 30th – they screened 336 people that day and gave out 23 referrals.


Deb has also reserved the KidSight Screening machine for October 14th, 15th and 16th so our Club can screen the kids at school.


Hans Woelfle does not have a final report yet for the Saloon at the White Pine Logging and Threshing Show.  All bills have not been paid yet.  We did sell 2002 beers and should have made close to $6,000.00.  The donation from the Tip Jars was $672.00, which can go into our General Account.  Thank you everyone that helped.

Our first Zone Meeting for the Lions Calendar year will be held on September 10th.  The Ramey-Morrill Lions are hosting.  Doug Halvorson and Hans Woelfle will attend.

We want to WELCOME Ole Walters and Jaci Gangl into our Club.  President Doug Halvorson inducted both of them into our Club.  Sponsors are Deb Walters and Leta Christensen.

Santa’s Secret Shop will be held on December 7th.  Jim Thyr will once again let us borrow his Santa Suit and Mr. Goenner at the High School has agreed to be Santa again.

District 5M8 Mini Forum will be held in Foley at Henry’s Banquet on Tuesday, October 8th.  Any member may attend.  Please let Doug  Halvorson, Marlene Moss or Susan Haggberg know if you will be attending.

The Homecoming Parade will be on October 4th.  Both Deb Walters and Shari Strecker have agreed to wear the Lion suits and throw candy.  Doug Halvorson will also pull the Lions Float.

THANK YOU to Conrad Thomsen for putting together the New Club Directory.

Raffle Winner:  Shari Woelfle          Shari Strecker will bring the raffle item next month.

A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Klaus Rapp to Adjourn at 8:05 pm.  Carried



August 26, 2019

Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

11 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle, Doc Moss, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Shari Woefle, Melisa Maxwell,  Patti Packer, Pat Hicks and Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Pat Hicks to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the verbal Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

No Gambling Report.  

We received several Thank you cards.  Patti Packer will put them in the Scrapbook.

Corn Feed went very well.  It was a beautiful evening and turn out was very good.  Treasurer Marlene Moss will have a report ready for the General Meeting.  A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to pay Jeff Roeschlein $350.00 for the corn (this is the same amount as last year).  Carried.

Hans Woelfle gave us a report on the White Pine Logging and Threshing Show Saloon.  Everything should be set.  Tables are there, beer is on the way and we have received the Liquor License!  He still does need a few more volunteers to work, he will make some phone calls to members that have not been at the meetings.


Gun Raffle – we still have a bunch of tickets to sell.  Hopefully they all sell at the Threshing Show.  He has put $800.00 in the bank – so all remaining tickets sold are all profit.  Drawing will be held on Monday, September 2nd.

Our first Zone Meeting for this year will be hosted by the Ramey Morrill Lions on September 10th.  Doug Halvorson and Hans Woelfle will attend.

A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Doc Moss to make the following donations out of the Gambling Account –

  1. City Park - $1,000      2)  After Prom - $1,500      3)  FACS - $1,000      4) IREC  - $1,000


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $150.00 each to:  Ken Smith, Del Freichels and Kathy Martinson.  Carried.

We need to schedule the District Governor’s Dinner – President Doug will request a date in April, so the snowbirds are back.  He will also ask the Onamia Lions to join us.

The District 5M8 Mini Forum will be held on October 8th at Henry’s Banquet Hall in Foley.  They have excellent speakers and food.  Everyone is invited to come.

We will have a speaker from the Lions Vison Foundation at our September Meeting and Noah Johnson will tell us about his camp experience at our October Meeting.

Conrad passed out new Membership Books.  January 11, 2021 will be our 50th Anniversary!

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to adjourn the meeting at 7:23pm.  Carried.



August 12, 2019


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Klaus Rapp to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.

Our General Account is at a minus ($683.73).  This account is money that is bought in by our Club Members.  We will either have to raise our dues or come up with some other ideas to fund this account.  We are going to try having a Raffle during our General Meetings.  Marlene Moss bought the first item to Raffle off.  We hope to have a club member volunteer to bring a gift each month.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Patti Packer to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Patti Packer to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.

Gambling Manager Deb Walters is looking for two more volunteers for Bingo at Wahkon Inn on Wednesday’s.   We need someone on the 1st and 4th Wednesday to do the paperwork.  If interested please let Deb know.

Meat Raffle Workers:  After Prom Committee

Our Guest Speaker was Lori Steineman from the Minnesota Lions Hearing Foundation.  We presented her with a Donation of $100.00 for the Hearing Foundation from our Club.

Discussed the Brat Stand – we are down about $1,000.00 from last year.  Could have been due to the hot weather, no carnival or one less day.  Hoping for a better year next year.

The Bloodmobile was very successful this year.  We had 61 donors with 58 units of donated blood.  Will try and plan better for next year, considering we had 35 walk-ins.

The White Pine Saloon will be held on August 31st, September 1st and 2nd.  The sign-up sheet was once again passed around.   Gun Raffle – we have sold $800.00 worth of tickets, so whatever we sell now is all profit.  Drawing will be held on Monday, September 2nd.  Please turn all tickets into Hans Woelfle by then.

Corn Feed will be held on August 23rd at the Isle City Park.  We are in need of tables – for both the Pie Sales and serving the Corn.  Dolores Haggberg and Doug Halvorson will put signs up.  Each member is reminded to bring two pies.

If anyone would like to set a table up for Wahkon Days and sell Gun Raffle tickets – let Patti Packer know.  She will set a table up at the City Park on Sunday.

We have received our new Banner, we are now in need of someone to sew the Awards on it.

Raffle Winner:  Judy Crace

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn at 7:49 pm.  Carried



July 22, 2019

Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

10 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle, Shari Strecker, Dawn Christensen, Deb Walters, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Shari Woefle, Patti Packer and Pat Hicks.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Patti Packer to approve the verbal Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

No Gambling Report.  

When the pot for Bingo at Wahkon Inn goes out, we will then take over Bingo from the Mille Lacs Drift Skippers.

Our Zone is going to do the Kidsight Screening at the State Fair as a Zone Project.  Our day will be Friday, August 30th.  Deb Walters and Shari Strecker have already signed up.  Bunny Tabatt (our Zone Chairperson) is still looking for more volunteers for that day.

Bingo during Isle Days – we made $799.00.  It was a very HOT two hours.  Thank you to Deb Walters, Carolyn Remer, Shari Strecker, Pat Hicks and Paulette Osterdyk.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Shari Woelfle to let Gambling Manager Deb Walters add additional rounds as volume dictates at the Meat Raffle held at the Isle Muni on Thursday evenings.  Carried.

Isle Days Brat Stand – This year is way down from last year.  

Ticket Sales after the 10%  - $1,717.20.  After expenses our Total Profit was - $834.45.

THANK YOU to all the members that volunteered.  We had 25 Members work for a total of 138 Hours.

Pat Hicks gave us a report on the Bloodmobile – they only had 23 people signed up to donate.  However, we did  have 35 Walk-Ins.  We ended up with 58 pints of blood donated, our goal was 61.  

Hans Woelfle gave us a report on the White Pine Saloon – Beer has been ordered, he has talked to Insurance Company for the Dram Insurance, however we are still waiting on the License from the State.  Hans still needs more volunteers to work.  Sign-up sheet will be passed around at the General Meeting.

We have set the date for the Corn Feed for Friday, August 23rd (provided the corn is ready).  We will use Saturday, August 24th as a rain day.  Corn will be served from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.  Each member is asked to bring two pies.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $150.00 to:  Hunter Biros for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $150.00 each for a Memorial to:  Jim Bryant and Lois Moroney.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Susan Haggberg to donate $500.00 to the City of Wahkon, for Wahkon Days held on August 17th.  Carried.

Mitzie Reis, Shari Strecker, Susan Haggberg, Marlene Moss, Shari Woelfle and Dawn Christensen has volunteered to throw candy at Wahkon Days.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Deb Walters to order the new Banner for our Club Awards in the amount of $174.75.  Carried.

Our next Zone Meeting will be held on September 10th.  The Ramey Morrill Lions will be our host.  More information will be provided at the August General Meeting.

We will have a speaker from the Hearing Foundation at our August Meeting and Noah Johnson will tell us about his camp experience at our October Meeting.

A Motion was made by Pat Hicks and seconded by Patti Packer to adjourn the meeting at 7:55pm.  Carried.



July 8, 2019


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by President Doug Halvorson.

A Motion was made by Marilyn Exsted and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented by President Doug Halvorson.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Bob Crace and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Bob Crace and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:  After Prom Committee

A Motion was made by Bob Crace and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Boards recommendation to raise the Medical and Memorials to $150.00/each.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Pat Hicks to approve the Boards recommendation to take over Bingo from the Mille Lacs Driftskippers at the Wahkon Inn on Wednesday nights.  Carried.

Little Miss Isle and Commodore Pageant will be held on Thursday,  July 12th at 7:00 pm.  This year we have five little girls and eight boys.

Hans Woelfle gave us an update on the Gun Raffle.  Things are going well, however everyone needs to keep selling.  We will also sell them during Isle Days.

If anyone would like a yellow Lions shirt – let Shari Strecker know.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the Boards recommendation of Membership into the Isle Lions Club for Jackie Gangl.  Carried.

The Red Cross Bloodmobile will be held at the Faith Lutheran Church on July 17th from 12:00 to 6:00 pm.  A sign-up sheet was passed around.  To donate blood you can sign up online or call Judy Halvorson or Pat Hicks.  Our goal is to get 60 units of donated blood.

A sign-up sheet was  passed around for the White Pine Saloon.  The Saloon will be open Saturday, August 31st to Monday,  September 2nd.  We will also have Bingo and Pull Tabs.  This year we will be selling strong beer.

A reminder that the Corn Feed is coming up in August and that each member should bring two pies.

The Isle Lions Club will be hosting the Nursing Home Birthday Party on Monday, July 22nd.  Leta Christensen will take the Junior Royalty over to help.

Our next General Meeting will be on August 12th with a guest speaker from the Lions Hearing Foundation.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Shari Strecker to Adjourn at 7:26 pm.  Carried



June 24, 2019


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

11 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Dawn Christensen, Deb Walters, Susan Haggberg,  Leta Christensen, Bubbles Haggberg, Shari Strecker, Melisa Maxwell, Carolyn Remer, Patti Packer and Pat Hicks.


A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Pat  Hicks to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read. Carried.


No Treasurer’s Report.


No Gambling Report.  


A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Shari Strecker to increase the Pull Tab Sellers wages to the minimum wage of $9.86 (and include backpay) and to increase Lynda Long to $12.00/hr.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Shari Strecker that the Board approves taking over Bingo on Wednesday nights from the Mille Lacs Drift Skippers at the Wahkon Inn.   Carried. We will also purchase their equipment thru a distributor. Our club will take over on August 1st

We need more volunteers for the Brat Stand and to pass candy out at the Grand Parade.  Sign-up sheets will be passed around at the General Meeting.

The Red Cross Blooddrive will be held at the Faith Lutheran Church in Isle on July 17th from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm.  Pat Hicks will have a sign-up sheet at the General Meeting.


A Motion was made by Bubbles Haggberg and seconded by Shari Strecker that the Board makes a recommendation to raise the amount for Medical Expenses from $100.00 to $150.00.  We would also like to have this include Memorials for current Isle Lion members and former Isle Lion members upon their death. Carried.


A Motion was made by Bubbles Haggberg and seconded by Deb Walters that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to:  Jeff Roeschlein, Craig Nutt and Lee Hohlen for Medical Expenses. Carried.


A Motion was made by Patti Packer and seconded by Deb Walters that the Board makes a recommendation to accept Membership of Jackie Gangl into the Isle Lions Club.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $300.00 to Project New Hope.  John Schiels from Project New Hope came and spoke at our June General Meeting. Carried.


A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Deb Walters to purchase a new Banner for  all of our Awards. Carried.


A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Pat Hicks to donate $500.00 to the Varsity Girls Basketball team to help  them purchase new uniforms. Carried.


A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $500.00 to the Minnesota Epilepsy Foundation.  This request was from Hunter Haggberg to help sponsor him at the 2019 Rise Above Seizure Walk held on August 1, 2019 in St Cloud MN.  Carried.

Patti Packer has volunteered to help Dolores Haggberg with the scrapbooking.

A HUGE THANK YOU to Randy and Dawn Christensen and Doug Halvorson for remodeling the Brat Stand.  We now have a lot more storage and will not be bumping our heads on the cupboard’s anymore.


Summer Calendar:

    4th of July Parade in McGrath

    Isle Days (Brat Stand, Kiddie Parade, Grand Parade, Bingo) – July 11th to July 14th 

    Blood Drive – July 17th 

    Wahkon Parade – August 17th

    Corn Feed – August 23rd or August 24th 

    White Pine Logging and Threshing Show (Saloon) – August 31st, Sept. 1st and 2nd 


A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Pat Hicks to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 pm.  Carried.



June 10, 2019


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.


We had three guests:  John and Roberta Schiels with Project New Hope and Jackie Gangl.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.


Meat Raffle Workers:  After Prom Committee


We held our Installation of Officers for 2019-2020.  They are as follows:


President:  Doug Halvorson

    1st Vice President:  Hans Woelfle

    2nd Vice President:  Doc Moss

    3rd  Vice President:  Shari Strecker

    Treasurer:  Marlene Moss

    Secretary:  Susan Haggberg

    Lion Tamer:  Carolyn Remer

    Tail Twister:  Mitzie Reis

    Immediate Past President:  Dawn Christensen

    Gambling Manager:  Deb Walters

    Two Year Directors:  Patti Packer and Pat Hicks

    One Year Directors:  Shari Woelfle and Melisa Maxwell


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve Ole Walters for Membership in the Isle Lions Club.  Carried.

Marlene Moss, Dawn Christensen and Mitzie Reis will hand out candy at the July 4th Parade in McGrath.

Isle Days is July 12th to July 14th.  A sign-up sheet was passed around for the Brat Stand.


We will sponsor the Blood Mobile on July 17th, it will be held at Faith Lutheran Church.  Pat Hicks will have a sign-up sheet at the July meeting.


Conrad Thomsen has one blue polo shirt (size large) for sale yet.  Cost is $20.00. If anyone is interested in a gold t-shirt please get ahold of Shari Strecker.


John Schiels spoke to us on Project New Hope.  Project New Hope exists to provide veteran family retreats (kids included).  They have seven different camps that the whole family can attend. It is their goal to provide combat veterans and their families the education, training and skills necessary to manage their lives after wartime services; repair of relationships is a primary goal.  And of course, to have fun in the process.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to Adjourn.  Carried




May 28, 2019


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


9 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg,  Leta Christensen, Bubbles Haggberg, Shari Woelfle, Shari Strecker and Carolyn Remer.

We had two Guests:  Shanessa Gesell w/Little League and Tami Zortman w/Isle Days

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Leta Christensen to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.

No Gambling Report.  However, our CD for $25,000 is up for renewal.  The interest rate has increased from .90 to 1.81.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to give $1,000.00 to the Nyquist Scholarship Fund.  Carried.


We sponsored the Honor’s Dinner held on Wednesday, May 15, 2019.  This year we had eighteen Seniors attend - 18 @ $10.00/ea. = $180.00.


Ditch Clean-up was held on Monday, May 20, 2019 with a very good turnout.  We had 10 members help out and picked 12 bags of garbage and a bicycle. Thank you to:  Doug Halvorson, Dawn Christensen, Leta Christensen, Deb and Ole Walters, Bob Petersen, Virgil Lindholm, Alice Nickolay, Pat Hicks and Bubbles Haggberg.

Gun Raffle is going well.  If you need more tickets, let Hans Woelfle know.  He had 500 tickets printed. Would like each member to sell 10 tickets.  The drawing will be held during the White Pine Thrashing Show.  

A Motion was made by Bubbles Haggberg and seconded by Marlene Moss that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to:  Phillip Habeck, Dave Borg, Ana Berry and Dee Berg for Medical Expenses. Carried.

We are working on updating the Calling List.  If you do not get a reminder call for meetings, please let Doug Halvorson know.


Shanessa Gesell talked to us about Little League.  They have 40 kids in the program, from ages 7 to 12.  They purchased shirts for the kids last year and this year they would like to purchase hats.  They are $12.00/each from RIO. A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Leta Christensen to donate $500.00 to help with the cost of purchasing the hats.  Carried.


Tami Zortman talked to us about Isle Days.  They are sponsoring the Midwest All Star Wrestling during Isle Days.  The cost for the event is $2,500 and they are looking for donations. Anyone may attend and it is free of charge.  It will be held on Saturday, July 13th from 7:00 to 9:30 pm.  A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $400.00 to this event during Isle Days.  Carried.

Isle Days is coming up soon.  Our Club sponsors several events – Little Miss Isle and Commodore, Brat Stat, Kiddie Parade, Grand Parade and Bingo.  Sign up sheets will be passed around at the General Meeting.

Summer Calendar:

    4th of July Parade in McGrath

    Isle Days (Brat Stand, Kiddie Parade, Grand Parade, Bingo) – July 11th to July 14th 

    Blood Drive – July 17th 

    Wahkon Parade – August 17th

    Corn Feed – August 23rd or August 24th 

    White Pine Logging and Threshing Show (Saloon) – August 31st, Sept. 1st and 2nd 

Doug Halvorson and Randy Christensen will work on upgrading (remodeling) the Brat Stand.  We would like to make it a little bit more user friendly. THANK YOU, RANDY AND DOUG!

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Marlene Moss to spend up to $400.00 on the Kiddie Parade.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer that the Board makes the recommendation to accept Membership into our Club from Thad “Ole” Walters.  Carried.

Did everyone see the ad in the Mille Lacs Messenger.  Because we also advertised for Bingo, Meat Raffle and Pull Tabs – the Gambling Account can pay for a third of the ad.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to spend up to $800.00 on candy for the upcoming parades (McGrath, Isle, Wahkon).  Carried.

A Motion was made by Susan Haggberg and seconded by Carolyn Remer that we donate $250.00 to the Sunshine Committee at the Isle School.  This is a program that does different things for the teachers during the year. Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 pm.  Carried.




May 7, 2019


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

The Onamia Lions hosted our Annual Dinner with District Governor Jeff Thompson.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.

Both Isle and Onamia Lion Clubs had Awards to be given away.  Our Club gave the following Awards:

    Hans Woelfle – Dream Catcher Award

    Conrad Thomsen – Dream Catcher Award

    Pat Hicks – Helen Keller Award

    Bubbles Haggberg – Hearing Foundation


District Governor Jeff also Installed our two new Members:  

    Lenore Bryant and Paulette Osterdyk – WELCOME!

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Deb Walters to Adjourn.  Carried



April 22, 2019

Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

11 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg,  Deb Walters, Leta Christensen, Bubbles Haggberg, Shari Woelfle, Shari Strecker and Patti Packer.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

No Treasuer’s Report

No Gambling Report

Sunday Meat Raffle will begin on April 28th at 4:00 pm at the Isle Municipal.  They will start with 10 rounds, the Meat Raffle will be run by the Isle City Council Members.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Shari Woelfle to pay for the Bikes given away at the Easter Egg Hunt out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Shari Woelfle to donate $200.00 to the Isle Fire Department Relief Association for the Mille Lacs Fun Run during Isle Days.  This will come out of the Project Fund. Carried.

The Easter Egg Hunt was held on a cold and snowy April 13th at the IREC Gym at 10:00 am.  Carolyn Remer, Dawn Christensen and Kristin Cooper, Sam Bernu and Patti Packer all volunteered to help.  We only had 50 kids again this year and hid 600 eggs.

The last Officer Training will be held at East Central High School in Askov on April 30th.  Doug Halvorson, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Shari Strecker, Patti Packer and Alecia Holbert will attend.

District Governor’s Dinner is set for Tuesday, May 7th at the Wahkon Inn.  Onamia Lions will serve as host.  Social hour will begin at 6:00 pm.  Cost will be $12.00. We will hold a short General Meeting right before Social Hour.

A Motion was made by Leta Christensen and seconded by Deb Walters that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to:  Jim Bannick, Bud Haggberg, Kenny Elg and Clark Sahlstrom for Medical Expenses. Carried.

Teachers of the Month:  Elementary - Mike Merritt      High School – Lori Wall

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to pay for the Seniors Dinner at the Awards Dinner.  Carried.

Bubbles Haggberg will work on setting up a date for Ditch Clean-up.  It will be sometime in May. The National Honor Society has offered to help us.  THANK YOU!

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Marlene Moss to spend up to $900.00 for expenses for the Little Miss Isle and Commodore Pageant.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to spend up to $150.00 for the Nursing Home Birthday Party in July.  Carried.

There are several Events coming up during the Summer:

    4th of July Parade in McGrath

    Isle Days (Brat Stand, Kiddie Parade, Grand Parade, Bingo) – July 11th to July 14th

    Blood Drive – July

    Wahkon Parade – August 17th

    Corn Feed – August 23rd or August 24th

    White Pine Logging and Threshing Show (Saloon) – August 31st, Sept. 1st and 2nd

Hans Woelfle is working on the permit so we can sell strong beer this year at the Saloon.  

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Leta Christensen to donate $500.00 to Noah Johnson so he may attend a summer Music Camp for the Blind.  This camp is also sponsored by Lions International. Carried.

Upcoming Speakers:  June – Project New Hope, August – Lions Hearing Foundation and September – Lions Vision Foundation

Hans Woelfle passed out tickets for the Gun Raffle.  He had 500 tickets printed. Would like each member to sell 10 tickets.  The drawing will be held during the White Pine Thrashing Show.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Shari Woelfle to donate $100.00 to the District Governor’s favorite Charity.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to adjourn the meeting at 7:39 pm.




April 8, 2019

Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

We had one Guest:  Ole Walters

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.

Due to a conflict with Pool League in the winter months – Bingo will remain on Monday nights at the Isle Muni.

Meat Raffle Workers:  After Prom Committee

Gold shirts are in, if you ordered one Shari Strecker has them.  If anyone would like to order one please let Shari know, she can order more.

Our next General Meeting will also be the District Governor’s Dinner.  It will be held on Tuesday, May 7th at Wahkon Inn.  The Onamia Lions Club will be the host.  Social hour will begin at 6:00 pm, Dinner at 6:30 pm and Meeting at 7:00 pm.  Cost will be $12.00.

Marlene Moss will take care of the Flower Arrangement for Ron Brown’s funeral.

The Easter Egg Hunt will be held on April 13, 2019.  Kristin Cooper, Carolyn Remer, Dawn Christensen, Sam Bernu and Patti Packer have volunteered to help. The  Easter Egg hunt will be held at the IREC gym. Registration will start at 9:30 and the Easter Egg Hunt will begin at 10:00 am.

The last Officer Training will be held on April 30th at East Central High School in Askov from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm.  This year they hope to have a mix of information and training that shows we all operate as a team and that’s what make District 5M8 great.   Anyone may attend.

The Isle Lions Club will be raffling off a Winchester 20 Ga. Shotgun.  Tickets will cost $10.00 each. Must be 18 years or older to purchase a ticket or win the gun.  Drawing will be held at Noon on Monday, September 2nd at the White Pine Logging and Threshing Show.  You do not need to be present to win. Prize will be awarded as a Certificate from Boone’s Fine Guns in Isle.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Virgil Lindholm to Adjourn.  Carried



March 25, 2019

Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

11 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg,  Deb Walters, Leta Christensen, Melisa Maxwell, Bubbles Haggberg, Shari Woelfle and Carolyn Remer.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Treasurer’s Report as read.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses as read out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:  After Prom Committee

We received several Thank You’s from Donations we made to the Parade of Green.

The penalty from the IRS for $3,378.09 is still pending.  The Accountant has sent another letter detailing all the circumstances but has not heard anything from them. They had received a verbal reply that the fee of $3,378.09 would be waived, but we are still waiting on a letter to confirm this.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle giving our approval for a Sunday Meat Raffle run by Isle City Council Members at the  Isle Liquor Store. Carried. The raffle would be held on Sunday afternoon around 4:30-5:00 pm. We will start with five rounds and see how it goes.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Hans Woelfle that when the Liquor Store opens again on Tuesday’s, that Bingo will be switched from Monday nights to Tuesday nights.  This will allow all of our members to attend our Lions meetings. Carried.

Wahkon Inn has approached Gambling Manager Deb Walters about holding Purse Bingo sometime this summer.  A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Hans Woelfle to let Gambling Manager Deb Walters pursue this new adventure.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to purchase a half page ad in the Messenger for $500.00.  This is to “Thank” all the residents for supporting our Club by participating in Bingo and the Meat Raffle. We will also purchase a third page ad for $699.00 in the 2019 Fun Guide advertising our Club.  Deb Walters and Doug Halvorson will work with the Messenger on the ads. Carried.

A Motion was made by Bubbles Haggberg and seconded by Hans Woelfle to increase Gambling Manager Deb Walters wage from $700.00 a month to $1,000.00 a month.  Carried.

Easter Egg Hunt will be held on April 13th at the IREC Gym at 10:00 am.  Carolyn Remer, Shari Strecker, Dawn Christensen and Kristin Cooper have volunteered to work.  All bicycles will be purchased from Isle Hardware Hank.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to:  Lisa Sahlstrom for Medical Expenses. Carried.

Teachers of the Month:  Elementary - Michele Haggberg      High School – Julie Ulmen


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to accept into the Isle Lions Club Membership – Lenore Bryant and Paulette Osterdyk.  Carried.

Hans Woelfle and Marlene Moss attended the last Zone Meeting held in Little Falls. They said it was a very informational meeting.  The had speakers from the Hearing Foundation and the Vision Foundation.

Officers Training is coming up in April – April 16th it will be held in Pierz and April 30th  it will be held in Askov.  Everyone is invited to attend.

Governor’s Dinner will be held on May 7th at the Wahkon Inn.  The Onamia Lions will be the host.  Cost will be $12.00/person. Social hour will begin at 6:00 pm, Dinner at 6:30 pm and Meeting at 7:00 pm.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Leta Christensen to approve sponsoring the Milaca Alumni Band for the Isle Parade in the amount of $250.00.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Marlene Moss to hold a Gun Raffle during the summer (we would purchase a certificate from Boone’s).    The drawing would be held during the White Pine Thrashing Show. Carried.

A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Shari Woelfle to adjourn the meeting at 7:42 pm.




February 11, 2019

Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

We had one Guest:  Paulette Osterdyk (a guest of Shari Strecker)

Invocation was said by Doug Halvorson.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Alice Nickolay to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Alice Nickolay and seconded by Pat Hicks to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Stecker to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.


Meat Raffle Workers:  After Prom Committee

Gold shirts are in, if you ordered one Shari Strecker has them.  If anyone would like to order one please let Shari know, she can order more.


Everyone has agreed to have Santa’s Secret Shop again this year.  The date will be Saturday, December 7, 2019.


Our Spaghetti Supper will be held on Friday, February 15th.  This will be a doubleheader basketball game with Hinckley/Finlayson.  A sign-up sheet was passed around. All proceeds will go to the Nyquist Scholarship Fund.


Easter Egg Hunt will be held on April 13, 2019.  Shari Strecker, Pat Hicks, Marlene Moss, Carolyn Remer and Dawn Christensen have volunteered to help.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the following Slate of Officers for 2019/2020:                        


    President:  Doug Halvorson

    1st Vice President:  Hans Woelfle

    2nd Vice President:  Doc Moss

    3rd  Vice President:  Shari Strecker

    Treasurer:  Marlene Moss

    Secretary:  Susan Haggberg

    Lion Tamer:  Carolyn Remer

    Tail Twister:  Mitzie Reis

    Immediate Past President:  Dawn Christensen

    Gambling Manager:  Deb Walters

    Two Year Directors:  Patti Packer and Pat Hicks

    One Year Directors:  Shari Woelfle and Melisa Maxwell                    Carried.


Alice Nickolay bought up a suggestion:  Could the Isle Lions Club could help with the payment for the “55 Alive”  Defensive Driving Class. After some discussion more info will be brought to the Club.


Our next Board Meeting will be held at the IREC at 6:30 pm on February 25, 2019.  All members are invited.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to Adjourn.  Carried




January 28, 2019


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


8 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg,  Shari Strecker, Bubbles Haggberg and Carolyn Remer.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the Treasurer’s Report as read.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses as read out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.


Meat Raffle Workers:  After Prom Committee


A Compliance Audit has been completed by the Minnesota Gambling Control Board and everything was good.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to purchase an ad in the Mille Lacs Guide.  Cost will be $399.00. Carried.


We received several Thank You’s from Donations we have made.


We are still working with the IRS on the penalty we received because of late taxes (not our fault).  Have received a verbal reply that the fee of $3,378.09 will be waived but are waiting on a letter to confirm this.


Spaghetti Supper will be held on Friday, February 15, 2019 at the High School.  This is a Doubleheader Basketball game with Hinckley/Finlayson. Cost will remain the same as last year – Adults $8.00, Seniors and Children - $5.00, Preschooler – Free.  All proceeds will go to the Nyquist Scholarship Fund. Will serve from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. A sign-up sheet will be passed around at the General Meeting in February.


The Gold T-shirts are here.  Shari Strecker will bring them to the General Meeting.


Hans Woelfle gave us an update on Christmas Tree of Giving.  Everything went really well, food was excellent. He did end up with 12 tags on the Tree, so next year he may put the tree up a little earlier.  Thank you for all your work, Hans!


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to:  Julie Benson for Medical Expenses. Carried.


Teachers of the Month:  Elementary - Riley Mooney      High School – Rene’ Athman


A motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to purchase an 1/8-page ad in the Isle High School Yearbook – Cost $60.00.  Carried.


The 5M8 Mid-Winter Convention will be held in St. Cloud on February 1st, 2nd and 3rd.  No one will be attending this year.


A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $200.00 each to the following for the Parade of Green ($2,200.00 total) at the Mid-Winter Convention held in St. Cloud at the Kelly Inn February 1, 2 and 3, 2019.  Carried.


    1. LCIF (Lions Clubs International Foundation)

    2. Minnesota Lions Vision Foundation:

        1)  Children’s Eye Clinic

        2)  Eye Bank

        3)  Macular Degeneration Center


    3. MD5M Lions Hearing Foundation

        1)  Hearing Foundation

        2)  Children’s Hearing Clinic

    4. Minnesota Lions Diabetes Foundation

    5.  District 5M8 Foundation - Kidsight

    6. Leader Dog for the Blind

    7 .Can Do Canines

    8. MD5M Project New Hope Lions Foundation of Minnesota

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Shari Strecker to adjourn the meeting.





December 10, 2018


Meeting was called to order by 1st Vice President Hans Woelfle.

9 Members Present:  Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Susan Haggberg, Mitzie Reis, Carolyn Remer, Bubbles Haggberg, Melisa Maxwell, Shari Woelfle and Shari Strecker.

We had one Guest:  Ole Walters (filling in for Deb Walters)

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Shari Woelfle to donate $2,000.00 to the Isle Schools to help with the purchase of Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) hearing screening equipment that will enable children birth-age 5 to receive high quality, up to date hearing screenings.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to: Jason Amundsen, Gayle Ticen, Dennis Johnson, Chris Eggert and Lola Larson for Medical Expenses.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $500.00 to Jean Giller and Ron Doty.  Their house burned down last month. Jean is our Bingo lady. Carried.


A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Shari Strecker to allow Gambling Manager Deb Walters to purchase the Payroll System thru Charitable Gambling Made Easy (this is the software company who also does our reports).  Carried.


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to donate $500.00 to the Mille Lacs Museum.  Carried.


Teachers of the Month:  Each will receive $250.00

Elementary School – Jennifer Honek         High School – Jennifer Ernest


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Shari Woelfle that the Board  allows Gambling Manager Deb Walters to determine the amount of donations made and to whom if needed at the end of the month.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Shari Strecker to adjourn the meeting at 5:52 pm.  Carried.



December 10, 2018


Meeting was called to order by 1st Vice President Hans Woelfle

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

We had several Guests:  Darlene Lindholm, Roger Strecker, Kari Sumners, Sarah Reis, Phyllis Haggberg, Jim Lease and Ole Walters.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.


A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.


A Motion was made by John Miller and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Mitzi Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Gambling Report as presented by Ole Walters.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by John Miller to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented by Ole Walters.   Carried.


Meat Raffle Workers:  After Prom Committee

Santa’s Secret Shop – This year we had 47 kids and 10 adults shop.

    Income - $1,094.00                

    Donations - $20.25                    $1,073.75

    Fun Services – ($1,040.96)                  ($1,737.03)

    Santa Claus Gift Bags – ($696.07)          ($663.28)   Total Profit

THANK YOU, Mr. Gunner, for being our Santa Claus.

Mitzie Reis had several different sizes of gold T-Shirts.  An order form was available for those whom wanted to order.


Christmas Tree of Giving – As of tonight there were still 12 tags left on the tree.  The Christmas Party will be held on December 17th at the High Rise.  Gifts need to be turned

in by December 14th .  This year we had 51 tags on the tree.  Dinner will be catered by Dan’s Catering (Chicken Dinner) and Isle Bakery will donate cookies.

Our Spaghetti Supper will be held on Friday, February 15th.  This will be a doubleheader basketball game.  We will have a sign up sheet at our February meeting.

An idea for next Christmas is to  set a date at the High Rise and offer to wrap gifts for any of the residents that need help.

Our next General/Board Meeting will be held at the IREC at 6:30 pm on January 28, 2019.  All members are invited.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn at 7:55 pm.  Carried



November 26, 2018


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


11 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Mitzie Reis, Carolyn Remer, Bubbles Haggberg, Melisa Maxwell, Shari Woelfle and Shari Strecker.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to approve the verbal Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.


No Gambling Report.


Hans Woelfle gave us an update on the Christmas Tree of Giving Project.   This year he had 51 names to put on the Tree. The Tree is up at Teals (Thank You, Hans, Shari and Mitzie), so please go in and take a card or two.  The Christmas Party will be held on December 17th, everyone is welcomed.  Dan’s Catering will serve the food.


Santa’s Secret Shop will be held on Saturday, December 1st.  Everything should be ready to go.  Merchandise has been delivered. Set up will be Friday, November 30th at 4:30 pm.  Santa’s Secret Shop will start at 8:30 am.  


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the following donations out of the Gambling Account.  Carried


    Camp Onomia -                 $  1,000.00

City of Isle – Police Department -     $     500.00

Friends of the Library -            $  1,000.00

Hospice – Mille Lacs Health System -    $  1,000.00

IREC Fitness Center -            $  1,000.00

Isle Fire Department -            $     500.00

Isle School – Equipment -            $  1,000.00

Isle School – Skating Rink -        $  1,000.00    

Nyquist Scholarship Fund -        $  2,000.00

VOA (Homeless Shelter Isle) -        $  1,000.00



A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Mitzie Reis to donate $1,000.00 to the Fifth Grade Giving Project.  The fifth-grade students are doing a giving project instead of exchanging gifts for Christmas this year. Each student (36 total) will be making a tie blanket to send to our military personnel that will not be coming home for Christmas.  This donation from us will help with the cost of the material and shipping charges. Carried.


A Motion was made by Melisa Maxwell and seconded by Shari Woelfle that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to: Conrad Thomsen, Rose Marie Nutt, Diana & Roger Adams and Ron Brown for Medical Expenses.  Carried.


Teachers of the Month:  Each will receive $250.00

Elementary School – Stacie Noha         High School – Jennifer Long


We can now order Gold T-shirts with navy blue lettering.  Mitzie Reis will bring the T-shirts to our General Meeting for people to try on.


Our Spaghetti Supper will be held on February 15, 2019.  This is a Friday night and will be a Doubleheader with Boys and Girls playing Hinckley/Finlayson.


Upcoming Meetings:


    General Meeting – December 10th (Christmas Party)


    Board Meeting – December 10th (to be held before General Meeting)


NO General Meeting on January 14th – meeting will be held in conjunction with the Board Meeting on January 28th


General Meeting – February 11th


NO General Meeting on March 11th – meeting will be held in conjunction with the Board Meeting on March 25th  


A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Mitzie Reis to adjourn the meeting at 6:56 pm.  Carried.




November 5, 2018


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


8 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle, Leta Christensen, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters and Shari Strecker.


A Special Board Meeting was held so we could discuss the request for selling Pull Tabs at Liberty Beach.


The request was discussed at length and a Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Hans Woelfle to not approve sponsoring Pull Tabs at Liberty Beach.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Deb Walters to adjourn the meeting at 5:46 pm.  Carried.




November 12, 2018


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.


Invocation was said by President Doug Halvorson.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by John Miller to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.


Meat Raffle Workers:  After Prom Committee


We are having trouble with the Gold Lions Shirts – that brand does not make a ladies shirt.  Shari Strecker will talk to Ron Tangen and get a couple of men’s sizes for us to try on.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doc Moss to accept new Member Alice Nickolay into the Isle Lions Club.  Carried.


All of our new Members were Installed:

    Patti Packer (Sponsor Dolores Haggberg)            WELCOME TO

    Aliesha Holbert (Sponsor Bubbles Haggberg)                  TO

    Chad & Kari Conner (Sponsor Melisa Maxwell)             ALL

    Alice Nickolay (Sponsor Bob & Judy Crace)                              THEM!


Christmas Tree of Giving – Hans Woelfle has already started gathering names for the tree.  The tree will go up at Teal’s Market on Saturday, November 24th at Noon.  The Christmas Party will be held at the High Rise on December 17th.  Food will be catered by Dan’s Catering.


Santa’s Secret Shop will be held at Nyquist Elementary on Saturday, December 1st starting at 8:30 am.  We are still in the process of looking for a Santa Claus.  A sign up sheet was passed around and Dawn Christensen will talk to the National Honor Society about helping.


Next Zone Meeting will be hosted by the Buckman Lions Club on Wednesday, November 14th.  Any member may attend.

Our next General Meeting will be on December 10th – this will be our Christmas Party.  Each member is asked to bring a $10.00 gift.  Social hour will be at 6:00, Dinner at 6:30 and a short meeting at 7:00 pm.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn at 7:38 pm.  Carried



October 22, 2018


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


11 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle, Leta Christensen, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Bubbles Haggberg, Melisa Maxwell, Shari Woelfle and Shari Strecker.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the verbal Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.


No Gambling Report.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker to allow Gambling Manager Deb Walters to give out Bonuses to the Pull Tab sellers.  Carried.


The Isle After Prom Committee is now running the Meat Raffles.  Last week went well.


The 5M8 Mid-Winter Convention will be held on February 1, 2 and 3, 2019 at the Kelly Inn in St Cloud.  All members may attend, registration is due by January 19, 2019.


President Doug Halvorson, 2nd Vice President Judy Halvorson and Secretary Susan Haggberg attended the 5M8 District Mini Forum held in Foley on October 9th.  We had an excellent dinner and a very good Motivational Speaker – David Faust.


The Governor’s Dinner will be held on Tuesday, May 7, 2019 at the Onamia Vet’s Club with the Onamia Lions.  Social 6:00 pm, Dinner 6:30 pm and Meeting at 7:00 pm.


The Lion Water Fountain has been drained and is ready to be covered.  Randy Christensen has built us a box to put over it and Hans Woelfle has an insulated blanket we can use to wrap it in first.  Doug Halvorson and Hans Woelfle will help Randy install the box over it.


The KidSight Screening was held on October 15th at the School for students from Kindergarten to Grade 8, everything went well.  They screened 267 kids from the school and 5 kids from a local Daycare. They gave out 37 referrals.  Thank you, Deb Walters and Shari Strecker.


President Doug Halvorson talked to the Optometrist in Milaca and she will provide the same service she gave us last year.  A free Eye Exam and glasses for $60.00 to those students who cannot afford glasses. The school will send out letters to parents of the students who received the referrals.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to allow Melisa Maxwell to order glasses for a couple of kids to leave at school.  Carried.

After some discussion our meeting location will remain at Wahkon Inn.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Melisa Maxwell that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to:  Sam Bernu, Carol Walters, Sandy Walters and John and Suzanne Splettstoesser for Medical Expenses. Carried.


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Leta Christensen that the Board makes the recommendation to accept the new Membership from Alice Nickolay.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the purchase of Flowers (up to $100.00) for Martha Sahlstrom’s Funeral.  Carried.


Christmas Tree of Giving – Hans Woelfle has already started.  The Christmas Tree will go up at Teal’s Market on November 22nd.   Christmas Party will be held on December 17th.  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to approve spending up to $500.00 on Food and Miscellaneous items.  Carried.


Santa’s Secret Shop will be held on Saturday, December 1st at the School.  We hope to have Santa there also.  A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Shari Woelfle to spend up to $900.00 for gifts from Santa.  Carried.

We can now order Gold T-shirts with navy blue lettering.  Let Conrad Thomsen or Shari Strecker know if you would like one.

We are in the process of updating the Call List.  If you are not getting called, please let President Doug Halvorson know.

Teachers of the Month:  Each will receive $250.00

Elementary School – Mariah Peterson         High School – Bri Novak

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Shari Woelfle to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 pm.  Carried.



October 8, 2018


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

We had one guest – Alice Nickolay.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.


Meat Raffle Workers:


          Oct. 11th:       Doug Halvorson & Deb Walters

    Oct. 18th:       After

Oct. 25th:                  Prom

    Nov. 1st:                        Committee


Lions 5M8 Mini-Forum & Awards Banquet will be held on October 9th at Henry’s Banquet Center in Foley.  Social Hour 5:30 and Dinner 6:30 pm. President Doug Halvorson and Secretary Susan Haggberg will attend.  All members are invited.


Hans Woelfle gave us a final report on the Saloon at White Pine Logging & Threshing.  Our Profit for 2018 was $3,174.01. He has several new ideas for next year.


Deb Walters and Shari Strecker will conduct a KidSight Screening at Nyquist Elementary and Isle High School on October 15th and at local Day Cares on October 16th.  They will be screening Pre-Schools kids thru Grade 8.

A Motion was made by Pat Hicks and seconded by Leta Christensen to accept new Members Kari & Chad Conner into the Isle Lions Club.  Carried.

Due to the weather Ditch Clean-up has been postponed until next Spring.

The Isle Homecoming Parade will be held on Friday, October 12th at 2:10 pm.  Doug Halvorson will drive the Float and Deb Walters and Shari Strecker will wear the Lions Costume and throw candy.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to Adjourn at 7:20 pm.  Carried



September 24, 2018


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


11 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle, Leta Christensen, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Carolyn Remer, Melisa Maxwell, Shari Woelfle and Shari Strecker.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Melisa Maxwell to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.


No Treasurer’s Report.


No Gambling Report.


Gambling Manager Deb Walters has purchased Insurance for our Lions Water Foundation for a cost of $200.00.


The Isle After Prom Committee will help us with the Meat Raffles.


KidSight Screening will be held at the School on October 15th for students from Pre-School to Grade 8.  Thank you Deb Walters and Shari Strecker.


Hans Woelfle has spoken to several locations about our Meeting Location.  Both Da Boathouse and MSA have said no. He also contacted Appeldoorn’s.


President Doug Halvorson has been in contact with the Onamia Lions – they will set up a date for the Governor’s Dinner.  Since they will be hosting it, the Dinner would be held at the Vet’s Club in Onamia sometime in April or May.


Hans Woelfle gave us an update on the totals for the Saloon at White Pine Logging and Threshing Show.  Figures came out as the following:

        Total Deposit -     $6,042.94

        Less Total Cost -     ($3,135.93)

        Bingo -                   $   496.00

        Pull Tabs -            ($   256.00)

        TOTAL PROFIT -     $3,147.01               Less $310.07 than last year (2017).


He does have some new ideas for next year.  Including more signs advertising Bingo and the Pull Tabs, Selling Can Coolers and maybe a Raffle.  They are expecting 200 + more tractor’s next year, as they are hosting the Rumley Oil Pull Tractor Expo.


Half of the tables that we purchased have stayed at White Pine, so set up will be a little easier next year.  We also want to Thank Tom Remer, as he donated 20 chairs to us.


The 5M8 Mini Forum will take place on Tuesday, October 9th at Henry’s in Foley.  Social Hour is at 5:30 pm with Dinner at 6:30 pm.  Any member may attend, President Doug Halvorson, Treasurer Marlene Moss and Secretary Susan Haggberg are signed up to attend.


Shari Strecker has talked to Ron Tangen about gold colored shirts.  She will bring a couple of different sizes to the General Meeting, if anyone is interested in the gold color.


Homecoming Parade will be held on October 12th.  President Doug Halvorson has volunteered to pull the Lions Float.  Shari Strecker and Deb Walters will throw candy.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Deb Walters that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to:  Steve and Mary Adams, Paul Orazem, Doc Moss and Shari Strecker for Medical Expenses. Carried.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer that the Board makes the recommendation to accept the two new Memberships from:  Chad & Kari Conner. Carried.


Fall Ditch Clean-up will be held on October 10th with the rainday October 11th.  Meet at the State Garage at 5:00 pm.

The Board made the recommendation that we leave the Lion Water Fountain where it is for the Winter.  We will have it drained and winterized and Dawn Christensen will talk to Randy about building a cover for it.


Teachers of the Month:  Each will receive $250.00

    Elementary School – Nick Schultz         High School – Dwight Przybilla

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $1,000.00 to the Food Shelf at Isle High School.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to donate $500.00 to the Backpack Program at school.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Shari Woelfle to adjourn the meeting at 7:23 pm.  Carried.



September 10, 2018

Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

We had two guests – Kari & Chad Conner.

Invocation was said by President Doug Halvorson.

A Motion was made by Bob Crace and seconded by Marilyn Exsted to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented by President Doug Halvorson.  Carried.

After all expenses were paid we made $373.39 at the Corn Feed.  Had some discussion about moving it to Saturday next year.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Gambling Report as presented by President Doug Halvorson.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented by Doug Halvorson.   Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:


          Sept. 20th:       Doug Halvorson &

    Sept. 27th:       

Oct. 4th:          Shari Strecker & Pat Hicks   

    Oct. 11th:        Doug Halvorson &           

Lions 5M8 Mini-Forum & Awards Banquet will be held on October 9th at Henry’s Banquet Center in Foley.  Social Hour 5:30 and Dinner 6:30 pm. We need to sign up by September 24th to receive the discounted price.

The signs are completed for the Water Fountain.  Hans Woelfle and Doug Halvorson will talk to Bob Snyder about putting them up by fountain.

Hans Woelfle gave us an update on the Saloon at White Pine Logging & Threshing Show:  Tips - $617.00, Bingo - $496.00, Pull Tabs – ($249.00). He will have a complete report at the Board Meeting when all Beer has been returned and credited to us.

Shari Strecker gave us a report on the KidSight screening at the State Fair.  Her and Deb Walters spent three hours at the Fair on August 31st.  They gave out five referrals – 4 to kids under five and one to a Senior.  They will conduct KidSight Screening at Nyquist Elementary on October 15th, 16th or 17th.

A Motion was made by Leta Christensen and seconded by Judy Crace to accept new Members Aliesha Holbert and Patti Packer into the Isle Lions Club.  Carried.

A Petition was sent around to restore the Lions Gift of Sight @ the University of MN as the eye donation facility for St Cloud Hospital.  We have 21 signatures.

A Motion was made by Pat Hicks and seconded by Bob Peterson to Adjourn at 7:31 pm.  Carried



August 27, 2018

Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

11 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle, Leta Christensen, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Carolyn Remer, Bubbles Haggberg, Shari Strecker and Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented.  Carried.

No Gambling Report.

Gambling Manager Deb Walters has talked to Kristin Cooper and Tara Oberfeld from the Isle After Prom Committee about the Meat Raffle.  They are willing to work the Meat Raffle each week, they would get paid $40.00 per week and the Lions would keep $35.00 per week. They will take it back to their Committee and let Deb know the results.

President Doug Halvorson attended the Zone Meeting held at the Hillman American Legion on August 14th.  It was hosted by the Richardson Lakes Township Area Lions Club.  The speakers for the night were Lyle Goff who spoke on the Eye Tissue problem and Lion Dave and Lion Rhonda who shared their experience on hosting Lion Exchange Students.  Next Zone Meeting will be hosted by the Buckman Lions on October 29, 2018.

Hans Woelfle gave us an update on the Saloon at White Pine Logging and Threshing Show.  We will be open on September 1st, 2nd and 3rd.  All beer has been ordered, licenses received, signs made and insurance purchased.  Everything should be set for a fun weekend.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to purchase 10 Tables from the Hardware Store @ $20.00/per table.  Some tables will be stored in the Storage Shed and some will stay at the Threshing Show. Carried.

A Motion was made by Bubbles Haggberg and seconded by Shari Strecker that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to:  Klauss Rapp, Della Peterson and Brealyn MacLean for Medical Expenses. Carried.

We need to set up a date for the Governor’s Dinner.  President Doug Halvorson will check with the Onamia Lions.  He had talked to them at the Zone Meeting and we are looking at some time in April at the Vet’s Club in Onamia.

The Mini Forum will take place on Tuesday, October 9th at Henry’s in Foley.  Social Hour is at 5:30 pm with Dinner at 6:30 pm.  Reservations need to be in by September 24th.  Any member may attend.

We will start checking on new locations for our meeting place.  Our two years are up at Wahkon Inn. Hans Woelfle will check with the Da Boathouse and Marlene Moss will check with MSA.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker that the Board makes the recommendation to accept the two new Memberships from:  Patti Packer and Aliesha Holbert. Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker to continue with the Isle Lions Teachers of the Month.  One Elementary and one High School Teacher will each receive $250.00 each month. Carried.

President Doug Halvorson would like to set up a Garage Clean out day.  The Storage Shed is getting full and the old stuff needs to be disposed of.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to adjourn the meeting at 7:51 pm.  Carried.




