Projects supported with your help
Holiday for Senior Citizens and Carers
Lions Club / Tesco Food Appeal
Holiday for Senior Citizens and Carers
Sensory Garden for Autistic Children
Other projects undertaken by Dundalk Lions Club
Dundalk Lions Club distributed 250 food hampers to deserving families in Dundalk on Sunday 20th December. As in 2014 and 2013, Lions Clubs across Ireland collected food donated in Tesco stores as part of the Lions Clubs / Tesco Christmas Food Appeal on Friday, 27th and Saturday 28th November. The students of Coláiste Rís and Réalt na Mara also organised food collections in their schools on behalf of Dundalk Lions Club. Dundalk Lions Club purchased all additional food required to fill the 250 hampers. As usual, the entire operation was overseen by Catherine Doherty. Irene Mayock, President of Dundalk Lions Club, would like to thank all those who contributed to the appeal, who helped in the collection, packing and distribution of the food, and all who helped in any way with this very worthy project.
Some of the food hampers packed and ready to go
Are we finished?
Some of the Lions Club volunteers, happy to be finished
Holiday for Senior Citizens and Carers
The annual Weekend Away for Senior Citizens and Carers was based in the Oranmore Lodge Hotel in Co. Galway for the second year. Two busloads departed from Dundalk on Friday 2rd October and returned on Monday 5th October. So successful was the trip in 2014 that the organisers had a difficult act to follow. By all accounts they succeeded and everyone returned exhausted but extremely happy and already looking forward to the trip in 2016.
Bingo on Tour
Bridie goes Higher
Holiday for Senior Citizens and Carers 2014
A very enjoyable day was had by all when the Dundalk Lions Club together with the Arch Club organised a trip to Dublin Zoo.
And they're off
On arrival
Lions at the zoo - Declan and Catherine
A new member of the Lions Club?
They'll never forget us
Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours
Wave to the camera
All ready for home
Lion Kerri Malone prepares audio CDs for distribution to local people with visually impairment
People with visual impairment often miss out on local news and events, as they are unable to read the local newspapers. Dundalk Lions Club has a project called the Talking Newspaper which helps local people with visual impairment to keep up to date with local news. This involves recording the reading of the local papers and making copies of it onto CDs. These CDs are then circulated to people in the Louth/Monaghan area who are unable able to read the papers due to a visual impairment. The CDs are circulated in red wallets with address labels. Each label has a listener's address on one side, the reverse side has social services address. When the listeners are returning their wallet they have the social services side of the label facing out and post it freepost at any post box. The envelopes are collected every week by the lions club so they can be re-circulated with a new CD for our listeners.
Most of our listeners have been referred from NCBI, the national sight loss agency. We also receive referrals from Primary Care Teams and the Netwell Centre. The talking paper has an open referral system so anyone can contact us with details of a potential new listener.
The Lions Club have a 1 hour slot on Dundalk FM every Thursday at 8.00 p.m. As well as keeping listeners up to date with the various activities of the Lions Club, the show has interviews with local personalities involved with volunteering and charitable work in the Dundalk area. There is also a section where Lions members read extracts from the local papers for the benefit of the visually impaired.
Dundalk Lions Club delivered a total of 250 food hampers to deserving families in Dundalk and the surrounding area on Sunday 21st December 2014. As always, Catherine Doherty organised the entire operation from the initial food appeal to the delivery of the last food hamper. Special thanks Tesco and staff for their support in the Lions Club / Tesco Food Appeal, to the local school children who supported our food appeal with School Food Collections, and to all the volunteers who joined the Lions Club members in Packing and Distributing the food hampers.
Lions Club / Tesco Food Appeal 2014
On Friday 5th and Saturday 6th December Dundalk Lions Club, in partnership with Tesco, collected food generously donated by shoppers in the Tesco stores in Dundalk. All food collected was added to food bought from Lions Club funds (funds generously donated by the people of Dundalk) to enable us to fill and distribute 250 Christmas Food Hampers to deserving families in the Dundalk region.
