Cedar Valley Lions Club
Minutes November 16, 2015
President Tom Bogenski called the meeting to order at 6:00PM
Pledge of allegiance led by Barry Haskins.
Roger Williams led the prayer.
Speaker: The speaker originally scheduled had to postpone due to scheduling conflict.
Gene O’Donald won the drawing and asked the winnings go to the Administrative Account.
Dick Welsh tested the member’s knowledge of history and geographical information.
Jim Hughes moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as forwarded by e-mail. Motion seconded by Steve Umthun. The motion passed.
Treasurer Gene O’Donald reported the following: Administrative Account $839.45 and Projects Account $7,586.19. Doug Boelman moved to approve the report. Motion seconded by Jim Hughes. The motion was approved.
There was discussion regarding club activities to correspond with the Centennial Service Challenge. Ideas expressed were North Iowa Food Bank and Habitat for Humanity. It was agreed the activity will involve Habitat for Humanity on July 16th. Roger Williams will make the necessary arrangements.
There was discussion on January 8th and 9th which will be dates of the mid-winter conference being held in Des Moines. In addition, Iowa Lions Foundation will hold their annual meeting February 26th.
The Christmas party will be held December 7th at 6:00PM at the Waterloo Brown Bottle. There will be a shortened menu for members to make their choice for their meal. The December 7th meeting will be the last meeting of the year.
There was discussion on meetings during January and February when many members are usually absent due to going south for several months during the winter. Options for the number of meetings to be held over the winter or skipping both January and February. Tom checked with owner of the Highway 63 Diner and he was O.K. with the club not meeting during the two months.
Doug Boelman moved to hold one meeting in December then skip January and February. Motion seconded by Charla Kinney. After more discussion, Doug Boelman amended his original motion to have club meet the 1st Monday of March (7th). Motion was seconded by Steve Umthun. Motion passed.
Jim Hughes moved to adjourn and to go out and serve the community. The motion was seconded by Jim Hennessey. The motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 6:55.
Barry Haskins, Secretary, Cedar Valley Lions
Cedar Valley Lions Club
Minutes November 2, 2015
President Jim Hughes called the meeting to order at 6:00PM
Pledge of allegiance led by Barry Haskins.
Doug Boelman led the prayer.
Guests: Carole Freking, osf, Father George Karnik.
President Hughes told the members that he was resigning due to recent health problems that he felt prevented him from continuing in the president position. He club will need to have another member fill the position.
Doug Boelman moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as forwarded by e-mail. Motion seconded by Jeff Schlobohm. The motion passed.
The treasurers report: Administrative Account $707.00 and Projects Account $7,586.19 was approved by consensus.
Jim Gephart won the drawing and asked the winnings go to the project account.
Tail Twister Dick Welsh quizzed members on trivia questions.
Guest speakers Carole Freking and Father George Karnik provided information on a new initiative entitled Getting Ahead in the Cedar Valley. The emphasis is for participants in this program to become educated about ways to get out of poverty by utilizing skills to move into financial independence. This is the first time the program is available locally. It is part of program developed by Phil DeVol and Ruby Payne under the title of Bridges out of Poverty that is being used in many communities across the country.
Discussion was held on the club Christmas party. Doug Boelman will contact the Waterloo Brown Bottle for the date of December 7th at 6:00PM. The plan is for a short menu to be used like last year.
Jim Hughes reminded members that UNI volleyball coach Bobbi Peterson would be the guest speaker at the next meeting.
John Blitsch moved to adjourn and to go out and serve the community. The motion was seconded by Jim Gephart. The motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:10.
Barry Haskins, Secretary, Cedar Valley Lions
Cedar Valley Lions Club
Minutes October 19, 2015
President Jim Hughes called the meeting to order at 6:00PM
Pledge of allegiance led by Barry Haskins.
President Jim Hughes led the prayer.
Guests: Ellen Vanderloo, Lance Vanderloo, Michael Henning, and Barbara Henning.
Robert Anderson won the drawing and asked the winnings go into the Administrative account.
Tail twisting; Dick Welsh quizzed the members on trivia questions.
Cyril Klein moved to approve the minutes as sent out by e-mail, John Myers seconded the motion. The motion to approve passed.
Treasurer Report: Treasurer Gene O’Donald provided the following information; Administrative Account $681.25 and the Project Account $8,023.10. Charla Kinney moved to approve the report. Motion seconded by Dick Welsh. The motion passed.
President Hughes provided information on a future guest speaker will be Bobbi Petersen the UNI volleyball coach. The specific date is not set.
Guest speakers Ellen Vanderloo and Michael Henning spoke on the topics of Mentoring in the Waterloo schools, and children’s reading programs. Both programs have been successful in reaching students in the Waterloo schools. The speakers encouraged any Lion’s club members interested in the programs to volunteer.
Discussion was held on planning for the December Christmas party. Several locations were discussed as well as timing for putting in reservations. After several ideas were discussed, it was moved by Cyril Klein to check with the Brown Bottle in Waterloo. The motion was seconded by John Myers. The motion passed.
John Myers moved to adjourn and go out and serve the community. Motion seconded by Gene O’Donald, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:05.
Barry Haskins, Secretary, Cedar Valley Lions
Cedar Valley Lions Club
Minutes October 4, 2015
President Jim Hughes called the meeting to order at 6:00PM
Pledge of allegiance led by Barry Haskins.
President Jim Hughes led the prayer.
Guest: Stephen Becker, Waterloo noon Lions Club.
President Hughes provided information on future guest speakers will be on topics of Mentoring in the Waterloo schools, children’s reading programs. In addition, discussion was held on having the club visit the Food Bank facility in Waterloo.
Mr. Becker commented on the co-sponsoring of events with the Waterloo noon club including helping on the book sale out at Crossroads Mall on Saturday, October 17th from 10-4pm. The book sale goes from Oct. 15th through the 17th, with setup taking place on Oct. 14th. Working on these type of projects counts towards credit for community service. Other events included helping at the Food Bank (once per month) from 4-6pm Oct. 14th. Mr. Becker reminded members of the upcoming speaking event for Charlie Becker being held at noon on October 26th at the Irv Warren Golf course. Those interested in attending should be at the club house by 11:30.
Mr. Becker then summarized information regarding the next Zone meeting to be held November 5th beginning at 6:30PM. The meeting will be held at Bills Pizza downtown Independence.
Bob Anderson moved to approve the minutes as sent out via e-mail, motion seconded by Doug Boelman. Minutes were approved.
Barry Haskins won the drawing and asked for winnings to be donated to Kids Sight account.
Treasurer Report: Gene O’Donald provided the following information; Project Account $8,013.10 and Administrative Account $559.42. It was moved by Doug Boelman to approve the report, seconded by Steve Umthun. Motion passed.
Jeff Schlobohm moved to adjourn and go out and serve the community. Motion seconded by Doug Wetlaufer, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:55.
Barry Haskins, Secretary, Cedar Valley Lions
Cedar Valley Lions Club
Minutes September 21, 2015
President Jim Hughes called the meeting to order at 6:00PM
Pledge of allegiance led by Barry Haskins.
President Jim Hughes led the prayer.
Jeff Schlobohm was the winner of the drawing. He asked that the winnings go to the Kids Sight Account.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh tested members with trivia questions.
Motion made by John Myers to approve the minutes as sent through e-mail. Motion seconded by Tom Bogenski. Motion passed.
Treasurer Report: Gene O’Donald provided the following information; Project Account $7,930.10 and Administrative Account $923.92. It was moved by Tom Bogenski to approve the report seconded by John Myers. Motion passed.
The annual budget as sent out previously was moved for approval by Tom Bogenski, seconded by John Myers, and the motion was passed.
President Hughes commented the club needs to have candidates for the slots for a 1st V.P and 2nd V.P. in order to have the necessary staff for official business. After discussion Doug Boelman agreed to be 2nd V.P. The topic was set aside for future discussion.
Volunteers were needed for Kids Sight session at Southdale School at 9:00am; Barry Haskins and John Blitsch agreed to help.
Guest speaker 1st VDG Ed Ottesen arrived to provide information on his attendance at the recent USA/Canada Lions Leadership forum held in Grand Rapids Michigan. He also commented on the emphasis for clubs to have two money making projects and also trying to get out and serve their communities with projects such as Defeat Illiteracy. He also discussed future 9NE Zone meeting being held in Evansdale on September 24th and encouraged club officers to attend.
The Kids Sight schedule was discussed and members were asked to participate as much as their schedules would allow. As was the case last year some larger schools would involve the Cedar Falls noon club. Ed Ottesen also said some Waterloo noon club members would volunteer to help in the future schedule.
It was moved by John Myers for the club to purchase the Lions Club Handbook, motion was seconded by Tom Bogenski. Motion passed.
John Myers moved to adjourn and go out and serve the community. Motion seconded by Robert Anderson, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:10.
Barry Haskins, Secretary, Cedar Valley Lions
Cedar Valley Lions Club
Minutes August 17, 2015
President Jim Hughes called the meeting to order at 6:00PM
Pledge of allegiance led by Barry Haskins.
President Jim Hughes led the prayer.
Pat Kelly was the winner of the drawing. He moved to give the winnings to the Kids Sight Account.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh tested members with trivia questions.
Motion made by Gene O`Donald to approve the minutes as sent through e-mail. Motion seconded by John Myers. Motion passed.
Treasurer Report: Gene O’Donald provided the following information; Project Account $8,123.10 and Administrative Account $957.92. It was moved by John Myers to approve the report seconded by Dick Welsh. Motion passed.
New Business: Gene O`Donald passed out the preliminary budget for the next year. Members need to review and discuss at the October 26th meeting. There was discussion regarding a trip to Kids Sight headquarters to make the club`s donation. John Myer moved to approve, seconded by Dick Welsh. Motion passed.
A reminder was given regarding the meeting being held next Monday with the Waterloo noon Lion`s club. The meeting will be held in the upstairs conference room at the Hy Vee located on Ansborough Avenue. Members available to attend should get their lunch in the deli beginning at 11:30 and proceed upstairs for the meeting to start at noon. Diane Hoffman will provide the schedule for Kids Sight screenings for the new school year.
Future schedule includes Zone meeting September 24th, and on October 26th Charlie Becker of Camp Courageous will speak at meeting held at Irv Warren Golf club house.
John Myers moved to adjourn and go out and serve the community, motion was seconded by Jeff Schlobohm. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7PM.
Barry Haskins. Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2015.
Cedar Valley Lions Club
Minutes August 3, 2015
President Jim Hughes called the meeting to order at 6:00PM
Pledge of allegiance led by Barry Haskins.
President Jim Hughes led the prayer.
Dick Welch held the drawing and Roger Williams was the winner. He moved to give the winnings to the Kids Sight Account.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh tested members with trivia questions. In addition there was a”mystery orb” presented by Tom Bogenski who asked if any club member could describe what the purpose of the orb. He mentioned that there was a connection to Irish Fest.
Motion made by Roger Williams to approve the minutes as sent through e-mail. Motion seconded by Tom Bogenski. Motion passed. It was discussed that there was not a quorum of members present so motions would be informal and not official.
Treasurer Report: Gene O’Donald had to leave early due to illness but did provide a preliminary financial report based on results from the Irish Fest booth.
New Business: Kids Sight program will be beginning in September. Other items discussed included putting dates in the minutes as reminders to members to keep calendar dates in mind, and to include a sign with upcoming dates inside the badge suitcase.
Members also discussed sending a thank you letter to Irish Fest coordinator and include a request for assigned parking access to our booth.
Dick Westpahl moved to adjourn and go out and serve the community. Motion seconded by Pat Kelly. Meeting adjourned at 6:55 PM.
Barry Haskins. Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2015.
Cedar Valley Lions Club
Minutes July 20, 2015
President Jim Hughes called the meeting to order at 6:00PM
Pledge of allegiance led by Barry Haskins.
President Jim Hughes led the prayer.
Dick Welch held the drawing and John Meyers was the winner. He moved to give the winnings to the club Administrative Account.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh tested members with numerous trivia questions.
Motion made by John Meyers to approve the minutes as sent through e-mail. Motion seconded by Gene O’Donald. Motion passed.
Treasurer Report: Gene O’Donald reported he had sent the Sturgis Festival results via e-mail. $413.85 was contributed towards Irish Fest. Projects Account $4,268.78. Amount for glasses paid to Lens Crafter was $260.00. Administrative Account paid $275.00 for Waterloo Bucks tickets which will be paid back by the checks written by members. Administrative Account #1,320. Amount of $600 withdrawn for LCIF dues. John Meyers moved to approve Treasurer report, seconded by Jim Gephart. Motion passed.
New Business: Speaker for future meeting will be Jim Tierney, next District Governor.
The sign-up sheet for Irish Fest was passed around for review and anyone who hadn’t signed up for a shift. Discussion held on access to a refrigerator or additional coolers. Set up time was discussed and agreed to be 10:00AM Friday. Ticket system was discussed and the ticket turn in system would have tickets counted each night and turned in the next day.
Stef Becker from Waterloo Lions came in and had the tickets for the Waterloo Bucks game that was promoting Lion’s in the metro area. He had extra tickets and asked that we return them if they were not used. He commented that if this promotion is done next year he will notify a wider range of clubs around the area in order to expand the attendance.
John Meyers moved to adjourn and go out and serve the community. Motion seconded by Bob Anderson. Meeting adjourned at 6:50PM.
Barry Haskins. Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2015.
Cedar Valley Lions Club
Minutes, July 6, 2015
Highway 63 Diner, Waterloo Iowa
John Meyer, sitting in for President Jim Hughes, called the meeting to order at 6:00PM
Pledge of Allegiance was led by John Meyer. Prayer was led by John Meyer.
Guests: No guests tonight.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh tested members on history questions.
Bob Anderson won the raffle and donated to the Administrative Account.
Motion was made by Roger Williams to approve the minutes as distributed by e-mail. Seconded by Bob Anderson. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
Treasurer Report: Gene O’Donald reported the following amounts. The Administrative Account had a balance of $1,264.54 and the Projects Account had balance of $4,603.32. Bob Anderson move to approve the treasurer’s report. Motion seconded by Roger Williams. The treasurer’s report was approved.
Gene O’Donald commented that more expenses yet to come in on Sturgis Falls activity and a full report with complete rundown will be done by next meeting.
Regarding the Lion’s night at the Waterloo Buck’s baseball game, only one more person needs to sign up to reach the 30 needed to confirm the activity. Participation amount has been paid, Gene did not cash the personal checks yet.
Gene bought a clip-on fan to donate to the club for use on serving areas. Dianne will check to see if this is permissible under food service county health rules.
Roger Williams moved to buy a refrigerator to use at food booths. Motion seconded by Tom Bogenski. The motion passed.
Summary of Sturgis Falls club activities. Weather played a role in the level of business on Sunday in that the storm kept customers away. A comment was made by County Health Department as no recommending putting meat on ice. One fire extinguisher needed to be certified.
Meeting broke in order for members to eat.
Meting reconvened.
There was discussion regarding Irish Fest. Friday set up set-up time will be 10:00am. Location is unknown at this time.
Jim Hennessey moved to adjourn and go out and serve the community. Motion seconded by Pat Kelly.
Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:08PM. Next meeting July 20th.
Barry Haskins Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2015.
MINUTES, June 15, 2015
President John Myers called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Dick Westphal. Prayer was led by Roger Williams.
GUESTS: No guests tonight
TAIL TWISTING: Dick Welsh tested the club on flag facts and other historical trivia .
RAFFLE: $11.00 was won by John Myers and donated it to the Administration Account.
MINUTES: Motion was made by Barry Haskins to approve the minutes as distributed by e-mail. Seconded by Jim Hughes. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
TREASURER REPORT: Gene O’Donald reported the following amounts. The Administrative Account had a balance of $1298.54 and the Projects Account had a balance of $3,016.42. Dick Welsh motioned to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Tom Bogenski. The treasurer’s report was approved.
President John Myers was presented with the Melvin Jones Fellowship recognition. Congratulations John.
Anyone attending the Baseball game with the Lions on July 27th should get their money to Gene as soon as possible. Cost is $25 per person which is all inclusive with the game, food and drink.
Sturgis Fall signup sheet being circulated and will be posted and sent via email. All shifts should have at least five volunteers. Diane Hoffman talked about the health requirements at the fair and reiterated that the health department has the power to shut the booth down if they feel it is not operating in a safe and clean environment. She stressed the use of gloves, and washing and keeping the money handlers away from food handlers.
There will be food trays so the food can be transported to the roasters in a more professional manner and the lids can remain on the roasters at all times.
Be sure to wear your shirt or vest or hat indicating that you are a Lion.
Doug Boelman is recovering from his surgery and in still in Iowa City. He is expected back in Cedar Falls soon.
Jim Hughes motioned adjourn and go out and serve the community. Seconded by Gene O’Donald. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 67 14 PM. Next meeting is scheduled for July 6th.
Tom Bogenski Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2014/2015.
MINUTES, June 1, 2015
President John Myers called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jim Hughes. Prayer was led by John Myers.
GUESTS: Our guest is Pam Erickson with The Red Cross
TAIL TWISTING: Dick Welsh tested the club with financial facts and historical trivia .
RAFFLE: $15.00 was won by John Myers and donated it to the Administration Account.
MINUTES: Motion was made by Robert Anderson to approve the minutes as distributed by e-mail. Seconded by Doug Boelman. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
TREASURER REPORT: Gene O’Donald reported the following amounts. The Administrative Account had a balance of $1261.54 and the Projects Account had a balance of $3,016.42. Steve Umthun motioned to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Jim Hughes. The treasurer’s report was approved.
Pam Erickson elaborated on the functions of the Red Cross. It is not just about giving blood. The Red Cross helps in all types of disasters and is a first contact for people in the armed forces. The Red Cross works closely with communities in fire alarm and smoke alarm programs to make sure the communities have the necessary tools to alert residents if there is a fire or high level of carbon monoxide.
Sturgis Fall signup sheet being circulated and will be posted and sent via email. All shifts should have at least five volunteers.
