On this page, you can find news of past events,
awards and more, concerning the Hampstead Lions Club. Enjoy!
Annual HLC Christmas Party
The annual Hampstead Lions Club Christmas Party was held on Dec. 10, 2024. Members and their families gathered at Millers United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall.
During the event, they brought non-perishable food donations for the food pantry at NESAP.
Attendees gathered and mingled in their holiday cheer and enjoyed a dinner catered by Greenmount Station Restaurant (and fellow Lion Chris Richards). After the meal, the jolly man himself visited with all the kids – young and “mature”. He handed out silly gifts to the adults; and then the kids had the chance to sit with him, share their wish list and receive stockings full of treats.
Veterans Appreciation Night
The Hampstead Lions Club celebrated with veterans during their November meeting and focused on Veterans Appreciation Night on Nov. 27.
With a smaller crowd than their normal monthly meeting, the Lions welcomed their guest veterans and the Lions members that are also veterans.
The evening started with the pledge of allegiance, followed by singing My Country Tis of Thee, an invocation, introduction of guests and then a delicious dinner was enjoyed. Following the dinner, there was a brief business meeting and then a wonderful discussion with the veterans in attendance.
The veterans in attendance were Grant Stone (father of Lion Shiela Johnson), who had served in the Army as military police, retiring in 1997 and had been stationed in Germany, Arizona and finished out his years at Ft. Meade.
Lion Brad Kauffman served from 2001 to 2005 in the Marine Corps and had traveled to 22 countries in four years.
Lion Ken Wright, served as an MP in the Army from 1964 until 1966; and has two brothers that also served.
Lion John Calhoun was in the Arm Reserves from 1966 until 1971; and Glenn Calhoun, brother of Lion John, served in the Army Reserves.
Jim Moore, also in attendance, served in the Marine Corps from 1978 until 1982.
Members enjoy dinner from J&P's and Lion Mat Tiahrt volunteered to be the server!
Sunday in the Park Car Show
On Sunday, Nov. 10, the Hampstead Lions Club hosted their annual Sunday in the Park Car Show – despite Mother Nature’s plans.
With approximately 62 vehicles registered, music jamming, door prizes and raffles going off….the attendees braved the weather forecast. Unfortunately, the show, originally scheduled to be 10 a.m. until 3 p.m., the show had an abrupt end. The chair of the event called the last call for spectator voting, raffles, etc. around 12 and then from 12:15 until 12:30 p.m. raffles winners were drawn and trophies awarded. Within minutes after that, registrants fled the parking lot in hopes of making it home before rain descended upon them.
There was a 50/50 raffle – with $111 going to the winner; and a customer cornhole board set (donated by Zach’s Graphics out of Taneytown) was raffled as well. The winner was Mark Schaefer.
As for the trophies being awarded, the Town of Hampstead award went to Dave Horsts’ Model T; the Roof Right award was given to Jake Shaver’s 1965 Diamond T; and the Hampstead Lions Club president Joe Renehan chose the Club winner, Ken Lawson and his 1971 Chevy Chevelle.
The 14 Best of Show, voted on by spectators, went to the following (in no particular order):
- John Lawson, 1966 Mustang
- Bernie Good, 1957 Ford
- Tom Mize, 1957 Chevy
- Sue Lohmeyer, 1941 Willy
- Andy Lohmeyer, 1967 Chevy Nova
- Keith Criswell, 1969 Cougar
- Tim Allen, 1959 Corvette
- Ken Lawson, 1971 Chevelle SS
- Hayes Middleton, 1966 Corvette
- Richard Tyler, 1941 Willy
- David Eminizer, 1970 ½ Camaro
- Lynn Ellenberger, 1955 Chevy Belair
- Kelli Crisfulli, 2022 Chevrolet Camaro
- Trevor Fogle, 2007 Ford Mustang GT
- And for the Best of Show overall, with the most votes, was Charlie Ellenberger, 1969 Roadrunner
The HLC would like to thank the following businesses for their sponsorship and donations: Shipley’s Fine Jewelry, Crouse Ford, Roof Right, Westminster Speed & Sound, State Farm/Tim Hopkins, Village Printing; 4 imprint, CJ Miller, Greenmount Station Restaurant, Greens Garage, Karen Carey of Hampstead, Papa Joes Mexican Restaurant, Piney Branch Golf Course, Summit Racing, Weis Markets/Roberts Field, Outlaw BBQ, Westminster Car Wash and Detailing, Reda’s Mobile Detailing, and Zach’s Graphics.
