May, 2024 - PRESS RELEASE - The Toronto Cervantes Lions donates $2,000 to Youth Without Shelter (YWS) - Etobicoke, ON
We are happy to contribute to this Shelter in Etobicoke for a second year to support their youth Roommates program which offers an innovative opportunity to provide a homelike setting for residents by transforming individual bedrooms into warm and happy spaces. Our donation of $2,000 provides the ongoing maintenance and refurbishment of the sponsored bedroom for one year.
November, 2021 - PRESS RELEASE - The Toronto Cervantes Lions donates $500 to Culture Link to support their Christmas at Mimico yearly event.
We are delighted to once again support Culture Link with their yearly event Christmas at Mimico for newly immigrant families. This year they will host 30 families and 62 children who will be clebrating their first Christmas in Canada.
L-R: Club Member Emanuela Bonafin, Claudia Montoya, Mimico Centennial Libary - Nov. 2021
June, 2021 - PRESS RELEASE - The Toronto Cervantes Lions collaborates with local organizations to provide COVID-19 pop-up vaccination clinics for hispanic youth and their families.
For the last month we have collaborated with the Black Creek Community Health Centre, COVID-19 Latin-American Task Force, Canadian-Hispanic Congress and Latin-American Scholarship Foundation to secure Pfizer and/or Moderna vaccines for 1st or 2nd dosis. Upcoming clinic details:
Where: Sr. Philip Neri Parish - 2100 Jane Street - North West Toronto
When: Tuesday, June 29 and Wed. June 30
Times: 3:00 - 8:00 PM
No appointment needed. All Toronto Postal Codes welcome.
May 2021 - PRESS RELEASE - Working with the organization "Gaucha Argentina - Love for Humanity" to assist children and their schools in Latin-America.
We are delighted to support and collaborate with Gaucha Argentina (Graciela Lopez) in this endeavour. Through her on-line Garage Sales of items donated by the community, Ms. Lopez is able to generate revenue that in turn she donates in its entirety to rural schools in Latin-America.
July 15, 2019 - PRESS RELEASE - The Toronto Cervantes Lions continues to support and encourage post-secondary study in our young people of Hispanic origin.
Last Sunday, July 14, the Toronto Cervantes Lions Club and the Latin American Scholarship Foundation, presented Certificates of Appreciation to the young people who applied to LASF 2019 scholarships, as well as gifts and scholarships to students who won the awards. Also in attendance were some of the applicants and their families, the representative of the Consulate of Ecuador Mr. Edy Montalvan and several members of the media who have supported this project since its inception.
President Rosa Franzini and Scholarship Recipient Diego Preza
July 8th, 2019 - PRESS RELEASE
In support of more than 5,000 people in URUGUAY, who were affected by major flooding, our club donated the sum of USD$1,000 to the local Lions Club (Club de Leones de Santa Lucia). Here is what local authorities reported on this natural disaster:
"The country’s National Emergency System (Sinae) in Uruguay reported that, as of 18 June, at least 5,400 people had been evacuated. The departments of Florida and Durazno are the worst affected. Over 3,000 of those displaced are in the city of Durazno, where the overflowing Yi River has caused severe flooding.
Flooding has blocked vital roads in at least 12 locations across affected areas. Around 1,000 people have been evacuated in the department of Florida. Almost 500 were evacuated in Canelones Department, and over 200 in each of San Jose, Soriano and Treinta y Tres Departments. Areas of Flores and Rio Negro Departments were also affected.
Uruguay’s Institute of Meteorology (Instituto Uruguayo de Meteorología – INUMET) said that between 11 and 18 June, at least 10 locations recorded more than 310 mm of rain."
June 23rd, 2019 - PRESS RELEASE
"El Sur También Existe" - helping a rural school in Argentina, was the focus of this fundraising event organized by Graciela Lopez, a true force of our local community, together with other collaborators. Our Club was honoured to participate and make a donation for the raffle. Our Club also took the opportunity to recognize Ms. Lopez for her continued commitment and efforts to help those in need. Congratulations on a job very well done.
June 15th, 2019 - PRESS RELEASE
Helping Hispanic Youth achieve higher education became a reality on this date when the Toronto Cervantes Lions Club and the Latin American Scholarship Foundation came together to donate a total of $15,000. Four students whose marks and level of community service were outstanding, were the well deserving recipients of two scholarships of $5,000 each and two of $3,000 each.
March 10th, 2019 - PRESS RELEASE
We are proud to annonce that this year we will be supporting the non-for-profit organization Latin American Scholarship Foundation (LASF) by contributing with a $5,000 scholarship for Academic Excellence and Community Work for a qualifying Hispanic origin student who is registered for post secondary education.
Students wishing to apply, do so on or before June 1st, 2019. Scholarships will be awarded at the LASF event of June 15, 2019.
December 1st, 2018 - Donation to Asociación Guatemalteca - Canadiense (ASOGUATE)
We were proud to participate in the Convivio Navideño - Xmas Party organized by the non-for-profit organization ASOGUATE last December 1st, 2018 and donate $500.00 towards their project dedicated to assist rural Schools in Guatemala. Picture: Lions Alma Tejpar and Mary Fernandez present donation to Asoguate Directors.
December 5th, 2017 - PRESS RELEASE
March 16th, 2017 - PRESS RELEASE