51st Annual Hampstead Day
(presented by the Hampstead Lions Club)
Saturday, May 17, 2025 / 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
Main Street Hampstead / Route 30
The event is one of the largest in Maryland; and brings in thousands of spectators.
If you'd like further details, please reach out (hamspteadlions21074@gmail.com). If you're interested in being a vendor, please see link below to the registration form.
2025 Vendor Application
All complete applications & payment must
be received no later than May 1, 2025
“Living in Hampstead” Logo Contest for Local Youth
The Hampstead Lions Club is hosting their 51st Annual Hampstead Day on Saturday, May 17; from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. along Main Street in Hampstead.
We are holding a logo contest:
♦️Open to all students in local elementary, middle, and high schools.
The design must include:
♦️name of the event
♦️the Hampstead Lions logo and their motto (We Serve)
♦️ include graphics that depict our community and local lifestyle – community and working together.
♦️Fit on a regular sheet of paper, 8 ½ x 11.
♦️Can use any form of media you choose
♦️Extended deadline: March 22, 2025
♦️Submissions should be emailed to sastonejohnson@gmail.com.
♦️The winner will be announced by April 1, 2025, and will be represented on any items printed for the event, including volunteer shirts.
The winner will receive a $100 Visa gift card; and the runner-up will receive a $50 Visa gift card.
♦️Information: email the address above or call 410-412-6787.
Crazy Diamond Band (9-10:30 a.m.)
Dave DeMarco Band (11 a.m.-3 p.m.)
The bands will be performing in the Amphitheater.
Dance demo by Contempic School of Ballet
Face Painting
There will also be a 50/50 raffle; and a Chinese Raffle for three wine themed baskets donated by Jennifer Lleras / Hampstead Marketing & Design; a youth book basket; an adult book basket; and a basket donated by Manor of Thyme; and maybe more!
*For wine baskets: winner must be 21 years old*
Thank you to our Dog Show sponsors!
Hampstead Veterinary Center
Hampstead Barbershop
7 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
PantherPlex, 1400 Panther Dr., Hampstead
(handicap accessible shuttle)
If you have questions about the event, please call the Hampstead Day Hotline:
443-338-6208 & leave a message.
Your call will be returned within 24 hours.
Email: hampsteadlions21074@gmail.com
Thank you for the support from local businesses & nonprofits for the 51st Annual Hampstead Day - their sponsorship & donations for raffles, and volunteerism.
Farmers & Merchants Bank
Myers-Durboraw Funeral Homes
State Farm/Dorothy Kemper
Weis Markets/Roberts Field
Church of the Latter-Day Saints
Crossroads Church
Friendly Farms Restaurant
Edward Jones/Mat Tiahrt
Greenmount Station
Greenmount OTB
Green's Garage
Hampstead Barbershop
Hampstead Marketing & Design
Hampstead Police Department
Hampstead Volunteer Fire Department
Hughes Trash Removal
Johnson Family
Manor of Thyme
Maryland Print House
Matthew's Tire
Our Enlightened Soul
Piney Branch Golf Course
State Farm/Tim Hopkins
State Farm/Sherye Sims
St. John's Church
Sunset Bus Lines
Sunshine Safely
Town of Hampstead
Towne Pride
Village Printing
Zach's Graphics