The combined or exchange meetings with the Waterloo club are as follows. We will join them at the Hy-Vee on Ansborough Ave. on September 14th at 11:30 AM. Our club will do the program which will be “Kids Sight”.
The second meeting will be hosted by our club and it will be held on April 4, 2016 at the regular meeting time. The Waterloo club will do the program which will be about their book sale.
The clubs of Cedar Valley will have a night at the Waterloo Bucks stadium from 6:30 to 9:30. The cost is $25 which includes entrance and all the food and beverages. Payment must be made prior to June 15th to the Club Treasurer, Gene O’Donald.
Doug Boelman will be out for several months recovering from surgery.
Gene O’Donald motioned adjourn and go out and serve the community. Seconded by Cyril Klein. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 6: 45 PM. Next meeting is scheduled for June 15th.
Tom Bogenski Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2014/2015.
MINUTES, May 18, 2015
President John Myers called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Bruce Kacer. Prayer was led by John Blitsch.
GUESTS: Our guest is Clayton Grandquist, Assistant General Manager with the Waterloo Bucks Baseball Team.
TAIL TWISTING: Dick Welsh continued to test the clubs general knowledge.
RAFFLE: $16.00 was won by Dick Westphal and donated the winnings to Kids Sight.
MINUTES: Motion was made by Doug Boelman to approve the minutes as distributed by e-mail. Seconded by Jim Gephart. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
TREASURER REPORT: Gene O’Donald reported the following amounts. The Administrative Account had a balance of $1208.23 and the Projects Account had a balance of $3,033.92. Jim Hughes motioned to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by John Blitsch. The treasurer’s report was approved.
PROGRAM: Clayton Grandquist, Assistant Manager of the Waterloo Bucks shared a lot of information regarding the team with the club. He also indicated that the new owners (Cedar Rapids Kernels) had plans on expanding the interest in the team and planned on promoting the team to the entire Cedar Valley. Clayton talked about the team and its players and how they are recruited. The stadium has gone through a series of improvements and is working to attract additional people to the games. There are several opportunities to have group outings. He recommended that if anyone has any further questions to contact him directly at 319-232-0500.
Clarification: During last meeting there was discussion of meeting with the Waterloo Club. The note on the minutes created some confusion. Steph Becker, with the Waterloo Club suggested exchanging meeting places with our club. He proposed that our club would join their club for a meeting in their location and they would join us at some date. I hope that clarifies the issue.
Sturgis Fall signup sheet being circulated and will be posted and sent via email.
Irish Fest has requested a copy of the insurance certificate. The secretary will forward a current copy.
Tom Bogenski motioned adjourn and go out and serve the community. Seconded by Jeff Schlobohm.. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7: 16 PM. Next meeting is scheduled for June 1st.
Tom Bogenski Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2014/2015.
MINUTES, May 4, 2015
President John Myers called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jeff Schlobohm. Prayer was led by John Blitsch.
GUESTS: Our guest is Robert Kosin who is considering joining our Lions Club.
TAIL TWISTING: Dick Welsh continued to test the clubs general knowledge.
RAFFLE: $12.00 was won by John Myers and donated to the Administrative Account.
MINUTES: Motion was made by Doug Boelman to approve the minutes as distributed by e-mail. Seconded by Steve Umthun. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
TREASURER REPORT: Gene O’Donald reported the following amounts. The Administrative Account had a balance of $908.18 and the Projects Account had a balance of $3,033.92. Jeff Schlobohm motioned to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Barry Haskins. The treasurer’s report was approved.
Upcoming Programs:
May 18th – Representative from the Waterloo Bucks baseball team.
New Officers: President is Jim Hughes 1st VP is Tom Bogenski, Secretary is Barry Haskins, Treasurer is Gene O’Donald and Membership Chairman is Jeff Schlobohm. A list will be presented next meeting.
Sturgis Fall signup sheet being circulated and will be posted and sent via email.
Kids Sight has had 30 events scheduled this past fiscal year. It is becoming a year round activity.
A new club in Fruit land will have its Charter meeting on June 13th at 6:00 PM.
Exchange meetings with the Waterloo Club. Doug Boelman motioned that we should participate and Gene O’Donald seconded the motion. Motion Approved.
Diane Hoffman motioned adjourn and go out and serve the community. Seconded by Steve Umthun. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 6: 38 PM. Next meeting is scheduled for May 18th.
Tom Bogenski Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2014/2015.
MINUTES, April 20, 2015
Vice President Jim Hughes called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jeff Schlobohm. Prayer was led by John Blitsch.
GUESTS: No guests.
TAIL TWISTING: Dick Welsh continued to test the clubs general knowledge.
RAFFLE: $11.00 was won by Jim Gephart and donated to Kids Sight.
MINUTES: Motion was made by Doug Boelman to approve the minutes as distributed by e-mail. Seconded by Gene O’Donald. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
TREASURER REPORT: Gene O’Donald reported the following amounts. The Administrative Account had a balance of $864.18 and the Projects Account had a balance of $3,023.92. Doug Boelman motioned to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Jeff Schlobohm. The treasurer’s report was approved.
Upcoming Programs:
May 18th – Representative from the Waterloo Bucks baseball team.
New Officers: President is Jim Hughes and Membership Chairman is Jeff Schlobohm. More discussion next meeting.
Jim Hughes is Centennial Chairman for the Cedar Valley Evening Lions Club.
Centennial year is 2018. Incentives available for new members.
Need to locate the operations book for Irish Fest.
Doug encouraged everyone to participate in the USA/Canada forum in Grand Rapids, MI.
Available are large gray T-shirts, L vests, XL vests and hats. Check with Treasurer for prices.
Jeff Schlobohm motioned adjourn and go out and serve the community. Seconded by Gene O’Donald. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7: 05 PM. Next meeting is scheduled for May 4th.
John Blitsch/Tom Bogenski Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2014/2015.
MINUTES, April 6, 2015
President John Myers called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Barry Haskins. Prayer was led by Roger Williams.
GUESTS: Allie Parish, Director of Habitat for Humanity. Steph Becker and Ed Ottesen from the Waterloo Lions Club.
TAIL TWISTING: Dick Welsh tested the member’s knowledge about lakes around the world.
RAFFLE: $13.00 was won by Steve Umthun and donated to Kids Sight.
MINUTES: Motion was made by John Blitsch to approve the minutes as distributed by e-mail. Seconded by Jim Hughes. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
TREASURER REPORT: Gene O’Donald reported the following amounts. The Administrative Account had a balance of $857.18 and the Projects Account had a balance of $3,231.62. Barry Haskins motioned to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Jim Hughes. The treasurer’s report was approved.
Upcoming Programs:
May 18th – Representative from the Waterloo Bucks baseball team.
Club officer for selection for the coming year.
Kids Sight meeting in Des Moines on May 11th. Explanation of the new laws and new required forms.
Sturgis Falls Chairmen are John Myers and Jeff Schlobohm.
Irish Fest Chairmen: Jim Hughes, Doug Boelman, Dick Welsh.
Allie Parish discussed the Habitat program, how it started and what the current requirements are for candidates. It is a worldwide operation that has expanded to 80 countries. There are 33 affiliate offices in Iowa and since 1990 there have been 126 homes constructed in the area.
Steph Becker and Ed Ottesen talked about the last month’s convention, the upcoming convention in Hawaii and Grand Rapids, Michigan and encouraged members to attend the convention in Grand Rapids. They mentioned the new Hearing Aid director in Jessup and the success of the puppy program. Talked about the golf outing in June in Independence and the Centennial in 2017. Jim Hughes is the Club’s representative.
John Blitsch motioned adjourn and go out and serve the community. Seconded by Roger Williams. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7: 05 PM. Next meeting is scheduled for April 20th.
Tom Bogenski Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2014/2015.
MINUTES, March 16, 2015
Lion Tom Bogenski called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Tom Bogenski. Prayer was led by Roger Williams.
GUESTS: No guests this evening.
TAIL TWISTING: Dick Welsh continued with his trivia on dates in history
RAFFLE: $10.00 was won by Dick Welsh and donated to Kids Sight.
MINUTES: Motion was made by Cyril Klein to approve the minutes as distributed by e-mail. Seconded by Gene O’Donald. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
TREASURER REPORT: Gene O’Donald reported the following amounts. The Administrative Account had a balance of $768.18 and the Projects Account had a balance of $3,611.12. Jim Hennessey motioned to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Tom Bogenski. The treasurer’s report was approved.
Upcoming Programs: April 6th – Allie Parish Director of Habitat for Humanity.
April 20th - Carol Sorge
May 4th – Visit to the Food Bank.
May 18th – Representative from the Waterloo Bucks baseball team.
Club officer for selection for the coming year.
Food prices for Sturgis Falls to remain at the current level. Motion to hold prices by Pat Kelly and seconded by Tom Bogenski. Motion approved. Prices for food and beverage are: Hot dog $2.00; Bratwurst $3.00; Chicken Sandwich $3.00; Pork Tenderloin Sandwich $4.00; Pork chop on a stick $6.00.
Sturgis Falls Chairmen are John Myers and Jeff Schlobohm.
Irish Fest Chairmen: Jim Hughes, Doug Boelman, Dick Welsh.
Bruce Kacer motioned adjourn and go out and serve the community. Seconded by Gene O’Donald. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 6: 38 PM. Next meeting is scheduled for April 6th.
Tom Bogenski Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2014/2015.
MINUTES, March 2, 2015
Lion John Myers called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jim Hughes. Prayer was led by John Myers.
GUESTS: No guests this evening.
TAIL TWISTING: Dick Welsh continued with his resources on trivia.
RAFFLE: $13.00 was won by Dick Welsh and donated to Kids Sight.
MINUTES: Motion was made by Doug Boelman to approve the minutes as distributed by e-mail. Seconded by Cyril Klein. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
TREASURER REPORT: Gene O’Donald reported the following amounts. The Administrative Account had a balance of $716.43 and the Projects Account had a balance of $3,648.12. Barry Haskins motioned to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Doug Boelman. The treasurer’s report was approved.
Upcoming Programs: April 20th - Carol Sorge
May 4th – Visit to the Food Bank.
Kids Sight – Diane Hoffman reported that all of the pictures have been uploaded to the Kids Sight computer.
Diane and Kids Sight will be in Des Moines on March 11th attending a seminar on the new Iowa Vision Laws.
Sturgis Falls will be headed this year by Jeff Schlobohm and John Myers.
Kathy McGowan has been contacted or the Irish Fest Application. The application will be returned in a timely manner.
Kids Sight has been invited to the UAW Hall for an open screening.
Eastern Iowa Corp will furnish a propane tank for Irish Fest at the cost of $75.
District Convention in Vinton March 20th and 21st.
Motion to donate $25 gift prize by John Blitsch and seconded by Doug Boelman. Motion approved.
Doug Boelman and Jim Hughes reported on the Iowa Lions Foundation Gala held in Cedar Rapids.
The purpose of the Gala was to raise funds for the Foundation. Baskets were auctioned off at high dollar amounts. A presentation was given by a 9//11 fire fighter.
Jim Hughes motioned adjourn and go out and serve the community. Seconded by Roger Williams. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7: 10 PM. Next meeting is scheduled for March 16th.
John Blitsch and Tom Bogenski Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2014/2015.
MINUTES, February 2, 2014
Lion President John Myers called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Barry Haskins and the prayer was led by Charla Kinney.
The guest tonight was Niki Litzel Development Manager for the Northeast Iowa Food Bank.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh continued his roll with more trivia questions.
50/50 Raffle: $10 was won by Charla Kinney who directed it to Kid Sight.
Minutes of the January 19th meeting were distributed via email prior to the meeting. Doug Boelman made the motion to approve the minutes with Barry Haskins seconding the motion. The motion passes to approve the minutes.
The treasurer’s report was reported by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $942.93 and the projects account balance was $3,638.12. Dues collected were $462.00. Steve Umthun made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Dick Welsh seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Dick Welsh reported that we were not approved for the grant from CBE.
Diane Hoffman reported that the Head Start screenings were finished and the pictures could be removed from the camera. Screenings could start for the Child Care Center portion of Kids Sight Screenings.
Doug Boelman reported that, as Kids Sight chairman, he gave a presentation to the Waterloo Noon Lions Club and has 5 members interested in being trained on the digital camera. Doug will be contacting Gary Chambers to schedule a training session.
Upcoming programs: Caroline will be a guest on April 20th to discuss the ALERT program.
Will look at scheduling a meeting tour in May at the Food Bank.
Treasurer Gene O’Donald questioned our timeliness with our deposit with Irish Fest. Irish Fest chairman or treasurer will contact Kathy McGowan.
Sale prices will be evaluated with our food costs increasing.
Doug Boelman reported on the Mid Winter Conference.
Topics included: Living &Land & Waters; Freedom Rock-Veterans looking for a rock to paint; Fourth graders lead the way; Central Iowa Honor Flight – Corporate Sponsored. International President attended. Gala Event is in Cedar Rapids on Feb 28th. Speaker is a fireman who was at the World Trade Center on 9/11. There will be an auction of a wooden crafted chest made by prisoners.
Jim Hughes motioned that we pay ½ the expense of the ticket ($25) for a retired Waterloo fireman to attend the Gala with the prospect of him giving a presentation at a later date. Motion seconded by Doug Boelman. Motion failed.
Jeff Schlobohm motioned to adjourn at 7:33 PM. Motion seconded by Gene O’Donald. Motion carried.
Minutes submitted by John Blitsch, posted by Tom Bogenski.
Lion President John Myers called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance and opening prayer was led by John Myers
No Guests tonight.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh started the year off right with more trivia questions.
50/50 Raffle: $14 was won by Charla Kinney who directed it to Kid Sight.
Minutes of the previous meeting were distributed via email prior to the meeting. Doug Boelman made the motion to approve the minutes with Gene O’Donald seconding the motion. The motion passes to approve the minutes.
The treasurer’s report was reported by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $483.97 and the projects account balance was $3,593.12. Barry Haskins made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Dick Welsh seconded the motion. The motion carried.
1. New Address for: Doug Boelman
718 Eagle Ridge Rd.
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
2. Dick Welsh talked about CBC fund for charitable giving and that we may be eligible for some funds. Dick has submitted a request. If we do in fact receive a donation someone from the organization will do a presentation. We will have to designate a use attempting to keep it to a sight related endeavor.
3. Doug Boelman reported the second wheelchair ramp has been completed.
Upcoming programs: Doug and Jim will report on the Mid Winter Conference.
Food Bank will be the guest at the next meeting.
The Waterloo Bucks would like to give a presentation later in the year.
Mrs. Soerge would like to give a presentation on ALERT.
President John Myers gave a report on the survey he sent out last November.
Charla Kinney motioned to adjourn. Motion seconded by Steve Umthun. Motion carried.
Minutes submitted by John Blitsch, posted by Tom Bogenski.
MINUTES, November 17, 2014
President John Myers called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Pledge of Allegiance was said by all. Prayer was led by John Myers.
GUESTS: No guest tonight.
TAIL TWISTING: Dick Welsh had riddles about legends and this was followed by jokes from Charla, John Blitsch and John Myers.
RAFFLE: $11.00 was won by Barry Haskins and it was contributed to Kids sight’
MINUTES: Motion was made by Barry Haskins to approve the minutes as distributed by e-mail. Seconded by Doug Boelman. The minutes of November 3rd were approved.
TREASURER REPORT: Gene O’Donald reported the following amounts. The Administrative Account has a balance of $1,350.43 and the Projects Account a balance of $4,633.67. Barry Haskins motioned to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Jim Hughes. The treasurer’s report was approved.
The Christmas dinner is set for December 1st at the Brown Bottle in downtown Waterloo. Spouses who worked the fund raisers will be recognized.
There is not a meeting on December 15th.
Next meeting is January 5th. Followed by the first Monday in February which is February 2nd.
Regular meeting schedule will begin in March.
John Myers reviewed some of the information from the surveys he received. Kids Sight is our most important project. John will summarize and have additional information at the next meeting.
Sturgis Falls will be run in 2015 by John Myers, Jeff Schlobohm and Charla Kinney. Jeff will be chairman of record for 2016.
Irish Fest will be chaired by Jim Hughes with support from Roger Williams and Dick Welsh.
Doug mentioned the Mid-Winter Conference and encouraged everyone to attend.
John Blitsch will record minutes for the meetings in January and February.
Charla Kinney motioned adjourn and go out and serve the community. Seconded by Jim Hughes. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:06 PM. Next meeting is scheduled for January 5, 2015.
Tom Bogenski Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2014/2015.
MINUTES, November 3, 2014
President John Myers called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by John Blitsch. Prayer was led by Roger Williams.
GUESTS: Morganne Murphy and Holly Seemann representing Operation Gratitude.
TAIL TWISTING: Dick Welsh continues to find items of interest and humor.
RAFFLE: $45.00 was won by Charla Kinney and was donated to Operation Gratitude.
Doug Boelman requested his winnings from last meeting’s raffle be donated to Operation Gratitude.
MINUTES: Motion was made by Charla Kinney to approve the minutes as distributed by e-mail with the correction of spelling and the revision of Doug’s donation to Operation Gratitude. Seconded by Doug Boelman. The minutes of October 20th were approved.
TREASURER REPORT: Gene O’Donald reported the following amounts. The Administrative Account had a balance of $1,381.43 and the Projects Account had a balance of $8,096.62. Jim Gephart motioned to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Charla Kinney. The treasurer’s report was approved.
RECOGNITIONS: Thomas Bogenski received the Melvin Jones Fellowship.
Cyril Klein and Dick Welsh received the Warren Coleman Award.
GUEST SPEAKER: Morganne Murphy and Holly Seemann talked about their involvement in the Operation Gratitude Project. They first talked about what the project was about and how long it has been in existence. Morganne and Holly explained that as part of their Leadership Class they needed to spearhead a worthwhile project. The decided on Operation Gratitude for their project. They have had some success in collecting items for service men overs seas. They will be packing and sending all of the items to California for final shipment overseas on Monday Nov. 10th at Maucker Union. Charla Kinney brought in a package to be sent. Jim Hughes indicated that Greenwood Pharmacy was contributing excess Halloween Candy. He would make arrangements for getting the package to Morganne. The club presented Morganne and Holly $200 in cash to use for supplies and shipping costs. Morganne indicated she would follow up with us pictures and the success of their work.
