Hagerstown Lions Foundation
2014 Recipients of Hagerstown Lions Foundation grants:
Boys and Girls Club, Children In Need, Cub Scout Pack 75, Diabetes Programs, Friends of Scouting, Girl Scouts, Hospice of Washington County, Leader Dog School, Maryland Eye Bank, San Mar Children's Home, Teens Have Choices, Wounded Warriors Fund, YMCA Youth Programs, Eye Care for 70 local residents.
Eyeglasses Program
Hagerstown Lions Foundation
In cooperation with several of the optical companies in the Hagerstown area, the Hagerstown Lions Club Foundation provides eyeglasses to persons in Hagerstown who meet an income means test. Application forms may be secured from the administrator of the program and returned to that Lion at the address below. Eyeglasses cannot be provided more frequently than once every two years.
Hagerstown Lions Foundation
Eyeglasses Program
19605 Granada Court
Hagerstown, MD 21742