Club Projects
LifeServe Blood Drives
Each year, during 6 months on the third Thursday of each month we hold a blood drive with the Life Serve Blood Center at the Grundy Center Community Center. We have done this project since the inception of our club in 1968. Generally we collect between 35 and 60 units of blood accepting either single pints or double reds. The last two years we received 903 units effecting 2,709 lives!
KidSight Screening
Several of our members have taken the training to screen preschoolers for preventable sight problems, many of which cannot be fixed as the child gets older. We screen at our two preschools as well as daycares and travel all over Grundy County with this service. To date we have screened nearly 2,000 children!
Redeemable Bottle and Can Recycling
In Iowa there is a 5 cent deposit on many bottles and cans. We have a building with a drop off door located in Grundy Center (at the corner of F ave and 5th Street) where citizens may bring their redeemable bottles and cans. To date we have collected 1,600,000 bottles and cans. With that kind of support from the community we have been able to return lots of $$$ through ongoing service projects.
Eyeglass and Hearing Aid Collection
Every October our club canvasses the community collecting used eye wear and hearing aids. After grading and refurbishing they are redistributed. Several Grundy residents have received hearing aids. In a recent year we collected 388 eyeglasses and 37 hearing aids.
Medical Equipment Lending Library
The club provides used medical equipment such as walkers, wheel chairs, shower chairs, knee scooters, crutches, etc. to area residents without a fee. This project began when we purchased two vision helper enlarging viewers for our care centers. We ended up with an extra used machine and thought why not lend it to someone in need? There are lots of prople with used medical equipment they no longer need do to death or changing circumstances. And there are lots of people in need of that same equipment. So we are serving as the go-be-tween by collecting, refurbishing and distributing those items.