The Christmas dinner is set for December 1st at the Brown Bottle in downtown Waterloo. Gene O’Donald has e-mailed the party menu to everyone on the e-mail list.
Diane Hoffmann indicated that there was a child in the schools that needs glasses and probably an eye exam. Diane would get the information to the secretary for the glasses and exam. She also indicated that there have been over 1600 children screened this school year.
John Myers handed out a Lion’s Survey sheet to members asking them to answer the questions. The survey’s purpose is to improve the club and set future goals.
Jim Hughes motioned adjourn and go out and serve the community. Seconded by Roger Williams. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:48 PM. Next meeting is scheduled for November 17th.
Tom Bogenski Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2014/2015.
MINUTES, October 20, 2014
Lion Jim Hughes called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Charla Kinney. Prayer was led by Doug Boelman.
GUESTS: David Green, WW II and Iwo Jima Veteran.
TAIL TWISTING: Dick Welsh tested the members about the differences between men and women.
RAFFLE: $9.00 won by Doug Boelman and donated to Kids Sight.
MINUTES: Motion was made by Doug Boelman to approve the minutes as distributed by e-mail. Seconded by Jim Gephart. The minutes of October 6th were approved.
TREASURER REPORT: Gene O’Donald reported the following amounts. The Administrative Account had a balance of $1,367.43 and the Projects Account had a balance of $8,133.62. Roger Williams motioned to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Pat Kelly. The treasurer’s report was approved.
GUEST SPEAKER: David Green, a Veteran of WW II and the Iwo Jima conflict gave a summary of how he got into the service and how he ended up at Iwo Jima. The description of the fighting and the destruction of the island and the loos of lives left the club speechless. David travels extensively talking out the history of the conflicts. Recently David was nominated as a candidate for the “8 over 80”club which honors eight individuals over 80 who have and continue to impact the community.
The Christmas dinner is set for December 1st at the Brown Bottle in downtown Waterloo. Members will be kept up to date with further information.
NEW BUSINESS: Morganne Murphy a student at UNI will be a guest speaker at the Nov. 3rd. meeting. She will be discussing ‘Operation Gratitude” which is a nationwide program that send care packages to soldiers oversees. A list of items they are collecting was passed around and will be sent electronically to all club members.
Gene O’Donald motioned adjourn and go out and serve the community. Seconded by Roger Williams. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:27 PM. Next meeting is scheduled for November 3rd.
Tom Bogenski Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2014/2015.
MINUTES, October 6, 2014
Lion President John Myers called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Steve Umthun. Prayer was led by John Myers.
GUESTS: Second Vice District Governor Jim Tierney representing District Governor Jack Schlesselman.
TAIL TWISTING: Dick Welsh continues to test the memory skills of the attending members.
RAFFLE: $12.00 won by John Myers and donated to Kids Sight.
MINUTES: Motion was made by Cyril Klein to approve the minutes as distributed by e-mail. Seconded by Doug Boelman. The minutes of September 15th were approved.
TREASURER REPORT: Steve Umthun motioned to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Roger Williams. The treasurer’s report was approved.
The Budget was presented and voted on. Bruce Kacer motioned to approve the budget as presented. Steve Umthun seconded the motion. The budget for the 2014/2015 club year was approved.
GUEST SPEAKER: Second Vice District Governor Jim Tierney talked briefly about the “Alert Program” which asks for volunteers to assist the local officials in time of disaster. Jim passed around a signup sheet for anyone interested. Additional topics included membership and membership awards, a Leadership training session in Postville on October 25th and the Mid-Winter Conference in Des Moines from January 8th through January 10th 2015.
Jim also presented Doug Boelman with the Presidents Plaque for service as president to the club.
OLD BUSINESS: Cyril gave the secretary the contract for the trailer storage. The location is the same as last year along with the cost. The secretary will give the treasurer a copy of the contract.
Doug and Jim talked about the convention in Puerto Rico. Many training sessions were available and they both talked about the benefits of the sessions they attended. Increasing membership was an overall goal. About 43% of the clubs have 20 members or less.
Diane Hoffman reported that they have taken over 900 pictures for Kids Sight since beginning in August.
Doug mentioned Bob Van Gorp, a previous member, is retiring October 29th. He encouraged all members to stop in and congratulate Bob and encourage him to return to Lions.
NEW BUSINESS: The tentative date of the annual Christmas party is December 1st. John Myers is soliciting suggestions for a location.
Jim Hughes motioned adjourn and go out and serve the community. Seconded by Steve Umthun. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:54 PM. Next meeting is scheduled for October 20th.
Tom Bogenski Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2014/2015.
MINUTES, September 15, 2014
Lion President John Myers called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Pledge of Allegiance was performed by the club members. Prayer was led by Jim Hughes.
GUESTS: Dr. Linda Allen, President Hawkeye Community College. Jeff Koch, President of Koch construction and potential club member.
TAIL TWISTING: Dick Welsh provided more age related topics to think about. Bruce Kacer shared an interesting joke also.
RAFFLE: $15.00 was won by Dick Westphal and was donated to Kids Sight.
MINUTES: Motion was made by Doug Boelman to approve the minutes as distributed by e-mail. Seconded by Steve Umthun. The minutes of August 18th were approved.
TREASURER REPORT: Administration Account has $1,609.28 and the Project Account has $8,103.12. Bob Anderson motioned to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Jim Hughes. The treasurer’s report was approved.
GUEST SPEAKER: Dr. Linda Allen, President of Hawkeye Community College, spoke about the impact the college has on the community and surrounding area. The school has had over 45,000 students in the past 50 years of existence. There have been also over 10,000 non-credit students. There is a strong focus on the Career Academy which allows high school students to take college credit courses. Savings to students has exceeded $1.7 million dollars. High demand Health Care is a primary focus. The demand for highly skilled health care workers will not meet the needs of the population by 2020. Industry will need a minimum of 540 skilled professionals the coming graduating year. The third focus area is on assisting high school students to obtain their degree and work with older individuals to obtain their GED. 15% of the population in Blackhawk County has neither one. Dr. Allen asked the members to consider extending the bond issue when it comes up on Feb 3, 2015. There would not be any additional tax implication to tax payers. It would remain at the current levy.
OLD BUSINESS: Oelwein Lions Club is celebrating 75 years of service. The celebration takes place on October 13th at 6:00 PM at Luigi’s in Oelwein. Contact Tom Bogenski for registration form which needs to be submitted before October 6th. Tom will email you the form. THIS DOES NOT CONFLICT WITH OUR MEETING SCHEDULE AS PREVIOUSLY THOUGHT.
Doug Boelman received a silver member recruiting pin for bringing in additional members.
Jim Tierney will be the guest speaker at the October 6th meeting.
NEW BUSINESS: Gene mentioned that the Lions were looking for $25 or a gift basket for the Mid-winter conference. Doug Boelman motioned to approve the donation and was seconded by Steve Umthun. The motioned passed. The treasurer will send the check.
Doug and Jim Hughes touched on the conference in Puerto Rico and the biggest subject was service projects. The club decided to set aside a meeting to discuss the conference and the club’s function and responsibility to the community.
Motion to Adjourn and go out and serve the community by Steve Umthun and seconded by Jim Hughes. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:32 PM. Next meeting October 6th.
Tom Bogenski – Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2014/2015
Lion President John Myers called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance and opening prayer was led by John Myers
Two guests were present; Larry and Janice Sailer.
Program: Larry Sailer, representing the National Pork Board Speakers Bureau, addressed farming in general and pork production specifically. He began by quoting some interesting statistics. Only 1/32th of the earth is suitable for farming. It is estimated that by the year 2050, we must grow twice the amount of food on that same 1/32th of the earth. With growing populations world-wide, especially in Africa and Asia, farmers have to keep up with demand. Focusing on pork production, he stated the aim is to be more efficient, economical and humane. At one time, it took 5 pounds of feed to produce one pound of pork. Now, 2 ½ pounds of feed can produce that same one pound of pork. Pigs are much leaner now. They are raised almost exclusively indoors because of several reasons, one being they are so lean they don’t have the fat to keep them warm outdoors. Production is more efficient. It used to be that one sow could produce 12 pigs in a year. Now a sow can produce 30 pigs in a year. He talked about the PED virus that has infected pigs nationwide. Larry is a current farmer and has farmed and raised pigs for many years. Adequate food production is both a science and a business.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh quizzed the membership with trivia questions, all of which was quite enjoyable and interesting.
50/50 Raffle: $8 was won by Jim Hughes, who directed it to KidSight.
Minutes of the August 4 meeting were distributed via email prior to the meeting. Doug Boelman made the motion to approve the minutes with Bob Anderson seconding the motion. The motion passes to approve the minutes.
The treasurer’s report was reported by John Myers. The administrative account balance is $1,455.28 and the projects account balance was $1,146.76 after reimbursing Cyril Klein for propane used during Irish Fest. Jim Hughes made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Charla Kinney seconded the motion. The motion carried.
1. No meeting on September 1, being that it will be Labor Day. Next meeting will be on September 15. Program will be a presentation by Dr. Linda Allen, the President of Hawkeye Community College.
2. John Myers summarized the work done on August 9 to clean up and inventory the contents of our trailer. Six Lions participated and we now have a clean and organized trailer. We also have an accurate inventory of durable items, such paper towels, litmus paper, gloves, napkins, etc., which will make planning for next year’s events easier.
3. Doug Boelman reported the wheelchair ramp has been removed from its initial location and will be placed next at a home on 2841 Redwood Drive, Gaslight Mobile Home Park. Thanks to Doug, Jim Hughes, and Cedar Falls Noon Club member Gary Chambers.
4. Doug Boelman reported he worked the Lions stand at the Iowa State Fair on August 16 and camera-screened 47 children.
1. John Myers addressed a possible fundraising function during the weekend of October 17, 18, and 19. The Wartburg College is soliciting service clubs to help with serving homecoming meals. They will pay a stipend of $8 an hour to the club for each worker. Potential shifts run between 4 and 7 hours. The catch is the club has to provide 10 workers. Shifts will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. A separate email will be sent to the member ship with specific times. The college has to have offers no later than September 12. We must have 10 Lions available to be eligible.
2. Diane Hoffman dropped off the current KidSight screening schedule. Our club will screen children in Waterloo, Cedar Falls Noon club will screen children in Cedar Falls, and for several of the larger schools, the clubs will work together. Two people are required; one to take the pictures and one to record. The schedule is being sent via email and those that can participate should contact Doug Boelman or Diane.
Roger Williams made motion to adjourn. Jim Hughes seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
MINUTES, August 4, 2014
Lion President John Myers called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Pledge was led by Secretary Tom Bogenski. Prayer was led by John Myers
GUESTS: No Guests.
TAIL TWISTING: Dick Welsh provided age related topics to think about.
RAFFLE: $11.00 was won by John Blitsch and was donated to Kids Sight.
MINUTES: Motion was made by Charla Kinney to approve the minutes as distributed by e-mail. Seconded by Doug Boelman. The minutes of July 21st were approved.
TREASURER REPORT: Administration Account has $1,455.28 and the Project Account has $1,171.96. Doug Boelman motioned to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Jim Hughes. The treasurer’s report was approved.
Gene motioned to forgive any Lions food expenses incurred by members working the booth. Seconded by Roger Williams. The motion passed.
Bob Anderson presented a check from the Highland Kilt. Co. The man was impressed with the activities of the Lions and passed along a $50 bill. A thank you letter will go to the company.
OLD BUSINESS: Irish Fest: Diane talked about the events that occurred at the Festival. The most crucial was having the health regulations followed. There were issues to clear up with the inspector. Diane and the other members also talked about the event and how overwhelming with people it was this year.
More discussion will occur during the year so that both festivals operate according to the health department standards and have a continuing smooth operation.
John Myers talked about gathering at Cyril’s house to clean out the trailer and remove unused items. The date for the trailer clean out is August 9th. A reminder will be sent out.
NEW BUSINESS: Diane talked about her meeting with the Cabinet and the organization is projecting a 2-5% increase focusing on recruiting more women. Diane also outlined some of the parameters for Kids Sight this coming year. Kids Sight screenings will begin August 21st
August 18th meeting will host a speaker from the National Pork board.
Sept. 1st. No meeting Motioned by Doug and Seconded by Jim Gephart.
Motion to Adjourn and go out and serve the community by Steve Umthun and seconded by Jeff Schlobohm. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:26 PM Next meeting August 21st.
Tom Bogenski – Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2014/2015
MINUTES, July 21, 2014
Lion President John Myers called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Pledge was said by all. Prayer was led by Doug Boelman
GUESTS: No Guests.
TAIL TWISTING: Dick Welsh provided an educational night for the Lions.
RAFFLE: $11.00 was won by Doug Boelman and was donated to Kids Sight.
MINUTES: Motion was made by Bob Anderson to approve the minutes as distributed by e-mail. Seconded by Barry Haskins. The minutes of July 7th were approved.
TREASURER REPORT: Administration Account has $1,377.28 and the Project Account has $3,544.48. Roger Williams motioned to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Dick Westphal. The treasurer’s report was approved.
OLD BUSINESS: John Myers talked about gathering at Cyril’s house to clean out the trailer and remove unused items. The old 3 burner grill is up for sale or raffle. More information to come. The tentative date for the trailer clean out is August 9th.
NEW BUSINESS: Irish Fest. Doug passed around the volunteer sheet for members to consider working the open slots. All supplies needed for the booth have been secured.
Cyril may drop the trailer off Thursday night to secure a good parking location. Set up will begin Friday afternoon as noted on the schedule sheet. Pat Kelly indicated he may have a coffee pot for Sunday morning. A second one is also needed. Cyril is donating coffee cups.
August 4th meeting will review Irish Fest. Possible visit from the DG.
August 18th meeting will host a speaker from the National Pork board.
Sept. 1st. No meeting Motioned by Doug and Seconded by Jim Gephart.
Consider sending cards to members we have not seen for a while letting them know we miss them.
A current membership list will be sent out by the Secretary.
Motion to Adjourn and go out and serve the community by Jim Hennessey and seconded by Dick Westphal. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 6:45 PM Next meeting August 4th.
Tom Bogenski – Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2014/2015
MINUTES, July 7, 2014
Lion President John Myers called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Pledge was a led by Steve Umthun and the prayer was led by John Myers.
GUESTS: No Guests.
TAIL TWISTING: Dick Welsh provided some very interesting rhymes.
RAFFLE: $9.00 was won by John Myers and was donated to Kids Sight.
MINUTES: Motion was made by Doug Boelman to approve the minutes as distributed by e-mail. Seconded by Barry Haskins. The minutes of June 16th were approved.
TREASURER REPORT: The treasurer noted that the profit this year from Sturgis Falls was $1,587. Administration Account and the Project account are being updated.. Bob Anderson motioned to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Jim Hughes. The treasurer’s report was approved.
OLD BUSINESS: John Myers thanked Doug for his two years of service as President.
John Myers and Jim Hughes thanked everyone who helped during Sturgis Falls and weathered the storms.
Lesson from Sturgis Falls. The roasters need to be kept in the 125F range to keep the food warm but not to continue cooking it. This is more critical on the pork and chick products.
Bob Anderson suggested we have a butcher for Fareway as a speaker to discuss handling procedures.
Pop and Water moved so well it was hard to keep product really cold.
Pork loins were the best value and generated many repeat customers.
Pork Chops will be included in the Irish Fest menu. We will purchase only 50.
John Myers presented Bob Anderson with a Key Award for bringing two members to Lions.
The lady who received the ramps that the Lions built died Sunday night. Doug and company will retrieve the ramps and store.
The club received an invitation to the Waterloo Lions’ Club 75th anniversary Celebration. Location is at the Clarion Inn on June 28th at 6:00 PM at a cost of $35.00 per person or $55 per couple. Contact the club if you are interested in attending. It was noted that this conflicts with Sturgis Falls.
The cost of the ramp that was built was picked up by different organization. The club received thank you letters from the client and her sponsor.
Motion to Adjourn and go out and serve the community by Doug Boelman and seconded by Jim Hughes. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 6:58 PM Next meeting July 21st.
Tom Bogenski – Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2014/2015
MINUTES, JUNE 16, 2014
Lion President Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6:04 PM.
Pledge was a led by Barry Haskins and the prayer was led by Doug Boelman.
GUESTS: Jennifer Brost with The Job Foundation.
TAIL TWISTING: Suspended for the evening.
RAFFLE: $10.00 was won by John Myers and was donated to Kids Sight.
MINUTES: Motion was made by John Myers to approve the minutes as distributed by e-mail. Seconded by Barry Haskins. The minutes of June 2nd were approved.
TREASURER REPORT: Administration Account has $1,369.78 and the Project account has $2,203.85. Steve Umthun motioned to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Roger Williams. The treasurer’s report was approved.
OLD BUSINESS: Contact with Brian Perrson does not exist. Doug will check to see if he is going to remain a Lion so we can have an accurate accounting of members and charges.
Still need volunteers for Sturgis Falls. See Jim Hughes for available openings.
The price for Ice this year has been established. Roger Williams motioned to sell the ice at $5.50 a bag. Motioned was seconded by John Myers and the motion was passed by the attending members.
The club received a thank you note from Earle strong.
The club received an invitation to the Waterloo Lions’ Club 75th anniversary Celebration. Location is at the Clarion Inn on June 28th at 6:00 PM at a cost of $35.00 per person or $55 per couple. Contact the club if you are interested in attending. It was noted that this conflicts with Sturgis Falls.
The cost of the ramp that was built was picked up by different organization. The club received thank you letters from the client and her sponsor.
GUEST SPEAKER: Jennifer Brost described how her foundation is aiding disadvantaged children become financially smart adults. This is done through volunteers and mentors. The children earn money based on school grades. 60% of the money is banked until graduation and then is returned to the student to make purchases and establish credit. Jennifer passed out information about the Foundation. Please contact her to become a volunteer or to support her financially.
