The Brandon Lions Club met in regular session on February 20, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. at the Pizza Ranch, Brandon, South Dakota.
A presentation on the Alliance Communications television app “All Streaming Now”.
Three Club members attended the Dell Rapids Lions Club meeting on February 6, 2025 at the Dell Rapids Pizza Ranch.
Lions Kuhnert agreed to be Lions President and Lion Stroh agreed to be Vice President for 2025/2026. A complete slate of officers will be presented at the next meeting.
A discussion to hold our meeting over “Zoom” was discussed. This would allow the snow birds and members that have difficulty traveling can participate. 
Aluminum Can Project
On February 5, 2025 the Club sold 519 pounds of cans to TJN.  We received $0.75 per pound for a total of $389.25. Each worked 2 hours.
Eye Glass Collection:
Eighty three pair of glasses were collected from Jones Eyecare and were delivered  to the Sioux Falls District office for processing.
Garretson Lions Club Branch Update: January Meeting: 
There was a meeting but because of low attendance, no minutes were taken.
The Brandon Lions Club met in regular session on January 16, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. at the Pizza Ranch, Brandon, South Dakota. 
Club members attended a “Dining in the Dark” marketing project that was held at 5:30 pm on January 9, 2025 at the El Riad, 510 S Phillips Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57104. Our Club made a donation of $450.00 for a table in support. The project raised approximately $1,500.00 for the Leader Dog program.
The Club agreed to purchase 20 raffle tickets to support Sight for Kids sponsored by Lions Clubs International Foundation for $200.00.
The Club approve to joint the Brandon Area Chamber of Commerce for the 2025 calendar year for $175.00.
The Club approved the an LCIF update of the Lion Bi-laws and Constitution.
Plastic Bag Collection:
On December 26, 2024 there were 10 bags of plastic bags delivered to Hy-vee in Sioux Falls for a total of 118.6 pounds of bags. Our collected total to date is 473 pounds.
On January 15, 2025 there were 9 bags of plastic bags delivered to Hy-vee in Sioux Falls for a total of 96.6 pounds of bags. Our collected total to date is 570 pounds.
Aluminum Can Project: 
On December 24, 2024 the Club sold 401 pounds of cans to TJN.  We received $0.75 per pound for a total of $300.75.
Exam and Glasses:
The Club paid for five examinations and glasses for five needy individuals for a total of $940.00.
Future Club Events:
There is a visitation scheduled to the Dell Rapids Lions Club meeting at 6:30 pm on February 6, 2025 at the Dell Rapids Pizza Ranch.
Garretson Lions Club Branch Update: December Meeting: 
There was no December meeting held. 

December Newsletter
The Brandon Lions Club met for our Christmas meeting on December 19, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Gruff Plates & Pours, 507 N Splitrock Boulevard, Brandon, SD.

Plastic Bag Collection:
On November 22, 2024 eleven bags were delivered  to Hy-vee in Sioux Falls for a total of 89.4 pounds collected from Brandon and Garretson. The Brandon Club total accumulation is 277 pounds.

On December 9, 2024 nine bags were delivered to Hy-vee in Sioux Falls for a total of 77 pounds. The Clubs total accumulation is 354 pounds.

Aluminum Can Project:
On November 25, 2024 the Club sold 503 pounds of cans to TJN.  We received $0.70 per pound for a total of $352.10. 

Eye Glass Collection:
On December 9, 2024, 41 pair of glasses were collected from Jones Family Eyecare and 121 pair of glasses from Walmart and delivered to the Sioux Falls District office for processing.

Exam and Glasses:
The Club provided four exams and glasses at a cost of $940.00 in November.

Future Club Events:
A “Dining in the Dark” marketing project will be held on January 9, 2025 at 5:30 pm at the El Riad, 510 S Phillips Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57104. An internet meeting was held on November 12th to consider purchasing a table for six for $450.00 for the event. Proceeds will be donated to Leader Dogs for the Blind. A majority vote was received.

A visitation has been scheduled to visit the Dell Rapids Lions Club meeting at 6:30 pm on February 6, 2025 at the Dell Rapids Pizza Ranch..

Garretson Lions Club Branch Update:  
The Garretson Lions Club Branch met on November 25, 2024.  All enjoyed the Lions Eye Bank tour. Zone 7 Chairman Jackie Cerkowniak spoke about a District wide marketing program and the “Dining in the Dark” project. District 5SE Governor Lion Dennis Bohmont, from the Palace City Lions Club, Mitchell, SD, was the speaker. He spoke about some of the conventions, meetings and celebrations that Lions can participate. They discussed a fund raising bingo event for March.

