Clear Lake Lions Club
November 18, 2024
The Clear Lake Lions Club held their monthly meeting at the CLACC cafeteria. Ten members opened the meeting at 6 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. President Cheryl Paulson presided over the meeting. Secretaries report was approved. Treasury report was approved as printed. Old business on the agenda included a discussion of the Hwy 63 project to put signs up depicting “Senator Gaylord Nelson Highway”. A motion to donate $500 to this project carried. The faux check for donation publication was tabled until next meeting so Lion Sarah can gather more information. Dale Wirth from the Cub/Boy Scouts met with the members to ask for a donation to offset the cost of annual membership per scout. The membership dues have risen to over $200 per member. The Clear Lake Lions helped sponsor the original charter for the Clear Lake Scouts. It was decided to postpone a decision until the December meeting. The new business consisted of sign-up for annual birthday calendar handout and food pantry collection on December 6th and 7th. The Salvation Army bell ringing schedule for November 23 at Nilssen's Market was finalized. Lion Blake Johnson was going to inform the members of another option to purchase clothing items with the official Lions logo sewn on, but was not able to attend this meeting. More information will be available soon. With no further business the meeting was adjourned by motion and carried.
Respectfully Submitted
Joe Mara, Secretary