Motion to Adjourn by Roger Williams and seconded by Dick Welsh. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:08 PM
Tom Bogenski – Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2013/2014
Lion President Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Pledge was a led by Roger Williams and the prayer was led by Doug Boelman.
GUESTS: Dr. Ron Flory, MD.
TAIL TWISTING: Fast Facts on Medieval History.
RAFFLE: $10.00 was won by Jim Hennessey and was donated to Kids Sight.
MINUTES: Motion was made by John Myers to approve the minutes as distributed by e-mail. Seconded by Jim Hughes. The minutes of May 19th were approved.
TREASURER REPORT: Administration Account has $1,531.11 and the Project account has $2,322.84. Roger Williams motioned to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Barry Haskins. The treasurer’s report was approved.
OLD BUSINESS: Diane Hoffman gave a summary of the Kids Sight progress and the plans for the upcoming school year. Planning will begin in July to coordinate with the schools. A calendar of screenings will be available to all members.
Directors for 2014/2015 will add the names of Doug Boelman, Roger Williams and Jim Hennessey.
Doug thanked those who participated in the ramp building project. Any one who wants to make a financial contribution should contact him.
Still need volunteers for Sturgis Falls. See Jim Hughes for available openings.
A farewell and thank you card for Earle Strong was passed around for members to sign.
Food has been ordered for Sturgis Falls and the prices should be the same as 2013.
Speaker for the June 16th meeting is Jennifer Brost founder of “The Job Foundation.”
GUEST Dr. Flory talked about “The Eliminate Project “which is trying to eliminate Maternal and neonatal tetanus from the face of the earth, For additional information and financial contributions contact Dr. Ron Flory at 319-239-5945.
Motion to Adjourn by John Myers and seconded by Dick Welsh. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM
Tom Bogenski – Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2013/2014
MINUTES, MAY 19, 2014
Lion President Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Pledge was a led by Steve Umthun and the prayer was led by Doug Boelman.
GUESTS: Stephen and Barb Becker, and Gary and Elaine Shriver. Gary, who is blind, came with Logan, his service dog.
TAIL TWISTING: suspended for the night.
RAFFLE: $17.00 was won by Doug Boelman and was donated to Kids Sight.
MINUTES: minutes were suspended for the night.
TREASURER REPORT: report suspended for the night.
OLD BUSINESS: Jim Hughes volunteered to be Club 1st Vice-President.
The handicap ramp that was spearheaded by Doug is complete and pictures were shown of the completed ramp.
Doug e-mailed out the current volunteer schedule for Sturgis Falls. Please check your schedule for available spots.
Speaker for the June 2nd meeting is Dr. Flory,
GUEST Gary Shriver gave a very detailed description of the process and training required to own a service dog. Logan is his fourth dog. It was a very interesting and enlightening presentation. It should be noted that the puppy program is supported by Iowa Lions and not the Leader Dog program.
Meeting adjourned approx... 8:00PM
Gene O’Donald/Tom Bogenski – Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2013/2014
MINUTES, MAY 5, 2014
Lion President Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Pledge was a led by Earle Strong and the prayer was led by Doug Boelman.
GUESTS: Dick Bremer from Cedar Falls Noon Club and Senator Jeff Danielson.
TAIL TWISTING: Dick challenged the club with historical facts.
RAFFLE: $17.00 was won by Doug Boelman and was donated to Kids Sight.
MINUTES: Robert Anderson motioned to approve the April 21st minutes as distributed via e-mail. Earle Strong seconded the motion. The motion passed to approve the minutes.
TREASURER REPORT: As reported by Gene O’Donald there is $1380.11 in the Administrative Account and $2,266.61 in the Projects Account. John Myers motioned to approve the report and Jim Hughes seconded the motion. The motion passed to approve the treasurer’s report.
OLD BUSINESS: Diane Hoffman gave an update on the Kids Sight screening. The schedule is wrapping up and it looks like there were 1,170 screenings with 101 referrals. Gene has posted the information to all members via e-mail. He will also work on a list to show the combined efforts
A need for Officers for the upcoming year. Members were asked to consider a position.
NEW BUSINESS: Officer Elections. Approved to date are:
John Myers – President
Gene O’Donald – Treasurer
Tom Bogenski – Secretary
Dick Welsh – Tail Twister/Lion Tamer
The remaining positions need to be filled prior to July 1st.
Doug indicated that he was going to build the handicap ramp and was looking for assistance. John Myers motioned and Steve Umthun seconded that we get involved. The motion was declined until Doug could provide necessary information. City codes need to be followed along with ADA rules.
Sturgis Falls volunteer list was circulated and will be posted via email to all members indicating open slots.
Pat Kelly was presented with a 15 year Chevron.
Earle strong is moving to Colorado and was presented an award of appreciation for his service to the community and Kids Sight.
GUEST SPEAKER Senator Jeff Danielson discussed the highlights of this year’s session in Des Moines.
In addition to the bills passed and the incentives issued he indicated that $900,000 dollars was appropriated state wide for vision screenings. This money would be budgeted over the next two years. He understood the role the Lions play in the screenings and the direction the program was going.
Steve Umthun motioned to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Jeff Schlobohm. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM
Tom Bogenski – Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2013/2014
Lion President Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Pledge was a group pledge and the prayer was led by Doug Boelman.
GUESTS: Mike Farmer from Cedar Falls Noon Club.
TAIL TWISTING: Dick challenged the club for answers from riddles.
RAFFLE: $7.00 was won by Roger Williams and was donated to Kids Sight.
MINUTES: Roger Williams motioned to approve the April7th minutes as distributed via e-mail. Dick Welsh seconded the motion. The motion passed to approve the minutes.
TREASURER REPORT: As reported by Gene O’Donald there is $1,292.11 in the Administrative Account and $2,390.85 in the Projects Account. Jim Gephart motioned to approve the report and Dick Welsh seconded the motion. The motion passed to approve the treasurer’s report.
OLD BUSINESS: Doug has application forms for the International Convention in Toronto. Contact Doug if you would like an application.
Kids Sight screenings were performed on about 300 children during the past month.
Jeff Danielson will be at the May5th meeting to discuss the mandatory eye screening of children entering school. The Cedar Falls Club will be invited by Doug.
Guest speakers are scheduled for May 19th and June 2nd.
NEW BUSINESS: Officer Elections. Approved to date are:
John Myers – President
Gene O’Donald – Treasurer
Tom Bogenski – Secretary
Dick Welsh – Tail Twister/Lion Tamer
The remaining positions need to be filled prior to July 1st.Doug has applications for Convention in Toronto in July.
Cyril Klein and Gene O’Donald will pick up the trailer and store at Cyril’s house.
Doug will select the committees to choose candidates for the Melvin Jones and Warren Coleman fellowships.
Oelwein Lions are sponsoring a blind baseball tournament on May 18th. If you are interested in playing be at the Oelwein Veterans Memorial Sports Complex. Games start at 10:00 AM.
GUEST SPEAKER Mike Farmer of the Cedar Falls Club attended to talk about the potential wheelchair ramp project that was presented the previous meeting by the Waverly Lions Club. Cedar Falls has earmarked $525.00 for materials. They were unaware at the time that the Waverly club was looking for a club to build the ramp for a lady in Cedar Falls. Their man power is limited regarding building skills of ramps along with physical abilities.
There are many unknowns yet. Tom Bogenski motioned that Doug Boelman get all of the necessary information so the club could decide if it is a project our club wants to undertake. Cyril Klein seconded the motion and the motion passed. Doug will have all necessary information at the May 5th meeting.
Jim Gephart made the motion to adjourn the meeting and to go out and continue to serve the community. Dick Westphal seconded the motion. The motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:35 PM
Tom Bogenski – Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2013/2014
Lion President Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Pledge was a group pledge and the prayer was led by Doug Boelman.
GUESTS: TWO GUEST FROM THE Waverly Lions club were present: Mike Aubrey and Don King.
TAIL TWISTING: Dick challenged the club with logic stories.
RAFFLE: $11.00 was won by Roger Williams and was donated to Kids Sight.
MINUTES: John Myers motioned to approve the March 17th minutes as distributed via e-mail. Roger Williams seconded the motion. The motion passed to approve the minutes.
TREASURER REPORT: As reported by Gene O’Donald there is $1,146.24 in the Administrative Account and $2,430.45 in the Projects Account. Jim Hughes motioned to approve the report and John Myers seconded the motion. The motion passed to approve the treasurer’s report.
OLD BUSINESS: Vern Luring was honored at the recent NE District Meeting.
Kids Sight screenings April 10th and 11th.
Diane Hoffman talked about how the health department is working with the Kids Sight program. She mentioned how there is the coordination between the Health Department and Iowa City. It appears that the Health Department will eventually handle the scheduling of screenings.
Don King thanked the club for its donation to Leader Dog.
NEW BUSINESS: Doug has applications for Convention in Toronto in July.
Application for Sturgis Falls will be filed on April 8th.
GUEST SPEAKER: Mile Aubrey, from the Waverly Lions Club, talked about their service project which is fabricating portable ramps for handicap individual. The ramps are a temporary installation for the people at their residence. Mike showed pictures of three of their designs. The most recent cost for a 24 foot section was $525.00. A retrofit after use is usually $100.00. Mike presented this as a possible service project for our club to serve the people in Cedar Falls and Waterloo. Mike supplied the club with a woman’s name who is looking for a ramp. Doug was going to investigate. There will be further discussion in future meetings about the feasibility of the club instituting this as a service project.
Steve Umthun made the motion to adjourn the meeting and to go out and continue to serve the community. Jim Hughes seconded the motion. The motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:35 PM
Tom Bogenski – Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2013/2014
MINUTES, March 17, 2014
Lion President Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jim Hughes and prayer by Doug Boelman.
No guests were present.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh treated us to Irish jokes and lore.
50/50 Raffle: $ 11.00 won by Doug Boelman. Winnings donated to Kids Sight.
Minutes of last meeting: Roger Williams made the motion to approve the minutes as distributed by email with Dick Welsh seconding the motion. The motion passed to approve the minutes.
The treasurer’s report was reported by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $1,014.24 and the projects account balance is $3,894.56. John Myers made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Jim Hughes seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Members should check to make sure they are up to date with their membership dues.
Doug gave a summary of Kids sight screenings for the past couple months.
Doug also indicated there is a new person scheduling and it will be posted every two months.
A letter was received from MainStreet Waterloo about participating in summer events. John Myers motioned not to participate and Jim Hughes seconded the motion. The motion carried and the club will not participate in MainStreet Waterloo activities.
The secretary read the letter from Lori Short regarding how to proceed with Vern Luhring’ memorial money. Roger Williams motioned to proceed with the proposal written by Lori Short. Jim Hughes seconded the motion. The motion carried. The treasurer will cut tow checks. One of $1,000 will go directly to Kids Sight. The second check for $460 will go to the Kids Sight Endowment. The information and checks will go to Kids Sight on March 18th.
Jeff Schlobohm presented information from Kwik Trip regarding scrip. 10% of sales would go to the club. Since there is an interest, Jeff will get more details.
A reminder that the 9NE Convention in New Hampton is April 4th and 5th.
Sturgis Falls is June 26th – 29th. Irish Fest is August 1st – 3rd.
John Myers made motion to adjourn the meeting and continue to serve the community. Jeff Schlobohm seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
MINUTES, March 3, 2014
Lion John Myers called the meeting of eleven Lions to order at 6 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Earle Strong and prayer by John Myers
One guest was present. Jim Hughes, as her sponsor, introduced Charla Kinney as a new member.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh told some jokes. For the 50-50 raffle, $14 was taken in and Dick Welsh won. He donated his winnings to KidSight.
Minutes of last meeting: Dick Welsh made the motion to approve the minutes as distributed by email with Jeff Schlobohm seconding the motion. The motion passed to approve the minutes.
The treasurer’s report was reported by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $1,212.57 and the projects account balance is $4,764/06. Jeff Schlobohm made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Barry Haskins seconded the motion. The motion carried.
- KidSight. Diane Hoffman reported 27 children from New World Day Care were screened . She added that even though the state legislature passed the law requiring vision screening for children by certain ages, the administrative instructions haven’t been written yet. Also, the Health Department will take on scheduling and keeping statistics of the number of children screened. Earle Strong mentioned our camera has taken approximately 1,800 pictures. He stated the limit is 2, 000 before it has to be returned to the Iowa Lions state office for the camera pictures to be “dumped” and then returned to us.
- An invitation has been invited to State Senator Danielson to discuss KidSight and the new state law requiring vision screening. Once a date has been established, the membership will be informed.
- Club officer elections must be completed and reported to Lions International by early May. All members are encouraged to volunteer to take a position.
- Gene O’Donald is submitting the same price schedule to Irish Fest with the addition of selling coffee on Sunday morning.
Jeff Schlobohm made motion to adjourn the meeting and continue to serve the community. Barry Haskins seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:03 p.m.
MINUTES, February 3, 2014
Lion President Doug Boelman called the meeting of eleven Lions to order at 6 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Earle Strong and prayer by Steve Umthun.
No guests were present.
Tail Twisting: None this meeting
Minutes of last meeting: John Blitsch made the motion to approve the minutes as distributed by email with Earle Strong seconding the motion. The motion passed to approve the minutes.
The treasurer’s report was reported by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $970.57and the projects account balance is $4,754.50. Dick Welsh made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Jeff Schlobohm seconded the motion. The motion carried.
- Doug Boelman reported he and Jim Hughes represented the club at the Mid-Winter Leadership Conference the 16th through 18th of January
- Doug Boelman reported four KidSight screenings: Emanuel Lutheran (twice), West Ridge and Happy Times Day Care.
- Doug Boelman reported we will have one new member, Charla Kinney and one potential new member, Lisa Persson (wife of Brian).
- Doug Boelman reported PDG Janet Wissler, the 9NE districts KidSight chair will step down at the end of the year (June) and he (Boelman) will replace her.
- Discussion began concerning participating in Irish Fest, August 1 - 4. Application is due May 1. Steve Umthun made the motion we participate again and John Blitsch seconded the motion. The motion passed. Doug Boelman will be the chair for that fund raiser.
- Doug Boelman announced the 9NE District Conference will be in New Hampton on April 4 & 5.
- There will be no meeting on February 17. The next meeting will be on March 3 and we will resume the two meeting per month schedule.
Jeff Schlobohm made motion to adjourn the meeting and continue to serve the community. John Blitsch seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:20p.m.
MINUTES, January 13, 2014
Lion President Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Barry Haskens and prayer by Bruce Kacer.
No guests were present.
Tail Twisting: Jim Hughes asked some silly humorous questions.
50/50 Raffle: $ 10.00 won by Bruce Kacer. Winnings donated to KidSight.
Minutes of last meeting: Gene O’Donald made the motion to approve the minutes as distributed by email with Earl Strong seconding the motion. The motion passed to approve the minutes.
The treasurer’s report was reported by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $1,464.07 and the projects account balance is $4,754.50. Steve Umthun made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Barry Haskens seconded the motion. The motion carried.
OLD BUSINESS – Next three KidSight sessions. If you can assist, contact Doug Boelman. In parentheses, acknowledged volunteers
- Jan 15, Lowell School
- January 21, Emanuel Lutheran
- Feb 6, Sunrise Christian (John Blitsch)
- Feb 24, Green & Grow (John Blitsch, Barry Haskins)
- March 3 –Small world (Barry Haskins)
Doug Boelman will check with DG Steph Becker that our basket money for the Mid-Winters Conference was received. Gene mailed in on December 14.
- Next meeting will be on February 3. Only one scheduled meeting in February.
- With Jim Hughes impending departure from the area, we need a volunteer to chair the Sturgis fund raiser.
- Twice a month meetings resume in March.
Gene O’Donald made motion to adjourn the meeting and continue to serve the community. John Blitsch seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7p.m.
MINUTES, December 16, 2013
President Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by John Myers and prayer by Doug Boelman.
Guests: Dale Boelman, brother to Doug Boelman.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh tested the member’s knowledge on Christmas Spirit and cold temperatures.
50/50 Raffle: $ 14.00 won by John Myers. Winnings donated as following: ½ to Administrative Account and ½ to Kids Sight.
John Myers made the motion to approve the Minutes of the November 18th meeting as distributed via email. John Blitsch the motion. The motion passed to approve the minutes.
The treasurer’s account was reported by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $1,369.57 and the projects account balance is $4,711.00. Bruce Kacer made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Jim Gephart seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Doug passed around the thank you notes for the organizations that received gifts from us. Doug also added a personal note thanking all who attended the Christmas party.
Doug reminded everyone about the abbreviated meeting schedule for January and February. The meetings for those months will be January 6th and February 3rd. We will resume the normal schedule in March.
Kids Sight is done until January 9th. With the new laws requiring children to have their eyes tested before attending school has stretched the clubs resources thin. The club needs to decide if they will continue this pattern or set up designated dates and times for the screenings. It needs to be the responsibility of the parents to have all of the paper work ready. Our screenings are a cost free benefit. If the parents do not want to cooperate than they have the option to have the child tested at their own health provider.
A suggestion to have a legislature attend the meeting was welcomed with an overwhelming response. In a later conversation Gene O’Donald indicated contacting Bob Kressig as a speaker. April or May would be a good time to have him attend. He should be contacted in January or February so this can be put on his schedule.
Mid-Winter Leadership Conference is scheduled for January 16-18 at the Holiday Inn Airport in Des Moines, Iowa.
SPEAKER: Dale Boelman is a career farmer and has been farming since 1944 and has a Degree in Animal Science. Dale shed light on to some of the challenges and benefits of farming. Dale touched also on regulations involving farmers and how they affect our food chain supply. He talked about the implications of the Farm Bill along with the pros and cons of GMO food.
John Myers motioned to adjourn the meeting and go out and serve the community. Earle Strong seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:26 p.m.
Secretary Tom Bogenski 2013/2014
MINUTES, November 18, 2013
President Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Dick Welsh and prayer by Doug Boelman.
Guests: No guests tonight.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh tested the member’s knowledge on Thanksgiving fact and fiction, past and present.