Based on the quantity of food collected in the Tesco stores, Tesco kindly donated €1090 to the Lions Club. Dundalk Lions Club added €110 to this sum and presented €600 to Dundalk Simon Community and €600 to Women's Aid Dundalk.
Callan Quinn, Declan Dempsey (Lions Club) Michelle Ryan (Simon) Catherine Doherty (Lions Club) David Darcy (Tesco) and Mattie Pepper (Lions Club)
John Hennessy, Callan Quinn, Declan Dempsey (Lions Club), Helen Hoey (Women's Aid) Catherine Doherty (Lions Club) David Darcy (Tesco) & Mattie Pepper (Lions Club)
Mattie, Catherine, Callan, and Declan with some of the donated food
Leaflet distributed to shoppers
School Children Donate Food to Lions Club Food Appeal 2014
Back to Christmas Food Hampers 2014
Food Packing and Delivery 2014
Lions members and friends take a break from food packing
Some of the food hampers ready to go.
Dundalk Lions Club, in association with Autism Ireland, have been collecting old mobile phones for recycling. For every 160 mobile phones collected, Autism Ireland will provide an iPad for a child. Dundalk Lions Club have provided 29 iPads under this scheme and these iPads have been donated to local schools.
Tadhg O' Sullivan (Dundalk Lions Club) presenting iPad no 20 to teachers Bean mhic Shearraigh & Grainne Power from Realt Na Mara Centre for Autism with Declan Dempsey (Dundalk Lions Club)
John Hennessy (Dundalk Lions Club) presenting iPad no 19 to Principal Roisin Hughes, Scoil Eoin Baiste with Tadhg O'Sullivan and Declan Dempsey (Dundalk Lions Club)

Lions John Hennessy (left) and Tadhg O'Sullivan present 2 iPads to teachers and students in Drumcar School
Dundalk Lions Club presenting two iPads to Réalt na Mara School Sonas Autism Centre. Pictured L to R: John Hennessy (Lions Club), Julie Shields (Teacher), Mary Hession (Principal), Tadhg O'Sullivan (Lions Club), Bn. Mhic Searraigh (Teacher).
See Autism Ireland on FaceBook
Holiday for Senior Citizens and Carers 2014
In 2014 the annual Weekend Away for Senior Citizens and Carers was based in the Oranmore Lodge Hotel in Co. Galway. Two busloads departed from Dundalk on Friday 3rd October and returned on Monday 6th October. It was agreed by all that the 2014 trip was the best trip in the 25 years of running this event. The organisers have a difficult act to follow in 2015.
The Lions are happy that everyone is on board.
Cardinal James Of Galway prays that the leprechauns will be safe while they are away from their home in the Designated Area of Protection for Little People on Sliabh Foy in the Cooley Peninsula
Bridie gets younger every year
Choose your partner
A slow one to start
Things are getting faster
An annual project for members of Dundalk Lions Club is the provision of food hampers at Christmas time for needy families in Dundalk. Thanks to the generosity of the people of Dundalk in supporting our fundraising events, the Dundalk Lions Club provides food hampers for approximately 240 families each year.
Christmas Food Hampers 2013
Dundalk Lions Club delivered a total of 230 food hampers to deserving families in Dundalk and the surrounding area on Sunday 22nd December 2013. As always, Catherine Doherty organised the entire operation from the initial food appeal to the delivery of the last food hamper. A special thanks to all the volunteers who joined the Lions Club members and helped to make the initiative a success.
