Lions Clubs International – Calendar of Events 2013‐2014
July 2013
July 1: Beginning of Period 1 for the Dream Achiever Awards
July 1: Lions Services for Children Symposium applications for grant funding during fiscal year
2013‐2014 open to districts and multiple districts in all Constitutional Areas, plus the Continent
of Africa.
July 1: Lions districts and multiple districts may apply for 2013‐2014 Lions Services for Children
Worldwide Funding Program
July 1: Lions districts and multiple districts may apply for 2013‐2014 Leo Leadership Grant
Program funds
July 15: Lions Club Activity Report due
July 15: Leo Club Program Advisory Panel nominations due
July 30: Annual Reports for Leo Districts and Multiple Districts (Leo‐91) due
August 2013
Membership Focus: Students and Leo Lions
Engaging Our Youth Global Service Action Campaign
August 5: Application deadline for Standard, Core 4 and IAG grants to be reviewed at the
October 2013 board meeting
August 7‐9: New Directors Orientation (Oak Brook, Illinois, USA)
August 15: Leo Club Excellence Award applications due
August 12‐16: Executive Committee Week Meeting (Oak Brook, Illinois, USA)
August 31: Close of Period 1 for the Dream Achiever Awards
September 2013
Membership Focus: Students and Leo Lions
September 1: Beginning of Period 2 for the Dream Achiever Awards
September 6‐8: ANZI Forum (Bali, Indonesia)
September 14‐16: Emerging Lions Leadership Institute – Constitutional Area VI: India, South
Asia, Africa, the Middle East (Dhaka, Bangladesh)
September 19‐21: USA/Canada Forum (Overland Park, Kansas, USA)
September 21‐23: Advanced Lions Leadership Institute – Constitutional Area V: The Orient and
Southeast Asia (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
September 30: Deadline for the Club and District Team Excellence Awards
September 30: Annual District/Multiple District Youth Camp and Exchange Report Form (YCE‐
510A) due
October 2013
Sharing the Vision Global Service Action Campaign
Lions Membership Growth Month
Leo Membership Growth Month
October 1: Deadline to purchase Peace Poster Contest kits from Club Supplies Sales
October 5‐7: Emerging Lions Leadership Institute – Constitutional Areas I and II: USA, its
affiliates, Bermuda and the Bahamas and Canada (Montréal, Québec, Canada)
October 6‐10: Board of Directors Meeting (Port Douglas, Australia)
October 10: Lions World Sight Day
October 15: International White Cane Safety Day
October 20: Deadline to report members for the October Membership Growth Award
October 21: Application deadline for Sight First grants to be reviewed at the
January 2014 SA C (Sight First Advisory Committee) meeting
October 26‐28: Advanced Lions Leadership Institute – Constitutional Area III: South America,
Central America, Mexico and Islands of the Caribbean Sea (Curitiba, Brazil)
October 31‐November 2: EUROPA Forum (Istanbul, Turkey)
November 2013
Membership Focus: Family
Lions Diabetes Awareness Month
November 4‐7: Faculty Development Institute – Constitutional Area IV: Europe (Istanbul, Turkey)
November 7‐10: OSEAL Forum (Singapore, Singapore)
November 14: World Diabetes Day
November 15: Postmark deadline for a club to send one winning Peace Poster (per contest) to
the District Governor
November 15: Top Ten Youth Camp and Exchange Chairperson Award applications (YCE‐110)
November 15: Annual District/Multiple District Youth Camp and Exchange Activity Report (YCE‐
1450) due
November 15: Leo October Membership Growth Award nominations due
November 15‐17: Emerging Lions Leadership Institute – Constitutional Area VII: Australia, New
Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and Islands of the Pacific Ocean (Wellington, New
November 22: Application deadline for Lions Quest grants to be reviewed at the January 2014
LAC meeting
November 30: Deadline for Family Membership Certification Forms December 2013
December 2013
Membership Focus: Family
Relieving the Hunger Global Service Action Campaign
December 1: Postmark deadline for a district governor to send one winning Peace Poster entry
to the multiple district council chairperson and for clubs not belonging to districts and districts
not belonging to multiple districts to send one winning Peace Poster entry (per contest
sponsored) to the Public Relations and Communications Division
December 1: Postmark deadline for a district governor to send one winning essay to the
multiple district council chairperson and for clubs not belonging to districts and districts not
belonging to multiple districts to send one winning essay (per contest sponsored) to the Public
Relations and Communications Division
December 2‐8: Lions Eye Bank Week
December 5: International Leo Day
