
Canal Winchester Lions' Flower Sale

It is time to pre-order! The April 17th deadline is coming up fast!

Saturday May 3rd, west parking lot at Brew Dog
Pickup time 10:30am - 12:30pm

The Canal Winchester Lion's flower sale is under way! We sell full and half flats of live flowers suitable for planting in your flowerbeds. Pots and hanging baskets are also available. We are taking orders now and will continue to collect orders until April 17th. Some extra flowers and pots may be available on the day of the sale.

Think of us when planning your spring flowerbeds. All proceeds go to helping our community, you get beautiful flowers and the community becomes a little brighter too.

Click here if you would like to get a nice one page hard copy of the order form. Place your order using the "Order Now" link below. Pay on the day of pickup. Cash, checks, Venmo will be welcome. (We do ask that you pay the Venmo fees -a little more than 2%).

Order Now

Don't forget to hit the "SUBMIT" button at the bottom of the form! Every few days we'll go therough the orders and send you a confirmation email, so if you didn't get an email after a few days let us know!

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