Lions for Literacy is our club's Signature community project. The club donates the funds to purchase books for every elementary student in the Coon Rapids Area. Lions then run the game of Bango, and every student manages to win a book. Events take place once per school year at each of the elementary schools. |
Holiday Gifts for Seniors in the Coon Rapids Area! Lion members donate small gifts during the holiday season which are combined, wrapped and delivered to citizens of Coon Rapids whose names have been submitted to the Lions through the Senior Center. |
Lions in the Park Open House
community outreach and membership drive.
Showcasing our events and partnerships in the community gives residents an idea of what we are involved in and offers information on how to get involved as a member of our Club. |
Pancake Breakfast
Our Annual Pancake Breakfast in the fall, the breakfast proceeds go to benefit our community.
Area youth organizations such as the Scouts, the high school marching band and Police Explorers help the Lions serve our guests by serving coffee and clearing tables |
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Hooked on Fishing!
The Coon Rapids Lions Club donates the funds for, and volunteers to serve lunch at the annual Anoka County Hooked on Fishing program which teaches both water safety as well as fishing how-to's to local youngsters |
Lions Parl Memorial Garden
Every spring Lions get together to clean out the garden, weed, and mulch the memorial garden located at Lions Coon Creek Park |


Helping with summer recreation camp programs at Camps Friendship, New Hope and Needlepoint.
Lions clubs donated funds to camps for both maintenance as well as "camperships" to help those who cannot afford the costs associated with attending the camps.
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