The officers of the 
Greater Irmo Lions Club
for 2024-25
a 2008th SightFirst II recognized, Emerald Club
Club President
Henry Gibson
Photo Pending
First Vice President
Tom Grieg, Jr.
Second Vice President
(Position Vacant)
Membership Chairperson
Tom England
Lions District 32S Convention
March 21 - 23, 2025
Click here to go to District 32S Convention Website...
2025 Greater Irmo Lions Club's
23rd Annual Golf Tournament at
Mid Carolina Country Club at Prosperity, SC
Tuesday, September 16, 2025
2024-25 District Directory Link
Ascent Classical Academies
a tuition-free Charter School
Two strong supporting Ambassadors for the Ascent Classical organization, the Shulers spoke to our members at our Regular Meeting on October 23rd, 2023 about this new school planned for the Coon Road area of Irmo. Contact them if you would like them to address your club or organization about this charter school idea...
- Teresa by email, or call her at (864) 431-0256 or click or their
QR address - Mark by email, or call him at (704) 906-7633 or click or their
QR address
This school is scheduled for beginning operation sometime around the end of 2024 starting with K-8 grades initially, then at a later date it will go to all 12 grades. For further information about this subject go to the link provided below...
One hundred percent of all donations collected by the Greater Irmo Lions Club are returned back into the community where we operate through our working Projects. For example, we sponsor the Peace Poster Contests, and local athletic teams including many other various local community projects which includes our annual GILC Golf Tournament that takes place in the month of September, just to mention a few.
As we are a non-profit, 501(c)(4) organization, any and all donations are welcomed and appreciated.
The telephone and website for hearing aid assistance are (816) 333-8300 and/or
go to this link,
Yes, we are looking for good PEOPLE (both, men and women, including family units) who would become Lions...
Should you be interested in becoming a Lion who enjoys interacting with their surrounding Irmo/Columbia community, take a look at this short GILC generated PDF document that has information concerning our club and Lions Clubs International too. Or, you can also click on any one of the numerous links on this page.
For more information contact us. Any member of our club will be glad to answer your questions.
Yes, we have the Lion corn straw BROOMS...
Here is the current price list. Take a look at what you want and then contact this website's Webmaster for further action. Once we agree upon where and when to meet, the broom(s) will be transferred to you. Payment should be in cash or check only; no credit cards. Make checks payable to; Greater Irmo Lions Club.
Yes, we collect used/new Glasses, Hearing Aids and Cell Phones...
We also collect Glasses (with or without lens, but please no cases or extra lenses), Hearing Aids that can be refurbished for use by hearing deprived seniors, and old Cell Phones that will be used for emergency events. Here is a list of collection sites in and around the Irmo/Columbia area. If you have any questions, contact the webmaster listed below.
A brief history of GILC..
- In the beginning, the Seven Oaks Lions Club (SOLC) was formed, via a sponsorship by the Lexington Lions Club. SOLC was Chartered March 31, 1967. Our 30th Anniversary Charter Night event was held in 1997.
- In July 2011, the Saint Andrews LC (SALC) and the Greater Columbia LC (GCLC) merged with SOLC.
- SOLC later changed it's name to the Greater Irmo Lions Club (GILC) through an LCI letter, dated October 2, 2013 that was sent to, then Club President, Tom England..
Of interest to Lions, in general, is GILC's Roster of Presidents, a chronology of our leaders since the club's beginning in 1967.
If you see something, say something...
All constructive comments/suggestions are appreciated;
please direct them to the Club Webmaster, Jack Brock
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.