

Contact Us

Contact: Charlie Holzschuh, Phone 423-754-0722 email


Eastport Lions Club is a new club chartered on 3 November 2022.  New members are welcomed to join to help serve our community.


Club Officers and Directors For Lion Year

President -- Charlie Holzschuh
         Phone 423-754-0722, email

First Vice President -- Bill Dick

2nd Vice President -- Connie Kleckner

Secretary – Kathy Katerman

Treasurer – Sonya Zeller

Membership / Greeter -- Renae Sokola

Marketing / Media -- POSITION AVAILABLE

LCIF Coordinator -- Don Newman 

Lion Tamer -- Jim Dingeman

Tail Twister -- Scott Sokola

Director At Large 1 Year: Sue Csencitz

Director At Large 2 Years: Frank Traina

Sunshine Committee Chairperson -- Kathy Pumphrey

Guest Speakers – Sally Mastrolia

Club Historian – Robbin Juris-Dick 

Social Committee Chair – Cheryl Moredich

KID SIGHT – Chris Culberson

Eye Glass coordinator -- Chris Culberson

Facebook -- Chris Culberson

Guiding Lion -- Elaine Disinger & Sonia Saylor

Webmaster – Chuck Zeller

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