August 13, 2018


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

We had three guests – Patti Packer, Aliesha Holbert and Darlene Lindholm

Invocation was said by Doc Moss.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Leta Christensen to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

          Aug. 16th:       Mitzie Reis & Deb Walters

    Aug. 23rd:       Mitzie Reis & Deb Walters

Aug. 30th:       Doug Halvorson and Deb Walters   

    Sept. 6th:        Doug Halvorson & Shari Strecker          

    Aug. 13th:       Shari Strecker & Pat Hicks       

Anyone that is attending the Minnesota State Fair this year – be sure to check out the Lions booth in the KARE 11 Building.  August 31st is District 5M8 Day and they are hosting a KidSight Screening.  Deb Walters and Shari Strecker have volunteered to work. Deb and Shari will also hold a KidSight Screening at Nyquist Elementary in September.

Pat Hicks gave a report on the Bloodmobile held in July.  We had a total of 60 Donors. Our goal was 55 – we had 13 walk-ins and 47 donors scheduled.  Pat thanked all that helped that day. She will chair again next year.


Corn Feed is set for August 24th at the Isle City Park.  Each member is to bring two pies.  A Thank You was given to Marilyn Exsted for all her years of chairing the Pie Sales.  Deb Walters and Shari Strecker will take over. Dawn Christensen passed around a Sign-up Sheet for Workers.  Corn Feed will run from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Set up will start around 2:00 pm.

Hans Woelfle gave an update on the progress of the White Pine Saloon.  This year he has two suppliers for the Beer, so we will have a few more selections.  Will be the same price has last year. He has also gotten the okay to sell our left over Doritos from Isle Days in the Saloon.  New for this year will be the Pull Tabs, we have gotten the okay from the Gambling Association to sell. Thank you Hans for all his work in organizing everything!

5M8 and International Dues have increased over the last three to four years.  We have not raised our dues for a long time. A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to leave Individual Dues at $60.00 and raise the Couple Membership to $110.00 (up $10.00).  Carried.

There was some discussion on Membership Growth.  In 2000 we had 69 members – in 2018 we have 37 members.  We need to learn to sell our Club and get new members   to join. Each current Member is asked to bring a guest to a meeting.  It was also bought up that we should have some posters and brochures at the Corn Feed and at the Threshing Show.

Many Happy Dollars were collected.  As promised last month Klaus Rapp donated a $1.00 for each person that donated blood.  Thank you Klaus!

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bob Peterson to Adjourn at 7:58 pm.  Carried





July 26, 2018


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


9 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle, Leta Christensen, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Shari Woelfle and Bubbles Haggberg.

We had one Guest – Bob Snyder with the Mille Lacs Historical Society.  He talked to us about our Lion Water Fountain and on winterizing it.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented.  Carried.

No Gambling Report.

Dues from Lions International and District 5M8 have increased, but our club has not raised ours.  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Leta Christensen to increase the Dues for a Family Membership from $100.00 to $110.00.  This would take effect on January 1, 2019. Individual Dues will remain at $60.00. Carried.

The Culpepper and Merriweather Circus was in town on Thurdsay, July 19th.  Despite the weather there was a good turnout.  Our Pre-Sales were down from other years. However, we sold just as many tickets on Thursday night as we did in our Pre-Sales.  Income: $3,707.00 Less Expenses $2,963.25 = $743.75. Thank you, Hans for coordinating everything.

Bloodmobile is set for July 25th at Faith Lutheran Church.  Right now we have 46 people signed up to donate.  Last year we had 62 people donate blood.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $500.00 to Camp Confidence.  Carried.

Hans Woelfle gave us an update on the Saloon at White Pine.  We will be open on September 1st, 2nd and 3rd.  The Beer has been ordered.  He is still checking on the Liquor License for Monday – it would be additional $125.00 for that day.

A Motion was made by Bubbles Haggberg and seconded by Deb Walters that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to:  Tucker Strecker and Natalie Webeck for Medical Expenses. Carried.

Exterior of the Brat Trailer needs to be repaired, however there needs to be some remodeling done in the inside also.  A Committee was formed to look into this: Dawn Christensen, Doug Halvorson, Klaus Rapp and Doc Moss.

Corn Feed is set for August 24th at the City Park.  It will run from 5:00-7:00 pm.

Zone Meeting will be held at the Hillman American Legion on August 14th.  It will be hosted by the Richardson Lakes Township Area Lions Club.  Social will start at 6:00 pm with Dinner at 6:30 pm.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $300.00 to the Mille Lacs Historical Society to help them with their new Storage Shed.   Carried.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Shari Woelfle to donate $250.00 for Wahkon Days.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Bubbles Haggberg to adjourn the meeting at 7:58 pm.  Carried.




July 16, 2018


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

We had two guests – Jerry Wohlers from Camp Confidence & Clair Hursery

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Bob Crace and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.   Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

          July 19th:       Deb Walters & Susan Haggberg

    July 26th:       Jim & Barb Thyr

Aug. 2nd:        Mitzie Reis & Klaus & Priscilla Rapp   

    Aug. 9th:         Pat Hicks & Shari Strecker          

    Aug. 19th:       Mitzie Reis & Deb Walters      

Pat Hicks reported that everything is set for the Bloodmobile.  It will be held at Faith Lutheran Church on July 25th from Noon to 6:00 pm.  Sign-up sheet was passed around.

Treasurer Marlene Moss has not gotten all the paperwork from the Isle Days Committee, but as of right now our profit for the Brat Stand is $1,487.81.  

There needs to be some repair work done on the Brat Trailer.  After some discussion a committee will be formed and maybe some remodeling could get done on the inside of the trailer also.

Hans Woelfle reported on the Circus – they will be in town on Wednesday, July 18th.  Two shows will be performed on Thursday, July 19th.   Shows will be at 5:00 pm and 7:30 pm.  Since they are in town a day early, Hans has lined up a launch trip for them out of McQuoids.

Shari Strecker THANKED our Lions Club for donating towards her Mission Trip to Houston Texas.  She had a blast.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to allow Gambling Manager Deb Walters to purchase Liability Insurance for the Directors and Officers in the amount of $898.00.  Carried.

Deb Walters is having a signed made up for the Lions Water Fountain – showing it was donated by the Isle Lions Club.

We made $767.00 on Bingo during Isle Days this year.

Corn Feed is set for August 24th at the Isle City Park.  President Doug Halvorson has talked to Mike Haggberg and the corn should be ready.  Deb Walters and Shari Strecker will take over the Pie Sales.

Next Zone Meeting will be held on August 14th at the Hillman Legion.  The Richardson Township Area Lions will be hosting.  More information will be sent at a later date.

Hans Woelfle has received the Liquor License for the Saloon at the White Pine Logging and Threshing Show.  We will hear more on the Gambling License (for Bingo and Pull tabs) after July 24th.  He is also working on the Dram Insurance.

Klaup Rapp received a Diamond Centennial Pin.

Many Happy and Sad Dollars were collected.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Stecker to Adjourn at 8:11 pm.  Carried





June 26, 2018

Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

10 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle, Leta Christensen, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Carolyn Remer, Shari Woelfle and Bubbles Haggberg.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to give approval to Gambling Manager Deb Walters to purchase General Liability Insurance for our Club for $898.00.  This Insurance would cover the Board Members. Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss to pay Jean Gilmer when Bingo is cancelled after she is there.  Carried.


The Lion Water Fountain is up and running.  Be sure to check it out.


Bloodmobile is set for July 25th at Faith Lutheran Church.  Pat will have a sign-up sheet at the General Meeting.


We still need more help in the Brat Stand.  Dawn Christensen and Marlene Moss will be cooking hamburger and cutting up onions and tomatoes on Friday, June 29th.


The Culpepper and Merriweather Circus will be in town on July 18th.  There will be two performances – one at 5:00 and one at 7:30 pm on July 19th.  A Clown will be at the Library on July 12th to promote the Circus.  All tickets should be turned in before the 19th.


Nursing Home Birthday Party will be held on July 17th.  Shari Strecker and Marlene Moss have volunteered to help Leta Christensen.  The Junior Royalty will also be there to help.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to:  Charlie Skogen, Bob Jackson, Dean Hanson and Tyler Sands for Medical Expenses. Carried.


A Motion was made by Bubbles Haggberg and seconded by Marlene Moss that if at Lions Year End (June 30th) Gambling is not at the 30% mark,  Gambling Manager Deb Walters may write a check out to the Nyquist Scholarsip Fund to make up the difference.  Carried.


We have updated the calling list.  If you are not getting called for the General Meeting please let President Doug Halvorson know.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting at 7:29 pm.  Carried.



June 11, 2018

Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.
We had two guests – John and Pat Sazdoff. Pat is with the Mille Lacs Health Auxiliary
Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.
A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the
Secretary’s Minutes. Carried.
A Motion was made by Pat Hicks and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the
Treasurer’s Report as presented. Carried.
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bob Peterson to approve the
Gambling Report as presented. Carried.
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bob Peterson to approve the Lawful
Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented. Carried.
Meat Raffle Workers:
June 14 th : Pat Hicks & Shari Strecker
June 21 st :
June 28 th : Doug & Judy Halvorson
July 5 th : Doug Halvorson & Deb Walters
July 12 th : Susan Haggberg& Deb Walters

We have our Lions Head Water Fountain. Right now it is being stored in the Museum.
Bob Snyder will be doing the plumbing on it. We hope it have it done by Isle Days.
We had around 50 kids for the Twins Baseball Clinic. Our Club served around 72
Hotdogs, Chips and Water to the kids and adults. Cost was approximately $100.00.
We are still looking for more help at the Isle Days Brat Stand. We will try and keep
track of tickets sold each shift to see if we can eliminate the shifts that are not busy.

Doc Moss did check on a Golf Banner. He stopped in at the school and talked to them
and also talked to Josh Madison at TCI Signs. Josh will make up a design for us to look
at. Josh also told him he had made a sign for at Fiddlestix Golf Course – showing it was
the home course of the 2013 State Golf Championship, however the course was sold
and the sign never got picked up. Doc has talked to Fiddlestix Golf Course and they are
checking with Management to see if they will put up.
Our new Board of Directors for 2018-2019 was installed.
President: Doug Halvorson 1 st Vice President: Hans Woelfle
2 nd Vice President: Judy Halvorson 3 rd Vice President: Leta Christensen
Treasurer: Marlene Moss Secretary: Susan Haggberg
Lion Tamer: Carolyn Remer Tail Twister: Mitzie Reis
Gambling Manager: Deb Walters Membership Chairperson: Hans Woelfle
2 Year Director: Shari Woelfle & Melisa Maxwell
1 Year Director: Shari Strecker & Bubbles Haggberg
Immediate Past President – Dawn Christensen
The Culpepper and Merriweather Circus will be in town on Thursday, July 19 th . They
will perform at 5:00 and 7:30 pm. Hans Woelfle has advance tickets for us to sell.
Pat Sazdoff from the Mille Lacs Health Auxiliary spoke to us. The Auxiliary supports the
Mille Lacs Health System and Mille Lacs Health Foundation. They have 47 members,
but would like more members from the Isle Area. Right now they are trying to raise
money for a new Surgical Table. She is also looking for people that would like to
volunteer their time at the Long Term Care Facility.
Isle Days Parade – Doug Halvorson, Dawn Christensen, Susan Haggberg, Leta
Christensen and John Sazdoff have volunteered to help pass out candy.
The Bloodmobile will be held on July 25 th at the Faith Lutheran Church. Pat Hicks will
be the Chairperson. A sign-up sheet will be passed around at next meeting.
A Gold Centennial Award was given to Doc and Marlene Moss for sponsoring Lois and
Dick Moroney.
The Nursing home Birthday Party will be held on July 17 th . Leta Christensen and Shari
Strecker will take the Junior Royalty over to help them celebrate.
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Pat Hicks to Adjourn at 7:49 pm.




May 21, 2018


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


13 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle, Leta Christensen, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Pat Hicks, Carolyn Remer, Shari Woelfle, Mitzie Reis, Shari Strecker and Bubbles Haggberg.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.


Pull Tabs are up and running at Fiddlestix Golf Course.  They are also going to try a Meat Raffle on Sundays.

We received a Thank You card from the High School Seniors for the Awards Banquet Dinner.

Deb Walters and Mitzie Reis will pick up the Lions Water Fountain on Friday, May 25th.  They hope the cement work in front of the Museum will be done by that time, then they can set the Fountain there.  Otherwise it will be put in the shed until it can be hooked up. When finished we would like to get a picture in the Messenger.


Twins Baseball Clinic will be held on June 1st at the High School Baseball Field.  They are looking at 50-75 kids to attend.  We will serve Hot Dogs, Chips and Water. Doug Halvorson will pick up at Costco.


Isle Days Brat Stand – we are still looking for more people to sign up.  Last year we made $1,400.


Awards Night Banquet – we paid for 18 High School Seniors to attend – $180.00.


We had 8 people for Ditch Clean-up on Wednesday, May 16th:  Bubbles Haggberg, Virgil Lindholm, Jim Thyr, Bob Peterson, Pat Hicks, Marilyn Exsted, Dawn Christensen and Susan Haggberg.  THANK YOU!


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to:  Delphia Cooper and Harley Exsted for Medical Expenses. Carried.


A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Pat Hicks to spend $80.00 to $100.00 for Flowers for Phyllis Ketchmark’s Funeral.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer to spend up to $900.00 for Little Miss Isle Pageanet.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Mitzie Reis to spend up to $500.00 on the Kiddie Parade.  Carried


A Motion was made by Shari Woelfe and seconded by Deb Walters to spend up to $150.00 on the Nursing Home Birthday Party in July.  Carried.


Pat Hicks will check with Linda Orazem to see if she has received anything on the Bloodmobile.  We usually host it in July. We also need someone to help Pat.


Due to July 4th and then all the Isle Days Events we have changed the date of the General Meeting to July 16th.  


Mitzie Reis, Dawn Christensen and Marlene Moss will pass out candy for the McGrath Parade.


The Circus will be in town on July 19th.  There will be two performances – one at 5:30 and one at 7:00 pm.

A Motion was made by Pat Hicks and seconded by Mitzie Reis to adjourn the meeting at 7:18pm.




May 14, 2018


Meeting was called to order by 1st Vice President Hans Woelfle.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Pat Hicks to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Klaus Rapp and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund with correction (removal of Isle ECFE).  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

          May 17th:      Klaus Rapp

    May 24th :     Shari Strecker & Pat Hicks

May 31st:      

    June 7th:        Jim & Barb Thyr          

    June 14th:      Shari Strecker &            

Treasurer Marlene Moss and 1st Vice President Hans Woelfle attended the Zone Meeting in Little Falls on April 24th.  Our Zone would like to do a Zone Wide Project.


Our Lion Water Fountain should be ready sometime this week.  Deb Walters and Mitzie Reis will go and pick up.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doc Moss to spend up to $600.00 on candy for all the parades this summer – McGrath, Isle & Wahkon.  Carried


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Pat Hicks to donate $200.00 to the Mille Lacs Fun Run.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bob Crace to accept the following Board of Directors:


President:  Doug Halvorson

    1st Vice President:  Hans Woelfle

    2nd Vice President:  Judy Halvorson

    3rd Vice President:  Leta Christensen

    Treasurer:  Marlene Moss

    Secretary:   Susan Haggberg                

    Lion Tamer:  Carolyn Remer & Tail Twister:  Mitzie Reis                

    Gambling Manager:  Deb Walters

    Membership Chairperson:  Hans Woelfle

    2 Year Director:  Shari Woelfle & Melisa Maxwell

    1 Year Director:  Shari Strecker & Bubbles Haggberg

    Immediate Past President – Dawn Christensen


Twins Baseball Clinic – June 1st signup sheet was passed around.  We plan on serving hotdogs and chips.  Two sessions will be held: Ages 6-9 5:00-6:30 pm and Ages 10-13 6:30-8:00 pm.


Ditch Clean-up will be held on Wednesday, May 16th at 5:00 pm.  Meet at the State Garage.  Rain day will be Thursday, May 17th.


Bubbles Haggberg gave us an update on the Nyquist Scholarship Fund.  


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to pay for a Golf Banner in recognition of the Golf Team from 2013 who won the one and only State Championship in any sport.  Doc Moss will check with the school. Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn at 7:10 pm.  Carried






April 23, 2018


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


9 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Leta Christensen, Pat Hicks, Carolyn Remer, Shari Woelfle and Bubbles Haggberg.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


No Gambling Report


Received several Thank You cards.


President Doug Halvorson attended Officer Training in Pierz, he gave an update from the District Governor.


We will put some membership information at the Pull Tab booth at the Muni, for anyone that maybe interested in becoming a Lion member.


Marlene Moss and Hans Woelfle will attend the Zone Meeting in Little Falls on the 24th.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Leta Christensen that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to:  Ray Seibert, Mike Linberger and Chuck Schueller for Medical Expenses. Carried.


Isle Lions Teachers of the Month –

    Elementary School – Lori Wall and High School – Tyler Soderstrom


Hope to have our Lion Head Water Fountain installed sometime in May.


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss that the Board makes a recommendation to pay for Dinner for the Senior Class Students at the Awards Banquet.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Leta Christensen to donate $200.00 to the Milaca Alumini Band for the Isle Days Parade.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Pat Hicks and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $150.00 to the Isle ECFE for Family Carnival Night.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Shari  Woelfle and seconded by Pat Hicks to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 pm.





April 09, 2018


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson


The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.


Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.


President Doug Halvorson introduced our guests – District Governor Jack Breitkreutz and his wife Carol.  We also had several members of the Onamia Lions join us, along with two new perspective members – Lacey and Tami Eads.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.


Meat Raffle Workers:


          April 12th:     Shari Strecker & Hans Woelfle

    April 19th:     Jim & Barb Thyr

April 26th:     Shari Strecker & Bubbles Haggberg

    May 3rd:        Doug Halvorson & Judy Crace          

    May 10th:       Deb Walters & Shari Strecker          

    Officer Training will be held on April 17th in Pierz.  President Doug Halvorson will attend.

The last Zone Meeting for this Lions year will be held in Little Falls on April 24th.    Hans Woelfle and Marlene Moss plan to attend.


District Governor Jack passed out several Chevrons:  Lions Bob and Judy Crace received 15 years and Carolyn Remer received 25 years.  He then presented Helen Keller Awards to Deb Walters and Shari Strecker. Susan Haggberg was awared with the Top Dog Award from Can Do Canines.


District Governor Jack then gave us an update on the Newsletter and reminded us to send articles in whenever we have events.  This shows other club what we are doing. He then explained the Club Excellence Award. To receive this award this year we need to add four new members.  Since this is the 100th year he gave us a history lesson on the Lions, Lion Carol then gave everyone a test on what we learned.


President Doug Halvorson presented District Governor Jack with a check for $100.00 for LCIF (the Governor’s favorite cause this year).  


Our next meetings:  


    Board Meeting – April 23rd at the IREC

    General Meeting – May 14th  

    Board Meeting – May 28th  

We had several Members donate “Happy” and “Sad” Dollars.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Dolores Haggberg to Adjourn at 8:04 pm.  Carried




March 26, 2018


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


10 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Shari Strecker, Leta Christensen, Bubbles Haggberg, Conrad Thomsen and Pat Hicks.


We had one Guest – Kathy Young w/ Isle Community Education


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the Treasurer’s Report as read.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Pat Hicks to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Pat Hicks to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses as read out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.


Meat Raffle Workers:


    March 29th:      Hans Woelfle and Carolyn Remer

    April 5th:             Shari Strecker and Doug Halvorson


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Pat Hicks to give the Board’s recommendation to put two Pull Tab boxes in at Fiddlestix Golf Course.  This will be on a trial period for the summer. We will still need County and State’s approval. Carried.


Gambling Manager Deb Walters had checked into raising the Insurance on the Cash we have on hand at the Isle Muni.  A Motion was made by Bubbles Haggberg and seconded by Dawn Christensen to follow the recommendation of Gambling Manager Deb Walters to leave the Insurance as is.  Carried.


Deb Walters has gotten ahold of everyone that had referrals from the KidSight Training.  Out of the eight referrals, 5 students got eye glasses. Next year we will screen the entire school.  This will be done in September when school starts.

Because of the cold and snowy weather, we only had 50 kids at the Easter Egg Hunt this year.  However, we still had four very excited kids that won the bikes. Marlene took pictures of the winners and took to the Messenger.


Due to everyone’s schedule we have decided to attend Officers Training in Pierz this year.  This will be held on April 17th.  So far Doug Halvorson, Marlene Moss and Susan Haggberg will attend.  If anyone else would like to go, just let one of them know.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to accept the following for the 2018-2019 Board of Directors:                    Carried.


President:  Doug Halvorson

    1st Vice President:  Hans Woelfle

    2nd Vice President:  Judy Halvorson

    3rd Vice President:  Leta Christensen

    Treasurer:  Marlene Moss

    Secretary:   Susan Haggberg                

    Lion Tamer:  Carolyn Remer & Tail Twister:  Mitzie Reis                

    Gambling Manager:  Deb Walters

    Membership Chairperson:  Hans Woelfle

    2 Year Director:  Shari Woelfle & Melisa Maxwell

    1 Year Director:  Shari Strecker & Bubbles Haggberg


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Deb Walters that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to:  Julius “Smoky” Anderson, Linda Gruba and Bev Waddell for Medical Expenses. Carried.


The last Zone Meeting for this Lions year will be held on April 24th in Little Falls.  If anyone would like to attend, please let Doug Halvorson know.


Isle Lions Teachers of the Month –

    Elementary School – Katie Cooper and High School – Rene Athmen


A Motion was made by Bubbles Haggberg and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $100.00 to the District Governor’s favorite Lions cause.  Carried.


Kathy Young talked to us about the free Baseball Clinic coming to Isle on June 1st.  They would like the Isle Lions to help support by providing snacks for the kids.  A Motion was made by Conrad Thomsen and seconded by Pat Hicks that the Isle Lions Club help support the Clinic by providing the snacks for the kids.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Pat Hicks and seconded by Deb Walters to adjourn the meeting at 7:21 pm.



February 26, 2018


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

8 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Leta Christensen, Shari Woelfle and Bubbles Haggberg.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

Treasurer Marlene Moss gave us a report on the Spaghetti Supper.  This year we had 56 paid meals and 4 free meals. Total amount to be donated to the Nyquist Scholarship Fund is $288.89.  A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Bubbles Haggberg to approve the Report as presented. Carried.

No Gambling Report

It is with regrets that we accepted Linda Orazem’s resignation from our Club.

KidSight - Deb Walters has talked to some of the parents of the students that were give referrals on screening day.  She will continue with the follow-ups.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Leta Christensen that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to:  Ray Gruba, Pam Bowman, Chuck Mathison, Denny Lemm and Mae DuClos for Medical Expenses. Carried.

Isle Lions Teachers of the Month –

    Elementary School – Stan Miller and High School – Troy Shafer

Easter Egg Hunt will be held on March 24th at the IREC.

A Motion was made by Susan Haggberg and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $500.00 to the After Prom Party.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Shari Woelfle to adjourn the meeting at 7:22 pm.



February 12, 2018

Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Pat Hicks to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Pat Hicks to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

  February 22nd:   Mitzie Reis & Hans Woelfle

    March 1st:          Bubbles Haggberg & Shari Strecker

March 8th:          Pat Hicks & Shari Strecker

    March 15th:          

    March 22nd:          

    March 29th:        Hans Woelfle & Carolyn Remer

Doug Halvorson, Shari Strecker, Pat Hicks, Marlene Moss and Hans Woelfle attended the 5M-8 Mid-Winter Convention on February 3, 2018 held at the Kelly Inn in St Cloud.  They attended several business meetings and listened to some excellent speakers.

The Spaghetti Supper will be held on February 16th in the Commons Area at the School.  Since we are in Lenten season we will have and Meat and Meatless Sauce.  We will be serving from 4:30 to 6:30. Prices will be the same as last year - $8.00 for adults and $5.00 for Students and Seniors.  This is a double header Basketball game with Hinckley/Finlayson.

When we did our Kid Sight Vision Screening – we gave out 8 referrals, which we now need to follow up on.  President Doug Halvorson has spoken to the Optometrist in Milaca - Dr. Kim Molacek on what it would cost our club to help the families that cannot afford the exam or glasses.  She will donate the eye exam and a pair of glasses would run around $60.00. A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Lois Moreney to accept this offer. Carried.

Our Membership is slowing declining.  When we started our club we had over 60 members, right now we only have 38 members.  President Doug Halvorson passed out “An Invitation to Join the Isle Lions Club in 2018” in hopes that we may get some new members.

Our next few meetings:  

 Board Meeting – February 26th at the IREC

    General/Board Meeting – March 26th at the IREC

    General Meeting – April 9th (District Governor’s Dinner with the Onamia Lions)

    Board Meeting – April 23rd

We had several Members donate “Happy” and “Sad” Dollars.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn at 7:29 pm.  Carried




January 22, 2018

Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

11 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Shari Strecker, Leta Christensen, Shari Woelfle, Mitzie Reis and Pat Hicks.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Treasurer’s Report as read.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses as read out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

    Jan. 25th:    Mitzie Reis and Hans Woelfle

    Feb. 1st:    Pat Hicks and Shari Strecker

    Feb. 8th:    Mitzie Reis and Doug Halvorson

    Feb. 15th:    Doug Halvorson and Deb Walters

    Feb. 22nd:    Mitzie Reis

Hans Woelfle gave us a report on Christmas Tree of Giving.  Everything went very good.  We had 47 people that we gave gifts to.  Christmas Party went well.

KidSight - Deb Walters and Shari Strecker went to the local Day Cares and to the Elementary and High School and did Vision Screening.  We had 12 Preschool kids and 52 Students sign up.  Out of this number we gave out 8 Referrals, which we will need to check up on.  Doug Halvorson will check with an optometrist we could recommend.

Doug Halvorson, Deb Walters and Hans Woelfle will give an interview at the Messenger for an article on our Lions Club.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzi Reis that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to:  Donna Anderson for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to donate $200.00 each to the following for the Parade of Green ($2,000.00 total) at the Mid-Winter Convention held in St. Cloud at the Kelly Inn Febrary 2, 3 and 4, 2018.  Carried.

    1. LCIF (Lions Clubs International Foundation)

    2. Minnesota Lions Vision Foundation:

        1)  Children’s Eye Clinic

        2)  Eye Bank

        3)  Macular Degeneration Center

    3. MD5M Lions Hearing Foundation

        1)  Hearing Foundation

        2)  Children’s Hearing Clinic

    4. Minnesota Lions Diabetes Foundation

    5. Leader Dog for the Blind

    6 .Can Do Canines

    7. MD5M Project New Hope Lions Foundation of Minnesota

Spaghetti Supper will be held on February 16, 2018 at the Commons Area in the High School.  We will serve supper from 4:30-6:30.   Proceeds go to Nyquist Scholarship.  Dawn Christensen had posters for everyone to put up.  She will bring a sign-up sheet to the February General Meeting.

Isle Lions Teachers of the Month –

    Elementary School – Kendal Hursey            High School – Dave Mueller

Students in grades K to 2nd grade will attend the Shrine Circus on April 5, 2018.  

Deb Walters will check on the Lions Water Fountain, we should have in March or April.  She will let the City of Isle know what kind of connctions they will need.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Deb Walters to adjourn the meeting at 7:11 pm.




December 18, 2017

Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

10 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Deb Walters, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Dawn Christensen, Shari Streceker, Bubbles Haggberg, Leta Christensen, Carolyn Remer and Linda Orazem.

We had one Guest:  Craig Elgin with the Isle Police Department.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.

The 5M8 Mid-Winter Convention will be held in St Cloud this year – February 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 2018.  So far Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle, Shari Strecker, Pat Hicks and Marlene Moss have signed up to attend.  We will have Conrad Thomsen send out an email asking if anyone else would like to go.  Registration has to be in by January 19, 2018.

A Motion was made by Shari Strecker and seconded by Carolyn Remer to hold “Santa’s Secret Shop” again next year.  Because of the low number of kids that participated, there was some discussion of whether to hold it next year.  Carried with 9) Yes 1) Nay

Hans Woelfle was not present at the Meeting, but wanted to let all members know they  can come and participate in the Christmas Party held for the Seniors at the  High Rise on Wednesday, December 20th at 6:00 pm.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 to Marvin Berry for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

Isle Lions Teachers of the Month:

    Elementary School – Kalie Turgeon               Each Teacher received $250.00

    High School – Julie Ulmen


Spaghetti Dinner will be held on February 16, 2018.  This is a Double Header Basketball game with Hinckley/Finlayson.  Dawn Christensen will send a couple of flyers to the Athletic Director at the Hinckley/Finlayson School in hopes of getting people from there to come and eat.  Prices will remain the same as last year - $8.00 for Adults and $5.00 for Seniors and Students.  Under age 5 will be free.  Last year we had 162 people attend.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to donate $500.00 to the Isle Police Department to be put in an account specifically for Body Cameras.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Deb Walters to donate $100.00 each to Shari Strecker and Natalie Webeck to be used to go on a Mission Trip in June of 2018.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting at 7:51 pm.  Carried.




December 11, 2017


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

We had five guests attend our Christmas Party:  Phyllis Haggberg, Darlene Lindholm, Roger Strecker, Lynda Long and Jean Giller.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

          Dec. 14th:            Shari Strecker & Bubbles Haggberg

    Dec. 28th:            Doug Halvorson & Carolyn Remer

Jan. 4th:               Shari Strecker &

    Jan. 11th:          Shari Strecker & Hans Woelfle

    Jan. 18th:          Doug Halvorson

Deb Walters, Shari Strecker and Mitzie Reis attended the Kidsight Training in Little Falls.  January 15th and January 16th has been set up to check the student’s eyesight in school, we will also check the smaller kids in the local daycares.

This year the Mid-Winter Convention will be held in St. Cloud at the Kelly Inn on February 2, 3, 4 of 2018.  So far we have five members attending:  Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle, Marlene Moss, Shari Strecker and Pat Hicks.  Registration needs to be in by January 19th.

Santa’s Secret Shop was held on Saturday, December 2nd at the Elementary School.  We had 45 kids come and shop along with 10 workers.  This is down about 10 kids from last year; however the income was about the same as last year.  

Income:          $1,341.65             Our total cost for the Santa Shop was

    Fun Services:  (1,240.03)                    slightly more than 2016 and the number

    Santa Bags:        (428.28)             of shoppers was less than 2016.



THANK YOU to Jim Thyr for being Santa Claus!!

Christmas Tree of Giving – due to remodeling at Teal’s Market the tree was taken down about a week after it was put up.  However they continue to give away the tags from it.  Hans Woelfle had three left to give out at our General Meeting.  We had 46 tags on the tree.  Dan’s Catering will provide the meat and cheese platters for the Christmas Party.  The Party will be held in the Community Room at the High Rise on December 20th at 6:00 pm.  All Lions members are invited.  The Bakery has donated five dozen cookies.

Spaghetti Supper is set for Friday, February 16th.  This is a double header Basketball game with Hinckley/Finlayson.   We will be serving from 4:30 to 6:30 pm.  Dawn Christensen will bring a sign-up sheet to the February General Meeting.

President Doug Halvorson presented Leta Christensen with a 100th Anniversary Silver Centennial Award for sponsoring a new member (Shari Strecker).   He also presented Dawn Christensen and Marlene Moss with a Melvin Jones Award.  Congratulations to both of them!

In honor of Bill Bjorklund – Deb Walters presented Treasurer Marlene Moss with two Happy Dollars for her two new grandchildren – numbers 14 and 15.  Mitzie Reis also donated $1.00 for grandchild due in April and Conrad Thomsen donated a $1.00 for the snow we received.  

Also a reminder that in January and March we will combine our General Meeting with our Board Meeting, anyone is welcome to attend.  They are held on the fourth Monday of the month at 6:30 pm at the IREC.  Our next regular Board Meeting will be on December 18th (due to Christmas is on our meeting night).  Our next General/Board Meeting will be held on January 22, 2018.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to Adjourn at 7:26 pm.  Carried



November 27,2017



Meeting was called to order by First Vice-President Hans Woelfle.


11 Members Present: Hans Woelfle, Deb Walters, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Dawn Christensen, Shari Streceker, Bubbles Haggberg, Leta Christensen, Carolyn Remer, Conrad Thomsen and Shari Woelfle.


We had one Guest: Bonnie Skogen for the Isle Skating Rink


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read. Carried.


The Culpepper and Merriweather Circus will be back in Isle next Summer – We are looking at the third weekend of July 2018.


A Kidsight Training Session was held on Tuesday, October 17, 2017 at Sobieski Community Center in Little Falls. Shari Strecker, Deb Walters and Mitzie Reis attended. Dawn Christensen will check with the School and set up a date for January to have all students eyes checked.


The Gambling Convention was held on November 16th to November 19th. Gambling Manager Deb Walters and Susan Haggberg attended on Friday, November 17th. Both attended some excellent classes.


Santa’s Secret Shop will be held on Saturday, December 2nd. Please be at the school around 8:00 am.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to: Angie Groth, Esther Paulsen and Dan & Toni Strecker for Medical Expenses. Carried.


Christmas Tree of Giving – this year we have 46 ornaments on it. Hans & Shari Woelfle, Deb Walters, Conrad Thomsen and Dolores Haggberg helped set it up. Thank You!

The Christmas Party to pass out the gifts will be held at the Senior High Rise on Wednesday, December 20th at 6:00 pm. A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $200.00 to help cover the expenses. Carried.







A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Leta Christensen to pay for the tickets for the Shrine Circus for Kindergarten to 2nd graders. The Circus will be in March or April of 2018. The School will pay for the transportation. We sponsor this trip every three years. Carried.


Isle Lions Teachers of the Month:

Elementary School – Stacey Borchert Each Teacher received $250.00

High School – Travis Turgeon


The 5M8 Mid-Winter Convention will be held in St Cloud this year – February 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 2018. So far Hans Woelfle, Shari Strecker, Pat Hicks and Marlene Moss have signed up to attend.


Spaghetti Dinner – Dawn Christensen will check on the date – but we are looking at February 16, 2018. Prices will remain the same as last year - $8.00 for Adults and $5.00 for Seniors and Students. Under age 5 will be free. Last year we had 162 people attend.


Bonnie Skogen spoke to us on the Skating Rink. It is open from 3:00 to 7:30 pm each day. They have approximately 30-40 kids per day. For the three months that they are open it costs between $4,500 to $5,500 to operate, this is used to pay for the attendants, pay the electricity and for someone to clean the ice. A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Leta Christensen to donate $1,000.00 to the Rink. Carried.

Our December Board meeting will be held on December 18th due to our regular meeting date falls on Christmas Day.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Shari Strecker to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 pm. Carried.




November 13, 2017

Meeting was called to order by 1st Vice President Hans Woelfle.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

          Nov. 16th:           Shari Strecker & Linda Orazem

    Nov. 23rd:           Thanksgiving

    Nov. 30th:           Jim & Barb Thyr

    Dec. 7th:             Shari Strecker & Hans Woelfle

    Dec. 14th:         Shari Strecker & Bubbles Haggberg

    Dec. 21st:         Melisa Maxwell & Deb Walters

Deb Walters, Shari Strecker and Mitzie Reis attended the Kidsight Training in Little Falls on October 17th and are set to test the student eyes.  Dawn Christensen will talk to the School and set up a date in late January to test all the students.  Deb Walters will contact the local daycares and set up a date to also check the younger kids.

Santa’s Secret Shop will be held on Saturday, December 2nd at the Elementary School.  We will start at 8:30 am.  Jim Thyr will once again come as Santa Claus.

Christmas Tree of Giving – Hans has been busy contacting interested people.  We should have around 50 people participate this year.  They will be setting the tree up at Teal’s Market on Friday, November 25th.

Our Christmas Party will be held at our December General Meeting.  This year we have decided to go with $10.00 gifts.  So each member or guest that comes should bring a $10.00 gift with them.

The Mid-Winter Convention is coming up on February 2nd, 3rd and 4th of February of 2018.  This year it will be held in St. Cloud at the Kelly Inn.  We need to let them know the number of members attending by January 19th.  Hans Woelfle, Shari Strecker and Pat Hicks have signed up to go.

Just a reminder that in January and March we will combine our General Meeting with our Board Meeting, anyone is welcome to attend the Board Meetings.  They are held on the fourth Monday of the month at 6:30 pm at the IREC.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to Adjourn at 7:00 pm.  Carried



October 23, 2017


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


12 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Deb Walters, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Dawn Christensen, Shari Streceker, Bubbles Haggberg, Linda Orazem, Leta Christensen, Carolyn Remer, Conrad Thomsen and Dolores Haggberg.


We had one Guest:  Shannon Brown – She spoke to us about the Food Shelf.  For the month of October for each $100.00 donated the Food Shelf will receive and extra three pounds of food.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Bubbles Haggberg and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Treasurer’s Report as given.  Carried.


Our December Board meeting will be held on December 18th due to our regular meeting date is Christmas Day.


Dolores Haggberg came and spoke to us on Mint Sales.  They have been extremely slow.  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to discontinue the Mint Sales and use the remaining inventory for promotional use for our club.  Carried.


A Kidsight Training Session was held on Tuesday, October 17, 2017 at Sobieski Community Center in Little Falls. Shari Strecker, Deb Walters and Mitzie Reis attended.  A date will be set up in December to have all kids in Preschool thru High School be tested.  Permission sheets will have to be sent home.


Thank you to the following people who picked ditches:  Shari Strecker, Pat Hicks, Virgil Lindholm, Doug Halvorson and Bubbles Haggberg.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Strecker that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to:  Keith Schultz, Marsha “Jean” Cawelti and Gary Remer for Medical Expenses.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Deb Walters to spend up to $500.00 for Gift Bags for Santa to give out at Santa’s Secret Shop.  Carried.


Santa’s Secret Shop will be held on Saturday, December 2nd.  Please be at the school around 8:00 am.  No Bake Sale.


Isle Lions Teachers of the Month:

    Elementary School – Riley Mooney               Each Teacher received $250.00

    High School – Brandon Baker


Hans Woelfle has received a letter from the Culpepper and Merriweather Circus.  They would like to come to town the third weekend in July.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Bubbles Haggberg to adjourn the meeting at 7:24 pm.  Carried.




October 9, 2017

Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.


Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.


Following Members had Birthdays this month:  Bob Crace, Doc Moss & Hans Woelfle


A Motion was made by Doc  Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.


Meat Raffle Workers:


          Oct. 12th:           Hans Woelfle & Klaus Rapp    

    Oct. 19th:           Linda Orazem & Bubbles Haggberg

    Oct. 26th:           Shari Strecker & Pat Hicks

    Nov. 2nd:            Barb & Jim Thyr

    Nov. 9th:         Hans Woelfle & Shari Strecker

    Nov. 16th:         Melisa Maxwell &


Doc and Marlene Moss received a Membership Key for bringing in two new members.


Marlene Moss, Doug Halvorson and Susan Haggberg attended the District 5M-8 Mini Forum held in Foley on October 3rd.  The Guest speaker was Jackie Osterhaus and she spoke on PTSD.


Deb Walters, Shari Strecker and Mitzie Reis will attend the Kidsight Training in Little Falls on October 17th.  Each club can have 2 to 4 members trained on the vision machine and required paperwork.  


Our Board Meetings will once again be held on the fourth Monday of the Month.  All members are welcome to attend.


Ditch pick-up will be held on Wednesday, October 11th at 5:00 pm.  Pat Hicks, Deb Walters, Shari Strecker, Dawn Christensen and Virgil Lindholm have volunteered to help.


Jim Thyr has agreed to be Santa Claus again this year.  THANK YOU JIM!


Something to think about next year – The last couple of years the High School has held a Homecoming Parade.  Would the Isle Lions like to participate next year?


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bob Crace to Adjourn at 7:18 pm.  Carried



September 26, 2017


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


10 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle, Deb Walters, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Shari Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Shari Streceker, Bubbles Haggberg and Linda Orazem


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Shari Strecker to approve the Treasurer’s Report as given.  Carried.  We still have some inventory (beer) left from the Threshing show.  Hans will bring to General Meeting for members to buy.


Gambling Manager Deb Walters gave us an update on our Gambling from June 30, 2016 to July 1 2017.  We donated 30.23% of that 11.58% went to taxes.


We received a letter from Minnesota MinnDot.  There will be a meeting held on October 21st at 5:00 pm at Someday Isle.  They would like to designate the Highway around the lake as a Scenic By-Way to help promote tourism.  Doug Halvorson and Bubbles Haggberg will try and attend.


A Kidsight Training Session will be held on Tuesday, October 17, 2017 at Sobieski Community Center in Little Falls at 6:00 pm.  The program is looking to have 2 to 4 members from each club trained on the vision machine and required paperwork.  We need to RSVP Zone Chair Bunny Tabatt by October 10th.  Shari Strecker and Deb Walters will attend.


The 5M8 District Mini Forum will be held on October 3rd in Foley.  Doug Halvorson, Marlene Moss and Susan Haggberg will attend.  The speaker this year is Jackie Osterhaus and she will be speaking on PTSD.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to:  Martha Sahlstrom for Medical Expenses.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Linda Orazem and seconded by Shari Woelfle to donate $1,000.00 to the Isle Food Shelf thru the City of Isle (funds will get matched if we send it thru the City).  Carried.


Isle Lions Teachers of the Month:

    Elementary School – Stacy Borchert               Each Teacher received $250.00

    High School – Jake Tangren


A Motion was made by Susan Haggberg and seconded by Shari Strecker to donate $500.00 to the Husky High Five Program at School.  Carried.


President Doug Halvorson will talk to the Editor at the Mille Lacs Messenger to see if we can get better Publicity for our Club.


Ditch Clean-up will be held on Wednesday, October 11th at 5:00 pm.  Raindate will be Thursday, October 12th.  Everyone can meet at the State Garage.


Board Meetings will be changed to Monday nights until further notice.


Hans Woelfle is going to check on getting a Speaker to come to our General Meeting and speak to us about Heart Problems and CPR.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to adjourn the meeting.  Carried.




September 11, 2017


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.


Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.


We had three Guests:  Shari Bixby, Kathy Vandenberg and Iola Bjorklund


Following Members had Birthdays this month:  Judy Halvorson & Priscilla Rapp


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Klaus Rapp to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Klaus Rapp to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.


Meat Raffle Workers:


          Sept. 14th:           Jim & Barb Thyr    

    Sept. 21st :          Hans Woelfle & Klaus Rapp

    Sept. 28th:           Shari Strecker & Pat Hicks

    Oct. 5th:               Deb Walters & Shari Strecker


We received a confirmation from District Governor Jack Breitkreutz that his Governor’s Visit with our club and the Onamia Lions will be on April 9, 2018 at the Wahkon Inn.


Deb Walters – made a trip to Avalon Studios in Merrifeld to order our Lion Water Fountain for our Legacy Project.  It will be ready in April 2018.  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to add the Spigot for filling water jugs at the cost of $500.00.  Carried.


Shari Bixby and Kathy VandenBerg gave us an update on the American Cancer Society Relay for Life (Mille Lacs Lake Relay).  The Relay for Life for 2017 had 8 Teams registered and made a total of $18,400.00.  The date for next year’s Run is Friday, July 27, 2018.  


Chairperson Hans Woelfle gave us a report on the White Pine Logging and Threshing Show.  We made a profit of $3,457.08.  Two of the three days we had great weather and sold a lot of beer.  We made $500.00 doing Bingo.  Next year we will check into selling pulltabs.  Thank you, Hans and Shari for chairing this project.


President Doug Halvorson presented a Plaque to Bill Bjorklund for his 17 Years of Service to our Community.  Bill will be moving to Arizona later this month.


The 5M8 Mini Forum will be held in Foley on October 3rd.   All members are welcome to attend.  Doug Halvorson, Marlene Moss and Susan Haggberg will attend.


Kidsight Training will be held in Little Falls on October 17th.  Each club can have 2 to 4 members trained on the vision machine and required paperwork.  Deb Walters and Shari Strecker have signed up to attend.  Dawn Christensen will check with the school to be sure they are interested in the program.


A Motion was made by Leta Christensen and seconded by Judy Halvorson to accept the Membership of Melisa Maxwell into the Isle Lions Club.  Carried.  Melisa is sponsored by Marlene Moss.  President Doug Halvorson then Inducted her into our Club.  Welcome, Melisa!


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Klaus Rapp to donate $1,000.00 to LCIF for the Hurricane Relief Foundation.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Bill Bjorklund and seconded by Shari Woelfle to Adjourn.  Carried




August 29, 2017


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.


11 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle, Deb Walters, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Shari Woelfle, Carolyn Remer, Shari Streceker, Leta Christensen, Linda Orazem and Conrad Thomsen.

We had one Guest:  Mike Merritt – the new Nyquist Elementary Physical Ed teacher


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Treasurer’s Report on the Corn Feed.  Carried.


No Gambling Report


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve members who would like to attend the Gambling Convention held in St. Cloud in November.  Carried.


Deb Walters will call and check on the Lion Water Fountain for our Legacy Project.


The new corn cookers worked well at the Corn Feed.  We now have three cookers and five baskets to use next year; however we are in need of grilling utensils for the Brats and Hotdogs.


White Pine Logging and Threshing Show – Hans has had some up and downs this week between the Beer Distributor and the Insurance Company.  But everything has worked it’s self out and we should be ready for this weekend.


Nine Isle Lion Members attended the Zone Meeting held in Onamia on August 22nd.  It was a very informative meeting.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to:  Darlene Lindholm, Judy Crace, John Giller and Marilyn Exsted for Medical Expenses.  Carried.


The 5M8 Mini Forum will be held in Foley on October 3, 2017.  The speaker this year is Jackie Osterhaus and she will be speaking on PTSD.


A Kidsight Training Session will be held on Tuesday, October 17, 2017 at Sobieski Community Center in Little Falls at 6:00 pm.  The program is looking to have 2 to 4 members from each club trained on the vision machine and required paperwork.  We need to RSVP Zone Chair Bunny Tabatt by October 10th.  President Doug Halvorson will have Dawn Christensen check with the school to be sure they are interested in this type of program.


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $500.00 to Nyquist Elementary for the Physical Education Program as requested by Mike Merritt.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle that the Board makes the recommendation to accept the membership of Melisa Maxwell into the Isle Lions Club.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Hans Woelfle to adjourn the meeting.  Carried.



August 14, 2017


Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

We had one Guest:  Melisa Maxwell (who is also becoming a member)

Following Members had Birthdays this month:  Susan Haggberg & Klaus Rapp

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s Minutes with one change – name of President calling meeting to order should read Doug Halvorson.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Bob Crace and seconded by Klaus Rapp to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

          Aug. 17th:           Klaus Rapp & Doug Halvorson    

    Aug. 24th :          Shari Strecker & Pat Hicks

    Aug. 31st:           Bill Bjorklund & Linda Orazem

    Sept. 7th:            Hans Woelfle & Bob Crace

    Sept. 14th:         Barb & Jim Thyr


Blood Drive on July 13th went well.  We had 62 people come in to donate – 57 donated and 5 were deferred.  Only problem was that the Red Cross was understaffed.  They did not expect that many people to come in to donate.  Linda Orazem will talk to them for next year.


White Pine Logging & Threshing Show – September 2nd, 3rd and 4th.  Beer has been ordered and have received License.  Would like to get a Golf Cart to use instead of 4-Wheeler which might be easier to get around with.  Hans is also looking for a Wagon to pull around to sell beer during the parade.  This year we are also going to try Bingo after the parade.  Hans will pick up Pretzel’s or Peanuts to set out on the Tables for Customer’s to eat.  He still has a couple of openings on the schedule, so if you can help please let him know.

Corn Feed will be held on August 25th at the City Park.  Hopefully the corn will be ready.  Each member is to bring two pies.

Wahkon Days is August 17th to August 20th.  Doug Halvorson, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Mitzie Reis, Shari Strecker and Susan Haggberg will throw candy during the Parade.

Our first Zone Meeting for the year will be hosted by the Onamia Lions on August 22nd at the Vet’s Club.  Social  hour starts at 6:00 pm with meeting at 6:30 pm.  Nine Isle Lions members will attend:  Doug & Judy Halvorson, Doc & Marlene Moss, Hans & Shari Woelfle, Klaus & Priscilla Rapp and Susan Haggberg.

Conrad Thomsen spoke to us on the E-News.  We have stopped using the Newsletter System and are now using the e-news system.  Any news or information that you would like the Members to hear about just sent an e-mail to  The information will then be copied and pasted into an email and sent out to the Isle Lions who have e-mail addresses.  This information can be anything:  someone in the hospital, special dates of projects, events or reminders of events, birthdays or deaths.  When the message comes to the e-news it will be sent out as soon as possible.

We received an invitation to join our fellow Lions for a celebration of the partnership between the Minnesota Lions and the University of Minnesota, as they kick off the Vision for Vison Campaign.  They would like us to join them for the first Golden Gopher football game with specially priced tickets on Thursday, August 31st.  All Lions will be seated together in the stand and will receive special recognition during the game.

We are going to lose another member – Bill Bjorklund has sold his house here in Isle and will be moving to Arizona.  September will be his last meeting.  He will be missed!

Conrad Thomsen reminded us that we can still get sweatshirts with the Lion Logo on it.

The Isle Lions Board Meeting will be changed to August 29th due to the Zone Meeting on the 22nd.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to Adjourn.  Carried



July 25, 2017


Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

9 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Shari Woelfle, Carolyn Remer, Bubbles Haggberg, Leta Christensen and Linda Orazem.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Leta C hristensen to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Bubbles Haggberg to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

No Gambling Report

We received a Thank You from:  Lloyd & Marilyn Washburn, Frank & Phyllis Ketchmark and the Milaca Marching Band.  Hans Woelfle also thanked us for the donation for the Car Show.

Blood Drive – Understaffed, but everything went okay.  We had a total of 62 donors – 57 gave blood and 5 were deferred.