Charter Night held in October
On Tuesday, Oct. 22, the Hampstead Lions Club held their Charter Night at the Hampstead American Legion.
With approximately 30 in attendance, the Hampstead Lions had their Charter renewed. In 1951, Harry Clagett, a member of the Cockeysville Lions Club, decided to form a Lions Club in the Hampstead area.
On Aug. 28, 1951, they were granted a charter from Lions International; and the Hampstead Lions Club was formally chartered with 23 members and three transfers.
Currently there are approximately 70 women and men, of all ages, working together to service the Hampstead (North Carroll) community.
Lions District Governor Susan Cox and Hampstead Lions President Joe Renehan presented the renewal of the charter to the club and guests in attendance. During the meeting, Carroll County Sheriff Jim DeWees was guest speaker and shared information about the county, his career, and more.
Members enjoy some social time before the meeting begins.
Carroll County Sheriff Jim DeWees, Lion John Calhoun, District 22W District Governor Susan Cox and Hampstead Lions Club president Joe Renehan.
Lion Joe Renehan (president) and District 22W Susan Cox renew the Charter for the Hampstead Lions Club.
Glasses donated

Hampstead Lion Frank Grabowski stands beside more than 2,000 eyeglasses that were collected from the community and donated.
Lions on the move: lots going on in Hampstead
The Hampstead Lions fall is looking chock full of things happening!
On Aug. 27, members of the HLC gathered at the Hampstead Lions Club Park for a work night. Members worked on clearing brush, loose limbs, lifted/removed a large tree that had fallen, and repainted one of the foot bridges. The Lions take pride in the park and want it to be a welcoming place for our recreational community, and for families to enjoy as well. They will be doing another such night at the end of September.

Fun at the Carnival
Thank you to all that visited the Lions Club table during the annual Hampstead Volunteer Fire Department's Carnival (held Aug. 5-10). Out of six nights, only 3 of the nights was the carnival open the entire evening. Mother Nature had other plans, as she usually does this time each year. Tuesday and Wednesday nights got a couple hours in and then due to weather, had to close early; and Thursday night the carnival was completely shut down. Saturday was the saving grace. With beautiful blue skies and temperatures in the 80s - flocks of people from near and far ventured out to enjoy classic carnival rides such as the carousel and ferris wheel; dine on delicious pit beef/ham/turkey, fries, funnel cakes and soft serve ice cream. They took chances at the various carnival games, raffles from a potpourri of organizations and enjoy the music of Smokin Crow.
Many people made a pit stop at the Lions Club table to say hi, ask about the club activiites, buy chances for the Football Mania raffle; 50/50 raffle; and the raffle for custom cornhole boards.
The 50/50 raffle for the Lions raised $220 - with $110 going to the winner - James - he was quite happy when he picked up his winnings Sunday, Aug. 11. The customer cornhole boards will be drawn the day of the Sunday in the Park Car Show (Nov. 10). Tickets are $1 each or six for $5 - if you'd like to purchase tickets, we will be in attendance at the Hampstead Fall Fest to be held Oct. 12, 2024. In addition, they will be sold at the car show in November. The evening was wonderful and all of the Lions Club members are appreciative of the support of the community!
Annual Hampstead Lions Club
Installation Night
On Wednesday, June 26, the Hampstead Lions Club held their annual Installation Night at Friendly Farms Restaurant in Upperco.
The evening consisted of a delicious buffet meal, social time, induction of officers and board members for the 2024/2025 Lions Year and a slideshow showing the accomplishments and events from the 2023/2024 year.
