Clear Lake Lions Club
December 16, 2024
The Clear Lake Lions met at 6 p.m. in the cafeteria of the CLACC. Ten members and one guest opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Lion President Cheryl Paulson presided over the meeting. The secretary report was approved as printed. Lion Treasurer John Koerper explained the financial transactions of the month, and motion to approve carried.
Alison Blanchard gave us a virtual tour of her trip to Uganda explaining the effort Compass Reality is doing to build and supply a school in the area close to the border of Congo. It was very interesting indeed and provided an insight to the struggles of the people and what we take for granted.
In Old Business, the Lions membership voted to donate $500 to the winter camp this year for the Clear Lake Cub Scouts. The feedback from the Clear Lake Lions Birthday Calendar handout suggested we put a statement on the calendar to inform people where to send additions, corrections, or deletions.
New Business discussed is the annual delivery of snacks to the nursing homes in Amery. Lion Cheryl will call the nursing homes to arrange dates and times. The Lion of the Year and Citizen of the Year recipients were suggested and will be voted on at the January meeting. Civic and Commerce sponsor request is tabled until our January Board Meeting. Our January Board Meeting will be at 5:30 p.m. on January 20 before the regular member meeting. Lion Blake Johnson provided information on his fathers’ company in providing clothing with the official Lions logo and lettering on any type of apparel. Motion to pay a one-time set-up fee of $65, carried.
Motion to adjourn carried at 7:27 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Joe Mara, Secretary