Our Club prides itself in ensuring that we continue to serve the community in a number of areas including - Vision, Diabetes Education and Awareness, HIV/AIDS Education, Hunger Relief, Education and Youth etc. To ensure that we are effective we have forged a number of partnerships with government and non-governmental organizations such as the Saint Lucia Diabetes Association, The Saint Lucia Blind Welfare Association, Faces of Cancer, The Events Compan of Saint Lucia The National Community Foundation to name a few.
Our Partnership with the Events Company of Saint Lucia is with the hosting of the Soleil Summer Festival which showcases Saint Lucia's rich culture in a number of festivals - Saint Lucia Jazz Festival, Saint Lucia Carnival, Roots and Soul and Fod and Rum Festival. The lions and Leos are seen at these events, manning the gates, ticket booths and providing protocol services to the VIP Guests.
In this area, we have collaborated with the Ministry of Education Special Education Unit and the Castries Central Library in launching and implementing the Early Readers Club. The objective of this club is to foster the reading habit through story and interaction in early Readers from 3 to 9 years

Another Collaboration with Courts Unicomer allows us to influence older minds in the Courts OECS Reading Competition. The competition is held first at the local level among schools in the various School Districts on the islands. The overall winner faces his/her other counterparts in the nine OECS islands. Our Club provides prizes for the winners at each of the levels.
In observance of Reading Month, we invite one school from
the Castries school District to a reading session the Governor General, the island's head of State. During that session, the students read to the Governor General who in turn questions them on the topics in the story as well as a varied number of topics.
Another collaboration is with Alliance Francaise where a team from one of the secondary school French class prepares and presents a piece in French to the students who attend classes at AllianceFrancise The students are observed and those proficient in the language are invited to sit the Universal French language examination.
HIV/AIDS education andd advocacy is undertaken with the Ministry of Health and the Human Services Department. Contributions in the forms of grocery hampers are delivered to families with children living with HIV/AIDS.

Our Monthly Feeding of the destitute is undertaken at three locations. At the Mother Theresa Home for the Elderly, The St Lucy's Home and the RC Boys School. A hot meal is served to the residents of the home and at the RC Boys School, the homeless in the city environs are served with a hot meal. In December the feeding takes place on Christmas Day when members share a part of their Christmas lunch with the less fortunate.
our annual Christmas Children's Christmas part brings Christmas Cheer to students in one of the communities in the Castries Environ. The Lions prepare the goodies for the party as well as the gifts. This allows us to bring Christmas cheers to children who would otherwise not have received a gift at Christmas time.
In observance of Breast Cancer Awareness month, a number of educational initiatives are undertaken to bring awareness and provide information to members, their work colleagues, and friends. The Wear pink Fridays is one such initiative when members wear pink every Friday in October.
We join with the Faces of Cancer in observing Survivors Day which focuses on survivors providing support to survivors as well as providing the public with information on the disease and its effects on the populace.