
Immediate Past President: The immediate Past President, along with other Past Presidents, serves as an official greater of members and their guests of Club meetings and represents the Club in welcoming new people into the community served by the Club.

President: The President serves as the Club's Chief Executive Officer and presides at all meetings of the Club and the Board of Directors. The President issues the call for regular and special meetings in accordance with the Club's by-laws or procedures, plans the agenda and ensures that the status of each committee activity is reported. It is also the responsibility of the President to see that regular elections are dully called, noticed and held. The President cooperates with, and is an active member of the District Governor's advisory committee of the Zone in which Club is located.

Vice President: In the event that the presidents should be unable to perform the duties of office for any reason, the Vice President next in rank occupies the position and performs the duties with the same authority as the President. Each Vice President, under the direction of the President, oversees the functioning of various committees of the club.

Secretary: Under the supervision and direction of the President and Board of Directors, the Secretary atcs as a liaison officer between the Club and both the District and international headquarters. Responsibility of the secretary include submitting reports, maintaining Club records and issuing financial statements to club members.

Treasurer: The Treasurer is resonsible for all Club financial matters. Duties include receiving all monies and paying Club obligations, maintaining financial records, preparing financial statements and submitting financial reports.

Lion Tamer: The Lion Tamer serves as custodian of Club properly. Duties include being responsible for club properly [such as flags, banners, gavels, etc.], serving as a Sergeant Arms during meetings and distributing material at meetings.

Tail Twister: The Tail Twister serves to promote harmony, good fellowship and enthusiasm at Club meetings through the judicious imposition of fines on members. The Tail Twister may not be fined except by the unanimous vote of all members present. Any funds collected by the Tail Twister are immediately turned over to the Treasurer.

Membership Director: The Membership Directorss serves as the Chairman of teh Membership Committee. Responsibilities of the Membership Director include development of membership growth programs implementation of recruitment and retention programs and preparation of orientation sessions.

Branch Coordinator: The Branch Coordinator is the Chief Officer of the club branch's executives committee.

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