Club Projects
MARCH 2025
Project Homeless Connect is an annual event to provide services for the homeless in Morris County. Included in the services are haircuts, health screenings, lunch and much more. Chester Lioness assisted with the coat distribution, registration, serving coffee, providing hospitality.
Join us to help your community Email:

Warm wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year The Chester Lioness Lions
The Chester Area Senior Housing, (CASH) residents received gifts of a cuddly blanket throw, pot holders and an assortment of delicious chocolates from the Chester Lioness. Santa distributed the gifts to the senior's at the CASH Christmas party. CASH is an independent 501(c)3 living facility for 62+ and or disabled qualified residents.
We spent a lovely afternoon at the Chester Library enjoying holiday music performed by the Mendham High School Choir and jazz singer Ellen LaFurn. The Chester Lioness baked an assortment of delicious holiday desserts.
The Chester Lioness members along with community volunteers sorted and packaged necessities for the inmates at Morris County Correctional Facility. Visit us:,
The Chester Lioness were at Matheny Thrift Store assisting with sales. The store has a nice selection of Christmas items, housewares and clothing all reasonably priced. Proceeds benefit
Matheny a special hospital and school for children and adults with medically complex developmental disabilities.
We are happy to welcome Elise Cummiskey as a member of the Chester Lioness Club. Pictured center, at the induction to the club.

November 2024
Warm wishes to you and your family for a Happy Thanksgiving!
Congratulations to Lillian Boyle (right) and Ginny Maiwaldt (left) for their dedication serving our neighbors in need as a Chester Lioness for 10 years. Lions International also recognized both Lillian and Ginny with a tribute letter and pin. Thank you for all you have accomplished to make our community a better place. We are honored to volunteer with you.

October 2024
We are proud to support JBWS residents in transition by donating 4 baskets of household supplies as they start a new beginning. JBWS provides safety, support and solutions for abuse.

The Lioness served delicious home baked desserts at the enjoyable western style music, and storytelling event at the Chester Library on October 27. We had the pleasure of meeting familiar and new neighbors. We hope to see you at the next Library music event on December 15, registration information is posted on the library website.

Come join the Chester Lioness at Nourish, NJ to fight hunger. Nourish, NJ offers programs for hunger, Homelessness, and Poverty in Morris County.
The Chester Lioness' Rise and Shine Breakfast and Lunch Bag project is a testament to how impactful a community of volunteers can be when we come together to help our neighbors.We would like to thank the following for participating and or donating to the Rise and Shine Breakfast and Lunch bag project.A grant awarded by Lions International Charitable Grant to the Chester LionessStudents from Bragg Elementary School with the leadership of their teacher creatively decorated and made each bag special. It brought smiles to the children who received the bags.Giuseppe's Trattoria of Chester donated delicious pizzas for the volunteers, the pizzas were enjoyed by all.Kohls of Hacketstown donated their store bags to help transport the numerous breakfast and lunch bags.Weiss of Hacketstown donated the nutritious oranges that were included in the breakfast bagsElevance Health arranged the volunteers from Wellpoint Insurance Church of the Messiah- For the use of the church hall for assembly
Our extraordinary Chester Lioness members coordinated this huge or DM to learn moreVisit:
September 2024
Chester Lioness were back at Oktoberfest on Sunday, volunteering and supporting the Chester LionsClub. Hope you had a chance to attend this fun event.
Chester Lioness volunteering and having fun at Oktoberfest. Good food, desserts, music and much more. Join us: email Visit us:
Another day of tasty treats baked by the Chester Lioness for residents at Homeless Solutions.
Join the Chester Lioness and support your community! We have flexible volunteer schedules and opportunities. Our members were recently at Nourish.NJ packaging 600 meals to feed the hungry. Join us and make a difference we also partner with JBWS, Food Pantry Chester and Long Valley, key events at the Chester Library, Science Fair at Black River Middle School, Homeless Solutions and much more. email: visit us at:
Join the fun, good food, music, antique cars and family fun at Oktoberfest Weekend September, 28 & 29. Stop to say hi to the Chester Lioness volunteering along with the Chester Lions at Oktoberfest. We look forward to meeting you.
August 2024

The Chester Lioness members packed over 500 meals and restocked the food pantry at Nourish.NJ. We are proud to assist Nourish.NJ who are dedicated to fighting hunger, poverty and homelessness. Join us and make a difference. Email us: Visit us at:
It was the Chester Lioness pleasure to provide and serve lunch to the children and counselors at Camp Marcella. Camp Marcella is NJ’s premier residential summer camp specially designed for children and teens with blindness, visual impairment and special needs. Join us to make a difference in our community.

