Lions Cubsight-The Louisiana Lions Cubsight Program is designed to reduce the incidence of amblyopia in pre-school children through early detection, referral, and treatment of the common disorders that lead to "Lazy Eye". Volunteers from more than 100 Lion Clubs have been trained to utilize the MTI photoscreening camera to screen pre-school children, ages 2-5 years old, in Day Care Centers, Headstart Programs, and private/parochial schools throughout Louisiana. The Louisiana Lions Cubsight Program is sponsored by the Lions Clubs International Foundation, Louisiana Lions Eye Foundation, Louisiana State University Health Science Center, Louisiana Office of Public Health, and the local Lions Clubs of Louisiana.
Lions Crippled Childrens Camp- It is the dream of children with physical and mental disabilities to run and play and be treated as normal children. part of this dream became a reality in 1957 when the Louisiana Lions League of Crippled Children, Inc., was chartered. Construction began and a camp for 8-15 year old children with physical disabilities, opened in 1961. Shortly afterwards, youths with mental diabilities were included within the programming. And in 1989, insulin dependant youths with diabetes and children with pulmonary disorders were included in the camping program.
Lions Eye Foundation- The Louisiana Lions Eye foundation was created in 1974 to help the people of Louisiana who are in need of eye care. Over the years, we have been able to help thousands of Louisianians with getting those eye glasses, with getting that eye surgery, and with researching cures for what once were thought to be incurable eye diseases.
Easter Baskets- For Easter, we put together Easter gifts for the children of Beautiful Beginnings and the Haven. And also make a donation to each.
Christmas Baskets- we put together Christmas gifts for the children of the Beautiful Beginnings and the Haven. Also a donation is given. For the Nursing Home, we put together a gift basket for all the residence who plays bingo.
NursIng Home Bingo- 2nd Monday of every month @ 2:30 p.m. We have bingo games and snacks for the residence who play bingo, Also on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day, we give our time to have a bingo game and snacks for the residence who cannot leave the Nursing Home.
Town Hall Bingo- every 1st Thursday of every month @ 6:00 p.m. license time. Game begins @ 7:00 p.m.
Evergreen Hall Bingo-various bingo games according to the license. Will post on homepage and calender when we have a game and the time.