51st Annual Hampstead Day
(presented by the Hampstead Lions Club)
Saturday, May 17, 2025 / 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
Main Street Hampstead / Route 30
We'd like to extend the amazing opportunity to support our endeavor. The event is one of the largest in Maryland; drawing more than 100 vendors, food trucks and live entertainment; as well as thousands of spectators.
If you'd like further details, please reach out (sastonejohnson@gmail.com) and we'll gladly forward you a formal letter with more information.
2025 Vendor Application
A shuttle will be available for everyone at PantherPlex, 1400 Panther Drive, Hampstead
(7 a.m.-3:30 p.m.)
(handicap accessible shuttle)
If you have questions about the event, please call the Hampstead Day Hotline at
240-829-1287 & leave a message.
Your call will be returned within 24 hours.
You may also email
or visit
the Facebook page at
There will also be a 50/50 raffle; and a Chinese Raffle for three wine themed baskets donated by Jennifer Lleras / Hampstead Marketing & Design; and a basket donated by Manor of Thyme; and maybe more!
*For wine baskets - winner must be 21 years old or older*
Thank you for the support of the following businesses for their sponsorship of the 51st Annual Hampstead Day - and more are coming in!
Farmers & Merchants Bank
Greenmount Station
Greenmount OTB
State Farm/Tim Hopkins
And thank you to the following for their donations for raffles:
Hampstead Marketing and Design / Jennifer Lleras
Piney Branch Golf Course
Zach's Graphics