July 2024
The Chester Lioness Club Wishes you
a Happy Fourth of July

June 2024
The Chester Lioness Club wishes to thank ShopRite of Chester for their generous gift card donation. With the donation our club purchased baking supplies and members baked delicious treats including yellow cake with chocolate frosting, blueberry muffins and brownies for the residents of Homeless Solutions. The home baked desserts were a special treat and enjoyed by the residents.
“Homeless Solutions offers shelter services and supportive housing to homeless and working poor in Morris County, NJ.”
Join us to bake in July email: chesternjlioness@gmail.
At Nourish.NJ over 800 meals were packaged by members of the Chester Lioness along with restocking the pantry. The members welcome the opportunity to help those in need.

May 2024
The Chester Lioness Club is proud to present three $1500. Scholarship Awards to high school seniors from the West Morris Regional High School District. Congratulations and best wishes on your continued education!
Want to put a smile on someone’s face come bake with us email:

Our members spent a productive day at JBWS, Jersey Women’s Battered Shelter organizing baby clothes, the pantry and toys that will benefit the residents. JBWS offers Safety, Support and Solutions for Abuse.
April 2024
The Chester Lioness donated four laundry baskets filled with needed supplies for residents of JBWS, Jersey Battered Women’s Shelter. In addition members picked up at a designated location and delivered baby diapers for the young children.
Members of the Chester Lioness baked delicious treats for the residents to enjoy at Homeless Solutions on April 10th and 24th The treats included cupcakes, Italian cookies, oatmeal chocolate chip bars, vegan blueberry lemon loaf, coffee cake and s’mores bars. Homeless Solutions “has been helping the homeless and working poor in our community since 1983”. To volunteer email

Delicious St. Patty's Day treats were baked by members of the Chester Lioness for Homeless Solutions residents for their holiday party. An assortments of shamrock cookies, rainbow cupcakes and orange cranberry loaf were enjoyed by the residents
Congratulations to the winners of the Chester Science Fair on March 16, 2024. The Chester Lioness Club sponsored the category “Visual Health” and members served as judges. We were excited to award First prize to a 6th grader for the project on “What is the Effect of Color Blindness” and Second prize to a 4th grader for “Anatomy of the Eye”.
We extend our best to all the students who prepared and displayed the research on their chosen topic and findings.

The young residents of JBWS, Jersey Battered Women's Service, were excited to receive goody bags with crafts, puzzles, crayons, games, and books that were assembled by the Chester Lioness members. It’s a wonderful feeling when you can help someone in need. Email us at Visit us at

February 2024
Members of the Chester Lioness Club were busy baking delicious treats for the residents of Homeless Solutions. Like to bake, join us on March 13, at Homeless Solutions. Email us at
To show appreciation to our deployed servicemen and women, the Chester Lioness Club members
donated and packed care packages to support our troops with Operation Jersey Cares on February 19. OJC gave each member present, a star from a flag that has flown over the US but is now too tattered to fly. The Chester Lioness has partnered with OJC a nonprofit, all volunteer organization that honor the men and women who serve oversees with care packages and support military families in need and Veterans. We welcome you to join us for our next volunteer opportunity, reach us at