50/50 Raffle: $ 11.00 won by John Myers. Winnings donated to the Vern Luhring memorial fund.
John Myers made the motion to approve the Minutes of the November 4th meeting as distributed via email. Earle Strong the motion. The motion passed to approve the minutes.
The treasurer’s account was reported by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $1,434.57 and the projects account balance is $4,871.50. Barry Haskins made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and John Blitsch seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Jim Hughes asked members to volunteer to help doing Kids Sight during January and February. The response was very good. Jim and Doug attended the Waterloo Lions club meeting today to inform them about Kids Sight.
Doug presented Cyril Klein with a Lions Membership Key for sponsoring two additional members to Lions.
There will be only one meeting in January 2014 and one meeting in February 2014. Those meetings will be held on January 6th and February 3rd. The regular meeting schedule will resume March 3rd.
Treasure Gene O’Donald gave a recap of the expenses drawing down the Administrative Account. The club has paid out some unusual expenses for mileage to the Leadership Conference in Kansas City along with unusual expenses to speakers.
The club decided that the Executive Committee should draft a Policy determining which expenses would be covered regarding activities involving the club. Some of these issued have already been addressed and are located in meeting minutes over the years. A separate policy needs to be formulated to address what costs the club would cover. The draft would be ready for discussion during one of the March’s meetings.
Jim Hughes made the motion to adjourn the meeting and go out and continue to serve the community. Earle Strong seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:12 p.m.
Secretary Tom Bogenski 2013/2014
MINUTES, November 4, 2013
President Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Earle Strong and prayer by Doug Boelman.
Guests: Two gentlemen from a New Zealand Lions Club happened to be in the area and were invited to join the meeting..
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh continues to promote ponderisms.
50/50 Raffle: $ 12.00 won by Jim Hennessey. Winnings donated to KidsSight.
Roger Williams made the motion to approve the Minutes of the October 21st meeting as distributed via email. John Myers seconded the motion. The motion passed to approve the minutes.
The treasurer’s account was reported by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $1,838.97 and the projects account balance is $8,583.32. Tom Bogenski made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Roger Williams seconded the motion. The motion carried.
2013/2014 Budget was discussed and voted on. John Myers motioned to approve the budget and Earle strong seconded the motion. The motion carried. The 2013/2014 budget was approved.
Dick Welsh reported that he presented the treasurer with $36.18 from the Lion.
GUEST SPEAKER: The president asked the guests from New Zealand to tell the club about their community and also what the club does with its fund raiser money. Ralph Gore who is with the Matameta Lions Club indicated the biggest fundraiser for them was collecting and rendering carcasses. Typically they raise $26,000 and the money goes back into the community serving non-profit organizations and youth organizations.
Cyril Klein motioned to pay Doug mileage for his trip to Lion’s Conference in Kansas City. Motion seconded by John Myers. The motioned passed. The reimbursement will be $0.50 at 600 miles for a total of $300.00.
Vern’s memorial money has not been distributed yet. A clear method of how Vern will receive recognition has not been yet solidified.
Our new member Diane Hoffman received her official orientation Package.
The club still needs a chairman for Kids Sight.
Doug mentioned Quick Trip has Scrip Cards available for a fund raiser.
Comments have been made by non members about a tax problem at Irish Fest. There was no problem from our end. The Irish Fest committee submitted documentation incorrectly. The issue has been resolved by the treasurer.
Remember to mark your calendar for the Christmas Party. December 2nd at 6:00 PM at the Hilton Gardens.
Earle Strong made the motion to adjourn the meeting and go out and continue to serve the community. Jim Hughes seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:09 p.m.
Secretary Tom Bogenski 2013/2014
MINUTES, October 21, 2013
Lion Steve Umthun called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Earle Strong and prayer by Steve Umthun.
Guests: Jim Tierney, Zone Chairman; Donna and Bum Baumgartner from Viewpoint Adventures; and Idi Mshana and Justine Basso from Tanzania.
Tail Twisting: Postponed due to the two programs
50/50 Raffle: $ 13.00 won by Phil Nelson. Winnings donated to KidsSight.
Earle Strong made the motion to approve the Minutes of the October 7th meeting as distributed via email. Barry Haskins seconded the motion. The motion passed to approve the minutes.
The treasurer’s account was reported by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $1,762.65 and the projects account balance is $8,408.92. Bruce Kacer made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Roger Williams seconded the motion. The motion carried.
GUEST SPEAKER: Jim Tierney talked about the Mid Winter Conference and is asking all clubs to provide a gift basket. Jim also presented Chevrons to members who have served in Lions for 10, 15 and 30 years. Ten year awards went to Bruce Kacer and Dick Welsh. A 15 year award went to Pat Kelly and 30 year went to Jim Hennessey.
Steve Umthun introduced Donna, Bum Idi and Justine from Viewpoint Adventures and Tanzania. Donna talked about the work they have been doing and the progress in the school, housing and water supplies. Justine, who is principal of the school, talked about the help he has received from the people in the United States and talked about the costs and structure of the schools and government structure concerning education. The Bum and Donna Baumgartner are hosting an open house to the Lions on Monday night October 28th. Everyone is invited and please coordinate your RSVP through Steve3 Umthun.
The club has received a great deal of money for Vern’s Memorial. Tom Bogenski motioned that the club match the memorial money to a maximum of $700. Roger Williams seconded the motion. The motion carried. The monies are designated to Kids Sight. Tom will contact Lori Short and Janet Whistler for options so that Vern’s name is fully recognized. The matching funds will come from the Projects Account.
The club has the opportunity to store the trailer indoors for $18.15 per month. Cyril Klein motioned to store the trailer indoors at this cost. Gene O’Donald seconded the motion. The motion carried. Cyril, Tom and Gene have information where the trailer is stored. Trailer storage cost comes from the Administrative Account. A motion to take funds this account was introduced. However, Jim Tierney indicated that was unnecessary since that was dictated by the IRS. A motion was not required.
Diane Hoffman, who attended last meeting, has become a member as of October 7th. Welcome to the club, Diane.
Urgent need still required for a Kids Sight chairman.
Doug mentioned, that based on information he received from his trip to Kansas we should look at additional fund raiser. One club raised $7,000 on a scrap metal drive and another collected $2,000 from a book sale.
Steve Umthun reminded the club about the open house Monday October 28th.
The address is: 242 Zachary Ct. Waterloo, Ia. 319-504-9873.
Steve Umthun made the motion to adjourn the meeting and go out and continue to serve the community. Earle Strong seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:29 p.m.
Secretary Tom Bogenski 2013/2014
MINUTES, October 7, 2013
Lion President Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by the club and prayer by Doug Boelman.
Guests: Pam Delagardelle-CEO Allen Hospital; Louie Schmitz (Pam’s father); Jeanette Strong (Earle); Diane Hoffman (member candidate).
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh presented ponderisms (Hmm).
50/50 Raffle: $ 12.00 won by Gene O’Donald. Winnings donated to KidsSight.
John Myers made the motion to approve the Minutes of the September 16th meeting as distributed via email. Barry Haskins seconded the motion. The motion passed to approve the minutes.
The treasurer’s report was reported by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $1,764.36 and the projects account balance is $7,998.86. Bob Anderson made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Earle Strong seconded the motion. The motion carried.
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speaker for the evening was Pam Delagardelle CEO Allen Hospital. Pam discussed changes in health care and how Allen Hospital was responding. She also talked about the improvements in the facility and the renewed focus on patient health. Future payment plans will address more of managed care and patient care. ACA will be a major concern for health providers. Allen Hospital also provided $8 Million dollars in unpayable service last year. That may decrease with the ACA but it is too early to make that determination.
KidsSight volunteers services 89 children this past week. Legislation passed requiring all children entering pre-school must have their eyes evaluated. Since there is no money appropriated at this time the burden will fall on the Lions volunteerism.
Jim Hughes motioned to have Diane Hoffman’s first quarter dues paid by the club. Diane has been instrumental in assisting the club with Kids Sight screenings. Earle Strong seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The secretary will send the link for the club web page to all members with an e-mail address.
The club is in need of a Kids Sight chairman.
Philman Enterprises will donate between 50 cents and 1 dollar to Kids Sight when replacement ink cartridges or toner cartridges are purchased. Contact Doug Boelman for more details.
Steve Umthun reminded the club that the group from Tanzania will be guest speakers on October 21st. Steve will e-mail pictures and information regarding a special open house on October 28th.
Doug Boelman and Jim Hughes won airline tickets to the 2014 Leadership conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The tickets were won at the leadership conference in Kansas City in September.
Pat Kelly made the motion to adjourn the meeting and go out and continue to serve the community. Jeff Schlobohm seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
Secretary Tom Bogenski 2013/2014
MINUTES, September 16, 2013
Lion President Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by John Blitsch and prayer by John Myers.
Guests: Dr. Annette Redman and Lisa Persson, Brian Persson’s wife.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh presented more laws of nature. Sometimes known as Murphy’s Law. 50/50 Raffle: $ 14.00 won by Phil Nelson. Winnings donated to KidsSight.
John Myers made the motion to approve the Minutes of the August 19th meeting as distributed via email. Dick Westphal seconded the motion. The motion passed to approve the minutes.
The treasurer’s report was reported by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $1,754.36 and the projects account balance is $8,514.87. Tom Bogenski made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Roger Williams seconded the motion. The motion carried
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speaker for the evening was Dr. Annette Redman, Audiologist with Iowa Hearing Clinic. Dr. Redman walked the group through the structure of the ear, the hearing process and informed the club regarding the different types of hearing loss. She went on further to describe the different types of tests used to determine the types of hearing loss and the different types of hearing aids that are available. She stressed that although there were many types of aids on the market it is important to work with a doctor or an office who is concerned with the patient’s needs and not just the sale of a device. Dr. Redman left an assortment of hearing information for the group to read and become informed.
Tom gave a quick update on Vern Luhring’ condition and will have a current address that he will mail out after the meeting.
KidsSight needs a chairman and additional help now that more children are required to have an eye assessment before entering school
Legislation passed requiring all children entering pre-school must have their eyes evaluated. Since there is no money appropriated at this time the burden will fall on the Lions volunteerism.
Two new locations were presented for the Christmas Party. Becks on University and the Hilton Gardens. After discussion Roger Williams motioned to have the party at The Hilton Garden. Motion was seconded by Bob Anderson. The motion carried. The party will be at the Hilton Garden Inn on December 2nd starting at 6:00 PM. More information will be coming in the next two months. Mark your calendar now and let your spouse or significant other mark that date.
John Myers made the motion to adjourn the meeting and go out and continue to serve the community. Jim Hughes seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:17 p.m.
Secretary Tom Bogenski 2013/2014
Lion President Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Bob Anderson and prayer by John Myers.
Guests: DG Stephen Becker
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh presented different laws of nature. Sometimes known as Murphy’s Law. 50/50 Raffle: $ 11.00 won by Barry Haskins. Winnings donated to KidsSight.
Steve Umthun made the motion to approve the Minutes of the August 5th meeting as distributed via email. Roger Williams seconded the motion. The motion passed to approve the minutes.
The treasurer’s report was reported by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $2,548.46 and the projects account balance is $8,500.86. Gene passed on that we took in $5,270 in ticket coupons. Profit from Irish Fest is $3,042.12. John Myers made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Earle Strong seconded the motion. The motion carried
GUEST SPEAKER: The guest speaker for the evening was Stephen Becker, District governor. Stephen talked about the experience at the international conference in Germany. DG Becker encouraged all of the officers to go to training. He has a goal of all officers regardless how long the person has held the position to get trained and learn the new techniques that are being developed. DG Stephen also to plan for our successor. Planning for new officers should start at the beginning of the fiscal year so that there is a smooth transition between individuals. The slogan for the year is:” Follow your Dream”. Regardless what the dream or goal of the club is it should pursue it and follow through on the dream.
The District Conference will be April 4th and 5th in New Hampton at the Pinnicon Restaurant. Rooms will be available at the Southgate Inn for those who prefer not to make the drive two consecutive days. Steph had new state pins for those who wanted to purchase and he then gave the officers a governor’s patch instead of a pin. The patch idea comes from his 56 years in scouting.
Earle Strong announced the KidsSight camera training session was on Friday, August 9 and four members from the club were trained. Another session can be scheduled as the need arises.
Legislation passed requiring all children entering pre-school must have their eyes evaluated. Since there is no money appropriated at this time the burden will fall on the Lions volunteerism.
Doug Boelman and Jim Hughes are going to Leadership Training in Kansas City from September 19-21.
September 2nd meeting is cancelled due to falling on Labor Day. The September 16th meeting will have Dr Annette Redman as a program speaker. Dr. Redman is associated with Iowa Hearing Clinic.
Waterloo Lions Book Sale is October 17-20 at Crossroads Mall Contact Steph Becker if you have or know of someone who has books to donate. Call Steph at 319-234-2374
A suggestion for a speaker was to have a Dietitian or Food Handling expert talk about the proper methods of handling food especially during our fund raisers.
John Myers made the motion to adjourn the meeting and go out and continue to serve the community. Bob Anderson seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Secretary Tom Bogenski 2013/2014
Lion President Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Dick Westphal and prayer by Doug Boelman
Guests: PID David Stoufer and his wife, PDG Rachel Nicola.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh 50/50 Raffle: $ 9.00 won by John Myers. Winnings donated to Kidsight.
Dick Welsh made the motion to approve the Minutes of the July 15 meeting as distributed via email. Pat Kelly seconded the motion. The motion passed to approve the minutes.
The treasurer’s report was reported by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $2,569.48 and the projects account balance is $4,363.17. Gene passed on that we took in $5,270 in ticket coupons. Profit has yet to be determined. John Myers made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Earle Strong seconded the motion. The motion carried.
PROGRAM: PID Stoufer presented a very motivated presentation. He stated he was supposed to speak on increasing membership in clubs. He stressed the need for younger members and women members. He mentioned the new International President challenged Lions to be fifty per cent women by the end of his presidency. He then turned the focus of his presentation to “Why are we Lions?” He gave too many examples and spoke too quickly for this recorder to keep up, but the following highlights are presented for your information and consideration.
- Why are we Lions?
- To allow a child to see.
- To let someone hear who had earlier lost his/her hearing.
- To provide glasses to someone who otherwise couldn’t afford a pair.
We serve because we want to serve. We have been blessed and we (Lions) are giving back through our serving. The accomplishments we make as an international organization could never be done on an individual basis. PID Stoufer mentioned he had cataract surgery last year. The cost was over $2,000. Because of Lions Club efforts, a person in Sri Lanka can have the same surgery costing only about $60. Our fund raising also helps with recovery from natural disasters efforts worldwide. He spoke of the partnership of Lions with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s initiative to wipe out measles. Untreated measles create vision problems. One of his closing comments was (paraphrased), “There are fewer people with crappy lives due to efforts made by Lions.” He concluded by asking us to take home two reasons for being Lions; 1.) Pride in what we do and 2.) People have better lives due to Lions’ work.
Earle Strong announced a Kidsight camera training session on Friday, August 9 from 10 a.m to noon at 4125 Autumn Ridge Road, Cedar Falls. Contact Earle if you can attend.
Earle Strong presented a statement of Kidsight mailing costs of $82.39 and requested reimbursement. Roger Williams made the motion to reimburse Earle. John Myers seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Doug Boelman requested, in advance, reimbursement for mileage for him to attend the Lions Leadership training course in Kansas City in September. Earle Strong made the motion to reimburse Doug and John Myers seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Doug Boelman stated scheduled meeting on September 2 coincidentally is also Labor Day and asked the membership to cancel the meeting. Pat Kelly made the motion to cancel the September 2 meeting and Roger Williams seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Pat Kelly made the motion to adjourn the meeting and go out and continue to serve the community. Roger Swyter seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by John Myers, on behalf of Secretary Tom Bogenski.
MINUTES, July 15, 2013
Lion Steve Umthun called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Cyril Klein.
Opening prayer was led by Steve Umthun.
There were not any guests tonight.
Tail Twisting: Tail twisting with a twist. The members submitted jokes and stories. This will be an interesting year.
50/50 Raffle: $10.00 won by Pat Kelly. Winnings donated to Kids Sight.
Minutes of the July 1st. Earle Strong motioned to approve as distributed via e-mail. Gene O’Donald seconded the motion. Motion approved.
The treasurer’s report was given by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $2,437.48 and the projects account balance is $5,638.47. Preliminary Sturgis Falls profits are $2,477.06. Tom Bogenski motioned to approve the treasurer’s report and Jim Hennessey seconded the motion. Motion approved.
Gene O’Donald gave the preliminary financials for Sturgis Falls. The profit is less than 2012. Many factors included the music, the weather and the location. A change of venue is under consideration at the Jazz festival office.
Dick Welsh passed around the volunteer list again. The secretary will publish it via e-mail so all members can see open times that need to be filled. Dick will pick up any beverages brought to the meeting. The club will sell Pork chops on a stick but will order a limited amount. As of tonight we do not have a physical location for our booth. Dick has made final arrangements with Fareway for supplies.
A discussion of our participation in Irish Fest in the coming years will ensue later this year.
Dave Stouffer will be guest speaker at the Aug. 5th meeting.
Bob Anderson motioned to adjourn the meeting and go out and continue to serve the community. The motion was seconded by Pat Kelly. The motion carried and meeting adjourned at 6:53 p.m.
Tom Bogenski, Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2013/2014
MINUTES, July 1, 2013
Lion Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Earle Strong.
Opening prayer was led by John Myers.
There were not any guests tonight.
Tail Twisting: Tail twisting with a twist. The members submitted jokes and stories. This could be the format for the year.
50/50 Raffle: $15.00 won by John Blitsch. Winnings donated to Kids Sight.
Minutes of the June 17th . John Myers motioned to approve as distributed via e-mail. Earle Strong seconded the motion. Motion approved.
The treasurer’s report was given by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $2,437.48 and the projects account balance is $7,410.02 including Sturgis Falls receipts. Expenses not included yet. John Blitsch motioned to approve the treasurer’s report and John Myers seconded the motion. Motion approved.
