December 2024 It was decided that we carry on donating £200 per month to the Trussell Trust Norwich Foodbank that covers all the villages in our area.
November 2024 Race Night held a t Bracon Ash Village Hall. Profit of £340 made split 50/50 with the village hall.
October 2024 £500 donated to Swardeston Day Care Centre to help fund their Christmas festivities.
September 2024 Charity quiz held at Newton Flotm an Village Centre. £240 profit made for clubs charity fund.
August 2024 £1000 given to Big 'C' to purchase and install a defibrillator at their new centre on Dereham Road Norwich.
July 2024 Attended Newton Flotman Fete with bottle tombola. £250 donation made to Snetterton Dogs Trust and a further £250 donated to the charity MIND.
June 2024 District Governor along with our mebership chairman Bob attended the Mulbarton Scout Headquarters to present the Lions Challenge Badge to 26 Brownies. £1000 donation made to Priscilla Bacon Lodge. £250 donation given to the Far East Prisoner of War charity, many of the prisoners were members of the Royal Norfolk Regiment.
May 2024 We had an interesting talk from Tom Grimshaw from the charity 'Walking With The Wounded' and donated £500 to their charity that helps wounded from the armed forces .
April 2024 We held our 'Ploughman's Quiz' night this month and after expenses made a profit of £533 for our charity fund.
March 2024 Visit and presentation from Belinda Jones of charity 'Caring Together'. An interesting insight in unpaid carers, many of them children caring for their parents. We were pleased to donate £1000 to assist their good work in the community.
February 2024 Visit from Vice District Governor of Lions District 105CE who presented one of our members - Bob McKibbin with his 30year chevron.
January 2024 A New Year of opportunities ahead, to try and increase membership. We need younger people with new ideas to raise money that we need to help those less fortunate than ourselves, local charities and good causes and the occasional help for international disasters.
December 2023 Our race night didn't go well as not many people turned out. Despite this a fun night was enjoyed by those who attended. We gave our usual donation to Swardeston Daycare Centre to help with their Christmas festivities.
November 2023 Our usual attendence at the Mulbarton Firework was missed but we can no longer attend events with candy floss due to the lack of members and the fitness required by our operators to carry out the work.
October 2023 We were going to hold a Race Night at the end of October but unfortunately it had to be cancelled at the last minute because of the weather causing flooding over the whole area. A new date is set for sometime in December.
September 2023 We had an interesting presentation from 'Get Me Out The Four Walls' a local charity giving peer support for parents feeling isolated and lonely during the first years of parenthood. Our Quiz Night at Newton Flotman was well attended and enjoyed by the community. Members enjoyed a night out at the Cromer Pier Show at the end of the month.
August 2023 A request from Hethersett Football Club for sports jackets for the under 10's was received and we have agreed to purchase 15 of these plus three adult size for the trainers. We attended Newton Flotman Village Fete with a stand to promote Lions Clubs and perhaps attract new members. We had an enjoyable Sunday morning at Silfield Pich-n-putt followed by lunch at The Boars, Spooner Row.
July 2023 Members enjoyed a Sunday morning walk at Reepham followe by lunch at the Kings Arms. Our car paking for Norwich City home games commence again this month. Parking can be had at Lower Clarence Road, Norwich at £5/car. Car park opens 3hours before kick-off time.
June 2023 on 7th June we opened car park for the Arctic Monkeys concert at Carrow Road. We have made a few donations this month as follows: £250 to EACH ( East Anglia's Children's Hospice), £250 to East Anglias Air Ambulance. £500 to Nelson's Journey (a childrens bereavement charity). £500 to Leeway (a Norfolk domestic Vvolence and abuse charity).
May 2023 Members enjoyed a social outing for ten-pin bowling followed by lunch at Wensum Golf Club.
April 2023 We held our annual Ploughman's Quiz Night at Mulbarton Village Hall to raise money for Caister on Sea Voluntary Lifeboat Service to fund their replacement lifeboat. It was a well attended night and we raised approximately £575 which we made up to £1000 from our charity fund.
March 2023 582 pairs of used spectacles sent off to Chichester Lions Club for recycling to third world countries after being cleaned graded.graded
Febtruary 2023 Saddened by the Turkish Earthquake Disaster is was agreed to donate £100 via the Lions Club Intenational Fund (LCIF).
