
                           OUR LEO PROJECTS!


JULY 2017   

Leo Brandon Alexis, President of Hollis and Past President Damani Adams--worked with Dr. Ali through the partnership of MyTime Inc. (Autism organization) Leo Brandon worked in a camp for children with Autism and special needs; teaching work-out exercises geared toward physical wellness. 


June 28- July 5th, 2017

Hollis Leos attended the 100th Celebration in Chicago. They arrived on June 28th and stayed until July 5th. During the convention Hollis Leos participated all the activities for the international leos. They walked in the Diabetis Walk, attended the space theme dinner/meet and greet, and they attended the planetary sessions. Hollis Leos also led the international parade along side leos from around the world. Leo Rickaela Bennett, Leo Kyra Bennett, Cub Kyra Bennett, Cub Ashant Wiley, Cub Jayda Jenkins and Cub Bailee King enjoyed their time at the Lions 100th celebration.  


On July 10, 2017 Hollis Leos joined Lions Clubs New International President Naresh Aggarwal to celebrate the lighting to the New York City famed Empire State Building. the building was lite with blue and yellow representing Lions Clubs International colors.



During the week August 2 to August 6,2017 Hollis Leo attended the the Leo Leadership forum. They helped with registration and distribution of convention materials to Leos. Hollis Leo participated in the opening ceremony and shared with Leo from Suriname, Puerto Rica, Costa Rico, Panama, Kansas, California, Minnesota, Connecticut and New York. Leo Rickaela Bennett and Leo Leah Bennett assisted Lion Annette Cooke in conducting training to Leo Advisors. Both Leos shared their experiences and ideas about leadership and getting prospective leos to join the program. 


August 16, 2017--Hollis Leos worked in collaboration with Hollis Lions at the Forestdale Foster Care Organization. They donatee school book bags, composition notebooks, glues, crayons and many more supplies. The leos donated $50 in supplies and three bags with supplies neatly hidden inside as an additional surprise for the children. 


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