
Roll out the's time for our Annual Beer festival!

Lion Tony preparing the food court

Ready to serve!!

Craft Beer queue

September Bridge Day - another ace fundraiser!

October Coffee Morning

Cake stall


Our Panto - Snow White

Snow White & The Seven Dwarves

Three Bears in Snow White? Obviously!! It's Panto!

And you also have a little White Bull!

Barn Dance

Haste to Marie's Wedding

Dancing to Rake Up

February Bridge Day - still playing our cards right!

Easter Egg launch - it's no yolk, this is one of our most Eggciting fundraisers!

McColls always eggcited to participate and support us!



Sadly, our Fundraising activities came to an abrupt end because of the Coronavirus.

We had to postpone our Plant Sale, 40 Shades of Grey Dance and Beer Festival!

We'll be back once Covid 19 Restrictions are lifted

Until then we will leave you with this thought!!



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