Congleton Lions
Congleton DiabeticFriends Group
We are now in our 5th year of sponsoring Congleton Diabetic Friends Group which is in response to comments that there is no support group in the town. The group currently has over 70 members including specialist nurses. The meetings are open to everyone esspecially those who have been diagnosed with diabetes or care for someone with diabetes. At each meeting there is a speaker. See calender for future meeting dates.
Congleton Talking Newspaper
The club was fundimental in the formation of the talking newspaper back in the 1970s and we still continue to support the group in many ways and also sit on their committee.
Dementia Buddy
We are sponsoring the dementia buddy scheme for residents living in CW12 postal area. This scheme provides information to the emergency services should your loved one with dementia get lost and don't know how to get home.

​Message in a Bottle
The Lions Message in a Bottle scheme is a simple idea designed to encourage people to keep their personal and medical details on a standard form and in a common location - the Fridge. Whilst it is focused on the more vulnerable people in our community, anyone can have an accident at home, so this scheme can benefit anyone, including you and is provided free to the user.
Message in a Bottle is a Congleton Lions project and along with many other Lions Clubs across the country it is way of fulfilling our motto “We Serve”. We fund the scheme from our own charity account.
As a minimum it will save theEmergency Services valuable time identifying you and your emergency contacts. By telling whether you have special medication or allergies or not, it is a potential lifesaver and provides peace of mind to users and their friends and families.
Bottles can be obtained from either the Information Centre, Fire and Rescue Brigade, First Responders, St John Ambulance or of course any member of Congleton Lions Club.
Speaks for you when you can't!!! This is a life saving identification system for people with hidden medical conditions and allergies. We are promoting this potential life saving device this year, for more information contact web master or
Young Leaders in Service
We are very pleased to report that a number of youth organisations in the town are looking to sponsor young leaders in their groups. We are looking to sponsor more young leaders in the town. Please contact web master for more details.
Major Disasters
Along with many organisations we are supporting the major disasters around the world.
Marie Curie
Along with other clubs in the UK we are supporting the local Marie Curie group within the town. We again will be assisting in the daffodill collections this year.
East Cheshire Eye Society
We are currently supporting East Cheshire Eye Society who meet at New Life Church
We have purchsed a 10 defibrillators for the town in conjunction with Congleton Partnership, which are accesable 24x7. We also carry out weekly checks on the devices to ensure that they are emergenct ready. If you have a medical problem call 999 and if required they will direct you to the closed emergency ready defibrillator. They will also giv you the code to access it.
ReCycling of Pre loved Spectacles
We collect pre loved spectacles for recyling in other parts of the world where eye care is not readaly available. We take them to our recylcing centre in Birmingham and from there they are shipped out. Collecting boxes are in the following locations:- Information Centre in the Town hall, Lyn Thompson Optometrists, Specsavers and Boots Opticans. Todate we have collected over 20,000 pairs in Congleton and over 3 million in the UK