January 2024
Chester Lioness members baked delicious treats for the residents of Homeless Solutions to enjoy and provided needed supplies. Homeless Solutions provides temporary shelter and the tools to successfully return to independent living. Like to help your community? Contact us to join this event at
The Chester Lioness Club members assisted at the Jersey Battered Women’s Service, sorting new and gently used clothing for the residential clients. Contact us at
On January 24, 2024 Chester Lioness members went to Homeless Solutions to bake an assortment of baked goods which include cupcakes and biscotti plus more. The residents continue to look forward to the homemade treats. Here are pictures of the members with their delicious products!
On January 3rd., Lioness Club volunteers assisted in preparing and stocking 700 pre-cooked meals for the soup kitchen run by Nourish.NJ, a non-profit organization that creates lasting solutions to the problems of hunger, homelessness and poverty. Here is a picture of the Lionesses in the kitchen.
December 2023
Once again this month, on the 27th., Lioness Club members baked an assortment of baked goods at Homeless Solutions Inc., including raspberry linger bars, oatmeal chocolate chip bars, cookies and Christmas bark for the enjoyment of the residents. Two of the member’s children joined in the activity, learning to help your neighbors at an early age.
Each Christmas, the club purchases, wraps and presents special gifts to the residents of Community Hope in Chester, a non-profit organization located in Chester that provides housing and essential services to developmentally disabled individuals. The picture below shows the gifts all ready for presentation on December 21st.
The Chester Lioness Lions Club volunteers each month for JBWS performing tasks that need to be done for their clients. In December members went multiple times to sort and organize donations of toys, clothing, personal care items, and other items for the next holiday and distribution day. The picture below was taken on the December 19th.
Each Christmas, the club purchases, wraps and presents gifts to the residents of Chester Area Senior Housing. Pictured are club members on December 15th., with the gifts ready for presentation.
The Chester Lioness Lions Club volunteers each month for Jersey Battered Women’s Service, performing tasks that need to be done for their clients. On December 5th., club members worked to set up the holiday boutique, a “shopping” day for clients (moms, dads & children) to select holiday gifts for their family.
On December 11th., members of the club worked with the chaplaincy of the Morris County Correctional Facility and local churches to unwrap and organize holiday gifts for inmates. Here are pictures of members hard at work.
As is done twice a month, club members volunteered at the Matheny Second Chance Thrift Shop to support Matheny’s fund raising efforts. A member staffed a shift on Wednesday, November 22 and Wednesday, December 13. Matheny Medical and Educational Center is a special hospital and school for children and adults with medically complex developmental disabilities and a comprehensive outpatient center located in Peapack, NJ.
Nourish.NJ offers food and other services 365 days a year in a warm, safe and caring environment, free of charge, no questions asked. On December 14th., seven Lioness member volunteers assisted in preparing 700 meals pre-cooked and 120 quarts of soup for the nourish soup kitchen. The picture shows Lionesses at the nourish kitchen.
The Chester Lioness Lions Club partners with the Chester Library to provide home baked refreshments for key events hosted by the library. This was the case at the Holiday Extravaganza held on December 17th
Family Promise supports families experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity in Morris County. Lioness members volunteered on December 4th., to organize donations to allow family clients to select their choice of goods for their families for Christmas. This picture shows Lioness members hard at work and enjoying it.
November 2023
Chester Lioness members went to Homeless Solutions on November 15, 2023 to bake an assortment of baked goods which included muffins, biscotti and congo bars. The residents are always happy to have a little something sweet.
Chester Lioness Club members beautifully decorated 2 Christmas trees, Gingerbread Christmas and Sparkling White for the Festival of Trees held at the Barn in Chester, December 2nd - 9th, 2023. Visit the Festival of Trees to support the Senior Resource Center fundraiser.
The club was delighted to present a check to Lion Barbara Corsaro, the Lions State Officer who oversees the program for support of Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). Chester Lioness Lions Club members hold an annual walk to collect funds for JDRF. The picture below show the presentation of the check.
On November 9 and November 14, club members were at Jersey Battered Women’s Service (JBWS),
working on their mailings, unpacking and storing blankets and plush toys, and prepping gifts for the children’s holiday shopping day when children who are residents at the shelter, choose gifts for their parents.
The Chester Lioness Lions Club welcomed a new member into the club at their lunch meeting on November 2nd. The pictures show the induction ceremony conducted by the membership team.
Chester Lioness members went to Homeless Solutions on November 15, 2023 to bake an assortment of baked goods which included muffins, biscotti and congo bars. The residents are always happy to have a little something sweet.
Chester Lioness Lions volunteer twice a month at the Second Chance Thrift Shop in Gladstone, which is a fundraiser for Matheny Hospital and School. 1 Lioness volunteer will assist an experienced volunteer to staff the Thrift store on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. We were there like clockwork on October 11, October 25, and November 8.
October 2023
On October 26, 2023, Chester Lioness Lions Club volunteered at the Vision Loss Alliance of New Jersey (VLANJ) “Tasting in the Dark” fundraiser gala held at the Park Avenue Club in Florham Park, NJ. Lioness members staffed the reception desk and silent auction tables, helped serve hors d’oeuvres to vision-impaired guests, worked the buffet dinner tables and helped winners of the silent auction pay and collect their awards. The annual fundraiser helps fund VLANJ in their work to empower the vision impaired to lead independent lives.
The pictures show some of the members who volunteered.
The Chester Lioness Lions Club Inc has partnered with Chester Library to provide refreshments for key library events, including presentations and in-person author book launches. Members baked fresh goods for the book launch of “Always Orchid” by well-known author Carol Van Den Hende on October 25th. The pictures show Lioness members enjoying organizing the refreshment table with a Halloween theme!
On October 19th., the Club was delighted to welcome a new member – Jayne Murphy Morris, who is the Volunteer Coordinator for Jersey Battered Women’s Service (JBWS), an organization the club partners with already. October is observed as Domestic Violence Awareness Month by wearing purple, and members came to the business meeting and new member induction wearing purple.