Dick Welsh volunteered to step in as Kids sight chairman working with Earle during the transition. Dick would be happy to have an assistant to coordinate activities when out of town. Training session is planned for August and screenings will start in August also. The screenings will be divided between our club and the Cedar Falls Club.
Sturgis Falls: John Meyers thanked everyone who helped during the weekend. It looked like a good financial festival. The numbers should be ready for next meeting.
Irish Fest is Aug 2-4. Dick Welsh passed around the volunteer list and noted the beverages he would need. Deliver everything to Dick. Roger Williams motioned to purchase another large cooler. Motion seconded by Bob Anderson. Motion carried. Tom Said he would pick it up from Blaine’s so that they all match and any repair parts are common. Tom will also make new signs for the product indicating the ticket price and other information sheets that Dick will need.
Dave Stouffer will be guest speaker at the Aug. 5th meeting.
Doug Boelman is planning on attending the Leadership Conference in Kansas City. Anyone else interested should contact Doug.
Bob Anderson motioned to adjourn the meeting and go out and continue to serve the community. The motion was seconded by Earle Strong. The motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
Tom Bogenski, Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2013/2014
MINUTES, June 17, 2013
Lion Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Barry Haskins.
Opening prayer was led by Doug Boelman.
There were not any guests tonight.
Tail Twisting: Tail twisting consisted of two stories to analyze. Very Interesting.
50/50 Raffle: $11.00 won by Gene O’Donald. Winnings donated to Kids Sight.
Minutes of the June 3rd. Vern Luhring motioned to approve as distributed via e-mail. Earle Strong seconded the motion. Motion approved.
The treasurer’s report was given by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $2,327.48 and the projects account balance is $2,947.62. John Blitsch motioned to approve the treasurer’s report and Dick Welsh seconded the motion. Motion approved.
Doug Boelman and Jim Hughes attended the State convention in Cedar Rapids. Doug shared what he had learned. He found out that our club did not receive any credit for all of the Kid Sight screenings. People at Kids Sight will investigate and correct the numbers. Our club should receive credit for 900 screenings.
Sturgis Falls: John Meyers passed around the volunteer sign up sheet for the weekend. An updated copy will be mailed out tonight from the Secretary. Any individual not signed up will be contacted by John.
The club is seeking a new chairman for Kids Sight. It is important now to have some one step in and give support to Earle for the transition.
A training session for the digital camera should be given in late August. It is possible that it will be given by Gary Chambers from the Waterloo Club. Interested members are: Cyril, Barry, John Blitsch, Tom, Dick Welsh and Doug Boelman.
Members should get together with John Myers for Festival scheduling and delivering any beverages.
Next meeting is July 1, 2013. The beginning of the new fiscal year.
Vern Luhring motioned to adjourn the meeting and go out and continue to serve the community. The motion was seconded by Dick Westphal. The motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:02 p.m.
Tom Bogenski, Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2012/2013
MINUTES, June 3, 2013
Lion Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Doug Boelman.
Opening prayer was led by Steve Umthun.
There were not any guests tonight.
Tail Twisting: Tail twisting consisted of questions about things we should know like why a camel is called the ship of the desert and what are the things called on the end of shoelaces. I will stop there. Grade was C- or D+.
50/50 Raffle: $12.00 won by Pat Kelly. Winnings donated to Kids Sight.
Minutes of the May 20th. Tom Bogenski motioned to approve as distributed via e-mail. Steve Umthun seconded the motion. Motion approved.
The treasurer’s report was given by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $2,217.487 and the projects account balance is $2,938.60. John Myers motioned to approve the treasurer’s report and Earle Strong seconded the motion. Motion approved.
Doug Boelman indicated that there may be enough interest in Lions to have personalized license plates. He is submitting the information and will wait for a response. The requirement is 500 plates and there are 300 commitments to date.
State convention is this coming weekend. Doug is attending. If anyone is interested please call Doug at 319-269-8601
. This is also the only number that Doug has. He has cancelled his land line and the 266 number.Sturgis Falls: John Meyers passed around the volunteer sign up sheet for the weekend. An updated copy will be mailed out tonight from the Secretary. Any individual not signed up will be contacted by John.
Doug read Harold Freeman’s letter about grants for disaster victims. If you know of some one contact Doug and he will make necessary contacts.
Arik Halloran has resigned from Lions. His work and commitments do not allow him to participate dutifully as a Lion. Arik is happy to work the festivals if he is in town. The club will keep his contact information for those times.
Next meeting is June 17, 2013.
The meeting will finalize any last minute details for Sturgis Falls.
Earle Strong motioned to adjourn the meeting and go out and continue to serve the community. The motion was seconded by Pat Kelly. The motion carried and meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
Tom Bogenski, Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2012/2013
Meeting Minutes, May 20, 2013
63 Diner, Waterloo, Iowa
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Doug Boelman & prayer given by John Myers
Guest: PDG Larry Crow
Tail Twisting: Dick Westphal asked some comical questions.
50/50 Raffle: None conducted this week
Minutes of the May 6th were approved as distributed by email; motion given by Bob Anderson and seconded by Jim Gephart
Treasurer’s report given by Gene O’Donald. Administrative account balance is $2,120.16 & projects account balance is 2,938.60. John Myers made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Earle Strong seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Doug Boelman passed around a flyer advertising Iowa Lion license plates. The state requires 500 to sign up to justify making them and over 300 have shown interest so far. If you would purchase a Lions license plate for one or more of your vehicles, contact Doug.
John Myers circulated a Sturgis brat stand sign-up roster.
Doug Boelman reminded the membership of the state convention June 6 – 9.
Doug Boelman announced he will participate in the Sturgis Falls Celebration parade with posters advertising our brat sales.
PROGRAM: PDG Larry Crow updated us on the Iowa Lions Foundation. The foundation supports Education for Blind Children, the Puppy Program, Eye Bank along with UI Hospital, Cochlear Hearing, School for the Deaf, Hearing Aid Bank, and Kids Sight. Monetary contributions made directly to the Foundation or to any of the projects it assists in qualification for Warren Coleman awards. Currently, our club has contributed enough for one award and almost enough for a second one. Of the 26 clubs in 9NE, contributions to date are $31,500 of the $35,000 goal.
ADJOURNMENT: Pat Kelly made the motion to adjourn the meeting and continue to serve the community. Jim Gephart seconded the motion. Motion carried and the meeting ended at 7:05 p.m.
MINUTES, May 6, 2013
Lion Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Dick Welsh
Opening prayer was led by Doug Boelman.
We had three guests tonight. Our program speaker Dr. Linda Allen, President of Hawkeye Community College; Kathy Klein and Kathy Hughes who joined their husbands looking forward to the program.
Tail Twisting: Tail twisting consisted of farmer related riddles.
50/50 Raffle: $19.00 won by Vern Luhring. Winnings donated to Kids Sight.
Minutes of the April 15th. John Myers motioned to approve as distributed via e-mail. Barry Haskins seconded the motion. Motion approved.
The treasurer’s report was given by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $2,054.16 and the projects account balance is $2,919.60. Bob Anderson motioned to approve the treasurer’s report and Dick Welsh seconded the motion. Motion approved.
Sturgis Falls: John Meyers passed around the volunteer sign up sheet for the weekend. He will e-mail a current copy to all members and will also pass around the sheet the next meetings prior to the Festival.
State convention is in Cedar Rapids June 6-9.
Steve Umthun announced that the group from Tanzania is asking for support for their school and orphanage. Steve will also have more information soon on a safari for those who are interested.
PROGRAM: Tonight’s program was given by Dr. Linda Allen who is the President of Hawkeye Community College. Dr Allen took the group through a journey from the beginning of the school to its present day status and location. Dr. Allen demonstrated how the school affects the community and its contributions. The school has over 6,000 students primarily in Health Care, Manufacturing and Transportation. The school is the third largest employer in the Cedar Valley and returns to the economy $1.48 for every $1 spent by the college. Dr. Allen invited everyone to feel free to contact the school for tours and for additional information about the school.
Next meeting is May 20, 2013.
Dr. Annette Redman from Iowa Hearing Clinic, who was scheduled as a speaker for the May 20thy program will be scheduled for a later date due to a conflict.
Steve Umthun motioned to adjourn the meeting and go out and continue to serve the community. The motion was seconded by Jeff Schlobohm. The motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m.
Tom Bogenski, Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2012/2013
MINUTES, April 15, 2013
Lion Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Barry Haskins.
Opening prayer was led by Doug Boelman.
No guests tonight.
Tail Twisting: Tail twisting consisted of over the hill perks. Very Appropriate.
50/50 Raffle: $14.00 won by Earle Strong. Winnings donated to Kids Sight.
Minutes of the April 1st. John Myers motioned to approve as distributed via e-mail. Vern Luhring seconded the motion. Motion approved.
The treasurer’s report was given by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $1,701.00 and the projects account balance is $2,707.60. John Blitsch motioned to approve the treasurer’s report and John Myers seconded the motion. Motion approved.
Doug reported on the 9NE District Convention. Topics covered The Eye Bank, happenings in NE Iowa and new developments for the city of Independence. Keynote speaker was Carolyn Messier from Windsor Locks, Connecticut.
Sturgis Falls food pricing. Bob Van Gorp at Fareway indicated food prices for our items had not changed since 2012. John Blitsch motioned to have the prices remain at 2012 levels. John Meyers seconded the motion. The motion passed. The prices will be as follows: Pork Chop on a stick $6; Pork Tenderloin Sandwich $4; Chicken Sandwich $3; Bratwurst $3; Hot Dog $2; 12 oz. cans of pop and ½ liter water $1.
Doug Boelman passed around information about personalized Lions license plates. There needs a commitment of 500 plates for the state to approve. ILF would receive $12,500. The cost is $45 for the first year and $25 afterwards.
Hurricane Sandy victims are still looking for help. Anyone interested can send contributions directly to the fund. Check the web site for more information.
Waverly Lions is having a pancake breakfast this Sunday April 21st. It will be in the morning at the Bremer Fair Grounds.
Dick Welsh will try to schedule Kathy McGowan for a June or July meeting to discuss Irish Fest 2013.
KIDS SIGHT: Earle strong reported on Kids Sight. About 2,000 children will be screened this year between the Cedar Valley Club and the Cedar Falls Club. There are 6 more schools to screen. Earle checked to see how many individuals would be interested in training for the digital camera. Training session would be planned for late August or early September.
PROGRAM: The program next meeting, May 6th, will be presented by Dr. Linda Allen, president of Hawkeye, Community College. She is covering an array of topics. You are encouraged to tell friends and family to attend. It could be a good meeting for individuals who are considering attending the school or how they school can help their activity or business.
Next meeting is May 6, 2013
Dick Welsh motioned to adjourn the meeting and go out and continue to serve the community. The motion was seconded by Earle Strong. The motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Tom Bogenski, Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2012/2013
MINUTES, April 1, 2013
Lion Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Earle Strong.
Opening prayer was led by John Myers.
Tonight’s guest was Dr. Don King, The Lion’s Leader Dog Chairman for District 9NE.
Tail Twisting: Tail twisting consisted of riddles of logic. Once again the Lion flourished.
50/50 Raffle: $13.00 won by John Blitsch. Winnings donated to Kids Sight.
Minutes of the March 4th.. John Myers motioned to approve as distributed via e-mail. Earle Strong seconded the motion. Motion approved.
The treasurer’s report was given by Tom Bogenski. The administrative account balance is $1,635.11 and the projects account balance is $4,447.60. Bruce Kacer motioned to approve the treasurer’s report and John Myers seconded the motion. Motion approved.
John Myers reported on the Zone Meeting. It was only attended by 4 clubs. Two significant items were discussed. First the discount for new members will probably stop as of July 1, 2013. Second the goal for Kids sight is to have a $5 Million dollar endowment. The current value is $500K.
All contributions to LCIF are used for services. There are no administration fees taken from the LCIF funds.
John Myers discussed Sturgis Falls and pricing. John will contact Fareway and see if price adjustments are needed. Prices will be finalized and voted on next meeting.
Doug Boelman was nominated as president for the 2013/2014 club year. Vern Luhring made the motion and was seconded by Earle Strong. The motion passed. Doug will serve two consecutive terms as President of the Cedar Valley Lions Club. John Myers volunteered to step in as 1st. Vice-President The Membership position and a Director’s position are still available.
Dick Welsh mentioned the entrance fee for Irish Fest has been submitted. He will try to schedule Kathy McGowan as a speaker the first meeting in June.
KIDS SIGHT: Earle strong reported on Kids Sight. The “Parenting Event” in Waterloo was successful. It was well attended and 21 children were screened. There will probably be an event next year. Thanks to all who participated. Our club has screened 700 children this year and will probably screen 1,000 as the year winds down. The Cedar Falls club will screen around 1,100 children. Doug will contact the Waterloo Club about involvement in the program.
PROGRAM: Dr. King discussed the Leader Dog program its cost and benefits. Cost for the dog and client are around $40K. It takes 26 weeks of training with the dog and client. There is no charge to the client for this service. The dog actually goes through 2 years of training. The Puppy Program is a good source of dogs. There are at least 150 puppies in training at any time. Recipients now receive a digital GPS unit to help navigate The financial goal for 9NE is to have 100% participation of clubs and to exceed $10,000 this year. Our club has participated in the past and has increased our donation this year. There are 6 working Leader Dogs in Northeast Iowa.
Next meeting is April 15, 2013
Bruce Kacer motioned to adjourn the meeting and go out and continue to serve the community. The motion was seconded by John Myers. The motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m.
Tom Bogenski, Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2012/2013
MINUTES, March 18, 2013
Lion Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Brian Persson.
Opening prayer was led by Doug Boelman.
No guests tonight, the scheduled guest cancelled due to the winter storm.
Tail Twisting: Tail twisting consisted of one more Irish Story and passed the Lion around because not everyone caught the joke immediately. The Lion did well.
50/50 Raffle: $9.00 won by Barry Haskins. Winnings donated to Kids Sight.
Minutes of the March 4th.. Vern Luhring motioned to approve as distributed via e-mail. Barry Haskins seconded the motion. Motion approved.
The treasurer’s report was given by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $1,520.11 and the projects account balance is $4,438.60. Tom Bogenski motioned to approve the treasurer’s report and Earle Strong seconded the motion. Motion approved.
Doug briefed the club on the current condition of Nancy Gephart. Nancy had fallen earlier in the year, broke a shoulder and hip. The hip was replaced and she is not in rehab in Florida. Nancy was starting intense therapy on Monday the 18th.
The first meeting in September, which is Sept. 2nd will be cancelled because it falls on Labor Day. The motion to cancel was proposed by Vern Luhring and seconded by Barry Haskins. The motion passed.
The club received the information regarding Irish Fest. The treasure posted the check for admission to the festival. Irish Fest begins Aug. 2nd. At 4:00 PM and ends Aug. 4th at 4:00 PM.
The 9NE convention is April 5th and 6th. Anyone wishing to participate let Doug Boelman know. He is attending and is inviting others to join him.
Leader Dog rep, Don King will be speaker at our meeting on April 1st.
There is a zone meeting March 27th at 7:00 PM at the Boy Scout facility on Airline Ave. Doug is attending and let him know if you can attend also. Paul Scherner is guest speaker.
The primary positions open are the President, 1st Vice-president. Tonight some positions were filled. Jim Hughes volunteered as 2nd Vice-Pres., Brian Persson volunteered to take on one of the director’s position and Doug Boelman volunteered to chair Irish Fest 2014.
KIDS SIGHT: Earle strong reported on Kids Sight. There are about 8 screening days left this year. Earle mentioned that there is a “Parent Event” on March 21st at the Waterloo Center for the Arts. If you can help please contact Earle.
Next meeting is April 1, 2013
Tom Bogenski motioned to adjourn the meeting and go out and continue to serve the community. The motion was seconded by Barry Haskins. The motion carried and meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
Tom Bogenski, Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2012/2013
MINUTES, March 4, 2013
Lion Steve Umthun called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jim Hughes.
Opening prayer was led by John Myers.
No guests tonight.
Tail Twisting: Tail twisting consisted of Irish Folk Lore or Jokes depending on you nationality.
50/50 Raffle: $12.00 won by Gene O’Donald. Winnings donated to Kids Sight.
Minutes of the Jan. 21st. Earle Strong motioned to approve as distributed via e-mail. Barry Haskins seconded the motion. Motion approved.
The treasurer’s report was given by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $1,344.11 and the projects account balance is $4,426.00. John Myers motioned to approve the treasurer’s report and Jim Hughes seconded the motion. Motion approved.
Officer positions open for this year and the coming year. Elections for new officers are in April. John Myers is chairman for Sturgis Falls 2013 Celebration. Jim Hughes has volunteered as his assistant and Chair the 2014 Celebration. THE DATES FOR THE FESTIVAL ARE FRIDAY JUNE 28 THRU SUNDAY JUNE 30. Save those dates on your calendar now.
Dick Welsh volunteered to Chair Irish Fest 2013. A co-chair is needed to assist Dick and to Chair Irish Fest 2014.
The club received an invitation to participate in My Waterloo Days and Friday’Loo activities. Vern Luhring motioned to decline the invitation and the motion was seconded by John Myers. The motion passed.
The primary positions open are the President, 1st Vice-president and 2nd Vice-president. A list of open positions will be posted on the web page and will be available via an email at a later date and will be available at the March 18th meeting.
Earle strong reported on Kids Sight. Bothe Cedar Falls clubs have a digital camera. There are about 10 screening days left this year. The last one will be just after the beginning of May. A thank you to Barry who has helped on almost every screening. With the new camera they can process 25 children in an hour. Earle mentioned that there is a “Parent Event” on March 21st that may require additional Lion’s help. Earle will give us more information as he receives it.
Steve Umthun put on a short seminar on the importance of correct insurance. The primary focus was on an “Umbrella Policy” Steve outlined and demonstrated its purpose and function. It should have motivated members to check their policies and contact their agent if they felt they needed to review their coverage.
The web page is: http://e-clubhouse.org/sites/cedarve/
Next meeting is March 18, 2013
John Myers motioned to adjourn the meeting and go out and continue to serve the community. The motion was seconded by Earle Strong. The motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m. The wording of this adjournment will be used at all future meetings.
