The Belvidere Lions Club has collection boxes around town to collect used eyeglasses, hearing aids, ink cartridges, cell phones, and keys.
The Belvidere Lions club also has a crew that performs Adopt-a-Road four times a year.
The Belvidere Lions Club has several fundraisers through the year including the Boone County Fair, Fall Diddley, BYB Diamond Classic Tournament, Harvest Fest, Rose Day and Candy Day.
The Belvidere Lions Club maintains the junior varsity dugouts at Belvidere High School.
The Belvidere Lions Club adopts a family at christmas time and decorates a tree. Shops for the family and delivers the gifts and tree to the family.
The Belvidere Lions Club along with the Belvidere Lions Club participate in several parades a year.
The Belvidere Lions Club awards four scholarships a year to High School seniors.