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Club News |
Officers for 2024-2025
King Lion | Liz Kelleher |
1st Vice President | Open |
2nd Vice President | Open |
3rd Vice President | Open |
Secretary | Loretta MacLaren |
Treasurer | PDG Keith Thompson |
Lion Tamer | Carole Jaques |
Tail Twister | Walter Johnson |
Membership Chair | PDG Tommy Lu |
Immediate Past President | Earl Jaques |
1 year director | Aivars Krasts |
1 year director | Roy Palo |
2 year director | Mark Freidly |
2 year director | Tommy Lu |
December |
Safeway escript program
After five months we have received $63.85 from our 7 supporters. Others interested in participating see Lion Ed Short.A reminder that participants can re-register anytime now to participate again this year.
New road signs
Our new shiny road signs have arrived. Lions Ed Short and Earl Jaques have replaced the sign on the north 896 near PorterRd. and the one on Glasgow Ave. near the Baptist church. Lion Earl battled a hidden wasp net... He won... was only stungonce. Lion Ed has contacted the highway dept. in an effort to see if they will put in posts for the additional road signs. Lion Phil and KL Ed also have placed a sign on one of our sheds to advertise the club and our new web site.
Lion Update
Lion Don Smith (lives in Florida)
Lion Don sure leads a rather active life now that he is fully retired. KL Ed has a full page letter from Lion Donavailable for those who are interested. Lion Don reports that Joyce is learning to play golf. Lion Don seems to keep verybusy with time to motorcycle, scuba dive, play poker once a week, golf and entertain with friends and family in the area. Hesays "retired life is very good in paradise" Lion Don is a past president (1996-97) and was very active.
Lion Dave Colatriano (lives in Northern PA)
Lions Ed and Keith travled to Wellsboro, PA recently to visit with Lion Dave. What a great visit they had. Lion Davekeeps busy on his 30 acre mountain residence where he has lived for only a year (moving from Virginia). But, he has anendless number of projects in the works. "Moutain Man" Lion Dave's views of the mountains, his pond and wildlife arebreathtaking. Lion Dave took Lions Ed and Keith plus his good neighbor, Bill, to see the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon, only afew miles away. Lion Dave is a past King Lion (1988-89) and was very active.
Lion Roy Campbell
Lion Ed visited with charter Lion Roy and Ruth in June. Lion Roy seems to be doing well... keeps busy with his walkingand helping his son at his green house. We are hoping he will be back with us in the future.
Lion Dick Goldsborough (lives in Bayville, DE)
Lives near Fenwick Island... from a phone conversation, charter member Dick seemed to be doing well. Lion Dick passes ona "hi to the Glasgow Lions" he is sorry to be unable to visit but distance and not driving limits him. Lion Dick was one ofour early King Lions (1984-85).
Lion Bob Doggett (lives in Arizona)
Lion Bob passes on a "hi, to all the Lions". He is in the middle of getting estimates to take on some home renovationprojects. Says that weather is starting to cool a little (down to mid to high 90's), but have 30% humidity which is highfor them. He plays golf at least twice a week... seems to be enjoying retirement. Lion Bob was a busy King Lion in 1990-91.
Eye glass collection update
Lion Earl has been busy this summer working on finding places to put additional eye glass collection boxes. The clubacquired additional boxes. We now have 21 active collection sites... up from 12.
Pop a top again
Lion Al O'Neill is again saving those little aluminum can tabs that allow us to open our favorite beverage can. Lastyear he collected 9 five gallon buckets worth. These are donated to the Ronald McDonald House which is able to cash themin to assist with funding.