


             Please join us for our  PANCAKE BREAKFAST FUNDRAISER!

                    SUNDAY, APRIL 27th, 8:30-11:00 AM

                       MY PLACE & CO. RESTAURANT

                 241 DELAWARE AVE.   DELMAR,  NY 12054

   Tickets $12 Adults, $8 kids 10 yrs & under, Purchase at the door or in advance. 

                     Includes pancakes, bacon, coffee, hot tea, juice

 All proceeds benefit local charitable initiatives related to Hearing, Vision, Childhood Cancer, Diabetes Awareness, Youth and Senior Citizen groups. 

If interested in TICKETS, ADVERTISING on our Placemat or DONATING,  please contact: Colleen at         

 Be a SPONSOR for $40 for Advertisement on our Breakfast Placemat & Website. Be a club DONOR for $25. 

All SPONSORS and DONORS will be recognized on a poster displayed at the Breakfast!

                          THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!   









The Bethlehem Lions Club, originally sponsored by the Albany, NY Lions Club, was granted a charter by Lions Clubs International in November 1954 and has been assisting individuals, families, and community organizations in the town of Bethlehem and surrounding area ever since. While we provide community service in many forms, the primary mission of Bethlehem Lions Club is to provide assistance to individuals with vision and hearing disabilities.
We are activley seeking new members to allow us to continue to serve our Bethlehem Community! We meet at 6PM every 1st & 3rd Wed, Sept-June, at Tools Restaurant, 283 Delaware Ave, Delmar, NY 12054. Come JOIN US & see what we do!   
For more info, contact Secretary, Colleen Bonacci at or
 Lions Club International Motto:    “We Serve”
Lions Clubs International was formed by Melvin Jones in Chicago, Illinois in 1917.  At age 33 he was the sole owner of his own insurance agency and became a member of the local business circle.  After two years, he felt that as influential businessmen, their talents could be better utilized in other areas of community life.  This drive to provide community service resulted in the formation of Lions Clubs International with 27 clubs around the United States.  The Association became truly international when the Lions of Detroit sponsored the Windsor Ontario Canada Lions Club in 1920. 
Lions Club International Vision Statement:
To be the global leader in community and humanitarian service
Lions Club International Mission Statement:
To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.
Lions Club International Slogan:
Liberty Intelligence Our Nations Safety





Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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