Legacy Project – Mitzie Reis was not at the meeting, so no new information.

Corn Feed – August 25th – Sign-up sheet will be passed around.  Need to look at getting a new corn cooker.

White Pine Logging & Threshing Show – Have Liquor License and Beer has been ordered.  Could we do Bingo?

The Fallen Outdoors – A nonprofit organization ran by military veterans.  They thrive to get veterans outdoors at little or no cost to them.  Would like to come and speak at the General Meeting.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to:  Gary Wunderlich, Harold Roeschlein and Janine Thielen for Medical Expenses.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $500.00 to  Wahkon Days.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting.  Carried.




July 10, 2017

Meeting was called to order by President Doug Halvorson.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

We had one Guest:  Darlene Lindholm

A Motion was made by Bill Bjorklund and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Klaus Rapp and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

          July 13th:           Shari Strecker & Klaus Rapp    

    July 20th :          Pat Hicks & Klaus Rapp

    July 27th :          Shari Strecker & Bubbles Haggberg

    Aug. 3rd:            Shari Strecker & Bill Bjorklund

    Aug. 10th:        Shari Strecker & Pat Hicks


Spring Gala Dinner/Dance:

    Ticket Sales: $2,460.00    Auction Sales:  $674.00 = $3,134.00

    112 Meals: $2,098.34  (Including 10 musicians who ate free and was not authorized by committee)

    Band:  $350.00

    Refund Check:  $180.00  (To 9 Presale Ticket Holders turned away because of overselling at the door)

    Total Expenses:  $2,628.34            

TOTAL PROFIT:  $440.66 -   $220.33 to each Lions Club

Isle Days:  

    Brat Stand – Took in $2,969.00 less 10% to Isle Days Committee = $2,672.10

We still need to figure in the Expenses.  Marlene will give a full report at Board Meeting when all bills are in.  The trailer is need of a couple of repairs – Doc will take care of.

    Bingo – Took in $970.00 less cost of Bingo Sheets $8.35 PROFIT:  $962.00


Everything is set for the Bloodmobile on Thursday, July 13th.  However, Linda can still use more help.

Sign-up sheets were once again passed around for the White Pine Logging and Threshing Show, which will be held on September 2nd, 3rd and 4th.  Hans is looking for help in the Evenings.


The Corn Feed is tentatively set for August 25th – depending on the corn.  Everyone was reminded to bring 2 pies.  Sign-up sheet will be passed around at August Meeting.


Nursing Home Birthday Party – this year there are 6 residents who are having birthdays.  Leta Christensen and Nancy Friendt will take the Junior Royalty over to help them with the Party.

President Doug Halvorson gave Doc & Marlene Moss and Klaus Rapp a Silver 100th Centennial Membership Pin.

Conrad Thomsen spoke to us on the Newsletter.  There will no longer be a monthly newsletter; instead you will receive short e-news notes.  When you hear of any news that you think should be shared with our Membership, please let Conrad know and he will send it out as soon as he can.  This would include anyone that is sick, passed away, birthdays, or any projects or events.  The easiest way is by e-mail:

or you may also call him.  If you know of someone without e-mail please share the e-news notes with them.

Wahkon Parade will be held on Saturday, August 19th.

The Relay for Life Run will be held at the Isle High School on July 28th from 6:00 pm to 1:00 am.  They are still looking for more teams or individuals to walk.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bill Bjorklund to Adjourn.  Carried




June 27, 2017


Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

11 Members Present:  Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Deb Walters, Susan Haggberg, Shari Woelfle, Carolyn Remer, Mitzie Reis, Bubbles Haggberg, Leta Christensen and Linda Orazem.

We had one Guest:  Craig Elgin, Isle Police Department.  He spoke to us about a couple of items the department would like to purchase:  FLIR LS-XR Monocular Nigh Vision Thermal Camera and a new Stalker Radar.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

No Treasurer’s Report

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $250.00 to the Car Show during Isle Days and $250.00 to the Fitness Center.  Carried.


McGrath July 4th Parade:  Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss and Mitzie Reis.

Isle Days:  

    Little Miss Isle and Commodore:  Interviews on June 28th and Pagaent on July 6th.

    Brat Stand:  Still need more workers – Linda Orazem will call members.

    Kiddie Parade:  July 8th at 10:00 am.

    Grand Parade:  Doug Halvorson, Priscillia Rapp, Dawn Christensen & Susan Haggberg         

    Bingo:  Mitzie Reis, Deb Walters, Pat Hicks and Carolyn Remer

Isle Lions Club takes care of the Birthday Party for the residents at the Nursing Home for the month of July.  There are a couple more people with birthdays this year.  A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Shari Woelfle to donate $50.00 more to help with expenses.  Carried.    Leta Christensen and Nancy Friendt will take the Junior Royalty over with them.

Red Cross Bloodmobile will be held on July 13th at the Faith Lutheran Church from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm.  They still need workers.  Contact Linda Orazem or Pat Hicks if you can help.

Mitzie Reis is still working on the Water Fountain for our Legacy Project.  She is having a hard time getting ahold of the company.  She will report more next month.

Isle/Malmo Lions Spring Gala:  “Return of the Snowbirds”  was held on May 31st at Appeldoorn’s .  Because we received more money at our General Meeting and with Treasurer Marlene Moss out of town, we will have the report next month.  All profits will be split with Malmo Lions.

Because we have donated $1,000.00 for the Relay for Life our Logo will be on the back of the T-Shirts.  The “Relay for Life” walk will be held at the Isle High School on July 28th from 6:00 pm to 1:00 am.  Their goal is to raise $15,000.00.

White Pine Logging & Threshing Show – If anyone has one - Hans would like to use a golf cart instead of the 4-wheeler. He is also looking for a wagon to pull during the parade.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to:  Denny Russell, Ryan Zortman, Ron Gallion, Hunter Haggberg, Gordy Phillips and Jerry Detterman for Medical Expenses.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $500.00 to the Isle Police Department to put towards the Night Vision Thermal Camera.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Leta Christensen to authorize a change of signatures for the Isle Lions Club General Account at First National Bank.  Signatures on the Bank Account will be Marlene Moss, Doug Halvorson and Dawn Christensen.  These people are authorized to sign the checks and perform banking functions for the Isle Lions Club General Fund for the 2017/2018.   Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Linda Orazem to continue for another year with the $250.00 for the “Teachers of the Month”.  One will be picked from the Elementary and one from the High School.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting.  Carried.




June 12, 2017


Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Bill Bjorklund and seconded by Doug Halvorson to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Klaus Rapp and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Virgil LIndholm to allow Gambling Manager Deb Walters to spend up to $1,000.00  on donations to make our 30% for the year.  Carried.


Meat Raffle Workers:

          June 15th:         Shari Strecker & Deb Walters    

    June 22nd:        Shari Strecker & Klaus Rapp

    June 29th:         Deb Walters & Jim Thyr

    July 6th:            Shari Strecker & Bill Bjorklund


The Family of Dick Allen has donated $275.00 to the Lions in Memory of Dick to go towards the Leader Dog Program.

Spring Gala Dinner/Dance:  We received more money at the General Meeting, so will wait and re-do the Report for the Board Meeting.


A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Marilyn Exsted to accept the following 2017/2018 Slate of Officers:         Carried.


President:  Doug Halvorson

    1st Vice President:  Hans Woelfle

    2nd Vice President:  Judy Halvorson

    3rd Vice President:  Leta Christensen

    Treasurer:  Marlene Moss

    Secretary:   Susan Haggberg                

    Lion Tamer:  Carolyn Remer                    

    Tail Twister:  Mitzie Reis

    Gambling Manager:  Deb Walters

    Membership Chairperson:  Hans Woelfle

    2 Year Director:  Shari Strecker & Bubbles Haggberg

    1 Year Director:  Shari Woelfle & Linda Orazem

We Inducted Shari Strecker into our Club – she was sponsored by Leta Christensen.

Installation of the New Officers was held.  They will take over at the June Board Meeting.

Several Awards were given out:  Klaus Rapp received a Gold 100th Centennial Membership Award, Phyllis Ketchmark received a Silver 100th Centennial Membership  Award  and Bill Bjorklund received his 20 year Chevron.

Sign-up sheets were passed around for Isle Days.

Bloodmobile will be held on July 13th at the Faith Lutheran Church, sign-up sheets were passed around.  A Motion was made by Phyllis Ketchmark and seconded by Marilyn Exsted to purchase a $50.00 Gas card to give away.  Carried.

Sign-up sheets were also passed around for the White Pine Logging and Threshing Show, which will be held on September 2nd, 3rd and 4th.

The Corn Feed is tentatively set for August 25th – depending on the corn.  Everyone was reminded to bring 2 pies.

THANK YOU to Dawn Christensen for serving as our President for the past two years.

A Motion was made by Pat Hicks and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.  Carried



May 23, 2017

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.


11 Members Present:  Dawn Christensen, Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle, Marlene Moss, Deb Walters, Susan Haggberg, Shari Woelfle, Carolyn Remer, Bubbles Haggberg, Leta Christensen and Linda Orazem.


We had two Guest:  Dale & Joyce Matte with Cancer Society – Relay for Life

              Dave Miller – Isle Fire Department


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.


Isle Lions Teachers of the Month:            Each received $250.00


    High School:

Isle/Malmo Lions Spring Gala:  “Return of the Snowbirds” Will be held on May 31st at Appeldoorn’s from 5:30 to 10:00 pm.  Cost will be $20.00 per person with a Chicken Buffet and a cash bar.  We will make a $1.50 profit on each ticket plus money from the Silent Auction.  All profits will be split with Malmo Lions.

We still no information on the Water Fountain for our Legacy Project.  We will talk to Mitzie Reis and have more information by our next meeting.

Thank you to the following people that helped with Ditch Clean-up:  Marilyn & Harvey Exsted, Deb & Ole Walters, Pat Hicks, Hans Woelfle, Virgil Lindholm, Susan Haggberg and Bubbles Haggberg.   We picked 7 bags of garbage.

Dale and Joyce Matte came and spoke to us on the Cancer Society’s Relay for Life.  This event will be held at the High School on July 28th from 5:00 pm to 1:00 am.  Donations of a $1,000.00 or more will have Logo’s printed on the T-shirt given to each participate.  Looking for teams to sign up, they would like each team to sell 10 luminary bags to help raise profits.   75% of the profits stay in Mille Lacs County and 25% is used for cancer research.  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $1,000.00.  Carried.

Dave Miller from the Isle Fire Department updated us on the new Fire Hall and thanked us for our donation last year.  They will have a donation wall for all donations over $1,000.00.  Completion should be around June 20th.  An Open House will be held later.  They have raised $190,000 including a $75,000 grant.  He also asked for a Donation for a Spanner Wrench.  Which is a hand held tool designed to provide a mechanical advantage in applying torque for turning nuts and bolts.  He would like to purchase one for each fireman.   A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Leta Christensen to purchase 25 Spanner Wrenches @ $20.00 = $500.00.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to:  Frank & Phyllis Ketchmark, Carol Anderson, Phyllis Haggberg, Sam Johnson, Dick Allen, Linda Orazem, Marilyn and Lloyd Washburn and  for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $100.00 to Lion Brian Sheehan.  He is an International President Candidate.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Linda Orazem and seconded by Doug Halvorson to donate $1,000.00 to the Nyquist Scholarship Fund.  Carried.

Will remind Callers to be sure and let the President know how many people on your list will be attending the General Meeting.  We will be at the Wahkon Inn for another year.  We will then check with the Bristow, Boathouse and MSA.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to donate $200.00 to the Mille Lacs Fun Run during Isle Days.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate monies for the following events held during Isle Days:  Candy for the Parades - $500.00, Little Miss Pageant - $850.00 and the Kiddie Parade - $500.00.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Doug Halvorson to donate $100.00 to use for the Nursing Home Birthday Party in July.  Carried.

Blood Drive will be held on July 13th at the Faith Lutheran Church in Isle.

Hans Woelfle is looking for used tables to purchase for the Threshing Show.  If anyone knows of any, please let him know.

Awards Banquet – 14 Seniors came for Dinner.  14 @ $10.00/each = $140.00

A Motion was made by Bubbles Haggberg and seconded by Doug Halvorson to adjourn the meeting.  Carried.




May 8, 2017


Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Klaus Rapp to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Klaus Rapp to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.


Meat Raffle Workers:

          May 11th:         Bill Bjorklund & Deb Walters    

    May 18th:         Barb & Jim Thyr

    May 25th:         Doug Halvorson and Pat Hicks    

    June 1st:            Bob & Judy Crace

    June 8th:        Pat Hicks & Linda Orazem


Lois Moroney gave us an update on the Isle/Malmo Spring Gala “Return of the Snowbirds” that will be held on May 31st at Appeldorn’s.  This event is open to the public; however tickets must be purchased before the event.  They will not be available at the door.


Ditch Clean-up will be held on May 10th at 5:00 pm.  Rain date will be May 11th.


Dates to remember:  McGrath July 4th Parade

                 Isle Days – July 7th, 8th and 9th

                                      Blood Drive – July 13th

                                      Wahkon Days – August 19th and 20th


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to pay for the Senior’s Dinner at the Awards Banquet on May 17th.   Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to Adjourn.  Carried


April 24, 2017

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

6 Members Present:  Dawn Christensen, Hans Woelfle, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Shari Woelfle and Linda Orazem.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

Isle Lions Teachers of the Month:            Each received $250.00


    High School:


Isle/Malmo Lions Spring Gala:  “Return of the Snowbirds”  Will be held on May 31st at Appeldoorn’s from 5:30 to 10:00 pm.  Cost will be $20.00 per person with a Chicken Buffet and a cash bar.  This event is open to the Public, Malmo Lions are also interested.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to:  Nick Gago, Noreen Cooper, Jim Eye, Gerald Hastings and Jean Novak for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

Donation to Mille Lacs Fun Run was tabled until next Board Meeting.

Easter Egg Hunt was held on April 15th.  Was a cold and rainy day but we ended up with 103 kids.  Hopefully everyone enjoyed themselves.  We gave away four bikes – one in each year group 0-3, 4-6, 7-9 and 10-12.


We will have to talk to Mitzie Reis to see if she has ordered the Lion Water Fountain yet.            


Ditch Clean-up is on May 10th at 5:00 pm.  Rain date is May 11th.


Please note that this year Isle Days will also include Sunday – so we will need more volunteers.


A Motion was made by Linda Orazem and seconded by Shari Woelfle to adjourn the meeting.  Carried.




April 10, 2017

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

We had several members of the Onamia Lions Club come and join us for the Governor’s Dinner with acting District Governor Jack Breitkreutz and his wife Carol.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.


A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.


Meat Raffle Workers:

          April 13th:         Canceled    

    April 20th:         Pat Hicks & Deb Walters

    April 27th:         Doug Halvorson and Bubbles Haggberg    

    May 4th:            Jim and Barb Thyr


Hans Woelfle gave us an update on the Isle/Malmo Spring Gala that will be held on May 31st at Appeldorn’s.  This event is open to the Public.


Officer’s Training is being held this month on Tuesday’s.  Anyone is invited to attend.  Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle, Marlene Moss and Susan Haggberg will attend the one held on April 25th in Askov.


Ditch Clean-up will be held on May 10th at 5:00 pm.  Rain date will be May 11th.


Acting District Governor Jack Breitkreutz passed out FOUR Chevrons to our Club

Harvey and Marilyn Exsted, Dick Allen and Bill Bjorklund.


Acting District Governor Jack then spoke on the History of the Lions.  On June 7, 1917 the Lions were started by Melvin Jones and fellow businessmen in Chicago to help improve the Community.  We now have 1.35 million Lions members in 206 countries.  After the Governor’s speech we then received a test from his wife Carol.  


Then he spoke on the Kidsight Vision Screener, which was very interesting.  Several members had their eyes tested and several members operated it.  Our clubs would like to set up a training day so that our clubs could go into the schools and test all the kids.


The Isle Lions Club presented the Governor with a check for $100.00 for LCIF.


A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Deb Walters to Adjourn.  Carried



March 28, 2017

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

9 Members Present:  Dawn Christensen, Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle,  Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Bubbles Haggberg, Leta Christensen, Shari Woelfle and Conrad Thomsen.

Guests – We had 1 Guest.  Hunter Haggberg representing the 6th grade class for their trip to Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Bubbles Haggberg to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

No Treasurer’s Report

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses as read out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

    March 2nd:     Hans Woelfle and Shari Strecker

    March 9th:     Shari Strecker and Linda Orazem

    March 16th:     Doug Halvorson and Jon Alt

    March 23rd:     Deb Walters and Shari Strecker

    March 30th:     Linda Orazem and Shari Strecker

We had an excellent turn out for the Zone Meeting we hosted on March 13th.    We had 39 people attend, 15 of them were Isle Lions.  Thank you for the support.

The Easter Egg Hunt is set for April 15th at the IREC.  Registration will start at 9:30 am and the Egg Hunt will start at 10:00 am.  Four bikes will be given away.


Plans are underway for the Isle Lions Spring Gala.  This is a shared event with the Malmo Lions Club.  The Dinner/Dance will be held on May 31st from 5:30 to 10:00 pm at Appeldoorns.  Cost will be $20.00/each with a Chicken Buffet and Cash Bar.   Posters have been printed and posted around town.  Lois and Dick Moroney have tickets if anyone would like to purchase beforehand.  There will also be a Silent Auction.  This event is open to the public.

Isle Lions Teachers of the Month:  Elementary – Kayla Santema and High School – Dawn Christensen.

Our next General Meeting on April 10th will also be the District Governor’s Dinner.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Shari Woelfle to donate to the 4th Grader’s Foresters Program.  Each 4th grader in Nyquist Elementary will receive a tree on Arbor Day to take home and plant.  The cost for this is $1.79/per 4th grader.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis to donate $200.00 to the “Hooked on Fishing not on Drugs” program.  Each year the Sheriff’s office takes the 4th graders out fishing on Smith Lake.  After fishing lunch is served.  All bait, poles and life vests are provided.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Leta Christensen to donate $200.00 to the Milaca Alumni Band to march in the Isle Days Parade.   One contingent is that they carry a sign showing the Isle Lions have sponsored them.  Carried.

Officers Training will be held in April at:  Anyone may attend.

April 4th – Roccori High School in Cold Springs

        April 11th – Staples/Motley High School – Staples

        April 18th – Pierz High School – Pierz

        April 25th – East Central High School – Askov

Work is continuing on our Legacy Project.  We are looking into purchasing a Lions Water Fountain.  It will be placed on Main Street in front of the Museum.  The estimated cost right now is $4,200.00.  Hans Woelfle will check with the City of Isle.

Bubbles Haggberg gave us an update on the Scholarship Fund.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis to adjourn the meeting.  Carried.



February 28, 2017

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

9 Members Present:  Dawn Christensen, Hans Woelfle,  Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Bubbles Haggberg, Leta Christensen, Carolyn Remer and Linda Orazem.

Guests – We had 1 Guest.  Kari Conner w/After Prom Party

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Leta Christensen to approve the Treasurer’s Report as read.  Carried.

Gambling:  There was some discussion on the Isle Muni - they would like to remove the Pull Tab Booth and Machine and only sell Pull Tabs from behind the Bar – so they could raise their percentage.  Gambling Manager Deb Walters will talk to the Council Members and give them the Pros and Cons.

Isle Lions Teachers of the Month:            Each received $250.00

    Elementary:  Jessica Dowd

    High School:  Mark Bruzek

We have received a donation of Christmas tags and Christmas paper from Dawn and Missy Buck for the Santa Sale.  Thank You!

Isle Lions Spring Gala:  “Return of the Snowbirds”  Will be held on May 31st at Appeldoorn’s from 5:30 to 10:00 pm.  Cost will be $20.00 per person with a Chicken Buffet and a cash bar.  This event is open to the Public, Malmo Lions are also interested.

We will be hosting the next Zone Meeting on March 13th at the Wahkon Inn.

Please keep in mind the 5M8 District Governor’s visit to our club is April 10th.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to:  Randee Walters, Butch Walters and JoAnne Anderson for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Linda Orazem and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $500.00 to the After Prom Party.  Carried.

We received a request for money from Linda Schoeck – she would like to donate a basketball to each Elementary child that participated in Basketball this year.  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Bubbles to donate $200.00 to this program.  Carried.

Easter Egg Hunt will be held on April 15th.  A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Linda Orazem to spend up to $650.00 for Bikes and Candy.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to make the recommendation to accept the following 2017/2018 Slate of Officers:         Carried.

President:  Doug Halvorson

    1st Vice President:  Hans Woelfle

    2nd Vice President:  Judy Halvorson

    3rd Vice President:  Leta Christensen

    Treasurer:  Marlene Moss

    Secretary:   Susan Haggberg                

    Lion Tamer:  Carolyn Remer                    

    Tail Twister:  

    Gambling Manager:  Deb Walters

    Membership Chairperson:  Hans Woelfle

    2 Year Director:  Shari Strecker & Bubbles Haggberg

    1 Year Director:  Shari Woelfle & Linda Orazem

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting.  Carried.




February 13, 2017

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

We had several guests:  Roger Strecker (Shari), Ole Walters (Deb) and Darlene Lindholm (Virgil).

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

          February 2nd:         Hans Woelfle & Shari Strecker    

    February 9th:         Deb Walters & Doug Halvorson

    February 16th:       Shannon Schminkey & Linda Orazem    

    February 23rd:       Shannon Schminkey & Susan Haggberg

Marlene Moss and Hans Woelfle give us a report on the 5M-8 Mid-Winter Convention held in Hinckley this year.

We had record people attend the Spaghetti Supper on February 7th – we served 162 meals.  Income $1,367.00 less expenses and donations = $838.90.  This amount was paid to the Nyquist Scholarship Fund.

Isle Lions are hosting the Zone Meeting on March 13th at Wahkon Inn.  We would members to attend.     

A Committee was formed for the Isle Lions Spring Gala – Dinner and Dance.  This year the theme is “Return of the Snowbirds”.    A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to proceed with the plans.  More information will be sent out to Members.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to hold the Santa Sale again this year – the date will be December 2nd.  Carried

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to Adjourn.  Carried



January 24, 2017

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

12 Members Present:  Dawn Christensen, Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle,  Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Bubbles Haggberg, Leta Christensen, Shari Woelfle, Conrad Thomsen, Lois and Dick Moroney.

Guests – We had 1 Guest.  Bonnie Skogen with the Skating Rink.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Treasurer’s Report as read.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses as read out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

    Jan. 26th:    Doug Halvorson and Susan Haggberg

    Feb. 2nd:    Hans Woelfle and Shari Strecker

    Feb. 9th:    Shannon Schminkey and Deb Walters

    Feb. 16th:    Shannon Schminkey and Linda Orazem

    Feb. 23rd:    Shannon Schminkey and Susan Haggberg

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Leta Christensen to donate $1,000.00 to the Isle Skating Rink to help with expenses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to:  Tyler Tramm, Chris Zortman and Aaron Aadind for Medical Expenes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $200.00 each to the following for the Parade of Green ($2,400.00 total) at the Mid-Winter Convention held in Hinckley in February 2017.  Carried.

    1. LCIF (Lions Clubs International Foundation)

    2. Minnesota Lions Vision Foundation:

        1)  Children’s Eye Clinic

        2)  Eye Bank

        3)  Macular Degeneration Center

    3. MD5M Lions Hearing Foundation

        1)  Hearing Foundation

        2)  Children’s Hearing Clinic

    4. Minnesota Lions Diabetes Foundation

    5. District 5M-8 Foundation – Leos

    6.  District 5M-8 Foundation – Youth Outreach

    7. Leader Dog for the Blind

    8 .Can Do Canines

    9. MD5M Project New Hope Lions Foundation of Minnesota

Spaghetti Supper will be held on February 7, 2017 at the Commons Area in the High School.  We will serve supper from 4:30-6:30.   Proceeds go to Nyquist Scholarship.

Received an email from Zone Chair Bunny Tabbett, she is still working on ideas to get more people to come.  Zone Meeting will be held on March 13, 2017 at Wahkon Inn.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Leta Christensen to donate $1,000.00 to Camp Onomia to help them with some improvements.  Carried.

Lois and Dick Moroney would like to set up a Committee to have a Dinner and Dance when the snowbirds return.  This is something that the Malmo Lions are also interested in attending.  Will put before the General Membership at February Meeting.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Shari Woelfle to adjourn the meeting.



December 27, 2016

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

7 Members Present:  Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Hans Woelfle, Deb Walters, Doug Halvorson and Shari Woelfle.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson to approve the Secretary’s Minutes as read.  Carried.

Treasurer Marlene Moss has received dues for 2017 from 27 Members already.

No Gambling Report.

Annual Inventory will be held on January 1, 2017 at the Isle Muni.  Deb Walters, Dawn Christensen, Susan Haggberg, Shannon Schminkey and Jon Alt have volunteered to help.

We still need volunteers for Meat Raffles on February 9th, 16th and 23rd.  Shannon Schminkey has volunteered but it would be nice to have one other person each week.

Gambling Manager Deb Walters talked to us about her wages.  In lieu of wages she would like to collect mileage reimbursement (it will not exceed her wages).  She has talked to the Accountant, the Minnesota Gambling Board and the Software people.  Everyone has okayed this.  A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss that the Board accepts this and will be effective January 1, 2017.  Carried.

At this point in the year, we have made 16% out of 30% in donations required each year.

Winners of this month’s Lions Teacher of the Month are:  

    Elementary – Tim Honek

    High School – Rebecca Thomsen            Each received $250.00

Christmas Tree of Giving:  We had 44 people sign up to receive gifts; however we had 6 cards not turned in.  Hans and Shari Woelfle then used the money donated to go and purchase gifts for these people.  There were 7 Lions Members that helped out with the Christmas Party at the High Rise.  Everyone had an enjoyable time.

The Mid-Winter Convention will be held in Hinckley on February 3rd to February 5th.  Marlene Moss and Hans Woelfle will attend on Saturday, if anyone else would like to go please let Marlene know by January 13th.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $200.00 each to the following for the Parade of Green ($2,000.00 total) at the Mid-Winter Convention held in Hinckley in February 2017.  Carried.

    1. LCIF (Lions Clubs International Foundation)

    2. Minnesota Lions Vision Foundation:

        1)  Children’s Eye Clinic

        2)  Eye Bank

        3)  Macular Degeneration Center

    3. MD5M Lions Hearing Foundation

        1)  Hearing Foundation

        2)  Children’s Hearing Clinic

    4. Minnesota Lions Diabetes Foundation

    5. Leader Dog for the Blind

    6 .Can Do Canines

    7. MD5M Project New Hope Lions Foundation of Minnesota

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Hans Woelfle that the Board makes a recommendation to donate a $100.00 to Arlene Harms for Medical Expenses. Carried.

The Spaghetti Supper will be held on February 7, 2017 at the High School Cafeteria.  We will serve from 4:30 to 6:30.  This is a Boys and Girls double header with Rush City.

The next Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 24th.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Deb Walters to adjourn the meeting.  Carried.



December 12, 2016

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

We had several guests:  Jean Giller (Mitzie), Ole Walters (Deb), Phyllis Haggberg (Bubbles) and Frank Ketchmark (Phyllis)

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

    December 22nd:    Frank & Phyllis Ketchmark

    December 29th:    Shari Woelfle & Bubbles Haggberg

    January 5th:        Hans Woelfle & Doug Halvorson

    January 12th:    Deb Walters & Susan Haggberg

    January 19th:    Deb Walters & Doug Halvorson

    January 26th:    Deb Walters & Susan Haggberg            

We have three weeks in February that we need Meat Raffle Workers.  If you can volunteer please let Deb Walters know.

Christmas Tree of Giving – Chairperson Hans Woelfle ended up with 44 people signed up (10 from the Scandia House).  All but 12 of the slips have been turned in.  The Christmas Tree was set up at Teal’s Market on November 26th.  The Christmas Party will be held on Sunday, December 18th at 6:00 pm at the High Rise.

Santa’s Secret Shop was held on Saturday, December 3rd at Nyquist Elementary.  We had 55 kids come and shop and 7 adults shop.  Was a slow but good day – we took in $1,360.05 and with the expenses to Fun Services and the gifts Santa gave away we ended with a loss of ($297.65).  Very close to last year’s totals.  We want to THANK everyone that helped, it was great seeing that many Lions help out.  And we also want to THANK Jim Thyr for being an excellent Santa Claus.  THANK YOU!

A box will be passed around at each General Meeting to help collect money for the Hearing Foundation.  International is trying to get each Lions Club to raise $100 for 100 years.

Teachers of the Month will be picked at the Basketball game on Tuesday, December 13th.

The Spaghetti Supper will be held on February 7th.  This is a Boys and Girls Basketball double header with Rush City.

Club Officers are due to Lions International April 1st – we are still looking for a First Vice President and a Secretary.

Lions District 5M8 Mid-Winter Convention will be held in Hinckley this year on February 3rd, 4th and 5th.  We need to have registrations in by January 13, 2017.  Anyone that would like to go – let Marlene Moss know.

Our next General Meeting will be held with our Board Meeting on January 24th at the IREC.  Everyone is welcomed to attend.  All Board Meetings will be held on Tuesdays until further notice.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to Adjourn.



November 29, 2016

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

6 Members Present: Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Carolyn Remer, Deb Walters and Conrad Thomsen.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Secretary’s Minutes as read. Carried.


No Treasurer’s or Gambling Report

Winners of this month’s Lions Teacher of the Month are:

Elementary – Michelle Haggberg

High School – Jean Novak Each received $250.00


Christmas Tree of Giving: The Tree has been set up at Teal’s Market. We had 43 people sign up to receive gifts. The Christmas party will be held on Sunday, December 18th at 6:00 pm at the High Rise – all help is appreciated. We have also received $250.00 from Thrivent Financial.

Santa Sale will be held on Saturday, December 3rd. Set up will be on Friday, December 2nd. Sale will start at 8:30 am on Saturday. No Bake Sale this year. Santa Claus will be at the school from 9:00 to 11:00 am.

Marlene Moss and Susan Haggberg gave a report on the Zone Meeting held in Pierz on November 21st. Next Zone Meeting will be hosted by the Isle Lions Club. This will be a dinner meeting on March 13th. Everyone is invited. We will have more information at the February Meeting.


A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Marlene Moss that the Board makes a recommendation to donate a $100.00 to Cheryl Thedens for Medical Expenses. Carried.


The next Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 27th.


A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting. Carried.



November 14, 2016

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Marilyn Exsted to approve the Secretary’s Minutes. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson to approve the Gambling Report as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund. Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

November 17th: Jim & Barb Thyr

November 24th: No Meat Raffle

December 1st: Hans Woelfle & Deb Walters

December 8th: Doug Halvorson & Bubbles Haggberg

December 15th: Linda Orazem & Deb Walters

After some discussion and looking at the figures at Beckman’s Bar a Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to have Gambling Manager Deb Walters send a notice to Beckman’s Bar informing them that in 30 days we will terminate our Gambling with them. Carried.

Gambling Manager Deb Walters gave us an update on the break in at Isle Municipal Liquor. The Muni paid for all repairs to the Pull Tab Booth. The Pull Tab Machine was covered under our Insurance (no deductible). Deb is checking into the cost of having a security camera installed in the Pull Tab Booth. Has one estimate for $500.00 from the Security Company that is already at the Muni. She will also get an estimate from People’s Security.


Marlene Moss and Deb Walters spoke about the meeting they attended with the Malmo Lions Club. . The Guest Speaker was Past 5M9 District Governor Jay Norby. He spoke on the Children’s Sight Machine – was very interesting. They have 35-40 members with several of them being with the former Malmo Lions Club. They also expressed an interested in doing a project together.

Christmas Tree of Giving – Chairperson Hans Woelfle has got 33 people signed up so far (10 from the Scandia House). Christmas Tree set up will be at Teal’s Market on November 26th around noon. Would like as many members has possible attend. The Christmas Party will be held on Sunday, December 18th at 6:00 pm at the High Rise.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate up to $400.00 to purchase fruit, meat and cheese to make baskets for everyone. It will also be used to purchase gifts for cards that are not turned back in. Carried.


Santa’s Secret Shop will be held on Saturday, December 3rd at Nyquist Elementary. A sign-up sheet was passed around. It was decided we will not hold a Bake Sale during Santa’s Secret Shop.


The Convention Service Project and the Legacy Hearing Project were put on hold until the Zone Meeting on November 21st so we may find out more information.


Our next General Meeting will be held on December 12th – this will be our Christmas Party. Each member should bring a $5.00 gift.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doc Moss to accept membership for Shari Strecker into our Lions Club. Carried. WELCOME!


Hans Woelfle has talked with the City of Isle to get their okay on installing the Lion Water Fountain next spring. They recommended that we pour a slab to put it on.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.



October 26, 2016


Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

8 Members Present:  Dawn Christensen, Doug Halvorson, Hans Woelfle, Susan Haggberg, Bubbles Haggberg, Shari Woelfle, Leta Christensen and Mitzie Reis.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Secretary’s Minutes as read.  Carried.

No Treasurer’s or Gambling Report

Winners of this month’s Lions Teacher of the Month are:  

    Elementary – Rebecca Doschadis

    High School – Kevin Cerny            Each received $250.00

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Doug Halvorson that the Board makes a recommendation to donate a $100.00 each to Jim Thyr and Frank Robbinson for Medical Expenses. Carried.

“Raise your Mugs for the Jugs” (Breast Cancer Fundraiser) was held on October 22, 2016 at the Isle Municipal Liquor Store.    A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $500.00.  Carried.

The next Zone Meeting will be held in Pierz on Monday, November 21st.  Reservations need to be in by November 14th, will put on the General Meeting Agenda.

Christmas Tree of Giving:  We will be setting the tree up at Teal’s Market on November 26th.  Please let Hans Woelfle know if you can help.  We would like as many Lions as we can get for the photo.  The Christmas Party will be held on Sunday, December 18th at 6:00 pm.  Once again he would like more help from the members this year, so if you can help at the Party, please let Hans know.  Doug Halvorson will apply for funds from Thrivent Financial.  He can get up to $250.00

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Doug Halvorson to donate $300.00 to the Isle School District for the Husky High Five Program.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Shari Woelfle to spend up to $500.00 on the gifts for the kids from Santa Claus at Santa’s Secret Shop.  Carried.

Our Spaghetti Supper will be held on February 7, 2017.  There is a Girls Basketball game at 6:00 pm and Boys Basketball game at 7:30 pm.  Both games are against Rush City.

The next Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 29th.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Shari Woelfle to adjourn the meeting.  Carried 



October 10, 2016

Meeting was called to order by

President Dawn Christensen.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Doug Halvorson.

We had three Guests: Shari Strecker, Dean Kaspner and Randy Christensen

We had one change to the Agenda. A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to remove the words (Vote Yes) that were listed by the School Referendum. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Secretary’s Minutes. Carried.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Doug Halvorson to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Gambling Report as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund. Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

October 13thJim & Barb Thyr

October 20th: Pat Hicks & Hans Woelfle

October 27thPat Hicks & Deb Walters

November 3rd: Jim & Barb Thyr

November 10thDoug Halvorson & Deb Walters

Dean Kaspner, Superintendent from Isle Schools and Randy Christensen, Board Member spoke to us on the School Referendum that is coming up on November 8, 2016. Dean explained the two questions that are going to be on the ballot. He spoke on what the district is asking for, why they need the money and how the money will be spent. An informational meeting for the community regarding the referendum will also be held on Thursday, October 13 th at Isle High School.

Marlene Moss, Linda Orazem and Susan Haggberg attended the 5M8 District Mini Forum held in Foley on October 4th. The guest speaker was David Thoen – he spoke on the Lions research on Diabetes and his experiences as a pancreatic transplant recipient and living his life with Diabetes and his life after his transplant.

We also turned in 200 pairs of eyeglasses at the Mini Forum.


President Dawn spoke to us about the Lions Centennial Community Legacy Project. This is a chance to connect with our community and build a Lion Legacy. Legacy Projects are visible gifts to our community that commemorate our Centennial and create a lasting legacy of our service contributions. Our Legacy Project will serve as a reminder of just how important our club is to the community. All Lions Clubs around the world are encouraged to complete a Legacy Project.

For our Legacy Project we are looking into purchasing a Lions Water Fountain and putting it on Main Street in front of the Museum. Hans Woelfle has talked to the Historical Society and they have approved this. We would like to get a fountain that people could continue to fill their water jugs with.

The Malmo Lions Club has invited us to a Dinner Meeting on October 25th at Hunter’s Point. The Guest Speaker will be Past 5M9 District Governor Jay Norby. He will be speaking on the Children’s Sight Machine. Doc and Marlene Moss and Deb Walters will attend.

Hans Woelfle will start gathering names for the Christmas Tree of Giving. Last year we had around 40 people participate. He would like more help from the club members this year.

Santa’s Secret Shop will be held on Saturday, December 3rd starting at 8:30 am. Jim Thyr has once again volunteered to be Santa Claus – THANK YOU! A sign-up sheet was passed around. We always need help.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to Adjourn.



September 27, 2016

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

10 Members Present: Dawn ChristensenHans Woelfle, Marlene Moss, Deb Walters, Susan HaggbergBubbles HaggbergShari Woelfle, Leta Christensen, Mitzie Reis and Linda Orazem.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Secretary’s Minutes as read. Carried

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Carried.


The Lions Teachers of the Month were drawn at the Volleyball game on September 19th. Winner for the Elementary was Lori Wall and winner for the High School was Bri Novak. They will each receive $250.00.


Marlene Moss gave a report on the Zone Meeting held in Little Falls on September 20th. They would like each club to have a Legacy Project. Also reminded us of the Mid-Winter Convention which will be held in Hinckley in February.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle that the Board makes a recommendation to donate a $100.00 each to Joe Robinson, Arnie Sandin, Bob McGuire and Lilly Orazem for Medical Expenses. Carried.


To go with the Zone’s recommendation for a Legacy Project the Board has thought about purchasing a Lions Water Fountain. Mitzie Reis will check on prices, there is a company in Merrifield MN that makes them.


Mitzie Reis has volunteered to be our club contact person for the Centennial information.


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Shari Woelfle to purchase a 1/12th page ad in the Isle High School Yearbook. Carried.


Bubbles Haggberg will check with the City about moving our Lions sign on Highway 47. Right now it is stuck behind trees where no one can see it.


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis to adjourn the meeting. Carried.



September 12, 2016

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Bill Bjorklund to approve the Secretary’s Minutes. Carried.

A Motion was made by Bill Bjorklund and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Leta Christensen to approve the Gambling Report as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Klaus Rapp and seconded by Linda Orazem to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund. Carried.


Meat Raffle Workers:


September 15th: Klauss Rapp & Pat Hicks

September 22nd: Jim & Barb Thyr

September 29th: Pat Hicks & Judy Crace

October 6th:

October 13th: Jim & Barb Thyr


Names will be drawn at the Volleyball game on Monday, September 19th for the two teachers for the month of September.


White Pine Logging and Threshing Show was held on September 3rd to September 5th. We had a good turnout for volunteers. For the three days we made a profit of $2,807.72. (Income including $300 startup cash $6,261.84 less expenses of $3,454.82) This is a profit of $679.82 more than we made last year. Hans has several new ideas he would like to try for next year.


Marlene Moss, Linda Orazem and Susan Haggberg will attend the 5M8 District Mini Forum in Foley on October 4th.



President Dawn Christensen installed our new Members Lois and Dick Moroney. They are sponsored by Doc and Marlene Moss. WELCOME!


Talked about our Meal Reservations – if you say you will be eating and then cannot make the meeting, please let your caller or President Dawn know. If you do not do this you will still be responsible for the payment of your meal.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Leta Christensen to donate $100.00 for “Granny’s Gang” for the Alzheimer’s Walk in Brainerd. Carried.


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Leta Christensen to donate $100.00 to Justin Schmidt for Medical Expenses. Carried.


Bill Bjorklund bought up the idea of a Newsletter for our club. This would help keep the snowbirds up to date on what is going on in our club. However, we cannot get anyone to volunteer to do this.


He also presented a way to make money for our club with – A Sad Dollar or a Happy Dollar. You donate a dollar either for a sad occasion or a happy occasion.


A Motion was made by Marv Heitala and seconded by Hans Woelfle to Adjourn.



August 23, 2016

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

12 Members Present: Dawn Christensen, Hans Woelfle, Doug Halvorson, Marlene Moss, Deb Walters, Susan Haggberg, Bubbles Haggberg, Shari Woelfle, Leta Christensen, Mitzie Reis, Linda Orazem and Klaus Rapp.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s Minutes as read. Carried

Phyllis Ketchmark is going to retire from the Pull Tab Booth. We will have a cake for her at the Meat Raffle on September 1st.

We will start with the donations to the Teachers in September. A check for $250.00 will be given and an Elementary Teacher and a High School Teacher to be put in their classroom account.

Corn Feed will be held on August 26, 2016 at the Isle City Park. Everything should be set. Doc Moss will pick the corn up at noon on Friday. Most of the shifts are filled.

White Pine Logging and Threshing Show will be held September 3 – 4 – 5. Everything is done: All Licenses, Insurance and Alcohol have been purchased.

The Lions 5M8 Mini-Forum Awards Banquet is set for October 4, 2016 at Henry’s Banquet Center in Foley. Lions Marlene Moss, Linda Orazem and Susan Haggberg will attend.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis that the Board makes a recommendation to donate a $100.00 each to Mary Kramer and Lester Olson for Medical Expenses. Carried.

Our District Governor Judy Hoofnagle has passed away. Funeral will be held on August 25th, in lieu of flowers memorials are preferred. A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $100.00 in Judy’s name to the Children’s Eye Clinic. Carried.

We need to try and get a more accurate head count for dinner at our Meetings.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Shari Woelfle to adjourn the meeting. Carried.




August 8, 2016

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Ruth Johnson and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Klaus Rapp and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

              August 11th:         Jim Thyr & Pat Hicks

        August 18th:         Klaus Rapp & Doug Halvorson

              August 25th:         Jim & Barb Thyr

              September 1st:     Klaus Rapp &

        September 8th:    Linda Orazem &        

Corn Feed will be held on August 26th at the Isle City Park.  We will purchase the corn from Teal’s Market (60 dozen).  Dolores Haggberg has flyers for everyone to pass out.  Lakeland Printers donated them to us.  Everyone was reminded to bring 2 pies for the Pie Sale.

White Pine Logging and Threshing Show will be held on September 3rd to September 5th.  Hans Woelfle passed the sign-up sheet around again.  He is looking for volunteers for the Night Shift.  

District Governor Judy  Hoofnagle’s Club Visit will not be until April 10th, 2017.  She is already booked for the two dates we had picked in September and October.

Wahkon Days will be held August 18th to August 21st.  Dawn, Marlene, MItzie, Susie and Leta will throw candy for the Parade.

After 11 years Ruth Johnson and Phyllis Ketchmark are giving up chairing the Bloodmobile Drive.  We want to THANK them for all their hard work.  Linda Orazem and Pat Hicks have volunteered to take over.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to Adjourn.


July 26, 2016

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

11 Members Present: Dawn Christensen, Hans Woelfle, Doug Halvorson, Marlene Moss, Deb Walters, Susan Haggberg, Bubbles Haggberg, Shari Woelfle, Leta Christensen, Mitzie Reis and Klaus Rapp.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes as read. Carried

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Carried

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Leta Christensen to donate $200.00 to Wahkon Days. Carried.

Corn Feed will be held on August 26, 2016 at the Isle City Park. Lois & Dick Moroney have a friend in Pierz that we may purchase corn from, but we would have to go pick it up. We can purchase 60 dozen from Teal’s Market for $357.00.

White Pine Logging and Threshing Show will be held September 3 – 4 – 5. Alcohol has been purchased. We can also set out Popcorn and Pretzels this year. There are still spots open for volunteers to work.

Culpepper and Merriweather Circus – we made about the same amount as last year. Treasurer Marlene Moss will have a full report at the General Meeting in August.

A Motion was made by Susan Haggberg and seconded by Hans Woelfle that the Board makes a recommendation to donate a $100.00 each to: Nancy Friendt, Barb Bentley and Pat Gudim for Medical Expenses. Carried.

We will send in a request to District Governor Judy Hoofnagle for her Governor’s Club Visit. We will ask for September 12th or October 10th, as we are hoping to have it in the months when we have some of the snowbirds around.

With our American Flag missing, Mitzie Reis has offered to replace it. THANK YOU!

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Deb Walters to adjourn the meeting. Carried.





July 11, 2016

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

We had one Guest – Linda Carlson.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Secretary’s Minutes. Carried.

A Motion was made by Bill Bjorklund and seconded by Doug Halvorson to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented by President Dawn Christensen. Carried.

A Motion was made by Bob Crace and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Gambling Report as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Bob Crace to approve Gambling Manager Deb Walters request to purchase to a counter for the pull tab tickets. Carried.

Gambling Manager Deb Walters has everything ready to send to Adam Fussy at the Minnesota Gambling Board that was requested from the Gambling Audit.

Meat Raffle Workers:

July 14th: Klaus Rapp & Bill Bjorklund

July 21st: Jim & Barb Thyr

July 28th: Linda Orazem & Pat Hicks

Aug. 4th: Doug Halvorson & Deb Walters

Aug. 11th: Jim Thyr & Pat Hicks

Bloodmobile will be held in Isle on Wednesday, July 13th.

The Culpepper and Merriweather Circus will be in town on July 22nd. Two shows will be held – 5:00 pm and 7:30 pm. We make more money in the Pre-Sale Tickets, it would help if all members would buy or sell tickets before the Circus comes to town. Several businesses in Isle will also be selling Pre-Sale Tickets.

A Motion was made by Leta Christensen and seconded by Carolyn Remer to accept Linda Carlson as a Member of the Isle Lions Club. Carried.

Klaus and Priscilla Rapp have volunteered to be callers. We will split the calling lists up at our Board Meeting.

The Lions Corn Feed will be held on August 26th, IF we can find some corn. Roeschleins have had trouble with their corn coming up this year. Lois and Dick Morney will check with their neighbor and let President Dawn know. Otherwise we will have to come up with a different idea. A sign-up sheet was passed around.

White Pine Logging and Threshing Show will be held on September 3rd to September 5th. Hans Woelfle passed a sign-up sheet around. We hope everyone signed up, as we need lots of volunteers. We should have our Liquor License this week and Hans Woelfle is also working on the Dram Insurance.

Judy Crace talked to us about the Milaca Alumni Band. They would like to receive $200.00 for Marching in the Isle Days Parade. As we only donated $100.00 this year, a Motion was made by Bob Peterson and seconded by Leta Christensen to donate another $100.00 for this year’s parade. Carried.

A Motion was made by Bill Bjorklund and seconded by Pat Hicks to Adjourn.




June 28, 2016

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

12 Members Present:  Dawn Christensen, Hans Woelfle, Judy Halvorson, Doug Halvorson, Marlene Moss, Deb Walters, Susan Haggberg, Linda Orazem, Bubbles Haggberg, Shari Woelfle, Leta Christensen and Mitzie Reis.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes as read.  Carried

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Leta Christensen to approve the Gambling Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson to approve the responses to the questions from our Gambling Audit.  Gambling Manager Deb Walters will be sending in all requested information.  Carried

We went over the Calling Lists – right now we only have three callers.  If anyone would like to volunteer to call each month, please let President Dawn know.

Culpepper and Merriweather Circus will be in town on July 22nd.  Two shows will be held – 5:00 pm and 7:30 pm.  Hans Woelfle now has tickets for us to sell. This is where we can make our money.

White Pine Logging and Threshing Show will be held September 3 – 4 – 5.  Sign-up sheet will be passed around.  Please volunteer to help.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Linda Orazem that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 to:  Gordy Stalker for medical expenses.  Carried

Signatures on the Bank Account for the General Fund Account will be Treasurer Marlene Moss, President Dawn Christensen and 1st Vice President Hans Woelfle.  These people are authorized to sign the checks and perform banking functions for the Isle Lions Club General Fund for the 2016/2017 year.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Deb Walters to spend up to $500.00 for the Kiddie Parade.  Carried

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Leta Christensen to sponsor the Milaca Alumni Band in the parade for $100.00.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Linda Orazem to make a recommendation to accept membership for Linda Carlson into the Isle Lions Club.  Carried

A Motion was made by Linda Orazem and seconded by Mitzie Reis to adjourn the meeting.


June 13, 2016

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

No Treasurer’s Report

A Motion was made by Klaus Rapp and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Marilyn Exsted to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses as read out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Klaus Rapp to approve the list of donations as presented by Gambling Manager Deb Walters.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               June 16th:         Denny Friendt & Pat Hicks

                June 23rd:         Jim & Barb Thyr

               June 30th:         Carolyn Remer & Pat Hicks

               July 7th:            Carolyn Remer & Bill Bjorklund

                July 14th:           Klaus Rapp & Bill Bjorklund

Isle Days will be held on July 8 – 9 – 10.  Sign-up sheet for the Brat Stand was once again passed around. 

We will sponsor the Bloodmobile on July 13th.   A Motion was made by Ruth Johnson and seconded by Phyllis Ketchmark to purchase a $50.00 Gas Card to give away at the Bloodmobile.  Carried.

Culpepper and Merriweather Circus will be in town on July 22nd.  Two shows will be held – 5:00 pm and 7:30 pm.  Hans Woelfle needs a couple of volunteers to help collect tickets.  He also had posters for everyone to pass out.

Conrad Thomsen still has shirts you can look at, try on and order.  You can order them with Isle Lions Club on the front, back or both.  You have a choice of Tee Shirts, Polo Shirts or Sweatshirts.