The officers for the new year are Joe Renehan, President; Karl Mauck, 1st Vice President; Brad Kauffman, 2nd Vice President; Krystal Halberstam, 3rd Vice President; Shiela Johnson, Secretary/social media; and Tracy Tiahrt, Treasurer.
The board members for the new year are John McNeal, Ken Halberstam, Hannah Callihan, Stuart Alford; Mike Thomas, fundraising chair; Michele Renehan, Membership Chair; John Bildstein, Tail Twister; Todd Calhoun, Park Chairman; Bob Buckler, Visitation Chair; John Calhoun, Lion Tamer and LCIF Chair; and Mat Tiahrt and Clinton Griggs, past presidents.
There are many committees within the club for various events and projects, including: 12th Annual Lion “Dick” Murray Memorial Golf Outing, Clint Griggs; hospital equipment, Brad Kauffman; website & social media, Shiela Johnson; Sunday in the Park Car Show, Shiela Johnson; Gala, Hannah Callihan; Flower Sale, Nadine Hartman; Carnival, Mat Tiahrt; and Hampstead Day, Joe Renehan & Shiela Johnson.
New president Lion Joe Renehan spoke on his vision for the new Lion Year. He thanked all of those that served as board members and officers in 2023/2024; as well as all of those who donated their time “to make all of the events and drives that the Hampstead Lions Club either sponsored or participated in a success, your time and efforts are always appreciated by more than you’ll ever know.”
Renehan continued, “Lastly, I would like to thank all of those who stepped up to serve on the Hampstead Lions Board for the upcoming year. There are a few new faces and new faces in unfamiliar places, like me.”
He stated that his vision is very simple = “to be standing here next year and telling you how we improved on the last year.”
Prior to handing out awards, Renehan summed up his vision by stating “It seems that the only constant in life is change, and although many of us are resistant to change, it can be effective if it helps you reach your goals and you don’t lose your perspective on who you are or what you’re all about. As Lions this year, let’s all Respect the past; give change a chance; and no matter what you do, no matter what you say, no matter who you are, never forget: we Serve!”
Then the group proceeded to recognize some of their Lions with awards. The Melvin Jones Award, which is an achievement award that recognizes Lions Club members for his or her contributions to their Lions Club and their surrounding community during their tenure. “It’s not given annually nor is it presented lightly, this award has been earned and is presented with the utmost respect,” said Lion Joe Renehan.
The Melvin Jones awardee was Lion Clinton Griggs, who started the club in 2004. He is the son of a Lion, “I guess you could call him a Legacy Lion,” said Renehan. “In the past 20 years, he has served in various offices including president; twice and currently serves as a HLC board member. In addition, he has served or led several fundraising projects and events such as Hampstead Day and the Dick Murray Golf Tournament for which he is currently the chairperson.”
Another award was the 2023/2024 Lion of the Year Award. This was given to Lion Brad Kauffman. He was recognized for the dedication and work he does serving the Lions and the community; and with how well he completes those tasks. “Whether it’s keeping track of donated hospital equipment, organizing the general services for Hampstead Day, or clearing brush from Lions Club Park,” Renehan stated, “When there is a problem, he is all about being part of the solution.”
The 2023/2024 Presidents Award was bestowed to the outgoing Lions president, Mat Tiahrt. “In those two years [of which he was president], the compassion that he has displayed for the Lions and the Hampstead community is not only genuine, but quite impressive,” said Lion Renehan.
“Plain and simple, he was involved in every aspect of the club, displayed the best example of Lionism, and increased membership. In summary, he leaves office with the Hampstead Lions Club being in better shape than he found it.”
In addition, other awards presented included the All-Purpose Award, which was given to Lion David Caple in recognition of his dedication and continued service and devotion to the Hampstead Lions Club.
Three President Appreciation Awards were awarded to three Lions members that continue to go above and beyond to assist whenever, and wherever needed. The awards were given to Robert Buckler, John McNeal, and John Calhoun.
And lastly, a Secretarial Award was presented to Lion Shiela Johnson, secretary, in “sincere appreciation and recognition of outstanding club leadership and dedicated service,” to the club.