
Astrology camp


At Uruwala Saba temples, Belummahara

02nd October 2011 from 9.00 to 6.30pm                             Rs.419,000 worth project

 Uruwala nadungamuwa sabawa temple is situated at Belummahara and a leading temple in the area. There are over 1500 families living at Rathupaswala village and LC of Ganemulla Circle joined Project  with the Manasa Gurukulaya Gampaha Branch(Astrologer’s sosiaty) Uruwala Saba temple Yagoda Seevali foundation and the dayaka sabawa to conduct the mega “jeotisya camp” which has benefitted immensely for the entire village.                     

45 astrologers and Head of the Manasa Gurukulaya Desamannya K.A.U.Sarathchandra,10 Lions, 3 Lion ladies, 1 regional chairperson, 3 cabinet officers, 3 Leos,  & over 1500 villagers participated for this mega event.

LC of Ganemulla circle organized a BRU coffee for 1500 cups, breakfast for 75 & lunch for astrologers and others 150 and refreshments for 150 this mega project.

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