Installation of Officers for 2016/2017:

President:  Dawn Christensen

            1st Vice President:  Hans Woelfle

            2nd Vice President:  Judy Halvorson

            3rd Vice President:  Doug Halvorson

            Treasurer:  Marlene Moss

            Secretary:   Susan Haggberg                                          

            Lion Tamer:  Carolyn Remer                                                      

            Tail Twister:  Mitzie Reis

            Gambling Manager:  Deb Walters

            Membership Chairperson:  Hans Woelfle

            2 Year Director:  Shari Woelfle & Linda Orazem

            1 Year Director:  Leta Christensen & Bubbles Haggberg

We talked a little bit about volunteering.  Only about half of our members come to the meetings. We need ideas on how to get them to the General Meeting so everyone can volunteer on our projects.

A Motion was made by Klaus Rapp and seconded by Barb Thyr to Adjourn.




June 7, 2016

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

7 Members Present:  Dawn Christensen, Deb Walters, Susan Haggberg, Linda Orazem, Conrad Thomsen, Carolyn Remer and Leta Christensen.

Gambling Manager Deb Walters went over the May Report and the letter she received from Gambling Audit.   One of the items listed in the letter was making our 30% in Gambling Donations before the end of June. 

A Motion was made by Linda Orazem and seconded by Carolyn Remer to make the following Donations and to leave it up to Gambling Manager Deb Walter’s discretion if we need to donate more.  Carried

            1)  Nyquist Scholarship - $1,000.00

            2)  Isle Fire Department - $1,000.00

            3)  IREC - $1,000.00

            4)  Fire Arm Safety Training - $1,000.00

            5)  Mille Lacs Historical Society - $800.00

            6)  VVA - Vet’s Fishing Program - $1,000.00

            7)  Fitness Center - $1,000.00

            8)  Isle Trap Shooting - $1,000.00

            9)  Hooked on Fishing - $1,000.00

            10) Isle Food Shelf - $1,000.00

            11) Volunteers of American Women’s Program - $1,000.00

            12) Mille Lacs Lake Community Library - $1,000.00

            13) Boy Scouts & Cub Scouts - $400.00

            14) Isle Days Car Show - $300.00

            15) Family Fun Day (Isle Days) - $300.00

            16) Mille Lacs Rendezvous - $200.00        

A Motion was made by Conrad Thomsen and seconded by Linda Orazem to take $3,000.00 out of the Gambling Account for start-up cash for the Pull Tab Machine at Beckman’s Bar.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Conrad Thomsen to pay $400.00 for Insurance.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Leta Christensen and seconded by Deb Walters to adjourn the meeting.


May 23, 2016

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

8 Members Present:  Dawn Christensen, Hans Woelfle, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Linda Orazem, Conrad Thomsen, Carolyn Remer and Leta Christensen.

Guests – Members of Girl Scout Troops:  137, 766, 724

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Conrad Thomsen to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $200.00 to each of the Girl Scout Troops – Troops 137, 766, 724 and  Brownie Troop 771.  Carried. 

Awards Night – we had 21 Senior come for dinner.  ($21.00 @ $12.00 = $252.00)

Thank you to people who did Ditch Clean-up on Friday, May 13th:  Harvey & Marilyn Exsted, Bubbles Haggberg, Susan Haggberg, Pat Hicks, Virgil Lindholm and Jim Thyr.  We picked 6 bags of garbage in snow showers!

A Motion was made by Conrad Thomsen and seconded by Linda Orazem that the Board makes a recommendation to change the Medical Donation amount to $100.00 and donate $100.00 each to:  Kathi Clements, Marilyn Exsted, Paul Orazem, Mitzie Reis and Delphia Cooper.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss to spend up to $900.00 for the Little Miss Isle and Commodore Pagaent.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to spend up to $100.00 for the Birthday Party at Nursing Home.  Carried.

Linda Orazem reminded us that the Bloodmobile will be in Isle at Faith Lutheran Church on Wednesday, July 13th.  Ruth Johnson, Phyllis Ketchmark and Linda Orazem are in charge of.  Be sure you sign up to help.

We will work on revising the Calling Lists so new members get added onto them.  It would be nice to have one more caller, so if you can volunteer please let Dawn Christensen know.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to spend up to $600.00 on candy for the Parades this year.  Carried.  Parades will include McGrath, Isle and Wahkon.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn the meeting.




May 9, 2016

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Marv Hietala and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Klaus Rapp to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Klaus Rapp to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses as read out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               May 12th:         Doug & Judy Halvorson

                May 19th:        Doug & Judy Halvorson

               May 26th:         Jim & Barb Thyr

               June 2nd:          Deb Walters & Klaus Rapp

                June 9th:           Linda Orazem & Pat Hicks         

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bill Bjorklund to purchase a 36 month $25,000 CD at First National Bank.  Money will come out of the Savings Account at Spire Credit Union.  Carried.

Ditch Clean-up will be held on Wednesday, May 11th at 5:00 pm – meet at the State Garage.  Rain date will be Friday, May 13 same time and place.

Volunteering sheets were passed around.    Hopefully everyone can volunteer!

            Meat Raffle – Each Week

            Bingo – Each Week

            Isle Days – July 8-10

            Parades – McGrath, Isle & Wahkon

            Bloodmobile – July 13

Conrad Thomsen still has shirts you can look at, try on and order.  You can order them with Isle Lions Club on the front, back or both.  You have a choice of Tee Shirts, Polo Shirts or Sweatshirts.

The Culpepper and Merriweather Circus will be in Isle on July 22nd.  Hans Woelfle has signed the contract and paid the $290.00 deposit.  Shows will be at 5:00 pm and 7:30 pm.  A lot of the profit comes from the Pre-Sale of the Tickets, so all members need to help sell tickets.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doc Moss to accept the following 2016/2017 Slate of Officers:

President:  Dawn Christensen

            1st Vice President:  Hans Woelfle

            2nd Vice President:  Judy Halvorson

            3rd Vice President:  Doug Halvorson

            Treasurer:  Marlene Moss

            Secretary:   Susan Haggberg                                          

            Lion Tamer:  Carolyn Remer                                                      

            Tail Twister:  Mitzie Reis

            Gambling Manager:  Deb Walters

            Membership Chairperson:  Hans Woelfle

            2 Year Director:  Shari Woelfle & Linda Orazem

            1 Year Director:  Leta Christensen & Bubbles Haggberg


Awards night will be held at the School on Wednesday, May 18, 2016.  The Nyquist Scholarship will give out 3) 4 Year Scholarships and 3) 2 Year Scholarships.

To comply with the Lions International Policy we will prohibit:  No drinking of alcoholic beverages while you are volunteering at any Lion function. 

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to accept Membership into the Isle Lions Club for Dick and Lois Moroney.  Carried.

Our Meeting location will change in June – we will be meeting at Wahkon Inn.

Bill Bjorklund shared his “Lion of the Year” plaque he received from the Apache Junction Lions Club.  CONGRATULATIONS BILL!

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marv Heitala to Adjourn.




        April 25, 2016

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

10 Members Present:  Dawn Christensen, Hans Woelfle, Doug Halvorson, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Conrad Thomsen, Carolyn Remer, Leta Christensen and Bubbles Haggberg.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Conrad Thomsen to change the starting date for the Saturday Meat Raffle to May 14th.  Carried. 

Our Meat will now come from Glen’s Meat Market.  He will deliver twice a week.

The City has approved the Gambling License for Beckman’s Bar and Bristo.  We are now waiting on the Gambling Board.

A Motion was made by Conrad Thomsen and seconded by Carolyn Remer to purchase a new safe at the Muni, as the current one will no longer open.  Carried.

We have $38,000.00 in a Savings Account at Spire Credit Union, we would like to put this back into a CD.  A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Hans Woelfle to have Bubbles Haggberg also check on the Interest Rate at the First National Bank of Milaca for a $25,000 CD for three years.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Conrad Thomsen and seconded by Marlene Moss to put the remaining 13,000.00 in a Savings Account at First National Bank of Milaca.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $1,000.00 to the Noah Johnson Fund to help him purchase equipment needed.  Carried.

The Culpepper and Merriweather Circus will be in Isle on July 22nd.  Hans Woelfle has signed the contract and paid the $290.00 deposit.  Shows will be at 5:00 pm and 7:30 pm.  A lot of the profit comes from the Pre-Sale of the Tickets, so all members need to help sell tickets.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Deb Walters that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $50.00 each to:  Helen Eklund and Sue Gallion for medical expenses.  Carried.

This year the Nyquist Scholarship Fund will give out 6) Scholarships:

            3) 4 Year for $250.00/yr.  and 3) 1 Year for $250.00

To help people learn what the Isle Lions Club has done for the Community we will look into purchasing signs to put on our projects we have done.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Doug Halvorson to make the recommendation to approve Membership into our club for Richard “Dick” and Lois Moroney.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Conrad Thomsen and seconded by Hans Woelfle that to comply with the Lions International Policy to prohibit:  No drinking of alcoholic beverages while you are volunteering at any Lion function.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Marlene Moss to adjourn the meeting.




April 11, 2016


Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

Guests – Dick and Lois Moroney

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Leta Christensen to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses as read out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               Apr. 14th:         Linda Orazem & Jim Thyr

                Apr.  21st:        Jim & Barb Thyr

               Apr. 28th:         Jim & Barb Thyr

               May 5th:           Doug & Judy Halvorson  

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to change the Bingo payout from 75% to 70%.  Carried.

We will also add a stipulation to the rules that:  Players must play Games 1-5 in order to play Game 6 which is a coverall.

A  Motion was made by Leta Christensen and seconded by Carolyn Remer to also hold a Meat Raffle on Saturday’s at the Isle Liquor Store.  Marv Hietala and Shannon Schimckey have volunteered to run it.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Leta Christensen to approve a second Pull Tab Machine at Beckman’s Bar & Bristo.  Carried.  Gambling Manager Deb Walters will attend the City of Isle Council Meeting to get the approval from them and then send an application to the State Gambling Board.

As of July 1st Bunny Tabbett will be our new Zone Chairperson.

Doug Halvorson spoke to us on the progress on Noah Johnson in regards to Donations.  Three Lions Clubs from Central Minnesota have donated $800.00 so far.  A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to put on the Board Agenda for the April Meeting.  Carried.

Conrad will bring shirts to our next meeting to look at, try on and order.  You can order them with Isle Lions Club on the front, back or both.  You have a choice of Tee Shirts, Polo Shirts or Sweatshirts.

Our Meeting location will change in June – we will be meeting at Wahkon Inn.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.




March 28, 2016

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

9 Members Present:  Dawn Christensen, Hans Woelfle, Doug Halvorson, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Conrad Thomsen, Carolyn Remer and Linda Orazem.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Conrad Thomsen and seconded by Doug Halvorson to try changing the time of the Meat Raffle from 5:30 pm to 6:00 pm.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Hans Woelfle and approve the February Gambling Report as presented by Gambling Manager Deb Walters.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses as read out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Gambling Manager Deb Walters would like to get a volunteer to handle the Meat Raffle for an entire month (or every two weeks).  We want to THANK Denny Friendt and Doug Halvorson who volunteered to set everything up and helped work for the months of January, February and March.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson to support the Senior Awards night dinner to be held on May 13th.  Carried.

Beginning in July Bunny Tabbett will be our new Zone Chairperson.

Re:  Noah Johnson – While at the Zone Meeting Marlene Moss did speak to them about Noah and current Zone Chairperson Deb Bialke will get a copy of the letter written by Doug Halvorson out to all clubs in our Zone.

 A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Linda Orazem to purchase a new Easter Bunny Suit.  Carried.

Officer Training will be held in April – Dawn Christensen, Hans Woelfle, Marlene Moss and Susan Haggberg will attend.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $50.00 each to:  Terry Hauglid for medical expenses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $150.00 to the High School Trap Team.  Carried.

Our meeting location will change beginning with our June Meeting.  The meeting on June 13th will be held at Wahkon Inn.

Phyllis Ketchmark, Linda Orazem and Ruth Johnson will attend the Bloodmobile Meeting in St Cloud on May 4th.  Bloodmobile will be in Isle July 13th.

A Motion was made by Conrad Thomsen and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $25.00 to the new Lions Club in Malmo.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to adjourn the meeting.




February 22, 2016

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

9 Members Present:  Dawn Christensen, Hans Woelfle, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Conrad Thomsen, Linda Orazem, Leta Christensen, Bubbles Haggberg and Dolores Haggberg.

Guests – We had 1 Guest.  Kari Conner with the After Prom Party.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Leta Christensen to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

Spaghetti Supper was held at the School on February 4, 2016 from 4:30-6:30 pm.  We had 99 people come and eat.  After expenses of $206.66 for the food we will donate $464.34 to the Nyquist Scholarship Fund. 

Dolores Haggberg gave Treasurer Marlene Moss $186.00 for the General Fund.  This was given to her by John Hurrle who held an Auction at Conrad Thomsen’s Birthday Party.  Happy Birthday Conrad and THANK YOU!

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to decline a donation to the Miltary Historical Society of Minnesota due to it not being in our area.

A Zone Meeting will be hosted by Ramey-Morrill Lions on March 22nd.  Hans Woelfle and Marlene Moss will attend.

Re:  Noah Johnson – Leta Christensen has gotten a list of equipment that he will need.  We will talk to District Governor Ted Peterson to see what the District can do to help.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $50.00 each to:  Virgil Lindholm and Family of Lori Daniels for medical expenses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Conrad Thomsen to accept the following 2016/2017 Slate of Officers:                                                                      Carried.

President:  Dawn Christensen

            1st Vice President:  Hans Woelfle

            2nd Vice President:  Judy Halvorson

            3rd Vice President:  Doug Halvorson

            Treasurer:  Marlene Moss

            Secretary:   Susan Haggberg                                          

            Lion Tamer:  Carolyn Remer                                                      

            Tail Twister:  Mitzie Reis

            Gambling Manager:  Deb Walters

            Membership Chairperson:  Hans Woelfle

            2 Year Director:  Shari Woelfle & Linda Orazem

            1 Year Director:  Leta Christensen & Bubbles Haggberg

After some discussion if we can get enough help we will sponsor the Easter Egg Hunt again this year.  It will be held on March 26th at the IREC Gym.  A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Leta Christensen to spend up to $650.00 on the candy and bikes.  Bikes will be purchased through Hardware Hank.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Linda Orazem to authorize a change of signatures for the Gambling Account at Spire Credit Union.  The following people will be authorized to sign the checks and perform banking functions for the Isle Lions Gambling Account for the 2016/2017 year:  Deb Walters, Charles Haggberg, Dawn Christensen and Susan Haggberg.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Linda Orazem to authorize a change of signatures for the General Project Funds Account at the Spire Credit Union.  The following people will be authorized to perform banking functions for the 2016/2107 year:  Marlene Moss, Hans Woelfle and Charles Haggberg.                      

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss to make a recommendation that we donate $350.00 to the Isle After Prom Party.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Conrad Thomsen to adjourn the meeting.




February 8, 2016


Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

Guests – Brad Johnson and Darlene Lindholm

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Paul Brown to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Paul Brown to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses as read out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               Feb. 18th:         Linda Orazem & Denny Friendt

                March 3rd :      Doug & Judy Halvorson

               March 17th:      Linda Orazem & Denny Friendt

               March 31st:      Deb  Walters & Doug Halvorson

                April 7th:          Deb Walters & Hans Woelfle   

Spaghetti Supper – we served 99 people.  Marlene will have a full report at the Board Meeting.  We should have made around $465.00.  We took in $671.00 less cost of food for $206.00.  Proceeds will go the Nyquist Scholarship Fund. 

Backpack Program – everything is going good.  The teachers and volunteers have been packing the bags once a month.  They will pack around 170 bags this month, it takes approximately half an hour.  The kids receive a bag every Friday.

Conrad had shirts at our meeting to look at, try on and order.  You can order them with Isle Lions Club on the front, back or both.  You have a choice of Tee Shirts, Polo Shirts or Sweatshirts.

Hans Woelfle has heard from the Culpepper & Merriweather Circus – they would like to come back to Isle this summer (they were here in 2014).  With a little more club involvement this time around we could make money on this project.  The more presales we have the more money we make.

We want to thank Leta Christensen for taking over Clark Sahlstrom’s place on the Nyquist Scholarship Committee.

We will keep the same Slate of Officers for 2016/2017 with the exceptions of two new Board of Directors.

            President:  Dawn Christensen

            1st Vice President:  Hans Woelfle

            2nd Vice President:  Judy Halvorson

            3rd Vice President:  Doug Halvorson

            Treasurer:  Marlene Moss

            Secretary:   Susan Haggberg                                          

            Lion Tamer:  Carolyn Remer                                                      

            Tail Twister:  Mitzie Reis

            Gambling Manager:  Deb Walters

            Membership Chairperson:  Hans Woelfle

            2 Year Director:  Shari Woelfle &

            1 Year Director:  Deb Walters & Leta Christensen

A Zone Meeting will be hosted by the Ramey Morrill Lions on March 22, 2016.  If anyone wants to attend please let Susan Haggberg know.

Brad Johnson spoke to the club about his son Noah.  Noah has been blind since birth and several unfortunate incidents happened this past year, most important being that both of his teachers moved on to other schools.  Noah is now being home schooled but is in need of Equipment and Software to help him.  The cost for this is $15, 500.00.  We will also check with District Governor Ted Peterson to see if District 5M8 can also help him out.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.



January 25, 2016

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

7 Members Present:  Dawn Christensen, Doug Halvorson, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Conrad Thomsen, Bubbles Haggberg and Doc Moss.

Guests – We had 2 Guests.  Bonnie Skogen with the Skating Rink and four 6th graders with the Wolf Ridge Trip.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Treasurer’s Report as read.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson to approve December’s Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses as read out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Dawn Christensen to approve the invoice for Allied Charities of Minnesota for $275.00.  Carried.

Spaghetti Supper will be held at the School on February 4, 2016 from 4:30-6:30 pm.

Conrad Thomsen has a couple of different kinds of shirts from TAZ that he will bring to the General Meeting.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $50.00 each to:  Glen Fjerstad, Jim Crisp, Doug Older and Ted Olson for medical expenses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $1,000.00 to the Isle Skating Rink to help with expenses.  Carried.

The Wolf Ridge Trip is set for April 11 to April 15, 2016.  This is for the Sixth Grade Class and it is a three day trip to Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center.  Students are asked to pay $50.00, the rest will be in raised in donations and fundraisers.  A Motion was made by Susan Haggberg and seconded by Doug Halvorson to donate $500.00 for the Trip.  Carried.

A  Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Conrad Thomsen to donate $1,200.00 to Senior Dining for 2016.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Conrad Thomsen to donate a $100.00 each to the following for the Parade of Green ($1,000.00 total) at the Mid-Winter Convention held in St. Cloud in February 2016.  Carried.

            1. LCIF (Lions Clubs International Foundation)

            2. Minnesota Lions Vision Foundation:

                        1)  Children’s Eye Clinic

                        2)  Eye Bank

                        3)  Macular Degeneration Center

            3. MD5M Lions Hearing Foundation

                        1)  Hearing Foundation

                        2)  Children’s Hearing Clinic

            4. Minnesota Lions Diabetes Foundation

            5. Leader Dog for the Blind

            6 .Can Do Canines

            7. MD5M Project New Hope Lions Foundation of Minnesota

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Conrad Thomsen to adjourn the meeting.



There was no


January 11 2016

Due to the cold and poor winter Atendance

A short General Meeting was held at our Board Meeting on Jan 25th 2016




December 28, 2015

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

7 Members Present:  Dawn Christensen, Hans Woelfle, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Deb Walters, Linda Orazem and Conrad Thomsen.

Guest – Ron Tangen from TAZ.  He showed us a couple of different shirts and gave us several options to use for printing.  Conrad Thomsen will continue working with him.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Conrad Thomsen to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

No Treasurer’s Report

Gambling Report:  Went back to July 2015 – short $1,607.00 on the starting cash.  Still short $358.00 going back to June 2015.

Board Meetings in January and March will also be our General Meeting.  We will combine the two meetings together to be held on the 4th Monday of the Month.

Bingo – you have a choice of getting paid $20.00/per week or splitting tips.  All tips will go to the volunteers.  Effective January 1, 2016.

Meat Raffle will be held every other week during the months of January, February and March.

Pull Tab Inventory will be at the Isle Municipal on January 1st starting at 9:00 am.  Volunteers:  Deb Walters, Marlene Moss, Doc Moss, Phyllis Ketchmark and Dawn Christensen.

Spaghetti Supper is set for February 4, 2016 from 4:30 to 6:30.

Because Clark Sahlstrom is no longer a Lion Member he had to resign from the Nyquist Scholarship Committee.  Leta Christensen has volunteered to take his place.  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to replace Clark Sahlstrom with Leta Christensen.  Carried.

We received a letter regarding the 4th grade Forester’s Project.  Dawn Christensen will check with the teachers in school to see if they are interested before we make a donation.

We also received a donation letter from the Mille Lacs Health System.  This year’s list of equipment needs include an Ultrasound for the ER Department and a Stryker Power Cot for the MLHS Ambulance – Totaling $65,000.   A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Leta Christensen to donate $200.00 to the MLHS.  Carried.

Christmas Tree of Giving – The Christmas Party to distribute the gifts was held on December 17th at 6:00 pm at the High Rise.  This year we had 45 Seniors (35 from the High Rise and 10 at Scandia House).  Everyone enjoyed cookies, hot chocolate and coffee.  Thank you, Hans and Shari Woelfle!

A Motion was made by Conrad Thomsen and seconded by Hans Woelfle to adjourn the meeting.




December 14, 2015


Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

Guests – Phyllis Haggberg, Frank Ketchmark, Darlene Lindholm & Ole Walters

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Doug Halvorson to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve November’s Gambling Report as presented by Gambling Manager Deb Walters.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses as read out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               Dec. 17th:         Bernie Sunderman & Deb Walters

                Dec. 31st :        Shannon Schminkey & Deb Walters

               Jan. 7th:            Hans Woelfle & Denny Friendt

               Jan 21st:            Bubbles Haggberg & Denny Friendt

               Feb. 4th:             Hans Woelfle & Doug Halvorson 

President Dawn Christensen presented Martha Sahlstrom her Chevron for 30 years from Lions International and an Appreciation Certificate from our Club for all her years of Service.  President Dawn also presented former Gambling Manager Clark Sahlstrom for being an Outstanding Gambling Manager for over 30 years.  THANK YOU CLARK & MARTHA

Split the Pot - $11.00 won by Judy Halvorson

Christmas Tree of Giving – Distributing the gifts will be held on Thursday, December 17th at 6:00 pm at the Senior High Rise.  Thank you to Doug Halvorson, we have also received a donation from Thrivent Financial for $250.00.  This will be used to purchase additional gifts for the seniors.

Backpack Program – everything is going good.  The teachers have been packing the bags once a month.  They pack around 120 bags and takes approximately half an hour.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to hold the Santa Sale again next year.  We receive a 5% discount if we sign up by February 1, 2016.  The date would be December 3, 2016.  Carried.

Our annual Spaghetti Supper will be held on February 4, 2016 from 4:30 – 6:30 pm at the High School.  Anyone who can help out please let Dawn Christensen know.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to donate $200.00 to the Toy Distribution being held in Onamia.  Check goes to VFW  Post #2762.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to accept Membership into our Club for Shannon Schminkey and Kelly Deneen.  Carried.

Conrad Thomsen is checking into new shirts for our Club from TAZ.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Paul Brown to Adjourn.




November 23, 2015

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

8 Members Present:  Dawn Christensen, Hans Woelfle, Susan Haggberg, Leta Christensen, Deb Walters, Carolyn Remer, Linda Orazem and Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Conrad Thomsen to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

No Treasurer’s Report

No Gambling Report

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Conrad Thomsen to add Phyllis Ketchmark and Susan Haggberg to the Gambling Account at First National Bank.  Carried.

The following Isle Lions Members will have access to the Gambling Program:  Dawn Christensen, Doug Halvorson, Susan Haggberg and Conrad Thomsen.

Gambling Manager Deb Walters will check with Isle Municipal – No Meat Raffles in January or February.  We will also cancel Bingo on December 14th so that Mitzie Reis and Marv Hietala can attend our Christmas Party.

Christmas Tree of Giving – Set up will be on November 28th at Noon.  We have received 40 names to put on the tree this year.  The Christmas Party to distribute the gifts will be on December 17th at 6:00 pm at the High Rise.

Backpack Program – was held on November 20th, they filled 80 bags this month.  Linda Orazem will call volunteers next month, so no one will get burned out.

A Motion was made by Susan Haggberg and seconded by Leta Christensen that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $50.00 to Diane Jacobsen for medical expenses.  Carried     
A Committee consisting of Marlene Moss, Judy Halvorson and Conrad Thomsen are looking at the By-Laws for our Club. 

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Linda Orazem to make a recommendation to accept membership for Shannon Schminkey and Kelly Deneen into the Isle Lions Club.  Carried.

The Spaghetti Supper will be held on February 4, 2016.  This is the Boys Basketball game with Onamia.  Supper will be served from 4:30-6:30.  If you can help please let Dawn Christensen know.

Just reminder that there is NO MEETING in January or March, however anyone is welcomed to come to the Board Meetings.  There are held on the 4th Monday of the month at 6:30 pm at the IREC.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Leta Christensen to adjourn the meeting.



November 9, 2015

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

Guests – District Governor Ted Peterson and his wife Eunice.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve September and October’s Gambling Report as presented by Gambling Manager Deb Walters.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Phyllis Ketchmark to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses as read out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               Nov. 19th:         Hans Woelfle & Linda Orazem

                Nov. 26th :        Thanksgiving

               Dec. 3rd :           Jim & Barb Thyr

               Dec. 10th:          Carolyn Remer

District Governor Ted Peterson spoke to us about his goals for the year:

            1) District 5M-9 will have a net increase of membership by 20 members by June 30, 2016

            2) Each club will adopt our International President’s Theme – “Dignity, Harmony, Humanity”

            3) Each zone will conduct New Members Orientation training by June 30, 2016

4) Develop a workshop for Mid-Winter Convention for Lions interested in Leadership opportunities.

            5) Have quarterly meetings with Governor’s Team (VDG’s, GLT-D, GMT-D)

            6) Work to gain one new club by the end of the second quarter 2015-2016

            7) Add one new Leo Club to District 5M-8 by June 30, 2016

            8) Work with clubs to increase member satisfaction

He also presented several Chevons to our Members –

10 Years – Gerald & Ruth Johnson

            15 Years – Doc & Marlene Moss

30 Years – Bubbles Haggberg, Dolores Haggberg, Susan Haggberg, Phyllis Ketchmark and Martha Sahlstrom

President Dawn Christensen presented District Governor Ted Peterson with a check for a $100.00 for Project New Hope (which is one of his projects).

Several Awards were passed out to members – Marlene Moss for Treasurer, Susan Haggberg for Secretary, Deb Walters for Gambling Manager, Hans Woelfle for all he does and Jim Thyr for Santa Claus.

We will be receiving food for the Backpack Program again on November 20th.  If anyone is interested in helping – get ahold of Dawn Christensen.

The Santa Sale will be held on December 5th at the Nyquist Elementary Gym starting at 8:30 am.  We are still looking for people to help.  Also bring an item for the Bake Sale.

Split the Pot - $10.00 won by Marilyn Exsted

Christmas Tree of Giving – will set tree up at Teal’s Market on November 28th – need as many members as we can get (for photo op).

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to Adjourn.



October 26, 2015

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

8 Members Present:  Dawn Christensen, Hans Woelfle, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Leta Christensen, Deb Walters, Doug Halvorson and Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Conrad Thomsen and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

No Treasurer’s Report

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson to approve the September Gambling Report as presented by Gambling Manager Deb Walters.  Carried. 

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Doug Halvorson to reduce the Cash Bank for Pull Tabs by $1,850.00.  Carried.

We want to THANK Clark Sahlstrom for his many years of work as the Gambling Manager.

The Backpack Program will begin at Nyquist Elementary on November 6th.  The food will be delivered to the school on November 5th and several teachers have volunteered to pack the bags which will be delivered to the kids on November 6th.   This will be done twice a month.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Conrad Thomsen to donate $100.00 to the District Governor Ted Peterson’s Cause -  Project New Hope.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $50.00 Dave Miller for medical expenses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Deb Walters that we spend up to $400.00 for Santa Gifts to pass out to the kids during Santa’s Secret Shop.  Carried.

The Santa Sale will be held on Saturday, December 5th – at Nyquist Elementary.  Start-up time is 8:30 am.  We need all members to help out.  We are usually done by Noon.

Hans Woelfle has been working on the Christmas Tree of Giving at Teal’s Market.  He will set the tree up on Saturday, November 28th.  He would like as many members of the Lions Club to be present so a picture can be sent into the Messenger.  He will have more information at the November Meeting.  The Christmas Party for the Residents will be held on Thursday, December 17th at 6:00 pm at the High Rise.  He is always looking for Lions to help out.

A Motion was made by Susan Haggberg and seconded by Doug Halvorson to purchase and 1/12th of a page ad in the Isle High School Year Book for $40.00.  Carried.

Because Deb Walters has become the Gambling Manager she can no longer be a member of the Gambling Committee.   The Committee will now consist of:  Doug Halvorson, Doc Moss, Klaus Rapp, Mitzie Reis and Conrad Thomsen.

           A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson to Adjourn.  Carried.



October 12, 2015

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

Guest Speaker:  Emily Johnson – Miss Jr. Teen Brainerd and President of the Brainerd Leo Club

A Motion was made by Jim Thyr and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marilyn Exsted and seconded by Phyllis Ketchmark to approve August and September’s Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the August Gambling Report as presented by Gambling Manager Deb Walters.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses as read out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               Oct. 15th:         Denny Friendt & Linda Orazem

                Oct. 22nd:         Denny & Nancy Friendt

               Oct. 29th :         Bob & Judy Crace

               Nov. 5h:             Hans & Shari Woelfle

               Nov. 12th:        Jim & Barb Thyr 

Emily Johnson who is Miss Jr. Teen Brainerd and the President of the Brainerd Leo Club spoke to us on her experience in starting the Leo Club in Brainerd.  Leo Clubs are for students from age 12 to age 17. 

Doc and Marlene Moss will write a letter for the Messenger showing donations made and service projects done.  A lot of people are not aware of everything our Lions Club has done for our community.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to ratify the Board of Directors recommendation on the Gambling Manager and to change the Gambling Management to Deb Walters.  A big THANK YOU goes to Deb Walters for taking over this position!  A couple of suggestions on the Gambling:

1) Attend Gambling Training.  A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to allow Deb Walters to attend the Gambling Training in Roseville on October 14th and 15th and to cover all associated expenses.  Carried.

2) Would like to look at a different Software Program – would like to get an Internet based program – this way other people could spot check it.  The program Deb Walters is looking at would cost $250.00 to set up our information and then $75.00 a month including payroll.  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to get the Software Program that would work the best and to leave it up to the Gambling Manager to decide on which one.  Carried.

3) All Lions that work at Bingo and the Meat Raffle should wear their vest, yellow shirt or their Lions Name Tag.  This would help show that it is the Isle Lions Club sponsoring the event.

President Dawn Christensen gave us a report on the Zone Meeting hosted by the Buckman Lions on September 21st.   They are still looking for a new Zone Chair if anyone would like to volunteer.  They are also talking about hosting the Mid-Winter Convention in 2017 as a Zone Project.  This would also be the 100th year for Lions.

Marlene Moss gave a report on the 5M-8 Mini Forum held at Henry’s in Foley on October 6th.  Had an excellent speaker – Adrie Lyons who is an Organ Donor Coordinator.   

The Back Pack Program will start in the Isle School District in November.  Bags will be packed twice a month.  Out of 326 students in the Elementary 92 students receive free lunches and would be eligible for the Backpack Program.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Doc Moss to donate $50.00 to Joe Cooper for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bob Crace to authorize a change in signatures on the Account at Spire Credit Union.  The following people will be authorized to sign and perform banking functions for the Isle Lions Gambling Account for 2015/2016:  Dawn Christensen, Charles Haggberg, Clark Sahlstrom and Deb Walters.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Bob Crace and seconded by Jim Thyr to Adjourn.



September 28, 2015

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

12 Members Present:  Dawn Christensen, Hans Woelfle, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Linda Orazem, Carolyn Remer, Leta Christensen, Clark Sahlstrom, Deb Walters, Doug Halvorson, Conrad Thomsen and Mitzie Reis.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Leta Christensen and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Treasurer’s report.  Carried.

            Profit from Saloon at Threshing Show - $2,127.20

            Corn Feed Profit - $407.82 (Includes Pie Sales of $398.00)

A Motion was made by Conrad Thomsen and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the August Gambling Report as presented by Assistant Gambling Manager Clark Sahlstrom.  Carried.  Gambling Reports are to be filed by the 20th of the month, Gambling Manager Rae Ann Larson filed it on September 21st.  We will watch for any late charges.

Linda Orazem has talked to Doug Scott from Catholic Charities on the Back Pack Program for Isle and they would like to do donations on a two year cycle.  We would pick the food up in Onamia and then pack the bags at the Isle School.  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Deb Walters to donate $500.00 for the first year and pledge another $500.00 for the second year.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Conrad Thomsen and seconded by Doug Halvorson that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $50.00 each to Joan Eye and Logan Hebeisen for medical expenses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Carolyn Remer to allow a Raffle to be held at the Isle Municipal Liquor Store with our Gambling License for a Breast Cancer Fundraiser - “Raise your Mugs for the Jugs” on October 24, 2015.  Carried.

We will not have a General Meeting in January or March of 2016 (due to low attendance).  Everyone is invited to the Board Meetings on those months.  They are held at the IREC at 6:30 pm on the fourth Monday.

The Gambling Committee has been meeting and after talking to the IRS and the Gambling Control Board they have made a recommendation to release Gambling Manager Rae Ann Larson immediately from her position.  The Gambling Management staff have been released of their duties due to late reports, late rent, non-payment of dues and her poor performance.  They have also made a recommendation to release Martha Sahlstrom from her position as a Pull-Tab Seller.   A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis to accept the Gambling Committees recommendations.  Carried.        

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to Adjourn.  Carried.



September 14, 2015

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

We had two Guests:  Doug Scott with Catholic Charities and Jen Honek

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Pat Hicks to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

No Treasurer’s Report.

A Motion was made by Bill Bjorklund and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the July Gambling Report as presented by Clark Sahlstrom.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Bill Bjorklund and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               Sept. 17th:         Barb & Jim Thyr

                Sept. 24th:         Bill Bjorklund & Pat Hicks

               Oct. 1st :             Deb Walters & Jim Thyr

               Oct. 8th:             

Doug Scott (Rural Life Coordinator) and Jen Honek spoke to us about the Backpack Program.  The Onamia School District will start the program in October.  They hope to get the funding and start it in the Isle School District for K-6 grade in November.  This program is run by Onamia Pathways and Second Harvest.  They need approximately $3,000.00 to run the program in Isle during the school year.  They already have a $1,000.00 donated and are working on getting the remaining $2,000.00.

We did not have all the bills in yet from the Corn Feed – so a report will be done on this next month.

Hans Woelfle gave us a report on the Saloon at the Threshing Show.  We made approximately $2,127.20.  (We have not gotten the credit slip on the beer we returned.)  We will have a complete report at next meeting.

Bob Crace won Split the Pot - $11.50

Bill Bjorklund gave us a lesson on the Members of the Bee Colony and thanked the Queen Bee for her work at the Corn Feed along with all the Worker Bees.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Bill Bjorklund to Adjourn.

Our next General Meeting will be held at MSA on October 12th – Cost will be $11.00.



August 24, 2015

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

12 Members Present:  Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Hans Woelfle, Linda Orazem, Carolyn Remer, Leta Christensen, Clark Sahlstrom, Deb Walters, Doug Halvorson, Conrad Thomsen and Mitzie Reis.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

Treasurer Marlene Moss will be gone for three weeks.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Linda Orazem to approve the July Gambling Report as presented by Assistant Gambling Manager Clark Sahlstrom.

Everything is set for the Corn Feed on Friday, August 28th.  We could use a few more workers.

Everything is also set for the Saloon at the White Pine Logging and Threshing Show.  We could also use more workers – Hans Woelfle will call members not yet signed up.  We have the potential of making money on this project if everyone helps.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Doug Halvorson to accept the

six recommendations of the Gambling Committee:

            1) Secure password on computer and change annually with the President.

            2) Limit number of people that have access and put in writing.

            3) Put in writing that the password cannot be released to anyone.

4) Explore the possibility of installing the pulltab program from the Muni  computer to the crashed computer and dispose of the 10 year old unit.

5) All disks and files purchased by the club, be stored with named Board Member.

6) When someone calls, ask for a name and phone number and tell person you will call him back.

Conrad Thomsen will go over with Rae Ann Larson on how to back everything up and Deb Walters has agreed to keep all discs.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Marlene Moss that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $50.00 each to Don Bentley, Jim Thyr and Mary Ann Karg for medical expenses.  Carried.

The Liquor Store Manager would like us to run Bingo on the Friday of Labor Day Weekend (September 4th).  Rae Ann Larson and Marv Hietala will be there.

We have received a Letter of Resignation from Dan Lietner – which the Board accepted.  President Dawn Christensen has also written a letter to the Mille Lacs Messenger in regards to the Article on Dan.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle that the Board recommends Judy Halvorson as 2nd Vice President.  Carried.

A Member of Catholic Charities will be at our September General Meeting to talk to us about a new food program.  The food will come from the St. Cloud Food Shelf and go to Onamia.  We will be responsible for picking it up in Onamia and packing and delivering the food to the school.  Kids that receive free or reduced lunch will receive the bag of food with the parent’s permission.

The Lions 5M8 Mini-Forum Awards Banquet will be held on Tuesday, October 6, 2015 at Henry’s Banquet Center in Foley.

A Motion was made by Linda Orazem and seconded by Hans Woelfle to Adjourn.  Carried.



August 10, 2015

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Pastor Paul.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Klaus Rapp and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

Our Profit on the Brat Stand during Isle Days was $1,214.75.  ($2,114.00 less $899.75 for expenses).

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bill Bjorklund to approve the June Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bill Bjorklund to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

The Sahlstrom’s have been having trouble with their Internet so the July Gambling Report did not get done.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               Aug. 13th:         Gerald & Ruth Johnson

                Aug. 20th:         Linda Orazem & Phyllis Ketchmark

               Aug. 27th:         Deb Walters & Bubbles Haggberg

               Sept. 3rd:           Judy Crace & Bob Crace

               Sept. 10th:         Klaus Rapp & Deb Walters        

The sign-up sheet for the Corn Feed was passed around.  Each member is to bring two pies (homemade preferable).  Please wear your yellow shirt.

White Pine Logging & Threshing Show will be held on September 5th to September 7th. A sign-up sheet was passed around.  We will split the cost of Advertising (up to $200.00) with the Langerbachs to let everyone know that the Isle Lions Club will be in charge of the Saloon this year.

We received a letter from the Red Cross on the Blood Drive we held on July 15th:

63 Donors Registered ~  61 Units Donated  ~  8 Deferred  ~  5 First Time Donors                     

Doug Halvorson won the Split the Pot - $14.50

Volunteers for Wahkon Parade  on August 15th:  Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Deb Walters, Susan Haggberg, Mitzie Reis and Leta Christensen.  Parade Line up starts at 6:00 pm and parade will start at 7:00 pm.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to Adjourn.

Our next General Meeting will be held at MSA on September 14th   – Cost will be $11.00.



July 27, 2015


Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

13 Members Present:  Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Hans Woelfle, Linda Orazem, Carolyn Remer, Leta Christensen, Clark Sahlstrom, Deb Walters, Doug Halvorson, Conrad Thomsen, Mitzie Reis and Klaus Rapp.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.


Treasurer Marlene Moss gave us an update on the Isle Days Brat Stand.  Final report will be given at the August General Meeting.  A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Doug Halvorson to accept report as presented.  Carried.

Gambling Report – Assistant Gambling Manager Clark Sahlstrom presented the May Report.  June and July Reports should be done by the August General Meeting.  He wrote a check out to the Nyquist Scholarship for $5,000.00.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to authorize a change of signatures on the Bank account for the Gambling Account.  The following people will be authorized to sign the checks and perform banking functions for the Isle Lions Gambling Account for the 2015/2016 year:  Rae Ann Larson, Charles Haggberg and Dawn Christensen.  Carried.

After some discussion it was agreed that the Bingo winnings will now be paid in cash.

A Motion was made by Deb Walters and seconded by Mitzie Reis to donate $50.00 to the Alzheimer’s Association to sponsor “Granny’s Gang” (Darlene Hastings) for the 2015 Walk to End Alzheimer’s in St Cloud on September 26, 2015.  Carried.

The Bloodmobile went very well – 62 Units.  Would like to change to a later date in July, and we also need more help on the clean-up and next year we will make our own Meat and Cheese trays. 

The Corn Feed will be held on August 28th in the City Park from 5:00-7:00 pm.  We will use the left over Brats, Pop and Water.  Set up will begin at 1:00 pm and Husking at 3:00 pm.  Each member is reminded to bring two pies.

Remember to sign up for the Saloon at the White Pine Logging and Threshing Show held over Labor Day weekend.  Klaus Rapp will donate the tablecloths for the tables and Mitzie Reis will bring chairs.

Update on Computer Hack:  For safety reasons new Checking and Savings Accounts have been opened at both First National Bank and the Spire Credit Union.  A new Computer has been purchased and an Anti-Virus program installed.  We did have to also buy a new Microsoft Office Program.  Total cost:  $579.80

The Committee came up with six recommendations:

            1) Secure password on computer and change annually

            2) Limit number of people that have access

            3) Put in writing that the password cannot be released to anyone

4) Explore the possibility of installing the pulltab program from the muni  computer to the crashed computer and dispose of the 10 year unit.

5) All disks and files purchased by the club, be stored with named board member.

6) When someone calls, ask for a name and phone number and tell person you will call him back.


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Deb Walters to Adjourn.  Carried.




July 13, 2015  


Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Marilyn Exsted and seconded by Linda Orazem to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Bill Bjorklund and seconded by Leta Christensen to approve the May Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Bill Bjorklund and seconded by Leta C Christensen to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

The Computer used for Gambling was Hacked!  Everything has locked up on it.  A Motion was made by Klaus Rapp and seconded by Doc Moss to immediately notify all Banking Institutions and Creditors.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Priscilla Rapp to form a Committee to assist Gambling Managers Rae Ann Larson and Clark Sahlstrom in notifying all the appropriate people of the computer hack – such as:  Banks, Gambling Control Board, Minnesota Department of Revenue, etc.  Carried.  The Committee will consist of:  Doug Halvorson, Klaus Rapp and Deb Walters.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               July 16th:          Jim & Barb Thyr

                July 23rd:          Klaus Rapp & Deb Walters

               July 30th:          Judy Crace & Ruth Johnson

               Aug. 6th:            Bob Crace & Bill Bjorklund


Assistant Gambling Manager Clark Sahlstrom figured we would have to donate around $5,000.00 to the Nyquist Scholarship Fund to make our 30%.

Bloodmobile will be here on Wednesday, July 15th from 12:00 to 6:00 pm.

Treasurer Marlene Moss will have the Report from the Brat Stand during Isle Days completed for the next General Meeting.  Had not received all the bills yet.

Hans Woelfle talked about the Saloon at the Threshing Show.  Dates are:  Saturday, September 5th 9:30 am to Midnight, Sunday, September 6th 10:00 am to Midnight and Monday, September 7th 9:30-1:00 pm.  A sign-up sheet was passed around.  This is a project that if everyone helps out we have the potential to make a lot of money at.  Hans will also look at getting wristbands for underage kids.  We will be selling canned beer at $3.00/can.

Shari Woelfle won the Split the Pot - $11.50

A Donation was made to the General Fund from Customers in the Isle Muni - $90.00.

Volunteers for Wahkon Parade held on August 15th:  Dawn Christensen, Susan Haggberg, Mitzie Reis and Leta Christensen.

Corn Feed will be held on August 28th (rain day – August 29th) at the Isle City Park from 5:00-7:00 pm.  Each member is to bring two pies.  A sign-up sheet will be at the next meeting.

Mitzie Reis will check on the cost for members who would like to go fishing on a Launch.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.

Our next General Meeting will be held at MSA on August 10th   – Cost will be $11.00.


Special Board Meeting

July 13th (after the General Meeting)

A Board Meeting was held to vote on a new Computer.  10 Members present:  Dawn Christensen, Hans Woelfle, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Linda Orazem, Clark Sahlstrom, Carolyn Remer, Leta Christensen, Mitzie Reis and Deb Walters.


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Leta Christensen to allow Gambling Manager Rae Ann Larson to purchase a new computer for the Gambling Reports.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Marlene Moss to Adjourn.



June 22, 2015

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

8 Members Present:  Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Hans Woelfle, Linda Orazem, Carolyn Remer, Leta Christensen and Clark Sahlstrom.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

Treasurer’s Report will be given at General Meeting.

Gambling Report – Clark went over the month of May

A Motion was made by Linda Orazem and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $200.00 to Wahkon Days.  Carried.

Isle Days prices will be:  Brats - $3.00, Hot Dogs - $2.00 and Taco in a Bag - $4.00

Pop and Water  - $1.00

A  Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to purchase a $50.00 Gas Card to be given away at the Bloodmobile and to purchase two Meat and Cheese Trays from Teal’s Market to be used at the Bloodmobile.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Leta Christensen and seconded by Carolyn Remer that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $50.00 to Loren Madsen for medical expenses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Leta Christensen and seconded by Marlene Moss to spend up to $100.00 on the Nursing Home Birthday Party in July.   Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Linda Orazem to spend up to $450.00 for the Kiddie Parade.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss to Adjourn.  Carried.




June 8, 2015


Meeting was called to order by President Linda Orazem.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Bill Bjorklund and seconded by Dan Leitner to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Conrad Thomsen to approve the Gambling Report as presented and to allocate the necessary funds to reach the 30% mark.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bill Bjorklund to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Gambling Manager Rae Ann Larson has decided to keep the Pull Tab Booth open on Tuesday’s.  Will watch and see how busy it is.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               June 11th:          Linda Orazem & Deb Walters

                June 18th:          Dan Leitner & Klaus Rapp

               June 25th:          Jim & Barb Thyr

               July 2nd:              Bill Bjorklund & Deb Walters

               July 9th:              Linda Orazem & Clark Sahlstrom


Bubbles Haggberg thanked everyone who helped with Ditch Clean-up.

Ruth Johnson spoke to us on the Bloodmobile – Will be held in Isle on July 15th from 12:00 to 6:00 pm at the Faith Lutheran Church.  Set up will begin at 11:00 am and Clean-up will start at 6:30 pm.   Ruth Johnson, Phyllis Ketchmark and Linda Orazem are in charge of.  Sign-up sheet was passed around.


Dan Leitner and Hans Woelfle spoke about the Saloon at the Threshing Show.  Several people went and looked at – has a very nice set up.  We could also make more money by selling to people along the parade route (would need a 4-wheeler).  We will be selling can beer.  Hans Woelfle has applied for the Beer License.

Sign-up sheet for Brat Stand at Teal’s Market on June 13th was passed around.

Linda Orazem and Jim Thyr will be in charge of the Isle Days Brat Stand.  Sign-up sheet was passed around.  Anyone not signed up please let Linda or Jim know when you can work.

Volunteers for Parades:

            McGrath:  Leta Christensen, Deb Walters, Dawn Christensen & Marlene Moss

            Isle Days:  Leta Christensen, Shari Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Madison Cooper & ?

Leta Christensen won the Split the Pot - $13.50

They had 18 Seniors attend the Seniors Dinner at the Awards Banquet.  18 @ $10.00 = $180.00.  Funds will come out of the Gambling Fund.

Installation of Officers for 2015/2016 as follows:

            President:  Dawn Christensen

            1st Vice President:  Hans Woelfle

            2nd Vice President:  Dan Leitner

            3rd Vice President:  Doug Halvorson

            Treasurer:  Marlene Moss

            Secretary:   Susan Haggberg                                          

            Lion Tamer:  Carolyn Remer                                                      

            Tail Twister:  Mitzie Reis

            Gambling Manager:  Rae Ann Larson

            Membership Chairperson:  Hans Woelfle

            2 Year Director:  Deb Walters & Leta Christensen

            1 Year Director:  Conrad Thomsen & Mitzie Reis

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Dan Leitner to Adjourn.

Our next General Meeting will be held at MSA on July 13th  – Cost will be $11.00.





May 25, 2015


Assistant GambliMeeting was called to order by President Linda Orazem.

6 Members Present:  Linda Orazem, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Leta Christensen and Clark Sahlstrom.

We had 1 Guest:  Tracy Templin

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Dawn Christensen to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

Treasurer’s Report will be given at General Meeting.

No Gambling Reportng Manager Clark Sahlstrom said they have closed the Pull Tab Booth on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday for the month of June to help cut costs as per the Board’s recommendation.  They have also cut wages – Phyllis Ketchmark ($25.00), Martha Sahlstrom ($100.00) and Clark Sahlstrom ($100.00).  Gambling Manager Rae Ann Larson’s will increase by $125.00 to bring her up to the level other Gambling Managers are at in the area.  The other $100.00 will be a savings to the club.  The Pull Tab Sellers will also get a half hour credit for auditing their games.  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Dawn Christensen to accept.  Carried.

Ditch Clean-up was held on Wednesday, May 20th.  We had six Lions Members help out:  Bubbles Haggberg, Dawn Christensen, Doug Halvorson, Klaus Rapp, Virgil Lindholm and Jim Thyr.  They picked five bags of garbage.Thank you for everyone’s help!

We received a letter from the Isle Days Committee requesting a donation.  It was the consensus of the Board Members present that instead of donating to them that we would provide a list of what we do and donate to for Isle Days.