December 5‐8: ISAAME Forum (Kathmandu, Nepal)
December 15: Postmark deadline for the multiple district council chairperson to send one
winning Peace Poster to the Public Relations and Communications Division
December 15: Postmark deadline for the multiple district council chairperson to send one
winning essay to the Public Relations and Communications Division
December 27: Application deadline for Standard, Core 4 and IAG grants to be reviewed at the
February 2013 board meeting
December 31: Last day for early discount on convention registration fees
December 31: Close of Period 2 for the Dream Achiever Awards
January 2014
Membership Focus: Target Markets
Relieving the Hunger Global Service Action Campaign
Glaucoma Awareness Month
January 1: Beginning of Period 3 for the Dream Achiever Awards
January 12‐18: LCIF Week
January 13: Melvin Jones’ birthday
January 14‐18: FOLAC Forum (Cali, Colombia)
January 15: Peace Poster Kits go on sale from Club Supplies Sales
January 15: Deadline for districts to submit a single Lions Environmental Photo Contest entry to
multiple district
January 20‐24: Executive Committee Week Meeting (Oak Brook, Illinois, USA)
February 2014
Membership Focus: Women
February 1: International Peace Poster contest winners will be notified on or before this date
February 2‐5: Faculty Development Institute – Africa (Tunis, Tunisia)
February 3‐5 Advanced Lions Leadership Institute – Africa (Tunis, Tunisia)
February 6‐9: Africa Forum (Tunis, Tunisia)
February 8‐10: Advanced Lions Leadership Institute– Constitutional Area IV: Europe (Budapest,
February 28‐March 4: Board of Directors Meeting (San Diego, California, USA)
March 2014
Membership Focus: Women
Eye Donor Awareness Month
March 1: Deadline for multiple districts to submit a single Lions Environmental Photo Contest
entry to International Headquarters
March 1: Lions Services for Children Symposium funding for fiscal year 2013‐2014 opens up to
districts and multiple districts in all Constitutional Areas, plus the Continent of Africa, based on
March 8‐10: Advanced Lions Leadership Institute – Constitutional Areas I and II: USA, its
affiliates, Bermuda and the Bahamas and Canada (Oak Brook, Illinois, USA)
March 15‐17: Advanced Lions Leadership Institute – Constitutional Area VII: Australia, New
Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and the Islands of the Pacific Ocean (Melbourne,
March 21‐23: Mediterranean Conference (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
March 31: Last day for regular convention registration fees
March 31: Close of Period 3 for the Dream Achiever Awards
April 2014
Lions Membership Growth Month
Leo Club Awareness Month
Protecting Our Environment Global Service Action Campaign
April 1: Beginning of Period 4 for the Dream Achiever Awards
April 5‐13: Family Week
April 19‐21: Advanced Lions Leadership Institute – Constitutional Area VI: India, South Asia,
Africa, the Middle East (Mumbai, Maharashtra, India)
April 25‐28: Faculty Development Institute – Constitutional Area III: South America, Central
America, Mexico and Islands of the Caribbean Sea (Santa Marta, Colombia)
April 26: Lions Worldwide Induction Day
April 22: Earth Day
April 28: Application deadline for Standard, Core 4 and IAG grants to be reviewed at the June
2014 board meeting
May 2014
Strengthen Membership Month
Recycle for Sight Month
May 1: Deadline to cancel with refund of convention registration
May 1: Deadline for advance convention registration and hotel room requests to be received
May 1: Deadline for International Contest (Newsletter and website) entries to be received by
Public Relations and Communications Division
May 11‐17: White Cane Week
May 15: Annual Leo Club Officers and Membership Report Form (Leo‐72) due
May 15: Deadline for filing Officer Reporting Form (PU101)
May 17‐19: Advanced Lions Leadership Institute – Constitutional Area V: The Orient and
Southeast Asia (Beijing, China)
May 19: Application deadline for SightFirst grants to be reviewed at the August 2014 SAC
May 19‐20: Executive Committee Meeting (Oak Brook, Illinois, USA)
May 24: Deadline date for convention hotel deposit refunds for individual cancellations
June 2014
June 1: Leo of the Year Award applications (Leo‐LOY) due
June 1: Helen Keller Day
June 5: World Environment Day
June 15: Deadline for submission of pre‐certified delegate forms for voting at International
June 20: Deadline for 2013‐2014 Charter Applications
June 20: Application deadline for Lions Quest grants to be reviewed at the August 2014 LAC
June 29‐July 3: International Board of Directors Meeting (Toronto, Canada)
June 30: Close of Period 4 for the Dream Achiever Awards