
LCIF and Global HOPE began partnership to improve the treatment for children with cancer. Link to LCIF menu button on home page to learn more. 

VIP Fishing Touramnent The Golf Ball Drop is a major fundraiser for this event. Golf Balls are $25: Gwen A White, Executive Director, PO Box 140, Columbia, NC 27925.

NC State Lion Convention April 11-13 Greensboro Marriott Airport

Camp Dogwood Clean Up Event

WeWalk, re-invented the white cane with smart cane. Enchances mobility, detects overhear obstacles, turn by turn navigation, etc. 

Named Time Magazine's best invention and Amazon:s startup of year 2021. 

2022 Adopt-A-Fisherman, Sponson VIP for $25.00 each. Tax deductible check made out to NC Lions VIP Fishing Tournament. Mail to Gwen White, Executive Director, PO Box140, Columbia, NC, 27925. 

Lions VIP Charilty Golf Ball Drop $25.00 each. Helicoper will drop balls and if your n umbered ball is in or nearest cup, you can win $10,000 Cash. Proceeds forf 2022 VIP Fishing Tournament. For Information call 252-441-4966or 

NC Lions collect  and recycle used ink cartridges. Monies raised goes to offset cost of annual Deaf/Blind Retreat. You can link youself to recycler at no cost to you. Follow link below to find which cartridge accepted and how to print free shipping label.



Peace Poster 2024-2025 “Peace Without Limits”

We are happy to report that we had eleven schools and six clubs who participated in the poster contest

Student in 8th grade from Brown Summit Middle School (Guilford County Schools) was judged as the winning poster. She was sponsored by Greensboro Host Lions Club, also winner in District 31-O. 

Reminder 2025-2026 peace poster kits are available 1/15/2025 from LCI at Club Supplies 630-571-5466 or 1-800-710-7822



Programs funded by the annual brighter visions fund drive

For Camp Dogwood campers - provides camping experience for the blind and visually impaired with camp located on Lake Norman

Blind-deaf statewide retreat held in September

Matching funds

Help clubs provide eye exams, eyeglasses and other medical needs of the blind. To qualify must be below 200% property level

Support and Mobility Canes

Oldest service provided by Lions. Canes given to any blind or visually impaired person, limit one every two years at no charge

North Carolina Lions Educational Grants

Available to children of a blind or visually impaired blind parent. Grant for two and four year secondary education programs with emphasis placed on financial need

MSU/KidSight Screening

Help clubs provide free screenings in their communities

KidSight units with appropriate tools for school screenings.

Special Grants

Such as Visual Impaired Persons (VIP) fishing tournament

Governor Morehead School

Deaf/Blind Retreat



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