A Motion was made by Leta Christensen and seconded by Marlene Moss that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to Gary Hicks, Paul Sawatzky and Jim Vaessen for medical expenses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Susan Haggberg and seconded by Dawn Christensen to change the medical donation from $100.00 to $50.00 per person.  This is to help out until Gambling has picked up.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Leta Christensen to spend up to $850.00 on the Little Miss Isle and Commodore Pageant.   Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Susan Haggberg to spend up to $600.00 for Candy for the Parades this summer.  Carried.

Tracy Templin came and spoke to us on her trip to South Africa.   She will be leaving on July 10th for five weeks and will be traveling with the International Student Volunteers.  She will be doing Conservation work on a Wildlife Reserve.  A Motion was made by Susan Haggberg and seconded by Leta Christensen to donate $200.00 for her trip.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Leta Christensen to Adjourn.  Carried.




May 11, 2015

Meeting was called to order by President Linda Orazem.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Marilyn Exsted and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bill Bjorklund to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bill Bjorklund to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               May 14th:         Gerald Johnson & Bill Bjorklund

               May 21st:          Denny Friendt & Judy Crace

              May 28th:           Deb Walters & Klaus Rapp

              June 4th:             Jim & Barb Thyr

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Clark Sahlstrom to make the following donations out of the Project Fund: 

            Community Gardens - $200.00

            Northern Lights Community Theatre - $100.00

            Advertising Sign at Baseball Field - $125.00


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to follow the Board’s recommendation and pay for the Seniors Dinner at the Awards Banquet.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to send flowers to the Gary Hicks funeral.   Linda Orazem will take care of.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Clark Sahlstrom to approve the 2015/2016 Slate of Officers as follows:

            President:  Dawn Christensen

            1st Vice President:  Hans Woelfle

            2nd Vice President:  Dan Leitner

            3rd Vice President:  Doug Halvorson

            Treasurer:  Marlene Moss

            Secretary:   Susan Haggberg                                          

            Lion Tamer:  Carolyn Remer                                                      

            Tail Twister:  Mitzie Reis

            Gambling Manager:  Rae Ann Larson

            Membership Chairperson:  Hans Woelfle

            2 Year Director:  Deb Walters & Leta Christensen

            1 Year Director:  Conrad Thomsen & Mitzie Reis

Installation will be held at the June Meeting.  Carried.

Linda Orazem and Jim Thyr will be in charge of the Isle Days Brat Stand.  Job to include:  setting up trailer, ordering food, picking up food, opening and closing each day, removing trash and counting tickets.  Isle Days will be held July 10th, 11th, and 12th.

Ditch Clean Up will be held on May 20, 2015.  Whoever would like to help - please be at the State Highway Garage at 5:00 pm.

Conrad won Split the Pot - $14.50 (which he in turn donated to the Steve Reis Scholarship Fund).

Ruth Johnson spoke to us on the Bloodmobile – Will be held in Isle on July 16th from 12:00 to 6:00 pm.  Ruth Johnson, Phyllis Ketchmark and Linda Orazem are in charge of.

Sign-up sheet for Brat Stand at Teal’s Market on June 13th will be passed around at next meeting.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bob Crace to Adjourn.


Our next General Meeting will be held at MSA on June 8th  – Cost will be $11.00.



May 12, 2015

Special Gambling meeting

Meeting was called to order by President Linda Orazem.

11 Members Present:  Linda Orazem, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Carolyn Remer, Hans Woelfle, Dan Leitner, Rae Ann Larson, Clark Sahlstrom, Marv Hietala and Phyllis Ketchmark.

Meeting was held to discuss how we can improve the Gambling.    We came up with several things to try:

1) Pulling Games Earlier – We have changed the 50% rule to 65% and it will read as follows: “Sellers have the option to pull a game at their discretion or whichever is more beneficial to the club to make a profit.”  A new seller would need the Gambling Managers okay first.

            2) Limiting Hours at the Ticket Booth – slow days it will be closed.

3) We will Leave Mileage as Part of the Salary (to save on payroll taxes).  Clark and Rae Ann will try and limit number of trips to town.

4) Will limit number of family members working to 3 salaried or drawing wages.   We will put on the Agenda for the General Meeting and ask if anyone would have an interest in being a fill-in for Martha Sahlstrom or Phyllis Ketchmark at the ticket booth. 

5) Either Rae Ann Larson or Clark Sahlstrom will be at all Board Meetings.

6) We will also check on changing the day of the Board Meeting to make it easier for Rae Ann Larson to attend.



April 27, 2015


Meeting was called to order by President Linda Orazem.

11 Members Present:  Linda Orazem, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Leta Christensen, Mitzie Reis, Carolyn Remer, Hans Woelfle, Conrad Thomsen, Nancy Friendt and Marv Hietala.

We had 2 Guests:  Kathy Young and Doc Moss

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

Treasurer’s Report will be given at General Meeting

No Gambling Report

Doc Moss gave us a report on the Gambling Audit.  A meeting will be set up with Gambling Manager Rae Ann Larson on May 12, 2015 at 6:30 pm.

Officer Training will be held on April 28, 2015:  Dawn Christensen ,Dan Leitner, Marlene Moss and Susan Haggberg will attend.

A Motion was made by Dawn Christensen and seconded by Marlene Moss to sponsor a sign on the Baseball Field for one year for $125.00.  Carried.

The Board of Directors has been set for 2015/2016:

            President:  Dawn Christensen

            1st Vice President:  Hans Woelfle

            2nd Vice President:  Dan Leitner

            3rd Vice President:  Doug Halvorson

            Treasurer:  Marlene Moss

            Secretary:   Susan Haggberg                                           Installation will be held at the

            Lion Tamer:  Carolyn Remer                                                       June Meeting

            Tail Twister:  Mitzie Reis

            Gambling Manager:  Rae Ann Larson

            Membership Chairperson:  Hans Woelfle

            2 Year Director:  Deb Walters & Leta Christensen

            1 Year Director:  Conrad Thomsen & Mitzie Reis

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Marv Hietala to donate $100.00 to the Northern Lights Community Theatre for them to use where needed.  Carried.

Kathy Young spoke to us on the Community Gardens they are trying to start.  They hope to break ground in May.  They will be located by the IREC Building. The plot will be 90’ x 40’ which will be divided into 14 individual gardens that people may rent out on a first come first served basis.  They are looking for donations to help them start up (fence, hose, posts, etc.).  A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis to donate $200.00 to help them get started.  Carried.

There was some discussion on not holding a General Meeting in the months of January and March due to the attendance and the weather at that time of year.  It would require a little more planning for the events held in those months.  A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer that the Board makes a recommendation that we do not hold a General Meeting in January or March.  Carried.

Awards (Scholarship) night will be held on May 13, 2015 at the High School.  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to pay for the Seniors Dinner at the Awards Dinner.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.  Carried.




April 13, 2015


Meeting was called to order by President Linda Orazem.

We had one Guest:  District Governor Duane Finger

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Rae Ann Larson and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               April 16th:        Rae Ann Larson & Bubbles Haggberg

               April 23rd:         Jim & Barb Thyr

              April 30th:         Deb Walters & Linda Orazem

              May 7th:             Deb Walters & Jim Thyr

District Governor Duane Finger spoke to us, he re-enforced the International President’s theme:  “Strengthen thru Pride”.

He also passed out two Chevons – Virgil Lindholm for 10 years and Bob Peterson for 30 years.

New Lion Members Deb Walters and Judy Halvorson were Inducted into the Isle Lions Club by District Governor Duane Finger.  WELCOME!

Easter Egg Hunt went really good.  We had 111 kids and hid 800 eggs.  The four kids who won the bikes were very excited: 

Age 0-3:      Margot Thompson

            Age 4-6:      Abi Wingrove

            Age 7-9:      Riley Remer

            Age 10-12:  Jaiden Robb

Paul Brown spoke to us on the Northern Lights Community Theatre.  This is a newly formed group in the Mille Lacs area.  They have planned a play for the children this summer “The Odyssey of Jeremy Jack” and will also be producing “Over the River and Through the Woods” this fall.  However, they are in need of financial support to get started.  A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Clark Sahlstrom to refer this Donation to the Board.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Dolores Haggberg to Adjourn.

Our next General Meeting will be held at MSA on May 11th   –  Cost will be $11.00.




March 23, 2015


Meeting was called to order by President Linda Orazem.

9 Members Present:  Linda Orazem, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Leta Christensen, Mitzie Reis, Carolyn Remer, Hans Woelfle and Conrad Thomsen.

We had 1 Guest:  Tura Eye for the After Prom Party

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

Treasurer’s Report will be given at General Meeting.


No Gambling Report


March is Food Shelf month.  It was decided at our Zone Meeting on March 17th to give the $500.00 donated for “Food for Kidz” to our local Food Shelf in lieu of a bigger Zone Project.


A Motion was made by Conrad Thomsen and seconded by Marlene Moss to form a “Gambling Review Committee”.  This will be to review the Gambling Practices with the Gambling Managers.


 It was asked at our Zone Meeting if our Zone would be interested in hosting the 2016 5M8 Mid-Winter Convention as a Zone Project.  It will be held on February 5th, 6th and 7th at the Kelly Inn in St. Cloud.  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle that the Board makes the recommendation that we participate in hosting the 5M8 Mid-Winter Convention as a Zone Project as suggested at the Zone Meeting.  Carried.


The Easter Egg Hunt is set for April 4th at the IREC at 10:00 am.  Linda Orazem and Carolyn Remer will do the Registeration, Marlene Moss will take pictures, Leta Christensen will be the Easter Bunny, Sam Bernu and Kristin Cooper will hide the eggs.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Conrad Thomsen that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to Darlene Lindholm and Theresa Berry for Medical Expenses.  Carried.




A Motion was made by Susan Haggberg and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $500.00 to the Isle After Prom Party.  Carried.


Our Club has donated over 150 eyeglasses to the Mille Lacs Health System for their Mission Trip to Haiti.  Leta Christensen delivered them to the Health System.

We also dropped off another 35 pairs of glasses at the Zone Meeting.

A Motion was made by Conrad Thomsen and seconded by Mitzie Reis to Adjourn.  Carried.



March 9, 2015


Meeting was called to order by President Linda Orazem.

We had one Guest:  Former Isle Lion Member Bob Snyder

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was said by all.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Dan Leitner to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Gambling Report as presented by Dan Leitner.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.


Meat Raffle Workers:


              Mar. 12th:        Dan Leitner & Mitzie Reis

               Mar.  26th:       Hans & Shari Woelfle


The Concession Stand that we worked at on January 20th made $245.37 which was donated to Junior High Sports.


Former Isle Lions Member Bob Snyder gave us a little history on our Club and read the names of the Charter Members.


Leta Christensen and Linda Orazem won the Trivia and Shari Woelfe won Split the Pot - $7.00.

We will do a Brat Stand at Teal’s Market on June 13th (this will be a Saturday only).  Proceeds will go to the Scholarship Fund.

We are still in need of a Volunteer to chair the Brat Stand during Isle Days this year – July 10th and 11th.  Linda Orazem has volunteered to do one day.

The Easter Egg Hunt will be held on April 4th at the IREC at 10:00 am.  We are still in need of volunteers.  Leta Christensen has volunteered to be the Easter Bunny and Mitzie Reis and Marlene Moss will take pictures for a $1.00.  A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to spend up to $650.00 (to come out of Project Fund) on Candy, Goodie Bags and Bikes. Carried.

A Motion was made to donate $500.00 to “Food for Kidz” which is our Zone Project for this year.  Carried.  These monies will also come out of our Project Fund.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Virgil Lindholm to Adjourn.

Our next General Meeting will be held at MSA on April 13th   –  Cost will be $11.00.



February 23, 2015

Meeting was called to order by President Linda Orazem.

6 Members Present:  Linda Orazem, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Leta Christensen Dan Leitner and Clark Sahlstrom.

We had 3 Guests:  Joyce & Dale Matte from Senior Dining and Stan Miller from Nyquist School on the Wolf Ridge Trip.

The Wolf Ridge Trip is set for April 15, 2015.  This is for the Sixth Grade Class and it is a three day trip to Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center.  The cost is $120.00 per student.  Students are asked to pay $50.00, the rest will be in raised in donations and fundraisers.  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Susan Haggberg to donate $500.00 for the Trip.  Carried.

Dale and Joyce Matte spoke to us on the Senior Dining Program and on what has been happening over the year.  A Motion was made by Susan Haggberg and seconded by Dan Leitner to donate $1,200.00 to Senior Dining.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Leta Christensen to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

Treasurer’s Report will be given at General Meeting.

Gambling Report will also be given at General Meeting.  However, Gambling Manager Rae Ann Larson decided against changing the time for the Meat Raffle – it will still be held at 5:30 pm.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Dan Leitner that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to Conrad Thomsen and Joyce Matte for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

The next Zone Meeting will be hosted by the Hillman Lions Club on March 17th.  Cost for dinner will be $12.00.  They will have speakers on: 1) New Officer Training  2) Diabetes  3) E-Clubhouse.  Please sign up if you would like to go, anyone can attend.

A Motion was made by Leta Christensen and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $500.00 to “Meals for the Needy”.  This is our Zone Wide Project for this year and they hope to make up to 30,000 meals.  Carried.

Discussed the Easter Egg Hunt – more discussion will be held at the General Meeting along with a Sign-up sheet.

A Motion was made by Susan Haggberg and seconded by Dan Leitner to purchase Animal Crackers from Teal’s Market as a snack for the students going to the Circus this year.  Cost will be $141.84.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Leta Christensen and seconded by Marlene Moss to Adjourn.  Carried.




February 9, 2015

Meeting was called to order by President Linda Orazem.

We had two Guests:  Doug & Sandy Langerbach from the White Pine Logging & Threshing Show.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was given by Pastor Paul Brown.

Doug Langerbach and his wife Sandy answered several questions on the Saloon at the Threshing Show.  They have been doing this for 38 years.  It is held on Saturday, Sunday and Monday (September 5th, 6th, and 7th).  We will need to purchase the Dram Shop Insurance and Permit from Aitkin County, they will provide Building & Electric.   Bernick’s will deliver the Beer on Tuesday; we will need to be there to help unload.  Bernick’s will take back what we do not sell.  Hans Woelfle will head a Committee for this project.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Leta Christensen to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doug Halvorson and seconded by Martha Sahlstrom to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

Treasurer Marlene Moss gave us a report on the Spaghetti Supper from January.  We took in $650.00 and had expenses of $159.08 (Nicole Zimple donated her time).  That gives us a profit of $490.02 which will be donated to the Nyquist Scholarship Fund.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Doug Halvorson to approve the Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to allow monies from the CD to be used to cover expenses if needed.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               Feb. 12th:       Rae Ann Larson & Martha Sahlstrom

               Jan.  26th:      Hans Woelfle & Linda Orazem

We have decided to have the Meat Raffle on the 2nd and 4th Thursday for the month of February and have also changed the starting time to 6:00 pm.  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Clark Sahlstrom to leave it up to Gambling Manager Rae Ann Larson as to the dates and times the Meat Raffle will be held for the next two months.  Carried.

Three people attended the 5M8 Mid-Winter Convention held at the Kelly Inn in St. Cloud on February 6th -8th  – President Linda Orazem, Secretary Susan Haggberg and 2nd Vice President Dan Leitner.  We turned in 115 glasses, 2 Hearing Aids and 1 phone.

Paul Brown and Doug Halvorson were Inducted into the Isle Lions Club.

We are still in need of a Volunteer to chair the Brat Stand during Isle Days this year – July 10th and 11th.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.

Our next General Meeting will be held at MSA on March 9th   –  Cost will be $11.00.



January 26, 2015

Meeting was called to order by President Linda Orazem.

8 Members Present:  Linda Orazem, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Leta Christensen Nancy Friendt, Carolyn Remer and Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Nancy Friendt and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

Treasurer’s Report will be given at General Meeting.

The Langerbach’s will come and speak to us at our February General Meeting about the White Pine Logging and Threshing Show and answer any remaining questions we have. 

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Conrad Thomsen that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 to Chuck Nikolai, Tracy Revering and Chris Otte for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Susan Haggberg and seconded by Marlene Moss to pay for the tickets for the Shrine Circus for Kindergarten to 2nd graders.  The Circus will be on March 26, 2015.  Cost this year is $630.00.  The School will pay for the transportation.  We sponsor this trip every three years.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Nancy Friendt to Adjourn.  Carried.



January 12, 2015

Meeting was called to order by President Linda Orazem.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Clark Sahlstrom to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

We had 67 kids attend Santa’s Secret Shop on December 6th.  Our Income was $1,392.75 and our Expenses were $1,681.62.  Our Profit was ($287.37) which also included the gift bags for the kids from Santa.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the December Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               Jan. 15th:       Linda Orazem & Rae Ann Larson

               Jan.  22nd:     Bernie Sunderman & Martha Sahlstrom

               Jan.  29th :      Hans Woelfle & Mitzie Reis

               Feb.    5th:       Mitzie Reis & Rae Ann Larson

We will have our Spaghetti Supper on January 20, 2015 at the School.  Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Mitzie Reis, Gary and Pat Hicks have signed up to work.  Supper will be serviced from 4:30 to 6:30 pm.  Proceeds will go to the Nyquist Scholarship Fund

We will also be in charge of the Concession Stand that night.  It is a Boys Basketball Game Isle vs Onamia.  Leta Christensen, Linda Orazem and Mitzie Reis have signed up to work.  Proceeds will go to Junior High Sports.

Susan Haggberg won Split the Pot - $11.50

Hans Woelfle talked to the Members about taking over the Saloon at the White Pine Logging & Threshing Show.  The Finlayson Lions have been in charge of it for several years and would like to step down.  After some discussion a Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Doc Moss to take over the Saloon.  Carried with some opposition.   Hans will try and have the Langerbachs come and speak at our General Meeting in February.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bernie Sunderman to allow Gambling Manager Rae Ann Larson start a 2nd Jackpot for Bingo.  Two Jackpot Games would run each week.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Doc Moss to donate a $100.00 each to:  Marlene Moss, Stan Miller, Mae DuClos, John Hurrle and Rae Ann Larson for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to have the Board make a recommendation for a Medical Donation to Chris Otte for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded Mitzie Reis to have the Santa Sale in 2015.  Carried.

Bill Bjorklund had talked with Dr. Tom Bracken about a Medical Project the Mille Lacs Health System participates with in Haiti.  There is a small group of people from the Health System that travel there a couple of times a year and there is a strong need for eyeglasses.  Leta Christensen has talked to Mark Marshall and their next trip will be in March.  A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Shari Woelfle to donate any used eyeglasses we have.  We can bring them to the next meeting and Leta will get them to the Health System.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Rae Ann Larson to approve Doug & Judy Halvorson and Paul Brown as Members into our Club.  Carried.

The Mid-Winter Convention will be held at the Kelly Inn in St Cloud on February 6th, 7th, and 8th.  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Doc Moss to Donate $100.00 each to the Parade of Green:  Project New Hope, Leos, Diabetes, Hearing Foundation, Vision Foundation, Leader Dog, Can Do Canines, LCIF, Youth Exchange, Special Olympics and Youth Quest.Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.

Our next General Meeting will be held at MSA on February 9th   – Cost will be $11.00.



December 22, 2014

Meeting was called to order by President Linda Orazem.

7 Members Present:  Linda Orazem, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Hans Woelfle, Marv Hietala, Leta Christensen and Clark Sahlstrom.

We had four Guests:  Doug, John, Steve and Todd Langerbach with the White Pine Logging and Threshing Show.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Leta Christensen to approve the Secretary’s minutes as read.  Carried.

Treasurer’s Report will be given at General Meeting.

Assistant Gambling Manager Clark Sahlstrom went over the Gambling Report – will give a full report at General Meeting in January.

The Langerbach’s talked to us about the White Pine Logging and Threshing Show.  The Saloon was run by the Finlayson Lions but they do not have the help anymore and would like to get out of it.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Susan Haggberg that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 to Marlene Moss, Mae DuClos and Stan Miller for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

Hans Woelfle gave us a report on the Christmas Giving Tree.  We had 7 more Senior Residents this year than last year. 

A Motion was made by Susan Haggberg and seconded by Hans Woelfle to Adjourn.  Carried.




December 8, 2014

We held a short Board Meeting before the General Meeting:

7 Members Present:  Linda Orazem, Dawn Christensen, Hans Woelfle, Clark Sahlstrom, 

Conrad Thomsen, Carolyn Remer & Susan Haggberg.

Our contract for the Pull Tab Machine is up – the cost to purchase is $2,955.78 plus 

$75.00/month for maintenance and insurance after we buy.  A Motion was made by 

Hans Woelfle and seconded by Linda Orazem that the Board makes a recommendation 

to not purchase the machine at this time, as we would like to see the original contract.  

There was also some discussion on hiring another person for Bingo.  A Motion was 

made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Hans Woelfle to make a recommendation to 

not hire anyone else.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Dawn Christensen and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.  


December 8, 2014

Meeting was called to order by President Linda Orazem.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

We had two Guests:  Darlene Lindholm and Ole Walters

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Pat Hicks to approve the 

Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the 

Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the 

October Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Lawful 

Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

               Dec. 11th:       Linda Orazem

    Dec.  18th:      Deb Walters and Jim Thyr 

After some discussion and per the Boards recommendations the Club would like to see 

the original contract for the Pull Tab Machine before we talk about purchasing or 

As per the Boards recommendations a Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded 

by Deb Walters to discontinue the E-Tabs at the Isle Muni.  Carried.

As per the Boards recommendations a Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded 

by Carolyn Remer to not hire anyone else to help with Bingo.  Carried.

We had four people attend the Gambling Convention.  

Conrad Thomsen presented Mitzie Reis with a Wreath in Steve’s Memory.

Christmas in the Park was not well attended this year.  There were a lot of events going 

Santa Sale – Will have a report next month.

Lions Christmas Giving Tree – Hans had 43 responses from Senior residents this year.  

As of our General Meeting date most of them were gone off the Tree.  Everyone is 

invited to the Christmas Party.  It will be held at the Senior High Rise on Wednesday, 

December 17th at 6:30 pm.

Toys for Tots – Set up will be at 4:00 pm on Saturday, December 13th and the 

Distribution will be on Sunday, December 14th at 1:00 pm.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Rae Ann Larson to Adjourn.

Our next General Meeting will be held at MSA on January 12th   – Cost will be $11.00.




November 24, 2014

General Meeting on November 10th was cancelled due to snowstorm.

Meeting was called to order by President Linda Orazem.

11 Members Present:  Linda Orazem, Dawn Christensen, Dan Leitner, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Hans Woelfle, Mitzie Reis, Carolyn Remer, Nancy Friendt, Conrad Thomsen and Clark Sahlstrom.

No Secretary’s Minutes due to weather (meeting cancelled).

Treasurer’s Report will be given at General Meeting.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Mitzies Reis to approve the Gambling Report as presented by Assistant Gambling Manager Clark Sahlstrom.  Carried.

E-Tabs:  Play has been slow and Gambling Manager Rae Ann Larson has had several problems with the program and would like to stop the E-Tabs.  A Motion was made by Nancy Friendt and seconded by Dan Leitner that the Board makes a recommendation to discontinue the E-Tabs at the Isle Muni.  Carried.

After some discussion a Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $2,000.00 to the Skating Rink with the stipulation that we receive an itemized cost sheet next year.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $100.00 to the Mille Lacs Area Health Foundation.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Nancy Friendt to donate $100.00 to the Twin Cities Shriners Hospital for Children (Brainerd Chapter).  Carried.

The Gambling Convention was held in St. Cloud on November 20th, 21st and 22nd.  Rae Ann Larson and Dan Leitner attended for the weekend.  Marlene Moss and Susan Haggberg attended on Friday.  Everyone attended several classes along with the Gambling Control Board Monthly Board Meeting and the Allied Charities of Minnesota Annual Meeting.  We all learned several new things in the classes.

Hans Woelfle has been working on the Christmas Giving Tree.  He Will put the tree up at Teal’s Market on November 29th, as of today he has 40 requests from the Seniors.  The Christmas Party to distribute the gifts will be held at the High Rise on December 17th at 6:30 pm.

Santa Sale and Bake Sale will be held on Saturday, December 6th.  Dolores Haggberg will be in charge of the Bake Sale.  Letters will be sent home with the kids at school on December 1st.

Toys for Tots will be held on Sunday, December 14th at the IREC Gym.  If you wish to volunteer please be at the school by 12:30 pm.  Distrubtion starts at 1:00 pm.  Set up will be on Saturday, December 13th starting at 4:00 pm.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Marlene Moss that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 to Marilyn Exsted for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

Our Lions Club has been asked if we would like to run the Saloon at the White Pine Thrashing Show on Labor Day Weekend.  Hans Woelfle will ask Doug Langerbach to come and talk to the Board.

Our Zone has decided to do the same Zone Project as last year – Packaging Meals.  Last year we packed 10,000 meals and this year they would like to do 30,000 meals, at a cost of around $4,500.00 so each club is being asked to donate $500.00.

Sara Reis has got estimates for her Senior Project to light the Flags at the Elementary and High School - $3,000.00 for the electrical work (they can break up the concrete).  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $500.00 to this project.  Carried.

Hans Woelfle has put up a Facebook page for the Isle Lions Club, anyone that has Facebook should go in and “Like” it.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Mitzie Reis to Adjourn.  Carried.



December 8, 2014

We held a short Board Meeting before the General Meeting:

7 Members Present:  Linda Orazem, Dawn Christensen, Hans Woelfle, Clark Sahlstrom, 

Conrad Thomsen, Carolyn Remer & Susan Haggberg.

Our contract for the Pull Tab Machine is up – the cost to purchase is $2,955.78 plus 

$75.00/month for maintenance and insurance after we buy.  A Motion was made by 

Hans Woelfle and seconded by Linda Orazem that the Board makes a recommendation 

to not purchase the machine at this time, as we would like to see the original contract.  

There was also some discussion on hiring another person for Bingo.  A Motion was 

made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Hans Woelfle to make a recommendation to 

not hire anyone else.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Dawn Christensen and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.  


December 8, 2014

Meeting was called to order by President Linda Orazem.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

We had two Guests:  Darlene Lindholm and Ole Walters

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Pat Hicks to approve the 

Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the 

Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the 

October Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Lawful 

Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

               Dec. 11th:       Linda Orazem

    Dec.  18th:      Deb Walters and Jim Thyr 

After some discussion and per the Boards recommendations the Club would like to see 

the original contract for the Pull Tab Machine before we talk about purchasing or 

As per the Boards recommendations a Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded 

by Deb Walters to discontinue the E-Tabs at the Isle Muni.  Carried.

As per the Boards recommendations a Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded 

by Carolyn Remer to not hire anyone else to help with Bingo.  Carried.

We had four people attend the Gambling Convention.  

Conrad Thomsen presented Mitzie Reis with a Wreath in Steve’s Memory.

Christmas in the Park was not well attended this year.  There were a lot of events going 

Santa Sale – Will have a report next month.

Lions Christmas Giving Tree – Hans had 43 responses from Senior residents this year.  

As of our General Meeting date most of them were gone off the Tree.  Everyone is 

invited to the Christmas Party.  It will be held at the Senior High Rise on Wednesday, 

December 17th at 6:30 pm.

Toys for Tots – Set up will be at 4:00 pm on Saturday, December 13th and the 

Distribution will be on Sunday, December 14th at 1:00 pm.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Rae Ann Larson to Adjourn.

Our next General Meeting will be held at MSA on January 12th   – Cost will be $11.00.



NOV 10th 2014

There was no General meeting due the snow storm

Here is the news letter with all the info for the month

Isle Lions Roar News Letter

November 14, 2014


District Governor: Lion Duane Fingers will reschedule for some time in April 2015.

Santa Sale and Bake Sale:

December 6th  8:30 at the Elementary School. 
Santa will be there. Special thanks to Lion Jim Thyr for being Santa again this year. Each child will receive a gift bag from the Isle Lions when they visit with Santa. However, WE NEED HELP– taking kids around shopping, wrapping, working at the tables and clean up.  Contact person is Lion Susan Haggberg. Let her know if you can help out, please be at the school by 8:15 am. Each member should also bring a Baked Good (or two) for our Bake Sale, BUT NO PEANUTS.  It is a fun time watching kids do their shopping.

Christmas in the Park:

December 6th. Time is 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm at the Isle City Park.  Will light the Christmas Tree at dusk.

Toys for Tots:

Sunday December 14th starting at 1:00 pm, set up will be on Saturday Dec 13th at 4:00 pm. The Isle Lions are going to donate $500.00 to help buy more gifts.

Isle Lions Christmas Party:

Will be at the regular meeting Dec 8th. Cost of Dinner will be 12.00 (extra food and goodies). Bring a wrapped gift at a cost of around $5.00 for the Dice Game. Bring your Spouse or special Friend

New Member Induction:

For Deb Walters, Paul Brown and Doug Halvorson will be hold at our December Meeting.


               Spaghetti Supper:

                January 20th – Boys Basketball Game vs Onamia on the same night.  Proceeds to go to                the Nyquist Scholarship Fund.

              Concession Stand:

              Date to be determined.  Proceeds to go to Junior High Sports

This Holiday season the Isle Lions are sponsoring a        

Christmas Giving Tree.

It’s a program to give a gift to the local seniors that may not be remembered this Christmas, those who are less fortunate, or those who are in need but cannot provide on their own.

We will have a Christmas tree on display at Teal’s Market, the tree will be filled with ornaments, and each ornament will have a senior’s wish, and gender on it.

Generous individuals, families, or groups in the community pull one or more ornaments from our Giving Tree.

They shop for items and return unwrapped gifts with the ornament to Isle Hardware Hank by December 15th. (All wishes/gifts should be within the $25 limit.)

Elves (volunteers) wrap each gift and label it. Gifts will be delivered by Santa Claus at a small Christmas party hosted by the Isle Lions in the party room at the Isle Senior High Rise, where there will be cookies and hot chocolate provided.

If you know of senior in the Isle area in need of a gift this season, please contact Hans @ 320-515-1337.



November:     Judy Crace & Frank Ketchmark

December:   Linda Orazem, Carolyn Remer & Barb Thyr

Happy Birthday and enjoy your special day



October 27, 2014

Meeting was called to order by President Linda Orazem.

9 Members Present:  Linda Orazem, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Hans Woelfle, Mitzie Reis, Carolyn Remer, Leta Christensen and Clark Sahlstrom.

We had one Guest:  Sara Reis.  She is working on a Senior Project.  She would like to light the flag pole at school.  Before she can do this the concrete needs to be replaced.  We tabled any discussion as she does not have any dollar figures yet.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzies Reis to approve the Gambling Report as presented by Assistant Gambling Manager Clark Sahlstrom.  Carried.

A Zone Meeting will be held on November 18th.

Backpacks To Go Program:  Linda Orazem will call and talk to Sue Estees from Second Harvest.  Mitzie Reis will send out an email to teachers to see how many students they would recommend for the program.  A Committee will be formed to bring information to the General Meeting. 

Linda Orazem will talk to Kelly at the School to check on dates for the Concession Stand.

Gambling Convention will be held in St. Cloud on November 20th, 21st and 22nd.  Rae Ann Larson and Dan Leitner will attend for the weekend.  Marlene Moss and Susan Haggberg will attend on Friday.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Leta Christensen to approve a donation of $100.00 to District Governor Duane Fingers favorite Charity.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Marlene Moss that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to:  MerryLee Pinz, Bob Crace, Nancy Anderson, Marlyn Eklund and Don Bentley for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

Hans Woelfle and Mitzie Reis will work on Christmas Giving Tree.  The Christmas Tree will be set up again this year at Teal’s Market.

Toys for Tots will be held in the IREC Gym on December 14th at 1:00 pm.  If you would like to volunteer get ahold of Dawn Christensen.  A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis to donate $500.00 to Toys for Tots.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Leta Christensen that the Board makes a recommendation to accept membership of Paul Brown and Doug Halvorson into the Isle Lions Club.  Carried.

Jim Thyr has once again agreed to be Santa Claus at the Santa Sale on Saturday, December 6th.  A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to spend up to $400.00 for Santa Gifts to give out to the kids.  Carried.

We will hold our Christmas Party at our General Meeting on December 8th.  Dinner will again be $12.00 and we will also be doing a $5.00 gift exchange (Dice Game).  All spouses are also invited.  Mitzie Reis will be in charge of games.

Hans Woelfle has put up a Facebook page for the Isle Lions Club, anyone that has Facebook should go in and “Like” it.

Any donations for the Skating Rink repairs were once again tabled until we hear back from Bonnie Skogen with the dollar figures.  We also need to remember that we donate to the Skating Rink for their running costs each year.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Dawn Christensen to Adjourn.  Carried.



October 13, 2014

Meeting was called to order by President Linda Orazem.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

We had two Guests:  Paul Brown (Invited by Bob Crace) and Doug Halvorsen (Invited by Klaus Rapp)

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Deb Walters to approve the Treasurer’s Report for August and September.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Leta Christensen to approve the August Gambling Report. Carried.

A Motion was made by Klaus Rapp and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the September Gambling Report as presented.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Denny Friendt to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               Oct. 16th:       Deb Walters and Linda Orazem

               Oct.  23rd:     Denny Friendt and Rae Ann Sahlstrom

               Oct. 30th:       Jim and Barb Thyr

               Nov. 6th:         Deb Walters and Denny Friendt

Our Lions 5M8 District Governor’s (Duane Finger) Club Visit is set for our next General Meeting on November 10th.  Social hour will begin at 6:00 pm with Dinner at 6:30 pm and our Meeting will start at 7:00 pm.  Cost will be $12.00.  We have also invited the Onamia Lions Club.

Treasurer Marlene Moss gave a report on the Golf Tournament.  We had 9 teams this year.  Decrease in profit this year was due to fewer teams and the increase in cost of food and advertising.

            Total Income:          $5,022.50

            Less Expenses:         (1,913.44)

            Profit:                                    $3,109.06 – 2 = $1,554.53


There was a lot of discussion on the Kids Backpack Program.  Superintendent Dean Kaspner would like a blanket letter sent to all Elementary Parents explaining the program.  Linda Orazem will get more information for next meeting.

We had six people attend the 5M8 Mini Forum in Foley on October 8th.  President Linda Orazem, 2nd Vice President Marv Hietlala, 3rd Vice President Dan Leitner, Past President Hans Woelfle, Treasurer Marlene Moss and Secretary Susan Haggberg.  The Speaker for the night was Mrs. Minnesota International – Lion Kimberly Stommes who spoke to us on “Diabetes”.

President Linda Orazem will check with the school on our Lions Club working at the Concession Stand during one of the Basketball Games.  Money would be donated to the Junior Athletics.

Bubbles Haggberg won “Split the Pot” - $11.00. 

Trivia Winners:  Conrad Thomsen and Marlene Moss

Santa Shop will be held on Saturday, December 6th at the Elementary Gym.  We will also hold a Bake Sale.

Christmas in the Park will also be held again this year.  A date has not been set.

President Linda Orazem has talked to Rhonda at Teal’s Market and asked her to sign us up for a Brat Stand in the early part of June for next year.

Dawn Christensen signed us up for a Spaghetti Supper on January 20th.  This is the same night as the Boys Basketball Game against Onamia.  All money made will be donated to the Nyquist Scholarship.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.

Our next General Meeting will be held at MSA on November 10th – Cost will be $12.00.




September 22, 2014

Meeting was called to order by President Linda Orazem.

10 Members Present:  Linda Orazem, Dawn Christensen, Marv Hietala, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Hans Woelfle, Nancy Friendt, Mitzie Reis, Carolyn Remer and Leta Christensen.

We had one Guest:  Bonnie Skogen on behalf of the Skating Rink.  The Outhouse needs new shingles (which the Industrial Tech class will replace when new shingles are purchased), a hole in the NE corner from electrical work done years ago needs to be repaired because moisture is getting into the building (Dawn will have Randy check on this) and the front door needs to be replaced.  We tabled any discussion until next month as no one from Gambling was present.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Marlene Moss has not received an Invoice from Fiddlestix for the Golf Tournament yet, but profit is way down this year as we only had nine teams this year.  The date for the 2015 Tournament has been changed to July 25th.

Gambling Report:  No one present.

Hans Woelfle has purchased a new Speaker System for our General Meetings.

Backpacks To Go Program:  Linda Orazem will talk with Dean Kaspner to see how many kids would qualify for the program. Teachers would help pack the bags.

The IREC never did receive the check for School Supplies that we approved in July.  We will wait until after Christmas and talk to Kathy Young to see what the kids need again at that time.

District Governor’s Visit is set for November 10th.  We have also invited the Onamia Lions.  Dinner will be $12.00 that month.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Hans Woelfle that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to:  Doc Moss, Bubbles Haggberg, Sam Thompson, Xavier Quist, Paul Orazem, Tommy Geist, Holden Thielen & Bill Kroft for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Leta Christensen to donate $100.00 to the Alzheimer’s Association (Granny’s Gang – Darlene Hastings).  A run is being held on September 27, 2014 in St Cloud.

Mitzie Reis will take over Bubbles Haggberg call list.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to purchase an Ad in the High School Yearbook for $40.00 (1/12th of page).  Carried.

There was some discussion on the Gambling Manager reports and the attendance of the Gambling Manger at the Board Meeting or General Meeting.

A Motion was made by MItzie Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.  Carried.



September 8, 2014

Meeting was called to order by President Linda Orazem.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was given by President Linda Orazem.

We had two Guests:  Susan Estee with Second Harvest Food Shelf and Clark Sahlstrom invited Johan Petterson.

A Motion was made by Marilyn Exsted and seconded by Dan Leitner to change the order business to permit Susan Estee to speak to us on the Kids Backpack program.

A Motion was made by Ruth Johnson and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

We did not have a Treasurer’s Report, as Treasurer Marlene Moss was out of town.

A Motion was made by Bill Bjorklund and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Gambling Report. Carried.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Klaus Rapp to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               Sept. 11th:      Shari Woelfle and Bill Bjorklund

               Sept.  18th:     Deb Walters and

               Sept. 25th:       Jim and Barb Thyr

               Oct. 2nd:         Dan Leitner and Bernie Sunderman 

               Oct. 9th:           Deb Walters and

A Moton was made by Klaus Rapp and seconded by Jim Thyr to pay Bingo workers $20.00 per person per week to work the Bingo games.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Susan Haggberg and seconded by Dan Leitner to purchase a second Speaker System for the General Meetings at a cost of $118.00.   Carried.


Sign-up sheet was passed around for the Golf Tournament which will be held on September 20, 2014 at Fiddlestix Golf Course.

A Motion was made by Bob Crace and seconded by Bill Bjorklund to donate $200.00 to Virginia Zenzen, a Vista Worker who is in Isle for one year.  This is to help her with expenses for the coming year.  Carried.

Leta Christensen won “Split the Pot” - $12.00. 

Trivia Winners:  Bill Bjorklund and Hans Woelfle

A Motion was made by Rae Ann Larson and seconded by Clark Sahlstrom to nominate Leta Christensen to fill the one year Board position that was open.  Carried.

The District Governor’s visit to our Club is set for November 10th.   We will also invite the Onamia Lions.  Price on dinner will be set at a later date.

We talked about the Backpacks To Go Program, because of the peanut issue we would want to pack our own bags.  Generally four pounds of food are put in bags at a cost of approximately $3.50 per bag.  You can give the bags to the kids weekly or monthly.  All food would have to be ordered thru the local foodshelf.  We will discuss more at the Board Meeting.

A Motion was made by Marilyn Exsted and seconded by Bob Crace to Adjourn.

Our next General Meeting will be held at MSA on October 13th – Cost will be $11.00.



August 25, 2014

Meeting was called to order by President Linda Orazem.

9 Members Present:  Linda Orazem, Dawn Christensen, Marv Hietala, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Hans Woelfle, Nancy Friendt, Conrad Thomsen and Leta Christensen.

We had two Guests:  Kathy Young – IREC Coordinator – Would like to look into getting a new sign.  She has been having trouble with kids stealing the letters or rearranging the letters.  She was checking with us on purchasing a new digital sign.  Kathy will do some research on the cost.

Our second Guest was Lion Member Klaus Kapp.    He has done some research on the Kids Packs To Go Backpack Program.    This is done thru Second Harvest, North Central Food Bank.  The food cost for each bag is approximately $3.50.  He will invite Susan Ester, a representative from Second Harvest to our September Meeting to speak to us and answer any questions we may have.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Conrad Thomsen to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

Hans Woelfle will check on the cost of getting an additional Sound System to use at our General Meetings.

The Corn Feed is set for August 29th.  Everyone remember your two pies.

Golf Tournament set for September 20th.  We will have a sign-up sheet at the next meeting.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $200.00 to Virginia Zenzen a Vista Worker from Belgrade.  The Initiative Foundation (Someday Isle) is sponsoring a Vista Worker for one year.  She would like to hold workshops that will help people get started in business.  This would create an income opportunity for people in the community.   Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss that the Board makes a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to:  Alicia Remer, Steve Adams and Linda Haggberg for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

Hans Woelfle and Linda Orazem will move the Painting (of the City of Isle) from the First National Bank to Spire Credit Union.

We will send in a request for the District Governor’s Visit – will list October 13th has first choice and November 10th as second choice.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marv Hietala to Adjourn.  Carried.



August 11, 2014

Meeting was called to order by President Linda Orazem.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Dan Leitner to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Bill Bjorklund to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Gambling Report. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               Aug. 14th:      Denny Friendt and Deb Walters

               Aug.  21st:     Mitzie Reis and Linda Orazem

               Aug. 28th:       Jim and Barb Thyr

               Sept. 4th:       Mitzie Reis and Dan Leitner 

Hans Woelfle gave us a report on the Circus.  At the first show we sold 500 tickets and at the second show we sold 650 tickets.  They would like to come back in a couple of years.

Mitzie Reis, Sheri Woelfle, Marlene Moss, Leta Christensen and Dawn Christensen have signed up to throw candy at the Wahkon Parade.

Dawn Christensen won “Split the Pot” - $13.00. 

Trivia Winners:  Bubbles Haggberg and Klaus Rapp

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to accept Deb Walters into the Isle Lions Club, her sponsor is Leta Christensen.  Carried.

The Corn Feed is set for August 29th at the Isle City Park.  Each member is to bring two pies.

The Isle/Onamia Golf Tournament will be held on September 20th at Fiddlestix Golf Course.

President Linda Orazem talked about sponsoring the “Backpack Buddy” (Kids Backpacks To Go).  This is a program started by Second Harvest North Central Food Bank.  It is a program that provides a backpack filled with nutritious, nonperishable child friendly food items to children who are at risk of going hungry over the weekend.  Klaus Rapp has volunteered to check on the Program to see what it involves.

There was some discussion on the Sound System.  We will discuss at the Board Meeting.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.

Our next General Meeting will be held at MSA on September 8th –  Cost will be $11.00.



July 28, 2014

Meeting was called to order by President Linda Orazem.

10 Members Present:  Linda Orazem, Dawn Christensen, Dan Leitner, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Hans Woelfle, Mitzie Reis, Nancy Friendt, Carolyn Remer and Leta Christensen.

We had two Guests:  Angie Moen and Virginia (Vista Worker).  The Intuitive Foundation (Someday Isle) is sponsoring a Vista Worker for one year.  They need to raise $2,500.00 so far they have raised $1,500.00.   We tabled until we can get more information on donating to them.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

We received two Thank you notes from Anne Remer and Debi Miller.

Hans Woelfle gave a report on the Circus – we sold 292 advance tickets and 265 tickets at the door.  After expenses we made a profit of $1,408.00.  Because so many people attended they would like to come back in a couple of years.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Mitzie Reis to donate $150.00 to the Clothes Closet for School Supplies, which will be taken over the Nyquist Elementary.  Carried.

The Corn Feed is still set for August 29th (depending on if corn is ready).  Dawn Christensen will have a sign-up sheet at the General Meeting in August.

Talked about getting another Sound System for our General Meetings, but decided against it.  Will talk to Gambling Manager Rae Ann Larson and try and use the one she has.   Half of this Sound System was paid out of the General Fund so it could be used at the General Meetings.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis that the Board makes a recommendation to accept Deb Walters has an Isle Lions Member.  Carried.

Linda Orazem gave an update on the Bloodmobile.  We had 62 pints donated.  They are going to talk about holding it in the fall next year, when we are not so busy.  We may be able to switch dates with Onamia.

Leta Christensen gave a report on the “Nursing Home Birthday Party”.  Leta, Nancy Friendt and all four Junior Royalty helped four of the nursing home residents celebrate their birthdays.  They all had a great time.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Hans Woelfle that the Board makes a recommendation that we donate $100.00 for medical expense to Dan Leitner.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis that the Board makes a recommendation that Leta Christensen replace Nony Odden as a One Year Board Director.  Carried.

Our next meeting will on August 11th at MSA.  Social hour at 6:00 pm, Dinner at 6:30 pm and Meeting at 7:00 pm

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.  Carried.



July 14, 2014

Meeting was called to order by President Linda Orazem.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Dennis Friendt to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Gambling Report. Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               July 17th:      Hans Woelfle and Rae Ann Larson

               July 24th:      Bill Bjorklund and Gerald Johnson

               July 31st:       Jim and Barb Thyr

               Aug. 7th:       Denny Friendt and Jim Thyr  

Leta Christensen gave a report on the Little Miss Isle and Commodore Pageant.  We had nine girls and six boys sign up this year.  Little Miss Isle is Anika Lilledahl and Little Commodore is Isaiah Borg, Junior Miss Isle is Emily Miller and Junior Commodore is Daniel Miller.  Their next duty is the “Nursing Home Birthday Party” at Mille Lacs Health Care. Leta Christensen and Nancy Friendt will take the kids over to celebrate the July Birthday’s.   A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $100.00 for cake and birthday presents.  Carried.

Marlene Moss gave a report on the Brat Stand.  We had 25 members and 3 volunteers help out for a total of 116 service hours.  Our Income for the two days was $1,610.00 and expenses were $647.61 so the profit for the two days was $962.39.

Hans Woelfle updated us on the Circus.  Tickets are for sale at Teal’s Market, Isle Bakery and Isle Hardware Hank.  Mitzie Reis, Dan Leitner and Hans Woelfle have volunteered to sell tickets at the door on July 25th.

Everything is set for the Bloodmobile.  The Bloodmobile will be held at Faith Lutheran Church on July 16th.   Hours will be 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm.  Ruth Johnson, Phyllis Ketchmark and Linda Orazem are the Coordinators.

Mitizie Reis has donated 10 Car Washes to give away during the Bloodmobile.  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Leta Christensen to donate $50.00 for a Gas Card to also give away at the Bloodmobile.  Carried.

The Isle Fire Department will take over the Birthday Calendars.  If you have any changes to make, please contact a Fireman.

Dawn Christensen won “Split the Pot” - $16.00. 

Trivia Winners:  Gary Hicks, Deb Walters, Clark Sahlstrom and Carolyn Remer

Wahkon Days Parade will be held on August 16th.  Mitzie Reis, Leta Christensen and Dawn Christensen have volunteered to throw candy.

The Corn Feed is tentatively set for August 29th at the Isle City Park.  Everything depends on when the corn is ripe.  Each member is also to bring two pies.

A Motion was made by Bill Bjorklund and seconded by Bob Crace to Adjourn.

Our next General Meeting will be held at MSA on August 11th   – Cost will be $11.00.



June 23, 2014

Meeting was called to order by President Hans Woelfle.

12 Members Present:  Hans Woelfle, Linda Orazem, Dawn Christensen, Marv Hietala, Dan Leitner, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Rae Ann Remer, Nancy Friendt, Carolyn Remer, Shari Woelfe and Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Dan Leitner to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

President Hans Woelfle went over the Gambling Report from May.  We are still continuing with Bingo on Monday nights.  We have started the Electronic Gambling, but going very slow.  Bartenders are now trained in to use them also.

Hans Woelfle went over the schedule for the Brat Stand at Teal’s Market on June 27th and June 28th.  Because no one signed up for the 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm shift, we will close at 3:00pm on both Friday and Saturday.  All proceeds will go to the Nyquist Scholarship Fund.

The Brat Stand for Isle Days will only be open on July 11th and July 12th, as no one signed up for Thursday night.  Marlene is still short people on some of the shifts.

Dale Thiele has welded wheels on the front of the grill to make it easier to move around.  He volunteered his time to do this, will have everyone sign a “Thank You” for him.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Dan Leitner to authorize a change of signatures on the Bank Account for the General Fund Account.  The following people will be authorized to sign the checks and perform banking functions for the Isle Lions Club General Fund for the 2014/2015 year:  Marlene Moss, Linda Orazem and Dawn Christensen.  Carried.

Everything should be set for the Circus.  Hans Woelfle has the posters and tickets and will get them distributed around town.  Wayne’s Sanitation has donated the dumpster for the garbage.  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Rae Ann Larson to buy a ¼ page color ad in the Mille Lacs Messenger (it will also run in the Bargain Hunter) for $169.00.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Hans Woelfle to spend up to $500.00 on the Kiddie Parade.   Carried.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Shari Woelfle that the Board makes a recommendation that we make a donation of $100.00 each for medical expenses to:  Nathan Hummel and Gordy Kohlgraf.

Our next meeting will on July 14th at MSA.  Social hour at 6:00 pm, Dinner at 6:30 pm and Meeting at 7:00 pm.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Dan Leitner to Adjourn.  Carried.


June 9, 2014

Meeting was called to order by President Hans Woelfle.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Dan Leitner to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Rae Ann Larson and seconded by Conrad Thomsen to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Bob Crace and seconded by Bernie Sunderman to approve the Gambling Report. Carried.

