

Frankfort Lions Club Officers

Bill Jennrich, President

Al Lazaro, First Vice President

Mike Szafoni, Second Vice President

Tammi Toepper, Secretary
Melissa Whitman, Secretary

Sue Schlomas, Treasurer
Jack Kelly, Treasurer

Andy Schmitz, Immediate Past President

Sue Wolf, Past District Governor, 1-BK
and LCIF Coordinator

Board of Directors

Gina Furlong

Rick Johnson, Past President

Steve Juveland, Past President

Louise Partee

Connie Trevarthan

George Faris, Lion Tamer

Al Russo, Past President


Club Services & Chairs

Rick Johnson & Louise Partee - Hunger

Andy Schmitz - Environment

John Reilly - Vision/Hearing and Kids Sight Vision Screening

Cindy Robinson - Diabetes

Nancy Schmitz - Pediatric Cancer

 open - Humanitarian Relief

open - Disaster Relief

Tammi Toepper - Sight and Sound

Rick Johnson & Louise Partee - Food Baskets

George Faris -  Candy Days

Mike Szafoni - Wurst Fest

Dawn Brechtel - Membership

Nancy Schmitz - Scholarships and Website Manager

Margaret Farina & Jamie Lemmons - Communications & Public Relations Chairs



Lions participate in the 2019 Trunk or Treat hosted by the
Frankfort Police Department in downtown historic Frankfort.


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