
Lions Clubs International

Our mission is to empower Lions clubs, volunteers and partners to improve health and wellbeing, strengthen communities, and support those in need through humanitarian service and grants that impact lives globally, and encourage peace and international understanding. And we fulfill it every day, everywhere we serve.

Lions and Leos serve in so many ways. Our local clubs choose how to best help their communities, and we also have some global causes we’re passionate about as an organization. Helping people doesn’t just do good, it feels good. And serving alongside others who want to make a difference in the world feels even better. That’s just where the benefits of being a Lion begin.

With clubs in nearly every corner of the world and even online, there are many options that fit our members’ interests and lifestyle for them to serve.

Our Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) provides grants that empower the service of our members. Since its inception in 1968, LCIF has awarded more than US$1.2 billion in grant funding.

Hopewell Valley Lions Clubs

"WE SERVE" It Is the mission of this club to be an instrument of service to our communities, the nation and the world. The volunteer women and men members are committed to the Lions motto, "We Serve." Through a variety of fundraising activities and the resources of the membership the Club channels its efforts in a variety of programs that serve Hopewell Township, Pennington & Hopewell Boroughs and the surrounding areas.

As you can imagine, fund raising is a major function of the Club. Throughout the year we sponsor several fund-raising events where the proceeds are used to support local causes that serve the community. Every cent we raise goes directly to support worthwhile projects and all other expenses are covered by dues.

Since 2012, our Club has supported education for visually impaired children in Kenya. Through our charitable foundation, we implemented a “cradle to grave” educational assistance program. This began with the construction of 2 dormitories at the Kiomiti School and we continue to provide funding for education and scholarships for students in primary school through higher education.

The Club meets on the first Thursday and third Monday of the month. The first meeting each month is held in the public meeting room of the Hopewell Valley Library. The second meeting is at a local restaurant where a guest speaker is featured.


Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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