A Motion was made by Bob Crace and seconded by Bernie Sunderman to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               June 12th:     Hans Woelfle and Mitzie Reis

               June 19th:     Mitzie Reis and Denny Friendt

               June 26th:      Jim & Barb Thyr

               July 3rd:         Dan Leitner and Rae Ann Larson

               July 10th:       Bernie Sunderman and Mitzie Reis      

Sign-up sheets were passed around for the Brat Stands.  Teals Market Brat Stand will be held on June 27th and June 28th.  The Brat Stand for the MS Walk (Debi Miller) will be held on July 4th and July 5th.   Isle Days Brat Stand will be held July 11th and July 12th.

We are sponsoring the Culpepper and Merriweather Circus on July 25th.  They will set up on the old football field.  We have paid the $290.00 fee.  Advanced tickets will be sold for $6.00 for students and $10.00 for adults. 


Ditch Clean-up was held on Tuesday, May 27th.  We had nine people help:  Bubbles Haggberg, Gary and Pat Hicks, Virgil Lindholm, Hans Woelfle, Ruth Johnson, Dawn Christensen, Marilyn Exsted and Susan Haggberg.

We will sponsor the Bloodmobile in July.  They will be in Isle on Wednesday, July 16th at the Faith Lutheran Church.  Hours will be 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm.  Ruth Johnson, Phyllis Ketchmark and Linda Orazem are the Coordinators.

Phyllis Ketchmark won “Split the Pot” - $15.00

No one volunteered to take over the Birthday Calendar Project.  After some discussion we have decided to discontinue this project.  We thanked Mitzie Reis for all her work on it last year.

Mitzie Reis, Leta Christensen, Dawn Christensen and Marlene Moss have volunteered to throw candy at the McGrath Parade on July 4th.

The New Officers for 2014/2015 were Installed:

            President:  Linda Orazem

            1st Vice President:  Dawn Christensen

            2nd Vice President:  Marv Hietala

            3rd Vice President:  Dan Leitner

            Treasurer:  Marlene Moss

            Secretary:  Susan Haggberg

            Gambling Manager:  Rae Ann Larson

            Lion Tamer:  Carolyn Remer

            Tail Twister:  Mitzie Reis

            Membership Chairperson:  Hans Woelfle

            2 Year Board Members:  Conrad Thomsen and Mitzie Reis

            1 Year Board Members:  Nony Odden and Nancy Friendt

A Motion was made by MItzie Reis and seconded by Dan Leitner to Adjourn.

Our next General Meeting will be held at MSA on July 14th  – Cost will be $11.00.



May 26, 2014

Meeting was called to order by President Hans Woelfle.

7 Members Present:  Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Linda Orazem, Dan Leitner, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg and Mitzie Reis.

We had one Guest – Tom Hawkins representing the Isle Days Fun Run.  This benefits the Isle Fire Department, After Prom Party and the IREC.  They have moved the route this year down to Father Hennepin State Park.  A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Dan Leitner to donate $100.00 to the Isle Days Fun Run.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Linda Orazem and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

Bingo is held at the Isle Muni on Mondays from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.  Rae Ann Larson and Marv Hietala are running it. 

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Dan Leitner to donate $25.00 to the Pierz Lions Club for their 50th Anniversary.  Carried.

The Culpepper and Merriweather Circus will be in town on July 25th.  They will set up on the old Football field.  We will try and get flyers to send home with the kids before school lets out.  We are required to Pre-sell tickets ($6.00 for children and $10.00 for adults) and will have to remove the garbage when they are finished.  There will be two shows – 5:00 pm and 7:30 pm.  We will sell tickets at the Brat Stand at Teal’s Market and during Isle Days.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis to spend up to $600.00 on candy for the McGrath, Isle and Wahkon parades.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Hans Woelfle that the Board makes a recommendation that we make a donation of $100.00 each for medical expenses to:  Marlene Green (for Bud Green), Joan Erickson (for Sandy Cook-Graham) and to Gary Cooper.  Carried.

Discussion on continuing the Birthday Calendar will be bought up at the General Meeting.

Need to decide what day we will open the Brat Stand during Isle Days.  The carnival will open at 6:00 pm on Thursday night (July 10th).

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to sponsor the Milaca Alumni Band for the Isle Days Parade in the amount of $200.00.  Carried.

The one big cooler in the Brat Stand is leaking – Mitzie Reis will donate two coolers to replace it.

A Motion was made by Linda Orazem and seconded by Mitzie Reis to spend up to $850.00 on the Little Miss Isle and Commodore Pageant.   Carried.

Our next meeting will be held at MSA.  Social hour at 6:00 pm, Dinner at 6:30 pm and Meeting at 7:00 pm.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Dan Leitner to Adjourn.  Carried.



May 12, 2014

Meeting was called to order by 1st Vice President Linda Orazem.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

We had one Guest:  Alison Sherman from True Friends.  This is a non-profit organization that provides programs at summer, winter or day camps.  The five camps consist of:   Camp Courage, Camp Friendship, Camp Eden Wood, Camp Courage North and Camp New Hope.   The camps serve individuals with physical, developmental and learning disabilities.  They have nearly 4,000 adults and children each year.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Bernie Sunderman and seconded by Conrad Thomsen to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bill Bjorklund to approve the Gambling Report. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bill Bjorklund to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               May 15th:     Gerry Johnson and Bill Bjorklund

               May 22nd:    Mitzie Reis and Denny Friendt

               May 29th:      Jim & Barb Thyr

               June 5th:       Mitzie Reis and Linda Orazem  

We are waiting for the next Isle City Council Meeting, which will be held on May 13th before we can proceed with the Electronic Gambling.

The door on the Brat Trailer is busted from the break in.  We have a $100.00 deductible on the Insurance.  Doc Moss will check to see what it will cost to fix.

Our Brat Stand at Teal’s Market will be held on June 27th and June 28th.  A sign-up sheet was passed around.  We are also going to sell new and used books, so be sure and bring them in.

The Brat Stand for the MS Walk (Debi Miller) will be held on July 4th and July 5th.  Marlene Moss will have a sign-up sheet at the next meeting in June.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to accept the new Donation Policy for the Scholarship Fund.  Carried.

Denny Friendt won the “Split the Pot” - $14.00

Ditch Clean-up will be held on Tuesday, May 27th at 5:30.  Meet at the State Garage.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to Sponsor the Culpepper and Merriweather Circus on July 25th.  Carried.  They will set up on the old football field.  We will have to pay $290.00 up front.  Advanced tickets will be $6.00 for students and $10.00 for adults.  We will get 25% of the profits after 200 tickets are sold and then 50%.  Day of the Circus we will only get 10%.  They will do all the work.

Key List:  Doc Moss and Dawn Christensen has keys to the Brat Trailer and School Gate.  Marlene Moss and Rae Ann Larson have keys for the Post Office Box.

The Red Cross Bloodmobile will be held in Isle on July 16th from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

Ruth Johnson, Phyllis Ketchmark and Linda Orazem are the Coordinators.

The Scholarship Committee will give out three Scholarships this year at the Awards Ceremony.

Our next meeting will be held at MSA on June 9th – Cost will be $11.00.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Doc Moss to Adjourn.



April 28, 2014

Meeting was called to order by President Hans Woelfle.

10 Members Present:  Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Linda Orazem, Marv Hietala, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Rae Ann Larson, Carolyn Remer, Mitzie Reis and Shari Woelfle.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie REis to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

Bingo will be held at the Isle Muni on Saturdays at 2:00 pm.  The cost to start will be around $300.00.   This would include cage, balls, etc.

The Easter Egg Hunt was held on April 19th.  We had 90 kids participate.  Total cost for bikes and candy was $523.32.  Bikes were won by:             

0-3    Miranda Mickelson

                        4-6    Alex DeCoursey

                      7-9     Callie Miller

                    10-12   Chloe Bernu

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Rae Ann Larson to make a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to Frank Ketchmark, Steve Dahlmann, Andy Cooper and Seth Williams for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Shari Woelfle to Adjourn.  Carried.



April 14, 2014

Meeting was called to order by President Hans Woelfle.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Rae Ann Larson to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Martha Sahlstrom and seconded by Pat Hicks to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Jim Thyr and seconded by Doc  Moss to approve the Gambling Report. Carried.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               April 17th:    Hans and Shari Woelfle

               April 24th:    Jim & Barb Thyr

               May 1st:        Dan Leitner and Linda Orazem

               May 8th:       Rae Ann Larson and Bernie Sunderman         

A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Bernie Sunderman to try Bingo at the Isle Muni for six months – to start in May.  Carried.  This is a paid position for two people and would require you to be there each week.  Pay would be $20.00 each per week.  We will also try a $2.00 Tip Board and in the future maybe Horse Racing.

Hans Woelfle has talked to Shawn Donahue from Express Games and the lawsuit has been settled.  They will have the old games plus a new set of Games.  A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to go ahead with the Electronic Gambling.  Carried.

The Committee has set a new policy for Donations to the Scholarship Fund.  In order to change the policy the General Membership has to be notified 30 days in advance.  The new Policy was passed out to all members present and will be mailed to the remaining members.  One change will be made:  “a deficit in the Gambling Fund” will be changed to “insuffient funds in the Gambling Fund”.

A Motion was made by Phyllis Ketchmark and seconded by Clark Sahlstrom to approve the following Board of Directors for 2014/2015.  Carried.

            President:  Linda Orazem

            1st Vice President:  Dawn Christensen

            2nd Vice President:  Marv Hietala

            3rd Vice President:  Dan Leitner

            Treasurer:  Marlene Moss

            Secretary:  Susan Haggberg

            Gambling Manager:  Rae Ann Larson

            Lion Tamer:  Carolyn Remer

            Tail Twister:  Mitzie Reis

            Membership Chairperson:  Hans Woelfle

            2 Year Board Members:  Conrad Thomsen and Mitzie Reis

            1 Year Board Members:  Nony Odden and Nancy Friendt

President Hans Woelfle presented the Can Do Canines “Top Dog” Award to Jim Thyr.

Ruth Johnson, Phyllis Ketchmark and Linda Orazem will attend the Bloodmobile Coordinator’s Meeting at Grand View Lodge on April 15th.

Hans Woelfle won Split the Pot - $10.50

The Brat Stand Trailer was broke into - Doc Moss will work on repairs.  The Police were notified, however there does not seem to be anything missing.

Our June Meeting will be held at MSA – cost will be $11.00.

We will be selling used books at the Brat Stand held at Teal’s Market – so start saving your books.

A Motion was made by Rae Ann Larson and seconded by Doc Moss to pay for the High School Seniors dinner at the Awards Ceremony.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Doc Moss to Adjourn.  Carried.



March 10, 2014

Meeting was called to order by President Hans Woelfle.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

We had one Guest:  Shawn Donahue from Express Games.

A Motion was made by Marv Hietala and seconded by Conrad Thomsen to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Rae Ann Larson and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Gambling Report as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund as presented.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               Mar. 13th:    Linda Orazem and Carolyn Remer

               Mar. 20th:    Denny Friendt and Mitzie Reis

               Mar. 27th:     Denny Friendt and Rae Ann Larson

               Apr. 3rd :       Hans Woelfle and Mitzie Reis

               Apr. 10th:      Martha Sahlstrom and Rae Ann Larson

Conrad Thomsen won Split the Pot - $10.50

A Motion was made by Linda Orazem and seconded by Shari Woelfle to allow Tyler Soderstrom to use our Gambling License to sponsor a Fund Raising Raffle for the Junior High Sports program at Isle High School. They need to raise $23,000.  Drawing will be held on April 10th.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Martha Sahlstrom and seconded by Leta Christensen to make a $100.00 donation to the Raffle for the “Save Junior High Sports”.  Carried.

Shawn Donahue from Express Games came and talked to the Club on the Electronic Gambling.  Hans has talked to several other Lions Clubs that use the Electronic Gambling and they have all reported good profits.

The Committee is still working on the new Donation Policy.  When the new policy is set up  all members will vote on it.

The Zone Wide Project is set for March 22nd at the First Lutheran Church in Little Falls.  We will be packaging food.  Start time is at 9:30 am.  They are looking for 2-3 members from each club.

Please make a note on your calendar that Debi Miller will have her Brat Stand at Teal’s Market on July 4th and July 5th.  Our club usually helps her out with this in lieu of a donation.

Officer Training will be held in April.  All sessions will run 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm:

            April 18th :  Rocori High School, Cold Springs

            April 15th:   Pierz High School, Pierz

            April 22nd:   East Central High School, Askov

            April 29th:   Staples/Motley High School, Staples

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn.



March 24, 2014

Meeting was called to order by President Hans Woelfle.

11 Members Present:  Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Linda Orazem, Marv Hietala, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Rae Ann Larson, Carolyn Remer, Mitzie Reis, Shari Woelfle and Nancy Friendt.

We had two Guests:  Kari Conner and Tura Eye for Isle After Prom Party.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

The Donation Policy Committee is still working on a new policy.  They will bring their recommendations to the General Meeting.

President Hans Woelfle will check on the updates for the Electronic Gambling.

There was discussion on where to purchase the meat and the price of meat for the Meat Raffle.  President Hans Woelfle and Gambling Manager Rae Ann Larson will go to Teal’s Market and talk to Rhonda.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss to accept the following Nominations for Board of Directors that we have so far:

            President:  Linda Orazem

            1st Vice President:  Dawn Christensen

            2nd Vice President:  Marv Hietala

            3rd Vice President: Dan Leitner

            Secretary:  Susan Haggberg

            Treasurer:  Marlene Moss

            Lion Tamer:  Carolyn Remer

            Tail Twister:  Mitzie Reis

            Gambling Manager:  Rae Ann Larson

            Membership Chairperson:  Hans Woelfle

            Two Year Board Member: Mitzie Reis and Conrad Thomsen

            One Year Board Member:  Donita Odden and Nancy Friendt


The Easter Egg Hunt will be held on April 19th  at 10:00 am at the IREC.  A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Rae Ann Larson to spend up to $650.00 on the Easter Egg Hunt.  Carried.

Phyllis Ketchmark and Linda Orazem will attend the Red Cross Bloodmobile Coordinator’s Meeting at Grand View Lodge on April 14th.  Ruth Johnson is still down south and will not be attending.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $500.00 to the After Prom Party.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis to donate $200.00 to the “Hooked on Fishing Not  on Drugs” Program for the 4th graders.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer to make a recommendation to donate $100.00 each to Mark Huffman, Ken Jensen and Jeremy Roeschlein (Laura Berhow) for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marv Hietala and seconded by Shari Woelfle to Adjourn.  Carried.


Board Meeting Feb 24 2014
Shawn Donahue from Express Games will be at our next General Meeting on March 
 to talk to us about the Electronic Gambling.
A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Shari Woelfe to donate 
$500.00 to the Children’s Grief Connection. Carried.
A Motion was made by Linda Orazem and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate 
$100.00 to each of the five Girl Scout Troops ($500.00 Total). Carried.
A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Shari Woelfle to make a 
recommendation to donate $100.00 to Toni Strecker for medical expenses. Carried.
A Motion was made by Linda Orazem and seconded by Rae Ann Larson to donate 
$300.00 to Clothes for Kids (To buy jackets and winter wear for the elementary). 
A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn. 
February 10, 2014
Meeting was called to order by President Hans Woelfle.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.
Invocation was given by Doc Moss.
A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Phyllis Ketchmark to approve the 
Secretary’s Minutes. Carried.
A Motion was made by Rae Ann Larson and seconded by Martha Sahlstrom to approve 
the Treasurer’s Report. Carried.
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the 
Gambling Report. Carried.
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Lawful 
Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund. Carried.
Meat Raffle Workers:
: Frank and Phyllis Ketchmark
: Hans and Linda Orazem 
: Rae Ann Larson and Carolyn Remer
: Dan Leitner and Hans Woelfle
Dan Leitner won Split the Pot - $8.00
Mid-Winter Convention was held at the Kelly Inn in St Cloud on February 7, 8 and 
. President Hans Woelfle, Treasurer Marlene Moss and Past President Dan Leitner 
attended on Saturday. They all went to some very informative classes.
The Zone Wide Project is set. We will be Packaging Food sometime in March. The 
location will be at the First Lutheran Church in Little Falls and we need at least 3 or 
more representatives from our club. The date and time will be decided at the Zone 
Meeting on February 25th
The Spaghetti Supper is set for February 18th
begin serving at 4:30 pm. Adults $8.00, Seniors and Students $5.00 and Preschoolers 
are Free. Proceeds will go to the Nyquist Scholarship Fund. Pies will also be sold by 
the FACS Class for $2.00/slice. 
The Brat Stand at Teal’s Market is set for June 27th
 Proceeds from the Brat Stand will also go to the Nyquist 
Scholarship Fund. We also talked about selling used books to try and raise more 
 in the Isle High School Commons. We will on th 28th
. This is also Helen Keller’s Birthday (June 28, 1880).
We held a discussion on the Electronic Gambling. The approximate cost to get started 
would be $450.00 (which the Isle Muni would pay). This would include three IPads and 
a Point of Sale Terminal. We would be responsible for the $5.00/week for the IPads. 
Payout is 85%. A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Dan Leitner to 
table the discussion until we receive more information. Carried.
President Hans Woelfle will talk to Shawn Donahue of Express Games and have him 
attend our General Meeting in March to answer any questions our members may 
have. Also talked about having a member from Allied Charities come and answer any 
Our next Zone Meeting will be held at the Onamia Vets Club on February 25th
hour will start at 6:00 pm with the Meeting starting at 6:45 pm and Dinner at 7:00 pm. 
Hans and Shari Woelfle, Dan Leitner, Marlene Moss and Marv Hietala will attend. 
A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to follow the 
Board of Directors recommendation to donate $500.00 to the Sixth Grade Class for 
their trip to the Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center. Carried.
Santa Sale is set for December 6, 2014. The Agreement with Fun Services has been 
sent in. Because we have sent our Agreement in early we will receive a 5% discount on 
A Committee has been formed to work on new Contribution Guidelines. The 
Committee will consist of Hans Woelfle, Linda Orazem, Rae Ann Larson, Clark 
Sahlstrom, Doc Moss, Bubbles Haggberg and Phyllis Ketchmark.
A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Marv Hietala to adjourn.
January 13, 2013
We held a short Board Meeting before our General Meeting.
Meeting was called to order by President Hans Woelfle.
10 Members Present: Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Linda Orazem, Marv Hietala, 
Dan Leitner, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Rae Ann Larson, Carolyn Remer and Nancy Friendt
A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Linda Orazem to donate $500.00 
to the City of Wahkon to help with the Vikings Arctic Blast. Carried.
A Motion was made by Linda Orazem and seconded by Dan Leitner to donate $500.00 
to Eagle Scout Tyler Rutt. As an Eagle Scout project he is making four display cases for 
the MSA to display mannequin’s dressed in different service uniforms. Carried.
A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Dan Leitner to donate 
$1,200.00 to the City of Wahkon for Senior Dining. Carried.
A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Hans Woelfle to pay $250.00 for 
Membership Dues to Allied Charties (Gambling). Carried.
A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate 
$300.00 to the Land of Lakes Girl Scout Council. Carried.
A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Marv Hietala to Adjourn. Carried.


January 13, 2014

Meeting was called to order by President Hans Woelfle.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Martha Sahlstrom to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Rae Ann Larson and seconded by Linda Orazem to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bernie Sunderman to approve the Gambling Report. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Dan Leitner to approve the Lawful Purpose and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               Jan. 16th:   Linda Orazem and Hans Woelfle

               Jan. 23rd:    Dan Leitner and Denny Friendt 

               Jan. 30th:    Bernie Sunderman and Phyllis Ketchmark

               Feb. 6th:      Hans Woelfle and Carolyn Remer

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Dan Leitner to have the Board of Directors review the Gambling Donation Policy.  Set some guidelines and report back to the Club.  Carried.


Mid-Winter Convention will be held at the Kelly Inn in St Cloud on February 7, 8 and 9th.  President Hans Woelfle, Treasurer Marlene Moss and Past President Dan Leitner will attend.


President Hans Woelfle presented Helen Keller Awards to Dawn Christensen and Leta Christensen.  First Vice President Linda Orazem presented Hans Woelfle with a Top Dog Award from Can Do Canines.


Zone Chair Tracy Voigt will be resigning this summer.  She is looking for a volunteer to take her place.

We have set a new policy on reservations for supper on our meeting night.  If you signed up to eat and do not show up, you will still be responsible for paying for your meal.  We have had to many people sign up and then not show up. 

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $100.00 to each Lion Cause at the Parade of Green.  Carried.

              1)  LCIF 

  2)  Children’s Eye Clinic 

  3)  Lions Eye Bank 

  4)  Macular Degeneration Center

  5)  Fund to Prevent Blindness

              6)  Lions Hearing Foundation 

  7)  Children’s Hearing Clinic

  8)  Diabetes

  9)  Leader Dog for the Blind

10)  Can Do Canines

11)  Project New Hope

A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Rae Ann Larson to donate $500.00 to the Eagle Scout Project.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Rae Ann Larson to adjourn.

Meeting was called to order by President Hans Woelfle.
9 Members Present: Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Linda Orazem, Marv Hietala, 
Marlene Moss, Rae Ann Larson, Carolyn Remer, Shari Woelfle and Nony Odden.
We had one Guest: Jen Fronk on Childrens Grief Connection.
A Motion was made by Linda Orazem and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the 
Secretary’s Minutes. Carried.


No Board meeting on Dec 23rd due to Christmas

There will be a board meeting before the General meeting on Jan13th 2014



December 9, 2013


We held a short Board Meeting before the General Meeting.

Meeting was called to order by President Hans Woelfle.

8 Members Present:  Hans Woelfle, Marv Hietala, Marlene Moss,  Susan Haggberg, Mitzie Reis, Carolyn Remer, Shari Woelfle and Nancy Friendt. 

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to donate $100.00 to pay for the mail boxes for the High Rise residents.  Carried. 

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $350.00 to Isle School to help with the postage to send quilts to the soldiers in Afghanistan, which were made by the Nyquist Elementary fifth-graders.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Shari Woelfle to Adjourn.  Carried.




December 9, 2014


Meeting was called to order by President Hans Woelfle.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

President Hans Woelfle introduced our Guests:  Phyllis Haggberg, Darlene Lindholm and Steve Reis.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Marv Hietala to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Rae Ann Larson and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Virgil Lindholm to approve the Gambling Report. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Virgil Lindholm to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               Dec. 12th:   Denny Friendt & Rae Ann Larson

               Jan. 2nd:      Hans Woelfle & Mitzie Reis

               Jan. 9th:       Bernie Sunderman & Clark Sahlstrom


A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Jim Thyr to donate $2,000.00 to the City of Isle to put towards a new squad car.  Carried.

Christmas in the Park was cancelled due to the cold weather.

Wine Tasting Fundraiser – have decided to wait and hold it in May.  We could use it as a “Welcome Home” to all our snowbirds.

Christmas Giving Tree – as of this date all 36 ornaments are gone and we have had 24 gifts turned in.

Santa’s Secret Shop was very slow this year – we only had 53 kids.  Will try and do more advertising next year and hope for warmer weather.  We made $57.00 on the Bake Sale.  Including the gifts that Santa gave out we spent $1,414.61 and only took in $1,109.45.

President Hans Woelfle inducted new member Bernie Sunderman into our Club.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Pat Hicks to adjourn.



November 25, 2013

Meeting was called to order by President Hans Woelfle.

10 Members Present:  Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Linda Orazem, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Rae Ann Larson, Carolyn Remer, Mitzie Reis,  Shari Woelfle and Nancy Friendt.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Nancy Friendt to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

The Christmas Giving Tree at Teal’s Market went over very well.  As of this date there were only three slips left on the tree out of thirty six and eleven gifts have already been turned back in.

Talked about the Zone Meeting – we had three very good speakers.  Meeting was well attended by our club.  We only had four other clubs attend out of ten clubs.

President Hans Woelfle and Gambling Manager Rae Ann Larson give us a report on the Gambling Convention they attend in Rochester.  They received lots of new information.  They are looking into Electronic Gambling.  We will have a speaker at our January Board Meeting come and talk to us about how it works and the cost of setting up for Electronic Gambling.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to cancel the December Board Meeting.  Any new business will be taken care of before the General Meeting in January.  Carried.

Santa’s Secret Shop is set for December 7th.   Always need help, will start at 8:30 am.

Jim Thyr has volunteered to be Santa Claus again and will be passing out treats.

Christmas in the Park is held on the same day, it will run from 2:00 – 5:00 pm.  Isle Lions will hold a Brat Stand and Conrad Thomsen will give sleigh rides.

Nony Odden is at the meeting for the Zone Wide Event.  She will give us a report at our next General Meeting.

President Hans Woelfle and Doc Moss will continue to work on the Wine Tasting Fund Raiser in February.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to recommend a donation of $100.00 to Tim Chapman and Tim & Sally Miller  (for Lissa Miller Stobb) for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Susan Haggberg to donate $1000.00 to the City of Isle for the construction of a new “Welcome to City of Isle” sign on Highway 47 (Northbound).  Carried.

Our next meeting on December 9th will also be our Christmas Party.  Each member is to bring a $5.00 gift for the dice game.  Meal will be $12.00.

Mid-Winter Convention will be held in St. Cloud this year on February 7th, 8th, and 9th.

Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.  Carried.




November 11, 2013

We held a short Board Meeting before the General Meeting.

Meeting was called to order by President Hans Woelfle.

9 Members Present:  Hans Woelfle, Linda Orazem, Dan Leitner, Marlene Moss, Rae Ann Larson, Susan Haggberg, Mitzie Reis, Carolyn Remer and Shari Woelfle. 

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Linda Orazem to present the District Governor with a $100.00 check to the MN Lions Hearing Foundation.  Carried. 

A Motion was made by Mitzie 

Reis and seconded by Dan Leitner to Adjourn.  Carried.



     November 11, 2013

Meeting was called to order by President Hans Woelfle.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

President Hans Woelfle introduced our District Governor Donna Landwehr and her husband Bill.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Pat Hicks and seconded by Klaus Rapp to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Jim Thyr to approve the Gambling Report. Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Dan Leitner to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               Nov. 14th:   Dan Leitner & Jim Thyr

               Nov. 21st:   Dan Leitner & Jim Thyr

               Dec 5th:       Barb & Jim Thyr

We will be the hosts for the next Zone Meeting – will be held on November 18th at Wahkon Inn.  Social will begin at 6:00 pm with Dinner at 7:00 pm.  Everyone is invited.

Marv Heitala and Bob Lapinski won the Trivia game - $10.00 Gift Card to Teal’s.

Susan Haggberg won “Split the Pot” - $10.00

Nony Odden has been working on a Club Newsletter “Isle Lions Roar”.  A rough draft was passed around.

Our next meeting will be our “Christmas Party”.  Each member should bring a $5.00 gift for the Dice game.  Our meal will be $12.00.

Our District Governor Donna Landwehr spoke to us.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Marv Hietala to adjourn.ISLE LIONS BOARD MEETING



October 29, 2013

Meeting was called to order by President Hans Woelfle.

10 Members Present:  Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Linda Orazem, Marv Hietala, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Rae Ann Larson, Carolyn Remer, Mitzie Reis and Shari Woelfle.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

Toys for Tots will be held on Sunday, December 15th.  Set up will be on Saturday, December 14th.  Because we had so many items left over last year, we will not receive any new donations from the Toys for Tots Foundation this year.  We will have to rely on our local donations.  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to increase our donation to $500.00 to help purchase toys this year.  Carried.

President Hans Woelfle has talked to Terry McQuoid about a bus to transport any Seniors that will need a ride down to the City Park for “Christmas in the Park”.  The cost for the bus that day will be $150.00.  We will wait and see how many seniors sign up.

A Wish Sheet has been passed out to the Senior’s at the High Rise and Scandia House for the Christmas Giving Tree.  We have received 19 of them back.

Santa’s Secret Shop is set for December 7th.  Dolores Haggberg will take care of the Bake Sale.  Each member should donate a baked good.  REMEMBER NO NUTS.  Please price all items.

Jim Thyr has volunteered to be Santa Claus again.  A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to spend up to $400.00 for Gift Bags for Santa to pass out to the kids.  Carried.

The P A System at the Meat Raffle has quit working.  A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Rae Ann Larson to purchase a new one at the cost of $337.00, which will include one wireless speaker, microphone and stand.  Carried.  So that we may use the P A System at other events half of the cost will come out of the Gambling Fund and half will come out of the General Fund.

President Hans Woelfle and Gambling Manager Rae Ann Larson will be attending the Gambling Convention on November 21, 22, and 23.  This year it will be held at the Mayo Civic Center in Rochester.  A Motion was made by Linda Orazem and seconded by Marlene Moss to cover the cost of registration, motel, meals and gas for them to attend.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to recommend a donation of $100.00 to Todd Sam for his son Nicholas, Angie Groth and Jacob Miller for his son Matthew for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

We will be hosting the next Zone Meeting – which will be held on November 18, 2013.

We would like as many members as possible to attend.  Social hour will begin at 6:00 pm with Dinner at 7:00 pm at Wahkon Inn.

Our meeting on December 9th will also be our Christmas Party.  Each member is to bring a $5.00 gift for the dice game.  Meal will be $12.00.

Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Shari Woelfle to Adjourn.  Carried.




     October 14, 2013

Meeting was called to order by President Hans Woelfle.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

Marv Hietala won “Split the Pot” - $11.00.

A Motion was made by Maria Greenwaldt and seconded by Marilyn Exsted to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Martha Sahlstrom to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Nony Odden to approve the Gambling Report. Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Nony Odden to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               Oct. 17th:   Hans Woelfle & Rae Ann Larson

               Oct. 24th:   Hans Woelfle & Mitzie Reis

               Oct. 21st:    Jim Thyr & Clark Sahlstrom

               Nov. 7th:     Jim & Barb Thyr

Nony Odden has volunteered to be on the Zone Wide Event Committee.  Depending on our next Zone Meeting on November 18th, this new Committee plans on meeting on November 25th in Pierz.

We had six people attend the  District 5M-8 Mini Forum in Foley:    Hans Woelfle, Linda Orazem, Marv Hietala, Dan Leitner, Marlene Moss and Susan Haggberg.  Our speakers were from the Can Do Caines  Program.

We had 13 Teams at the Isle/Onamia Golf Tournament this year (same as last year).    Our total Income was $6,664.00 less $2,234.60 for expenses, so our profit was $4,429.40.  Each club received $2,214.70.

Christmas in the Park will be held on December 7th at the Isle City Park.  President Hans Woelfle is looking into providing rides for the Senior Citizens if there are enough people interested in coming down to the park.

Four people attended the Minnesota Lions Eye Bank Tour on October 12th:  Hans Woelfle, Marv Hietala, Dan Leitner and Rae Ann Larson.  They all said that it was very interesting.

We will hold a Wine Tasting Fundraiser at our February 10th Meeting.

President Hans Woelfle has everything set for the Christmas Tree of Giving.  Between the Senior High Rise and Scandia House there would be about 40 people.  Teal’s Market has said we could set the Tree up there and the presents will be dropped off at Isle Hardware Hank.  Gifts should be $25.00 and under.  We will hold a Christmas Party sometime before Christmas to distribute the gifts.

Santa’s Secret Shop will also be held on Saturday, December 7th.  A Bake Sale will also be held this year.  The Santa Sale will start at 8:30 am, everyone needs to plan on helping out.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Rae Ann Larson to stay with our current policy on giving donations.  Carried.

Mitzie Reis entertained us with some Lions Club Trivia – Dawn Christensen and Mike Conner were the winners.

Our next Meeting will be held on November 11th, District Governor Donna Landwehr will be our Guest.  An invitation has also been sent to the Onamia Lions.

Nony Odden will start work on a Club Newsletter.

President Hans Woelfle presented Chevron’s to several members:  Clark Sahlstrom for 35 years, Frank Ketchmark for 30 years, Carolyn Remer for 20 years and Leta Christensen for 10 years.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Pat Hicks to adjourn.     



     September 9, 2013

Meeting was called to order by President Hans Woelfle.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was given by Hugh Johnson.

We had 3 Guests:  Bunny Tabbet, her friend Mary and Dave Andert

Bubbles Haggberg won “Split the Pot” - $10.50.

A Motion was made by Marv Hietala and seconded by Rae Ann Larson to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Rae Ann Larson and seconded by Maria Greenwaldt to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Leta Christensen to approve the Gambling Report. Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Leta Christensen to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               Sept. 12th:   Bill Bjorklund & Gerald Johnson

               Sept. 19th:   Ruth & Gerald Johnson

               Sept. 26th:    Mitzie Reis & Jim Thyr

               Oct. 3rd:        Linda Orazem & Rae Ann Larson

               Oct. 10th:      Mitzie Reis & Hans Woelfle


Ruth Johnson, Phyllis Ketchmark and Linda Orazem have volunteered to chair the Bloodmobile Drive again next year.  We had 64 pints donated this year.


Santa’s Secret Shop will be held on Saturday, December 7th.  Jim Thyr has volunteered to be Santa Claus.

“Christmas in the Park” will also be held on December 7th.    Hans & Shari Woelfle and Mitzie Reis have volunteered to work.


Calendars are now out to all sponsors and businesses.  They are available to purchase for $5.00/each.

Ditch pick up will be held on Wednesday, September 11th at 5:00 pm.  Meet at the State Garage.  Volunteers:  Marilyn Exsted, Susan Haggberg, Hans & Shari Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Vern Greenwaldt, Ruth Johnson, Mike Conner, Jim Thyr and Bubbles Haggberg.

We are signed up to attend the Lions Eye Bank Tour on Saturday, October 12, 2013.  There are five people attending:  Hans Woelfle, Marv Hietala, Mitzie Reis, Rae Ann Larson and Dan Leitner.

President Hans Woelfle would like to set up a Giving Tree for Christmas for the seniors at the High Rise.  He will continue working on. 

A Motion was made by Rae Ann Larson and seconded by Ruth Johnson to accept into Membership Bernard Sunderman.  Carried.

The Committee is working on getting a Wine Tasting Fundraiser set up for our February Meeting.  Looking at $10.00/person with the Public invited.

We will be hosting the next Zone Meeting in November.  The meeting will be held on Monday, November 18th at Wahkon Inn.

This was Vern Greenwaldt’s last meeting, him and Maria are moving to Parkers Prairie.  Both will be missed.

Mitzie Reis entertained us with some Lions Club Trivia – Ruth Johnson was the winner.  She was also the winners of Conrad’s Website Contest.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Gerald Johnson to adjourn.



September 23, 2013

Meeting was called to order by First Vice President Linda Orazem.

8 Members Present:  Linda Orazem, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Rae Ann Larson, Carolyn Remer, Marv Hietala, Mitzie Reis and Shari Woelfle.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Shari Woelfle to give $50.00 to Ron Brown for the Paddles he made for the Meat Raffle.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer that the Board approve payment to KLB Auditors for any overage on the previous amount approved for the Audit.  Carried.

We had four people attend the Zone Meeting in Pierz on September 17th:  Dan Leitner, Marv Hietala, Marlene Moss and Susan Haggberg.  Our speakers were on Hearing, Diabetes and Leader Dog.  We also talked about doing a Zone wide event again.  Are thinking, maybe a Casino night?  They would like one volunteer from each club to serve on the Committee.  Committee will meet on November 25th at Pierz to discuss.

Minnesota Eye Bank Tour will be held on October 12, 2013.   Members attending:  Hans Woelfle, Marv Hietala, Dan Leitner, Rae Ann Larson and Mitzie Reis.

We will be hosting the next Zone Meeting – which will be held on November 18, 2013.

We would like as many members as possible to attend.  Social hour will begin at 6:00 pm with Dinner at 7:00 pm at Wahkon Inn.

A Motion was made by Rae Ann Larson and seconded by Marlene Moss to recommend a donation to Margaret Schubert, Jerry Roeschlein, Bud Green and Scott Robb for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

The Board would like to make a change to our Donation Policy in regards to families that have a Benefit held for them.  We would like to make an Amendment stating that we would support any family benefit with an additional donation.  We need to decide on an amount.

The District 5M-8 Mini Forum will be held on October 8th in Foley.  The following members will be attending:  Hans Woelfle, Linda Orazem, Marv Hietala, Dan Leitner, Marlene Moss and Susan Haggberg.

There was a mix up in picking up the mail at the Post Office, so Treasurer Marlene Moss will get the key from President Hans Woelfle.

Mitzie Reis has the ornaments ready for the Giving Tree for the Senior Citizens at the High Rise.

Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Shari Woelfle to Adjourn.  Carried.









August 26, 2013

Meeting was called to order President Hans Woelfle.

10 Members Present:  Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Dan Leitner, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Rae Ann Larson, Nony Odden, Carolyn Remer, Linda Orazem and Nancy Friendt.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Rae Ann Larson to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

Gambling Manager Rae Ann Larson showed us a copy of the reports that the new software does.  Everything works very well and she has decided to purchase the program for a year.

Only three people showed up to pick ditches.  Next pick up date is September 11th at 5:00 pm.  Will have a sign-up at our September Meeting, if we can get 8 people signed up we will pick ditches, otherwise we will discontinue the program.

Next Zone Meeting is September 17th in Pierz.

Minnesota Eye Bank Tours will be held October 12, 2013, April 12, 2014 and September 27, 2014.  President Hans Woelfle will check with Lion Grecia to see how many spots are open for the tour in October.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Dan Leitner to appoint Mitzie Reis as Tail Twister.  Carried.

Doc Moss and Hans Woelfle are still working on the Wine Tasting Fundraiser, they will talk to Wahkon Inn, DeCorsa Vineyards and Portside Liquor about Wine Samples.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Dan Leitner to recommend a donation of $100.00 to help Jack & Angie DuClos whose house burnt down and Bob Orazem for medical expenses.  Carried.

Motion was made by Dawn Christensen and seconded by Hans Woelfle to Adjourn.  Carried.


August 12, 2013

Meeting was called to order by President Hans Woelfle.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

Leta Christensen won “Split the Pot” - $12.00.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Maria Greenwaldt to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Dawn Christensen and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Jim Thyr and seconded by Martha Sahlstrom to approve purchasing lights to put around the window (so people can tell we are open) on the Brat Trailer.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Leta Christensen to approve the Gambling Report. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve reimbursing the Gambling Account in the amount of $270.95.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Leta Christensen to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               Aug. 15th:   Jim Thry & Bubbles Haggberg

               Aug. 22nd:   Bill Bjorklund & Bubbles Haggberg

               Aug. 29th:    Dan Leitner & Hans Woelfle

               Sept. 5th:     Jim Thyr & Rae Ann Larson

Our goal for the Blood Drive was 65 pints.  We had 64 pints donated.  Carolyn Nutt won the $50.00 Gas Card.  We also gave away 10 Free Car Washes from Hardware Hank.

Dawn Christensen, Leta Christensen, Susan Haggberg, Marlene Moss and Mitzie Reis will throw candy for the Parade during Wahkon Days.

The Corn Feed is set for Friday, August 30th at the City Park from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.  Doc Moss volunteered to go pick the corn up.  A Sign-up sheet was passed around for workers, will also have the callers let everyone who was not at the meeting know.

 A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Clark Sahlstrom to purchase a fourth 20 pound cylinder for the corn cookers.  Carried.

Birthday Calendar Update – Lakeland Printers are working on them.  Hope to have them by the Corn Feed.

The Isle/Onamia Lions Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday, September 21st at Fiddlestix Golf Course.  Next committee meeting will be held on August 15th.  Reminded everyone to get their Donation sheets turned in.  A Sign-up sheet for workers was passed around.

Ditch Clean-up will be held on August 14th at 5:00 pm  - meet at the State Garage.

The Isle Lions will be hosting the Zone Meeting for November.  Next Zone Meeting tentatively set for September 17th.

Talked about doing Wine Tasting for a Fundraiser, maybe combine it with an informational meeting for anyone interested in joining Lions.  Doc Moss will check on.

Mitzie Reis entertained us with some Lions Club Trivia.  We had two winners – Leta Christensen & Gary Hicks.  Winners of Conrad’s Website Contest were – Pat Hicks, Gary Hicks & Denny Friendt.

We have purchased 4 tables from Hardware Hank.

Bunny Tabbatt will be our Guest Speaker at the September Meeting.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marilyn Exsted to adjourn.



July 8, 2013

Meeting was called to order by President Hans Woelfle.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Invocation was given by Hugh Johnson.

We had one Guest – Judy Crace, Bob’s sister.

A Motion was made by Marilyn Exsted and seconded by Rae Ann Larson to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Maria Greenwaldt and seconded by Judy Crace to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Gambling Report. Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

It was noted that the Board approved hiring Linda Orazem as a Part-time fill in for the Pull Tab booth.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               July 11th:  Gerald & Ruth Johnson

               July 18th:  Mitzie Reis & Jim Thyr

               July 25th:  Hans Woelfle & Mitzie Reis

               Aug 1st:     Mitzie Reis & Rae Ann Larson

               Aug 8th:    Hans Woelfle & Mitzie Reis

Bloodmobile is set to be in Isle on Wednesday, July 17th.  Ruth Johnson and Phyllis Ketchmark are Co-Chairpersons.  Set up will begin at 10:00 am.

Dawn Christensen, Leta Christensen, Mike Conner, Susan Haggberg and Hans Woelfle will throw candy for the Parade.

We will have a Brat Stand at Teal’s Market on August 9th and 10th (Friday & Saturday).  Sign-up sheet was passed around.  See Hans Woelfle if you did not sign up.

Birthday Calendar – Only 14 Business Sponsor’s replied to Mitzie’s letter.  This year we will only order 100 calendar’s, we had a bunch left over last year.  Mitzie will be taking everything to printers on the 9th, so if you need to add a name please let her know.

The Isle/Onamia Lions Golf Tournament will be held on September 21, 2013 at Fiddlestix Golf Course.  Donation sheets were passed out, please return by September.

President Hans Woelfle presented Hugh Johnson with an Appreciation Plaque for his years of service on the Scholarship Committee.  THANK YOU HUGH!  Dolores Haggberg, Bubbles Haggberg and Clark Sahlstrom are still on the Committee.

Mitzie Reis entertained us with some Lions Club Trivia.  We had three winners – Vern Greenwaldt, Bob Crace and Ruth Johnson.

Marlene Moss won the Split the Pot - $14.00

We will try the Ditch Clean Up again.  It has been scheduled for July 18th at 5:00 pm.  We will meet at the State Garage. 

A Motion was made by Jim Thyr and seconded by Martha Sahlstrom to adjourn




June 24, 2013

Meeting was called to order President Hans Woelfle.

12 Members Present:  Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Marv Hietala, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Clark Sahlstrom, Rae Ann Larson, Carolyn Remer,  Mike Conner, Nancy Friendt, Nony Odden and Mitzie Reis.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Rae Ann Larson to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Mike Conner and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Treasurer’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Hans Woelfle to hire Linda Orazem as a part time fill in for selling pull tabs.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Susan Haggberg to donate $100.00 to the 10th Annual Mille Lacs Fun Run/Walk.  Carried.

Mitzie Reis gave us an update on the Birthday Calendars.  She hopes to have everything into the printers by July 5th.  She will also look into listing school events on the calendar.

Mitzie Reis will also make signs to put on the Brat Trailer during Isle Days to “Congratulating the City on their 100th Birthday”.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Susan Haggberg to authorize a change of signatures on the Bank account for the Gambling Account.  The following people will be authorized to sign the checks and perform banking functions for the Isle Lions Gambling Account for the 2013/2014 year:  Rae Ann Larson, Hans Woelfle, Charles Haggberg and Phyllis Ketchmark.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mike Conner and seconded by Carolyn Remer to authorize a change of signatures on the Bank Account for the General Fund Account.  The following people will be authorized to sign the checks and perform banking functions for the Isle Lions Club General Fund for the 2013/2014 year:  Marlene Moss, Hans Woelfle and Dawn Christensen.  Carried.

The City of Isle Print by Ken Zylla is now hanging at the First National Bank.  Isle Lions will purchase the #1 Print.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Rae Ann Larson to make a recommendation to give Jim Thyr and Linda Orazem a $100.00 for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Rae Ann Larson to Adjourn.  Carried.



June 10, 2013

Meeting was called to order by President Dan Leitner.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.

Invocation was said by all Members.

A Motion was made by Marv Hietala and seconded by Ruth Johnson to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

No Treasurer’s Report.


A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Virgil Lindholm to approve the Gambling Report. Carried.


A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.


Computer and Printer were purchased for $700.00.  Paul Purdes will set everything up. 


A Motion was made by Bob Crace and seconded by Bill Bjorklund to try the Gambling Software for 2 months @ $55.00/month.  If it works we will go to the $500.00/year.  Carried.


Meat Raffle Workers:

               June 13th:  Bob Crace & Klaus Rapp

               June 20th:  Mitzie Reis & Hans Woelfle

               June 27th:  Ruth & Gerald Johnson

               July 4th:      Bill Bjorklund & Dan Lietner

City of Isle Prints by Ken Zylla can be purchased at Isle Hardware Hank - $139.00 plus tax.  They will also be sold during Isle Days.

Dawn Christensen and Marlene Moss will take care of the McGrath 4th of July Parade.

Held Induction of the 2013/2014 Officers:

            President:  Hans Woelfle

            1st Vice  President:  Linda Orazem

            2nd Vice President:  Dawn Christensen

            3rd Vice President:  Marv Hietala

            Treasurer:  Marlene Moss

            Secretary:  Susan Haggberg

            Gambling Manager:  Rae Ann Larson

            Lion Twister & Lion Tamer:  Carolyn Remer

            2 Year Board of Director:  Nony Odden & Nancy Friendt

            1 Year Board of Director:  Mike Conner & Shari Woelfle

We will hold a Brat Stand on August 9th and 10th at Teal’s Market.  Sign-up sheet will be passed around at July Meeting.

Isle/Onamia Golf Tournament will be held on September 21st.  Donation sheets are available – everyone should take a couple.

Mitzie Reis is working on the Birthday Calendar.

A Motion was made by Ruth Johnson and seconded by Marilyn Exsted to adjourn.  Carried.  




May 27, 2013

Meeting was called to order President Dan Leitner.

10 Members Present:  Dan Leitner, Hans Woelfle, Linda Orazem, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Clark Sahlstrom, Carolyn Remer,  Shari Woelfle, Marv Hietala and Rae Ann Larson.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

No Treasurer’s Report.  Marlene Moss will not be at General Meeting in June.  She will give both reports at the July Meeting.

Gambling Manager Clark Sahlstrom has purchase a new computer and printer:

            Costs:      Computer - $469.00 less $50.00 rebate = $419.00

                             Printer - $149.99

                             Case & Mouse - $32.18

                             Set up by Paul Purdes - $50.00

Software for the Gambling Reports will run $55.00 per month or $500.00 per year.  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to let Gambling Manager Clark Sahlstrom decide which software is the best for them to use and  purchase what is necessary.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Linda  Orazem and seconded by Clark Sahlstrom to spend up to $100.00 for the Nursing Home Birthday Party in July.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Clark Sahsltrom and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $200.00 to the Milaca Alumni Band to participate in the Isle Days Parade.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to spend up to $600.00 on candy for the parades this summer.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Hans Woelfe to donate $100.00 to an 8-year girl from Little Falls for Medical Expenses.  She has double vision and is taking therapy for it.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Linda Orazem and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $100.00 to Holly Trupe for Medical Expenses.  She needs a Heart/Lung Transplant.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Linda Orazem and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $100.00 to Marie (cook at MSA) for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Linda Orazem and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $1,000.00  to the IREC for new flooring for the back room.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Dan Leitner to spend up to $850.00 on the Little Miss Isle and Commodore Pageant and up to $425.00 on the Kiddie Parade.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $3,000.00 to Isle Days.  ($2,000.00 towards Fireworks and $1,000.00 for the Car Show) Carried.

Hans Woelfle has signed us up for the Brat Stand at Teal’s Market for August 8th and 9th.

City of Isle Prints are done, Hans Woelfle has taken them to the framing shop.  The number 1 print will belong to the Isle Lions Club.  Hans will bring the original print to our June General Meeting.  We will hang the print in different businesses throughout the year.

A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $2,000.00 to the Isle Skating Rink.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Linda Orazem to donate $500.00 to the Boy’s Basketball Program.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss to purchase a $50.00 gas card to give away during the Bloodmobile which will be held in Isle on

July 17th .  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Clark Sahlstrom that if any additional funds need to be donated to make our 30% it will go to the Nyquist Scholarship.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.  Carried.



May 13, 2013

Meeting was called to order by President Dan Leitner.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.

Invocation was given by Hugh Johnson.

A Motion was made by Martha Sahlstrom and seconded by Dan Infante to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Bill Bjorklund and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Treasurers Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Klaus Rapp to approve the Gambling Report. Carried.

Had a Compliance Review – Clark & Martha Sahlstrom, Dan Leitner, Rae Ann Larson and Phyllis Ketchmark  attended.  We are waiting for the report.  One suggestion was that we involve more members with auditing games, counting inventory, etc.   (Right now the Sahlstrom family takes care of most of it.)

A Motion was made by Bob Crace and seconded by Bill Bjorklund to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               May 16th:  Mitzie Reis and Hans Woelfle

               May 23rd:  Bob & Judy Crace

               May 30th:  Mitzie Reis & Dan Leitner

               June 6th:  Monica Weets & Hans Woelfle

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Dan Infante that Gambling Manager Clark Sahlstrom may spend up to $1,000 for a computer and printer.  Carried

A Motion was made by Bill Bjorklund and after some discussion seconded by Doc Moss to have Clark Sahlstrom check on the software for the new computer and bring back to Board of Directors.  Carried.

The City of Isle Print is done and Hans Woelfle has the original.  Anyone who would like to order a print – please let Hans know.  A framed print is $150.00 and unframed is $106.00.  Only 500 copies will be printed.  They will be sold during Isle Days.

Hans Woelfle (our Membership Chair) gave us a presentation on Membership.

