We sponsor 6 LifeServe Blood Drives each year. Recently we have had a push to engage new donors. We were happy to have a presence at the Summer Block Party in June and the Back to School Bash in August. Thanks to the volunteers for both evenings and to Grundy Center Chamber-Main Street for hosting the event. Finally, together with Grundy Center Kiwanis, the Grundy Center Lions provided funds to make the Foam Canon possible for the Back to School Bash.
We were happy to be part of the Felix Grundy parade in July 2024. Thanks to the volunteers in the truck (tossing out candy) and the one in the Lion suit.
On June 12 Kling Memorial Library in Grundy Center hosted a program by "Talewise the Science Heroes" for children, parents, preschool staff, some grandparents. Grundy Center Lions were happy to provide and serve a lunch following the program for about 100 folks. Thanks to the Lions volunteers who were able to be there! Thanks to Brothers Market for providing bottled water for everyone.
Grundy Center Lions Club is grateful for the ongoing community support of our continuous fundraiser through the 5 cent redemption of cans & bottles. This allows us to support many local endeavors by other groups as well as Iowa Lions and Lions International projects. In April 2023 our club made a significant commitment to support the Capital Campaign for Grundy County Memorial Hospital. This commitment will be paid over a 3 year period. Thank you everyone!
Our club was happy to support our local EMS so that all three ambulances could have a updated and safe way to transport children - whether from an ambulance to a hospital, or from Grundy County Memorial Hospital to another medical facility.
At our October 24, 2022 meeting, Lion Bob received the Distinguished Service Award, and Lion Rose received the Lion of the Year Award.
Grundy Center Lions Club welcomes You
A club with big paws to fill!
And Proud of it!
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.