The Gettysburg Lions Community and Charitable Activities:
Volunteer duty at the Gettysburg Soup Kitchen.
Sponsor and participate in United Way Annual Day of Caring.
- Pick up food at the SCAPP "Gleaning" Program and deliver to Soup Kitchen and Elderly Housing locations.
Bell Ringing for the Salvation Army holiday fund rasing.
- Weekly pickup and deliver excess food from Hanover Soup Kitchen to Gettysburg Soup Kitchen and SCCAP Food Pantry.
Active used eyeglass collection program with a drop off point at Kennie's Market in Gettysburg.
Annual charitable fundraiser--our sponsorship of the Holiday Boy's High School Basketball Tournaments. All funds raised goes to local charities.
Provide "litter control" for a several mile stretch of State Route 97.
Vision exams and eyeglasses for those financiallly not able to get these services.
- Pickup and Deliver "left over" bread, bakery items and other foods from Weiss and Kennie's Market to the Gettysburg Soup Kitchen and SCCAP Food Pantry.
- Assistance at several community events including the Gettysburg Brass Band Festival.
- Assist United Way of Adams County with food concession at Annual Peach festival.
- Vision screening for pre-schoolers.