The Lions Founder’s Tribute for Leader Dogs for the Blind was presented to Hans Woelfle and Mitzie Reis.

Awards Night will be held on May 15th at the school.  A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hugh Johnson to pay for the 2013 Seniors Dinner (25 @ $10.50) in the amount of $262.50.  Carried.

Ditch Clean-up will be held on Monday May 20th.  Meet at the State Garage if you can help.

Ruth Johnson talked to us on the Bloodmobile which will be held in Isle on July 17th.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Klaus Rapp to sponsor two Seniors in the Mille Lacs Messenger @ $49.00/ea.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn.  Carried.    



April 8, 2013

Meeting was called to order by President Dan Leitner.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.

We had two Guests – Rhonda and Doug Bennington

Invocation was given by Hugh Johnson.

A Motion was made by Marv Hietala and seconded by Dan Infante to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Rae Ann Larson and seconded by Mike Conner to approve the Treasurers Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Gambling Report. Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:


               April 18th:  Mitzie Reis and Dan Leitner

               May 2nd:  Rae Ann Larson and Nony Odden

               May 9th:  Linda Orazem and Mitzie Reis

                   The Easter Egg Hunt was held on March 30th at the IREC Building.  This year it was held at 1:00 pm.  Several parents commented that they liked that time better than in the morning.   We hid 532 eggs and had 112 kids attend.

           Easter Bunnies and Candy for Treat Bags and Eggs - $295.43

            Isle Hardware Hank for Bikes:                                       $309.96

            TOTAL -                                                                             $605.39

Thank you to Sam Bernu, Andy & Kristin Cooper, Marilyn Exsted, Carrie Gross, Katie Habeck, Pat Hicks and Tara Oberfeld.

We have donated $500.00 to the Mille Lacs Health System for the “Lucas Device” (a hands free device to do CPR).  Maria Greenwaldt gave a demonstration on how this device works.

President Dan Leitner inducted three new members into our Club:  Nony Odden, Monica Weets and Dan Infante.

Marlene Moss gave an update on the Zone Meeting held in Little Falls last month.  LCIF has been pushing Zones to have clubs get together to do a project together.  At the February Zone Meeting we discussed a Winter Ball in February or March.  The General consensus of our club was that we would help with this event but would like it later so that all snowbirds were back in the area.

A Motion was made by Bubbles Haggberg and seconded by Dan Infante to approve the following Board of Directors:


            1st Vice President:  Hans Woelfle

            2nd Vice President:  Linda Orazem

            3rd Vice President:  Marv Hietala

            Treasurer:  Marlene Moss

            Secretary:  Susan Haggberg

            2 Year Board of Director:  Nony Odden and Nancy Friendt

            1 Year Board of Director:  Mike Conner and Shari Woelfle

            Lion Tamer/Tail Twister:  Carolyn Remer

            Gambling Manager:  Rae Ann Larson

            Membership Chairperson:  Hans Woelfle

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to continue with the Ditch Clean-up for another year.  Carried.

Marv Hietala gave an update on the Drug Collection.  Mille Lacs County does not have any procedures in place for this, so they would like us to put it on hold for now.

We received a letter from Debi Miller on her MS Walk.  She will be holding her Brat Stand at Teals Market on July 5th and 6th.  She is looking for volunteers to help her.  Marlene Moss will get a list of times open and bring them to the next meeting.

Hugh Johnson gave us an update on the Nyquist Scholarship Committee.  It is 25 years old this year.  We have helped 200 students and paid out $130,000.00 in scholarships.

     A Motion was made by Martha Sahlstrom and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn.  Carried.                                                                                                                                                                                                            



March 25, 2013

Meeting was called to order by 1st Vice President Hans Woelfle.

12 Members Present:  Hans Woelfle, Linda Orazem, Dawn Christensen, Clark Sahlstrom, Rae Ann Larson, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Mitzie Reis, Shari Woelfle, Mitzie Reis, Mike Conner and Marv Hietala.

Guests:  Tura Eye and Kari Conner with the Isle After Prom Party and Isle Girl Scout Troops 766 and 137.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mike Conner to approve the Gambling Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to donate $500.00 to the Isle After Prom Party.   Prom will be held on May 4th.  Carried.

Isle Girl Scout Troops 766 and 137 are working on their Bronze Award Service Project (the Bronze Award is the highest award a Junior Girl Scout can earn).  The girls have decided to make fleece tie blankets for the Mille Lacs Health System Ambulance Department.  They are asking for donations of either money or fleece material in 1 ½ yard measurements.  A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis to donate $100.00 to their project.  Carried.

Rae Ann Larson has attended the Gambling Manager Training and has passed her test.  The next step is to apply for her Gambling Manager License.  She will take over as the new Gambling Manager on July 1, 2013.

Easter Egg Hunt will be held on March 30, 2013 at the IREC. 

The painting of the City of Isle is 98% done – Hans Woelfle and Randy Christensen will go and give the final okay on it.

We had six people attend the Zone Meeting in Little Falls.  One of the items discussed was to have a project for our District (to get to know the people in other Lions Clubs).  We are looking at trying to organize a Winter Ball for next February or March.  Each club would be in charge of something different:  Location, Entertainment, Food, Registration, Silent Auction, Decorating, etc.  This would be open to the Public as well as all Lions.  Please let a Board Member know how you feel about doing this.

Hans Woelfle has talked to the Minnesota Department of Health.  He will take care of getting the Food License for Isle Days. 

We talked about doing some games or activities for the younger kids on Saturday of Isle Days.  One idea was to have Minnow Races. Can you think of some others?

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Maria Greenwaldt to accept the following Slate of Officers for 2013/2014.  Carried.

            President:  Hans Woelfle

          1st Vice  President:  Linda Orazem

            2nd Vice  President:  Dawn Christensen

            3rd Vice President:  Marv Hietala

            Treasurer:  Marlene Moss

            Secretary:  Susan Haggberg

            2 Year Board of Director:  Donita Odden and Nancy Friendt

            1 Year Board of Director:  Shari  Woelfle and Mike Conner

            Lion Tamer/Tail Twister:  Carolyn Remer

            Gambling Manager:  Rae Ann Larson

            Membership Chairperson:  Hans Woelfle

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Maria Greenwaldt to Adjourn.  Carried.




March 11, 2013

Meeting was called to order by President Dan Leitner.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.

We had two Guests – John Schiel with Project New Hope and Roberta Schiel with Leader Dog.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marilyn Exsted to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marv Hietala and seconded by Maria Greenwaldt to approve the Treasurers Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Gambling Report as presented. Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marilyn Exsted to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               March 21st:  Hans Woelfle & Mary Bannick

               April 4th:  Mitzie Reis & Dan Leitner                   

Guest Speakers:  John Schiel spoke to the Membership on Project New Hope – which is a program for Veterans and their families.  Roberta Schiel spoke on the Leader Dog Program.     

President Dan Leitner presented Larry Elg with a Plaque for his 35 years of service!

Hugh Johnson will be resigning from the Nyquist Scholarship Committee as of June 30, 2013.  A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to appoint Clark Sahlstrom as his replacement for the Lions Club.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfe and seconded by Rae Ann Larson to accept into our Membership – Monica Weets and Dan Infante.  Carried.

A Zone Meeting will be hosted by the Little Falls Lions at the Little Falls Country Club on March 19, 2013.  Six people will attend:  Dan Leitner, Hans Woelfe, Linda Orazem, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg and Marv Hietala.

It has been awhile since everything has been checked out in the Brat trailer, so Doc Moss and several others will go through it before summer and make sure everything is in working order.

A Motion was made by Bubbles Haggberg and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn.  Carried.




February 25, 2013

Meeting was called to order by President Dan Leitner.

8 Members Present:  Dan Leitner, Dawn Christensen, Clark Sahlstrom, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Mitzie Reis, Carolyn Remer and Marv Hietala.


A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Marv Hietala to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Dan Leitner to accept the Treasurer’s report on the Spaghetti Supper.   Carried.   We served 122 Meals and after expenses made a profit of $412.66.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Carolyn Remer to let Gambling Manager Clark Sahlstrom cash in a CD when needed.  Carried.


We received several Thank You’s for the donations we have made:  Wahkon Senior Dining, Camps of Courage and Friendship, Lions Diabetes Foundation, Lions Club International Foundation (LCIF), Lions MD5M Hearing Foundation, Can Do Canines.


A Motion was made by Susan Haggberg and seconded by Mitzie Reis to donate $100.00 to the Fairbault Lions for the Large Print Book Fund.  Fairbault is the location of MBTBL (Minnesota Braille & Talking Book Library).  Carried.

John Schiel with Project New Hope and his wife Roberta with Leader Dog will be at our March Meeting due to snowstorm last month.

Gambling Manager Training will be held March 13th and 14th in Roseville, MN.  New Gambling Manger Rae Ann Larson will attend.  The class is free, however a Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer to allow her to spend up to $500.00 on expenses (motel, meals and mileage).  Carried.

Peace Poster Kits are out of stock until March.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Clark Sahlstrom to place an ad in the Mille Lacs Messenger for a ¼ page ad in the April Centennial Issue (we will list the charter members) for the price of $183.00.  Carried.

The Board has received a letter from Hugh Johnson – he is resigning from the Nyquist Scholarship Committee as of June 30, 2013.  We will need a Lion to take his place.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Mitzie Reis to spend up to $600.00 (bikes, bunnies and candy) for the Easter Egg Hunt.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Mitzie Reis that the Board make a recommendation that we accept the membership applications for Monica Weets and Dan Infante.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $500.00 to the 6th grade class to go on a class trip to Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center  in Finland MN.  Carried.  The 6th grade teacher Ann Yorston would like to come and talk to our membership about the Learning Center. 

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.  Carried.




February 11, 2013

Meeting was called to order by President Dan Leitner.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.

We had two Guests – Monica Weets and Dan Infante

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Marilyn Exsted and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by John Miller to approve the Treasurers Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Gambling Report. Carried.

A Motion was made by Maria Greenwaldt and seconded by Mike Conner to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

               Feb. 21st:  Mitzie Reis & Dan Leitner

               March 7th:  Mitzie Reis & Hans Woelfle

Guest Speakers:  Because of the snowstorm John Schiel from Project New Hope and Roberta Schiel from Leader Dog were not able to make the meeting.

The Peace Poster Contest is starting for next year (2013-2014).  Mitzie Reis will check to see how many kids want to participate.  A Peace Poster kit has been ordered.  We will make copies for however many students wish to participate.

The 5M-8 Mid-Winter Convention was held at the Grand Casino in Hinckley.  Four of our members attended:  President Dan Leitner, 1st Vice President Hans Woelfle, 2nd Vice President Linda Orazem and Treasurer Marlene Moss.  They all enjoyed the day.

Our Spaghetti Supper was held on February 8th at the Isle High School.  We had four Members help out:  Dawn Christensen, Marilyn Exsted, Marlene Moss and Mitzie Reis.

Our Gambling Manager Clark Sahlstrom is going to retire at the end of June 2013.  A Motion was made by Mike Conner and seconded by Vern Greenwaldt to appoint Rae Ann Larson has our new Gambling Manager.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marv Hietala and seconded by Hans Woelfle to adjourn.  Carried.





January 28, 2013

Meeting was called to order by President Dan Leitner.

9 Members Present:  Dan Leitner, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Maria Greenwaldt, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Mitzie Reis, Mike Conner and Shari Woelfle .

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mike Conner to accept the Gambling Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis to list Rae Ann Larson as Assistant Gambling Manager.  Carried. 

Clark is going to retire as Gambling Manager the end of June 2013.  The Club is looking for someone to take over for him.  Clark will check with the Gambling Board as for when someone can attend classes to become certified.  If anyone is interested please let Clark know.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $200.00 to Camps of Courage & Friendship – a  partnership of Camp Courage and Friendship Venturs.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Marlene Moss to order a Peace Poster Kit for $10.95.  We can make copies for anyone who wishes to enter a poster for 2013/2014.  Carried.


Since the Lions have agreed to pay for the print of the City of Isle for the Centennial Celebration, Ken Zylla has agreed to paint it for $3,500.00. 


Mid-Winter Convention will be held on February 1st, 2nd and 3rd of February at the Grand Casino Hinckley.  President Dan Leitner, Vice President Hans Woelfle, 2nd Vice President Linda Orazem and Treasurer Marlene Moss will be attending.


Our Spaghetti Supper will be held on February 8th at Isle High School.  Doc Moss, Marlene Moss, Mitzie Reis, Marilyn Exsted and Dawn Christensen have volunteered to help.

We received a letter from the Mille Lacs Health System Foundation.  They are trying to raise $56,000.00 to purchase two ER Lucas Devices for the Emergency Department to assist with cardiac arrest patients.  This is a hands free device to do CPR.  A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $500.00 to M.L.H.S.F.  Carried.

The Mille Lacs Messenger is looking for archives – photos and etc. from when our club was chartered.  They are putting together a 6-12 page monthly publication for the next 6 months.  We will have them get ahold of Dolores Haggberg as she has all the photos.  They also would like us to buy an ad in this publication.  They are doing different time periods each month, we will wait until the 70’s are sponsored as our club was chartered January 11, 1971.


The Board agreed to have the Santa Sale again, it will be held on December 7, 2013.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Mike Conner to purchase a plaque for Larry Elg (for his 35 years of service) in the amount of $53.75.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Maria Greenwaldt to Adjourn.  Carried.



January 14, 2013

Meeting was called to order by President Dan Leitner.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.

Guests – Bob Harms from the Hearing Foundation and Bonnie Skogen from the Isle Skating Rink.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Marilyn Exsted and seconded by Phyllis Ketchmark to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Harvey Exsted and seconded by Gary Hicks to approve the Treasurers Report.  Carried.

No Gambling Report.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

            Jan. 15th:     Mitzie Reis & Hans Woelfle

               Feb 7th:     Dan Leitner & Rae Ann Larson

                    21st:      Mitzie Reis &


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Rae Ann Larson to pay $250.00 for Membership Dues to Allied Charties.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Martha Sahlstrom and seconded by Rae Ann Larson to donate $2,200.00 to the Parade of Green ($200.00 per Lion Cause) at the Mid-Winter Convention.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Rae Ann Larson to donate $100.00 each for Medical Expenses to:  Karen Brown, Lissa Miller-Stobb and Donna Johnson.  Carried.

Bob Harms - Trustee for the Hearing Foundation from Zone 4 spoke to us about his hearing loss and his lawn mower ride last summer from the Canada Border to the Iowa Border.

Thank you to all Lions that helped at the Toys for Tots Program.

The Peace Poster Contest is starting for next year (2013-2014).  Mitzie Reis will check to see how many kids want to participate.  Each student needs a packet.  Cost per packet is $10.95.

At our February Meeting John Schiel from Project New Hope and his wife Roberta with Leader Dog will speak to us.

Our Spaghetti Supper will be held on February 8th from 4:30 to 6:30 pm.  There will also be a Boys Basketball game with Onamia that night.  Prices will be $7.00 for Adults, $5.00 for Seniors and Students and Preschoolers are free.

Mitzie Reis thanked Conrad Thomsen for taking the 6th graders on a horse drawn hay ride.  They all had a lot of fun.  Thank you!

Hans Woelfe is the Co-Chair for the Centennial Celebration this year.  He would like to have a painting done of Isle with buildings from the 50’s and 60’s.  Ken Zylla will do the painting for around $5,000.00.  A Motion was made by Frank Ketchmark and seconded by Mary Bannick to spend up to $5,000.00 to have Ken do the painting.  Carried.

Appreciation Awards were presented to Doc Moss and Dawn Christensen for doing work up and above being a Lion. 

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to adjourn.  Carried.




December 17, 2012

Meeting was called to order by President Dan Leitner.

8 Members Present:  Dan Leitner, Dawn Christensen, Maria Greenwaldt, Mitzie Reis, Linda Orazem Carolyn Remer, Hans and Shari Woelfle .

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Maria Greenwaldt to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate the same amount as last year to the Skating Rink.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Maria Greenwaldt to purchase a Plaque for members that retire after 30 Years of Service.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconed by Maria Greenwaldt to donate $100.00 to Karen Brown, Lissa Miller-Stobb and Donna Johnson for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Hans Woelfle that starting in Janaury the Meat Raffle will be held twice a month – on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month.  Carried

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Hans Woelfle to Adjourn.  Carried.




December 11, 2012

Meeting was called to order by President Dan Leitner.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.

We had several Guests:  Dorothy Elg, Phyllis Haggberg, Darlene Lindholm, Donita Odden, Paul Orazem and Steve Reis

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Jim Thyr to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Treasurers Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Harvey Exsted to approve the Gambling Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Harvey Exsted to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

            Dec. 13th:    Jim Thyr & Rae Ann Larson

                      20th:   Linda Orazem & Hans Woelfle

                      27th:   Bubble Haggberg & Mitzie Reis

            Jan.      3rd:   Dan Leitner & Rae Ann Larson

                      10th:   Hans Woelfle & Mitzie Reis

President Dan Leitner Inducted new Member Mary Bannick into our club.  Her Sponsor is Jean Leitner.

Toys for Tots will be held on Sunday, December 16th, they can always use more volunteers.  Please be at the school by 12:30 pm if you can help.                                                                                                                                                                                                            

January Meeting our speaker will be Bob Harms from the Hearing Foundation.

February Meeting our speakers will be John Schiel from Project New Hope and his wife Roberta from Leader Dog.

Larry Elg spoke to the club, after 36 years he is resigning.  Told us about some of the past activities he was involved in.  We want to THANK him for all his years of service.                     

A big Thank You goes to Jim Thyr for volunteering to be Santa Claus this year for the Santa Sale and also for Christmas in the Park. 

A Motion was made by Martha Sahlstrom to approve the Membership for Donita “Noni” Odden into our club.  Carried.

A Motion was made to Adjourn was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Rae Ann Larson.  Carried.



November 26, 2012

Meeting was called to order by President Dan Leitner.

11 Members Present:  Dan Leitner, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Clark Sahlstrom,  Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Mitzie Reis, Mike Conner, Marv Hietala, Shari Woelfle, and Carolyn Remer .

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to accept the Gambling Report.

Gambling Manager Clark Sahlstrom gave a report on the Gambling Convention held in Duluth.  President Dan Leitner and Gambling Manager Clark Sahlstrom attended.


                        Food -                $   148.50

                        Lodging -           $   519.34

                        Mileage -           $      96.05

                        Registration -   $   330.00

                        TOTAL -             $1,093.89

Clark said it was well worth attending – learned a lot.

Pull Tab Inventory will be done on January 1st at the Isle Municipal Liquor Store.  President Dan Leitner and Treasurer Marlene Moss will help Gambling Manager Clark Sahlstrom.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Marv Hietala to donate $300.00 the Girl Scout Council of MN/WI Lakes & Pines.  Carried.

Our Christmas Party will be held at our next meeting.  Callers will let members know to bring a $5.00 gift and that the meal will be $12.00.  We also need to work on getting a better count for dinner.  If you say you are coming, and then cannot attend please call and cancel.

President Dan Leitner and Secretary Susan Haggberg attended the Zone Meeting held in Morrill MN.

Santa’s Secret Shop will be held on Saturday, December 8th starting at 8:30 am.  Jim Thyr has volunteered to be Santa.

Christmas in the Park will also be held on Saturday, December 8th from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm.  Doc and Marlene Moss and Hans Woelfle will take care of.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Shari Woelfle to donate $100.00 to Barb Leitner for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

District Governor Dave Thompson gave Hans Woelfle 10 of his Governor’s Pins to hand out to the members whom Hans had presented Thank You Awards to.

A Motion was made by Mike Conner and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.  Carried.




November 12, 2012

Meeting was called to order by President Dan Leitner.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

Guests:  District Governor Dave Thompson and several members of the Onamia Lions Club.

A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Martha Sahlstrom to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Harvey Exsted to approve the Treasurers Report.  Carried.

Haunted Hanger Report:  Income - $1,472.00

                                                Expenses – (506.00)

                                                Profit -     $   966.00       

Plus we collected 189 pounds of food for the Food Shelf.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the Gambling Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Harvey Exsted and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

            Nov. 15th:    Jim Thyr & Hans Woelfle

                      29th:   Marilyn Exsted & Carolyn Remer

            Dec.    6th:   Dan Leitner & Rae Ann Larson

                       District Governor Thompson held the Induction Ceremony for our new members:  Dennis & Nancy Friendt and Rae Ann Larson.

He also presented 2) Helen Keller Awards:  to Carolyn Remer and Dan Leitner.

Hans Woelfle presented several Thank You Awards along with a Club Pin to:  Marv Hietala, Marlene Moss, Mitzie Reis, Clark Sahlstrom, Barb & Jim Thyr and Conrad Thomsen.

Santa Sale will be held on Saturday, December 8th.  A sign-up sheet was passed around.

 Christimas in the Park will also be held that day from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm.  We will be selling Brats and Hot Dogs.

Jim Thyr has volunteered to be Santa at both events.  Thank you!

District Governor Thompson spoke to the Clubs.

We presented a check for $100.00  to District Governor Thompson for his favorite Charity – Project New Hope.

A Motion was made to Adjourn was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Marv Hietala.  Carried.



October 22, 2012

Meeting was called to order by President Dan Leitner.

10 Members Present:  Dan Leitner, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Clark Sahlstrom, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Mitzie Reis, Maria Greenwaldt, Marv Heitala and Carolyn Remer .

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to accept the Gambling Report.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $200.00 to the Karlstad Lions Club for fire victims.  Carried.

Lions District Governors Dinner will be held November 12th.  The Onamia Lions will join us.  A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Maria Greenwaldt to donate $100.00 to Governor Thompson’s favorite charity.  Carried.

Does anyone know of someone that could use a Telesensory Machine.  The Richardson Lakes Lions Club has had one returned to them and would like to put it to use again.

Toys for Tots is set for Sunday, December 16th @ 1:00 pm at the IREC gym.  Set up will be on December 15th at 4:00 pm.  If you can help please let Dawn Christensen know.  Last year they had over 800 kids attend, so they need has much help as possible.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $100.00 each for Medical Expenses to:  Derrick Adickes, Joe Hawkins, Colby Hubbell, Frank Ketchmark, Lorraine Larson and Bob Lapinski.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis to donate $1,200.00 to Wahkon Senior Dining to start on January 1st.  Carried.

Santa’s Secret Shop is set for Saturday, December 8th starting at 8:30 am.  A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Marlene Moss to spend up to $350.00 on Santa and Gift Bags for the kids.  Carried.

Christmas in the Park will also be held on December 8th from 1:00 to 4:00 pm.

Our Christmas Party will be held on December 10th.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Marv Heitala to adjourn.  Carried.




October 8, 2012

Meeting was called to order by President Dan Leitner.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.

Invocation was given by Doc Moss.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Martha Sahlstrom to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Leta Christensen to approve the Board Meeting Secretary’s Minutes held before General Meeting.  Carried

A Motion was made by Maria Greenwaldt and seconded by Mike Conner to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to suspend the Gambling Report until next month but to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

            Oct. 11th:    Hans Woelfle & Mitzie Reis

                    18th:    Martha  Sahlstrom & Bubbles Haggberg

                    25th:    Martha Sahlstrom & Linda Orazem

             Nov. 1st:    Dan Leitner & Hans Woelfle

                      8th:    Bubbles Haggberg &

The Isle/Onamia Golf Tournament  Report:

           Income:      $7,390.00

           Expenses:    (2,994.35)

           Profit:          $4,395.65 x 2 = $2,197.83 for each Club

This is up from last year.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Leta Christensen to add four new members to our membership:  Dennis & Nancy Friendt, RaeAnn Larson and Mary Bannick.  We will have Induction of the new members next month.  Carried.


President Dan Leitner presented Chevrons to Dolores Haggberg, Susan Haggberg,  and Martha Sahlstrom  for 25 years of service, Jean Leitner for 29 years of service, Conrad Thomsen for 33 years of service and Clark Sahlstrom for 34 years of service.

Several other members not present who have over 25 years of Service are:  Bob Lapinski, John Miller, Frank Ketchmark and Phyllis Ketchmark.  

President Dan Leitner Thanked:  Larry Elg, Ruth Johnson, Dawn Christensen, Marilyn Exsted and Bubbles Haggberg for Ditch Pick-up on September 12th.

The 5M-8 Mini Forum will be held October 9, 2012 at Foley – 5 Members will be attending.

Birthday Calendars are ready.  We are selling them for $5.00 each, see Mitzie Reis if you would like to purchase one.

A Motion was made to Adjourn was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Martha Sahlstrom.  Carried.



September 25, 2012

Meeting was called to order by President Dan Leitner.

9 Members Present:  Dan Leitner, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Clark Sahlstrom,  Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Linda Orazem, Marv Heitala and Shari Woelfle .

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Clark Sahlstrom to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $200.00 to Friendship Ventures.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Shari Woelfle to recommend Membership for Nancy and Denny Friendt and Rae Ann Larson.  Carried.

The 5M8 Mini Forum will be held in Foley on October 9, 2012.  5 People will attend.

The Mid-Winter Convention will be held in Hinckley this year at the Grand Casino on February 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of 2013.  Everyone should think about going.  You do not have to attend all three days; Saturday is the day where most of the events take place.

A Motion was made by Marv Heitala and seconded by Dan Leitner to donate $200.00 each to all five Girl Scout Troops in Isle.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Linda Orazem and seconded by Hans Woelfle to place a 1/8th page ad in the Isle High School Yearbook for $55.00.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marv Heitala and seconded by Shari Woelfle to adjourn.  Carried.   



September 10, 2012

Meeting was called to order by President Dan Leitner.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.

Invocation was given by Hugh Johnson.

We had 3 Guests:  Mary Bannick, Nancy and Denny Friendt.

A Motion was made by Pat Hicks and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

No Treasurer’s Report

A Motion was made by Harvey Exsted and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Gambling Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Harvey Exsted and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

            Sept.  20th:    Ruth & Gerald Johnson

                       27th:    Hans Woelfle & Mitzie Reis

            Oct.      4th:    Dan Leitner & Mitzie Reis

                       The Isle/Onamia Golf Tournament is set for September 15, 2012 at Fiddlestix Golf Course.  Dan Leitner passed around a sign-up sheet. 

A report was given on the Corn Feed.  We made $242.26 on the Brats and $450.45 on Pie Sales for a total of $692.71.

President Dan Leitner presented Chevrons to Larry Elg and Harvey Exsted for 25 years of service. 


Ditch Pick-up is scheduled for September 12th at 5:00 pm.  Meet at the State garage.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis to spend up to $500.00 on the Haunted Hanger.  Carried.

A Zone Meeting will be held on September 18th in Little Falls.  Five members are attending.

Birthday Calendars are ready.  We are selling them for $5.00 each, see Mitzie Reis if you would like to purchase one.

A Motion was made to Adjourn was made by Bill Bjorklund and seconded by Marilyn Exsted.  Carried.




August 27, 2012

Meeting was called to order by President Dan Leitner.

11 Members Present:  Dan Leitner, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Maria Greenwaldt, Clark Sahlstrom, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Carolyn Remer, Mike  Conner, Mitzie Reis and Shari Woelfle .

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

Treasurer Marlene Moss gave a report on the Brat Stand/Pie Sales during the Corn Feed.  We made $242.26 on the Brat Stand and $450.45 on Pie Sales for a total of $692.71.

Allied Charties of Minnesota (ACM) Annual MN Lawful Gambling Convention will be held in Duluth on November 15, 16 and 17.  President Dan Leitner and Gambling Manager Clark Sahlstrom will be attending.  Approximate cost to attend will be around $1,040.00.  A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mike Conner to spend up to the $1,040.00 to attend the Convention.  Carried.

Zone Meeting will be held in Little Falls on September 18, 2012.  President Dan Leitner, 1st Vice President Hans Woelfle, Treasurer Marlene Moss and Secretary Susan Haggberg will be attending.

Chevrons has been ordered for the remaining members that have 25 to 30 years of membership in.  Cost is $1.75/piece.


Golf Tournament is set for Saturday, September 15th at 1:00 pm.  Dan still needs more volunteers.  If you can help please let Dan know.


Birthday Calendars should be ready the first week in September.  Mitzie Reis will pick up and distribute to businesses to sell.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to donate $100.00 to Wings of Mercy.  This is an organization that serves the Midwest by providing Air Transportation to those in need.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Maria Greenwaldt and seconded by Hans Woelfe to donate $100.00 to Kelly Nell for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mike Conner and seconded by Shari Woelfle to donate $100.00 to the Karen Wills Family for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $100.00 to Jamie Johns for Medical Expenses.  Carried.

There has been some discussion on moving the Meat Raffle to Tuesday’s at the Isle Muni due to the fact that Wahkon Inn holds a Meat Raffle on Thursday’s before their drawing.  The Isle City Council will make a decision at the next Council Meeting.  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to leave it up to Gambling Manager Clark Sahlstrom as to when and if we decide to change days.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn.  Carried.


August 13, 2012  GENERAL MEETING

Meeting was called to order by President Dan Leitner

The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.

Invocation was given by Hugh Johnson.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Mike Conners to approve the Treasurer’s report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Gambling Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

            Aug.  16nd:    Ruth & Gerald Johnson

                      23rd:     Hans Woelfle & Mitzie Reis

                       30th:    Carolyn Remer & Marilyn Exsted

           Sept.    6th:    Bob & Judy Crace

                      13th:    Mitzie Reis & Dan Leitner                 

 Mitzie Reis, Susan Haggberg, Leta Christensen and Dawn Christensen will pass out candy during the Wahkon Days Parade.

We will not increase the dues for the 2012-2013 year as there is enough money in the General Fund to cover the increase for International and District 5M8 dues.  We will however need to re-address the issue for the 2013-2014 increase.  

The Isle/Onamia Golf Tournament is set for September 15, 2012 at Fiddlestix Golf Course.  Everyone was reminded to turn in the sponsor sheets.  Dan Leitner passed around a sign-up sheet. 

The Corn Feed is set for August 24th, members were reminded that they should bring 2 pies to sell, as this is where our income comes from for this event.  Doc Moss has volunteered to pick up the corn.  Federated Coop has donated a 100 pound tank and Isle Hardware Hank has donated the LP.  Marv Hietala made the posters this year.  Dawn Christensen passed around the sign-up sheets, several spots are still open.  We still need more help so if you can volunteer please let her know.

Marv Heitala has talked to Isle Police Chief Mark Reichel on the collection of old and unused prescription drugs.  A date will be set up for a collection day sometime after Labor Day.

 We voted on a new meeting place:

                        23) Wahkon Inn               11) MSA               1) Buzzies

Our September Meeting will be held at Wahkon Inn.

President Dan Leitner presented Chevrons to Bubbles Haggberg and Marilyn Exsted for 25 years of service.  Others that received them but were not present were:  Bob Peterson, Richard Allen, Harvey Exsted, Larry Elg, Gaye & Judy Koetke.

There are several other members that should be receiving Chevrons, but because of different record keeping at District they did not receive them.  Our Club has agreed to purchase Chevrons for members that have more than 20 years of service.

Ruth Johnson gave an update on the Bloodmobile.  We had 65 pints donated this year.  Ruth also thanked Phyllis Ketchmark and Linda Orazem for helping her.

The Lions signs we received from the WISH Lions have been put in place of our old signs.  We want to thank the Isle Maintenance Department for their help in replacing them.

A Motion was made to Adjourn was made by Bill Bjorklund and seconded by Marilyn Exsted.  Carried.






July 23, 2012

Meeting was called to order by President Dan Leitner.

10 Members Present:  Dan Leitner, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Maria Greenwaldt, Clark Sahlstrom,  Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Carolyn Remer, Marv  Hietala, and Shari Woelfle .

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

Received several Thank you’s: 

 Maja Coomes – Nyquist Scholarship

 Martha & Gary Dalton – Medical Donation

 Debi Miller – MS Brat Stand

 City of Wahkon – Donation for July 4th Celebration,

 Isle Area Chamber of Commerce – Isle Days Donation

We received a letter from the Clothes Closet asking for donations for school supplies.  The Board decided to have callers let the members know to bring school supplies into our next meeting or they can also donate cash.  They are looking for pens, pencils, color crayons, glue sticks, color pencils, tablets, calculators, back packs, etc.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to not raise the Membership Dues, they will remain at $60.00 a year.  Carried.

Maria Greenwaldt and Mitzie Reis have taken care of the Birthday Calendar ads and everything has been sent to the printers.

Marlene Moss gave an update on the Isle Days Brat Stand.   Next year she needs a Co-Chair to help her, too much running for one person.  Also talked about going back to two hour shifts, but that would require people to work more than one shift.

Dawn Christensen gave us an update on the Corn Feed – Will be held on August 24th.  Also remember each member needs to bring two pies.  She will have a sign-up sheet to the August meeting.

Dan Leitner and Marv Hietala gave us an update on the Mid-Winter Convention meetings they have been attending.  The Convention will be held in Hinckley next year.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Clark Sahlstrom to purchase some used tables from Steve Reis at Hardware Hank.  Carried.

The Board has drawn up a Lions Use Equipment Release Form for members to sign if anyone uses any of the Lions Equipment.  It shows what was loaned out, date when loaned out, date when returned and condition the item was in when picked up and returned.

We need people to walk in the Wahkon Parade – August 18, 2012.

A Motion was made by Dawn Christensen and seconded by Hans Woelfle to adjourn.  Carried.



July 9, 2012

Meeting was called to order by President Dan Leitner.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.


We had 1 Guest – Karen Salzl from the TED Program – Telephone Equipment

Distribution. This program loans phone equipment to people who are hard of hearing,

deaf or who have a speech impairment or a physical disability that limits their use of

a standard telephone. They have phones that amplify and clarify voices, devices that

let you know when the telephone rings, speaker phones or captioned telephones.

This equipment is provided on a long term basis at no cost. If anyone is interested -

President Dan Leitner has brochures and applications.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Martha Sahlstrom to approve the

Secretary’s Minutes. Carried.

A Motion was made by Bill Bjorklund and seconded by Gary Hicks to approve the

Treasurer’s report. Carried.

A Motion was made by Bob Crace and seconded by Mike Conner to approve the

Gambling Report. Carried.

A Motion was made by Bob Crace and seconded by Mike Conner to approve the Lawful

and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund. Carried.

Gerald & Ruth Johnson

Mitzie Reis & Linda Orazem

Hans Woelfle & Mitzie Reis

Dan Leitner & Martha Sahlstrom

Hans Woelfle & Mitzie Reis

Hans and Shari Woelfle, Mitzie Reis, Susan Haggberg, Leta Christensen and Dawn

Christensen will pass out candy during the Isle Days Parade.

Maria Greenwaldt has volunteered to help Mitzie Reis on the Birthday Calendars.

The Isle/Onamia Golf Tournament is set for September 15, 2012 at Fiddlestix Golf

Course. The Business Contact Sheets for donations were passed around; please return

them by September 2nd.

The Red Cross Bloodmobile is set for July 18, 2012. If you can help please let Ruth

Johnson know.

A Motion was made to Adjourn was made by Marilyn Exsted and seconded by Martha

Sahlstrom. Carried.



June 25, 2012

Meeting was called to order by President Dan Leitner.

10 Members Present:  Dan Leitner, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Maria Greenwaldt, , Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Marv  Hietala, Mike Conner, Shari Woelfle and Mitzie Reis.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Marv Hietala to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

No Treasurer’s Report.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfe and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $1500.00 to Isle Chamber of Commerce for Isle Days.  Carried.

Hans Woelfle will take care of the Food License for the Brat Stand.  Cost should be around $90.00.

A Motion was made by Maria Greenwaldt and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $100.00 to the City of Wahkon to be used for Fireworks on July 4th.  Carried.

Mitzie Reis, Sarah and Emily have volunteered to throw candy at the McGrath parade.

Debi Miller’s MS Walk Brat Stand will be held on July 6th and 7th.  Marlene and Doc Moss have volunteered to help her set up and Maria Greenwaldt and Mitzie Reis will help her on all day Saturday.

Mitzie Reis has volunteered to take over the Birthday Calendars.  If anyone would like to help her, please let her know.

An increase will take effect on July 1, 2012 in our LCI dues.  However, the Board tabled it until next month as Marlene Moss will check with 5M8 to see if District Dues are also increasing.  We will have more information then.

A Motion was made by Maria Greenwaldt and seconded by Mitzie Reis to donate $300.00 to the Mille Lacs Fun Run during Isle Days.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Shari Woelfle to authorize a change of signatures on the Bank account for the Gambling Account.  The following people will be authorized to sign the checks and perform banking functions for the Isle Lions Gambling Account for the 2012-2013 year:  Clark Sahlstrom, Phyllis Ketchmark, Charles Haggberg and Dan Leitner.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Shari Woelfle and seconded by Maria Greenwaldt to authorize a change of signatures on the Bank account for the General Fund Account.  The following people will be authorized to sign the check and perform banking functions for the Isle Lions Club General Fund for the 2012-2013 year:  Marlene Moss, Dan Leitner and Dawn Christensen.  Carried.

Marv Hietala has looked into a program that collects outdated or no longer needed Prescription Drugs.  We would work with the Isle Police Department.  Marv Hietala will set up a date and time with the Isle Police Department.  This program will be open to anyone.  The medicine should stay in the original container with the name blacked out.  No needles or syringes will be accepted.

The WISH Lions have dis-banded and have returned the bell which we had given them when they became a club.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis to adjourn.  Carried.




June 11, 2012

Meeting was called to order by President Maria Greenwaldt.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Marilyn Exsted to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Pat Hicks to approve the Treasurer’s report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Gary Hicks to approve the Gambling Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

            June 14th:    Bob & Judy Crace

                     21st:    Ruth & Gerald Johnson

                      28th:   Hans Woelfle & Mitzie Reis

               July 5th:    Dan Leitner & Bill Bjorklund


The Brat Stand for Debi Miller’s MS Walk will be held on July 6th & 7th from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. 

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Gary Hicks to approve new members Jim & Barb Thyr.  Carried.  President Maria Greenwaldt then inducted Jim and Barb into our Club.

The Bloodmobile will be in Isle on July 18th from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm.  Any questions please talk to Ruth Johnson.   A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Dan Leitner to donate a $50.00 gas card for the Bloodmobile.  Carried.

Hans Woelfle and Dan Leitner went to the meeting on hosting the 2013 Mid-Winter Convention.  Both said it was a very informative meeting.  We would need to ask other clubs around us to help as it takes at least 30 members a day to run.

LCI dues will be increasing – will talk about at next Board Meeting.


Birthday Calendar – need volunteers to work on.


The Lions have a Peace Poster Contest for kids ages 11-13, cost is $11.00 to order the kits.  A Motion was made by Phyllis Ketchmark and seconded by Leta Christensen to order.  Passed.

President Maria Greenwaldt inducted our new Slate of Officers for 2012-2013:

            President:  Dan Leitner

            1st Vice President:  Hans Woelfle

            2nd Vice President:  Linda Orazem

            3rd Vice President:  Dawn Christensen

            Treasurer:  Marlene Moss

            Secretary:  Susan Haggberg

            2 Year Board Directors:  Mike Conners and Shari Woelfle

            1 Year Board Directors:  Mitzie Reis and Marv Heitala

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Martha Sahstrom to Adjourn.  Carried.


May 28, 2012
Meeting was called to order by President Maria Greenwaldt.
7 Members Present: Maria Greenwaldt, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan
Haggberg, Clark Sahlstrom, Vern Greenwaldt and Mitzie Reis.
A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the
Secretary’s Minutes. Carried.
No Treasurer’s Report.
A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate a
$200.00 thru MSA for the Vets Benefit Dinner. Carried.
The consensus of the Board is not to take on working at the 2013 Mid-Winter
Convention. We are looking for volunteers that would like to attend the meetings
so we can learn how the Convention is run. Also will try and get more members to
attend the Convention.
A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Vern Greenwaldt to sponsor up to
$250.00 for the Milaca Alumni Marching Band during Isle Days. Carried.
A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to spend up to
$100.00 for the Nursing Home Birthday Party in July. Leta Christensen and Linda
Orazem will attend with the Junior Royalty. Carried.
A Motion was made by Maria Greenwaldt and seconded by Marlene Moss to spend
up to $850.00 on the Little Miss Isle and Commodore Pageant. The Interviews will be
held on June 28, 2012 and the Pageant will be held on July 12, 2012. Carried.
A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to spend up to
$500.00 on the Kiddie Parade during Isle Days. Carried.
We received a request for a donation from Erica Adams – she has been nominated
to attend the National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine. A Motion was made by
Vern Greenwaldt and seconded by Clark Sahlstrom to donate $100.00. Carried.
A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Vern Greenwaldt that the
Board make a recommendation that we accept the membership applications for Jim &
Barb Thyr. Carried.
A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Clark Sahlstrom to adjourn.


May 14, 2012
Meeting was called to order by President Maria Greenwaldt.
The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.
Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.
We had 3 Guests: Mike Lee, DNR Officer and Past Disctrict Governor’s Frank Loken and
Wayne Oak.
Mike Lee spoke to us about the “Hooked on Fishing not on Drugs” Program, we also
got to view a video from last year’s class.
President Maria Greenwaldt gave out 3 Awards:
Ruth Johnson and Doc Moss received the Helen Keller Award
Bill Bjorklund received the Lions Hearing Foundation Award
A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the
Secretary’s Minutes. Carried.
A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Martha Sahlstrom to approve the
Treasurer’s report. Carried.
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the
Gambling Report. Carried.
A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the
Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund. Carried.
Meat Raffle Workers:
May 17th:
June 7th:
Marilyn Exsted & Carolyn Remer
Ruth & Gerald Johnson
Dan Leitner & Bill Bjorklund
Hans Woelfle & Mitzie Reis
Marv Hietala has offered to help Clark Sahlstrom run the Meat Raffle.
We received a Thank You from the 4th graders for helping them plant the trees around
the school
Frank Loken and Wayne Oak are Past District Governors who came to speak to us
about hosting a Mid-Winter Convention. The Sturgeon Lake Lions and Sandstone
Quarry Lions have volunteered to be the hosts for the 2013 Mid-Winter Convention.
We can still volunteer to help them, $1,500.00 would be split between the three clubs
for the Admin Account. We need to let them know as soon as possible.
Hugh Johnson spoke to us for the Nyquist Scholarship Committee. The Awards
Ceremony will be held on May 16th at Isle High School with the meal at 6:00 pm and
Awards at 6:30 pm. They will give away (3) Scholarships this year: 2) Four year
Scholarships and 1) One year Scholarship.
The Bloodmobile will be in Isle on July 18th from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Ruth Johnson will
bring a sign-up sheet to the next meeting. Linda Orazem has volunteered to help Co-
Chair with Ruth Johnson and Phyllis Ketchmark.
The 2012 Dinner for Mille Lacs County Veterans will be held on August 18, 2012 at the
Mille Lacs County Fairgrounds in Princeton, MN. This is a free Dinner for all Vets in
Mille Lacs County, there will be several information booths set up to help inform them
of the benefits they are entitled to.
A Motion was made by Martha Sahstrom and seconded by Marilyn Exsted to Adjourn.


April 23, 2012


Meeting was called to order by President Maria Greenwaldt.

9 Members Present:  Maria Greenwaldt, Dan Leitner, Dawn Christensen, Marlene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Clark Sahlstrom, Kristin Cooper, Vern Greenwaldt and Mitzie Reis

We had one Guest – Marv Heitala

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Clark Sahlstrom to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

No Treasurer’s Report or Gambling Report.

Tree planting with the 4th grade class will take place on Friday, April 27th at 2:15 p.m.   President Maria will have the callers contact all members with the date and time.  Anyone wanting to help should meet at the Superintendent’s Office at 1:45 – 2:00 pm.

We have received a letter from . 

We also have several other Brat Stands this summer:Debi Miller – they have changed the date of the MS walk from September to June 30th and July 1st.  So her Brat Stand dates have also changed.  It will now be held on July 6th & July 7th

       June 2nd – Cabela’s NTC Tournament  at McQuoid’s Inn   (Maria Greenwaldt will do schedule)

       June 8th and 9th – Teal’s Market   (Marlene Moss will do schedule)

       July 13th and 14th – Isle Day’s   (Marlene Moss will do schedule)

A Motion was made by Vern Greenwaldt and seconded by Clark Sahlstrom to purchase two Pop-up Tents to use at the Brat Stands.  Carried.

The Awards Banquet will be held at the end of May.  A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Dan Leitner to pay for the meal for the Senior class.  The class has around 30 kids and total should be under $350.00.  Carried.

Kathy Chlebecek is moving and has resigned from the Board of Directors.  The Board has appointed Marv Heitala to take her place for the 1 Year Director.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Maria Greenwaldt to donate $100.00 to District Governor Sandy’s favorite cause – Minnesota Vision Foundation.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Dan Leitner to donate $100.00 to Camp Confidence – Confidence Learning Center.    This is a year round outdoor and recreation center for persons of all ages with developmental disabilities.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to spend up to $450.00 on candy for the McGrath, Isle and Wahkon parades this year.  Carried.

Dawn Christensen bought up the subject of safety at the Corn Feed with the way we cook the corn.  She will check with Steve at the Hardware Store and get a price on some burners and bring to the next meeting.

Conrad Thomsen has set up an email address for our club:




The WISH Lions are in the process of disbanding.  Both Dan Leitner and President Maria Greenwaldt have talked to them to see if any of the members would like to join our club.   

A Motion was made by Kristin Cooper and seconded by Mitzie Reis to donate $100.00  to Jon Borg Family for Medical Expenses.  Carried

The Isle Free Church is setting up a Benefit for Gary Dalton – which will include a Bake Sale, Silent Auction and a Free Will Donation Meal.  Tentative dates are May 10th or 15th.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Kristin Cooper to adjourn.  Carried.



April 9, 2012
Meeting was called to order by President Maria Greenwaldt.
The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.
Invocation was given by Hugh Johnson.
We had 3 Guests: Jim and Barb Thyr and District Governor Sandy Sandwick.
District Governor Sandy spoke to us on what being a Lion Member volunteer is about.
President Maria Greenwaldt and District Governor Sandy gave out 3 Awards:
Marlene Moss and Bob Crace received the Helen Keller Award
Harvey Exsted received the Lions Hearing Foundation Award
A Motion was made by Gary Hicks and seconded by Martha Sahlstrom to approve the
Secretary’s Minutes. Carried.
A Motion was made by Leta Christensen and seconded by Judy Crace to approve the
Treasurer’s report. Carried.
A Motion was made by Harvey Exsted and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the
Gambling Report. Carried.
A Motion was made by Harvey Exsted and seconded by Shari Woelfle to approve the
Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund. Carried.
Meat Raffle Workers:
Bob and Judy Crace
Harvey & Marilyn Exsted
Hans Woelfle and Mitzie Reis
Kristin Cooper and Carrie Gross
Linda Orazem and Hans Woelfle
The Easter Egg Hunt was held on March 31st. Had an excellent turn out this year - had
121 kids attend. Filled and hid 510 Easter Eggs and gave away 4 bikes.
The 4th graders will be planting trees around the school on Arbor Day – April 27th. We
are in need of volunteers to help the kids. There are 34 – 4th graders and the school
would like one Lion Volunteer for every 2-3 students. If you can help out please let
President Maria know.
A Motion was made by Hugh Johnson and seconded by Martha Sahlstrom to approve
the following Slate of Officers:
President: Dan Leitner
1st Vice President: Hans Woelfle
2nd Vice President: Linda Orazem
3rd Vice President: Dawn Christensen
Treasurer: Marlene Moss
Secretary: Susan Haggberg
2 Year Board of Directors: Mike Conners and Shari Woelfle
1 Year Board of Directors: Mitzie Reis and Kathy Chlebecek
The Scholarship Committee has received nine applications from Seniors for the 2012
Nyquist Scholarship.
The Lions have a booth at the Minnesota State Fair and are always looking for
volunteers to help. If you are willing to volunteer some of your time, please contact
Lion Bob Hoofnagle.
Mike Lee, DNR Officer will be at our May meeting to show us a video on the “Hooked
on Fishing not on Drugs” program.
A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Virgil Lindholm to Adjourn.


