Falmouth Lions Contacts
Falmouth Lions Club
P.O. Box 6032
Falmouth, Maine 04105
King Lion
Karen Winslow kaz@maine.rr.com
John Winslow - jpwcraftsman@maine.rr.com
Becoming A Falmouth Lion
Membership in a Lions Club is by invitation only. Through membership, Lions not only help people in need, but they have opportunities to develop personal friendships and gain valuable leadership skills which can be used in their work or in their personal lives.
Once you have been invited to attend a meeting or event, you will be assigned to a Sponsor (usually the person who invites you to an event). If after attending an meeting or event you would like to join the Falmouth Lions Club, Click Here to access the Membership Form. Simply print and fill out the form (your Sponsor will assist you with this), and submit the completed form to our Membership Chair.