January 2023 A NewYear for us all.
December 2022 Members took a break and visited Hempnall Horse Shoes for a pre Christmas lunch.
November 2022 Had a visit from Vice District Governor Paul Southgate. We attended the Mulbarton Scouts Firework Display on the 5th.
October 2022 It was decided due to the continuing hardship for families to donate £200/month to the Trussell Foodbank in Norwich that covers all the villages in our area. We will do this for a year and review it then.
September 2022 Thanks to Worlds End for further donation from one of their quizzes held there. We held a Quiz at Newton Flotman Village Centre and raised £303 which we made up to £500 and donated to East Anglian Air Ambulance.
August 2022 Following Roger Thornhill's death we received approximately £500 in donations from the undertaker. We decided to donate £500 to the Prostate Cancer Care Charity at the NNUH and a further £500 to 'The Ring' Rheumatoid Arthritis group in Hethersett, both charities near to Roger and his wifes Valerie heart. Following the Pakistan Floods Appeal we donated £500 to this via the Lions Clubs International Foundation.
July 2022 We were pleased to welcome John Paul Garside, Charity Director of NNUH Foundation Trust to talk to us about the new Orthopaedic Centre being built at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital.
June 2022 Thank you to the Worlds End Mulbarton for their donation from their recent Quiz Night organised by Grant Keys and Landlord Mike to our charity fund. As seen in our Newsletter we use our donations responsibly to help those in need. We had an interesting talk and slideshow recently from Emily Matthews of the Dogs Trust, Snetterton. We gave a £500 donation to the trust to help with their work. This month we lost one of our Members Roger Thornhill to Higher Service. Roger was a dedicated member and had been a Lion for 42yrs and will be sorely missed. We send condolences to his family.
May 2002 As we have the use of MoneyFacts car park on Lower Clarence Road, Norwich for car parking for NCFC home games and other events at Carrow Road we make a donation to their preferred charity and this time we donated £500 to the Benjamin Foundation in Norwich.
April 2002 The ongoing troubles in Ukraine has seen us donate £1000 via Lions Clubs International Foundation and to date Lions Clubs throughout Europe have donated US$1.3million to enable the purchase and distribution of food, clothing, medical supplies, hygiene supplies, sleeping bags etc to the people of Ukraine. Our 'Ploughman's Quiz' on April 1st was a great success making almost £600 profit which we rounded up to £1000 to go toBig 'C' towards their research into breast cancer and for the aftercare of sufferers. Another £1000 was donated towards the new Norfolk and Norwich Orthopaedic Centre being built to increase surgery facilities for replacement hips and knees. Club members enjoyed a Sunday morning walk in the Reepham area followed by Sunday lunch at the Kings Arms in Reepham.
March 2022 £500 donated to British Heart Foundation in memory of a well respected member of the community and someone who gave us support at all our events who tragically died suddenly. We offer our sincere condolences to his wife and son at this sad time.
February 2022 Posters put up advertising our Ploughman's Quiz Night on Ist April at Mulbarton Village Hall at 7.30pm. Teams of up to six £8/head to include a Ploughman's supper. Bar and raffle.
January 2022 A New Year, let's hope that we all get back to some kind of new normality so that we can carry out doing what we usually do. £200 was donated to the Tonga Sunami tragedy.
December 2021 Members enjoyed a Christmas meal at Nethergate House in Long Stratton. £200 was donated to the American Tornado Disaster. Visiting Santa took place again this year with Santa travelling to pre-booked addresses delivering presents to children.
November 2021 We had a Sunday morning walk around Mulbarton and Bracon Ash on the 21st followed by a well earned Sunday lunch at Wreningham Bird in Hand. Donations were made to the Swardeston Day Centre £400 and also the Cheshire Home £200 to assist with their Christmas activities.
October 2021 We took part in another litter picking day assisting Newton Flotman Parish Council around their village.
September 2021. We have new locations for our bi-monthly meetings. On the second monday of the month we now meet in the Committee Room at Mulbarton Village Hall and on the last Wednesday of the monthwe meet at Bracon Ash Village Hall, both commencing at 8pm. Nine of us took part in the 'Big South Norfolk Litter Pick' on the 25th covering Mulbarton Common, Village Hall area and adjacent streets. It's surprising how soon rubbish accumulates as we did a pick in July and other people in the village have also been out and about the village collecting rubbish.