March 26, 2012
Meeting was called to order by President Maria Greenwaldt.
9 Members Present: Maria Greenwaldt, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Marlene
Moss, Susan Haggberg, Clark Sahlstrom, Carolyn Remer, Vern Greenwaldt and Mitzie
We had one Guest – Mike Lee a Conservation Officer with the DNR who spoke to us
about the “Hooked on Fishing Not on Drugs” Program for the 4th graders. This is a
program that will give the youth the alternative to fishing rather than taking drugs
and alcohol. This will be a 6 week program in the classroom every Wednesday, with
graduation on May 16th. They will end the program with a day of fishing and other
activities on Smith Lake. So more kids will be able to attend they are making this a
field trip for school – the fishing trip will be held on May 22nd. They would like to give
each youth a Fishing Pole, Tackle Box and a Life Jacket. A Motion was made by Mitzie
Reis and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $500.00 to the program. Carried. Mike
will also be at our May meeting with a video to show us.
A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the
Secretary’s Minutes. Carried.
No Treasurer’s Report.
The Meat Raffle will start again on April 12th. To try and get more people to attend we
will increase the meat packages from $10.00 to $12.00.
Hans Woelfle will order new Club Pins. They will be for sale to Club Members for
$4.00. We should have the new pins in 3-4 Weeks.
A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis to purchase two
Bricks @ $100.00/each from the Wahkon Wave (Wahkon Area Vision Effusion)
Committee for the Wahkon Veteran’s Park. Carried.
Governor’s Dinner is April 9th. Social hour will begin at 5:30 with dinner at 6:30 and
meeting to start at 7:00 pm. Cost of meal will be $12.00.
The tree’s that are to be planted at the school have been ordered. If everything goes
as planned they will be planted on April 27th, we need Lion members to help, please
talk to President Maria if you are available.
We have received a letter from Sarah Virnig who is a Biology/Pre Health Major at the
University of North Dakota who has volunteered to spend 2 weeks at a rural clinic in
Peru, bringing much needed medical help and assistance. She will be going with the
Good Samaritan Missions. A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Maria
Greenwaldt to donate a $100.00 to Sarah. Carried.
A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate
$100.00 each to Gary Dalton and Dan Leitner for Medical Expenses. Carried.
A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Clark Sahlstrom to accept the
following slate of Officers:
President: Dan Leitner
1st Vice President: Hans Woelfle
2nd Vice President: Linda Orazem
3rd Vice President: Dawn Christensen
Treasurer: Marlene Moss
Secretary: Susan Haggberg
2 Year Board of Directors: Mike Conner and Shari Woelfle
1 Year Board of Directors: Mitzie Reis and Kathy Chlebecek
Tail Twister/Lion Tamer: Carolyn Remer
A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn.
March 12, 2012
Meeting was called to order by President Maria Greenwaldt.
The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.
Invocation was given by Hugh Johnson.
New Member Marv Heitala was inducted into our club – he has transferred from the Duluth Spirit Valley Lions Club.  His sponsor is Marlene Moss.
A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.
A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Pat Hicks to approve the Treasurer’s report.  Carried.
A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Gary Hicks to approve the Gambling Report.  Carried.
A Motion was made by Virgil Lindholm and seconded by Bubbles Haggberg to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.
No Meat Raffles during the month of March.
Was some discussion on the number of pull tab games being played.
The Easter Egg Hunt will be held on March 31st.  Kristin Cooper is in charges of.
Governor’s Dinner is set for our April Meeting – April 9th.   Social hour will begin at 5:30 pm.  We will also invite the WISH Lions.
President Maria Greenwaldt has talked to Mike Conners about the 4th graders planting trees at the school and he has said all 40 trees could be planted around the school.
The Community Supper will be held on March 22, 2012 from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm.  All money will go the the local food shelf.
A Motion was made by Hugh Johnson and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.  Carried.
March 12, 2012
Meeting was called to order by President Maria Greenwaldt.
The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.
Invocation was given by Hugh Johnson.
New Member Marv Heitala was inducted into our club – he has transferred from the Duluth Spirit Valley Lions Club.  His sponsor is Marlene Moss.
A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.
A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Pat Hicks to approve the Treasurer’s report.  Carried.
A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Gary Hicks to approve the Gambling Report.  Carried.
A Motion was made by Virgil Lindholm and seconded by Bubbles Haggberg to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.
No Meat Raffles during the month of March.
Was some discussion on the number of pull tab games being played.
The Easter Egg Hunt will be held on March 31st.  Kristin Cooper is in charges of.
Governor’s Dinner is set for our April Meeting – April 9th.   Social hour will begin at 5:30 pm.  We will also invite the WISH Lions.
President Maria Greenwaldt has talked to Mike Conners about the 4th graders planting trees at the school and he has said all 40 trees could be planted around the school.
The Community Supper will be held on March 22, 2012 from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm.  All money will go the the local food shelf.
A Motion was made by Hugh Johnson and seconded by Carolyn Remer to Adjourn.  Carried.


February 27, 2012

Meeting was called to order by President Maria Greenwaldt.

11 Members Present:  Maria Greenwaldt, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Dan Leitner, Susan Haggberg, Marlene Moss, Clark Sahlstrom, Kristin Cooper, Vern Greenwaldt, Carolyn Remer and Kathy Chlebecek.

We had one Guest – Michelle Sawatzky for the Isle After Prom Party.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Marlene Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

No Treasurer’s Report.

Our Gambling License at the Isle Municipal has been renewed

The Board has decided not to have any Meat Raffles for the month of March.  A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve.  Carried.

We need to cut expenses for the Pull Tab Booth.  Because the Pull Tab Machine is working out so well, Gambling Manager Clark Sahlstrom recommends that we close the Pull Tab Booth both Sunday and Monday.  This would cut out one pull tab seller.  A Motion was made by Hans Woelfe and seconded by Dan Leitner to approve.  Carried.

Since the Muni has been doing the Meat Raffles they have brought in $550.00.    A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $385.00 (70% of net profit - the remaining 30% will be for taxes, insurance, etc.) to them with the understanding that they do not do anymore Meat Raffles under our license.  Carried.

Received several Thank you’s from the Parade of Green at the Mid-Winter Convention:

            Vision Foundation

            Lions Diabetes of Minnesota

            Children’s Hearing Center

Minnesota Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center – we took down around 100 pairs.  They collected over 200,000 pairs.

Since 2007 more than 279,000 fourth graders, all across America have rolled up their sleeves and planted a tree.  They have become members of the Fourth Grade Foresters USA Project.  This is done in conjunction with Arbor Day.  The cost of a tree is $1.59 plus shipping.  Since it is International President Lion Tam’s goal to plant a million trees this year and with District Governor Sandy’s contest to see which club could plant the most trees a Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to look into this program more.  Carried.  President Maria Greenwaldt will check with the school to see if they are interested.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $500.00 to the After Prom Party.  The amount will be split between the Gambling Account and the General Project Fund.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Kristin Cooper to donate $200.00 to the school for a Playschool Pool Table to be used in the ASE Program.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Vern Greenwaldt and seconded by Dan Leitner to donate $100.00 to Lindsey Lahr as she has been invited by the MN Girls Basketball Association to participate in the 2012 All Star Series - a two day Basketball Tournament to take place in April.  Carried.

The IREC Fitness Center has asked for a Donation for a Cross Trainer for the Senior Members.  A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Marlene Moss to table for a month.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Maria Greenwaldt and seconded by Dan Leitner to spend up to $500.00 on the Easter Egg Hunt.  This would include Candy for Easter Eggs and Bikes for the Prizes.  Carried.

Hans Woelfle will look into having a new Membership pin made up for our Club.  Our members could then use these pins to trade or give away to other Clubs.  Prices would be:  100 pins - $2.95/each and 200 pins $2.10/each.  This includes shipping.

A Motion was made by Kristin Cooper and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn.  Carried.



February 13, 2012

Meeting was called to order by President Maria Greenwaldt.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

President Maria Greenwaldt gave a small presentation on Identity Theft from information she had gotten from the Mid-Winter Convention.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Martha Sahlstrom and seconded by Clark Sahlstrom to approve the Treasurer’s report.  Carried.

We served 86 meals at the Spaghetti Dinner on February 6th.    After expenses we made $322.82.  Down a little bit from last year.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the December and January Gambling Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

            Feb. 23rd :  Hans Woelfle and Mitzie Reis

There has been some talk about not being able to sell pull tabs at the Isle Municipal any longer.  The City of Isle has requested a copy of our Gambling Report.  Gambling Manager Clark Sahsltrom will take a copy of it into the City Office.  A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Clark Sahlstrom to give the Board of Directors the right to make a decision on whether we continue selling pull tabs or not.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Marlene Moss to have President Maria Greenwaldt deliver a letter to Isle Mayor Rod Schultz at the City Office requesting him to attend our next Board Meeting.  Carried.

We have the Brat Stand at Teal’s Market June 8th and June 9th.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to also hold a Brat Stand at McQuoid’s Inn during the Cabela’s Fishing Tournament on June 2nd.  Carried.

Anyone who is going to be on the Board of Director’s can attend an Officers Training.  They will be held on the following dates from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm:

            April 10th:  Rocori High School, Cold Springs

            April 17th:  Pierz High School, Pierz

            April 24th:  East Central High School, Finlayson

            May 2nd:  Staples/Motley High School, Staples

President Maria Greenwaldt spoke to us about the Mid-Winter Convention.  The Parade of Green bought in $140,000 to $145,000 between 59 clubs.  Also have a project called “USA Project”, which involves the 4th graders planting trees in conjunction with Arbor Day.

Governor’s Dinner is set for our April Meeting – April 9th.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the transfer membership for Marvin Hietala.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Doc Moss to Adjourn.  Carried.



January 23, 2012

Meeting was called to order by President Mariasmiley Greenwaldt.

9 Members Present:  Maria Greenwaldt, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Dan Leitner, Susan Haggberg, Marlene Moss, Clark Sahlstrom, Kristin Cooper, and Vern Greenwaldt.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Dan Leitner to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

No Treasurer’s Report.

Gambling Manager Clark Sahlstrom has received a check for $10,000.00 from the Insurance Company from the robbery.   All pull-tabs are operating normally again.  Machine is up and working also.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Hans Woelfle to pay Rae Ann Larson $40.00/week to help Clark keep track of the pull tab machine.  Carried.

President Maria Greenwaldt will send a letter to the Isle Mayor asking him to attend our February Board Meeting so we may discuss the donation of meat raffle profits going towards the playground equipment at the City Park.

Dues for Allied Charities in the amount of $250.00 are due.  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Dan Leinter to pay them.  Carried.

Santa’s Secret Shop is set for Saturday, December 8th, 2012.

Maria Greenwaldt will check with Teal’s Market for signing up for a Brat Stand.

Meat Raffle for February 9th:  Kristin Cooper and Carrie Gross

We have received a transfer application from Marvin Hietala.  He is currently a member of the Duluth Spirit Valley Lions and would like to transfer to our club.  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Maria Greenwaldt to approve his membership.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Clark Sahlstrom to adjourn.  Carried.



January 9, 2012

Meeting was called to order by President Maria Greenwaldt.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

President Maria Greenwaldt gave a presentation on Hands Only CPR.  Very interesting!

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Gary Hicks to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Gary Hicks to approve the Treasurer’s report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Dan Leitner to approve the Gambling Report as is.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Dan Leitner to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

            Jan 12th :  Carrie Gross and Kristin Cooper

            Jan 26th :  Dan Leitner and Hans Woelfe

There are five (5) people attending the 5M8 Mid-Winter Convention.   Vern & Maria Greenwaldt, Doc & Marlene Moss and Dan Leitner.  The Club will pay for the meals and Convention registration.

The Spaghetti Feed will be held on February 6th from 4:30-6:30.  Anyone who would like to help please contact Dawn Christensen.  Girl Scouts will also be there to help.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Doc Moss to donate $2,000.00 to the Mille Lacs Health Foundation for a new ALS (Advanced Life Support) Transfer Ambulance.  Carried

A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Hans Woelfe to donate $2000.00 for the Parade of Green at the 5M-8 Mid-Winter Convention.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Doc Moss to Adjourn.  Carried.



December 26, 2011

Meeting was called to order by President Maria Greenwaldt.

9 Members Present:  Maria Greenwaldt, Dan Leitner, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen,  Susan Haggberg, Kathy Chlebecek, Vern Greenwaldt, Carolyn  Remer and Mitzie Reis.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s minutes.  Carried.

Had a discussion on the Meat Raffle run by the Isle Muni on Sunday’s and every other Thursday, they are advertising that the proceeds will go to the park.  We do not think these proceeds should go to the park since we have already pledged $3,000.00.  We will have Clark Sahlstrom talk to them.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Kathy Chlebecek to have the following signers:  Clark Sahlstrom, Charles Haggberg and Maria Greenwaldt  on the CD Account at the Greater MN Credit Union.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Vern Greenwaldt and seconded by Mitzie Reis to have the following signers:  Maria Greenwaldt, Marlene Moss and Hans Woelfle on the Project CD Account at the Greater MN Credit Union.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Mitzie Reis to remove Chuck Nikolai from the Credit Union Account.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Vern Greenwaldt and seconded by Carolyn Remer to table the discussion on a request for the club to purchase a hearing aid.  Carried.

 We received a letter from the Mille Lacs Health System stating that they have started fundraising for a new transfer ambulance, which will cost $100,000.  They have raised $20,000 so far.  A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Dan Leitner to table the discussion on making a donation until the next meeting.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Dan Leitner to adjourn.  Carried.



December 12, 2011

Meeting was called to order by President Maria Greenwaldt.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

We had 5 Guests at our Christmas Dinner.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Clark Sahlstrom to approve the Treasurer’s report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Jean Leitner to approve the October and November Gambling Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Gary Hicks to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

            Dec. 22nd:  Linda Orazem & Kathy Chlebecek

Clark & Martha Sahlstrom need help January 1, 2012 to do inventory on the Pull Tabs.  Doc and Marlene Moss volunteered.

Hans Woelfle and Clark Sahlstrom met with the CPA on having him do the Gambling Report electronically – but after talking to him we have decided that we will continue doing it ourselves.

The company we are getting the pull tab machine from will be here on December 29th  to help us set it up.

After the robbery the Gambling Board has recommended that we cut back on the number of games we have, so that we can reduce the amount of cash we have to keep on hand.

Ron and Karen Brown have resigned.  We will need another caller. Carolyn Remer has volunteered to call.

Steve Reis from the Isle Chamber of Commerce thanked the Lions Club for our participation in “Christmas in the Park” on December 10th.

Maria still has some Brats and Hotdogs from this summer that we never used.  If anyone would like to buy some, please let her know.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Doc Moss to Adjourn.  Carried.


December 12, 2011

Meeting was called to order by President Maria Greenwaldt.

10 Members Present:   Maria Greenwaldt, Dan Leitner, Hans Woelfle, Marelene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Kristin Cooper, Clark Sahlstrom, Dawn Christensen, Vern Greenwaldt and Mitzie Reis.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Marlene Moss to spend up to $200.00 on the Hall Decorating contest at Nyquist Elementary.  Carried. 

The winning class gets a Movie from Popcorn Video and a $10.00 Gift Certificate from Teal’s Market for snacks so they can have a Movie Day.  The other classes get an ice cream treat from Teal’s Market for participating.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $100.00 to Jeff Lee for medical expenses.  Carried.

Our Pull Tab machine will be here December 29th.  The cost will be $100.00 a month rental fee with a $95.00 maintenance fee.  However, in the future if we wish to purchase a machine $70.00 of the rental fee will go towards the purchase price.  Or we may return the machine anytime we want.  A  Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve this.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Dan Leitner to approve the rent increase to 8% at the Isle Muni.  Carried.  Because the bartenders will have to pay the winners from the pull tab machine the rent increase will help offset their time.

The City has been doing the Meat Raffle on Sundays, which are doing okay.  We have switched to every other week on Thursdays, so they would also like to do them on the Thursdays that we do not hold one.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Dan Leitner to donate a $100.00 the the Michael Caley Family in Mora.  He was the Zone Chairman who died in a fire.  Carried.

A Motion to Adjourn was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer.  Carried.



November 28, 2011

Meeting was called to order by President Maria Greenwaldt.

9 Members Present:   Maria Greenwaldt, Hans Woelfle, Marelene Moss, Susan Haggberg, Kristin Cooper, Clark Sahlstrom, Dawn Christensen, Kathy Chlebecek and Vern Greenwaldt.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to accept the Secretary’s report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfe and seconded by Kathy Chlebecek to accept the Treasurer’s report.  Carried. 

We made $1,429.54 on the Haunted Hangar.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to accept the Gambling report.  Carried.

A new safe has been installed at the Isle Liquor Store.  Cost of the safe was $200.00 and $100.00 to have it installed.

Clark Sahlstrom attended the AMC Convention. (Allied Charities of Minnesota who serves charitable gambling organizations throughout Minnesota.)  Learned a lot – however changes are coming.  The first one is next year all reports have to be done electronically.  Clark and Hans Woelfe will meet with the accountant first week in December.  The accountant will file the reports – cost will be $350.00 to $400.00 a month.

We will be renting a Pull Tab machine starting in January 2012, it will hold three games.  The cost will be $100.00 a month plus a maintenance fee.   $70.00 will go towards the purchase of a machine if we wish to do this in the future.

Sunday Meat Raffle – everything is going okay, but down to 5 rounds.  Rent will increase to 8% on the 1st of January.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Clark Sahlstrom to donate $100.00 towards the purchase of a defribillator for the Golf Course.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Maria Greenwaldt and seconded by Clark Sahlstrom to order the chocolate Easter Bunnies from Teal’s Market for the Easter Egg Hunt.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Maria Greenwaldt to donate $100.00 for Medical Expense to Ray Adickes.  Carried.

The 5M-8 Mid-Winter Convention will be held on February 3, 4 & 5, 2012 at the Kelly Inn in St. Cloud.  We are entitled to 5 delegates at this year’s convention.  So anyone that would like to go please let President Maria know.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Vern Greenwaldt to adjourn.  Carried.



November 14, 2011

Meeting was called to order by President Maria Greenwaldt.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Leta Christensen to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Pat Hicks to approve the Treasurer’s report.  Carried.

No Gambling Report due to robbery.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Gary Hicks to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:           

            Nov. 17th:  Mitzie Reis & Charles Haggberg

            Dec 8th:  Mitzie Reis & Hans Woelfle

            Dec. 22nd:  Linda Orazem & Kathy Chlebecek

Keith Severson has turned in his resignation letter.

Kristin Cooper gave a report on the Haunted Hangar.  They had a very successful year, for the three nights it was open they bought in $1,925.00.  It took a total of 38 people and 386 hours to put this event on.  Everything has been packed up and put in the storage shed.

Was some discussion on purchasing a defribillator for the Golf Course out of the Project Fund.  Discussion was tabled until the next board meeting.

Maria will send out Thank you’s to all non-lions who helped at the Haunted Hangar.

Mitzie Reis, Hans Woelfe, Doc & Marlene Moss will take care of the Brat Stand at “Christmas in the Park” on December 10th.

Santa’s Secret Shop will be held on Saturday, December 3rd from 8:30 am to 11:00 am.  A sign-up sheet was passed around.  A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to spend up to $300.00 on gift bags to pass out to the kids.

A reminder for the Toys for Tots on Sunday, December 18th, volunteers should be at the school around 12:30 pm.  Setup will be on Saturday, December 17th starting at 4:00 pm.

Our Christmas Party will be held on our meeting night – December 12th however the meeting will start at 6:00 pm with Dinner at 6:30 pm.  Cost of Dinner will be $12.00.  Each member is to bring a $5.00 gift for the dice game.

If anyone knows of someone who should have a get well card sent to them please let Leta Christensen know.

A Motion was made by Doc  Moss and seconded by Pat Sandin to Adjourn.  Carried.



October 24, 2011


Meeting was called to order by President Maria Greenwaldt.

10 Members Present:  Maria Greenwaldt, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen,  Marelene Moss, Clark Sahlstrom, Susan Haggberg, Kristin Cooper, Vern Greenwaldt, and Mitzie Reis.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s minutes.  Carried.

No Treasurer’s Report.

We are waiting for a Police Report and then we will receive the $10,000.00 from the Insurance Company, we will have to take a $1,342.00 loss plus the cost of a new safe.  A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Gambling Report.  Carried.

Received a donation request from Tracy Niesen – he has Stage 4 MS and is going to go to “The Stem Cell Institute” in Panama City, Panama for a Stem Cell Transplant.  A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $100.00 to Tracy Niesen for medical expenses.  Carried. 


Haunted Hanger – Everything is ready to go.  Dawn Christensen has talked to the shop class in school and they will help take things down after Halloween.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate six (6) tickets to the Haunted Hanger for the Husky High Five Program.  Carried.


We are back to 12 spins for the Meat Raffle.  If people would be interested in doing one more spin we talked about having a $20.00 cash prize for the 13th spin. 


A Lions member has asked if the Lions Club would want to purchase a defribillator for the Golf Course, however it was noted that  the Lions cannot legally donate to a for profit business.


 Our club qualified for the Distrist Governor’s President Contest for 2010-2011.  We received a $50.00 check at the Mini Forum.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Maria Greenwaldt to adjourn.  Carried.


October 10, 2011

Meeting was called to order by 1st Vice-President Dan Leitner.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Keith Severson to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Bob Crace and seconded by Marilyn Exsted approve the Treasurer’s report.  Carried.

Doc Moss gave the Gambling Report.  A Motion was made by Keith Severson and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Gambling Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Keith Severson and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

            Oct. 13th:  Hans Woelfle & Mitzie Reis

            Oct. 20th:  Keith Severson &

            Oct. 27th:  Dan Leitner &

Nov. 3rd:   Kristin Cooper & Carrie Gross

Nov. 10th:  Hans Woelfle & Mitzie Reis


Kristin Cooper gave a report on the Haunted Hanger.


The District Governor’s Dinner is set for April 9, 2012 at Buzzies.  We will ask the WISH Lions if they would like to join us.

Meat Raffle at the Isle Muni was changed back to 5:30 p.m.


Isle Area Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a “Christmas in the Park” which will be held at the Isle City Park on Saturday, December 10th.  Activities for the day will include a Cookie contest, Sleigh rides from Conrad Thomsen and a Hayride with Wally Tramm.  Drift Skippers will also have Vintage snowmobiles there.  They will light the Christmas tree at dark.


A Motion was made by Bob Crace and seconded by Mitzie Reis to have the Lions sell Brats at the Park from 1:00 to 4:00 pm.  Carried.


There was a break in at Isle Liquor Store.  The Lions safe was stolen with $11,000.00 in it.  We have insurance and have met all the Gambling Boards requirements so we will not have a loss.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to change the donation of $100.00 to Jeff Searles for Medical Expenses to a $100.00 donation in Jeff’s name to the Nquist Schloarship.


The 2012 District 5M-8 Mid-Winter Convention will be held at the Kelly Inn in St. Cloud on February 3rd, 4th and 5th.


A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Doc Moss to Adjourn.  Carried.



September 26, 2011

Meeting was called to order by President Maria Greenwaldt.

11 Members Present:  Maria Greenwaldt, Dan Leitner, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen,  Marlene Moss, Clark Sahlstrom, Susan Haggberg, Kristin Cooper, Vern Greenwaldt, Carolyn  Remer and Mitzie Reis.

We had 3 Guests:  Martha Dalton, Wendy Reamer and Margie Christensen.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Kristin Cooper to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Gambling Report.  Carried.

Martha Dalton came and talked to us about the Toys for Tots program.  It will be held at the IREC gym on Sunday, December 18th from 1:00 – 4:00 pm, with set up at 1:00 pm on Saturday, December 17th.  They are in need of toys, volunteers and sponsors.  Last year they had 800 kids participate, they are expecting more this year.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $200.00 to the Toys for Tots.  Carried.

Wendy Reamer and Margie Christensen came representing the Isle Muni to talk to us about the Meat Raffle.  We have agreed to change the time from 5:30 to 6:00 pm and will increase the number of spins from 12 to 15.  We also agreed to let them talk to Cheryl Miller about her doing the Meat Raffle on Sunday; Clark will still take care of the paper work.  As of January 1, 2012 the rent will increase from 6% to 8%.

We also agreed to install a Pull Tab machine, so people can still purchase pull tabs when no one is working in the booth.  Clark will check at the training session in November on the cost for leasing for three months.  This way we can see how it will go.

A Motion was made by Maria Greenwaldt and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $200.00 to the Husky High Five Program.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Dan Leitner to approve up to $600.00 for Haunted Hanger supplies.  Carried.

The Haunted Hanger will be held on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th from 7:00 to 9:00 pm and on Monday 31st from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.  Cost will be:  under 12 years old $3.00 and over 13 years old $5.00. Second time through will be $1.00.  They will also receive a $1.00 off if they donate a canned good.

The wall and shelves are up in the storage shed at the school.  We need to thank Randy Christensen for all his hard work.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $200.00 to each of the five Isle Girl Scout troops.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $200.00  to Friendship Ventures – Camp New Hope in McGregor.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $100.00 each for medical expenses to:  Gary Hicks, Jeremiah Lapinski, Conrad Thomsen and Jeff Searles.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Dan Leitner to donate $3,000.00 for playground equipment for the Isle City Park.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Dan Lietner and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn.  Carried.


September 12, 2011

Meeting was called to order by President Maria Greenwaldt.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Marilyn Exsted and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

No Treasurer’s Report.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Judy Crace to approve the Gambling Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Marilyn Exsted and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

            Sept. 15th:  Kristin Cooper & Carrie Gross

            Sept. 22nd:  Bob & Judy Crace

            Sept. 29th:  Hans Woelfle & Mitzie Reis

Oct. 6th:   Dan Leitner & Klaus Rapp

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Shari Woelfle for Clark Sahlstrom to spend up to $1000.00 to attend the Allied Charities Training in St. Cloud.  Carried.

Received two Thank You’s – Leader Dog for the Blind and the Isle Days Committee.

A sign-up sheet was passed around for the Golf Tournament on Sauturday, September 18th.

Calendars are for sale - $5.00 each.

Storage shed at the school is still under discussion.

District Zone Meeting was held in Little Falls on August 30th.  President Maria Greenwaldt and Secretary Susan Haggberg attended.  District Governor Sandy was also there, she has a contest going to see which club in our District can plant the most trees from June 2011-July 2012.  The winning club will received $50.00.  Any club member can attend a Zone Meeting.  Next one is scheduled for November 15th hosted by the Richardson Lions.

The 5M8 Mini Forum will be held on October 11, 2011 at Henry’s in Foley.  Cost is $13.00 per person.  Speaker will be on the Lions Leo Program and Project New Hope.

The 2012 District 5M-8 Mid-Winter Convention will be held at the Kelly Inn in St. Cloud on February 3rd, 4th and 5th. 

The 2012 MD5M Convention will be held at Grand Casino in Hinckley on April 27th, 28th and 29th.  It will be hosted by the Princeton Lions Club.

 Lions International will be 100 years old in 2017.  In recognition of the 100th Anniversary, LCI is leading efforts to mint 400,000 silver dollars.    They need Lions from across the United States to contact their federal lawmakers and ask them to co-sponsor the “Lions Clubs International Century of Service Commemorative Coin Act.”

If the legislation is passed and signed into law, LCI commemorative coins can be purchased from January through December 2017.


White Cane Walk for the Blind will be held in Faribault on October 14th.


Haunted Hanger will be held October 28th, 29th and 31st.  Will need lots of help to set-up and take down.  Cost will be $3.00 for 12 and under and $6.00 for 13 and up, with a donation of a canned good they will receive a $1.00 off.


President Maria Greenwaldt inducted Priscilla Rapp who is sponsored by Lion Judy Crace.


Margie Christensen has asked the Lions to donate money for the playground at the City Park.  She estimates the cost to be around $12,000 to $13,000.  Clark Sahlstrom will go back and check, he thinks we may have pledged $2000 to $3000 a couple of years ago and never used it.


A Motion was made by Kristin Cooper and seconded by Klaus Rapp to Adjourn.  Carried.

BOARD MEETING August 22, 2011

Meeting was called to order by President Maria Greenwaldt.

7 Members Present:  Maria Greenwaldt, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen,  Kristin Cooper, Vern Greenwaldt, Carolyn  Remer and Mitzie Reis.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Secretary’s minutes.  Carried.

No Treasurer’s Report.

No Gambling Report.

Dawn Christensen gave a report on Wahkon Days – rain cancelled the parade.

Dolores Haggberg gave a report on the Corn Feed – everything is ready to go.  Dan Strecker will donate the garbage pickup.  We will also sell Birthday Calendars at the Corn Feed.

Zone Meeting will be held at Little falls on August 30th.  Maria Greenwaldt and Susan Haggberg will attend.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $100.00 to Kristin Cooper for Ashlyn for medical expenses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Kristin Cooper to purchase a roll of fringe for the float.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn.  Carried.

 Minutes of the GENERAL MEETING

August 8, 2011

Meeting was called to order by President Marie Greenwaldt.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

We had 2 Guests.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Dan Leitner to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Leta Christensen to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Bob Crace and seconded by Marilyn Exsted to approve the Gambling Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Ruth Johnson to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:     

            Aug. 11th:  Kristin Cooper & Carrie Gross

            Aug. 18th:  Mitzie Reis & Linda Orazem

            Aug. 25th:  Hans Woelfle & Dan Leitner

            Sept. 1st:   Dan Leitner & Klaus Rapp

            Sept. 8th:   Gerald & Ruth Johnson

Dolores gave an update on the Corn Feed.  The Roeschlein family has let her know that the corn will be ready by August 26th.  She will put posters up around town and has contacted City Hall to let them know we will be using the City Park.  A sign-up sheet was passed around.  Each member is asked to bring 2 pies for the Pie Sale.  Maria Greenwaldt has talked to Hunter Winfield’s about parking.  Hardware Hank will supply the propane.

Calendars should be ready by the Corn Feed so we can try and sell them there.  The cost will be $5.00/each.

Dawn Christensen reminded everyone of the time they need to work at the Wahkon Brat Stand. There are still openings during the evening.

Ruth Johnson gave an update on the Bloodmobile.  Had 70 people signed up, had 11 no shows and 61 units were given.

Dawn Christensen gave an update on the storage space at the school.  She has talked to Mike Conners who gave the okay to build the wall.  Randy Christensen has volunteered to build the wall, however he will need volunteers to help him.

A Motion was made by Martha Sahlstrom and seconded by Dan Leitner to Adjourn.  Carried.



July 25, 2011

Meeting was called to order by President Maria Greenwaldt.

11 Members Present:  Maria Greenwaldt, Dan Leitner, Hans Woelfle, Dawn Christensen, Susan Haggberg, Marlene Moss, Carolyn Remer, Clark Sahlstrom, Kristin Cooper, Vern Greenwaldt and Kathy Chlebeck.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s minutes.  Carried.

Marlene Moss gave us an update on the Brat Stand during Isle Days – we were down about 100 tickets from last year.  Our profit was $1,221.60.  A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Kathy Chlebecek to accept this report.  Carried.

No Gambling Report.  However, the Audit is done and everything looks good.

We received a thank you from Debi Miller thanking us for our help with the Brat Stand at Teal’s Market for the MS Walk.  She netted $1,300.00.

We are in need of more volunteers for the Wahkon Brat Stand.  If you have not signed up to work yet talk to Dawn Christensen.

We are still in need of storage space for the Haunted Hanger supplies.  The storage shed at the school is full of the schools stuff, to help separate the space a Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Clark Sahlstrom to spend up to $500.00 to build a wall to separate the schools side from the Lions side.  Carried.  Dawn Christensen will talk to Mike Conners at the school.

The Corn Feed has been tentatively set for August 26th.  Dawn Christensen will bring a sign-up sheet to the General Meeting.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Kathy Chlebecek for a donation of $100.00 for Medical Expenses to Josie Hardy.  Carried.

Maria Greenwaldt will change the name of the Project Fund Account at the Greater Minnesota Credit Union to Isle Lions Club, P O Box 747, Isle MN.  Right now it still have Chuck Nickolai’s name on it.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss to purchase a package of 10 Eyeglass Boxes to put around town to collect used eyeglasses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Hans Woelfle to adjourn.  Carried.



July 11, 2011

Meeting was called to order by President Maria Greenwaldt.

8 Members Present:  Maria Greenwaldt, Dawn Christensen, Susan Haggberg, Carolyn Remer, Clark Sahlstrom, Vern Greenwaldt, Dan Leitner, and Mitzie Reis.

A Motion was made by Dawn Christensen and seconded by Mitzie Reis to donate $200.00 to the Milaca Marching Band for Isle Days.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Dan Leitner for Medical Expenses for $100.00 to be made to Phyllis Ketchmark.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Dan Leitner to donate $500.00 to the Raiders Cross Country Team for Girls grade 7-12 to attend a 3 day overnight trip to Camp Courage in Maple Lake.    They will do team cleaning and building. Carried.

A Motion as made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Carolyn Remer to pay an additional $135.00 for the Little Miss expenses.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Maria Greenwaldt and seconded by Carolyn Remer to authorize a change of signatures on the Bank account for the Gambling Account.  The following people will be authorized to sign the checks and perform banking functions for the Isle Lions Gambling Account for the 2011-2012 year:  Clark Sahlstrom, Phyllis Ketchmark, Charles Haggberg and Maria Greenwaldt.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Carolyn Remer for Medical Expenses for $100.00 to be made to Lloyd Lundquist.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Dan Leitner to adjourn.  Carried


July 11, 2011

Meeting was called to order by President Maria Greenwaldt.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

A Motion was made by Martha Sahlstrom and seconded by Jean Leitner to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Ruth Johnson and seconded by Marilyn Exsted to approve the Treasurer’s Report given by Susan Haggberg.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hugh Johnson and seconded by Bill Bjorklund to approve the Gambling Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.

Meat Raffle Workers:

            July 14th:    Bob and Judy Crace

            July21st:     Dan Leitner and Mitzie Reis

            July 28th:   Ruth and Gerald Johnson

            Aug. 4th:     Mitzie Reis and Hans Woelfle

We received a Thank you from Brent Lindgren for our donation to the “Hooked on Fishing not on Drugs” Program.

Mitzie Reis, Leta Christensen, Ruth and Gerald Johnson have volunteered to help Dawn Christensen with the Wahkon parade.

Brat Stand for Wahkon Days will be open on Saturday, August 20th from 12:30 pm to 11:00 pm.  A sign up sheet was passed around, if you missed it talk to Dawn Christensen.’

A Motion was made by Marilyn Exsted and seconded by Dan Leitner to approve the donation of $1,500.00  to help sponsor the Donkey Races during Isle Days.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Leta Christensen to approve the Membership for Klaus and Priscilla Klaus.  Carried.

Klaus Rapp was inducted into the Isle Lions Club– his sponsor is Bob Crace.

Leta Christensen has volunteered to take over Judy Koetke job of sending cards out for the club, so if you know anyone who is ill or sick please let Leta know.

Linda Orazem has volunteered to help Leta Christensen and the Junior Royalty at the Nursing Home Birthday Party.

A Motion to Adjourn was made by Hugh Johnson and seconded by Mike Conner.  Carried.



June 27, 2011

Meeting was called to order by President Maria Greenwaldt.

10 Members Present:  Maria Greenwaldt, Hans Woelfle, Susan Haggberg, Marlene Moss, Carolyn Remer, Clark Sahlstrom, Kristin Cooper, Vern Greenwaldt, Mitzie Reis and Kathy Chlebeck.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s minutes.  Carried.

No Treasurer’s Report.

No Gambling Report.

Received thank you’s from Minnesota Lions Eye Bank for our donation and also from Fran Adickes.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to let Mitzie Reis check on prices to purchase a digital camera for the club.  Carried.

Hans Woelfe will take care of the food license for Isle Days.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $1,500.00 to Isle Days to help sponsor the Donkey Races.  Carried.

Mitizie Reis made a Motion seconded by Hans Woelfle that the Board of Directors recommends that the club approve the Membership for Priscilla and Klaus Rapp.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Carolyn Remer and seconded by Mitzie Reis for Medical Expenses for $100.00 be made to Dorothy Haggberg.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn.  Carried.



Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.
The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.
Invocation was given by Hugh Johnson.
We had 2 Guests – Priscilla & Klaus Rapp 
A Motion was made by Jean Leitner and seconded by Harvey Exsted to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.
A Motion was made by Bill Bjorklund and seconded by Leta Christensen to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.
A Motion was made by Hugh Johnson and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Gambling Report.  Carried.
A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.
Meat Raffle Workers:
June 16th:  Bob & Judy Crace
June 23rd:   Kristin Cooper and Carrie Gross
June 30th:  Gerald & Ruth Johnson
July 7th:     Bill Bjorklund & Karen Brown
We received a Thank you from District Governor Amy Leidenfrost thanking us for dinner and our donation to the Hearing Foundation.
Several sign up sheets were passed around:  Bloodmobile which will be held on July 20th, MS Brat Stand with Debi Miller on July 1st and 2nd and the Lions Brat Stand on July 8th, 9th and 10th.  If you did not sign up please call Marlene and pick a time – she has several open yet.
Donation sheets were passed around for the Isle/Onamia Golf Tournament which will be held on Saturday, September 17th.  If you did not take a sheet contact Dan Leitner, he had lots left at the end of the meeting.
President Dawn Christensen inducted our new slate of Officers for 2011 – 2012:
President – Maria Greenwaldt
1st Vice President – Dan Leitner
2nd Vice President – Hans Woelfle
3rd Vice President –
Secretary – Susan Haggberg
Treasurer – Marlene Moss
Lion Tamer and Tail Twister – Carolyn Remer
Board Director 2 Year – Kathy Chlebecek and Mitie Reis
Board Director 1 Year – Kristin Cooper and Vern Greenwaldt
A Motion was made by Bill Bjorklund and seconded by Gary Hicks to Adjourn.  Carried


June 13, 2011

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

9 Members Present:  Dawn Christensen, Maria Greenwaldt, Susan Haggberg, Marlene Moss, Carolyn Remer, Clark Sahlstrom, Vern Greenwaldt, Bob Crace and Conrad Thomsen

A Motion was made by Dan Leinter and seconded by Bob Crace to make a donation to the following:

            $1,000.00 to the Nyquist Scholarship

            $2,500.00 to the Skating Rink

            $300.00 to the Mille Lacs Fun Run

These donations were made to keep us in the 30% for contributions.

A Motion was made by Maria Greenwaldt and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn.  Carried.


BOARD MEETING May 23, 2011

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

10 Members Present:  Dawn Christensen, Maria Greenwaldt, Dan Leitner, Hans Woelfle, Susan Haggberg, Marlene Moss, Kristin Cooper, Vern Greenwaldt, Mike Conners and Mitzie Reis.

A Motion was made by Maria Greenwaldt and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s minutes.  Carried.

 No Treasurer’s Report.

 No Gambling Report.

 A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Marlene Moss to spend up to $600.00 on the Little Miss Isle and Commodore Pageant.   Carried

 A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Maria Greenwaldt to spend up to $450.00 on the Kiddie Parade.  Carried

 A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to spend up to $100.00 for the Nursing Home Birthday Party in July.  Carried.

 A Motion was made by Mike Conners and seconded by Vern Greenwaldt to adjourn.  Carried. 



May 9, 2011 General meeting



Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.


The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.


Invocation was given by Hugh Johnson.


We had 2 Guests – Lions District Governor Amy Leidenfrost and her husband Frank.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s Minutes. Carried.


A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Leta Christensen to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Carried.


A Motion was made by Bill Bjorklund and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Gambling Report. Carried.


A Motion was made by Bill Bjorklund and seconded by Doc Moss to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund. Carried.


Meat Raffle Workers:


May 12th: Hans & Sheri Woelfle

May 19th: Hans Woelfle & Mitzie Reis

May 26th: Kristin Cooper & Carrie Gross

June 2nd: Hans Woelfle & Mitize Reis

June 9th: Kristin Cooper & Carrie Gross


Governor Amy Inducted our three new members:


Gary & Pat Hicks sponsored by Marilyn Exsted and

Linda Orazem sponsored by Mitzie Reis

Received a Thank you from the Isle Area Chamber of Commerce for the 2) Banners we donated.


Ditch Clean-up will be held on May 18th or in case of rain May 19th. Meet at the State Garage at 5:00 pm.


Ruth Johnson, Chairperson for the Bloodmobile in Isle spoke to us about the up-coming Bloodmobile which will be held sometime in the 3rd week in July. She will have a sign-up sheet at the next meeting. The only expense is the Drinks and Cookies for people after donating blood, everything else is volunteer.


Hugh Johnson also spoke to us for the Scholarship Committee. The Awards Banquet will be held on May 18th. They will give out three Scholarships.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to Adjourn. Carried.




April 25, 2011 


Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

11 Members Present:  Dawn Christensen, Maria Greenwaldt, Hans Woelfle, Susan Haggberg, Marlene Moss, Carolyn Remer, Clark Sahlstrom, Kristin Cooper, Vern Greenwaldt, Mike Conners and Conrad Thomsen

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s minutes.  Carried.

No Treasurer’s Report.

Gambling Report:  Compliance Review to start May 5th.

Kristin Cooper reported on the Easter Egg Hunt – even with the cool weather we still had a good turnout, we had 80 kids attend.  Hid 400 eggs and gave away 4 bikes. 

The Governor’s Visit will be at our next meeting on May 9th with the WISH Lions.  Social hour will be 5:30 – 6:30 with dinner at 6:30.  We will also induct our 3 new members – Linda  Orazem, Gary and Pat Hicks.

Dawn Christensen talked to the Wahkon Days Committee and we do not have to pay a fee for the Brat Stand during Wahkon Days.




A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Marlene Moss to pay the rent on the Post Office Box for the Senior High-Rise Apartments.  Carried.

Conrad Thomsen has volunteered to buy the candy for the parades this year, however we are in need of a volunteer who would like to be in charge of the float for the parades this summer.  Anyone that is interested please let President Dawn Christensen know.  A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Hans Woelfle to spend up to $400.00 on candy for the parades this summer.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $600.00 to the LCIF for Melvin Jones.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Maria Greenwaldt and seconded by Carolyn Remer to adjourn.  Carried.


GENERAL MEETING April 11, 2011 

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.

Invocation was given by Conrad Thomsen.

We had 2 Guests - Mike Lee who spoke to us on the “Hooked on Fishing Not on Drugs” program for the 4th graders and Meg Litts who is the “Turn Around Officer” at school.  She came to thank us for our support and to let us know how everything is going. School testing will be April 12th and 13th  but we will not know the results until August.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Bob Crace to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfle and seconded by Conrad Thomsen to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Bob Crace and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Gambling Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Bob Crace and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.


Meat Raffle Workers:


      April 14th:  Mitzie Reis and Hans Woelfle

            April 21st:   Kristin Cooper and Carrie Gross

            April 28th:  Dan Leitner and Mitize Reis

    May 5th:      Mitzie Reis and Bob Crace


Easter Egg Hunt will be held on April 23rd at the City Park @ 10:00 am.  Anyone who would like to help please be there around 9:00 am.


The Awards Banquet will be held at the end of May.   A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Hans Woelfle to pay for the meal for the seniors.  Carried.

Bubbles Haggberg will renew the contract with the Minnesota Department of Transportation for the Adopt-A-Highway Program (Ditch Clean-up) for another two years.


Conrad Thomsen has the Web page up and going.  If you want any information put on it just let Conrad know.   Check it out at 

Officers for 2011 – 2012:

            President – Maria Greenwaldt

           1st Vice  President – Dan Leitner

            2nd Vice President – Hans Woelfle

            3rd Vice President –

            Secretary – Susan Haggberg

            Treasurer – Marlene Moss

            Lion Tamer and Tail Twister – Carolyn Remer

            Board Director 2 Year – Kathy Chlebecek and Mitzie Rei Board Director 1 Year – Kristin Cooper and Vern Greenwaldt


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Slate of Officers for 2011 – 2012.  Carried.

Governor’s Dinner will be held with the WISH Lions next month.  Social hour will be from 5:30 to 6:30 with Dinner at 6:30.  A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Bubbles Haggberg to donate $100.00 to Governor Amy’s favorite cause.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Bubbles Haggberg and seconded by Martha Sahlstrom to approve Membership for Gary and Pat Hicks and Linda Orazem.

A Motion to Adjourn was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Virgil Lindholm.  Carried.



March 28, 2011 

Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

10 Members Present:  Dawn Christensen, Maria Greenwaldt, Dan Leitner, Hans Woelfle, Susan Haggberg, Marlene Moss, Clark Sahlstrom, Kristin Cooper, Vern Greenwaldt and Mike Conners.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Maria Greenwaldt to approve the Secretary’s minutes.  Carried.

No Treasurer’s or Gambling Report.

We had one Guest –  Mike Lee a Conservation Officer with the DNR who spoke to us about the “Hooked on Fishing Not on Drugs” Program for the 4th graders.  This is a program that will give the youth the alternative to fishing rather than taking drugs and alcohol.  This is a 5 week program in the classroom with it ending with a day of fishing on Smith Lake.  They would like to give each youth a Fishing Pole, Tackle Box and a Life Jacket.  A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Marlene Moss to donate $500.00 to the program.  Carried.

The annual convention of Multiple District 5M will be held April 29th to May 1st in Mankato MN.  All Lions in Minnesota, Manitoba and NW Ontario are encouraged to attend.  Anyone wishing to go please let us know as we have Delegate Registration forms to take with you.

Kristin Cooper talked about the Easter Egg Hunt – it will be held on April 23rd at 10:00 a.m. in the City Park weather permitting otherwise at the IREC.  There will be four age brackets:  Ages 0-3, 4-6, 7-9 and 10-12.  A bike will be given away in each age bracket.  Bikes will be purchased from Hardware Hank:   2) 20” Bikes @ $80.00/ea., 1) 16” Bike @ $60.00, and 1) Small Bike @ $20.00 for a total of $240.00. Chocolate Bunnies have already been purchased from Teal’s Market ($81.61).  Additional candy for treat bags will be around $200.00.  A Motion was made by Clark Sahlstrom and seconded by Marlene Moss to cover the cost of the bikes and candy.  Carried.  They had 87 kids participate last year.

A Motion was made by Vern Greenwaldt and seconded by Hans Woelfle to donate $200.00 to Community Ed for Bats and Balls for the girls.  Carried.

The Chamber of Commerce is looking for organizations to Sponsor “Welcome to Isle” Banners that will be put on the street lights on Main Street.  A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Marlene Moss to sponsor two Banners.  Carried.

Kristin Cooper talked to the Board about having Bingo on Sunday of Isle Days.  Will check with the Gambling Control Board about the rules and regulations.

Hans has invited four new prospective members to our meeting in April:  Gary & Pat Hicks, Linda Orazem and Rita Waughtel.

A Motion was made by Hans Woelfe and seconded by Marlene Moss to adjourn.  Carried.




March 14, 2011


Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.


10 Members Present:  Dawn Christensen, Maria Greenwaldt, Dan Leitner, Hans Woelfle, Susan Haggberg, Marlene Moss, Carolyn Remer, Kristin Cooper, Vern Greenwaldt and Mike Conners.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Dan Leitner to donate $100.00 to Lowell Hillbrand for Medical Expenses.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Hans Woelfle to adjourn.  Carried.




March 14, 2011



Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.


The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.

Invocation was given by Hugh Johnson.

We had 1 Guest  - Jeremy Nyquist who spoke to us about his cochlear implant.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.


 We served 120 people at the Spaghetti Supper.  After expenses our profit was $443.92.


Due to Clark Sahlstrom being ill Doc Moss gave  the Gambling Report.  A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Gambling Report.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Dan Leitner and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.


Meat Raffle Workers:

            March 24th:  Mitzie Reis and Hans Woelfle

            March 10th:  Mitzie Reis and Hans Woelfle


We received a Thank You from Debi Miller for offering to help her with the Brat Stand on July 1st and 2nd for her MS Walk.  Also received several other Thank you’s for donations we made last month.


A  Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $1000.00 to the 6th grade class to go on a class trip to Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center on April 11th to April 13th in Finland MN.  Carried.


The Lions Eye Bank Tour at the University is on April 2, 2011.  Four people have signed up - Dan Leitner, Hans Woelfle, Maria Greenwaldt and Dawn Christensen.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Carolyn Remer to donate $100.00 to Paul Bailey for Medical Expenses.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Dan Leitner to adjourn.  Carried.



February 28, 2011



Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

9 Members Present:  Dawn Christensen, Maria Greenwaldt, Hans Woelfle, Susan Haggberg, Marlene Moss, Carolyn Remer, Kristin Cooper, Vern Greenwaldt and Mike Conners.

A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Vern Greenwaldt to approve the Secretary’s minutes.  Carried.


We had one Guest – Ann Yorston, 6th grade teacher at Nyquest Elementary who spoke to us on a Class trip to Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center in Finland, Minnesota.  The trip would take place April 11th to the 13th, the cost is $5,000.00.  After some discussion Hans Woelfle made a Motion that the board recommendation is to pledge $1,000.00 towards the trip.  Motion was seconded by Carolyn Remer.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Maria Greenwald and seconded by Carolyn Remer to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.


The Spaghetti Dinner was held on February 22.  We served 120 people (109 paid dinners).  We received $70.00 in donations.  We are still waiting for a bill from the school for final totals.


Mike Lee would like to come and speak to the Membership on the “Hooked on Fishing Program”.  We will try for the April meeting.


Dawn has received a letter on the Brat Stand for Wahkon Days which will be held on August 20, 2011.  There will be no fee for the stand instead the committee would like us to make a sizeable donation.  Stands would be open from 1:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.  We will also be using tickets this year.


A Motion was made by Maria Greenwaldt for Medical Expenses for Fran Adickes, second by Carolyn Remer.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Marlene Moss and seconded by Mike Conners to adjourn.  Carried.



February 14, 2011



Meeting was called to order by President Dawn Christensen.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.

Invocation was given by Hugh Johnson.

We had 10 Guests.

A Motion was made by Mitzie Reis and seconded by Hans Woelfle to approve the Secretary’s Minutes.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Martha Sahlstrom and seconded by Mitzie Reis to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Carried.

A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Dan Leitner to approve the Gambling Report.  Carried.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Dan Leitner to approve the Lawful and Allowable Expenses out of the Gambling Fund.  Carried.


Meat Raffle Workers:

            February 24th

            March 10th:  Judy Koetke and Keith Severson


Marlene Moss has talked to Debi Miller on the Brat Stand for her MS Walk.  She has the stand on Friday July 1st and Saturday Juy 2nd.  She is in need of workers.  She will have everything set up.  Marlene will continue talking to her to find out what times are open yet.


Doc and Marlene Moss attended the 5M-8 Mid-Winter Convention in St. Cloud.  They turned in 150 pairs of eyeglasses, also took the donations in for the Parade of Green.  While at the Convention they spoke with a Representative from Camp Confidence who told them about a camp they have started for blind children and their families.  They would like to come and speak to our membership.  Marlene will give Maria Greenwaldt his number to set up a visit.


The Spaghetti Dinner is set for Tuesday, February 22nd from 4:30 to 6:30.  A signup sheet was passed around.  The ninth grade art class made the posters.  Dawn Christensen has some tickets if anyone wants to presell them.


Need to get a Birthday Calendar Committee together.  Maria Greenwaldt, Kristin Cooper and Mitzie Reis have volunteered.  If anyone else wants to help let them know.


A Motion was made by Doc Moss and seconded by Hans Woelfle to adjourn.  Carried.




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