Photo Gallery
Diego Preza - Recipient of the $5,000 Toronto Cervantes Lions Academic Excellence and Community Service Scholarship - June 15, 2019 - L-R Cristina Balboa, Alma Tejpar, Diego Preza, Rosa Franzinin, Marta Macri Y Mary Fernandez
Hispanic Scholarship Award Event - June 15/19 - Members of the Latin American Scholarship Foundation and the Toronto Cervantes Lions Club who worked together to make this a very successful event
Members of the TCL and LASF
Lion President Rosa Franzini, welcomes students, guests and members to the Meet and Greet Event of May 31, 2019
Meet & Greet - Applicants for the Latin American Scholarship 2019
Celebrating Autumn 2018 Fundraiser Event - Sept. 21/18. From L-R: Rosa Franzini (2018-2019 Club's President), Tango Singer Nelson Pino, Tango Dancers Roxana & Fabián Belmonte
ASOGUATE: Supporting Rural Schools in Guatemala - TCL Donates $500 to this noble cause. Lions Alma Tejpar and Mary Fernandez participated in the Xmas Event - Dec. 2018
Donation for the Youth Feeding Youth Project-Centro para Gente de Habla Hispana- Lion President Esther Ortiz presents donation to Francisco Vidal accompanied by Club's Treasurer Marta Macri (left) and club's Secretary Alma Tejpar (right)
Cervantes Lions Court Building