Tom Bogenski, Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2012/2013
Lion President Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Barry Haskins and prayer by Steve Umthun.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh 50/50 Raffle: $ 9.00 won by Earle Strong.
Minutes of the January 7 meeting were distributed via email. John Blitsch made the motion to approve the minutes with Earle Strong seconding the motion. The motion passed to approve the minutes.
The treasurer’s report was reported by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $673.55and the projects account balance is $4,880.84. Bruce Kacer made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Earle Strong seconded the motion. The motion carried.
- Doug Boelman read thank you notes from Dr. Edward Hertko for letting him speak to us about Camp Hertko Hollow, and from the Salvation Army for our donation to them of $550.
- John Blitsch asked the club to consider a donation to Camp Hertko Hollow in our 2013-2014 budget.
- Doug Boelman announced he would be attending a workshop in Dyersville regarding recruiting new members.
- Doug Boelman stated the 9NE District convention is scheduled for April 6 & 7.
- Doug Boelman also mentioned DG Paul Scherner is encouraging clubs and Lions to donated for Hurricane Sandy relief through LCIF. If so donating, be sure to annotate “Disaster Relief” on the check.
- Future meetings: There will be no February meetings. Our next meeting will be on March 4. For the March 18 meeting, the program will be PDG Larry Crow speaking about the Iowa Lions Foundation. Program for our April 1 meeting will be PDG Dr. Don King speaking about the Leader Dog program. Very prominent on the agenda for our March meetings will be our officer slate for the 2013-2014. We need Lions to step up to take several leadership positions beginning July 1. We also need a Sturgis Falls fundraiser co-chair for this summer and both chairs for Irish Fest.
- Earle Strong stated there are 62 screening days with about 1,200 children screened so far this year. Currently, screenings are about double from last year. If you wish to help, contact Earle before going to a screening as times and locations change frequently.
John Myers made motion to adjourn. Barry Haskings seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
Lion President Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jeff Schlobohm, & prayer led by Doug Boelman.
One guest was present, our program speaker Dr. Edward Hertko.
Tail Twisting: No tail twisting tonight
Minutes of the December 17 meeting: John Myers made the motion to approve the minutes as emailed. John Blitsch seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Due to the absence of treasurer Gene O’Donald, there was no treasurer’s report.
PROGRAM: Dr. Hertko gave a summary of the history of Camp Hertko Hollow, a camp for youth with diabetes. Started in 1968 with 37 campers, the camp has grown to 350 plus campers divided into groups aged 6 to 11 and from 12 to 18. Each camp requires the support of over a hundred medical support staff, all volunteers. In addition to fun camp activities, the campers learn how to live with diabetes. Dr. Hertko stated the camp has been attended by over 13,000 youth. Currently, the camp is held at the Des Moines YMCA camp, located north of Boone, Iowa.
OLD BUSINESS - Earle Strong reported eye screening is going well and the camera is working in an outstanding manner. He stated there is a heavy schedule of screenings in March and April, with an annual total of 59 days of screening.
NEW BUSINESS - Due to the low attendance at this meeting and the anticipated throughout the winter months, John Myers made the motion that both February meetings be cancelled. This would be a one time cancellation, and definitely not a motion not to meet any February. The motion was seconded by Steve Umthun. The motion passed.
Lion President Doug Boelman encouraged everyone to attend the January 21 meeting. There will be a program with PDG Larry Crow, our NE Iowa Lions Foundation trustee.
Bruce Kacer made motion to adjourn. Earle Strong seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
Submitted by John Myers, substituting for Tom Bogenski
MINUTES, December 17, 2012
Lion Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by John Blitsch.
Opening prayer was led by John Myers.
One guest tonight: Charlie Lot who talked about Civil War Flags.
Tail Twisting: Tail twisting consisted of world wide statistics.
50/50 Raffle: $13.00 won by Bruce Kacer. Winnings donated to Kids Sight.
Minutes of the Nov.19th. Roger Williams motioned to approve as distributed via e-mail. John Myers seconded the motion. Motion approved.
The treasurer’s report was given by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $1,421.92 and the projects account balance is $6,580.43. John Myers motioned to approve the treasurer’s report and Barry Haskins seconded the motion. Motion approved.
OLD BUSINESS: President received a “Thank You” note from Ferraris for having our Christmas Party at the facility.
Officer positions open for this year and the coming year. Elections for new officers are in April.
NEW BUSINESS: New programs scheduled for the two January meetings.
Earle strong reported on Kids Sight. Bothe Cedar Falls clubs have a digital camera. As of December 18th both clubs will have screened 1,000 children since September.
PROGRAM: Charlie Lot presented the Confederate Flags used during the Civil War. It started with the white lone star on Blue background named “The Bonny blue Flag”, to the “Stars and Bars” and the “Stainless Bonny”, to “the Southern Cross”. The Union Flag at that time had only 32 stars for the states in the Union. Charlie passed around brochures about the “Cedar Valley Civil War” organization and invited everyone to join if they are interested in that period of American history.
Next meeting is January 7, 2013
Earle Strong motioned to adjourn the meeting and the motion was seconded by Jim Hennessey. The motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
Tom Bogenski, Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2012/2013
MINUTES, November 19, 2012
Lion Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Tom Bogenski.
Opening prayer was led by Steve Umthun.
One guest tonight: Janet Wissler to talk about Kids Sight.
Tail Twisting: Tail twisting consisted of infamous world wide facts.
50/50 Raffle: $5.00 won by Steve Umthun.. Donated winnings to Kids Sight.
Minutes of the Nov.5th. Steve Umthun motioned to approve as distributed via e-mail. Cyril Klein seconded the motion. Motion approved.
The treasurer’s report was given by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $1,421.92 and the projects account balance is $6,580.43. Steve Umthun motioned to approve the treasurer’s report and Dick Welsh seconded the motion. Motion approved.
OLD BUSINESS: President asked the Secretary to e-mail a current member list. Christmas party Dec. 3rd at 6:00 PM. A notice will be sent out to all members..
NEW BUSINESS: President Doug Boelman reminded the club about the need for officers and Irish Fest Chairman. Doug will contact Vern about storing the trailer over the winter. Phil Schoessler has resigned from the club. Charlie Lot will speak some time later this year. He was sick tonight.
Janet Wissler, our guest, spoke about the current happenings in Kids Sight. There were 6,994 screenings in September and so far in November there are 4,080 screenings. As of September 20th 250,000 children have been screened with 11,590 referrals. During the 10 day State Fair 1,155 children were screened with 62 referrals. Clubs should look at doing open screenings at events, kindergartens and library story hour as examples. $175,000 of the money donated to Iowa Lions Foundation goes to fund Kids Sight. There is still work on a $5 Million endowment for Kids Sight. Using the film camera resulted in a $9/cost to Kids sight. No cost has been developed with the digital camera yet.
Tom Bogenski motioned to adjourn. Steve Umthun seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:27 p.m.
Tom Bogenski, Secretary Cedar Valley Lions Club 2012/2013
MINUTES, November 5, 2012
Lion Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Earle Strong.
Opening prayer was led by Steve Umthun.
One guest tonight: Mary Bienfang, Mary presented a fund raising idea for selling advertising and calendars. Mary is a relative of Dale Diamond of the Springfield, IL Lions Club which apparently raises $6,000 a year with this project. His contact number is 217-299-6481
.Tail Twisting: No tail twist.
50/50 Raffle: $17.00 won by John Blitsch. Donated to Kids Sight.
New members Doug Wetlaufer and Brian Persson received new member kits.
Minutes of the October 15th. John Blitsch motioned to approve as distributed via e-mail. Steve Umthun seconded the motion.
The treasurer’s report was given by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $1,432.32 and the projects account balance is $7,763.43. Jim Gephart motioned to approve the treasurer’s report and Cyril Klein seconded the motion.
OLD BUSINESS: Earle Strong reported that the new camera is working very well and efficiently. The Kids sight group has screened 300 children this year.
John Myers gave a presentation on trains. He reported that the first trains were in Great Britain in the 1600”s. The rails at that time were made from wood.
NEW BUSINESS: President Doug Boelman reminded the club about the need for officers and Irish Fest Chairman.
Speaker on Nov. 19th is Charlie Lot and will discuss Civil War Flags.
Dick Welsh motioned to adjourn. John Myers seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
MINUTES, October 15, 2012
Lion Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Bob Anderson.
Opening prayer was led by Doug Boelman.
Two guests tonight: DG Harold Freeman and Zone Chairman Ed Ottesen.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh shared trivia on US states facts.
50/50 Raffle: $ 13.00 won by Dick Welsh; funds contributed to Kids Sight.
Minutes of the October 1st. Vern Luhring motioned to approve as distributed via e-mail. Jim Gephart seconded the motion. The motion to approve the minutes passed.
The treasurer’s report was given by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $1,371.76 and the projects account balance is $8,704.92. Tom Bogenski motioned to approve the treasurer’s report and Bob Anderson seconded the motion. The motion carried.
OLD BUSINESS: 2012/2013 Budget. Bruce Kacer motioned to approve the budget and the motion was seconded by Roger Williams. Motion passed and the budget was approved.
NEW BUSINESS: Dick Westphal was approached about selling calendars as a fund raiser. The person will attend a future meeting and do the presentation.
A letter and badge for the club flag was presented and thanking us for joining the E-club program.
Guest speaker on Nov. 5th is John Myers and will talk about trains. Speaker on Nov. 19th is Charlie Lot and will discuss Civil War Flags.
PROGRAM: DG Harold Freeman outlined the year’s efforts for retaining members, increasing membership and starting new clubs. Kids Sight is the largest single item in the budget. 9NE is the 2nd largest district in the state and is 5th and 6th in screenings and referrals. Harold would like to see that changed and strive to be number one. The Global Membership Team and Global Leadership Teams are working to retain members and grow Lions. Women need to be recruited and as seen in other clubs they are a major factor in their respective club.
DG Harold Freeman and Ed Ottesen than presented Anniversary pins to members reaching 10 year and 30 year anniversaries.
Barry Haskins was recognized for 35 years. Jim Gephart, Vern Luring, John Blitsch, Phil Nelson and Roger Swyter received 30 year pins. John Myers, Bob Anderson and Tom Bogenski received 10 year pins.
Tom Bogenski motioned to adjourn. Jim Gephart seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
MINUTES, October 1, 2012
Lion Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Earle Strong.
Opening prayer was led by Doug Boelman.
No guests tonight.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh performed with his usual humor.
50/50 Raffle: $ 12.00 won by Doug Wetlaufer; funds contributed to Kids Sight.
Minutes of the Sept. 17th. Gene O’Donald motioned to approve as distributed via e-mail. Dick Welsh seconded the motion. The motion to approve the minutes passed.
The treasurer’s report was given by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $1,050.76 and the projects account balance is $8,853.42. $160.50 paid out for hearing aid. Earle Strong made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Jim Gephart seconded the motion. The motion carried.
OLD BUSINESS: Christmas Party/30th Anniversary will be held at Ferraris on Dec 3rd. at 6:00 PM
Payment to Cyril Klein for trailer work tabled for approval until next meeting.
NEW BUSINESS: Letter from Herko Hollow asking for a donation. Doug will contact them as a program.
Guest speaker on Nov. 19th will talk about trains.
McElroy Grant end of grant filing being processed by Earle Strong and Tom Bogenski.
Dick Welsh motioned to adjourn. Jim Gephart seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:12 p.m.
Bob Anderson, acting secretary
MINUTES, September 17, 2012
Lion John Myers called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Dick Westphal.
Opening prayer was led by Vern Luhring.
Two guests were present this evening. Brian Pearson from Waterloo and Doug Wetlauser. This is a second visit for Doug.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh shared inside information about bars.
50/50 Raffle: $ 14.00 won by John Myers; funds contributed to Kids Sight.
Minutes of the August 6th were read by the Secretary. John Blitsch motioned to approve the minutes. Roger Williams seconded the motion. The motion to approve the minutes passed.
The treasurer’s report was given by Tom Bogenski. The administrative account balance is $1,050.76 and the projects account balance is $8,839.42. Dick Westphal made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Bob Anderson seconded the motion. The motion carried.
OLD BUSINESS: Jim Hennessey will reserve a room for Dec. 3rd. for the Christmas dinner at Ferraris.
Earle Strong mentioned that the Cedar Falls club now has a digital camera. The clubs may split up the screenings if there are enough people to do that. Earle also passed around the schedule for interested parties..
NEW BUSINESS: The Christmas dinner on Dec. 3rd. will include recognition of the club’s 30th year
Jim Gephart motioned to adjourn. Pat Kelly seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
Tom Bogenski
MINUTES, August 6, 2012
President Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by John Myers.
Opening prayer was led by Vern Luhring.
No guests were present this evening.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh quizzed the group on our scientific knowledge.
50/50 Raffle: $ 14.00 won by Gene O’Donald; funds contributed to Kids Sight.
Minutes of the July 23rd. Earle Strong motioned to accept the minutes as distributed by e-mail. John Myers seconded the motion. The motion to approve the minutes passed.
The treasurer’s report was reported by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $1,907.79 and the projects account balance is $6,226.34. Bob Anderson made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and John Myers seconded the motion. The motion carried.
IRISH FEST FESTIVAL: Bob Anderson reviewed Irish Fest festival. Bob showed that we took in 4,281 tickets which translates to dollars. The net earning will be published after all bills are paid and the treasurer reconciles the account.
Bob thanked all who made the weekend a success,.
NEW BUSINESS: John Blitsch mentioned he knew a person who needed a hearing aid and could not afford one. The Secretary will get John the necessary paperwork for a hearing aid from The Iowa Lions Hearing Aid Bank. John Myers also has a name of an individual who needs glasses. He will get the information to the Secretary.
.Doug Boelman indicated that August 20th was a tentative date for the CFU tour. He will advise if this is a secure date.
John Myers was presented with the President’s Plaque Award.
There is no meeting September 3rd.
John Myers motioned to adjourn. Earle Strong seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:02 p.m.
Tom Bogenski
Secretary 2012-2013
MINUTES, July 23, 2012
President Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Earle Strong.
Opening prayer was led by Barry Haskins.
No guests were present this evening.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh quizzed the club about the flag and historical data.
50/50 Raffle: $ 14.00 won by Bob Van Gorp; funds contributed to Kids Sight.
Minutes of the July 9th. John Myers motioned to accept the minutes as distributed by e-mail. Barry Haskins seconded the motion. The motion to approve the minutes passed.
The treasurer’s report was reported by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $1,819.77 and the projects account balance is $6,211.34. Bob Anderson made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and John Myers seconded the motion. The motion carried.
IRISH FEST FESTIVAL: Bob Anderson reviewed Irish Fest requirements. Bob passed around the volunteer list for everyone to review. Bob has the master copy so any additions need to be sent directly to Bob. Set up is Friday August 3rd at 1:00 PM. Ten Lions Club members have not yet signed up. We do not know where we will be able to store the trailer. Hopefully adjacent to the tent. Per Kathy McGowan entrance passes will not be required Bob emphasized many times that only coupons could be accepted, absolutely no cash.
NEW BUSINESS: Doug Boelman indicated that this was the clubs 30h anniversary. Doug asked Bob Van Gorp to head up an Anniversary meeting. Dick Welsh was recruited to assist Bob. The tentative date is December 3, 2012.
Dick Westphal had a person’s name from Waverly that is in need of glasses. John Myers is going to pass the name to the Waverly Lions Club.
A tour of the Cedar Falls Utility plant may be scheduled for September 17th. Steve Umthun will see if this date is available and confirm the date at a later meeting. Doug mentioned that this would be a good event as a membership recruiting opportunity.
KIDS SIGHT: Earle Strong has Cedar Falls locations scheduled for September and looking at Waterloo locations for October. Earle would like to get interested volunteers together in early September to review the operation of the digital camera. Bob Anderson showed interest and Earle told him that Barry and himself can hold the training.
Bob Van Gorp suggested we coordinate screenings with local clubs in outlying areas (ie: Aplington, Parkersburg) so they can assist in helping us and learn the operation.
There is no meeting September 3rd.
John Myers motioned to adjourn. Barry Haskins seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
Steve Umthun for Tom Bogenski
MINUTES, July 9, 2012
President Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Earle Strong.
Opening prayer was led by Vern Luhring.
Doug Wetlauser, a Lion candidate, was our evening guest.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh tested our knowledge on space events.
50/50 Raffle: $ 16.00 won by Bruce Kacer; funds contributed to Kids Sight.
Minutes of the June 18th. John Blitsch motioned to accept the minutes as distributed by e-mail. Earle Strong seconded the motion. The motion to approve the minutes passed.
The treasurer’s report was reported by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $1,819.77 and the projects account balance is $6,228.84. Earle Strong made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Jim Hennessey seconded the motion. The motion carried.
NEW MEMBER: Orientation and welcome to our newest member, Jim Hughes. We all gave Jim his real orientation during his time at Sturgis Falls. Welcome Jim.
STURGIS FALLS FESTIVAL: A big thank you to everyone who made this event a success. There were a minimum of 950 man hours involved. This is why it is important for everyone in the club to participate in our fund raising events. The event netted the club $3,002.68. Remaining water and soda was inventoried and will be sold at Irish fest menu. There were ice issues. It looks like there must be one person per shift responsible for ice handling. This will be worked out during the year. The organization is looking at having more music other than jazz in the coming years and possibly a longer day on Sunday. There was to be only two new vendors which turned out to be four.
IRISH FEST FESTIVAL: August 3, 4, &5. Bob Anderson passed around a sign up sheet again giving the members the first opportunity to sign up for a spot. The club will increase the Pork sandwich to 4 tickets or coupons and will keep the pop and water price at 1 ticket or coupon. The priced on the pork sandwich can be reduced to 3 tickets if sales indicate the change.
Vendors will be able to set up the Thursday night before the event. There will be a vendor gate and badges. The actual location and other details are still being hammered out by the Irish fest committee.
The secretary will check out Lion emblems for the front of the table shields. Jim Hennessey will obtain the health permit.
