
Frankfort Lions Club
"We Serve"

If you would like to make a gift to support our fundraising efforts, please scan the QR code or visit the Donate Today page. Thank you for your commitment to making our community a better place!  





Eyeglasses Recycling

Since 1978, Frankfort Lions have collected thousands of used prescription eyeglasses in conjunction with local businesses that are "drop-off" points in order to give the gift of sight to those in need then delivered to the Lions of Illinois Foundation for distribution throughout the world.

Special thanks to Frankfort Boy Scout Troop 270 for constructing eyeglass and hearing aid collection boxes in support of our commitment to serve as "Knights of the Blind."

Used prescription eyeglasses, hearing aids and phones and phone chargers may be dropped of at the following businesses in Frankfort and Frankfort Square.

Frankfort Park District
140 Oak Street

Frankfort Square Park District
7540 Braemar Lane

Frankfort Public Library
21119 Pfieffer Road

Frankfort Village Hall
432 N. Nebraska Street

Lincolnway Special Recreation Association
1900 Heather Glen Dr., New Lenox

Harrison Eye Care
21100 Washington Parkway

Multack Eye Care
22200 Wolf Road

Leon Kosek, O.D. and Judith Walsh O.D.
21237 S. LaGrange Rd.

Frankfort Lions will collect new and gently used coats now through December 10, 2024. Collection locations include Phillips Chevrolet, Founders Center, Town Center Bank and the Frankfort Library. Coats of all sizes for men, women and children will be accepted and will be distributed to local families through the Frankfort Township Food Pantry. Questions? Please call 815-683-8283. Thank you!


Congratulations to the 2024 winners of our annual Wurst Fest raffle.
Thank you to everyone who purchased a ticket to
support our fundraising efforts!!

Grand Prize $10,000.00
Ticket #649 - D. Padilla

2nd Prize $2,000.00
Ticket #1538 - J. Kloos

3rd Prize $1,000.00
Ticket #388 - D. Hardwick

4th Prize $500.00
Ticket #1892 - S. Murphy

5th Prize $500.00
Ticket #1277 - T. Cozzi

6th Prize $500.00
Ticket #1407 - C. Tokarz

7th Prize $500.00
Ticket #137 - L. Clarke



THANK YOU to this year's Wurst Fest 2024 Sponsors! 

Sponsor Level / Sponsor

Event         Phillips Chevrolet

Event         Kloos Material

Event         Fisher-Swale-Nichoson Eye Center

Event         CD & ME

Event         Minute Man Press

Event         Good Speed Cycle

Event         Vertical Bridge

Service      Keller Williams-Jamie Lemmons

Service      Burke Orthodontics

Service      Active Pure Technology-Sue Wolf

Service      Book Racing

Service      Safeway Chimney Sweeps

Service      IRA-Innovative Retirement Associates

Service      LSHC - Life Safety Hardware Consultants

Service      Riverbend Planning Group

Service      Lars Auto Shop

Service      Witkowski Dental

Service      Midland Oral Surgery & Implant Center

Service      Frankfort Mayor Keith & Kim Ogle (Plus One AV)

Service      Sharlene Electric

Service      Edward Jones Al Lazaro/Jeff Otway

Service      Trails Edge Brewery

Service      King Heating & Air

Service      Town Center Bank

Service      Frankfort Chamber of Commerce

Service      Vintage Darlings

Service      Meijer

Service      State Farm Ins - Ken Mulheran

Service      Brothership Brewery

Pride         New Lenox Gatto's Restaurant

Pride         Frankfort Family Auto Repair

Pride         Law Office of Jacqueline Wierings

Pride         Action Sports

Pride         Hickey Memorial Chapel




August 6, 2024
National Night Out Against Crime

 National Night Out (NNO) is a community-building campaign promoting partnerships and cooperation between law enforcement and community neighborhoods with a goal of making neighborhoods safer.

Frankfort Lions participate in this family-friendly event by offering water generously donated by Hinkley Springs. Thank you for your generous support and ongoing friendship.  


February 2024
Frankfort Lions "Purge the Pantry"


January 2024
Monthly Membership Meeting

Lion President Andy shares the "Class of 2023" Leader Dogs for the Blind Poster
with the club at this month's meeting.  Lions will sponsor a graduate for the
"Class of 2024."


Frankfort Lions Candy Days

October 13 - 14, 2023

Candy Days is the premiere fundraiser for the services and programs
provided to the hearing & visually impaired in Illinois

raising over 50% of the total operating funds for the
Lions of Illinois Foundation (LIF).

Your generous donations during Candy Days allow LIF and the Lions Clubs throughout Illinois
the ability to serve more than 18,000 men, women, & children each year.




Thank you for supporting the Frankfort Lions Club!

All raffle prize winners have been contacted at this time except for the First Place winners the "R" Family Grandchildren.
Please email if this is your winning ticket.  

Congratulations to our 2023 Raffle Ticket Winners!

1st ($10k) #1399
2nd ($1k)  #0622
3rd ($700) #0658
4th ($500) #0261
5th ($400) #1049
6th ($200) #1290
7th ($100) #1962

Thank you to our 2023 Event Sponsors!

ActivePure Technology - Sue Wolf
Advanced Appraising, LTD.
Lois & Tom Barz
Body Foundation
Book Racing Inc.