Catherine organises the troops
Lions Club / Tesco Food Appeal
On Friday 29th and Saturday 30th November 2013 Dundalk Lions Club, in partnership with Tesco, held a Christmas food appeal in the Tesco stores in The Long Walk Shopping Centre and the Old Shopping Centre. Shoppers in the two stores were asked to purchase non-perishable food and to donate this food to the Lions Club's Christmas Hampers. Thanks to the staff in the two Tesco stores and a special word of thanks to Jackie, Michelle, Vivienne and Sharon for their help on the 2 days. As always, the people of Dundalk were very generous in contributing to this very worthy cause. In addition to the food collected on these dates, Tesco generously donated vouchers to the value of 30% of the value of food donated. Money collected in various Lions Club fund raising events, again generously donated by the people of Dundalk, was used to make up the remainder of the food required for the hampers.
Lion Tadhg O'Sullivan with Vivienne Ross, Tesco
Lions Seamus Gormley and Sean Ryan with Sharon McGeough, Tesco
John and Tadhg collecting the food
Tom Carroll (Value Centre) with the first pallet wrapped and ready to go.
Catherine keeps the men on their toes
Lions club members working late into the night?
Lions Club members and volunteers fill the hampers
Our youngest volunteer
Happy at work (Megan Clarke & Mattie Pepper)
A long way to go
No time to pose for the camera
What a team! (Tom & John)
Have they all deserted Irene?
Hard at it
Almost there
Has anyone seen JIm Figgerty?
Hampers full and ready to go
When they're gone they're gone
Packing in earlier days
Lions Shirley Clarke and Catherine Doherty filling food hampers
Lions members filling food hampers
Food Hampers ready to go
Lions Tadhg O'Sullivan, Richie Sheehy and James Watters delivering hampers
Dundalk Lions Club have produced a helpline card with useful phone numbers for people in crisis. This card is similar in size to a credit card and fits easily into a wallet or purse. These cards have been distributed in schools, pharmacies and doctors' surgeries and are available to the public at these locations.
This is a new initiative called Message in a Bottle that Dundalk Lions Club, in conjunction with the Drogheda Lions Club, are launching in the county of Louth this coming September.
We are holding an information evening on 23rd July 2013 in the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dundalk at 8pm (approx 1 hour) and would be delighted if you could attend and find out more about this very simple but potentially life and time saving scheme.
What is Message in a Bottle?
The Message in a Bottle is a simple idea to encourage people living on their own or those with known medical conditions to keep their basic personal and medical details in a common location where they can be found in an emergency.
How does it work?
The Message in a Bottle is a white plastic bottle that contains a form on which the user (or a relative/friend/support person) completes with their vital information. The bottle is located where emergency services are trained to look, in the refrigerator door. The bottle is also supplied with three green cross stickers that are placed on the inside of the front door, the back door and on the fridge door to indicate to the emergency services that the bottle is present in the house.
What information is required/detailed?
Basic information such as your name, address, photograph, contact details, location of medication and prescriptions, any major medical conditions, your doctor details and any other information that may be considered necessary.
How much does it cost?
There is no cost to the user. The cost of running the scheme is being borne by the Drogheda Lions Club and the Dundalk Lions Club with the support of business sponsors.
Where can I get a bottle from?
The bottles can be obtained from your local Lions Club either Drogheda or Dundalk and we are also requesting the assistance of you and your organisation to assist us with the distribution of the bottles. We also hope to get them into the local doctor surgeries and pharmacies.
Sensory Garden for Autistic Children
Other projects undertaken by Dundalk Lions Club
Restoration of garden for St. Olivers Hospital
Restoration of old Persons house
Learning centre for Autistic children
Order of Malta Lourdes Invalid Fund
Youth Initiative Project
Holy Family Creche
Special Olympics
Replacement of bus for St. Bridget's Special School
Voluntary Housing Project
Pressure Relieving Mattresses for St. Olivers Hospital
Romanian Orphanage Appeal
Xmas Hampers for Needy Families
Redeemer Summer Project
Coxes Demesne Youth and Community Project
St Joseph's replacement books scheme
Talking Newspaper for the Visually Impaired
Meals on Wheels
Support for local Arch Club