John Blitsch will see if he has a banner program to make a sign that indicates all proceeds go to charity. The sign will be mounted on existing signs from the old booth.
There will be a separate sheet for workers to mark down products they consumed for later accounting.
Cyril Klein motioned to sell the old trailer and booth. Seconded by Tom Bogenski. Motion passed. A second motion was made by Cyril to donate the booth to a deserving club. Seconded by Pat Kelley. Motioned passed. The secretary will get a picture and specifics to the Iowa Lion for publication.
July meeting will be the 23rd.
Gene O’Donald motioned to adjourn. Earle Strong seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Tom Bogenski
Secretary, 2012-2013
MINUTES, June 18, 2012
President John Myers III called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Roger Williams.
Opening prayer was led by Vern Luhring.
No guests present.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh had some interesting Q & A facts.
50/50 Raffle: $ 19.00 won by Dick Westphal; funds contributed to Kids Sight.
Minutes of the May 21st. Roger Williams motioned to accept the minutes as distributed by e-mail.. Jim Gephart seconded the motion. The motion to approve the minutes passed.
The treasurer’s report was reported by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $1,891.27 and the projects account balance is $3,608.79. Tom Bogenski made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Doug Boelman seconded the motion. The motion carried.
STURGIS FALLS FESTIVAL: Menu remains the same. Prices will remain the same. Chrystal will supply the ice trailer to us on the Friday morning. Set-up is scheduled for Friday morning. The trailer could be delivered Thursday evening and be ready to unload Friday morning. The Club is ready for the weekend.
IRISH FEST FESTIVAL: August 3,4, &5. Bob Anderson passed around a sign up sheet giving the members the first opportunity to sign up for a spot. The club will probably not have the pork chop on the menu.
KIDS SIGHT: Earle Strong brought the camera to the meeting for the club to see and demonstrate the operation to interested members.
Doug Boelman attended the state convention and gave a quick summary of what we can expect this coming year.
July meetings will be the 9th and the 23rd.
Tom Bogenski motioned to adjourn. Gene O’Donald seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
Tom Bogenski
Club Secretary, 2011-2012
MINUTES, May 21, 2012
President John Myers III called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Bruce Kacer
Opening prayer was led by John Myers.
Guests present were: Idrissah Mshana, Donna and Bum Baumgartner.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh informed us about old people and marriage.
50/50 Raffle: $ 15.00 won by Doug Boelman; funds contributed to Kids Sight.
Minutes of the May 7th. Steve Umthun motioned to accept the minutes as distributed by e-mail.. Bruce Kacer seconded the motion. The motion to approve the minutes passed.
The treasurer’s report was reported by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $1,580.25 and the projects account balance is $3,602.69. Steve Umthun made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Doug Boelman seconded the motion. The motion carried.
STURGIS FALLS FESTIVAL: Menu remains the same. Prices will remain the same. Chrystal will supply the ice trailer to us on the Friday morning. Set-up is scheduled for Friday morning. The trailer could be delivered Thursday evening and be ready to unload Friday morning. A sign up sheet was passed around and would be posted on e-mail. As volunteers are added, the list would be updated and sent out so all members could check for open spots.
There will be a mock set up of the tent on June 4th in lieu of a normal meeting and those interested people are invited to socialize at a location of their choice.. The set up will take place at the festival site adjacent to the Ice House Museum.
IRISH FEST FESTIVAL: Bob Anderson reported that the application has been sent in along with the deposit. The club was not originally invited due to selling practices in 2011. Apparently cash was taken instead of tickets which were cause for us to be kept from participating. After much discussion, Bob reported that they agreed to let us participate this year. However, we are on probation and there is no guarantee to our location. Any problems that arose last year will be addressed this year before the festival.
KIDS SIGHT: Members attended a training session the previous weekend to learn more about the camera and operating techniques. To date over 250,000 children have been screened in Iowa with a 4% referral rate. Approximately 500 children have been screened with the digital camera. A big “Thank You” to Earle Strong for coordinating this project for our club and the Lions. Earle is already receiving e-mails setting up the schedule for 2012/2013.
Program Guests: Idrissah Mshana, Donna and Bum Baumgartner gave an update to the progress they have made this past year. A short film highlighted the fresh water supply they now have in one of the villages.
The focus now is on the school and accommodations for teachers. The teachers now sleep on makeshift beds in very poor conditions. There is a fund drive to raise money to construct a $17,000 building for 4 single teachers.
The school has improved their results on testing to determine if a student can proceed past the 7th grade. Due to the dedication of the teachers and the headmaster 84% of the students passed last year allowing them to continue with higher education.
For more information about this project and other projects contact Donna Baumgartner at 319-504-9873poa@viewpointadventures.com.
or at
Tom Bogenski motioned to adjourn. Gene O’Donald seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:29 p.m.
Tom Bogenski
Secretary, 2011-2012
MINUTES, May 7, 2012
President John Myers III called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Earle Strong.
Opening prayer was led by Steve Umthun.
Guest present was Jeff Kurth from MainStreet Waterloo.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh told a story about a Wizard’s power.
50/50 Raffle: $ 17.00 won by Earle Strong; funds contributed to Kids Sight.
Program Guest, Jeff Kurth from MainStreet Waterloo gave a very informative presentation outlining the purpose of MainStreet Waterloo. The organization is broken into four councils each having a specific purpose. One is for Marketing, another for design, one for money and people and one for the design of the downtown area. He had hoped that we would consider attending Friday’Loo again this year. Our decision would be made later in the meeting and the President would contact him the following day.
Minutes of the April 16th were read. Dick Westphal made the motion to approve the minutes. Earle Strong seconded the motion. The motion passes to approve the minutes.
The treasurer’s report was reported by Tom Bogenski. The administrative account balance is $1,041.50 and the projects account balance is $3,583.60. Bruce Kacer made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Jim Gephart seconded the motion. The motion carried.
OLD BUSINESS: The discussion to participate in Friday’Loo consumed an inordinate amount of time. Many were for participating. Doug Boelman motioned that the club should participate. Roger Williams seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the club voted 9 to 7 to participate. Sign up sheets were passed around to make sure each date could be properly staffed. In the end there were severe gaps in people and a commitment for a truck to delver the trailer. It was determined that a chairman was required to coordinate the efforts. Bob Van Gorp and Tom Bogenski outlined some of the behind scenes coordinating that were needed to make sure all of the supplies were available. No one stepped forward. Cyril Klein motioned to drop Friday’Loo unless there was a chairman. Tom Bogenski seconded the motion. Motion carried. The Club will not participate in Friday’Loo this year.
NEW BUSINESS: 1st VP, 2nd VP, Irish Fest Chairman for 2013, and Membership positions are open and need to be filled.
KIDS SIGHT: Earle Strong updated the club on the screening program. During the year there were 43 screening days at 34 schools. 1,134 children were screened. There is a training session on May 19th. If you are interested in attending contact Earle for additional information.
There is an interest for shirts and hats. The Secretary will bring the order forms and shirts and hats that are in inventory again to the May 21st meeting.
Due to the late hour and that Friday’Loo was out there was no need to do a mock set up of the tent. The Sturgis Falls chairman is familiar with the set up and will be on site.
Phil Schoessler made motion to adjourn. Bruce Kacer seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Tom Bogenski
Secretary, 2011-2012
MINUTES, April 16, 2012
Lion 1st. Vice President Doug Boelman called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Steve Umthun
Opening prayer was led by Vern Luhring
Guest present included: Heidi Tietz-DeSilva from Peterson and Tietz Greenhouse, Kathy Klein, Eleanor Nelson, Diane Umthun and Jim Hughes.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh quizzed the group on Redneck lore.
50/50 Raffle: $ 15.00 won by Earle Strong; funds contributed to Kids Sight.
Minutes of the April 2nd: Steve Umthun made the motion to approve the minutes as published and mailed out to the club members. Doug Boelman seconded the motion. The motion passes to approve the minutes.
The treasurer’s report was reported by Tom Bogenski. The administrative account balance is $966.18 and the projects account balance is $3,632.48. Steve Umthun made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Earle Strong seconded the motion. The motion carried.
OLD BUSINESS: The trailer is located at Vern’s farm and is in ideal working conditions. Work continues prepping the trailer to our needs. Fasteners are almost completely replaced, shelving is being constructed and Cyril showed two proposals of decals for the outside. Cyril will bring the trailer and tent to the May 7th meeting and the club will do a mock set up in the parking lot.
NEW BUSINESS: 1st VP, 2nd VP, Irish Fest Chairman for 2013, Friday’Loo Chairman 2012 and Membership positions are open and need to be filled. The director positions are filled by Dick Welsh and Steve Umthun signed on for another two years.
KIDS SIGHT: Earle Strong updated the club on the progress of the digital camera use. They have been using it in parallel with the Polaroid camera so evaluate results. The second camera will be evaluated I the coming months. To date the clubs have screened 1,013 children and have screened 333 using the digital camera.
Program Guest, Heidi Tietz-DeSilva gave a very informative presentation starting with inception of the business 78 years ago and how it grew to its current status. Heidi brought several different new varieties of annual and perennials to discuss with the group. Heidi passed around their newsletter which gives a good representation of the involvement of the greenhouse. Everyone was given the opportunity to sign up for free delivery of the news letter. The information was beneficial based on the number of note takers in the crowd.
There is an interest for shirts and hats. The Secretary will bring the order forms and shirts and hats that are in inventory to the May 7th meeting.
Steve Umthun made motion to adjourn. Doug Boelman seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:37 p.m.
Tom Bogenski
Secretary, 2011-2012
MINUTES, April 2, 2012
Lion President John Myers called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Pat Kelly
Opening prayer was led by Vern Luhring
Guest present included: Bob Erhardt sponsored by Earle Strong, Jim Hughes sponsored by Cyril Klein, Dennis Clayton from UNI, Steve Husome from Cedar Valley Jazz Basin,
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh posed only two questions to test the group.
50/50 Raffle: $ 16.00 won by Gene O’Donald, funds contributed to Kids Sight.
Minutes of the March 5th were read by the secretary. Roger Williams made the motion to approve the minutes with Steve Umthun seconding the motion. The motion passes to approve the minutes.
The treasurer’s report was reported by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $863.18 and the projects account balance is $4,817.85. Steve Umthun made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Bob Van Gorp seconded the motion. The motion carried.
OLD BUSINESS: The trailer is located at Vern’s farm and is in ideal working conditions. Old fasteners are removed, trailer is wired, shelves are being built or purchased, outside appearance is improved, logo considerations will be addressed next meeting and 10 storage containers have been purchased and the tent and frame are now in the trailer.
NEW BUSINESS: PU 101 will be submitted with the required positions. Incumbents have agreed to remain in their positions. 1st VP, 2nd VP, Irish Fest Chairman for 2013, Friday’Loo Chairman 2012 and Membership positions are open and need to be filled. Consider stepping into one of the positions and announce it at the April 16th meeting.
Program Guest, Dennis Clayton discussed his position with the University, his column in the Waterloo Courier and viewpoints of the economy, politics and caused the group to think about their positions on different ideas.
Festival Guest, Steve Husome discussed the changes at the Jazz Festival and how they are incorporating different venues to attract more people of different ages and music choices to the park.. In addition to the Country music there will be a Jimmy Buffet style music from Chicago. There will be two new vendors this year; Famous Dave’s and Carlos O’Kelly. There will not be any activity in Tourist Park. The music will now be in Gateway Park. The festival will operate until midnight Friday and Saturday.
Roger Williams made motion to adjourn. Doug Boelman seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:36 p.m.
Tom Bogenski
Secretary, 2011-2012
MINUTES, March 5, 2012
Lion President John Myers called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jim Hennessey.
Opening prayer was led by John Myers.
One guest present, Marv Fagerlin, Executive Director of Cedar Valley Hospice.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh
50/50 Raffle: $13:00 won by Cyril Klein. All $13.00 was donated to the KidSight fund.
Minutes of the February 19th meeting were distributed and read at the meeting and approved. Dick Welch made the motion to approve the minutes with Roger Williams seconding the motion. The motion passes to approve the minutes.
The treasurer’s report was given by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $1769.93 and the projects account balance is $14,689.09. Dick Welch made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Earl Strong seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Thank you letters from Lions Clubs International and the Leader Dogs for the Blind funds were read and passed around.
Cyril Klein reported on the visual inspection of our four wheeled enclosed trailer. Some repairs need to be made before we start using the trailer.
A very interesting talk was given by Marv Fagerlin about the Cedar Valley Hospice. It was followed by a question and answer period.
Paul Smith reported on the upcoming Main Street, Waterloo activities.
Paul Smith made motion to adjourn. Dick Welch seconded the motion. Motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Doug Boelman, filling in for Tom Bogenski.
Lion President John Myers called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Earle Strong and opening prayer was led by John Myers
Chris Waring, our program speaker, was the only guest attending.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh
50/50 Raffle: $10.00 won by Cyril Klein, who donated the winnings to KidSight.
Minutes of the February 6 meeting were read and approved. John Blitsch made the motion to approve the minutes with Earle Strong seconding the motion. The motion passed to approve the minutes.
The treasurer’s report was reported by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $1,782.61 and the projects account balance is $14,687.09. Bob Van Gorp made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Earle Strong seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Our guest, Chris Waring, gave an interesting talk on the Lion’s Hearing Aid Bank.
OLD BUSINESS Melvin Jones Award was presented to Bob Van Gorp.
NEW BUSINESS: John Myers read a letter of thanks from a mom whose child was tested at a KidSight screening. It was determined that she needed glasses of which the mom was totally unaware.
John reported we should start thinking about officer nominations for next year and also be thinking about a summer get together for our club.
Dick Welch made motion to adjourn. Bob Van Gorp seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Doug Boelman, filling in for Tom Bogenski.
MINUTES February 6, 2012
Lion President John Myers called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Earle Strong and prayer by Steve Umthun.
One guest, Sheriff Tony Thompson was present
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh 50/50 Raffle: $ 10.00 won by Cyril Klein, who donated his winnings to KidSight.
Minutes of the January 16th meeting were read and approved Earl Strong made the motion to approve the minutes with Gene O’Donald seconding the motion. The motion passes to approve the minutes.
The treasurer’s report was reported by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $1699.51 and the projects account balance is $14,677.09. Steve Umthun made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Earl Strong seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Our speaker for the evening was Black Hawk County Sheriff, Tony Thompson. He spoke on various activities of the sheriff’s department and jail activities. He gave in interesting speech what to expect in our counties’ law enforcement.
John Myers presented the following awards; Warren Coleman to Earle Strong; Melvin Jones to Gene O’Donald.
Our website was built by Dan Dougherty. http://e-clubhouse.org/sites/cedarve/.
Earle Strong reported on Kids Site. Testing19 days, 15 pre-schools with 19 left to go. Have tested 600 children. We received a letter from a parent whose child we tested & showed that she was nearly blind & is now seeing doctor for glasses.
Dick Welch suggested that other chapters are requested to help us with our Fridayloo booth.
Earle Strong moved to adjourned. Steve Umthun seconded.
Submitted by Doug Boelman, filling in for Tom Bogenski.
Lion President John Myers called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Earl Strong
Opening prayer was led by John Blitsch
No guests were present.
Tail Twisting: Dick Welsh
50/50 Raffle: $ 15.00 won by Cyril Klein
Minutes of the December 19th meeting were distributed via email prior to the meeting. Earl Strong made the motion to approve the minutes with Gene O’Donald seconding the motion. The motion passes to approve the minutes.
The treasurer’s report was reported by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $1,215.31 and the projects account balance is $16,275.92 Doug Boelman made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Steve Umthun seconded the motion. The motion carried.
OLD BUSINESS: A digital camera has been ordered. John Myers reported on Midwinter Conference.
NEW BUSINESS: Paul Smith reported on our progress for a foundation so that it would be easier to obtain donations from local corporations. Steve Umthun moved, Cyril Klien seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
February 20th Chris Waring of Iowa Lions Hearing Aid Program will be here at our meeting.
Paul Smith presented the Fridayloo schedule:
Fridayloo Schedule:
May 18, June 8 July 13 August 10 September 7
May 25, June 22, July 27 August 24
Doug Boelman moved; Gene O’Donald seconded to participate in Fridayloo vote passed unanimously.
We discussed programs to be scheduled at our monthly meetings. Paul Smith will be our program director.
Dick Welsh moved to not have any political candidates.
Gene O’Donald made motion to adjourn. Steve Umthun seconded the motion. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m.
Doug Boelman, filling in for Tom Bogenski.
MINUTES, December 19, 2011
President John Myers called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Paul Smith and opening prayer lead by Roger Williams.
Guests: There were not any guests tonight.
Tail Twisting: Dick passed around the Lion looking for donations creating a Beg-A-Thon. It was Feed the Lion night.
50/50 Raffle: No raffle tonight. All contributions went to the Lion
Minutes: Roger Williams motioned to accept the minutes as distributed via email. Doug Boelman seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The treasurer’s report was reported by Gene O’Donald. The administrative account balance is $1,912.78, and the projects account balance is $16,025.86. Doug Boelman made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Paul Smith seconded the motion. The treasurer’s report was approved.
Christmas Dinner: 23 people attended the Party/Dinner on the Dec. 5th . Everyone appeared to eat well and enjoy the evening.
Doug Boelman will check out the requirements for insurance on the trailer. The trailer is now being stored at Vern’s farm. All supplies have been transferred to the trailer except for the tall sides of the booth.
The club will retain the booth until the tent set up is proven. The club will keep the booth until after Sturgis Falls and then will decide how to dispose of the unit.
Kids Sight: Earle handed out a new schedule for vision testing. 375 children have been screened so far this year. This involved 10 facilities. There are 25 more schools to visit before the end of the school year. All screening should be completed at the end of April.
No decision has been made yet regarding the “Digital Camera”.
Next meeting will be January 16, 2012. Anyone planning on attending the Mid-Winter Conference on January 7th should contact John Myers after the meeting.
There was no other new business.
Tom Bogenski motioned to adjourn with the second by Jim Gephart. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 6:40 PM.