Chicago Stem Cell Therapy
CD & Me
Edward Jones ~ Al Lazaro & Jeff Otway
Fisher Swale Nicholson Eye Center
Frankfort Chamber of Commerce
Frankfort Family Auto Repair
King Heating & Cooling
Kloos Material Company
KW Keller Williams - Jamie Lemmons
K9 Tailshakers
LSHC - Life Safety Consultants
Midland Oral Surgery
Minuteman Press
Dennis & Sharon Murphy
Pain Management Institute
Phillips Chevrolet
Redfin Real Estate - Joanne Ketsios ~ Melissa Kinsbury
Riverbend Planning Group

Safeway Chimney Sweep
Sharlen Electric Co.
Southern Charm Venues

tate Farm ~ Ken Mulheran
Southside Collision

Town Center Bank
Trail's Edge Brewing Company
Vintage Darlings





Free Vision Screening for kids 6 mos. thru 10 years

When: Saturday, April 15, 2023

Where: Frankfort Public Library
21119 Pfeiffer Road

Time: 9:00 a.m. through 2:00 p.m.

Parental Consent Required
Letter to Parents:

Click here to view the types of vision problems Lions screen to detect.


Frankfort Lions Winter Coat Drive
December 2022

Thanks to Philips Chevrolet of Frankfort for collecting winter coats this Season!

Frankfort Lions Candy Days
October 2022

Lions collected donations to support persons who are
visually and hearing impaired in our community & Illinois.

Thanks to Jewel-Osco and Starbucks for hosting Lions' collections!

Frankfort Lions Wurst Fest
September 2022

Thank you for your support!



Thursday, September 1, 2022

6:00 p.m. at The Garden

on Kansas & Oak Streets in downtown Frankfort

Advance Tickets: $20 for 2 adults
At the Gate:  $25 for 2 adults
If raffle tickets are sold out:  $10 entry at the Gate

All tickets sold will be included in a raffle to win $10,000.

Need tickets?  Visit these locations today to purchase:

Frankfort Chamber of Commerce

Frankfort Park District

Aura Bella Salon

Funds raised support our mission to serve the Frankfort and Frankfort Square communities.

Thanks to our 2022 Event Sponsors!

ActivePure Technology
Body Foundation
CD & Me
Edward Jones ~ Al Lazaro & Jeff Otway
Frankfort Chamber of Commerce
King Heating & Cooling
Minuteman Press
Dennis & Sharon Murphy
Safeway Chimney Sweep
Sharlen Electric Co.
State Farm ~ Ken Mulheran
Town Center Bank
Trail's Edge Brewing Company
TTS Granite Inc.

Vintage Darlings
Wind City Anethesia


For tickets email or call 815-683-8283.


Frankfort Police Department's Night Out Against Crime
August 2022

Every year Lions provide complimentary water to attendees thanks to Hinckley Springs 
and its generous contribution!


Frankfort Lions Featured at The Wine Thief - Tasting Gala 2022
May 2022

Thanks to The Wine Thief for supporting the Lions at its annual gala to raise money for our community!

The Wine Thief also donated $7.50 per ticket purchased to the club
and a beautiful wine basket for our raffle.



Frankfort Lions Winter Sports on the Green
February 2022

Lions partnered with the Village of Frankfort and Pack 270 with fun games and prizes
to win on Breidert Green in downtown historic Frankfort!




Frankfort Lions:  Sharing is Caring! 
Frankfort School District 157-C & Summit Hill School District 161 Partnership




Frankfort Lions Christmas Food Delivery
December 2021

Lions delivered Christmas dinners and gifts cards to families in the Frankfort and Frankfort Square areas.


Frankfort Lions & Will County Children's Advocacy Center

October 2021

Lions pictured with Will County State's Attorney James Glasglow while donating Barbie and Ken dolls for children who have endured severe abuse, exploitation, neglect, & violence.
To find out how you can donate go to

Frankfort Lions Wurst Fest
September 2021

Thank you to our generous sponsors!

Congratulations to the Raffle Winners!

Kate M. - #1778

Shelly K. - #1055

Steve S. - #321

Debby J. - #777

Pete C. - #871

Eric L. - #367

Matt P. - #914


Please check with this page regarding event status based on COVID 19 guidance.  

For further information regarding Will County Covid 19 rates and public health recommendations go to



Frankfort Lions Club Sock Drive
February - March 2021

Care. Share. Give a Pair.

Frankfort Lions are collecting socks now until March 15. 
To find out more and where to donate socks in the community
click here.

Thanks to Hickory Creek Middle School, Chelsea Intermediate School, and Grand Prairie Grammar School for their partnership to collect socks for those in need!

Congratulations to the Hickory Creek Student Council for collecting over 3,000 socks! 
The Frankfort Lions Club is proud of the students for their service to others in our community!

Frankfort Lions gather with the Hickory Creek Student Council Members, Advisors and Principal.

Hickory Creek Student Council Members.


Frankfort Lions Support Our First Responders
January 2021

Frankfort Lions partnered with Kup A Joe Cafe and Trail's Edge Brewing Co. to deliver meals to the Silver Cross Hopsital Emergency Department.  


Frankfort Lions Thanksgiving Food Drive
November 2020

Thanks to Jewel-Osco for donating Thanksgiving meals with turkeys and sides!


Frankfort Lions Club recently joined the 

Operation Playground Foundation to help reseal
Fort Frankfort at the Frankfort Park District's Commissioner's Park. 


Lions, Lincoln-Way East High School students and other community members worked for two days to
restore and preserve the playground provided by Operation Playground Foundation.


Past President Lion Joe and Phil Simmons, President of Operation Playground Foundation, led restoration efforts.

Lion Andy applies coating to the park playground equipment.

LWE High School students help with efforts to receive community service hours.









Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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