
During our Lion’s Christmas party, a donation was made to “Fight Like Mason” Foundation.  Here is Iain Macri¸Vice President and Co-Founder accepting the donation.

Our club invited Wheatley Lions Club to our annual Christmas party held at Edna’s Restaurant.  Here is Lions Geri & George Vary enjoying the meal.  Other members included Lions Jodi & George Turner, Bob & his wife Nancy Springthorpe, Nancy & Wayne Wright and Dan & his wife Jone Dagleish.

On Dec. 14th, our club held their annual Christmas party at Edna’s Restaurant.  Here is some of the group enjoying themselves.

On Dec. 11th the Lakeshore Leo Club visited Seasons Retirement and handed out handmade Christmas ornaments for the residents.  Left to right: Leos Allison, Tambre, Joanne Tellier resident, Owen, Karyna, Lion Mary, Leo Leah, Lion Debbie, Leo Brady, Klaryssa & Leo in Waiting Ellie.

On November 16th the Belle River Goodfellows held their annual fundraiser.  Lion Debbie Lemire won the Foodland door prize & Fern Mahovlich won the Top Dollar door prize.  Here is Lion Jaimie Clarke presenting the door prize to Lion Debbie the big winner!

On November 16, Lion Jim Ghanam had a surprise party thrown by his family at the Royal Canadian Legion.  Left to right: Lion Jim Ghanam (90), Debbie Lemire and Lion Jim Taylor (88).

The Lakeshore Leo Club donated socks for “Sock Month” in November.  Here is Leos Keirstyn Ducharme, Owen Tellier-Hart, Karyna Ducharme, Klaryssa Ducharme and Leo in waiting Ellie Tellier putting their donations into the box at the Corporation of Lakeshore drop off site

On November 11, 2024, Lion Steve Mahovlich played the pipes for the service.  Here he is standing with the Honour Guard at the Belle River Cenotaph.

Zone 1 Chair Lion Debbie Lemire officiating at the first Zone 1 Advisory Meeting of the 2024 to 2025 Lion’s Year hosted by the Belle River Lions Club.

Our club attended the Chicken & Sliders dinner put on by the Tilbury Lions Club/Goodfellows on November 2, 2024.  Here is Lions Debbie Lemire, Mark Mahovlich, Daria Matheson, Mike Bural, Joyce Mahovlich, Tyler Dozois, Mary Mahovlich and Steve Mahovlich enjoying the festivities!Here is Lions Mark Mahovlich & Debbie Lemire presenting Lion Todd Small with a Leader Dog Tribute for all of his fund raising for Cancer!

Lion Daria Matheson presenting our Club's Donation to Goat Taekwondo Master Kim and Students.

Lion Daria Matheson presenting our Club's Donation to Coach Jennifer Woodrich from Skate Lakeshore.

On October 16, 2024 Zone 1 Chair Debbie Lemire made her official visit to the Lighthouse Cove Lions Club!  Left to right: Lion Glenn Salisbury, Zone 1 Chair Debbie Lemire, President Dan McFadden and Secretary Bill Stevenson.

This "Take One, Leave One" display in support of the Literacy Project in District A-1 can be seen at the Belle River Lions Clubhouse.

As part of the Literacy Project for District A-1, the Lakeshore Leo Club is shown here displaying some of the books available to "Take One, Leave One" on display at the Belle River Lions Clubhouse.  The Lakeshore Leo Club has made "FREE BOOKMARKS" for anyone that wants one.  Left to right: Leos Brady, Karyna, Lion Debbie, Leo-in-Waiting Elle, Lion Mary, Leo Tambre, Leo Owen and Leo Klaryssa.

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