November Newsletter
Zone 7 Chairman Jackie Cerkowniak spoke about a District wide marketing program and the “Dining in the Dark” project.
There was an internet meeting on October 24th to consider a donation to the Brandon Food Pantry for $360.00.  The donation included a table for 8 to the Annual Fund Raising dinner to be held on November 22, 2024.  Our next meeting was on the day before and we needed to take action before the meeting.
A District 5SE Committee meeting was held at the Sioux Falls Foundation office on November 16, 2024.  At that meeting First Vice District Governor Lion Reid Christopherson ask if the Brandon Club would be willing to sponsor the 2026 Spring Forum.  The Club agreed to sponsor the Forum.
The Club agreed to pay the registration fee for anyone attending the 2025 Spring Forum in Huron on April 12, 2026 at the Crossroads Huron Convention Center.
The program was a tour of the Dakota Lions Sight & Health at 4501 W. 61st. Street, Sioux Falls, SD.  There were 18 attendees to include: Brandon Lions Club members; Optimist Club members and Garretson Lions Club Branch members.  Wonderful tour with great attendance.
The Club earned the “Membership Satisfaction Award” from Lions International for our increase in membership.  A 2024-2025 patch will be put on the banner.
Aluminum Can Project: 
There were 436 pounds of cans collected and delivered to TJN on October 24, 2024.  Four Lions worked a total of 6 hours. The Club received $0.70 per pound for a total of $305.20.
Plastic Bag Collection:
Two Lions worked a total of 4 hours to pick up 36.6 pound of bags on October 22. 2024 and delivered them to a distribution center in Sioux Falls.
Two Lions worked a total of 4 hours to pick up 60.5 pound of bags for the Brandon Club and 22.2 pounds for the Garretson Branch Club on October 24. 2024 and delivered them to a distribution center in Sioux Falls.
Eye Glass Collection:
There were 129 pair of glasses collected from various sources and were delivered to the Sioux Falls District office for processing.
Eye Screening:
Members or the Brandon Club and the Garretson Club Branch preformed an eye screening on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at the Garretson Elementary School. There were 266 kids tested and 29 kids refured.  Four Lions worked a total of 18 hours.
October Newsletter
The speakers were Ron Van Egdom, owner of Heartland Appliance and Repair and Drew Hammer, Commercial Sales Manager, were the speakers.  They talked about their five year desire to open a facility in Brandon and their approach to sales.
The President selected two Lions to find a place for the December (Christmas Party) meeting.  Spouses and guests are welcome.
Four Lions attended a Chamber sponsored Open House for Ace Hardware on Thursday afternoon, September 26, 2024.
The Club had participants in the Chamber sponsored bus tour of Brandon on October 17, 2024. 
Aluminum Can Project: 
There were four Lions that worked 2 hours each to sell cans to TJN.  The cans weighted 396 pounds at $0.50 a pound for a total of $198.00.  
It has been scheduled to take cans to TJN at 1:00 o’clock am on Thursday, October 24, 2024.  Meet at the Sunshine Food parking lot can shed.
Eye Glass Collection:
There were 66 pair of glasses collected from Jones Eyecare that were delivered them to the Sioux Falls District office for processing.
Plastic Bag Collection: 
Groceries bags will be taken to Sioux Falls on October 24, 2024.  Participants will meet at 10:00 am at Unit #1, 1921 N Walnut Avenue.
Future Club Events:
A tour of the Dakota Lions Sight and Health (Lions Eye Bank) is scheduled for November 21, 2024.   The Club will meet at the Brandon Pizza Ranch for dinner at 6:00 p.m. and proceed to the Eye Bank for a 7:00 p.m. tour.  The Garretson Lions Club Branch and the Brandon Optimist Club will be invited to attend.  Spouses and friends are welcome.
Garretson Lions Club Branch Update:
The Garretson Club met on September 23, 2024.
September Newsletter
District 5SE Governor Lion Dennis E. Bohmont, from the Palace City Lions Club, Mitchell, SD, was the speaker.  He spoke about some of the conventions, meetings and celebrations that Lions can participate.
There was a discussion on dues for members that do not eat meals.  It was moved to set the dues for a Member-at-Large at $100.00 a year which includes District, International and Club dues effective July 1, 2024.  The Lions definition of a Member-at-Large from Lions International is: “A member of a club who is unable to regularly attend club meetings but desires to retain membership in the club”.
Aluminum Can Project
It was reported that Lions Martin, Olson, Engels, Peiper and Klutman worked 2 hours each on Wednesday, August 21st to take cans to TJN.  The cans weighed a total of 540 pounds at $0.50 a pound for a total sale of $270.00.  The club has sold 46,338 pounds of cans since the project began in June of 2008 for total proceeds of $20,935.06.
Eye Glass Collection:
There were 43 pair of used glasses collected from Jones Eyecare and delivered to the Sioux Falls District office for processing.
There were also152 pair of glasses from the east side Walmart and delivered to the Sioux Falls District office for processing.
Golf Course Ad Project:
It was reported that $2,550.00 was collected for ad signs sold for the 2024 golfing season on the Brandon Municipal Golf Course.  The Club shared the proceeds with the City and purchased four replacement signs.  The total net income to the Brandon Lions Club was $1,836.50.
