Our Club members are active throughout the year with activities that make a positive impact and fulfill our mission to improve health, strengthen our community, and support those in need. Here are just a few:
January - April
Annual Rose and Spring Bouquet Sale
- Order your bouquets to be delivered by a Lions Club member! You can contact Lion Nancy to secure your order today!
- The Cost is $20 for a spring bouquet or a dozen roses with Baby’s Breathe.
- Last day for ordering in 2025 is Sunday, March 9th.
- Delivery Dates are Friday, March 28th and Saturday March 29th.
Village of Bellevue Easter Egg Bonanza
- Sign up with the Village of Bellevue for this free event for kids.
- Our Club sponsors a special visit by the Easter Bunny and goodie bags for every child who participates.
May - August
Bellevue’s Men’s 50 & Over Softball League Concessions
- Join us at Josten Park for a hamburger and cheering on your local ball players.
- Tuesday nights, weather permitting, starting at 5:30 pm till the last ball is pitched.
Bellevue Community Picnic
- Sunday, June 8th from 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
- Big Mouth & the Power Tool Horns will be returning for another afternoon of music and dancing on the lawn
- Homemade Booyah will be ready for drive up and dine in at 10:30 am
- Brats, burgers, hotdogs, curds and fries – come hungry!
- Ice cold craft and domestic beer, soda and water
- Silent auction, 50/50 and bucket raffles help support our club’s charitable giving throughout the year. Contact Lion Nancy Kane to donate or become a community sponsor!
- Kids bouncy house and temporary tattoos open at 10:30 am. Cost is $5 per child. All children must be supervised when participating in these areas.
Bellevue "Rockin' in Josten" Music Series Concessions
- Bellevue Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department's "Rockin' in Josten", with concessions provided by the Bellevue Lions Club. Concerts held at Josten Park on Monday evenings from 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm.
- 2025 Concert Schedule will be:
- Monday, June 16th
- Monday, July 14th
- Monday, July 28th
- Monday, August 11th
September - December
Village of Bellevue Halloween Trick or Treat Trail
- Sign up with the Village of Bellevue for this free event for kids.
- Our Club sponsors a free pumpkin for every child who participates.
Salvation Army Bell Ringing at Festival Foods East
- Club volunteers ring bells from 8:00 am – 8:00 pm
Year Round
Eye Glass & Hearing Aide Recycling
- Lions help to conserve sight by providing usable eyeglasses to children and adults throughout the world.
- Donate your used glasses, including sunglasses and reading glasses, to a Lions club collection point near you. Click here for Donation Sites
Gift of Sight – Donor Tissue Transport
- Our club volunteers work with the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin to dedicated to transport donations from local hospitals to donor recipients when viable organs are available.
Habitat for Humanity Project Build Days
- Our club volunteers for Habitat for Humanity builds on an annual basis when projects are ready