Photo Gallery
Lion Cindy Cowden turns over the Presidency to Lion Jeriod Turner.
Hannibal LIONS Club Officers: Dick Motley, Program Chair; Ryan Humphreys First Vice President; Mary Gibbons, Secretary; Wendy Howe, Tail Twister; Wells Pettibone, Lion Tamer; Sally Kintz, Director; Ron Meyer, Master of Ceremonies; Mac Fisher, Director; Ci
Mary Lou Montgomery speaks to the club.
Rajah Maples speaks at LIONS
3 generations of LIONS are in the Hannibal LIONS Club
Karen Stoeckly speaks about her new book.
Sarah Dudley is inducted as a new LIONS Club member.
District officers visit Hannibal in 2017
President Mike Marx (right) thanks Past President Dick Wehde for his year of service to LIONS