Plastic Bag Collection
It was reported that the Club was registered with NexTek.  NexTek, a Minneapolis company, receives the bags and converts them into artificial wood and produces park benches.  The Club will receive a park bench, limited to one a year, for every one thousand pounds of bags collected. Nine 45 gallon bags were delivered to the NexTek pickup point in Sioux Falls for a total of 92 pounds.  We have a long way to go!
Teacher Gift Cards:
There were only three new teachers in the elementary grades that were ordinally targeted for the project.  Research showed six new teachers in the K-8 system that included:
     Inspiration Elementary (1)
     Robert Bennis Elementary (1)
     Middle School (2) 
     Fred Assam Elementary Counselor (1)
     Middle & High School (1) part-time teacher between two buildings.
The Club agreed to give gift cards of $50.00 each from Lewis Drug to the six new teachers in the K-8 system for a total expenditure of $300.00..
Future Club Events:
A tour of the Dakota Lions Sight and Health (Lions Eye Bank) is scheduled for November 21, 2024.   The Club will meet at the Brandon Pizza Ranch for dinner at 6:00 p.m. and proceed to the Eye Bank for a 7:00 p.m. tour.  The Garretson Lions Club Branch and the Brandon Optimist Club will be invited to attend.  Spouses and friends are welcome.
An open house for Ace Hardware will be held on Thursday, September 26, 2024 from 4:00 - 7:00 pm.  They will have beverages and the grill going for snacks.  Please wear your Lions vest.
The Chamber is sponsoring a bus tour of Brandon on October 17, 2024.  Reservations can be made on the Chamber web site.
The owner of Heartland Appliance and Repair will be the speaker at the October 17, 2024 meeting.
August Newsletter
The speaker was Jeremy Risty from the Brandon Optimist Club.  He spoke about some of their projects to include: Home Town Days, Safety Town and a Christmas Tree with request for gifts.  Some of their fund raisers include: Coupon Mailers twice a year and bingo.  Membership is also a challenge.
Lion Charles Engels volunteered to fill the office of Vice-President. 
It was agreed to do the Teacher Gift Card project again.  Parameters to include: first year teachers in grades K through 4; total expenditures of $1,000.00; maximum amount given to each teacher to be $50.00.
Funds are to be used for purchasing supplies in preparations for the new school year.  Last time we did this project, gift cards were given from a supply house available to teachers.  If this doesn’t work out, gift cards would be purchased from Brandon Lewis Drug.  Lion Peiper agreed to contact and work with Lion Feldman on the project.
It was suggested that if a member did not eat at meeting that dues should only include the District and International dues.  It was agreed that it would be discussed at the September meeting.
A tour of the Sioux Falls Eye Bank is scheduled for November 21, 2024.   The Club will meet at the Brandon Pizza Ranch for dinner at 6:00 p.m. and proceed to the Eye Bank for a 7:00 p.m. tour.  The Garretson Lions Club Branch and the Brandon Optimist Club will be invited to attend.
Aluminum Can Project: 
Lion Martin set a date of Wednesday, August 21, 2024 to meet in the Sunshine parking lot at 9:00 a.m. to take cans to TJN.
Eye Glass Collection:
Lion Olson reported that 38 pair of glasses were collected from a friend and delivered to the Sioux Falls District office for processing.
Plastic Bag Collection:
On August 8th Lion Olson and Lion Klutman weighed and loaded 43 bags of plastic grocery bags with a total weight of 440.1 pounds and delivered them to the drop off site at the Hy-Vee on Sycamore to be forwarded to a recycler.
Garretson Lions Club Branch Update:
There were no updates to report.
July  Newsletter
Two Club members attended a Brandon Optimist meeting on Tuesday, July 16 at Tailgators.  A short history was given of Lions International and the Brandon Lions Club.  They were given information about current and past service project and current and past fund raising projects and how our funds are spent.
Rachael Neiman, Executive Director of the Brandon Area Chamber of Commerce, was the speaker.  She spoke about the repeal of sales tax on food and events promoted by the Chamber throughout the year. 
5SE Vice District Governor Lion Dennis Bohmont ask the Brandon and Garretson Lions Clubs to host a Cabinet Meeting.  This meeting will be held at the Brandon Pizza Ranch at 11:00 a.m. on August 3, 2024
Aluminum Can Project: 
Three Lions worked 1 1/2  hours each on Friday, July 12th to take cans to TJN.  The cans weighed a total of 474 pounds at $0.50 a pound for a total sale of $237.00.
Eye Glass Collection:
There were 99 pair of glasses were collected from Jones Family Eyecare and delivered them to the Sioux Falls District office for processing.
Golf Course Ad Project:
It was reported that 17 of the 18 advertisers have paid for the 2024 golfing season.  One hole remains to be sold.
 Plastic Bag Collection:  
To date there have been thirty 45 gallon bags of plastic grocery bags collected.  There has been an addition collection box placed in Ace Hardware.
Garretson Lions Club Branch Update:
The First Bank & Trust has allowed a grocery bag collection box in their building.


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