

Digital Image for Aged Care Project

Our Club promotes, initiates and supports projects to enrich the quality of life of residents living in aged care facilities by providing digital resources. The Club is involved in producing sets of digital images covering a range of topics. The Club welcomes enquiries relating to accessing the resource topics, the use of digital photo frames and the scanning of residents' family photos for viewing on photo frames or a suitable TV..

The Club acknowledges grants received from the following, enabling the development of its projects:
        A Forsyth grant: UnitingCare Wesley 2010/11
        A 2011 City of Burnside Community grant
        Grants for Seniors 2011/12 Disability, Ageing and Carers
        Grants for Seniors 2012/13 Office for the Ageing

Please click the following link to read more about projects, topics and opportunities: Digital Image Resources Projects.



A Photo frame and "Plug-in" Topic                                                   


A resident selects family photos for scanning



Residents view "China" as a small group                                                  


A Digital Images Workshop


A resident of Maltese background views the "Malta" Topic

An Invitation

Clubs wishing to provide a Digital Image Resource Package for a local aged care facility, or an Aged Care Facility wishing to purchase a package themselves, should contacthe Burnside Coordinator, John Dunn 0412 456 171 or on line 



If you would like any further information about the Digital Image For Aged Care Program, please contact John Dunn, as above


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