
Some of our club members attended the 90th Anniversary celebrations for the Tilbury Lions Club on June 22nd.  Left to right: Standing - President Tom Trotechaud, Mark Mahovlich, Steve Mahovlich, Joyce Mahovlich, Mary Mahovlich.  Seated – Marilyn Trotechaud (spouse of President), Tyler Dozois & Zone 1 Chair Debbie Lemire.

Here is the gang at the June Stroll the Street on June 14th.  Left to right: seated Kathy McIntosh & Margaret Hutchinson; standing Bob Percy, Norm Hillier, Tyler Dozois, Glenn Hutchinson, Sharon Hillier, Debbie Lemire, Mary Mahovlich, Bobbie Lemire & Mike Bural.  Missing from the picture Steve Mahovlich & Joyce Mahovlich (taking the picture).

At our Family Day celebrations on June 9th, 2024, our club installed the new Executive for the next Lion's Year.  Left to right: PCC Mary Jane Gagnier performing the installation, Incoming President Jim Sauve, Immediate Past President Tom Trotechaud, Club Secretary Joyce Mahovlich, 2 Year Director Mary Mahovlich, 1 Year Directors Kathy McIntosh & Bob Percy, 3rd Vice President Glenn Hutchinson and Club Treasurer Mark Mahovlich.

On May 5th, 5 of our members attended the Chatham 75th Anniversary.  In the picture from left to right is: Lion Mike Taylor, President, Tilbury Lions Club, Joyce, Tyler, Mary & Mark.  Missing from the picture is Lion Steve Mahovlich.

At our Dinner Meeting on May 2nd Lion Joyce Mahovlich presented to our 3 transferred members their new Name tags.  Left to right: Lion Joyce Mahovlich, PCC Mary Jane Gagnier, Lion Ron Gagnier and PDG Rick gagnier.


May 2nd Dinner Meeting, our club brought back cooking your own steak.  Here is Lions Tyler, Lions Lorea & Rudy Boogerman, Chatham Lions Club members, as well as our new transferred members Lions Mary Jane, Rick & Ron Gagnier and Margaret Hutchinson.

At the District A-1 Convention in London, the Leos in the District for their "Service Project" collected slightly used shoes.  They managed to collect 168 pairs.  Way to go Leos!

At the District A-1 Convention in London, Lion Joyce Mahovlich had a table to display "Little Lending Libraries" and how easy they are to make.  Also she had asked everyone to bring some slightly used books to hand out to various "Exchange Libraries" throughout the District.  Here is Past Council Chair John Johnston and PDG Mark Mahovlich dropping by to see the table.

Our new Cabinet members for the Lion's Year 2024 to 2025.  Left to Right: 1st VDGE Darlene Synders, Zone 1 Chair Debbie Lemire, Zone 2 Chair Sandra Hughes, Zone 4 Mel Lee, Region 24 Chair Mariette Desjardin, DGE Keith Ryan, Zone 5 Chair Chris Christensen, Global Leadership Dianne Piggott, Global Membership Mark Mahovlich, Global Service Barb Tuxford, Cabinet Secretary Rosie Kennedy & Cabinet Treasurer Ted Sinclair.  Missing 2nd Vice District Governor, Region 1 Chair, Zone 3 Chair, Region 2 Chair, Zone 6 Chair & Zone 7 Chair.

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