
Visitors are most welcome to contact any Club Officer listed below, for any details on meetings and club projects.  (Welcome to ring Garry on 0294844061 please leave a message)

 President : Garry Horvai

Secretary: Charmaine Austen-Dreyer

Treasurer: Brian Williams

Membership Chairman: Helen Roth


Address: PO Box 190 Castle Hill NSW 1765


Facebook Page: 


Club Board for 2024-2025
 President Garry Horvai
1st Vice President  Raj Shah
2nd Vice President  vacant
Secretary  Charmaine Austen-Dreyer
Assistant Secretary  
Treasurer Brian Williams
Membership Chair  Helen Roth
Adminstration Davy Lee

Neeraj Chopra,   Davy Lee, Cheryl Landon - Jones

Webmaster Garry Horvai
Immediate Past President  


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