
WeWalk, re-invented the white cane with smart cane. Enchances mobility, detects overhear obstacles, turn by turn navigation, etc. 

Named Time Magazine's best invention and Amazon:s startup of year 2021. 

2022 Adopt-A-Fisherman, Sponson VIP for $25.00 each. Tax deductible check made out to NC Lions VIP Fishing Tournament. Mail to Gwen White, Executive Director, PO Box140, Columbia, NC, 27925. 

Lions VIP Charilty Golf Ball Drop $25.00 each. Helicoper will drop balls and if your n umbered ball is in or nearest cup, you can win $10,000 Cash. Proceeds forf 2022 VIP Fishing Tournament. For Information call 252-441-4966or 

NC Lions collect  and recycle used ink cartridges. Monies raised goes to offset cost of annual Deaf/Blind Retreat. You can link youself to recycler at no cost to you. Follow link below to find which cartridge accepted and how to print free shipping label.


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