August 2021. £100 was donated to the Haiti Disaster fund. Our car parking for Norwich home games has resumed at Moneyfacts car park on Lower Clarence Road. We open three hours before kick-off and fill up very quickly so if you wish to park come early.
July 2021. We carried out a litter pick on Mulbarton common to get rid of the ever incresing rubbish that is left laying around. Our candy floss stall had its first outing this year at Mulbarton Gym Club's fete.
June 2021. We hope to be able to provide car parking again next season for Norwich City Football home games if covid restrictions are lifted.
May 2021. We sadly lost one of our long serving member's Stanley Pickering this month. He was a valued member of the club for 33yrs and will be missed. £100 donated to Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund in his memory.
April 2021. We continue to hold our meetings via Zoom as we cannot met as usual.
March 2021. £100 donated to MS Society in memory of Kate Moore from Cringleford.
February 2021. Presentation from Priscilla Bacon by Hugo Stevenson and Clive Evans giving update on the project to build a new hospice. £7.3 million of the £12.5 million required to build has already been raised and buiding will start summer 2021 adjacent to the NNUH.
January 2021. Three football car parkings allowed before lock down started again.
December 2020. Football car parking able to go ahead as 2000 fans allowed back. Ten bookings received for travelling Father Christmas.
November 2020. Decided to try a travelling Father Christmas in Newton Flotman. Visits to be booked and child/children to be left present at social distancing.
October 2020. Another new member gained this month making club membership 17.
August/September 2020. Nothing to report. Still holding meetings via Zoom.
July 2020. Still unable to hold face to face meetings and continuing Zoom meetings. One positive thing this month, we gained a new member making our club membership 16.
May/June 2020. Not a lot happening at moment as all in lockdown. We have been holding meetings via Zoom, a new era for us but a good way to stay in touch.
April 2020. Our Easter egg raffles that had to be drawn early raised just over £900 and we have made it up to £1000 which has been sent to the Priscilla Bacon New hospice Appeal.
March 2020. £500 donated to Norolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust Charity Fund. Due to the Corona Virus lockdown we have had to cancel our forthcoming Ploughman's Quiz on april 3rd. We are presently trying to carry out the draws for our Easter egg raffles which will have to be drawn early as pubs are all closing because of lockdown.
February 2020. Easter eggs are now placed in various pubs and businesses locally. £1 could win you a large Easter egg by buying a square on our charts. Proceeeds from these raffles will go to the Priscilla Bacon New Hospice Appeal. Our annual Ploughman's Quiz will take place on 3rd April at Mulbarton Village Hall, 7 for 7.30pm. Teams of up to six £8/person, raffle and bar. Proceeds from quiz also to go to Priscilla Bacon New Hospice Appeal.
January 2020. Happy New Year to all. At our first meeting of the New Year we had Roger Bassham from Norfolk and Waveney Prostate Cancer Support Group give an interesting and informative talk on Prostate Cancer. This was our President's chosen charity of the year and we made a donation of £1000 towards care of those affected and research of prostate cancer. £500 was donated to the Australian Fire Disaster Appeal via the Lions Clubs International Foundation.
December 2019. £500 donated to the Yorkshire Flood Appeal, £100 to Norwich Family Contact Centre, £400 to the Cavell Day Care Centre Swardeston and £400 to Leonard Cheshire Care Home at East Carleton. Members and their families got together for a Christmas lunch at Park Farm Hethersett. Two members Robert McKibbin and John Hewitt were presented with a Melvin Jones Fellowship award.
November 2019. We attended Mulbarton Scouts Firework Display with our Candy Floss stall. We had a visit from Major Barry Willson from the Salvation army in Norwich who talked about the homeless on the streets of Norwich. We gave a donation of £500 towards their provision of hot meals etc to those in need.
October 2019. We had an interesting talk from Judy Burns-Thomson from the Motor Neuron Disease Association and donated £500 to the charity. Socially members and their partners enjoyed a Sunday carvery at Framingham Gull.