
51st Annual Hampstead Day

(presented by the Hampstead Lions Club)
Saturday, May 17, 2025 / 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
Main Street Hampstead / Route 30 

Hello! The Hampstead Lions Club is reaching out to local and surrounding area businesses in regards to acquiring sponsorships & donations for the annual Hampstead Day event, to be held Saturday, May 17, 2025.
We'd like to extend the amazing opportunity to support our endeavor. The event is one of the largest in Maryland; drawing more than 100 vendors, food trucks and live entertainment; as well as thousands of spectators.
If you'd like further details, please reach out ( and we'll gladly forward you a formal letter with more information.

2025 Vendor Application


A shuttle will be available for everyone at PantherPlex, 1400 Panther Drive, Hampstead
(7 a.m.-3:30 p.m.)
(handicap accessible shuttle)

If you have questions about the event, please call the Hampstead Day Hotline at

240-829-1287 & leave a message.  
Your call will be returned within 24 hours.
You may also email;
or visit
the Facebook page at




There will also be a 50/50 raffle; and a Chinese Raffle for three wine themed baskets donated by Jennifer Lleras / Hampstead Marketing & Design; and a basket donated by Manor of Thyme; and maybe more!
*For wine baskets - winner must be 21 years old or older*


Thank you for the support of the following businesses for their sponsorship of the 51st Annual Hampstead Day - and more are coming in!

Farmers & Merchants Bank
Greenmount Station
Greenmount OTB
State Farm/Tim Hopkins

And thank you to the following for their donations for raffles:
Hampstead Marketing and Design / Jennifer Lleras
Piney Branch Golf Course
Zach's Graphics




































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