September 2023
Chester Lioness members went to Homeless Solutions on September 28 to bake an assortment of baked goods which included cookies, congo bars and pumpkin breads for the enjoyment of the shelter residents. Here are some pictures of the members enjoying their work! The Chester Lioness Lions bake once a month at Homeless Solutions, which is one of the signature organizations the club partners with.
Members of the Chester Lioness Lions Club volunteer each month at Jersey Battered Women’s Service (JBWS), performing tasks needed for their shelter residents. This month the Lionesses filled toiletry bags with shampoo, conditioner, balm and cosmetic face masks for adults and filled bags with water bottles and assorted snacks for the children. Over the last several months, one of the Lionesses painstakingly painted/dyed 90 toiletry bags for JBWS. Members are pictured holding a JBWS banner in purple for October, which is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
Supporting P. G. Chambers School 5K Fundraiser!
Members of the Chester Lioness Lions Club volunteered at the 5K Walk/Run Fundraiser held by P. G. Chambers School on October 1, 2023. Lionesses were stationed at various posts to direct walkers / runners to stay on course through a circuitous route. The picture shows a happy group of Lioness Club members, eager to get to work! P.G. Chambers School is a private, non-profit school which provides special education and therapy programs for children with disabilities and developmental delays.
September 2023
The Chester Lioness Lions Club partnered with Chester Library to provide refreshments at the library hosting of the talk, “AI - From Emails to Epics” on September 27, 2023. Club members served the home baked goods by members of the club and got an opportunity to talk about the club’s service programs with members of the community. The pictures show the Lionesses organizing for the event.
Members of the Chester Lioness Lions Club volunteered at the Oktoberfest event held on September 23 and 24 by the Chester Lions Club. Lionesses ran the coffee stall, sold raffle tickets, helped with food service .
Here are pictures of the members hard at work.
August 2023
Back to School pictures are the best. We want to thank our members Gigi and Eileen for packing back packs for the kids at Family Promise.
July 2023
July, 2023
- Members of the Lioness Club Volunteered at the Second Hand Thrift shop run by Matheny Medical & Educational Center on July 7, July 12 and July 26. This is an ongoing program for the club where we volunteer on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Matheny Medical & Educational Center is a special hospital and school for children and adults with medically complex developmental disabilities and a comprehensive outpatient center located in Peapack, NJ.
- Chester Lionesses volunteered at Jersey Battered Women’s Service (JBWS), sorting backpacks for elementary, middle & high school students and filled them with appropriate school supplies. Pictured are Lioness Members & JBWS Volunteer Organizer, Jayne. JBWS is a private, nonprofit agency that provides safety, support and solutions for abuse for anyone who lives or works in Morris County, NJ.
June 3, 2023
The Lioness Lions Club supported Miles for Matheny, a fund raising event for Matheny Medical and Educational Center located in Peapack. The event included a bike ride, 5K, wheelchair walk, petting zoo, refreshments, music and other entertainment. Our club members staffed the face painting and tattoo booths.
June 1, 2023
Chester Lioness Lions Club offers scholarships towards college costs……
The Chester Lioness Lions Club annually offers scholarships to graduating High School students residing in Chester, Mendham or Washington Township in Morris County. Each scholarship offers $1,000 to $1,500 towards college costs. Criteria for selection of candidates for these scholarships include academic record, community service and outstanding accomplishments in activities that demonstrate leadership. Financial need is also a key consideration. The scholarship committee reviews and approves applications in an unbiased manner, with no knowledge of a student's identity.
The annual scholarship application process begins in early April and ends in June with the awarding of the scholarship check during the schools’ awards ceremonies.
This year the club is delighted to have selected two worthy recipients, one from West Morris Central and one from West Morris Mendham.
Here are pictures of a Lioness Lions Club member making the award to the recipient at West Morris Central.
May 31, 2023
Another great Memorial Day Picnic for the residents and staff of Community Hope House was delivered Friday 5/26/2023 by the members of the Chester Lioness Club.
For the past 20 years, the club has provided London Broil and Chicken and Corn for barbequing and fresh watermelon. In addition, members donate homemade appetizers, several varieties of pasta and veggie salads, fresh green salads, gelatin salads, dressings, condiments, pickles and relishes, fresh fruit, chips and dips, rolls and butter and ,a large variety of desserts, pies, cakes and cookies. Enough food for the entire weekend.
Community Hope is a nonprofit organization providing residential housing and essential services to developmentally disabled individuals. One of these homes is in Chester and the Chester Lioness Lions have been giving support throughout the year in many ways to the residents and staff.
The Chester Lioness Lions Club volunteers every second and fourth Wednesday of the month at the Second Chance Thrift Shop run by Matheny Medical and Educational Center in Peapack. The pictures here show our Lioness member (far left, in white jacket) with other volunteers at the store on May 31st. The second picture includes John Elliott of CBS News, who had stopped by the store to take pictures.
May 30, 2023
On May 30th., several members of the Chester Lioness Lions Club went to Jersey Battered Women’s Service (JBWS) for our monthly service activity. This time they organized the “toy room”, inventoried Covid supplies and linens, and sorted various items for distribution day, when clients select and take items they need for their personal and household use.
The pictures below show some of the members with the JBWS Volunteer Coordinator and busy at work sorting items.
May 25, 2023
On May 25th., members of the Lioness Lions Club attended the Prom at Matheny Medical and Educational Center in Peapack. The club took long stemmed roses to congratulate the four graduating students. Twenty-one high school students attended the prom, along with family. It was a lovely evening, and the club is very appreciative of the invitation from the school. Here are pictures of the Lioness members with the Matheny volunteer coordinator, school nurse and principal and in front of beautiful art created by the students.
May 24, 2023
Members of the Chester Lioness Lions Club helped PG Chambers School with preparing a mailer.




