

The BETHLEHEM LIONS CLUB was founded in 1954.
1.   The Bethlehem Lions Club's is committed to aiding the blind and hearing impaired in the local community as well as worldwide. Our fundraisers include an annual Pancake Breakfast, Holiday Craft Sales, Raffle baskets,  the sale of chocolate Easter candy and the sale of Hoffmans Car Wash tickets.  
2.  The Bethlehem Lions fund the “File-for-Life” project of the Senior Services Office. This emergency medication record is attached to the refrigerator.  See sample enclosed. We encourage you to use it or some similar device for your entire family.
3.  The Bethlehem Lions provide support to the Lions Eye Institute and aids various camps for blind and hearing-impaired children and teens, such as Camp Abilities in Saratoga and Camp Badger in Central NY.
4.  The Bethlehem Lions support applications for financial aid for various chariable requests such as the Eagle Scout programs and for our neighbors in need.
The Bethlehem Lions Club has 20 active members as of July 2024. Membership is open to individuals and couples. The Club meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays from Sept-June at Tools Restaurant in Delmar, NY. Meetings are held from 6-7:30 pm. and dinner is optional. We hold one Board Meeting in July and one is August.  Occasionally we have a guest speaker related to our local and international inititatives. 
Hours of participation:
1.    2 meetings per month, Sept-June. 
2.    Holiday Craft Sales (one Sat in Nov. and one in Dec.-@ one 3 hr shift)
3.  Pancake Breakfast held on last Sunday in April at My Place & Co in Delmar, NY.  (Approx. 3-4 hour shift)
Fees:   $45 per half year. A portion of this goes to Lions International 
Prospective Member Form
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Bethlehem Lion.   Lions Clubs International is a network of individual clubs united in helping others. To learn more on becoming a Lion go to the following link
Lions club members are important. Members enable clubs to meet diverse local and international needs. Individually and together with their club, Lions take on projects as varied as cleaning up the neighborhood park while they also combat international issues, develop relationships and fulfill their potential.
Are you interested in becoming a Lion? 
Please email Colleen Bonacci, Club Secratary, at with your name and contact information.
Or, if you prefer, mail completed form to Bethlehem Lions Club,  P.O. Box 141, Delmar, New York 12054.
*First Name:
*Last Name:
Address Cont.:
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*E-mail Address:
*How did you hear about Lions Clubs International?
*How did you hear about the Bethlehem Lions Club Web Site?


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