November 10, 2022
The Chester Lioness Lions worked on November 10th. (day 3) of a multi-day project, organizing the library at PG Chambers School. The library fell into disarray during the pandemic and is a vital resource to the students, who are children with disabilities and developmental delays in grades 1 through 8. The members of the club could not be more proud to be providing this valuable service to the school and its students. P. G. Chambers School is a private, non-profit school which provides special education and therapy programs for children with disabilities and developmental delays.
November 8, 2022
Members of the Chester Lioness Lions Club were at Jersey Battered Women’s Service (JBWS) on November 8th., to unpack, inventory and organize Covid supplies for the organization. This work will continue next week as more supplies arrive. Here are pictures of club members busy at work and happily posing with well stocked shelves! JBWS is a private, nonprofit agency that provides safety, support and solutions for abuse for anyone who lives or works in Morris County, NJ.
October 26, 2022
An evening of fun and enjoyment while serving a good cause! The Lioness Lions Club of Chester members spent the evening of October 26th. at Vision Loss Alliance of New Jersey’s (VLANJ) annual fundraising event, Dining in the Dark. They supported the event by staffing the registration table, assisting, and guiding visually impaired guests through the silent auction and cocktail hour. As you know, preventing vision loss is a key service area for Lions Clubs International. Here is a picture of our team, happy to be there, helping.
October 22, 2022
e Chester Lioness Lions Club has participated in a walk for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation for the past 3 years. Our donation to this event, this year $550.00, is a free=will donation from club members. Great strides have been made in the treatment of Type 1 diabetes just in the past couple of years.
October 2nd 2022
Thank you to the Chester Lioness Lions members who volunteered at the PG Chambers school 5K Race fundraiser. Even with the cooler weather, Gigi Kana, Mary Weippert, Beth Jameson and Joyce Casillo were happy to hand out water to the participants at the 1 mile mark. If you would like to participate in the next event please contact

September 10th 2022
The Chester Lioness Lions club members prepared and served a meal at Homeless Solutions in Morris County NJ. The group had a wonderful time and plan to help Homeless Solutions in the future. If you would like to participate in the next event please contact